Ramson - planting and care in open ground, description of the species, photo

A plant with a pronounced aroma and undeniable aesthetic values, wild garlic also has an antibacterial effect, cleanses the body, and stimulates the digestive system. When collecting wild garlic in the forest, it can easily be confused with poisonous lilies of the valley, which also appear in May due to similar long, ovate, wide leaves. It is safer and more convenient to grow the plant in your own garden. We will tell you how to grow wild garlic - planting and care in open ground, how to propagate and how to use this plant.

Botanical description

Ramson is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Amaryllis family. This plant gets its name from the Latin Allium ursinum. Wild garlic is listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus.

In our country, wild garlic is known among local residents as bear onion, kalba, wild garlic, and flask. In Germany, this herb is commonly called green bear onion. This is explained by the fact that clubfooted predators love to feast on this plant when they wake up from hibernation. Ramson helps restore the body by saturating it with vitamins. Interestingly, before flowering begins, it looks very similar to lily of the valley. It can be distinguished only by its characteristic smell. It grows mainly in the Siberian region.

The grass has a slightly elongated basal bulb, the length of which reaches 1 cm. The stems of the plant are erect, with three edges. Shoots can reach half a meter in height. In this case, two sharp leaves grow on each stem. The petioles can be longer than the leaf blade or equal to its length. The width of the plant leaf is from 3 to 5 cm.

Bear onion is distinguished by a dense umbrella-shaped inflorescence of a hemispherical or bunched shape. Flowering begins from May to June; small white flowers have petals up to 12 mm long. It begins to bear fruit in July-August.

Wild garlic grows throughout Europe, Ukraine, Turkey and Belarus. In Russia, bear onions also grow everywhere. Most often it can be found in the central part of our country, in the Caucasus, in the Far East and in Primorye, Siberia. The only territory where wild garlic does not grow is the Far North.

Wild garlic is one of the most unpretentious plants in nature. It easily grows and occupies new territories. For its well-known medicinal properties, this plant began to be exterminated en masse. This led to his disappearance. Therefore, in many countries, bear onions are included in the Red Book. Today, wild garlic is successfully cultivated and grown in household plots.

This is interesting!

Already in early spring, the above-ground part of the plant begins to develop. It is the first leaves that help fill the body with vitamins. Gradually the leaves become rough and die off towards the end of summer. Ramson is the name given to two varieties of this plant – victorious onion and wild garlic onion.

Growing conditions

Ramson usually grows in damp, shady deciduous forests; outside forests it is found in areas with heavy, regular rainfall. This is a frost-resistant plant.

Ramson prefers soils:

  • permeable;
  • humus;
  • sandy-loamy and loamy;
  • rich in calcium (optional, but preferred);
  • the soil reaction in places where the species is distributed is 5.5-7.9 pH.

Wild garlic does not grow on soils:

  • sandy;
  • poor;
  • in places where water stagnates.

The slopes of hills and valleys are favorable for the plant due to the easy drainage of water from the soil. In conditions of very strong shading, plants grow weaker and do not bloom. Strong sun and drought cause them to wilt quickly. It is not recommended to plant wild garlic in waterlogged soil where water stagnates; in this case, the bulbs will rot.

Unlike most types of onions, wild garlic can grow in a partially shaded area. Grows better in forest conditions. You can plant it under ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs. If the space is too sunny, the plant dries out.

Wild garlic will look beautiful under currant and gooseberry bushes. When the bushes begin to grow in the spring, the wild garlic will fill in the gaps underneath. And when the currants and gooseberries reach full fruiting, they will no longer exist. It is necessary to plant wild garlic so that after the above-ground part dies off, people do not trample on the area, trampling the bulbs “sitting” in the ground.

