Double jasmine in our garden. Features of cultivation and beneficial properties

Reproduction of mock orange

People who love plants with fragrant white flowers will want to have not one, but several shrubs in their summer cottage.
Jasmine can be propagated by seeds and by vegetative methods such as cuttings and layering.

If the owner of the site is planning to transplant the jasmine to another place, he can divide one bush into several parts.


If you want to grow shrubs from seeds and plant mock orange on your plot in the spring, you need to start preparing for this process in early January.

The seeds should be mixed with peat and damp sand and placed in a small container, placing it in the refrigerator.

Within two months, the seeds will be stratified (aged) so that they germinate faster.

In March, mock orange seeds are sown in boxes with prepared soil. It consists of sand, humus, leaf soil and peat (ratio 0.5:1:1:2).

The boxes are covered with glass. The seeds are sprayed with a sprayer several times a day, making sure that the soil is always slightly moist.

Shoots appear on 7 - 11 days. When 2-3 leaves form on them, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground. In the first week, they are protected from sunlight with plastic film.

Green cuttings

Mock orange propagates well by green cuttings, since with this method their rooting rate is the highest. Annual shoots with a heel (part of last year's shoot) are suitable for propagation.

They are cut off during the flowering of the plant, having treated the lower part with Kornevin, and planted in boxes with a peat-sand mixture to a depth of 0.5 cm. The distance between mock orange cuttings should be at least 10 cm.

The shoots are covered with glass or polyethylene and often sprayed. Rooting occurs after 3 weeks. From this time on, you can remove the shelter at night to harden the shoots, and after a week, remove it during the day.

Lignified cuttings

Before planting a lignified jasmine cutting in the spring, you need to cut shoots from the bush in the fall and prepare cuttings from them.

During the winter months, mock orange cuttings should be stored at a temperature of +2...+3°C in a box with damp sand.

In the spring, before cuttings from lignified shoots, they are soaked for 24 hours in Kornevin solution (1 ml per 1 liter of water) and planted in the same way as green cuttings.

All summer the plants need to be watered and loosened abundantly. Next April, jasmine shoots are cut at a height of 10-15 cm so that several trunks develop from them, and in the fall they are transplanted to a permanent place.

By layering

The rooting rate of layering is more than 60%. It is better to propagate mock orange in this way after anti-aging pruning

Carefully dig up the ground around the bush, fertilize it with manure and level it

Then they dig small trenches 1.5 cm deep and, having tied the young shoots near the lower buds with soft wire, place each of them in these trenches, secure them there and dig in them.

By autumn, each layer of mock orange forms a root, and in the spring, young branches can be separated from the mother plant, dug them up and grown for two years in a sunny place on the site.

Dividing the bush

To propagate jasmine by dividing the bush, you need to dig up an adult plant from the ground in the fall after pruning or in the spring before sap flow begins, being careful not to damage its root system.

The mock orange bush is divided into 2-3 parts, each of them should be transplanted to a new place as quickly as possible, before the roots dry out.

We discuss garden jasmine on the forum

Most often, gardeners discuss the issue of propagation by young or lignified cuttings. Someone was given cuttings, someone, walking along the street past a flowering bush, was seduced by its charm and broke several branches, hoping to grow it at home.

Without knowing the subtleties, some hobbyists simply put the cuttings in water and begin to wait for young roots to appear. After a couple of weeks, without observing root formation, they become disappointed. It is advised to follow a few simple techniques when cutting, and success is guaranteed:

  • Under the lower bud, cut the petiole at an angle:
  • above the upper bud, make a straight cut;
  • reduce the length of the leaves by half;
  • plant in a small glass with nutritious soil;
  • pour warm water;
  • cover with a jar or cut white plastic bottle on top.

Two days after planting, you can begin to ventilate the cuttings, avoid direct sun, and in about a month roots will appear.

Garden jasmine is an unpretentious plant, even with minimal care, it will actively grow and develop, and will soon delight its owners with its flowering.

What does jasmine look like and types of shrubs

Jasmine has flexible long stems reaching a length of 1.5-2 m. Each species, and there are more than 2 hundred of them, has different types of flowers and leaves. The leaves are light or very dark, simple or trifoliate, pinnate, with or without pubescence. The flowers are tubular, with stamens on short stalks. There are 6 types of flowers popular in our country.

Bright yellow flowers, collected in an umbrella of 5 pieces, bloom from the third decade of May to the first ten days of July.


Holoflowered jasmine is frost-resistant (down to -15 °C) and drought-resistant. It reproduces well in a variety of ways. It has long and thin branches that droop and resemble a green waterfall. There are a lot of flowers. They are large and bright yellow.

