Description of 18 popular varieties of milky peony, planting and care

It's rare that a garden doesn't have peonies. From a distance they attract attention with spreading bushes with carved foliage and heavy flower caps that emit a strong and delicate aroma.

Peonies have been grown in gardens for several centuries. They belong to the genus of the same name, which unites several species and a huge number of varieties. Few people know that the ancestor of the familiar garden peony is the milky-flowered peony.

This is interesting! Many gardeners wonder what this name means? In wild forms of this plant, the flowers were colored milky white and cream tones. Therefore, the species received such an unusual name.

In nature, it is found everywhere in East Asia and the Far East. In the 18th century, the beautiful wild plant was brought to England, where it was enthusiastically received by garden flower lovers. From a simple wild flower, breeders have developed a large number of varieties that differ in the shape of the inflorescences, their color and flowering time.

Popular varieties

The culture is quite popular and unpretentious. This gives breeders a reason to develop new varieties.

François Ortegat

Terry tall bush with hemispherical dark red flowers, has a strong aroma. The diameter of the inflorescence reaches 14 centimeters. The culture is characterized by frost resistance and abundant flowering.

Paul M Waid

A variety with dense semi-double red flowers, up to 17 centimeters in diameter. The flower stalks are strong, so they do not require support. For the winter it is recommended to cover it with a layer of peat and compost.


A beautiful, non-capricious representative of the species, with double bright red and white flowers. On long – up to 1 meter – stems there is wide, dark green foliage.


The bush has flower petals of white or pale pink color, up to 20 centimeters. Its leaves are dark green, double pinnate. The variety is used in traditional oriental medicine.


The culture has pearly pink, lilac inflorescences and a strong aroma. The variety is unpretentious and can withstand low temperatures.


A voluminous flowering bush grows up to 1 meter. Features a variety of semi-double or single flowers:

  • creamy;
  • white;
  • red;
  • pink.

Looks beautiful in a group composition and as an independent plant.

Sword Dance

The variety has simple, bright red flowers, with a distinct cluster of stamens and pistils. The bush requires protection from strong winds and sunlight.

Nancy Nora

The culture is distinguished by delicate, pale pink, double inflorescences, light aroma, and lush dark green foliage. The variety needs nutritious, non-acidic soils.


The culture has stable peduncles, on which yellow flowers with a diameter of up to 19 centimeters are located. It is characterized by strong winter hardiness.

See also

Causes and treatment of peony diseases, best pest control measuresRead

White Turner

Dark crimson double flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. The bush is tall, with good habit.

Sarah Bernhardt

The variety has semi-double dense flowers. Multifaceted and semi-double caps of red and white inflorescences adorn the long stems.


The herbaceous plant has a height of 1-1.20 meters. Double flowers are dark pink, with a lilac tint, and have a diameter of up to 15 centimeters. In Central Russia, the culture of shelter does not require shelter.

Coral Beach

Semi-double culture has coral-pink inflorescences. There are more than three buds on the stem.

Coral charm

The herbaceous interspecific hybrid changes color during flowering from pink-orange to a shade of baked milk. The bush has narrowed leaves, tall stems and semi-double flowers.


The culture has dense semi-double flowers. The shade changes from soft pink to creamy white in alternating layers. Peduncles are stable and do not require support.

Coral Sunset

The large, bright petals of the variety are pale salmon in color with a bright red tint. The bush is abundantly covered with lush green foliage and has good frost resistance.

Monsieur Jules Elie

The representative needs a sunny place and loose, nutritious soil. The inflorescence has a light pink, lilac hue with silver tips on the petals.

Inspector Laverne

The culture loves moisture and fertile soil, grows in shade and sunny places. The plant has erect, sometimes slightly branched stems, with crimson flowers and a delicate aroma.

Milky-flowered peony (Paeonia Lactiflora) - what kind of peony is this, history of creation

Milky-flowered peonies are quite hardy, rarely get sick, and look impressive in the garden and in a bouquet.

Brief description, characteristics

The milky peony can be distinguished from other plants of this family by its compliance with the following parameters:

  • roots of a brown hue, spindle-shaped;
  • the stem is bare, reaches a height of 1 m, ends with 1-2 flowers;
  • the leaf blades are lanceolate or elliptical in shape, the tips are sharp, and can be leaf-shaped, divided or entire. Painted light green;
  • the flowers are large, with a diameter of 8 to 16 cm. The buds are painted burgundy, red or pink. Regardless of color, the stamens are always yellow.

Milky-flowered variety

It blooms annually, for almost a whole month, becoming a decoration of the garden.