Chemical composition

The stems, leaves, and bulbs of green medicine have a persistent characteristic odor due to the presence of alliin and essential oil in the glycoside. Bear onions contain a large amount of ascorbic acid (bulbs contain up to 010% acid, leaves - from 0.73%). The essential oil consists of mercaptan, vinyl sulfide, and an aldehyde of unknown origin. Ramson is a storehouse of vitamins. It is not without reason that greens are harvested in April-May, when many people feel a lack of vitamins. The plant also contains 4.2 mg% creatine, phytoncides, and up to 100 mg% vitamin C. Since ancient times, humanity has known about the antisclerotic, fungicidal, antiscorbutic properties of wild garlic. It prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, normalizes digestion, and normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle. In folk medicine it is used for rheumatism and purulent otitis. Wild garlic also contains the following components:

  • B vitamins, more precisely 5-6 vitamins from this group (there are 20 of them in the group) are present in the leaf of the plant. They actively participate in the work of the central nervous system and regulate metabolism.
  • Carotene is a precursor to vitamin A, which is good for hair, skin, nails and is especially important for the condition of the retina.
  • Fructose is a type of fruit sugar that does not require the presence of insulin in the body to be absorbed.
  • Plant proteins are considered not particularly healthy, according to those who adhere to a regular diet, but they are valued among fans of vegetarianism.
  • Phytoncides are special compounds that are moderately toxic. The plant needs these substances to protect itself from insects, pests, and fungi.
  • Muramidase, also known as lysozyme. Responsible for local antibacterial protection. The substance is present in mother's milk and tear fluid. In the mucous membrane lining the walls of the intestines and stomach.
  • Macro- and microelements - there are not so many of them in wild garlic leaves. The content of each individual plant specimen depends on the soil where it grows.

Peculiarities of growing wild garlic in the regions

Cheremsha feels great in all regions of the forest zone of the former USSR and even in the tundra. It is easy to grow it in the forest-steppe zone.

During flowering, wild garlic is very decorative.

Growing wild garlic in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East . This is a region favorable for wild garlic; in local forests its Siberian variety (flask, victory onion) grows in huge quantities. In areas with deep snow cover, bear onion varieties can also be grown. But for areas with little snow and particularly severe frosts, bear onions are not winter-hardy enough; in such conditions, only the local bulb from the nearest forest survives.

Growing wild garlic in the North-West, including the Leningrad region. The region is very favorable for both types of wild garlic. Cool, cloudy, rainy summers make it possible to grow wild garlic even in open areas. Watering is rarely required, only during a long absence of rain.

Growing wild garlic in Belarus, northern Ukraine and central Russia, including the Moscow region. When planted in a semi-shaded or shady location, both types of wild garlic grow well here. In hot, dry weather, watering is required at least once a week. If wild garlic is planted under trees, watering is especially important: tree roots dry out the soil greatly.

Ramson is a “leisurely” plant, grows slowly, and produces only 1-2 replacement bulbs per year.

Growing wild garlic in the steppe zone of Ukraine and southern Russia. It’s not comfortable here for wild garlic: it’s too hot and too dry. The problem can be solved by planting in dense shade on the north side of buildings. Watering 1-2 times a week is required. Here wild garlic grows best on the northern slopes, in deep ravines. It will be beneficial to be close to a stream that moisturizes the air.

About beneficial properties

Ramson has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, antifungal, antifever, antioxidant, and blood purifying properties. It gives a mild diuretic effect and eliminates inflammation in various infectious diseases.

The plant has a stimulating effect on the production of gastric juice, stimulates appetite, normalizes the digestive system, lowers blood pressure, and improves intestinal motility. It has a stimulating effect on the work of the heart muscle, the entire circulatory system, relieves shortness of breath, strengthens coronary vessels, cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, normalizes metabolism, helps heal the kidneys, liver, bladder, and relieves diarrhea.

The herb is often used to treat colds, poor appetite, atherosclerosis, digestive problems, constipation, intestinal atony, flu, atherosclerosis, and radiculitis.

To liquefy mucus in the bronchi and remove it, people actively use wild garlic. It also cures chronic cough well, which cannot be treated with expectorants. It is used to treat vitamin deficiencies, hypertension, heart and vascular diseases, fevers, and intestinal infections.

The herb wild garlic has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. To treat skin problems, bulbs are used to improve the condition of the skin. Therefore, the herb is used for dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, bedsores (externally and internally), and purulent wounds. The healing properties of bear onions help improve hair condition. It has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision.

