What to do if anthurium does not bloom at home

Anthurium is a complex and at the same time easy to care for indoor plant. Until a certain point, it was not possible to “tame” the tropical guest, and the crop was grown only in the greenhouses of botanical gardens. The work of botanists was not in vain; many varieties have been domesticated and can easily grow in an ordinary apartment. But, anthurium is valued by gardeners not for its green leaves, but for its riotous flowering. Often the plant stubbornly refuses to bloom after purchase. This means that any rules for keeping anthurium at home were violated. What should you pay attention to and how to fix the problem?

Anthurium flower - “male happiness”: types and varieties⬆

Anthurium – male happiness. This combination has long become familiar, although other names are occasionally encountered, among which is no less romantic: “flamingo flower.” An unusual evergreen vine of the aroid family came to us from the tropics. Aerial roots, bright flowers reminiscent of exotic birds, varied shapes of leaves and the most unexpected colors - all this creates a special aura of magic and discreet charm around the herbaceous epiphyte. Nature and breeders did their best, presenting over 500 varieties of this amazing plant .


  1. Anthurium, like all higher plants, reproduces by seeds. However, indoor crops of this species are most often hybrids. It is impossible to obtain from them a plant with the characteristics of a mother plant.
  2. The flower “male happiness” is successfully propagated vegetatively: by cuttings with aerial roots, stem shoots.
  3. The easiest way to propagate anthurium is to divide the bush. This is done with a knife with a sharp blade. The root cuts are treated with charcoal powder.

Lack of light

In order for anthurium to bloom, it needs a sufficient amount of lighting. Take a closer look at your pet. The leaves are matte, pale, on long thin petioles; there is no flowering and is not expected. These are signs of lack of light.

Solution. Anthurium should be placed on the windowsill so that the sun illuminates it in sufficient quantities. But direct rays will certainly burn ugly brown spots on the leaves. Therefore, shading is simply necessary on southern and western windows.

As for the eastern and northern ones, the anthurium there will bloom only after additional lighting. By the way, for these purposes you will have to purchase a special phytolamp. Don't worry about extra spending. Additional light will ensure that many of your house flowers grow normally.

Just don’t place tall neighbors under the lamp together with the anthurium. He will perceive this as competition and refuse to bloom. It will begin to stretch out and turn into a vine. It is better to place potties with babies around. They benefit, anthurium benefits from peace.

Not special, but thoughtful wintering

Anthuriums belong to rare indoor crops for which there is no need to organize a strict dormant period and which often continue to bloom in winter. It is better to lower the temperature, but only to about 18 degrees. This does not mean that no measures need to be taken during the cold season. Changes in care and slight correction of conditions will help maintain the high decorative value of anthurium.

During the dormant period, lighting for anthurium must be increased. An option with a shift to a brighter place (from the interior to a window, from a northern window sill to a southern one, etc.) and additional lighting is also suitable. Daylight hours of about 12 hours are the key to the absence of problems, including with the health of the plant.

Watering during the dormant period will have to be reduced, on average, by half compared to the active growing season. And feeding should be stopped completely.

Incorrect temperature

Another mistake in caring for anthurium is too high a temperature in winter: during the dormant period and during the period of bud formation. And in general, “male happiness” always prefers warmth, but not heat. If the temperature in winter is above 20 degrees, you may not expect flowering.

From the end of autumn, anthurium begins a dormant period lasting 2-3 months. The optimal temperature during this period is 15-17 degrees. Such cool conditions will contribute to the appearance of flower shoots in the future.

In mid-February, buds begin to form . At this time, the temperature should be raised to 18-20 degrees. If the apartment is more than 20 degrees in winter, the anthurium will not bloom. In summer, the optimal temperature for it is 20-25 degrees.

It is important to know that placing a flower pot in a draft also negatively affects the appearance of buds. Therefore, no to drafts, yes to flowers!

