Croton: home care, plant propagation

Croton is an extremely interesting plant. A strong, beautiful tree or fluffy shrub with bright, colorful leaves of a fancy shape can decorate not only your home, but also be your friend in your study or office. For these purposes, one flower is not enough, so it’s time for you to think about propagating croton at home.

There are several ways to propagate croton: seeds, cuttings, leaves and air layering.

Propagation of croton by cuttings: first things first

In order to propagate croton by cuttings, it is not enough to prepare tools and auxiliary materials, such as garden shears/secateurs, a glass jar/plastic film to create a mini-greenhouse, and a nutrient substrate. You need to know exactly from which parts you can take cuttings and at what time.

His Majesty the stalk, or the one on which much depends

Here is some good news: cuttings can be taken at any time when you decide to start growing a flower. The only exception is January-February, during these months the plant sleeps, so the croton roots will produce weak ones, or even nothing at all.

Croton cuttings

But as for cuttings, the following is most suitable for them:

  • apical shoot with an active bud;
  • a stem shoot on which there is a single leaf;
  • the woody part of the shoot even without a bud.

In a word, any part of it is suitable for propagating croton. The main thing is to cut the cuttings correctly. Each of them must be:

  • at least 6-12 cm in length;
  • at least 7-8 mm thick;
  • have at least 1 leaf; a pair must be left for the apical shoot (for faster survival).

You need to examine the plant and identify those shoots that can be used for cuttings. A striking advantage of this method of propagation is a large amount of planting material, which means even more croton bushes on your windowsill!

Cutting/rooting process: stages

Having decided on cuttings and subsequent propagation of croton, after examining the existing mother bush, you must:

identify shoots from which you can cut off the tops for cuttings, as well as stems from which you can make several cuttings at once; carefully cut the cuttings, laying them out on paper and not confusing where the top is and where the bottom is (for those that do not have a top); Place in warm water for a couple of minutes until the milky juice comes out

It is important to remember that the cut on the flower shoot can be sprinkled with wood ash and the emission of juice will stop; leave the cuttings in the air, leaving 1-2 leaves on each, removing the rest. What do cuttings need leaves for? They will allow the cutting line to be fully fed, taking root faster;

Croton roots

  • after the cuttings have dried in the sun (this should not be direct sunlight!), the lower part should be dipped in Kornevin, Zircon. The preparations will not only stimulate root growth, but will also saturate the cutting with nutrients and elements necessary in the first day of establishment;
  • Root the cuttings in a prepared substrate (one bought in a store will do) or in water. In the first case, to ensure the necessary humidity, the container with the cuttings can be covered with a PET bottle, jar, or a greenhouse can be built from plastic film. Be sure to ventilate! In the second, you need to monitor the temperature of the water in the container with the cuttings. A positive result - strong, numerous and healthy roots - can be achieved by providing water at 24-30°C. And no secrets!

If everything is done correctly, the roots of the cuttings will appear on days 21-30. Let them get stronger for a month and then plant the cuttings in a permanent place of growth.

Leaf propagation: or a method that requires increased attention

Propagation of croton by leaves is also possible. However, when choosing this method, it is worth remembering that only healthy, middle-aged leaves are suitable for this. The whole process is the same as with cuttings. The only difference is that the sheet does not need to be dried for a long time.

Croton can be propagated by leaf

An important nuance that will help obtain more planting material is the ability to cut the sheet into pieces. Separate a fairly large adult leaf from the base, then carefully cut it across into 2-3 parts (width - at least 5 cm), carry out all the same manipulations as with cuttings and root it in the substrate. Rooting in water will not give a positive result, so it is better to prepare a flat bowl in advance. To root a leaf or part of it, it is enough to deepen it 2-3 cm.

Attention! When propagated by leaves, roots may appear in 30-45 days. Therefore, you should be patient! And now you are sure that several indoor oak trees will live in your house

Live and delight others, bring positivity and contribute to the implementation of the most daring plans. Look, in a couple of decades there will be a real croton grove in the house!

And now you are sure that several indoor oak trees will live in your house. Live and delight others, bring positivity and contribute to the implementation of the most daring plans. Look, in a couple of decades there will be a real croton grove in the house!

Propagation of croton by cuttings at home

Cuttings are the simplest and most effective method. Not only is it possible to obtain planting material throughout the year, but not only the tops of shoots with an active growth point, but also stem cuttings with a single leaf, a dormant axillary bud and a small fragment of the stem can be rooted.

This method is often called propagation of croton leaves.

If you take only a leaf for propagation, it will give powerful roots, but you can’t expect further development. Without a bud from which a shoot would begin to grow, it will not be possible to obtain a young specimen of an ornamental plant. The best time to take cuttings is early spring, when the shoots have not begun to actively grow:

  • When cutting the apical cutting, its length should be within 6–10 cm. In this case, the future plant will form a good root system and form a small, strong stem.
  • Stem cuttings are obtained using a straight cut so as to obtain one internode with an adult leaf and bud.

