Croton: home care, watering features, replanting, photos, reviews

  • October 29, 2018
  • Houseplants
  • Natalia Miroshnikova

Croton, or, as it is also called, codiaum, is a perennial shrub of the Euphorbiaceae family. It is valued by gardeners for its unpretentious character and attractive appearance, which is given to it by large, variegated leaves. A description and photo of a croton flower, how to care for and propagate the plant - you will find this and much more in our material.


Croton (codium) is a perennial, decorative deciduous shrub of the Euphorbiaceae family. In its natural environment it can be found on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. And also in Northern Australia and Southeast Asia. The genus of crotons, according to various sources, contains from 17 to 1200 species, but only the variegated variety and its hybrids are grown at home.

Croton flower is a low shrub with large, leathery leaves. Depending on the variety, the plates are oblong-lanceolate, asymmetrical, or broadly ovoid in shape. Their tips can be pointed or blunt.

Young croton leaves are colored in light yellowish-green shades. But over time, they acquire a bright color and can be either dark green or red-burgundy. Moreover, regardless of the variety, there are bright veins or spots on the leaves.

Croton flowers have no aesthetic value. After all, small, inconspicuous buds, painted in cream shades, do not add attractiveness to the plant. In addition, they draw juices from the culture. Therefore, it is recommended to cut them out immediately, of course, if you are not going to propagate the plant by seed.

It is worth considering that croton is a poisonous flower. Its milky sap causes nausea, vomiting, stomach upset and contact dermatitis. Therefore, you need to wear gloves when caring for the plant. In addition, it is important to keep the flower pot out of the reach of children and pets.

Popular types of codiaum

Codiaum contains 17 species. Of these, the most common for home cultivation is Codium variegatum.

This species is popularly called variegated codiaum because of its bright foliage color. Plants reach a height of up to 4 m. At the same time, they have large and dense leaves, reaching 30 cm. Different types of variegatum differ in the shape, size and color of the leaf plate.

The following types are distinguished from the varieties of variegated codiaum:

  • Mrs. Eyeston's Codiaeum. Contains shortened oval leaves. Young specimens have a yellowish tint to the leaf blade, and with growth they acquire a bright combination of pink, yellow and red hues.
  • Codiaum Mammi. Plants with wavy narrow leaves. Their color consists of green, yellow and pink shades smoothly flowing into each other. Each leaf has a pronounced red vein.

Home care

Croton (codium) is an unpretentious plant. But in order to achieve decorativeness and rapid growth of a flower, you will need to create comfortable conditions for it. The following agrotechnical measures will help with this:

  • frequent but moderate watering;
  • regular feeding;
  • periodic transplantation;
  • pruning;
  • prevention of diseases and pests.

In addition, it is important to maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the room where croton is grown. How to care for the plant is described in detail below.

Pests and diseases

Preventing pest infestations is very simple. You just need to carefully inspect the plant during each watering and spraying.

If insects are removed in a timely manner , their population will never become so large that the plant will notice it.

Moreover, pests are usually afraid of codiaum because of its poisonous juice.

If somehow pests have taken over the plant, washing with soapy water and treating with a fungicide will help.

Frequent feeding and watering (without flooding) eliminates the occurrence of diseases.

Codiaum Peter can hardly be called a very capricious plant, however, it needs to be given attention.

If you follow the basic rules for caring for this variety of garden croton, it will delight you with its variegated foliage for many years.


Croton is a light-loving plant, and the variegated color of its leaves largely depends on the lighting. But prolonged exposure to direct rays is contraindicated for the flower. Therefore, when providing proper care for Croton at home, focus on the weather and time of year.

In spring and autumn, an eastern or western window sill will be the ideal place for a flower. In summer, move the pot to the northern part or move it deeper into the room. In winter, on the contrary, place the flower on a southern windowsill or illuminate it with a phytolamp.

Croton needs fresh air. At any time of the year, do not forget to ventilate the room, but protect the flower from drafts - it absolutely cannot stand it. Therefore, during ventilation, take your pet to another room. In summer you can keep the plant on the balcony. But choose a place with diffused light for the flower.

general characteristics

Crotona flowers have erect stems of medium length. For a detailed acquaintance with a representative of the Euphorbiaceae family, the following description of the flower is better suited:

  • Large, with a shiny surface, rich green in color with abundant splashes of yellow, bronze, and scarlet.
  • Depending on the variety, the edge of the leaf blade may be wavy, smooth, or slightly jagged.
  • The shape of the leaf blade can be very different: from round to oblong in the form of a lancet.
  • Young leaves have a paler shade, which becomes richer as the leaf matures.
  • During active flowering, axillary tassels are formed on the branches, each of which consists of several inflorescences of different colors.

Croton leaves grow upward, moving away from the stem at an acute angle, due to which the plant acquires a compact and original appearance.


Frequent but moderate watering is the basic rule of home care. Croton, the photo of which is given in the material, loves moist, but not wet soil. And stagnation of moisture at the roots leads to rotting and even death of the flower. Therefore, take watering seriously.

Make sure that the soil does not dry out to a depth of more than 2 cm, and always drain excess moisture from the pan. On average, you need to water a flower every other day in summer, and in winter it is enough to moisten the soil once a week. In general, be guided by the conditions in your apartment. For watering, use soft, filtered water at room temperature, standing for at least a day.