Advantages and disadvantages of the type

There are more advantages to growing this type of peony than disadvantages. The only negative is the fragility of the stems. In heavy rain, they are bent to the ground and cannot assume a natural vertical position without outside help. The obvious advantages of growing milk-flowered peonies (paeonia lactiflora) in the garden include:

  • long period of growth in one place (40-50 years);
  • frost resistance (withstands temperatures down to -40 degrees Celsius);
  • immunity to most fungal diseases and pests.

Tree variety

Important! Peony can withstand severe drought and does not die in frosts, even if they began after the young shoots appeared.

Use in landscape design

Landscape designers use peonies to decorate flower beds and garden plots. The bush is easy to shape as needed. By planting plants of several shades nearby, you can create a wonderful composition. Peonies go well with other flowers. The leaves of the faded plant also fit quite harmoniously into the surrounding landscape.


Proper planting will ensure the bushes bloom for a long time.

Selecting a location

The site is chosen to be bright and sunny. The crop can be planted in the shade, but there it blooms little or not at all.

Soil requirements

The plant is not picky about soil. Preference is given to loamy soil. It is not recommended to plant the crop in wet, acidic areas.


It is better to start planting the crop at the end of August and until mid-September. The period is considered favorable, since renewal buds are already being formed in the roots.

Planting scheme

The planting hole is dug to a depth of 40-50 centimeters. Then a nutrient layer with fertilizers from rotted weeds is laid. The root is buried up to the renewal buds 4-5 centimeters from ground level.

Peonies after flowering

Over-bloomed peonies begin to prepare for winter,


In August, the plants can be dug up and transplanted to a new place or by dividing them to get several young bushes. Transplantation is carried out until October. The principle is the same as when planting cuttings. The roots are buried no more than 10-20 cm into the ground. After transplanting, the plants are watered abundantly and the soil is mulched.


After flowering ends, the buds are cut off along with the stems. No more than 15-20 cm remains above the ground from the previous size of the bush. Pruning can be done immediately or in the fall.

Preparing for winter

In September, potassium fertilizers and superphosphates are applied under the bushes. There is no need to cover plants for the winter. If the temperature does not drop below -40 degrees Celsius, the plants will not be affected.

Growing from seeds

The plant can be propagated by seed.

How to prepare seeds

Seeds are collected until mid-September. The selected material is planted in the ground to a depth of 5-7 centimeters.

Important: if the seeds are placed in the ground at the beginning of autumn, the stratification will take place completely.

If the seeds are planned to be planted in the spring, they are germinated within two months. Then stratification is carried out on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for another 3 months.

Soil preparation

To improve the soil, peat and clay are added. This will saturate the soil with nutrients.

How to plant

To plant a plant, the hole is filled with a nutrient mixture of ash, peat, and compost.

The density and depth of planting depends on the variety.


When the first signs of disease appear, it is necessary to spray with fungicides immediately after flowering. It is recommended to apply the solution to the bush and soil. Then spraying continues once every 10-12 days.

Transplantation into separate flowerpots

In the fall, the seedling is placed in a flowerpot with a volume of 5 liters and a height of 50 centimeters. It is stored in a cool room until spring. In the spring, the pot is moved to the windowsill, where it remains until autumn. In autumn, the plant is transplanted into open ground.

See also

Description and characteristics of the peony variety Solange, subtleties of cultivation and propagationRead

Temperature and light conditions

Normal flowering requires 10 hours of daylight. The optimal temperature range is from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius.

Planting in open ground

In spring, the crop is planted after the snow melts. The plant has not yet woken up, and the buds have not yet begun to form. The soil for planting is prepared in advance. In autumn, planting occurs in early September.

general description

This beautiful peony is valued by flower growers not only for its aesthetic appearance, but also for its endurance. It can take root in almost any climatic conditions, and is particularly undemanding in terms of care. This group of plants was originally grown in Asia. However, in the 18th century, its varieties were actively rooted throughout Europe.

Milky-flowered peony is a herbaceous perennial. Its buds, as a rule, have white, pink or red shades, while their stamens are bright yellow. This shrub blooms in May, and the flowering phase continues until June.

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Among the key advantages of this category of plants, it is worth highlighting first of all the pleasant aroma that the blossoming buds emit. In addition, such flower specimens can withstand even severe frosts, so you can safely plant them in Russia.


The plant has its own subtleties of care.


Abundant watering is important for the crop, especially during the flowering period. But excessive excess moisture leads to rot. Water the bush once every 10 days.

Loosening and weeding

The plant needs loose soil and timely weeding. Such measures will protect him from infection. Loosening is carried out to a depth of 5 centimeters.