Useful tips from experienced gardeners

When growing anthurium, experienced gardeners give the following useful tips:

  1. Ash, chalk and lime should not be added to the nutrient soil for planting this indoor flower. Application of nitrogen fertilizers causes strong foliage growth, but the plant stops blooming.
  2. Old anthuriums need to be renewed with apical shoots. When transplanting a heavily overgrown plant, remove the side shoots, which can be used to propagate the flower.
  3. Be sure to promptly cut off faded buds. A softener should be added to the water for watering and spraying, since this indoor flower prefers an acidic environment.
  4. To maintain the required humidity, if it is not possible to spray frequently or the air is too dry, you can place the flower pot in a tray with wet pebbles. The pebbles evaporating from the stones will maintain the required level of moisture.
  5. Inspect the flower for pests and diseases to provide timely assistance.
  6. If no measures help, then you can try to artificially stimulate flowering. For this purpose, at the beginning of spring, water the flower with soft, lukewarm water in a volume of 50 ml. Then, after 7 days, water is poured into the tray of the pot at a temperature of about +60 °C. The pot should have a thick layer of drainage to prevent the roots from getting burned. After another 7 days, the procedure is repeated. This effect helps the plant awaken more quickly to its active life stage, and it will certainly produce abundant color.

Incorrect fertilization regime

Anthurium may not bloom if during the period of active growth - spring and summer - you do not feed it, do not follow the necessary fertilizing regime (carry out the procedure too often) or use inappropriate compounds.

In spring and summer, fertilizing should be done once a month. These should be acidic fertilizers that do not contain calcium.

Optimal use of liquid mineral fertilizers for flower plants.

You can increase the acidity of the soil and in this way promote flowering by placing a few pine needles or dry sphagnum moss on its surface.

Anthurium does not bloom, but produces only leaves: reasons

There can be many reasons why anthurium does not bloom at home. Therefore, before you treat the bush and make it bloom again, you should find the real problem due to which the bush cannot produce buds.

Pot too big

Anthurium - care at home: why leaves dry
Since anthurium has a weak root system, it is difficult for it to obtain nutrients from the soil. Therefore, the large container in which the bush is grown complicates this process even more. In this case, until the roots of the flower grow and fill the entire space of the container, it will not bloom.

Errors in watering mode

One of the main reasons why anthurium does not bloom at home is improper watering. This includes the irregularity of the procedure, as well as the use of low-quality irrigation water.

Note! Cold chlorinated tap water often causes root rot, causing the bush to stop blooming and the foliage to dry out.

Unsuitable temperature

The next reason why anthurium does not bloom for a long time is the inappropriate temperature in the room. During the growing season, the temperature should be between 19 °C and 23 °C. It is very important not to allow sudden jumps in these indicators and not to lower them below 15 ° C, otherwise the plant will go into hibernation.

Note! The bush is deliberately put into hibernation after flowering so that it can gain strength. In other cases, the required temperature is maintained in the room.

Insufficient humidity

For tropical plants such as anthurium, humidity levels are very important. If they drop below 60%, then the plant slows down its life processes.

Deficiency or excess of essential microelements in the soil

During certain periods of anthurium development, the content and dosage of microelements in the fertilizer should change. Otherwise problems arise. An overabundance of nutrients can also affect the lack of flowering, as the plant may instead begin to grow only leaf mass.


Due to increased humidity and high temperature, the room may become stuffy, so ventilation will be required. However, their frequency, especially during cool periods, can harm the plant. It is also worth avoiding strong drafts, which will tear off the inflorescences and leaves from the bush.

Mistakes made during transplantation

Anthurium does not bloom or grow due to improper transplantation. This procedure is considered complex and requires experience. Often, mechanical damage is caused to the root system and shoots, through which infections subsequently penetrate.

Important! When replanting, do not use contaminated garden tools.

Diseases and parasites

Due to improper care, pests and diseases often appear on the bush. Visually, such a plant begins to change color and fade. Inflorescences do not form, and the leaves curl and fall off.

The most common diseases affecting anthurium include:

  • leaf rust;
  • root rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • septoria.

Pests that affect flowering include:

  • mealybug;
  • spider mite;
  • aphid;
  • scale insect

Improper care can prevent buds from opening and foliage from drying out.

Bloomed and stopped

If the anthurium does not bloom, although it bloomed quite actively before, you need to look for the reason in the care being carried out. Most likely, this happened due to increased air temperature, insufficient humidity or disrupted irrigation regime. If the stop of flowering is caused by these reasons, it is necessary to normalize the temperature regime and increase the humidity level.

