Is croton good or bad for the home? Is it possible to keep Croton in the house? Folk signs

Choosing a roommate, even a houseplant, is a serious matter. A beautiful exotic flower may simply not get along with you. What will croton bring to the house, what kind of signs and superstitions are associated with it and how to use its properties to the fullest?

Croton, also known as codiaum, is a flower not without hidden dangers. The fact is that it is poisonous, its juice irritates the skin upon contact, and if it gets on mucous membranes and in scratches or wounds, it can cause serious poisoning in the blood. All work with croton must be carried out strictly with gloves.

As for magical properties, croton is a plant with powerful energy. He rebuilds the atmosphere in the house in his own way, repels negative people who want to profit from the spiritual strength of the owner.

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The most noticeable features of Croton:

  1. Helps to establish order in the house.
  2. Gives determination and healthy self-confidence.

For family well-being and restful sleep, it is better to choose another flower: croton will help with business rather than with relationships and inner peace.

Croton signs and superstitions

Another name for this plant is codium. Florists value it for its large, stiff leaves, colored in various shades of yellow, pink and green. According to some signs and superstitions, the croton flower can cause a fire. According to others, the plant rekindles faded passion and evokes love.

Good omens

  • Some people grow exotic codiaum as a talisman. It is believed that the plant protects the house from negative energy brought from outside and wards off unwanted visitors.
  • An indoor flower gives confidence to its owner. If you are often near him, eloquence develops, embarrassment and shyness disappear. Some even managed to cure stuttering with the help of this plant.
  • Another property is the ability to influence a person’s thoughts.
  • Croton gives the ability to manage time more rationally and make the right decisions.
  • If you place it on the window sill in the room, the household becomes calmer, and harmony comes into the family.
  • The plant helps to concentrate for the successful completion of started projects. There is an opinion that the codiaum does not tolerate disorder. In the room where it grows, you involuntarily want to keep it clean.
  • An exotic flower is useful for people of creative professions: musicians, artists, writers. It gives inspiration and makes you generate new ideas.
  • Some esotericists believe that codiaum contains warming energy. It helps cure colds and other respiratory diseases. At the energetic level, the flower fills the patient with vitality.

Bad omens

Croton has negative properties. This plant belongs to the Molochai family. Its juice is toxic. If it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, it causes burns. If accidentally swallowed, severe poisoning may occur. Therefore, families with small children or pets are not recommended to grow this flower.

The influence of codiaum is contraindicated:

  • if you are prone to hysteria - the flower activates energy flows, it is difficult to be calm next to it
  • if you are too talkative - under the influence of the plant a person will talk even more
  • workaholics, since croton increases activity, makes you work even more to the detriment of proper rest
  • frivolous people - the plant enhances this unpleasant trait and forces them to make spontaneous decisions

Is it possible to give and receive as a gift?

As a gift, the flower is suitable for creative individuals. It helps your talent to fully reveal itself. You can also give it to a work colleague or boss. The plant will help create a positive atmosphere in the office, eliminate conflicts, and relieve nervousness.

A spectacular decorative leaf specimen will be a wonderful gift for an insecure person. It will help you master the art of oratory and relieve shyness and embarrassment.

The codiaum helps develop careers and resolve work issues. Therefore, it can be given to ambitious, purposeful individuals.

If you need a talisman for family happiness, this flower is not suitable. It's better to choose another plant.

If you dreamed about a croton

Dream detailsDecoding
I dreamed of a flowering plantWarning about deception or betrayal by a loved one
See a healthy specimen with beautiful leavesA favorable period is coming. At work, a promotion or monetary incentive is possible. There will be changes for the better in your personal life
I dreamed of a withering plantThe period of fuss begins. There will be many small activities that will bring a lot of pleasure. This will benefit active people
Planting crotonThere will be an opportunity to gain valuable experience

Get the most out of it

People who feel oppressive energy at work or at home and want to change their lives for the better are recommended to purchase croton. The influence of the flower extends to the following areas:

  • Family life - relationships with loved ones will become more harmonious, mutual understanding will improve. Thanks to the energy of creation and fertility, a childless couple has an increased chance of conceiving a child.
  • Work - will ensure conflict-free communication in the team. It will help overcome a creative crisis and contribute to the emergence of new ideas.
  • Business characteristics - Croton develops eloquence and teaches you to speak convincingly in public.
  • Personal qualities - the course of life will be streamlined, important decisions will be made carefully and thoughtfully.