Despite the extensive list of beneficial properties of wild garlic, there are also contraindications for its use. You can consume no more than 10 wild garlic leaves per day. An overdose may cause headaches, diarrhea, and disrupted sleep and cardiac activity.

Cultivated varieties of wild garlic in Russia

The introduction of bear onions into culture began not so long ago. In our country, scientists have developed three varieties with very romantic names - Bear Delicacy , Bear Cub , Bear Ear .

Such similar names were obviously chosen for it because in nature the bear likes to eat the plant.

Flowering bear onion.

All three contain large amounts of biologically active substances and can be grown on an industrial scale. Their taste and appearance generally coincide with the description of the natural wild species; there are only minor differences in the size of the leaves and the speed of their regrowth. All varieties are intended for garden plots and personal plots; they can be grown throughout the Russian Federation and in neighboring regions.

In turn, victory onion is widespread in Siberia and the Far East. However, in the center of the country it is almost impossible to find this plant. Due to its complete adaptability to harsh climatic conditions, local residents nicknamed it - Siberian wild garlic.

Growing in a summer cottage

Bear onion grows everywhere as a wild plant, but if desired, it can also be grown in a summer cottage. It is important to choose the right place to plant it. Wild garlic loves moisture and shaded areas. Therefore, for planting it is better to choose a place near country houses or large garden trees. The grass is not too demanding on the soil for planting, but the soil should not be too acidic. Immediately before planting, it must be saturated with organic fertilizers.

The time for planting is spring or autumn. Bulbs are planted in April-May, seeds - in August-September. When planting bulbs, they are placed in the ground at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other, and the distance between the rows should not be less than 40 cm. Just sprinkle the seeds on the ground, press them a little into the ground and sprinkle them a little with dry leaves.

Bear onions in a summer cottage require regular watering, as they do not tolerate drought. In this case, you need to water in small portions. During the growing season, it is important to promptly remove all weeds around the plant.

For the first planting of wild garlic, it is best to use seeds, and then you can take the bulbs to propagate the finished crop. Over the course of a year, two or three young onions grow, which can be used for pumping wild garlic or eaten. When replanting, the bulbs must be carefully separated from the bush, avoiding damage to the roots. Time for replanting: early spring or early autumn, the bulbs will have time to take root before the arrival of cold weather.

Reproduction and planting

Ramson grown in certain conditions can cover large areas, limiting the growth of other spring plants.

However, it does not interfere with the growth of many perennial species. In the garden it can be grown together with:

  • roses,
  • carrots,
  • beets.

However, it should not be planted close to:

  • leguminous plants (they mutually limit each other's growth),
  • salad

Ramson propagation is carried out by bulbs and seeds. Bulbs can be obtained in the summer from mature plants, after the above-ground parts of the plants die. Wild garlic is propagated by separating new bulbs every few years at the end of the growing season. Wild garlic bulbs are planted in the fall - in September.

The easiest way to plant wild garlic is with seeds, which the plant easily sets after cross-pollination by flies and bumblebees or self-pollination. If you do not have time to collect them in time, they will disperse on their own, significantly increasing the position they occupy. Therefore, before planting wild garlic, it is worth determining the boundaries of the site and limiting them with dug-in sides if the spread of the bear onion is undesirable.

Since the seeds require cooling, it is convenient to plant wild garlic seeds in the fall before winter in open ground or in a greenhouse. You can also sow the seeds in the ground in early spring. Before planting wild garlic in the fall, the area is dug up, weeds are selected, and compost is added.

The bulbs are planted in September, and after planting the soil is mulched with leaves.

It is recommended to plant bulbs in greenhouses dug at the end of summer next year after germination.

You can grow seedlings from wild garlic seeds at home, but it is preferable to sow directly into the ground. When sowing seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to stratify the seeds; they need cooling to germinate. The seeds are mixed with sand (in a ratio of 1:3), moistened, placed in a tray and sent to the refrigerator or freezer for a month at temperatures from -4ºC to +4ºC. After cooling, you can sow the seeds for seedlings, remembering to keep the soil constantly moist. At home, wild garlic takes a very long time to germinate.

Ramson is planted in open ground, one plant every 10 centimeters or in groups of 3-5 pieces, every 30 centimeters. Seedlings can be grown at home. The wild garlic bulbs should be planted quite deep in the soil - to a depth of 7-10 centimeters.