In order for the anthurium to bloom again, you need to establish an irrigation system. Do not over-moisten the substrate. You need to water the flower when the top layer of soil dries out.

It will take some time to restore the exotic state, but if you follow the rules of care, it will again be euthanized by many new buds.

Possible causes of poor growth

Anthurium stops growing and begins to die due to gross errors in its maintenance. In order to save it, you need to completely review and adjust your care . The most common mistakes newbies make are:

  • Insufficient watering , in which the leaves begin to wither and turn yellow. Also, pale and weak leaves indicate that the air in the room is too dry.
  • Excessive watering causes root rot. This subsequently leads to growth stagnation.
  • Incorrectly selected or too dense substrate , in which there is no space for the development of the root system.
  • Lack of lighting stops the formation of new leaves. Anthurium is a tropical plant, so the optimal daylight hours for it are at least 10 hours a day.
  • Inappropriate pot . A container that is too large causes the plant to spend all its energy on building up the root mass, which is why it stops growing externally.
  • Lack of fertilizers , in which the flower experiences starvation from the lack of nutrients in the soil.

What to do if a flower's buds have fallen off?

Sometimes flower growers have a sad situation when the buds suddenly fall off. Violation of the conditions and rules of home care for a flowering plant explains why this happens.

If such a situation arises, you must:

  1. Analyze the conditions in which the flower grows.
  2. Check the soil moisture in the pot, whether the air temperature in the room has changed, whether the flower is suffering from lack or excess light, inspect the leaves and stems for diseases and pests.
  3. If violations of the rules of care have been identified, correct them. If diseases or pests are detected, treat the flower with special means.

Note! One of the most common reasons is a violation of the watering regime. Considering that during flowering the plant needs more moisture, they simply begin to flood it. As a result, flowering stops. In such a situation, adjusting the watering regime will help.

Reasons for the lack of flowering of anthurium

Many gardeners complain about the lack of re-blooming in purchased anthurium. They replant, water and spray, but flower stalks do not appear.

The main reason for the lack of flowering is the unsuitable conditions created for the plant:

  • anthurium is too young;
  • too bright light or lack of lighting;
  • unsuitable temperature: too hot or cold;
  • a very large pot or improper soil;
  • irregular or excessive watering;
  • insufficient humidity in the room;
  • too poor soil, lack or excess of fertilizers;
  • roots are damaged during transplantation;
  • drafts or changing the location of the pot;
  • diseases, presence of pests;
  • pollinated flowers, seed setting, presence of wilted flower stalks;
  • wrong wintering.

What to do if the plant only produces leaves

When transplanting anthurium, gardeners often select the wrong pot, choosing one that is too large. In this case, the anthurium begins to grow in width, produce new leaves and children, but it will not bloom until its roots entwine the entire earthen lump. Therefore, take a pot 2–3 cm larger than the previous one.

To flower, anthurium needs a tight pot, take this into account when replanting

When feeding anthurium with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, flower stalks also do not form, but the green mass grows.

Do not use fertilizers “For ornamental foliage plants” - your anthurium will only produce leaves

If the anthurium bloomed, but suddenly stopped, you may have increased watering or decreased air humidity.

Anthurium is frozen: it does not grow and does not bloom

Most anthuriums stop growing and blooming after improper or rough transplantation, when the roots of the plant were damaged.

If the plant is planted in unsuitable soil, the anthurium will not develop successfully either. The soil mixture must have coarse fibers, loose, breathable, with 2–3 cm of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot.

Basic rules for growing and caring for anthurium

Of the numerous types of anthuriums, Andre's anthurium and Scherzer's anthurium are grown indoors and in greenhouses, and Crystal and Excellent are grown as decorative foliage plants. The first two types are the most popular among flower growers, as they bloom interestingly.

Did you know? There is a legend about red anthurium that a once cruel leader fell in love with a young girl from another tribe and kidnapped her, deciding to marry her against her will. But the beauty did not want to put up with this and threw herself into the fire. The gods did not allow the girl to die, turning her into a beautiful flower, and the entire tribe, together with the leader, turned into tropical thickets.

Now breeders have developed many of their forms and varieties. Their inflorescences-cobs are wrapped in a spectacular blanket of various colors (red, burgundy, pink, white and others). There are even varieties that are almost black in color. Decorative deciduous species have large leaves with light veins, giving the plant an elegant variegation.