The leaves are small, bright green, trifoliate.

Medicinal, or White

Jasmine officinalis (White jasmine) – climbing, has long, thin, smooth, angular shoots. The leaves are paired, oblong-lanceolate, smooth, ciliated along the edge, rich green above, light green below. Fragrant white flowers are collected in 5-6 pieces in umbrella inflorescences.

Blooms from April until the end of summer.


Pink Bisa jasmine attracts with its delicate aroma and pink flowers (there are shades of different richness). Blooms in May. The leaves are dark green, ovate, slightly pubescent.

The branches reach a length of 1.5-2 m.


Jasmine Sambac (aka Climbing Garden Jasmine, Arabian), and especially its popular variety Grand Duke, is valued for its incredibly strong aroma. The flowers of this jasmine are white, of double or semi-double type, appearing in groups of 3 to 12 in an inflorescence. They open only at night and close in the morning. The leaves are ovate, smooth.

In optimal conditions it can bloom throughout the year.


Jasmine Multiflorum (on sale you can often find the name Polyanthus or Polyanthus) is a vine and is grown as an hanging plant. A popular indoor plant, but in warm regions it can grow in open ground and decorate walls and fences. It grows quickly, reaching 1.8 m in a year. It is covered with white tubular star flowers that smell pleasant.

Flowering occurs in February-August.

It will also be interesting: Jasmine (shrub) - planting and care, propagation and pruning?

Differences between jasmine and mock orange

Mock orange is a kind of “false” variety of jasmine. It received its second name for its external resemblance to real jasmine and its pleasant aroma, but mock orange has a number of features that distinguish this plant from the “original”:

  • Mock orange blooms longer than real jasmine;
  • White tint of inflorescences. Only some varieties have a pinkish spot closer to the core. Jasmine may have different flower colors;
  • Mock orange blooms more luxuriantly than jasmine: the crown is strewn with inflorescences and resembles a snow-white cloud;
  • Strongly fragrant varieties are a sign of mock orange. Real jasmine has a very unobtrusive aroma that is only felt near the flowers. Mock orange can smell strongly and sometimes unusually: pineapple or strawberry.

General description of terry mock orange

In fact, mock orange is not a jasmine, but people call it that because of the aroma of fragrant flowers, which is very similar to the fragrance of real jasmine flowers. However, these ornamental plants belong to different families, just as the zones and conditions for growing crops are different.

Garden jasmine or terry mock orange is a deciduous shrub with a height of 1.5 to 3 m, obtained by the French breeder Lemoine through experiments with common mock orange. The ornamental plant is distinguished by double flowers that resemble miniature roses in a half-bloomed state. There are double and semi-double varieties of garden jasmine with large-flowered forms and flowers with a small corolla, with a different number of petals, which affects the doubleness.

How terry mock orange blooms

The flowering of terry mock orange is unforgettably beautiful and long-lasting. Depending on the variety, the flowers, collected in inflorescences of several pieces, have varying degrees of terry. On average, garden jasmine blooms for 2–3 weeks, starting in mid-late June. It is worth saying here that double varieties of mock orange are not capable of emitting a strong aroma, unlike the inflorescences of ordinary mock orange. Their fragrance is subtle, barely perceptible, light. Mock orange pleases with lush, lush flowering only in sunny places and fertile soils.

Popular varieties of terry mock orange

The most popular and in demand varieties of terry garden jasmine among gardeners are:

  • Virginal is the first variety of terry mock orange, obtained by Lemoine more than 100 years ago. A bush up to 3 m in height with large flowers blooms 2 times a year: in summer and autumn. Its aroma is sweet, quite strong, which is uncharacteristic for representatives of the double type of garden jasmine;
  • Garden jasmine Minnesota snowflake. This terry mock orange shrub grows up to 2 m in height and is distinguished by dense double snow-white flowers, collected in inflorescences of several pieces;
  • Pyramid. This is a tall, up to 3 m, late flowering shrub. Snow-white flowers abundantly cover the powerful bush, emitting a subtle, subtle scent;
  • Schneeshturm. A bush of double mock orange up to 3 m in height, with drooping shoots that are abundantly decorated with luxurious double flowers that emit a refreshing, fruity aroma;
  • Ermine mantle. A low, up to 1.8 m in height, variety with drooping branches, lushly decorated with creamy white flowers that exude a subtle strawberry aroma;
  • Blizzard. This is a tall shrub, completely covered with snow-white inflorescences, which from a distance resemble large flakes of snow. Almost all the leaves of the terry mock orange are hidden under the luxurious “snow cover”;
  • Moonlight. A variety with small pom-pom flowers that appear in huge numbers and exude a strawberry aroma and glow in the dark.