Collection and preparation

Harvesting wild garlic should be done before flowering begins. At this time, the maximum content of biologically active components is concentrated. Only cut shoots can be formed into bunches. The most useful part of the plant is the sprouts. It is better to collect them in early spring, when the growing season is just beginning. The time to dig up the bulbs is autumn, when they reach their largest size and contain a sufficient amount of healing substances.

To preserve wild garlic bulbs, you can wrap them in cling film or cellophane. Cut leaves and fresh bulbs can retain all the nutrients in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days. To extend their shelf life, the bulbs are salted or pickled.

Drying wild garlic leaves is not recommended, as when dried they lose most of their beneficial substances.

Popular varieties

The most common varieties of wild garlic are:

Variety "Bear's Ear" , the plant of this variety is low-growing, high-yielding, with wide, succulent leaves. The plant is resistant to fungal diseases, but sometimes dies from putrefactive lesions of the onion. From one square of land you can collect up to two kilograms of fresh herbs.

Variety "Bear Cub" differs from "Bear Ear" in its elongated foliage and tall growth. In the ripeness phase it reaches 35-45 cm in height. The leaf size varies from 8 to 25 cm. The yield of the plant is average; with proper care, you can get up to one and a half kilograms of greenery from one square of land.

Variety "Bear Delicacy", a medium-sized variety with high yield. Leaf dimensions are about 15 cm. Height is about 20 - 30 cm. From one square meter you can get up to 2 kilograms of spicy herbs.

Medicinal properties of wild garlic

For diseases of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to eat raw wild garlic.
Wild garlic bulbs are useful for various skin diseases: trophic ulcers, eczema, purulent wounds. The medicinal properties of wild garlic have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. For purulent otitis, wild garlic juice, which should be instilled into the ear three times a day, will help. Alcohol tincture helps with cough and rheumatism.

For skin diseases, compresses and lotions made from the leaves of the plant can help. Sore joints are treated in the same way. Wild garlic will save you from lichen, warts, and bedsores. The medicinal properties of bear onions are used to make ointments, creams, water and alcohol tinctures. Decoctions and tinctures are taken orally, ointments and creams are suitable for continuous use in the treatment of many diseases.

The easiest way to prepare a decoction looks like this. You need to chop one tablespoon of greens and pour boiling water at 250 degrees. Leave in a thermos for several hours. Strain the drink. It can be taken for various gastrointestinal diseases, normalization of digestion, for the prevention of diabetes, atherosclerosis. The same decoction is also suitable for external use to combat skin problems: rashes, pustules, dermatitis.

To prepare the tincture, chopped herbs (about half the volume of the container) need to be poured with alcohol or vodka. Place in the darkest place to let it sit for 2 weeks. After this, the resulting product must be taken 30 drops diluted with water three times a day. This setting gives an antimicrobial effect and is considered an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. The tincture can be used as a rub in the treatment of arthritis, neuralgia, and rheumatism.

For women's health

Ramson is low in calories. Therefore, it can be included in a variety of systems and diets for weight loss. The plant has a positive effect on women's health. Antiseptic properties help in solving gynecological sores. The herb is suitable for facial skin care: it has a whitening effect, eliminates rashes on the face, and is used to prepare medicinal masks.

During pregnancy and lactation

When consumed during pregnancy, bear onion has a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother and baby. It is rich in vitamins, folic acid, minerals that are necessary for the body of a pregnant woman and her child.

When breastfeeding, you should avoid wild garlic, as the plant gives milk a characteristic garlicky smell and taste. The child may not like this.

For men's health

Bear onions are also used to maintain men's health. It not only strengthens the body, but also increases sexual and physical capabilities.

Growing and care

Ramson is easy to grow in the garden. If you provide her with the proper conditions, there will be no problems. There are many ornamental varieties in the allium family. About 80 species, differing from each other, are grown in gardens. All of them, except for the leaves, form a leafless peduncle ending in a hemispherical or spherical inflorescence. When caring for wild garlic, it is important to regularly remove weeds at first.