These plants of the tropics and subtropics prefer greenhouse conditions, and it is best to choose more unpretentious and compact hybrids for the house. The most popular varieties are based on Andre's anthurium. Their leaves and leathery coverings of flowers are heart-shaped.

You will be interested to learn about the peculiarities of growing red anthurium and andre anthurium.

When growing anthurium indoors, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Maintain optimal temperature conditions. During the growing season and flowering it should be within +20...+28 °C, and during the winter dormancy period - +16...+18 °C.
  2. Carry out regular spraying or other procedures to maintain the required air humidity , which should be in the range of 70–90%. In summer, spraying is done 2 times a day, and in cold weather - 1 time per day. In this case, you need to use a spray bottle with a fine spray so that water does not collect on the flower covers and cause stains.
  3. Water regularly with soft water at room temperature. In summer - 2-3 times a week, in winter - only once.
  4. Provide regular fertilizing 2 times a month during the growing season and monthly during the winter dormancy period.
  5. Protect from direct sunlight , but provide sufficient diffuse light.
  6. In winter, the plant must be given additional light , caring for it as usual, or a dormant period with a decrease in temperature to +15...+16 ° C and a decrease in watering and fertilizing.
  7. Timely transplant the flower into suitable soil. Usually they take soil mixtures based on peat with the addition of sphagnum, humus, cones, charcoal, perlite, and coconut shavings. You can buy ready-made soil mixture. The main thing is that it is slightly acidic and loose.
  8. Be sure to do drainage.
  9. Plants are planted in a shallow and wide pot, which is 2–3 cm larger than the existing roots.

Solving problems and difficulties during cultivation

While growing anthurium, you may encounter some problems and difficulties, the timely solution of which will help cure and restore the plant.

Why do the leaves dry out and turn yellow?

Yellowness and dryness of the leaves indicate that the plant is either in a draft or simply frozen. By restoring the temperature regime and moving the pot to another place, you will bring the flower back to life.

Why do anthurium leaves crack?

If the leaves are cracked, then the soil or the quality of the water used for irrigation is not suitable for the plant. The flower should not be watered with fresh running water. Before watering, the liquid must stand in the room for at least a day.

Why doesn't anthurium bloom?

Lack of flowering can be caused by insufficient lighting, disturbed temperature conditions and lack of fertilizing. Simply fertilize the soil and move the pot to a suitable room with more light. Also, anthurium may not bloom if its root system is significantly smaller in volume than the substrate. In such a case, simply transplant the plant into a smaller pot.

What to do if there are brown spots on the leaves

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • excessive watering;
  • incorrectly selected soil;
  • the plant is too hot and dry (the tips of the leaves darken);
  • anthracnose fungus (there is a small black dot in the center of the spot).

Once proper care is restored, the stains will go away. If the flower is infected with fungus, spray the leaves with an antifungal agent, following the instructions on the package.

If the leaves have darkened completely, it means that you are watering the anthurium with too cold and unsettled water.

How to update an old anthurium

As the anthurium grows, old leaves die off and new ones form on top. Due to this phenomenon, the flower loses its presentable appearance. To restore the plant's attractiveness, cut off and root the top. The procedure is convenient to do during transplantation.

Why do Anthurium flowers turn green?

For some varieties this is a natural process that occurs at the end of flowering. If you carefully remove the green flowers, it will be easier for the plant and it will bloom again faster. If the process is regular, the rules of care may have been violated, and if restored, the problem will go away.

If the roots have rotted, how to save the anthurium

If the roots are completely rotten, try to restore the plant by rooting cuttings. Perform all actions in the same way as during reproduction.

Why does anthurium grow poorly?

If the anthurium begins to grow slowly, think about whether you have changed its location, due to which the quality of lighting or watering has changed. Mineral fertilizers and fertilizing, as well as the resumption of proper watering and lighting levels, will help restore the flower.

Why does anthurium have small leaves and flowers?

With a similar phenomenon, anthurium indicates a lack of nutrients, moisture or lighting. Feed the plant, restore watering and lighting, and the flower will grow.

Why does anthurium wither?

It happens that the flower begins to emit an unpleasant odor. The problem can be caused by either hypothermia of the plant or fsarium disease, which appears from an excess of liquid, as well as infection from pets or dirty hands.