According to experienced gardeners, in the conditions of the domestic climate, varieties of terry jasmine of Russian selection take root and bloom best. These are Blizzard, Yunnat, Moth Ballet and others.

Main characteristics

The main advantage of the terry mock orange is its unpretentiousness - in order for the luxurious beauty of the snow-white flowering of the crop to be, according to the description above and in the photo, there is no need to perform complex agrotechnical techniques. Garden jasmine is a frost-resistant shrub that can withstand frosts up to 22 - 25 degrees, depending on the variety. This type of ornamental shrub has good immunity and is characterized by resistance to pests and diseases. However, it is important to carry out agricultural care techniques: remove fallen leaves in a timely manner, avoid waterlogging, provide the plant with the necessary amount of nutrients, which will ensure even greater plant resistance to infections.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, when growing it at home you can encounter a number of problems. Main difficulties:

  • When exposed to direct sunlight, burns appear on the leaves. It is recommended to provide the flower with partial shade.
  • Too high humidity and elevated air temperatures can cause leaves to curl, dry out and fall off. To avoid this, jasmine is periodically sprayed.
  • Excess or lack of fertilizer leads to a dull color of the plant crown and slower growth, so it is necessary to take into account the optimal dosage of minerals.

Jasmine diseases

Jasmine is rarely exposed to diseases and pest attacks, but with insufficient or no care, the flower is still affected by insects:

  • spider mite;
  • aphid;
  • scale insect;
  • mealybug;
  • leaf weevils.

At the first signs of pest damage, remove the damaged parts of the plant and spray the jasmine with insecticides.

Advice! To combat pests, people often resort to folk remedies. Laundry soap is perfect for this. A soap solution is prepared from it and the affected shoots and leaves are wiped with it using a soft sponge.

Jasmine Sambac has shiny foliage, original flowers and a strong aroma. This beautiful shrub will fit perfectly into any interior. To enjoy the gorgeous view and enchanting aroma of jasmine flowers at home, you don’t have to make any special efforts. You just need to follow the basic rules of caring for the plant.

Planting and caring for mock orange (with video)

Having dug holes in advance with a diameter of 50 cm and the same depth, add 1 bucket of compost into them, place the seedling and, having covered it with the top layer of the excavated soil, water it again.

After planting, when caring for garden jasmine, the shrubs are fed 3 times. The first time is in early spring, when the first leaves begin to bloom. The second time is before flowering. The third time is in the fall, so that the plant overwinters better.

For feeding, make a solution of 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate. 15 liters of solution are used for each plant.

Many gardeners use granular AVA fertilizer when planting and for feeding at a rate of 10–15 g per 1 m2. When using this fertilizer, the plant develops quickly, copes better with diseases and pests and tolerates harsh cold winters well.

The shrub is recommended for planting as individual bushes or groups on lawns, in compositions with other flowering plants, to create walls of hedges and borders.

When planting and caring for mock orange, you should remember that after 3-4 years a hedge of garden jasmine becomes bare at the bottom and loses its decorative effect. To achieve the growth of new shoots, it is rejuvenated by cutting off plant trunks at a height of 10-20 cm from the soil surface. Shrubs of many other species do not tolerate rejuvenation.

It is preferable to plant bushes one by one, so that after flowering they do not become an eyesore. You can grow mock orange mixed with other shrubs as a green hedge both along the boundaries of the site and inside to separate different zones (recreation, playground, barbecue).

Mock orange in landscape design

The use of mock orange in decorating areas is not limited to strict recommendations, it all depends on your wishes. A wide variety of decorative forms of the plant makes it possible to plant it anywhere, the main thing is that it grows in the sun.

Fragrant rows of mock orange bushes will successfully decorate the boundaries of any garden objects and divide the territory into functional zones. And here is an example: a flowering hedge and a yellow-leaved form without any flowering.

Low-growing varieties will serve as a border and fit well into flower beds as green tussock-islands. In general, imagine, garden jasmine is beautiful both during the flowering period and after it.

Here is such an amazingly diverse “garden jasmine”. We are sure that the proposed mock orange varieties with photos and descriptions will be useful to you when selecting this ornamental shrub for your site.

Caring for jasmine in the garden

Caring for mock orange is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology.

Jasmine care

Irrigation regimeThey irrigate the soil regularly, without waiting until it dries out. If the summer is hot, without rain, the procedure is carried out every ten days
FeedingThey are made every year in the spring, adding slurry under the bushes (a bucket for 1 plant). From the 3rd year of life, a complex mineral water with priority on superphosphates is added
ThinningPlantings need to be freed from thickening. Therefore, 5-6 year old branches and trunks are completely removed

Other agricultural techniques are typical for shrubs. They are performed as needed.