To ensure that the cuttings take root and subsequently grow, it is better to cut them from lignified, healthy shoots. For successful propagation of croton, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • A cutting suitable for rooting must have at least one full leaf. That is, the leaf, before rooting the cutting, must go through all stages of growth and acquire sufficient rigidity.
  • In order for rooting to take place quickly and efficiently, you should use water whose temperature is not lower than 23 and not higher than 30 degrees. At lower temperatures, the cuttings are likely to rot. At temperatures above 30 degrees, the rooting process may slow down, and some cuttings may die. You should also take into account the room temperature and, if necessary, maintain the desired water temperature. A gradual decrease in temperature, although it will not lead to rotting of the cuttings, can significantly slow down the rooting process.
  • The cutting should receive enough light, but directional lighting should be avoided.
  • Using stimulants to treat cuttings will speed up the process of root formation.

When the roots have grown at least 2 cm, the cuttings should be rooted in the soil. For several weeks, the cutting requires special care:

  • the air must be humid,
  • The plant should be sprayed frequently and regularly,
  • provide diffused lighting to the cuttings,
  • maintain the air temperature at least 18 degrees.

If all the necessary conditions are taken into account, the roots will strengthen within one to two weeks. A sign of this will be an increase in the elasticity of the sheet.

Possible problems with croton - how to care for it: diseases and pests, what to do if the leaves dry out?

Croton's diseases
Your pet can be exposed to various diseases and pests. Possible attacks:

  • Shchitovok
  • Spiders
  • Mealybugs
  • Spider mite
  • Aphid or whitefly

Controlling these pests is simple and effective. Observe not only the health of your pet, but also the neighboring flowers. Whiteflies can be dangerous on fuchsia, eucalyptus, henbane, geranium, gloxinia, and ferns.

To get rid of the pest, you need to wash the flower well either with a strong solution of water and soap, or with a tobacco mixture, or use store-bought preparations:

  • Fufanon Nova
  • Fitoderm
  • Derris et al.

You can, for example, add a little kerosene to the tobacco infusion and sprinkle the leaves with this solution. Preparing a tobacco solution is simple: add 1 teaspoon of tobacco to 1 liter of hot water. Let it sit for a couple of hours and then you can use it. If you decide to add kerosene, then no more than 10-15 drops per 1 liter of water, otherwise the leaves will “burn.” Many gardeners simply dust the soil with tobacco dust. This also helps protect plants from pests.

Leaves on Croton may dry out due to insufficient watering or lighting. When the flower receives proper care, this problem disappears.


Are the plant leaves drying out?

Follow the regime of watering and moistening the soil. In addition, due to non-compliance with this regime, the plant may be attacked by parasites.

Are the plant's leaves falling off?

This happens from time to time, and this is normal, as with most plants. The exception is when many leaves fall in a short period. The reason is most often, again, a violation of the watering and moistening regime. Also – a sharp change in temperature and insufficiently nutritious soil.

Is the plant poisonous?

As stated above, yes. If croton juice enters the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and vomiting most often occur, and exposure of croton juice to the skin can cause dermatitis. Therefore, after any “communication” with croton, you should wash your hands.

Recommendations for cultivation

Finally, a few more tips from experts on growing croton.

  • To avoid stagnation of moisture in the pot, use drainage. It must be under the soil. Carry out new watering only after the top layer of soil has dried.
  • Croton loves slightly acidic soil. You can purchase it at a specialized store or make it yourself by mixing rotted manure, leaf soil, turf, peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1: 1.
  • Fertilize croton in spring and summer. Do this once a week. In the autumn-winter season, the flower can be “fed” once every 3-4 weeks.

You can learn more about how to root and propagate croton leaves.

Home care

The plant is demanding on environmental conditions, this is due to its tropical origin. For a comfortable stay, it needs light, high humidity, and warmth.

For active and successful growth, the plant needs loose, fertile soil. You should mix turf, nutritious leaf soil and washed coarse river sand in equal proportions. Or you can purchase a ready-made mixture designed for milkweeds.

The drainage layer prevents moisture stagnation in the root zone. Expanded clay or any other suitable drainage material is poured onto the bottom of the pot.

Male codiaum flower

The flower is comfortable at a temperature of +20…+25 degrees. It does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. In winter, the codiaum is removed from the windowsill and moved closer to the heat source.

When the temperature drops below +18 degrees for a long time, the leaves lose their brightness and fall off. The edges of the plates become brown. The plant is afraid of drafts.