How often does anthurium bloom?

Anthurium blooms for more than six months, resting only in the harsh winter. The first flowers bloom as early as March and can remain on the stems for several months. When cut, anthurium flowers can last in water for about a month.

Growing an anthurium is not difficult if you follow all the subtleties of care: install the flower in a suitable place, regularly feed and replant, and observe watering standards. The plant reacts instantly to any violation of the regime. Before purchasing an anthurium, consider whether you can provide the flower with proper care.

What does this plant mean?

There is a beautiful legend about the origin of the anthurium flower.
The leader of one of the ancient Indian tribes saw a beautiful young girl from a neighboring tribe and wanted to marry her. The bride was in despair - she was already in love, and the chosen one reciprocated her feelings. By refusing the man, she brought disaster on her fellow tribesmen: the rejected groom was offended and went to war against his neighbors, deciding to forcefully take the beauty as his wife.

They decided to celebrate the victory and the wedding day on the same day: according to established tradition, they lit a festive bonfire. The desperate bride could not bear her new fate and decided to commit suicide by jumping into the fire.

The flames of the fire consumed her, dressed in a bright red wedding robe, and even the Indian gods, who were watching this action, were imbued with the girl’s act and decided to immortalize her brave soul, breathing it into a beautiful bright red flower called anthurium.

According to Feng Shui

The peculiarity of anthurium, according to the ancient Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui, is its ability to relieve a person of depression, bring harmony to his thoughts, and set him in a positive mood. In addition, the flower helps to clarify consciousness and increase intuition.

He knows how to attract money into a house, but only if decent people with bright thoughts live in it. Anthurium reacts very subtly to the emotional atmosphere in the house and is a kind of catalyst for negativity: bad energy is destructive for it.

For men

Anthurium is a symbol of male potency and stamina. If a man has problems in the sexual sphere, the energy of the plant contributes to the return of former power and masculine strength.

For women

People often call the flower “men’s happiness.” It is believed that an unmarried woman should have a pot of this plant in her home to attract male energy into it. If buds appear on a flower in a short time, this means that a man will soon appear in the life of its owner.

Reference! Anthurium has its own “other half” - a related plant, spathiphyllum, which is popularly called “women’s happiness”. For a single woman, the appearance of this plant in the house promises a change in marital status, and for a married woman - early motherhood.

Anthurium is often paired with spathiphyllum, which has delicate white flowers. Both plants together, planted in one pot, symbolize a strong and harmonious family union in which idyll and mutual understanding reign.

Incorrect watering

Anthurium may not bloom due to too much watering, when the soil in the pot is constantly in a waterlogged state. It will not be possible to wait for buds even if the earthen ball dries out from time to time due to insufficient or irregular watering. It is correct to water after the top layer of soil has dried. He should be generous, but not frequent. Due to overwatering, the roots begin to rot, and the plant not only does not bloom, but may also die. Water for irrigation should be soft, without calcium salts, at room temperature. You can use water that has been standing for at least 5 days or filtered. It is recommended to acidify the water for irrigation once every 1-2 weeks: 2-3 drops of lemon juice per 1 liter of water.

Medicinal properties

By placing a pot of anthurium on the windowsill, be sure that it will not allow staphylococcus, streptococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa to develop in the room.

The contents of the flower are also indicated for heart patients and people with hematopoiesis problems.

Traditional Hawaiian medicine recommends using the roots to relieve headaches, and tea from the leaves to treat whooping cough. But it’s better not to do this yourself. After all, if you only slightly exceed the dosage, you will end up with a bunch of health problems instead of healing.

During the flowering period, the strong aroma can cause insomnia. Some people are allergic to anthurium pollen. The juice of the plant, if it gets on the skin, causes irritation.

But don’t worry: no one has yet been seriously harmed from the poisonous properties of anthurium. If you follow precautions, then everyone in your family will remain alive and healthy. But you will admire the bright colors of the wax cobs for a long time.

What to do to make anthurium bloom

Anthurium is an ornamental plant native to America. It is one of the most beautiful representatives of tropical flora. Its flowering is distinguished by bright inflorescences of an exotic shape. Many amateur flower growers complain that, despite their inclinations, anthurium rarely pleases with the riot of colors of the inflorescences. Window sills cannot replace high-altitude tropical forests. However, using a few tricks when cultivating anthurium at home, you can achieve its fantastic flowering throughout the year.