Watering, fertilizing

The soil in the garden should be neither too dry nor too wet. It does not need fertilizer, but only watering; the plant is sensitive to drought. Experts advise mulching the ground around with leaves, preferably beech, as in the natural environment. Water wild garlic only during the growth period, if there is a drought.


Pathogens rarely reported in this species include:

  • Onion botrytis (Botrytis allii) - causes yellowing of leaves and death of bulbs.
  • Botrytis globosa infection appears as dark green, sunken and watery spots on the leaves.


Ramson is completely frost-resistant, does not require shelter for the winter, young crops can be covered with leaves. Does not require maintenance in winter. If you leave it in one place, under favorable conditions it multiplies and takes root quite quickly.


The following diseases are contraindications to eating wild garlic:

  • Gastritis, ulcers. The rather hot sap of the plant has an irritating effect on erosions and ulcers in the stomach, which can lead to pain and cramps.
  • Pancreatitis. Alkali for the duodenum is produced by the pancreas. When there is inflammation, it does not work even in normal mode. Ramson stimulates appetite and gastrointestinal motility, which leads to the need for additional synthesis of pancreatic juice.
  • Hyperacidosis. Ramson significantly enhances the secretion of gastric juice and duodenal alkali.
  • Cholecystitis. If the gallbladder is congested, all spicy, bitter, pungent substances that have a choleretic effect are prohibited.

How to feed wild garlic

If the soil is fertile enough, you don’t need to apply fertilizer for the first few years. Over time, the earth will begin to become depleted, and then it will be time for artificial replenishment. You can use nitrogen fertilizers, for example, in the form of ammonium nitrate in a ratio of 20–30 grams per square meter.

On a note! Ramson also loves organic matter added when digging up the soil. The plant will respond to such feeding with active growth and rapid formation of vegetative mass.

Wild garlic (ramson) grows almost everywhere.

The best fertilizer for wild garlic is leaf humus, which is scattered in a thin layer over the surface of the earth with the onset of autumn. In extreme cases, you can replace it with completely decomposed compost.

Use in cooking

Wild garlic appears when even the earliest vegetables have not yet produced fruit. Therefore, wild garlic is loved not only by bears waking up from hibernation, but also by people suffering from spring vitamin deficiency. This herb can be considered an ideal addition to the spring diet. It helps strengthen the immune system; its fresh leaves can be added when preparing salads, sandwiches, soups. You can even make fillings for pies from such greens. You can combine wild garlic leaves with fish, eggs, and meat. It does not contain large amounts of vitamin C, which improves iron absorption.

Where do you add wild garlic?

Not only the leaves, but also the bulbs and stems can be eaten. You can use wild garlic as a spice. The plant is added to first courses, sauces, salads, and pies are baked with it. Wild garlic is also suitable as a side dish. Ramson replaces basil in Italian cuisine. In sandwiches, wild garlic can be combined with eggs, cheese, and cottage cheese.

Wild garlic salad with potatoes

  • Wash fresh wild garlic (a bunch) and chop well. Place the greens on a plate, followed by boiled and chopped potatoes.
  • Season with salt and olive or vegetable oil.
  • Mix everything, and then let the salad brew for a few minutes.

Butter with wild garlic

  • To prepare healthy oil, you will need fresh wild garlic, parsley or dill, and garlic leaves. Place all this in a blender.
  • Add half a glass of walnuts, 200 gr. butter.
  • Grind all ingredients until smooth.
  • All that remains is to add salt and oil, rich in vitamins, and you’re ready.

Ramson with cottage cheese

  • To prepare wild garlic with cottage cheese, you will need fresh wild garlic leaves (200 gr.), green onions (150 gr.). Grind everything.
  • Then the resulting homogeneous mass should be combined and rubbed through a sieve with cottage cheese (400 gr). Add 200 gr. sour cream.
  • Add salt and pepper if necessary, mix everything.

Omelet with wild garlic

  • Boil 300 grams in water for five minutes. fresh wild garlic.
  • Drain the water and place in a frying pan with melted lard (50 g).
  • Beat 4 eggs with milk.
  • Pour the egg mixture over the greens and then place in the oven.
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of at least 180 degrees.