Codiaum needs bright, but diffused light. The most suitable place is at the western or eastern windows. With a lack of lighting, the bright color of the leaves is lost, becomes green, and the plant loses its decorative effect. Prolonged lack of light will lead to wilting and shedding of leaves. Do not allow such stress for the plant.

Bright colors of codiaum leaves

Croton will have to be watered frequently and abundantly: this plant loves moisture very much. The guideline is the drying of the upper layers of the earth mixture. Codiaum will appreciate sprinkling with soft water. He also likes to have his leaves wiped with a damp cloth. A lack of moisture is indicated by the dry tips of the plant's leaves.

From April until the end of summer, codiaum is fed once every 2 weeks. It is recommended to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.

At least once every 2 years, the codiaum should be transplanted into a slightly larger container. You should use a pot that does not absorb moisture through the pores of the walls - plastic or glazed.

Changing the adult and seating the children

After purchasing croton from a store, it is important to replant it as quickly as possible. An adult plant is replanted once every 2-3 years. A young plant requires changing the soil every year. Cuttings with roots up to 5 cm in length require rooting in nutritious soil.


The soil for croton needs to be loose and light, since the plant does not like moisture, but will not tolerate stagnation of water in the soil. The soil must be nutritious. A good combination can be obtained by mixing in equal parts:

A universal substrate will also work, to which you will need to add a third of sand. Before use, the soil must be treated with potassium permanganate and dried.

Important! For healthy flower development during transplantation, you need to change the drainage layer, making a new one at least 2 cm.


Croton is one of those plants that, in a large pot, are busy growing roots until they cover its entire area. Therefore, the pot should be small, no matter how strange it may look in comparison with the size of the bush growing from it.

The size of the pot should freely accommodate all the roots of the flower + 1 cm of free space around for soil.

Clay and plastic pots are suitable for codiaum. It is important to have a drainage hole; stagnation of water is the cause of death.

It is important to know! It is better to transplant an adult flower in March using the transshipment method.

After transplanting, it is necessary to place the pot in a warm place, maintain humidity and watering.

Croton is difficult to tolerate transplantation, so during this period you need to provide it with as comfortable conditions as possible.

To the question of how to transplant a diseased croton, the answer is quite obvious. Experienced flower lovers advise curing it and then replanting it.

Croton care at home

The flower is capricious, you need to care for it daily, otherwise the leaves will dry out and fall off. To maintain the splendor of the crown, you need to pinch the side stems. They can be rooted later. Trim the tops of plants to a height of 15 cm. Treat the cut areas with sulfur or charcoal. Croton's flowering is not attractive, so cut off the shoots - this will preserve the plant's strength to form a crown.

Lighting requirements

Place the pot on a well-lit windowsill. A window facing east or west will do. The south side is not recommended in summer, because the bright sun may cause burns - brown spots - to appear on the foliage. In winter, croton feels good on windows facing south.

Temperature and humidity

In summer, maintain the air temperature at 20-25 degrees. In winter, the recommended value is not lower than 16 degrees. Protect the codiaum from cold and drafts to prevent it from dropping its leaves. Place the flower away from open windows and doors. Do not place the flowerpot on the street or balcony.

Recommended air humidity is 70-75%. To maintain the indicator, spray the flower daily with a spray bottle or wipe with a wet cloth. Place the plant near windows and doors. To constantly humidify the air, place a bowl of water, stones, and moss next to the codiaum. In the summer, organize a shower for your flower once a week. In winter, the frequency of the procedure is every 15 days.

How often to water croton

Watering codiaum
The earth should always be slightly moistened. In summer, water the codiaum every 1-2 days, in winter - once every 2-4 days. Use warm, soft, settled water. Please note that lack of moisture leads to drying out and falling leaves. If there is excess water, the root system may rot. To prevent the liquid from stagnating, there should be a 1-3 cm layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. To create it, use gravel, polystyrene foam, and broken tiles.

Feeding and fertilizer

Apply fertilizing from early April to November. In summer, the indoor croton plant is fertilized every 2 weeks, in winter – once a month. For root feeding, use mineral mixtures for ornamental plants - Pokon (10 ml of liquid concentrate per 1 liter of water), Etisso (10 ml/l), Bona Forte (10 ml/l), MultiFlor (5 g/5 l). Feed the croton after abundant watering, otherwise the preparations will burn the roots.

Experiment results

A month later you can see the following picture. A specimen planted in the ground activated its buds: 2 main ones blossomed, and 5 simply swelled. The one that was placed in water sent out roots up to 1 cm, which serves as a signal for planting in the ground.

The maximum length of roots for transplantation is from 2 to 3 cm. You should not wait until they become larger. Water does not contain the required amount of nutrients.