During the flowering period

When the flowers are fragrant, jasmine needs improved watering. Due to a lack of moisture, the bush will bloom earlier than usual. Therefore, in the hot summer, 20-30 liters of water are added daily to each plant.

During the rest period

As soon as the mock orange sheds its color, it begins to prepare for dormancy. At this time, the plant is fertilized using superphosphate (20 g) mixed with wood ash (100 g) per square meter. Withered inflorescences are immediately removed. Watering is reduced by half and completely canceled by October.

Preparing for winter

Mature bushes can withstand cold weather. Young seedlings may not survive a harsh winter without shelter. To prevent the covering material from being blown away from the bush by the wind, it is tied with twine. The tree trunk circle is dug up and weeds are removed. A dense layer of mulch is applied on top.

Shelter options

With proper planting and care, the jasmine bush will delight the owners of the site with its presence for many years. Beautiful plants not only decorate the dacha, but also lift your spirits with their fragrant aroma.

Varieties of indoor plants

At home, as a rule, several of the most common species are grown. They may differ in size and growth rate, but all of them are characterized by the presence of a fragrant white flower.

Jasmine Arabian Knights

This jasmine bush differs from its relatives in the speed of shoot growth.

Double flowers grow up to 1.5-1.7 cm in diameter. The most optimal conditions for growth are lightly shaded areas.

Arabian jasmine begins to bloom in March and ends in autumn.

Grand Duke of Tuscany

This variety is native to the Middle East. Although jasmine cannot boast of a growth rate, it does have fairly large flowers - 4-5 cm in diameter.

The Duke blooms only a few days a year, after which the double buds dry out. You can place a pot with a bush on the sunny side of the house, but it prefers shaded places.

Grand Duke of Tuscany

It tolerates dry soil quite easily, but it is better to water it on time. If the room is very hot, the flower should be sprayed and moistened more often.

Jasmine Maid of Orleans

The fast-growing and unpretentious variety is the most popular variety of indoor jasmine.

On a note! The Maid of Orleans blooms all year round, but the plant is most active in spring and autumn.

Small flowers, having blossomed, live only for a day, and they are replaced by the next. The plant can feel comfortable even at a temperature of +10°C.

Maid of Orleans

Jasmine Belle of India

The domestic variety has an average growth rate. Flowering occurs all year round, the buds grow up to 30 mm in diameter.

Indian jasmine looks brightest in spring and summer. For more luxuriant flowering, it needs to be provided with sufficient lighting and watering rates.

Belle of India

Beneficial properties of jasmine flowers

This wonderful plant is able to satisfy not only the aesthetic needs of a person, it helps him maintain and improve health. Fragrant jasmine flowers are widely used in folk medicine and cooking.

Flowers are added to teas and soft drinks, flavoring them and enriching them with microelements. Japanese scientists have found that the aroma of tea with the addition of jasmine flowers has higher tonic properties than coffee aroma.

In addition, such teas have an analgesic effect and serve as a preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases.

Crushed flower petals can be added to homemade ice cream to create a delicious dessert.

Features of reproduction

Shrubs are propagated in different ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • shoots;
  • root layering;
  • dividing the bush.

When planting garden jasmine seeds, you will have to be patient. They are sown at the beginning of winter, on the eve of severe cold weather. You can do this even in the snow. Having deepened the seeds into the ground, they are covered with spruce branches. Shoots appear in early spring. The seedlings turn out to be hardened, but it will take 7-8 years to reach the state of an adult plant, when the bush can bloom.

Growing mock orange from layering is more often used. In order for the bush to produce them, with the onset of spring, all shoots are removed from it, making room for young and full of vigor shoots. To propagate garden jasmine, choose the strongest branches. They are bent to the ground, placed in pre-dug grooves. The shoots are deepened into the soil, sprinkled with sand and peat on top. After 1.5 months they will begin to branch, and in the fall the young bush can be separated from the mother bush and replanted.

It is even easier to propagate garden jasmine from cuttings. They are obtained from strong shoots by pruning the bush in June. The optimal cutting length is 5 cm. They are rooted in a light and nutritious mixture of peat and sand, placed shallowly in it at an angle of 30-40°. Then the container is covered with film, or preferably glass, and placed in a well-lit place. Cuttings require daily care in the form of spraying. When they take root, they can be planted in open ground, covered with a plastic cup in the first days.

Exquisite jasmine, planting and caring for which is not difficult, will effectively decorate any summer cottage. It looks good in single plantings, as part of hedges, and in combination with other shrubs. Its delicate flowers will fill the evening garden with a wonderful aroma. They can also be used to make bouquets.