Wild garlic soup

To prepare the original wild garlic soup you will need the following products: 250 gr. wild garlic, celery root (one), onion (one large), three medium potato tubers, olive oil, salt, a liter of water, you can add pepper to taste.

  • All vegetables need to be washed and cut.
  • Place the oil in a heated frying pan, add the onion, which needs to be fried until light golden brown. Then add it to a liter of water and bring to a boil.
  • Place the pre-chopped wild garlic into a saucepan and let it boil.
  • Once the soup is ready, remove it from the heat, cover it with a lid, and let it brew for 10 minutes.

What can you substitute for wild garlic in a recipe?

If for some reason you don’t have wild garlic in your kitchen, you can replace it with onions, leeks, and garlic.

How to grow wild garlic in open ground

The culture is simply ideal for growing both in open ground and in protected ground, and can live on your balcony or loggia.

On a note! When determining a place to plant wild garlic, it is worth remembering that this crop loves fairly fertile soils, shade from direct sunlight and moisture. For this reason, it is better to place it under trees or a fence - where there is no scorching sun, there is no stagnation of water and the soil is not highly acidic.

Wild garlic, or bear onion, or wild garlic.

Preparation and storage

Wild garlic can be eaten fresh and stored for the winter: canned, salted, pickled. For freezing, it is better to choose whole leaves. They need to be washed in running water and allowed to dry a little. Afterwards you need to chop it up and put it in a plastic bag or container and put it in the freezer. This preparation option will help preserve all useful components.


You need to pickle bear onions in the spring. At this time, the maximum amount of vitamins is concentrated in the plant.

  • For pickling, you need to take fresh wild garlic leaves and salt (proportion 2 to 1).
  • Wash the leaves, place them on the bottom of the jar (up to 3 cm layer, sprinkle each layer with salt). The jar must be pre-sterilized.
  • Close the jar with a plastic lid and store in a cool place.

Pickled wild garlic with tomato

  • Wash 1 kg of wild garlic and grind it using a meat grinder.
  • Add 200 gr. vegetable oil, 200 gr. tomato paste, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of salt.
  • Mix the mixture, bring to a boil, and keep on low heat for a couple of minutes.
  • You will need to pour the resulting mass into pre-sterilized jars.
  • The finished product will remain rolled up with lids and stored in a cool place.

How to choose and where to buy

The wild garlic season lasts approximately from early March to May. During this period, it can be bought in supermarkets or markets.

Choose young, strong plants with green, intact leaves without spots or signs of wilting. If the greens are wilted, it means that the wild garlic was collected a long time ago. Rough, large leaves indicate they were cut after flowering. In both cases, you should avoid the purchase.

How to care for wild garlic

Ramson is unpretentious and does not require any special care. The main concern is to keep the soil constantly moist and free of weeds. It is necessary to water wild garlic not only during the growing season, but also in the second half of summer after the leaves die off, when the plant is dormant. Wild garlic bulbs do not have a protective dry shell and can die if there is a lack of moisture. It is useful to mulch the soil with fallen leaves, it preserves moisture, prevents the growth of weeds, and is a source of nutrients.

Ramson is very useful when mulched with fallen leaves.

How to feed wild garlic

The best fertilizer for wild garlic is leaf humus, which is scattered in a thin layer over the surface of the earth with the onset of autumn. In extreme cases, you can replace it with completely decomposed compost. It is better not to use mineral fertilizers at all. Bird droppings and fresh manure cannot be added; the plant may die from burnt roots.

Wild garlic appetizer salad

Ramson is practically a delicacy. And preparing it in such a tasty and original form will be a great idea not only for a family meal, but also for a wide feast. Give it a try. It's very tasty and simple.


  • 40 milliliters balsamic vinegar (6%);
  • A tablespoon of sweet paprika;
  • 40 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • Salt to taste;
  • A little fresh cilantro to taste (optional);
  • 2 kilograms of wild garlic (shoots).


1. Thoroughly rinse and clean the wild garlic. Place the shoots into boiling water and boil for 2-3 minutes after boiling. In this case, you can immediately add salt (half a teaspoon per 2 liters of water). Then drain in a colander and dry slightly.