When propagating croton, choose a textured soil. Mix sand and leaf/turf soil (1 part each). Charcoal is added as an antibacterial component. At the bottom of the pot, drainage is laid out from oak bark or expanded clay. In this case, the seedling needs:

  • abundant watering;
  • air humidification;
  • diffused lighting.

However, until its root system has become stronger, the pot is covered with a plastic bag, creating greenhouse conditions for the plant. Periodically, the canopy is removed to spray the foliage.

But to make a tree in the form of a trunk, you can pinch off its top. Now the main thing is to provide the codium with tropical climatic conditions. The results of the experiment show that rooting occurs in any case, but only at different rates.

Common mistakes when breeding

Although the processes described above are not at all complicated, inexperienced flower growers often make mistakes that cause their flowers to grow poorly.

Did you know? When croton came to Europe, local residents believed that the flower could only be grown at high temperatures, so it was impossible to grow it at home. Accordingly, it was planted only in the southern regions in gardens.

Common mistakes include the following:

  1. Early separation of the mother leaf from the young shoots. There is no need to rush to cut it off, since it is a source of nutrition for the young plant - let the shoots grow and get stronger.
  2. Incorrect transplantation of young plants. When removing them from the soil, do not pull them, but rather dig them up from below so that the small roots remain intact. You can simply turn the container over onto your palm, then the earthen lump will crumble on its own, exposing the roots.
  3. Incorrect landing. The growth point cannot be deepened. Also, the first pot should be chosen to be the minimum size.


Another important point in caring for codiaum is replanting. For young plants it is carried out annually, but adult flowers should be replanted every three years. Transplantation is carried out into a larger pot. Please note that if the flower does not experience discomfort, then replanting, even if the due date has arrived, is not carried out.

Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod. It does not need to be broken too much, as the sensitive roots of the flower can be damaged.

For planting croton, you can use clay, ceramic and plastic containers.

By organizing proper care for your croton, as well as replanting and propagation, you will receive a decorative flower in your home that will delight you with its beautiful leaves.


Codiaeum variegata can be propagated in three ways: by sowing seeds, rooting cuttings and forming air layering. Of these methods, codiaum is relatively easiest to propagate by cuttings, although they are difficult to root.

Sowing seeds

For sowing seeds, you should use freshly harvested seed material, since codiaum seeds lose their viability very quickly. Another disadvantage of this method is that plants grown from seeds have random characteristics and do not 100% inherit the characteristics of their parents. Therefore, seed propagation is most often used by breeders to obtain new varieties and colors.

Step-by-step instructions for sowing codiaum seeds

  1. Before sowing, the seeds should be kept in hot water at about +60 degrees for 30 minutes.
  2. After this, the seeds are left to swell in water for a day.
  3. Seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 1 cm. The containers should be covered with film or glass and kept at a temperature of at least +22 degrees until germination.
  4. After germination, the glass or film is removed.
  5. After the first true leaf has formed, the seedlings can be planted into separate containers.

Caring for young seedlings is exactly the same as for adult plants.

At home, an easier and more accessible method of propagation is by cuttings. In addition, plants grown from cuttings have all the characteristics of the mother plant from which they were harvested.

Rooting cuttings

For rooting, a part of the stem with 2 buds on it is enough. At least 1 healthy leaf is also left on the cuttings.

After cutting, the cuttings should be washed in warm water to remove the milky juice that appears at the cut site. You can root in constantly moist soil or in water.

When rooting in the soil, it is necessary to maintain the ground temperature of +23...+30 degrees; without bottom heating, such conditions are unlikely to be provided around the clock. In cooler water, roots will not form and the cutting may rot.

Croton propagation by cuttings

Rooting in water will take a long time - up to 2 months. The water should also be warm enough, +23…+25 degrees. For successful rooting, use root formation stimulants, such as Kornevin, Heteroauxin.

After the roots have grown at least 2 cm, the cuttings can be planted in the ground. After planting, rooted cuttings should be sprayed daily until the elasticity of the leaves is restored and growth begins.


Layering can also be obtained in a more conventional way, by pressing the stem to the ground and covering it with soil. To speed up the emergence of the root system, you can remove the bark from the lower part of the stem and again treat this place with root formation stimulants.

After new leaves begin to grow on the pressed shoot, the plant can be separated from the mother.

Air layering

The trunk of codiaum is often exposed, and the plant loses its decorative effect. This can be used to obtain planting material.

To do this, in June, at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the top, a circular cut is made on the stem and the bark is removed.

Croton propagation methods

The cut site must be treated with a root formation stimulator. You can wrap sphagnum moss around the cut area and wrap it with film on top to prevent the moss from drying out. The upper part of the film is loosely fixed so that the moss can be moistened.

The first roots will appear in a month, but the cutting can be cut only after the roots reach 5 cm in length, so that they can provide the leaves with moisture when separated from the mother plant.