Signs about codiaemum based on the state of the plant

A healthy specimen with dense spreading leaves clears the space of negativity. If you place it at home, the atmosphere becomes harmonious. Peace comes between household members, mutual understanding arises, quarrels, insults, and reproaches pass away. The life of the spouses takes on a measured character.

If the flower fades, the sign indicates a negative influence. Perhaps an unfriendly guest came to the house. The plant then shows signs of an unhealthy state immediately after leaving. If there were no strangers in the apartment, wilting should be regarded as a warning about the imminent illness of one of the family members.

When an exotic flower dies, there is no need to despair. He took upon himself damage, the evil eye or other negative influence. Therefore, owners no longer need to worry. The dead plant should be buried away from the house along with the pot.

Magic properties

Codiaum serves as a talisman or amulet. It protects the house from enemies, the negative influence of envious people and ill-wishers. A healthy specimen fills the room with positive energy. Under the influence of the flower, mental balance and physical health are restored.

Many esotericists consider this flower magical. He is credited with the power of a home healer. If there is a pot of codiaum in the room, colds are easier and faster. Based on the bright leaves, medicines are made to treat ailments of the genitourinary system. Croton energy warms. Therefore, it is useful to be near him during hypothermia.

Some beliefs claim that an exotic flower senses the mood and physical condition of its owner.

If things are going well, the plant looks healthy. If the house is not healthy, it begins to wilt and shed its leaves.

Why did the croton bloom

The exotic specimen is grown for its decorative leaves. It blooms very rarely with inconspicuous flowers. This is considered a very bad sign.

According to the superstition, if the croton blooms, expect trouble. Perhaps ill-wishers are plotting against the owner. The flowers that appear foreshadow troubles, unexpected expenses, and financial losses.

It is necessary to immediately tear off the buds to allow the plant to recover from stress. To avoid attracting trouble in the future, you need to analyze your surroundings. When communicating with strangers, be careful and do not make important decisions rashly.

If withered

The diseased appearance of the plant indicates a negative effect. Probably the owner of the house was envied, or gossipers are slandering him behind his back.

Another reason for fading is disagreements between family members, quarrels, conflicts, scandals. Perhaps the tension is growing hidden.

The plant feels negativity, even if it is not manifested.

Difficulties in growing

All difficulties that arise when maintaining croton are in one way or another related to the mistakes of the grower. What exactly the problem is can be understood by the plant’s reaction. For example:

  • Falling leaves indicate a violation of the temperature regime (hypothermia, draft, temperature difference). It must, however, be borne in mind that seasonal shedding of foliage, especially its lower and older parts, is the norm for codiaum;
  • the absence or disappearance of bright colors is a consequence of lack of lighting or excess nitrogen fertilizers;
  • small and deformed leaves , on the contrary, indicate that the plant needs to be fed;
  • brown spots on the leaf blade appear if the flower is exposed to direct sunlight, but if the darkening is located along the edges of the leaf, this may indicate hypothermia;
  • Drying leaf tips are a sure sign of insufficient air humidity. If the problem is not solved, the leaves will begin to fall;
  • black plaque on fabrics is a symptom of a fungal disease called black fungus or sooty fungus. The development of infection is facilitated by stagnation of water in the soil. It is treated by removing the affected areas and using fungicides containing copper (Strobi, Skor, Flint, Horus, Ditan M-45 and others).

Croton's poisonous sap usually repels pests, but a weakened plant can still be attacked by scale insects, thrips, nematodes, mealybugs or red spider mites.

Find out what to do if your croton is dropping its leaves.

The best prevention of parasite damage is regular treatment of the leaves with a moistened sponge, as well as spraying: at high humidity, the healthy immunity of codiaum is able to cope with the problem on its own.

How to avoid bad omens

Although the exotic plant looks attractive, it is not recommended to grow it in every home. It is not suitable for families with internal conflicts and disagreements.

To avoid negative predictions, you need to think about the decision to purchase such a flower in advance. Representatives of the Euphorbiaceae family require careful care. It is difficult for a novice gardener to cope with them.

It is worth refusing a purchase or an offered gift for nervous individuals prone to impulsive actions. If croton is already in the house and has begun to bloom, the buds must be cut off immediately. Croton should be placed away from children and pets, remembering its poisonous juice.


The croton plant can be propagated by seeds, sowing them in compliance with certain rules. A faster way is to take cuttings. Croton transplantation is an operation during which pruning can be done and the cut shoots are suitable for rooting.


Codiaum is a plant that produces seeds after flowering. You have already seen how exotic flowers bloom, but this is what the seeds obtained after ripening look like.