2.For the sauce, mix bell pepper, oil and vinegar. You can use finely chopped dried or chalked.

3.Place the wild garlic into a salad bowl, pour over the sauce, add finely chopped herbs. You can use whatever you like or leave it out altogether.

4. Mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator until the next morning.

Diseases and pests of wild garlic

Pests and diseases are practically not dangerous for wild garlic. In rare cases, with severe waterlogging and acidic soils, rust appears on it, and then gray rot.

On a note! Yellowing and dying of leaves soon after flowering is a normal physiological process.

After flowering, wild garlic leaves gradually turn yellow and die; this is a normal natural process.

Among the pests, the onion leaf beetle (onion borer) is sometimes found. Beetles and their larvae feed on the leaves of wild garlic, other types of onions and garlic, as well as lilies, hazel grouse and other bulbous plants. The brightly colored red beetles are easily visible on plants and are easy to hand pick and destroy.


Fans of wild garlic should know that, despite all the usefulness of this herb, there are also contraindications to its use. So, for patients with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, inflammatory processes in the intestines or stomach, wild garlic is contraindicated. This herb should not be included in the menu of people with gastritis or peptic ulcers. It is better for pregnant women and nursing mothers to avoid wild garlic. Concentrated herbal infusions are prohibited for epilepsy and certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.

But even the healthiest people should not overuse wild garlic. Nutritionists advise eating no more than 20 leaves of grass per day.

Health benefits of wild garlic

This plant is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. It is rich in the content of many elements necessary for the body - protein, vitamins, fiber, acids, carbohydrates, fats and so on.

There are several main beneficial properties of wild garlic:

1.Benefits for digestion

Thanks to the large amount of fiber, it helps normalize stools and get rid of constipation. Fermentation and flatulence in the intestines and esophagus are prevented. Doctors recommend eating a little wild garlic a few minutes before your main meal. Thus, appetite will improve, food will be better absorbed and processed. A decoction of this plant helps get rid of parasites in the intestines.

2.Lungs and throat

Ramson has a good effect on the lungs. It removes mucus. A decoction of it helps relieve or alleviate the symptoms of tuberculosis, pneumonia and other lung diseases.

3.Strengthening immunity

Thanks to its unique composition of vitamins and other beneficial substances, wild garlic strengthens the immune system when consumed regularly. Of course, you shouldn’t eat it too often or too much, because just like onions or garlic, wild garlic has its own contraindications, which we’ll look at below.


Wild garlic is very good for the heart. Medical fact - this plant purifies the blood. In addition, it can lower cholesterol and improve the functioning of coronary vessels. This, of course, is subject to constant use.

5.The benefits of wild garlic for men

For the stronger half of humanity, wild garlic is also very useful. It improves potency and prevents the development of prostate adenoma. Therefore, it is especially important for men to include wild garlic in their diet.

6.Warming up joints and tissues

Ramson is also used topically to treat gout, rheumatism, sprains, and so on.

In addition, the juice is used to disinfect and treat open wounds. And if you dilute it in water, you can gargle a sore throat with this mixture. It also helps fight nail fungus. To do this, you need to lubricate the affected nail with its juice. A lotion of wild garlic juice helps to quickly draw pus out of the boil.

Before using wild garlic as a remedy, be sure to consult your doctor. It is only an addition to the main, professional treatment!

8.Combating hair loss or baldness

Lotions made from wild garlic juice are used on the way to healthy and beautiful hair. After rubbing into the scalp, a bag is put on it. You may feel a tolerable burning sensation. This means that blood flows to the roots and soon they can reward you with lush, healthy hair.


This plant has skin lightening properties and helps get rid of freckles and age spots. I offer an example of one of these masks. Mix wild garlic juice with sour milk and lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, paying special attention to areas affected by pigmentation. After 15 minutes, you can remove the mask with warm water. After which it is recommended to apply a nourishing whitening cream.

Collection of wild garlic leaves

The yield of wild garlic reaches 3 kg per square meter. However, you can cut leaves from plants only in the third year of development. At the same time, you need to know that the removed vegetative part will not resume this year, and therefore it will be possible to harvest greens again in the same place only after two or three years.