The cuttings planted separately are placed in a shaded place for 2 weeks. At this time, the plant must be sprayed frequently so that it does not suffer from lack of moisture.

How to propagate?

There are 4 ways to propagate croton. Let's list them, and then consider each in more detail:

Let's look at each method step by step.


Probably the most popular way. To implement it, it is necessary to select mature cuttings from 8 to 15 centimeters long, cutting them from the “head” or side trunk of the croton. It is best to carry out the procedure in the spring, when daylight hours will increase and the sprouts will be able to receive enough light for full growth and development.

Although, if it is possible to use phytolamps, you can propagate croton all year round.

Let's look at the step-by-step procedure for propagation from cuttings.

  • Prepare the shoot, cut off all its lower leaves, wash off the milky juice released at the cut site, thoroughly blot the “wound” with a paper napkin and sprinkle it with crushed activated carbon. Let the cutting dry a little, at least 2-3 hours.
  • Tie all the leaves remaining on the shoot into a tube, and if there are large leaves left on top, cut them in half so that the “baby” croton can retain moisture inside.
  • Prepare the container in which you will grow the “baby”. Pour a drainage layer there (for example, expanded clay), then fill it with a sand-peat mixture. Plant the cutting there, cover the top with cellophane with small holes made (for “breathing”) and place it in a warm place where diffused light reaches.
  • After a month, you will see that the cutting has begun to grow. This propagation method is suitable for all varieties of crotons. The “parent” flower, after cuttings, as a rule, soon produces new shoots.

There is another method of growing cuttings - using water. Let's consider it.

  • We take settled water with a temperature no lower than room temperature (optimally 26 degrees above zero) and place the “baby” in it.
  • After the white roots appear and reach a length of 3 centimeters, we transplant the sprout into a container with the mixture mentioned above. Cover with cellophane.
  • Be sure to monitor the ambient temperature. It should not fall below +23 degrees and rise above +28. But we also adjust the lighting - it should be diffused light, soft, without direct burning rays. Provide the croton with long daylight hours - at least 12 hours. If necessary, “extend” it with the help of a phytolamp.
  • After 30-35 days the sprout will take root. Transplant it into a small pot with a drainage layer and nutritious soil mixture. After the croton begins to grow and its roots fill the container, transplant the plant into a pot larger in diameter - about 15 centimeters.


Another way to propagate croton is using seed material. For planting, only freshly harvested seeds are used, as they very quickly lose their viability. Seed propagation is carried out in winter (late January - early February).

Let's look at this process step by step.

  • First of all, immerse the seeds in an aqueous solution of phytohormones for about 2-3 hours. Some amateur gardeners simply soak the seeds in very warm water (60 degrees Celsius), keep them there for 30 minutes, and then leave them to swell for 24 hours.
  • We sow the seeds in a prepared seedling box or any other similar container. Sowing depth is 10 millimeters.
  • We put the box in a warm place (the optimal temperature is 21-23 degrees above zero) and cover it with cellophane or glass. We make sure that the top layer of soil is always moist.
  • After 30 days, the seed material sprouts. When each of them produces 3 leaves, they need to be planted in different pots of small diameter - 5-7 cm.
  • They care for small crotons in the same way as adults: water, spray, ventilate the room in which they are located, provide diffused lighting and warmth.

Propagation by part of the root

Croton has the ability to form basal shoots. As a rule, this ability appears in mature and well-developed plants.

To get a new copy by dividing the root system, you should follow a certain procedure:

  1. The day before the procedure, the plant should be watered well. This will make it easier to separate the root system.
  2. After removing the plant from the pot, separate the basal shoots from the main root.
  3. The adult plant is transplanted into a new pot, and the young seedlings are placed in separate containers with a shelter installed on them.

This method is very effective. Its only drawback is that it is applicable only if there is a well-developed plant with basal shoots.

Signs and superstitions

  • It is believed that Codiaum (Croton) is a very energetic flower. Many believe that he does not allow people with negative energy into the house. The flower senses people with bad thoughts and protects people living in the same room from them. Croton affects order and stability in the home.
  • It improves the efficiency of its owners who are indecisive, despondent, or pessimistic. Codieum gives self-confidence and removes all negative phenomena. People suffering from speech problems communicate better in a room where the plant is located.
  • For people involved in art, the flower is useful for new ideas and plans. It is also good to have a plant in the workplace to harmonize business relations between employees.




Croton care at home

Despite its apparent unpretentiousness, how to care for croton at home is a question that requires preparation. The plant requires constant care. He loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, in summer it should be placed on the northern window sill, and in winter - on the southern one. If it is possible to place your favorite flower on a shaded balcony or veranda, then the croton will thank its owner with a healthy appearance.