Even inexperienced gardeners can cope with growing unpretentious jasmine. It is frost-resistant, rarely affected by pests and diseases, does not require replanting, and tolerates heat and drought patiently. You just have to place the shrub in a sunny corner, regularly water it, prune it and feed it occasionally, and you can admire its spreading, dense crown and lush flowering for a long time.


Terry jasmine seedlings are planted in early spring or autumn. When planting, holes are dug at a distance of 50–150 cm. If you plan to create a green fence from mock orange bushes, then cuttings should be planted at a distance of 50–80 cm.

Selecting a location

Choose a site for mock orange that is well-lit, where there is a lot of sunlight, then it grows more luxuriantly and blooms longer. The plant prefers drained soil and does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil, so it should be planted where there is no groundwater close to the surface. The optimal place for planting will be a small hillock.

Soil preparation

“Terry jasmine” is an unpretentious plant, but prefers soils where there is black soil, humus and river sand. Therefore, before planting a shrub, the soil must be prepared by digging a hole about 50 cm deep and wide a few days before planting, and pouring drainage of crushed stone and sand 15–20 cm thick into it. Then warm the hole for several days in the sun and plant the seedlings, sprinkling them with previously prepared soil. It is prepared from humus, wood ash and black soil in a 1:1:1 ratio (1 kg of wood ash and black soil per bucket of humus).

Photos and descriptions of mock oranges presented at the Gardens Garden Center

In the 2022 assortment, we have selected for you some of the best varieties selected by Vehova N.K. See all varieties here. The Soviet scientist, dendrologist breeder, professor Nikolai Kuzmich Vekhov, led the Lipetsk Experimental Breeding Station for 30 years, and developed the most beautiful and stable domestic varieties of these beautiful flowering shrubs.

We invite you to get acquainted with the varieties of crown mock orange presented in the garden in the new season of 2022:

Mock orange "Arctic"

Philadelphus coronarius “Arktica” (Vehova selection)

Shrub up to 1.8 m high, with a spreading crown. The flowers are snow-white, double, up to 3 cm in diameter, with a light aroma. Blooms in June-July, up to 30 days.

Chubushnik crowned “Ballet of moths”

Philadelphus coronarius “Balet Motylkov” (Vehov selection)

Shrub up to 2 m high, with a rounded compact crown shape. The flowers are creamy white, single or semi-double with curved petals, up to 4 cm in diameter, and have a sweet aroma. The inflorescences hang over the leaves, resembling small moths. Blooms in June.

Chubushnik crowned “Air landing”

Philadelphus coronarius “Vosduschny Desant” (Vehova selection)

Shrub up to 2.5 m high, with a dense crown. The flowers are creamy white, small, simple bell-shaped, drooping, with a strawberry scent. Blooms in July.

Chubushnik crown “Pearl”

Philadelphus coronarius “Zhemchug” (Vehova selection)

Shrub up to 2.5 m high, with a compact crown shape. The flowers are white with a pearlescent sheen, double, slightly drooping, up to 7 cm in diameter, with a strong vanilla aroma. Blooms in June-July, up to 20 days.

Chubushnik crown “Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya”

Philadelphus coronarius “Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya” (Vehov selection)

Shrub up to 3 m high with erect shoots. The flowers are white, with a greenish tint when blooming, densely double, with a light aroma, up to 3 cm in diameter. Blooms in July, up to 20 days.

Mock orange “Unusual”

Philadelphus coronarius “Neobychny” (Vehova selection)

Shrub 1.5 m high, with a fan-shaped crown. The flowers are large, white with a bright purple center, up to 3 cm in diameter, with a strong strawberry aroma. Blooms in July.

Mock orange crown “Obelisk”

Philadelphus coronarius “Obelisk” (Vehova selection)

Shrub up to 2.5 m high, with a columnar crown shape. The flowers are white, single or semi-double, the edges of the petals are slightly wavy, large, up to 5 cm in diameter. Blooms in June.

It has no aroma and is perfect for those who are prone to allergies.

Chubushnik crown “Memory of Vekhov”

Philadelphus coronarius “Pamyat o Vehove” (Vehov selection)

Shrub up to 2 m high, with a spreading dense crown. The flowers are very large, yellow-creamy, densely double. With a strong aroma. Blooms in mid-July, up to 20 days.

Mock orange crown “Pompon”

Philadelphus coronarius “Pompon” (Vehova selection)

Shrub up to 1.5 m high, with erect shoots. The flowers are snow-white, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, densely double. Blooms in mid-June for up to 30 days.

The aroma is not too strong, but very pleasant.