Bulbs, leaves and young shoots, which have a piquant taste, are used for food.

Based on this, it makes sense to grow wild garlic in three beds at once, with planting increments of one year, or to collect leaves selectively.

Planting bulbs

Ramson is not picky, but in order for the plant to feel better and produce a good harvest, it is advisable, if possible, to recreate the natural conditions of its habitat. In nature, wild garlic grows in forests, along the banks of swamps, streams, and springs. The plant is not tall (20–50 cm), so it is shaded by trees and shrubs. Accordingly, it is best to plant it in the garden plot in the shade of a building, structure, fence, under a fruit tree, and so on. The crop does not like bright sun - the leaves become smaller, lose their juiciness, dry out, and the taste becomes less pronounced. For a gardener, this feature of the plant is an advantage - you can save space on the garden plot. In addition, a garden bed located in an open area will have to be weeded and watered much more often.

For wild garlic, you can set aside a place in the garden that, due to shading, is not suitable for most other crops.

Wild garlic does not have any special requirements for soil quality. It successfully takes root in both “light” sandy and “heavy” clay soil. The only thing that the plant categorically does not tolerate is an acidic substrate. The best option for it is loose soil that allows air and water to pass through well. In nature, wild garlic grows almost in a swamp, but in “captivity” it does not like waterlogging. It is especially dangerous in early spring - the bulbs almost inevitably rot. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant wild garlic in lowlands. Melt water lasts there the longest. If there is no alternative, you must take care of drainage by adding crushed stone, expanded clay, and pebbles to the soil. Or you will have to pour ridges about half a meter high.

Gardeners quite often resort to propagating wild garlic from bulbs. This method allows you to quickly get a harvest from a new plant. But it is not without certain drawbacks - only one new ovary is formed from each shoot. The optimal time for the procedure is August-September, when the growing season is already over and the plant has “hibernated”. By this time, the above-ground part dries out and dies, so specimens intended for division must be marked in advance, otherwise you simply will not find them in the garden bed. When using this propagation method, the gardener will receive the first harvest in the third year of the new plant’s life.

New wild garlic bulbs are formed annually

If there is a shortage of planting material, several bulbs can be planted in an open sunny place, and not in the shade, as usual. Such plants develop faster and “divide” much more actively, but they require more careful care, especially with regard to watering and weeding.

The bulbs are planted in the same pattern as the seedlings, leaving 15–20 cm between plants. They are buried into the soil by a maximum of 5 cm, the smallest by 2–3 cm. Dry “feathers” should be visible on the surface. The plantings are watered moderately, the soil is mulched with freshly cut grass, fallen leaves, and wood shavings, creating a layer 5–7 cm thick. It is not advisable to use fresh sawdust, especially coniferous sawdust, for this. The substrate quickly acidifies. It will be possible to judge whether the procedure was successful only next fall after the transplant. If everything went well, a new replacement bulb should form. The above-ground part of the plant practically does not develop during the summer; it pays its main attention to the roots.

Replant wild garlic bulbs very carefully so as not to damage the roots of the plants.

Practice shows that wild garlic bulbs gradually go underground. The largest and oldest ones are located at a depth of 20–25 cm. They must be dug out very carefully so as not to damage the roots of neighboring plants. Whenever possible, the “babies” removed from the ground are unraveled by hand, cutting only where this is completely impossible. There is no point in planting bulbs without roots or with dry roots. They won't take root.

Wild garlic bulbs removed from the ground must have roots, otherwise there is no point in replanting them

The bed is prepared in advance by digging the soil deeply. In addition to humus (3–5 l/m²), nitrogen (15–20 g/m²), potassium (10–15 g/m²) and phosphorus (25–30 g/m²) fertilizers are also applied. For example, urea, simple superphosphate and potassium nitrate are suitable. There are also complex supplements containing these macroelements - Azofoska, Nitrophoska, Diammofoska.

Azofoska is a complex fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

It is not worthwhile to constantly grow wild garlic in the same place. Plants begin to hurt and wither. It is recommended to transfer the crop to a new bed every 7–8 years. A clear signal that it’s time is thinning stems, shrinking leaves and bulbs.

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