The lump of earth should be constantly moist, but not over-moistened, since the roots of this capricious plant quickly rot. The temperature regime must be strictly observed: in summer it should be maintained within 20-22 degrees, and in winter - not lower than 16.

In order for a flower to delight with healthy and shiny leaves, which is why gardeners love it, it is necessary to keep the plates clean. It's easy to achieve. You just need to wipe the plant with a damp sponge weekly and also give it a shower. But it should be remembered that excess water should not fall on a lump of earth. You can prevent the threat by placing a bag over the potty.

If the care is incorrect, the croton will immediately report this by dropping its leaves.

Croton can bloom at home. However, the flowers are insignificant, and this process takes too much energy from the plant, so the flower stalks must be removed in a timely manner.

Video: Croton, codiaeum. Care Tips

Then the cut is slightly dried . For codiaum (croton), leaf propagation continues by rooting cuttings.


How to root Croton?

In order for the Croton cutting to take root better, its lower part is treated with phytohormones . to tie the leaves - this way they retain moisture better.

For planting, take small pots or use mini-greenhouses , or you can dip the cuttings in a container of water. In the mini-greenhouse, maintain an air temperature of 25 C and a soil temperature of 30 C ventilating and spraying the croton (codium) from time to time

Propagation of croton at home continues by filling pots with a diameter of 12 cm with a light substrate consisting of sphagnum moss, sand, and leaf soil (1: 0.5: 2).

Several cuttings are placed in each, inserting them into small depressions in the soil and compacting the substrate at the base. The containers are placed in a warm place , for example, on a windowsill, heated by a radiator. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight.

Keep the substrate moist, cover the planting with polyethylene or jars. The cuttings twice a day , gradually adapting to the room temperature.

Rooting occurs after
1-1.5 months : this is indicated by young leaves appearing on the apical cuttings.
The plants are then planted in separate pots with suitable soil.

The best is a composition of leaf, turf soil, sand, peat and humus, taken equally.

You can also root a codiaum cutting in water . To do this, take a container with dark glass . 1 tablet of activated carbon is diluted in water . The lower part of the cuttings is treated with heteroauxin.

Water is periodically added to the jar (glass, plastic bottle) with the cutting, replenishing what has evaporated. White strong roots will come out in 2 months , the croton is replanted.

In summer, roots grow even on a cut leaf. To do this, it is simply lowered into water. Propagation by leaves (cuttings) is the most suitable method of growing a flower such as croton (codiema).

Air layering

Croton can be propagated at home by air layering . This method of “multiplying the genus” is used when the trunk or branches of the plant are very bare . The best time for the procedure is summer.

Features of care

Any indoor flower needs proper care. Codium grown at home has certain care rules, which should include the following points:

  • properly organized light regime;
  • proper watering;
  • creation of a certain temperature regime.

It is care that takes into account these three main parameters that will be correct for croton. The fact is that this decorative flower loves moisture, light and warmth. Moreover, codiaum reacts quite sharply to changes in temperature. Croton requires moderate and stable home conditions that completely exclude drafts.

Properly organized lighting of croton determines its decorative appearance. The color of the leaves directly depends on this parameter. If care is incorrect and the flower receives little light, then the leaves have a standard green color.

In winter, croton can be placed on a southern windowsill. During this period, the sun's rays will not be able to harm the flower. But in summer the codiaum needs to be shaded. Otherwise, sunburn marks will appear on the leaves. Gradual acclimation of the plant to light should be done in the spring. The ideal place for growing this flower at home is on windowsills on a non-sunny side facing the East or West.

Caring for croton will be incomplete without creating an optimal temperature regime. All year round, the temperature in the room in which the codiaum grows should be in the range of + 20-22 degrees. At the same time, for this plant it is necessary to create moderate humidity. Dry air is very destructive for croton. In this regard, it should be frequently sprayed and the leaves washed. The leaf blade should be washed on both sides with water at room temperature. In addition, the flower loves warm showers. In winter, it is not recommended to place codiaum near radiators and heaters. Dryness for croton can cause the appearance of various pests and diseases. Therefore, its care should be such that it allows you to maintain the correct water regime and avoid overdrying.

The flower itself is moisture-loving. Croton should be watered especially often in summer and spring. Watering is carried out as the soil dries out. This will avoid stagnation of water in the pot. Croton is sprayed and watered every day. For irrigation, warm and well-settled water should be used. Warm showers should be arranged approximately once a week. Lack of moisture is indicated by limp and drooping leaves. If you find a croton in this condition, it should be watered and sprayed immediately. After this, the flower will come to life almost immediately.

As you can see, caring for croton is not difficult. The main thing is to water it on time and abundantly, and also to choose the right place for the pot, where direct rays of the sun do not fall on the flower. It is imperative to protect the plant from drafts.