Lighting errors

Anthurium (plant care at home) is a light-loving flower, because its homeland is the tropics, where there is a lot of light. However, under natural conditions, the sun's rays, passing through the foliage of trees, are scattered and this is how they illuminate the flower. It is recommended to create similar conditions in a house or apartment.

Some flower growers place a pot of “male happiness” on the brightest southern windowsill, hoping that the sun’s rays will stimulate the appearance of buds.

However, this is a mistake. Leaves may become burned, turn yellow, curl, and fall off. In this case, there can be no talk of flowering.

Another common mistake is placing the flower at the back of the room or in a dark corridor. The plant will not bloom in the shade either.

The optimal place for anthurium will be eastern or western windows. In the hot summer it should be shaded from the scorching rays of the sun. And in winter, for the formation and development of flower arrows, it needs long daylight hours. Therefore, additional artificial lighting should be organized.

However, why doesn’t the anthurium grow after transplantation, when all the necessary conditions seem to be met?

Even if you follow all the rules for replanting a plant, selecting favorable soil and a pot, there is not a 100% chance that the growth of the “male happiness” flower will increase.

Anthurium does not tolerate direct sunlight on its leaves. Therefore, when choosing the place where you want to place the plant, keep in mind that it is desirable that it only receive oblique rays, not scorching ones. However, it is also impossible to hide the flower from the sun, otherwise it will wither. If necessary, artificial light can be used.

How to make anthurium bloom: tricks

Anthurium Andre - home care

If the anthurium has stopped blooming, what should you do after identifying the cause? First of all, take your time and approach the problem wisely.

Anthurium is a beautiful plant

Ready-made fertilizers

Feeding with ready-made complex mineral fertilizers, which were specially produced for anthuriums, will help make the bush bloom.

It is best to dissolve granular preparations in water and water the soil with it. Among dry fertilizers, “Forte”, “Fitosporin” and “Yantrain” help to bring the bush to normal condition.

Folk remedies

Even in the early stages of the problem, you can use traditional methods. You can make solutions for treating bushes at home, the main thing is to correctly calculate the proportions.

Flower growers resort to a little trick when the bush does not develop due to a disruption in the photosynthesis process. The formation of chlorophyll is disrupted due to a lack of lighting and iron, so you need to treat the soil with a solution of ferrous sulfate.

Note! If you spray the above-ground part of the bush with this solution, it will immediately visually take on a healthier appearance.

Anthurium is a flower with an amazingly beautiful appearance, the flowering of which is often suspended due to inattentive care. Therefore, you need to perform all activities regularly, following certain rules.

Why is it called that?

According to legend, “male happiness” symbolized a luxurious enchanted girl. An evil and cruel Indian leader wanted to marry her, despite the fact that the girl loved another and was against this marriage with all his might. To escape from a hated marriage, the beauty put on a red wedding dress and burned herself in the flames of a fire. But the gods in heaven decided that this was too cruel a punishment for her and did not allow her to disappear from the face of the earth. They embodied it in a wonderful scarlet flower.

Perhaps this beautiful legend was the reason for the emergence of various superstitions associated with “male happiness.” According to signs, this flower can give men unprecedented spiritual strength, help them find harmony with themselves and the world around them, and gain confidence. That is why the flower is often given to men, especially since the magical properties of the flower increase if it is accepted as a gift.

In addition, according to legend, the flower has the following properties:

  • improves health, so it is recommended to plant anthurium in a house where there are cores;
  • attracts positive energy that helps improve the financial situation of family members, but in this case it is necessary to have several plants at once and carefully care for them;
  • harmonizes relationships, makes the aura in the house favorable, the relationship stable, strong, and to intensify this effect, pair it with “male happiness” with spathiphyllum, which is by definition a “female flower.”

Time and duration of anthurium flowering at home

The exotic plant blooms for the first time after planting in a pot in the second or third year of life. Usually, every year in indoor conditions, anthurium begins to produce its inflorescences in the second half of February. The last bud fades in early April. On average, the plant should bloom from 1.5 to 2 months. However, in some cases, this period may change due to varietal characteristics and maintenance conditions.

