long-blooming climbing roses
Climbing roses for the Moscow region: the best, winter-hardy varieties, reviews
Climbing roses, which bloom all the time, help transform the garden so that it is literally buried in flowers.
How to fertilize the soil in the fall if there is no manure?
How to improve the soil for the new season without manure according to the advice of Sergey Galkin
How to fertilize the soil in the fall if there is no manure? Many summer residents ask this question. After all, it's autumn
Linden varieties: a small selection of compact and original trees for the garden
In nature, there are over 40 varieties of linden, as well as about 100 hybrids. Majority
Gerbera (70 photos): types and features of care
Gerbera: description, cultivation, varieties, planting and care
Photo: oir.mobi Queen of school bouquets, bright and colorful gerbera looks much better in a pot
The main question: how does an orchid develop a peduncle?
The development of a peduncle on an orchid is an important stage for the plant. And sometimes the florist can
It is better to plant rose bushes separately
What flowers to plant with tulips so that they bloom later. What to plant with tulips
Quote from Yuri_Dudanov Read in full To your quote book or community! Can be planted in one flower bed
Planting petunias for seedlings in February
What flowers can be sown for seedlings in February 2022
Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19 Category: Garden plants Published: February 18, 2016Last edits: June 01
How to grow spring garlic - features of growing in open ground
It’s hard to imagine modern cuisine without garlic. Moreover, the taste of homemade garlic is not comparable to purchased
Elatior photo
New begonia hybrids - an improved version of the classic evergreens
Begonias as a species were discovered in the 17th century and gained enormous popularity among amateur gardeners.
Chrysanthemums Kremist
Winter-hardy chrysanthemum varieties: 20 best, cultivation features, photos and reviews
Selection does not stand still and constantly brings us new varieties of different colors. Now
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