Possible difficulties

When growing croton at home, you may encounter the following difficulties:

  • water stagnation. To do this, the soil in the pot is poured over the drainage. Also, before each watering, the soil in the pot should dry out;
  • For planting and replanting, you need to use slightly acidic soil. Special soil can be purchased in a flower pot. You can also prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you need to mix rotted manure, leaf and turf soil, as well as peat and sand in equal proportions;
  • Fertilizers should be added to the soil in summer and spring. This is done once a week after watering. In autumn and winter, fertilizing is applied once a month.

Types of culture

Several varieties of crotons are used for growing at home. Flowers differ in the shape and size of the leaves, as well as their colors. The most popular species is the Variegated Croton. The plant has the shape of a bush, the height of which reaches three meters. The branches of the crop bear green-brown leaves. There are several varieties, the main difference of which is the shape of the foliage:

  1. Excellent variety. The plant has characteristic oak leaves, yellow-green above and red-burgundy below.
  2. Disraeli variety. The plants have lobed leaves, brick-brown underneath and green-yellow on top with characteristic veins and specks.
  3. Variety "Black Prince". This plant has a very exotic appearance. The black surface of the foliage has red and orange spots and veins.
  4. Petra variety. Plants of this species may have lobed, oval and pointed leaves of a dark green color with yellow veins and specks.
  5. Variety "Mrs. Iceton". The small trees have brightly colored foliage, which can be yellow-pink, dark burgundy with pink speckles, or golden with black dots.

Croton varigatum is no less popular among gardeners. The plant has the shape of a bush with a bare stem. The leaves of the flower are painted in green-brown tones. Varigatum is represented by several types:

  1. Flat-leaved croton has oval wavy leaves that reach a length of 30 cm and a width of 10 cm.
  2. Lobed appearance. Its distinctive feature is its three-lobed leaves, which can be monochromatic or variegated in color. They reach 22 cm in length.
  3. The adventitious croton has characteristic green and variegated leaves, which consist of several plates.
  4. Decorated codiaum is actively used by breeders to obtain new hybrids.

Description of the flower

Croton is sometimes called codiaum or "Joseph's cloak." Translated from Greek, the name of the plant means “head”. Why the culture received such a name, experts do not know for sure. There is an assumption that the plant was named after a city in southern Italy.

The islands of Northern Australia and the Pacific Ocean, as well as Southeast Asia and India are considered the homeland of wild forms of croton. The genus has many species. But indoor culture is represented only by variegated croton and its hybrids. The croton flower (photos are given in the article) is considered one of the most beautiful decorative indoor crops. The plant is used as interior decoration. In some countries, croton is considered the guardian of the hearth, which protects the apartment from negative energy.

At home, the plant usually does not exceed 1-1.5 m in height, even with the best care. The description of a croton flower, of course, cannot convey all its beauty. The decorative nature of the plant is its main advantage. Crotons are often used to decorate halls, lobbies, offices and other premises.

Their beautiful leaves of various shapes and bright colors invariably attract people's attention. Externally, codiaums resemble a small tree

The formation of the crown occurs quite slowly, so you should not hope for a quick result. In order to get a beautiful bush, the plant is periodically pruned.

Codiaum is a flowering plant. But the culture rarely blooms. At the same time, the plant produces an arrow with small, inconspicuous flowers, painted in a light yellow tint. It is worth saying that flowering does not add any special beauty to croton. But the plant spends a lot of energy and nutrients. Therefore, many gardeners prefer to initially remove the arrow so that the crop does not lose its supply of nutrients.


Codiaeum (Latin name of the genus Codiaeum) is a genus of plants from the Euphorbiaceae family. Of the 17 species that grow in nature, only variegated codiaeum (Codiaeum variegatum) and its varieties are used for growing at home.

The flower's homeland is Eastern India and the exotic warm islands of the Pacific Ocean. The beauty of codiaum lies in its dense, fleshy leaves. They can be completely different: oval, asymmetrical, pointed, three-fingered, fan-shaped. The color is completely unique: yellow, red, orange, purple. Moreover, all this color madness is concentrated in one plant. Young colored leaves are characterized by lighter colors. With age, the plates turn yellow and gradually become red or brown.

The riot of colors, colored veins, and patterns gave rise to the name of the flower “Joseph’s cloak.”

At home, an exotic plant can reach 1 meter in height. Large leaves (20-30 cm) have an alternate arrangement.

An overgrown codiaum.

Tip: under comfortable conditions, the plant blooms with inconspicuous balls. Cut off the flower stalk before flowering so that the croton does not waste the nutrients it needs to grow.

The sap from this lovely plant is toxic and can cause eczema on skin contact in some people. If consumed, it causes vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. Even dried plant materials retain their toxic properties. When handling the plant, pruning, replanting, use gloves to avoid direct contact with damaged parts of the plant that secrete milky sap.