Mock orange “Chamomile”

Philadelphus coronarius “Romashka” (Vehova selection)

Shrub up to 1 m high with a spreading crown. The flowers are white, very large, up to 6 cm in diameter with long narrow petals, simple or semi-double. Reminds me of a chamomile flower. Blooms in mid-June.

It is odorless and perfect for those who are prone to allergies.

Chubushnik crown “Snow Storm”

Philadelphus coronarius “Snezhnaja burja” (Vehova selection)

Shrub up to 2 m high, with a slender crown. The flowers are snow-white, double, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, with a strawberry aroma. During flowering, it is completely covered with flowers, as if after a snowfall. Blooms in mid-June, up to 25 days.

All of these varieties are included in the Gardens Garden Center's 2022 range.

For any additional information, you can contact our Gardens Garden Center by phone:

Species, hybrids, varieties

About 70 species of these deciduous shrubs with evergreen leaves or leaves that fall in winter are known.

Common types of mock orange:

  • Common (Philadelphus coronarius) – the most popular species, is a garden shrub with intensely fragrant flowers;
  • Fluffy (Philadelphus pubescens Loisel);
  • Odorless (Philadelphus inodorus);
  • Semi-umbrella (Philadelphus cymosus);
  • Lewis (Philadelphus lewisii);
  • Small-leaved (Philadelphus microphyllus).

Interesting interspecific hybrids:

  • Falconera (Philadelphus falconeri);
  • Maiden (Philadelphus virginal);
  • Lemoine (Philadelphus Lemoine).


Mock orange (Philadelphus coronarius) is a shrub that blooms from May to June with strongly fragrant creamy white flowers. Suitable for single plantings and creating fragrant spring hedges. The plant reaches a height of 3-4 meters. Numerous varieties are characterized by different growth, flowering season and flower color. The view is extremely charming.

Below are popular varieties of common mock orange.


Mock orange variety "Aureus" is distinguished by pale yellow leaves in spring, turning yellow in summer. The shrub blooms from May to June, adorning the bush with creamy white, highly fragrant flowers. Growing the variety is not difficult. The plant tolerates polluted city air and periodic droughts well. You can replant the bushes and carry out heavy pruning. Rejuvenating the plant every few years thanks to heavy pruning will help maintain the beautiful shape of the bush and abundant flowering. The "Aureus" variety is sometimes used for formed hedges, lines, group and single plantings.

Photo. Variety Aureus

Bell Etoile

This is a low variety - up to 1.5 m tall with straight shoots and single flowers with jagged edges of the petals.


Variegatus - a variety of mock orange with dark green leaves with a white edge

Grandiflorus (Philadelphus grandiflorus)

Chubushnik grandiflora jasmine is a wide shrub reaching a height of 3 meters. Among the dark green leaves on the arched shoots, large flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm appear in June.

Photo. Philadelphus grandiflorus

Fluffy (Philadelphus pubescens)

The fluffy mock orange is a very growing species - up to 5 meters in height. The grey-green shoots and undersides of the leaves are covered with hairs. From June to July, the tree is decorated with single, large, odorless, creamy-white flowers. The species is suitable for tall green decorative hedges. Pruning will rejuvenate the plant and give the bush the correct shape.

Photo. Philadelphus pubescens

Attractive hybrids

Falconera (Philadelphus falconeri)

Falconer's mock orange is an interspecific hybrid, distinguished by arched shoots, on which graceful, fragrant, numerous flowers with four petals, collected in clusters, appear from May to June. Grown in gardens and public places.

Photo. Falconer's mock orange

Purple-spotted (Philadelphus × purpureomaculatus)

This is a densely branched shrub, distinguished by the original appearance of its flowers. Pink and purple spots appear at the base of the petals of the crown. Varieties vary in color:

  • "Belle Etoile" - the flowers of the variety are wide-bellied, have a pink-violet spot at the base of the petals of the crown;

  • "Etoile Rose" - bell-shaped flowers at the root, carmine pink.

Lemoine (Philadelphus × lemoinei Lemoine)

Mock orange Lemoine allows you to decorate your garden space with an attractive low shrub with a wide crown. Semi-double and double flowers appear among the tiny leaves. Popular varieties:

  • "Erectus" - jasmine with single, strawberry-scented flowers;

  • "Manteau d'Hermine" and "Dame Blanche" - varieties with semi-double flowers;
  • "Boule d'Argent" - distinguished by double flowers.

Maiden's (Philadelphus × virginalis Rehder)

Maiden's mock orange is a fast-growing wide shrub reaching a height of 2 meters. Dark green leaves fall off in winter. From June to July the bush is decorated with white fragrant flowers. Flowers are collected in small clusters. The bush grows well in a sunny and slightly shady location, in moderately moist and loamy garden soil. After flowering, cut off old shoots. The plant is used for hedges, single and group plantings. Reproduction occurs from cuttings and root layering.