Croton seeds and flowers

They are suitable for reproduction, but must first be prepared:

  • the seeds are soaked in hot water (not boiling water) for 2-3 hours, then the liquid is drained and the planting material is left for a day so that the shell swells;
  • sown in a loose substrate to a depth of 10 cm;
  • Place in a warm place and cover with film or glass.

With regular soil moisture and ventilation, the first shoots will appear in a month. After the formation of 2-3 leaves, they are dropped into separate cups. It is best to carry out propagation at home in February-March.


Crotons can also be propagated by cuttings. The branches remaining after trimming the bush are selected, the cut is washed in water to remove the milky juice, and dried with crushed charcoal. In order for the plant to take root, it is soaked in the Kornevin solution. As soon as the roots reach a length of 1.5-2 cm, the cuttings can be planted in narrow containers and grown in a warm, well-lit place. After some time, the crown of the mature plant is pinched, so it will branch better and within a year you will have a new exotic bush with beautifully colored leaves.

You can see what other poisonous plants there are here.

Can it be placed in the bedroom and other rooms?

According to astrologers, the energies of three planets are concentrated in croton - the Earth, the Sun and Mercury. This has a positive effect on a person’s vital energy.

The plant has a beneficial effect on the energy of the house. It is preferable to place it in a room where the entire household often gathers.

The bedroom is not the best room for an exotic plant. It does not calm, but activates energy flows, which is contraindicated for proper rest.

It is useful to grow codiaum in the kitchen. One of its effects is to encourage order and cleanliness. Therefore, the kitchen will be a suitable option for this plant.

You can place a pot with a decorative leaf specimen in the hallway near the front door. There it will work as a talisman against external unwanted influences.

Croton in the workspace

This indoor flower is perfect for growing in the office. Its magical effect is fully manifested if the team has gathered conflicting people who have difficulty maintaining normal relationships. It is advisable to place the flower pot on the desktop.

According to feng shui

In China, they believe that to activate energy flows, it is useful to keep only living plants in the house. They are sources of prosperity and well-being. Dry and artificial specimens bring dead energy. They cannot be kept in a living space.

It is not recommended to install croton in the southern sector of the house. It is forbidden to place the pot with it in the corner. This causes the qi energy to stagnate. It is useful to keep bright, voluminous specimens in the room. They fill the space with positivity.

According to Feng Shui, each plant corresponds to a masculine or feminine principle. For uniform distribution of energy, Yin and Yang plants should be equally distributed. Croton symbolizes femininity, peace, and protects the home. This is an Indian plant. In Asia, it represents the strength that motivates you to complete things and achieve goals.


The genus Codiaeum includes more than a thousand different plants, and it includes not only shrubs, but also trees. However, only one variety of croton is used as an indoor flower - Codiaeum variegatum, or variegated Codiaeum. In turn, within this species there are a huge number of different varieties and hybrids, including those bred through selection. They differ from each other in shape, size and color of leaves.

Read more about the types of croton.

So, in flower shops today you can buy the following varieties of croton:

A little about plant care

Crotons are placed in well-lit places. But the sun's rays should not hit the leaves at midday. Otherwise, burns on the leaves are possible. In summer and spring, northern window sills are suitable for exotic flowers. At other times of the year you can put it on the south side. If necessary, in summer you can take the flower out into the garden or onto the balcony.

The plant requires a room temperature within +20..+22°C. When it goes into sleep mode, you can choose a cooler room.

Water the codiaum when the soil in the pot becomes dry. It is necessary to keep the soil moist, but not allow moisture to stagnate. Otherwise, rotting begins on the roots. For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature. You can additionally pass the liquid through a household filter.

In its homeland, croton grows in conditions of high humidity. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically spray it with water from a spray bottle or wipe it with a damp sponge. In the summer, periodically take a warm shower, making sure that drops do not fall on the ground.

During the active growing season - twice a month - the plant is fed. Complex mineral fertilizers are used. In winter, fertilizing is not needed. Periodically, old leaves are trimmed to make the bush look neat.


Southeast Asia, Malaysian Islands, Pacific Islands and India.

In a natural environment, the height of a croton is no more than 300 centimeters , but in a room environment, at home, the plant hardly reaches a height of 150 centimeters , even if you carefully follow the instructions for keeping croton. Nevertheless, this small tree will decorate your home all seasons.

There are many types of croton, they all differ in size, color and leaf shape. The following are extremely popular: Motley, Petra, Excelent, Tamara.

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