A few words about croton (Codiaeum), or the conviction of the unconditional benefits of the flower

The oval, slightly elongated, leathery leaves of croton attract with their density and various shades. But few people know that “codeia” means “head” in Greek. Probably, in those days, when the Greeks first saw the codiaum, they were preoccupied with styling their voluminous and colorful hair!

But this is humor, and the facts are as follows:

  • Croton can become a real tree with professional care. Its height can reach 1.5-4 m;
  • it has a positive effect on the nervous system, calming and uplifting. There cannot be depression where codiaum grows;
  • the flower disinfects the air, so it is simply necessary in the nursery.

Croton can disinfect the air in the room

For these reasons, both beginners and experienced gardeners want to grow more than one specimen on the territory entrusted to them. And here they know exactly how to do it!

Croton propagation at home

This plant can be propagated in several ways. Some gardeners collect ripe seeds, germinate them, and then grow them into adult plants. But with this method, you need to be absolutely sure that the mother plant is not a hybrid. In this case, inherited qualities will not be reproduced. But if the florist decides to engage in selection, then the method of growing croton from seeds is quite simple.

Only freshly ripened seeds are used. Germination is lost within a month. The material is placed in gauze and kept in any warm growth stimulator for 2 hours. If the required drug is not available, then aloe juice or a solution of potassium humate will do. Then the slightly dried seeds are poured into grooves made in the moist soil. They are lightly sprinkled with earth on top. Next, the container is covered with a film in which holes are made for air exchange. It is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and the appearance of condensation on the film, and if necessary, ventilate for several minutes. When shoots appear, the film is removed. After 2-3 true leaves have grown, the crotons are carefully planted in small pots.

Croton propagation by cuttings is the most common method. Croton at home successfully reproduces vegetatively. A lignified or semi-lignified cutting is selected and cut to a length of 6 to 10 cm. The flowing milky juice is washed off with water. Then the cut is dried in air for 2 hours. Excess leaves will have to be sacrificed. It is enough to leave 1-2, reducing the plate by half. Next, the dried cut is dipped in root powder or solution. If this drug is not available, then a crushed aspirin tablet will do. The cutting is placed in water and placed on a sunny windowsill, but under diffused light. The part immersed in water should be no more than 1 cm. To maintain moisture, a plastic bag with holes for air should be placed on the container with croton. When the roots grow to a length of about 2 cm, the young plant is planted in a pot with a diameter of 7 cm. To successfully complete the process, a temperature of about 25 degrees is required. Rooting occurs best in spring and summer.

There are cases when you can painlessly take away only 1 cutting of a given length from a plant, but a lot of planting material is required. Then this cutting is divided into several. In this case, it is necessary to have only one internode with one well-developed leaf. Otherwise, the rooting procedure remains the same.

Sometimes poor care of the plant leads to the stem becoming very elongated and exposed. In this case, vertical cuttings can be used. The bark is removed from the woody stem in a ring of about 1 cm. The milky juice that appears is washed off. The cut is dried and then treated with a growth stimulator. The wet soil is placed in a dark bag, which is tightly tied to the trunk from below so that the treated cut is approximately in the center. You need to leave a gap at the top for watering.

Some gardeners propagate croton at home in a miniature greenhouse. The cuttings are prepared in the same way as already described, but are placed in a moist soil mixture.

The third method of propagating croton at home is considered by some to be the most preferable. This is a method of rooting cuttings. Both woody and non-woody plant shoots are used. The top of the stem to be rooted is cut off, and the cut site is filled with paraffin. The stem itself bends to the ground. At the point of contact, an incision is made into which a match is inserted, which is necessary so that the edges of the cut do not close together. The milky juice is washed off, the wound is dried, then powdered with root powder. In this form, the shoot bends to the ground and is fixed, for example, with a hairpin. The place of contact is covered with earth. All! You can forget about the cutting; nature will complete the process itself. After a month, the shoot is separated from the mother plant, carefully dug up and placed in its first pot.

Croton pruning: when is the best time to do it?

To make your green friend look handsome, pruning is necessary. When is the best time to do it?

  • If the plant has stretched upward and lost some of its greenery over the winter, cut off the top by 15 cm and place it in a vessel with water for germination.
  • And in the rest, pruning is carried out by creating a stump 10 cm high.

Thanks to such manipulations, the flower will “fluff” during spring and by summer it will turn into a bright beauty.

As you can see, breeding is a complex process, but good luck awaits those who are patient and conscientious. Don't give up if you fail. This happens to beginners, and it should be treated as gaining experience. The main thing is, if you fail, analyze the situation and figure out why it happened, so as not to repeat the mistakes. Go for it, and you will succeed. Any work that is done with pleasure and a good mood gives a positive result. Good luck and patience!

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