Due to temperature changes, the flower also does not bloom.

Other possible problems in anthurium flowering

A flower may not bloom for other reasons. In such cases, the first thing to do is to reconsider the correctness of the care measures.

Flowers dry up and fall off

Why balsam does not bloom at home - the main reasons

In this case, the cause may be dry air, lack of watering and strong drafts. The appearance of spider mites or aphids also has such signs.

Greening of flowers or pistil

A change in the color of the pistil to greenish shades can occur due to improper composition and dosage of fertilizers. You should not select preparations for fertilizing yourself, but purchase ready-made mineral fertilizers specifically for anthurium.

Note! Another reason for this behavior is the lack of natural light.

Doesn't bloom or grow

In fact, all of the above points are the reasons for the lack of growth and flowering of anthurium:

  • improper watering with low-quality water;
  • low lighting;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • dry air;
  • the appearance of pests;
  • defeat by diseases;
  • lack or excess of fertilizing.

In order for the anthurium to bloom again, you need to feed it regularly.

Diseases and possible pests

Anthurium is rarely affected by disease. All problems with his health often appear due to improper care. It is enough to restore the temperature and light conditions, adjust the humidity and watering for the plant to be revived.

Pests that settle on a flower can cause a lot of trouble.

PestSigns of appearanceTreatment
AphidThe leaves dry out and the plant grows slowly. They settle mainly on the underside of the leaf blade. Treat the stems and leaves of anthurium with a special insecticide against the parasite.
ShieldsBeige or brown tubercles appear on the leaves. Easily separated from the surface with a wooden stick. Water the plant with a solution of a systemic insecticide, for example, Aktara. The substance will be absorbed into the sap of the plant and enter the body of the parasite, thereby neutralizing it.
Spider miteOn the surface of the plant you may notice cobwebs or punctures in the leaf blade.First of all, wash the leaves of the flower with a soapy solution, and then treat with an acaricide.
Thrips (small midges)Microorganisms that can cause a fungus or virus are left on the surface of the leaf plate. As a result, the leaves become pale yellow or white. Treat the bush with special products. Additionally, sticky traps can be installed.
WhitefliesButterflies are very easy to spot. They affect the leaf plate, as a result of which the leaves become deformed and lose color. Treat the plant with special insecticides.

Artificial stimulation of anthurium to flower

If no care mistakes were made when growing a houseplant, but it still does not bloom, you should try artificial flower stimulation. One of the experienced flower growers made a remark that anthurium responds well to watering with moderately hot water.

The method of watering the roots with settled water (+40..+50°C) before the start of the active growth phase (at the end of February) promotes the so-called “shake-up”, which subsequently has a positive effect on the formation of inflorescences.

Another effective method of stimulating flowering is treating anthurium roots during transplantation with special herbal stimulants.

By providing the anthurium with proper care and competent support, you can expect one hundred percent return from it in the form of exquisite budding.

What advice can you give on replanting Anthurium?

Firstly, when replanting, you must remember the vulnerable roots and leaves of the plant, which are very easy to damage. To avoid an accident, you should be very careful, as Anthurium will take a long time to repair damage.

Secondly, make the transplant depth a little larger than the previous one. This will help young, small roots develop better.

Thirdly, the plant should change its pots at least once a year if it is young. It is recommended to replant old flowers every 3-4 years.

Fourthly, the flower called “male happiness” grows poorly in stagnant water or insufficient oxygen. In order to avoid these problems, it is necessary to compact the soil when replanting.

Remember also what you are planting Anthurium in. The flower prefers plastic containers because the soil and air temperatures in them are equal. The size of the pot also plays a huge role in growth. If it is too loose, it can significantly slow down the growth of the anthurium, so buy a tight flowerpot.

The soil for the plant is also selected individually. Anthurium requires a coarse fiber substrate; it should not be dense, with large lumps. Large particles will be needed in order to absorb and retain the necessary nutrients and moisture that the anthurium roots will feed on. Also, the benefit of lumps is that they will hold the plant.

The composition of the soil for anthurium also includes:

  • chopped moss;
  • peat;
  • turf land;
  • deciduous soil;
  • charcoal;
  • conifer bark;
  • sand.
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