Mulch made from humus, compost, and bark can protect bushes from the sun and drought. Mulching will keep the ground cover cool and prevent soil erosion.

Top dressing

The plant needs organic and mineral fertilizers. The crop is fed in early spring, when buds form, and after flowering 2 weeks later.

Important: fertilizing is done on damp soil.


In mid-summer, cut off the entire faded head and part of the stem to the first leaf. Before wintering, the plant is pruned to the very root.


  1. Plant correctly . For a peony, you need to choose the landing site wisely. Complete shade, lowlands with close groundwater, and drafts are excluded.
  2. Water . In dry weather and during the period of bud formation and flowering, watering and fertilizing are needed.
  3. Trim leaves . Stems with foliage drain strength and cause the development of diseases. In September the bush should be pruned.

Milky-flowered peonies are unpretentious and the most beautiful of the peonies. Plant the varieties you like, and they will delight you for many years.

Diseases and pests

The plant can be affected by diseases and pests.

Gray rot

The entire bush is affected by a white coating. Treatment is carried out by cutting off the affected branches and spraying with a 0.6 percent Thiram suspension.

Powdery mildew

The disease spreads to adult bushes. It is distinguished by a whitish coating on the surface of the leaves. It can be cured by spraying with a solution of soda ash and laundry soap.


Insects are attracted to the sweet smell of the plant. A solution of drugs with nicotinoids and pyrethroids helps to get rid of them.


The beetle eats the petals, foliage and stems of the plant. The pest can be destroyed with insecticides or a solution of tomato tops.


Small green insects drink the juices from the plant. If there are many of them, the bush dies. You can save the crop by using strong water pressure from a hose or treating it with Fitoverm or Actellik.

Why do you remove all the flowers on an annual bush?

In the first year of flower growth, all buds that appear should be cut off. Next spring, these magnificent plants will give you wild, unique blooms.

The beautiful peony Edulis Superba looks good both in a bouquet and in compositions with other flowers. In autumn, the entire bush is pruned at soil level, and its trimmings are placed in a compost pit. After a while they will turn into an excellent organic fertilizer. If you follow all these simple rules for caring for a wonderful tuberous perennial, then you will not have to complain about the barren flower or the death of a beautiful flower. Peony will delight you with abundant flowering for many years and bring joy and admiration from the magnificent aroma of terry buds.

Photo of the herbaceous peony variety Edulis Superba

Description of the herbaceous peony variety Edulis Superba

The herbaceous peony variety Edulis Superba is a perennial with powerful fleshy root tubers. Plant height up to 90 cm. Large flowers (up to 14 cm), double, pink-lilac in color with a white border.

The leaves are large, dissected, shiny. Very fragrant. Flowering period is early.

Agricultural technology of peonies.

Features of planting and growing.

Choosing a place for herbaceous peonies.

Peonies require a well-lit place. They can tolerate light shade. In the shade, plants either will not bloom or will do so weakly.

Peonies do not like proximity to fruit plantings, with which they begin to struggle for nutrients.

It is not recommended to plant peonies next to buildings - in the summer the bushes will overheat, and the flowers will be damaged by drops from the roofs.

Peonies do not tolerate stagnant water. If there is a possibility of flooding on the site, shrubs should be drained if possible or planted on a hill. This should protect it from rotting of the root system. Otherwise, the plant will have poor development or may even die.

Peonies prefer moisture-absorbing and sufficiently breathable soil. Loamy soils are best suited for its development. The reaction of the soil environment should be neutral or slightly acidic pH 6.0 - 7.0.

Planting herbaceous peonies and care.

The size of the planting hole should be 50*50*50 cm.

A peony seedling should be planted in such a way that the rhizome is covered by 4-5 cm. If you bury the plant, it will grow, but will not bloom. If you plant the plant too high, the plant's winter hardiness will decrease.

The feeding area of ​​one bush is 1 - 1.5 m.

Peonies should be fed in the spring. When planting, you should add organic fertilizer (horse humus or humus) at the rate of 5-15 kg/m2, from mineral nutrition you can take urea (50-100 g) or ammonium nitrate with nitroammofic acid (15-20 g each). In autumn, it is also possible to fertilize with various complex fertilizers, WITHOUT nitrogen content. On rich lands, fertilizing should not be done often, but on poor, sandy soils, fertilizers must be applied annually.

Young plants can also be fed by foliar feeding. From the second half of May, spray with complex mineral soluble fertilizer. Like watering, this operation should be carried out either in the morning or in the evening to avoid sunburn of the foliage.

In the first year after planting, it is recommended to cut off the buds. In the future, to obtain larger buds, one bud should be left on one shoot. Removal of buds should be carried out at a time when they are embedded in steel about 1 cm in diameter.