Photo. Maiden mock orange


The garden jasmine variety Snowbelle or “Snowstorm” is an upright shrub reaching a height of 2 m. The leaves are dark green, slightly pubescent, and fall off in the winter. The flowers are large, white, double, 5-6 cm in diameter. They appear in large numbers from June to July.

Jasmine 'Snowbelle' prefers loamy garden soils that are moderately moist and have a slightly acidic, neutral or alkaline pH. Grows well in sunny and slightly shady locations. The plant is resistant to low temperatures and pests. The bush is pruned after flowering - in July. The bushes are impressively presented as formed and unformed green hedges, individually and in groups.


Mock orange Viburnum is an attractive shrub with stiff stems, 2 meters high. It is distinguished by serrated light green leaves, among which four-petaled snow-white flowers with golden stamens appear in June and July. Magnificent inflorescences consist of several flowers - 5-9 pieces. Numerous flowers have an intense scent. It is best to grow jasmine in sunny or slightly shady areas.

"Kalina" prefers not too wet, loamy, fertile soils, and is resistant to frost and air pollution. Pruning after flowering allows you to rejuvenate the bush and give it the correct shape; the procedure is performed every few years. The plant creates beautifully formed hedges and looks attractive when planted singly or in groups.

Planting mock orange, caring for it and propagating

Garden jasmine and mock orange are naturally shade-tolerant, not picky about the type of soil, and drought-resistant. But in the shade the branches stretch out, and poor soils without fertilizing lead to shrinkage and degeneration of flowers. To achieve an amazing result, it is better to choose an open place or slight partial shade. The best option is loamy soil types, provided with humus and moisture, and for heat-loving varieties - light soil with good drainage.

Note! Mock orange grows quickly, so it is better to choose seedlings in small pots. Seedlings from Holland are brought to stores in March, when all the specimens have not yet awakened

Sometimes it is difficult to tell if a plant is alive. The bark at the base should be gray, the shoots smooth brown.

The species reproduces by dividing the bush. To do this, they dig it up along with the roots and divide it in two, the halves are planted in prepared holes and watered. This procedure is carried out in the fall from early September to early October.

You can also propagate by layering; to do this you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select a young shoot of this year that has not yet bloomed, with 2 internodes, and cut it obliquely with a sharp knife.
  2. Make a straight cut 1.5 cm above the upper internode.
  3. Using scissors, cut 2/3 of the leaves.
  4. Prepare a container with turf soil and a 3-centimeter layer of sand on top.
  5. Make holes with a stick to a depth of about 1 cm, then insert the cutting, carefully strengthening it.
  6. Pour, cover with a bottle, film or glass.

For your information! For rooting, it is recommended to use the drug Kornevin, ventilate the greenhouse daily and spray the cuttings.

After rooting, the shelter must be removed. In warm climates, you can do without protection and root the cuttings outdoors.

Shoots prepared in the fall are planted in the spring.

Jasmine and mock orange shrubs are rarely propagated by seeds. The ovaries are usually cut off immediately after flowering to preserve the plant's vigor. To inherit varietal qualities, it is customary to propagate by shoots or by dividing the bush. But if such a need arises, by the end of summer the ovaries will turn into dry boxes. They should be placed in a plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator. Sow in late autumn before winter, covering with straw. In spring, young seedlings are hidden from the sun using lutrasil on a frame until they get stronger.

You can plant seedlings in a greenhouse or at home. If the soil is heavy, you need to dig a planting hole 40x40 cm. When planting, add two parts of compost, three - garden soil and one part of sand, a glass of ash and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of double superphosphate.

Care includes fertilizing, watering and pruning; the roots are insulated for the winter. Fertilize annually with one bucket of manure. Small fertilizing after flowering is possible. When planting, a young bush is immediately trimmed. Only weak shoots are cut to 1-2 buds, but already in the second year after flowering, all strong shoots are pruned to generative shoots, and weak stems are also removed and a crown is formed. From the third year, sanitary and formative spring haircuts are carried out.

Mock orange is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful garden plants in temperate climates. Easy care, lushness, and amazing aroma make it a favorite of landscape designers and ordinary gardeners.

Why prune jasmine in the fall and is it possible not to do it?

If you need to give a neat look to a separate bush or hedge, this can be done in any month of the summer season. But since mock orange forms a lot of sprouts and coppice shoots over the summer and the crown thickens greatly, pruning is best done in the fall, when the tree enters a dormant state and all problems are visible.

If you forget about the restraining pruning and allow the garden jasmine to grow indefinitely, it will soon turn into an unsightly, densely overgrown shrub.