Peonies should be watered immediately after planting for the first 3-4 weeks several times a week. Subsequently, the plant is watered as needed. An adult bush requires 15-25 liters of water. It is better to water less often, but more thoroughly, than more often, but superficially. After watering, the soil in the tree trunk circle is loosened

It is very important that the soil is well moistened before flowering, that is, at the end of spring and in August, during the formation of flower buds

A tree trunk circle is required when growing peonies. No plants should be planted in it; it must be kept free of weeds; constantly loosen. If desired, you can separate the tree trunk area from the lawn with a border strip (iron sheets or concrete products cannot be used for this purpose).

In autumn, the entire above-ground part is cut off and disposed of (compost pit or fire)

Where to buy white and pink peony in Moscow inexpensively? Which type of peonies is the most winter-hardy? Which variety of terry peonies is the most beautiful?

We will help you find the answer to these and other questions!


Today we will talk about the milky peony. This variety of peonies got its name because the wild forms of this perennial bloomed with white or pale cream flowers. The milky-flowered peony was taken as the basis for selection, and now we can enjoy red, pink, burgundy and other combinations of color shades of these beautiful flowers.

Modern science classifies the plant as a member of the Peony genus, but an earlier botanical description contains information about classifying peonies as a member of the Ranunculaceae family. The root system of the deciduous flowering perennial is well developed, the roots grow deep into the soil up to 1 meter, and have small thickenings on them. If the root encounters an obstacle on its way, it begins to grow in width. The stem shoots are erect, each of them has leaves and a peduncle.

Peony leaves are pinnately divided, leaf lobes are wide or narrow. The flower is solitary, has a corolla and a calyx with sepals. The diameter of a blooming flower is 14–22 cm. There can be 5–10 petals on one flower. Flowering begins in late May - June, seeds are formed by September.

The best gift for your loved one

A fresh bouquet of delicate, fragrant peonies is the best gift for your beloved lady. Flowers should be cut at dawn, in dry weather, as soon as the bud opens. Place the stems in water up to the leaves. The bud can be held by wrapping it in paper and placing the plants in a cool place. If they bloom quickly, the stems can be dipped in hot water.

To ensure that cut bouquets last a long time, the ends of the stems after delivery are cut under water again, scratched or kept for a quarter of an hour in a weak alcohol solution.

Decorate your garden with a unique flower. The imperial favorite does not require complex care and pleases the eye for many decades.

How to care for plants?

The main features of summer care are:

  • weed removal;
  • loosening the soil;
  • regular watering.


If the summer is quite dry, it is necessary to water frequently. This procedure should be carried out every two to three days. About two to three buckets of water are consumed per peony bush. Do not skimp on water under any circumstances so that your plant does not die. Also, do not water too often. This can lead to flooding of the soil and the beginning of rotting of the plant roots.


  1. The most important watering occurs at the beginning of June.
  2. At this time, the buds begin to bloom and a large amount of water is required.
  3. Also, water abundantly and regularly in July, when buds begin to form, and in September.

Top dressing

Although peonies are considered low-demanding plants, feeding and fertilizer are the main components of the full growth of bushes.

In spring and summer, the flower needs special care. Because during this period of time the plant goes through the growing season, it needs feeding. Fertilizing in spring is carried out several times:

  • the first feeding is carried out from April to May;
  • the second in order to provide all nutrients and beneficial substances;
  • The third feeding is carried out at the end of flowering.

It is important for young seedlings of Japanese peonies to carry out root feeding with a solution of a mineral preparation. Feeding rules:

Feeding rules:

  • It is best to carry out this procedure in the evening;
  • when feeding at the roots, laundry soap should be added to the solution of the mineral preparation (this will help retain liquid in the leaves);
  • the beginning of replenishment is the end of April – the beginning of May;
  • When using humus to scatter under the bush, do not harm the leaves.

To fertilize in the spring, you need to know exactly what substances are needed during this period of time. In the spring season, peonies need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

Please note that the first feeding should consist of potassium and nitrogen. Phosphorus must be included in the second feeding

The most commonly used fertilizer is chicken manure. This is the most common and easily accessible material. It provides all the useful elements for the growth and development of flowers.

To prepare this mixture, you need to fill half a liter jar of manure with a bucket of water and infuse the fertilizer for twelve to fourteen days. The solution should be used in a ratio of 1:3. To get a greater effect, you can add a small amount of wood ash to a bucket of fertilizer.

For foliar feeding, it is better to purchase complex fertilizers, which should be diluted with water. You can purchase this fertilizer in specialized stores.

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