In the fall, mock orange is pruned and then, in order to thin out or rejuvenate the tree, prepare it for winter. Cutting down old branches that are no longer capable of blooming, but take away strength and nutrition from the young parts of the plant, will allow jasmine to more easily survive frosts. Diseased shoots damaged by parasites bring no less harm. Having multiplied over the summer, the insects will overwinter under the bark, and with the onset of warmth they will continue to destroy the bush.

Autumn pruning of jasmine is also good because by this time all gardening work is completed. You can calmly, without rushing, examine the bush, remove all the dried, intertwined branches damaged over the summer, and give the flowering shoots a beautiful arrangement. In spring, your jasmine plantings will be healthy and tidy.

Features of cultivation

Having planted a jasmine shrub on your site, you should not forget about its care, since its rapid growth and further abundant flowering depend on this.

The main features of growing shrubs include the following work:

  1. Feeding promotes proper development and good growth. They begin to fertilize the plant a year after planting. Mineral fertilizers in the form of a solution of 15 g. urea, 30 gr. superphosphate, 15 g. potassium sulfur and 10 l. water, applied to the soil in early autumn. In spring, the plant is fed with organic fertilizers and water at a ratio of 1:10.
  2. The formation of the crown improves the beautiful appearance of the plant and promotes abundant flowering. Branches are pruned in early spring. Only the tops of strong branches are shortened; weak shoots are cut in half. It is also necessary to carry out sanitary pruning annually, thinning the bush from excess shoots and wilted flowers. After the work, in order to avoid infection of the plant with fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat all sections with garden varnish.
  3. Preparation for the winter period - prevents frosting of shrub jasmine during severe frosts. To protect the root system, in late autumn the soil around the plant is mulched with compost or humus. To avoid the death of the young crop, the flower itself is completely covered with a covering white material and secured so that in the wind it does not expose the trunk of the seedling.

For good development of the jasmine bush, planting and care should be carried out using the above technologies. Only in this case will the plant have strong leaves and annual flowering.

Having considered all the characteristics of the variety, the garden shrub Jasmine can be called a calling card for a personal plot. Easy to plant and care, will save the free time of every gardener

And the enchanting aroma of snow-white decorative flowers will attract the attention of even the most fastidious perfume taster.

What tools are needed for pruning?

For high-quality pruning of jasmine, special tools are needed. Autumn pruning is quite traumatic for the plant, so the procedure should be carried out as carefully as possible, and all cutting parts should be sharpened well.

The following tools will help you prune jasmine correctly in the fall:

  • pruning shears for removing thin branches;
  • lopper for medium-thick growth;
  • hacksaw saw for sawing off old thick branches;
  • putty or garden var.

Inventory must be clean and in good working order.

Description of the mock orange plant (Philadelphus)

The garden jasmine flower received its name from gardeners for the similarity of the aromas of snow-white flowers and is found under it in old books. The scientific name “mock orange” was given to it because its shoots were used to make smoking pipes. However, gardeners still lovingly call it jasmine. And, it seems to us, when talking about plant hits, it is more logical to remember the old name, since it was precisely for its abundant flowering with snow-white flowers that exude a wonderful aroma that gardeners loved it so much that the old Russian garden was unthinkable without its bushes.

All garden jasmines are deciduous shrubs with straight trunks covered with thin gray bark. The height varies from dwarf varieties (70 cm) to tall powerful bushes growing up to 6 m. The leaves are simple, elongated-ovate or broadly ovate, from 2 to 7 cm long, in some species pubescent. The white flowers of the mock orange plant are collected in racemes and form at the ends of short young shoots. They can be simple with 4-5 concave petals, semi-double or double. Not all types and varieties have a strong aroma; some have a weak, subtle odor and are completely odorless. Garden jasmine blooms for about two to three weeks. If you select species and varieties of mock orange with different flowering periods, then white “clouds” will envelop the garden for almost two months - from June to early August.

When choosing and purchasing mock orange (Philadelphus) for your garden, you should remember that not all jasmines and their varieties can withstand our winters

Since planting material is usually imported and the main assortment consists of classic French varieties, caution should be exercised. In particularly harsh winters, even fairly winter-hardy varieties and species can freeze to the level of snow cover

Price of jasmine seedlings

It is impossible to provide unambiguous information on this issue, since it will vary in different regions. It will also matter what variety of mock orange the gardener wants to purchase.

The average price for a two-year-old plant can range from 300 to 370 rubles, three-year-old seedlings are correspondingly more expensive; There are also very expensive copies. If the order is made through online stores, catalogs are provided on their pages indicating the plant variety, its age, characteristics, and price.

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