Features of care

Despite the differences in varieties, Codium variegatum mix flowers in any case require the same growing and maintenance conditions. This simplifies the task for gardeners planning to plant a plant on their windowsill, since they do not need to carefully study whether the purchased plant belongs to a particular variety.


Lantana flower: home care and methods of propagation

The color saturation of codiaum leaves depends on the intensity of illumination. It is best to place it on a south window. Direct sunlight will not harm the plant, but it is important to prevent its leaves from coming into contact with the heated glass.

In winter, the plant may require an artificial increase in daylight hours using special phytolamps. With a lack of light, the leaves of the flower stretch, turn pale and fall off.

Air humidity

Codium is a capricious flower. It loves air saturated with moisture and is sensitive to rising room temperatures. That is why in the hot season and winter, when you turn on the heating system, you need to often spray the leaves of the flower and give it a warm shower.


You should also pay attention to the watering regime. Too dry soil or stagnant water will lead to the death of the flower.

You need to water the codiaum with soft warm water (a couple of degrees above the room temperature) as the substrate dries. The soil should be moist, but not wet.

You can use rainwater in summer and melted snow in winter. Hard water will cause spots on the leaves and drying out. Cold water can cause plant roots to rot.

The soil

For growing and caring for codiaum, a ready-made mixture for decorative foliage plants is suitable. To prepare the mixture yourself, you need to take equal parts of leaf and turf soil, peat and coarse sand.

The soil for this flower should be well-drained, and in some cases perlite or vermiculite can be used as drainage.


Standard fertilizers for deciduous ornamental plants are well suited as fertilizer. They should be used during the period of active growth of codiaum, a couple of times every 7 days.

During the dormant period, that is, in winter, there is no need to use fertilizing.

Codiaum, which is not so easy to care for at home, will delight you with its variegated color all year round. For the sake of such lush landscaping, it is worth trying to comply with lighting and watering regimes.

Advice : in the winter, when the heating is turned on in apartments and houses, the indoor air becomes dry. Experts advise purchasing an automatic air humidifier - it will benefit not only indoor plants, but also apartment residents.

Such plants will help add bright colors to a modern monochrome interior.

Air humidity

In its natural environment, croton lives in tropical rainforests, so for normal growth and development of the flower it is important to create similar conditions. A special device – an air humidifier – will help with this. If you do not have such a device, then place containers filled with water next to the pot. In addition, in winter, keep the plant away from central heating radiators and other heat sources.

Regularly spray the codiaum foliage with warm water from a spray bottle and wipe them from dust with a damp sponge. In summer, carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week, in winter – 2 times a month. During the hot season, give your pet a warm shower. But make sure that water does not get on the soil. To do this, wrap the pot in polyethylene.

Conditions for croton (table)

SpringBright, diffused light. A small amount of direct sunlight is beneficial. They will make the color brighter. The best place to place croton is window sills in the east or west, south side, but at some distance from the window. From the hot midday sun it is necessary to shade High, 70–80%. Spray the plant regularly (in hot weather and with the heating on, 2 times a day). Wash the leaves. Humidify the air around you in all ways:
  1. Place the plant on a tray with damp pebbles or moss.
  2. Use a double pot - fill the space between the walls of the inner and outer pots with peat or moss, keep it constantly moist.
  3. Place open containers of water, a home fountain or an electric humidifier nearby.
Moderate and slightly elevated. Optimally +20–25 degrees. In the warm season, you can take it out into the fresh air, but protect it from drafts, significant temperature changes and cold winds.
AutumnBright, diffused. Daylight hours must last at least 12 hours, otherwise the leaves will lose their variegated color. Provide artificial lighting. Moderate, slightly reduced, + 18–20 degrees. Below + 17 is unacceptable. Do not place near heating appliances or cold window glass. Maintain an even temperature, without fluctuations.

Clean leaves are the key to health

Croton is a neat plant; it can get sick due to the fact that the leaves are covered with dust. Why is wet cleaning so important?

  1. Dust closes the pores on the leaves, and this makes air exchange with the environment difficult.
  2. The dusty film slows down the process of photosynthesis, the plant suffers from nutrient deficiency.
  3. Dust can contain and accumulate harmful substances.
  4. Pests may be hiding under the dusty layer.

Washing crotons with wavy or curly foliage requires patience, but is important for the health of the plant.

Therefore, at least once a week, take a soft damp cloth and wipe the croton, admiring the colorful patterns. It is better in the first half of the day so that the plant dries out before nightfall. To make cleaning easier, pre-spray your beauty.

For greater beauty, you can add gloss to the foliage. It is better to take polishing products in aerosol packaging. Or try traditional recipes. Polish the leaves with beer, a weak solution of vinegar or milk. Do not touch young foliage. And polish the adult one carefully, do not press hard, so as not to cause injury.

Leathery leaves look good after polishing

Florarium and croton

Croton lovers say that the most difficult thing is to ensure high humidity. It is not always possible to create tropics in an apartment in which a fastidious plant feels good. Croton will enjoy living in a home greenhouse - a florarium. It is easy to maintain the desired microclimate, including high air humidity. Making an open florarium is not difficult. You will need a container with a door or an aquarium made of glass or transparent plastic.

  1. Fill the container with drainage material (pebbles + charcoal), porous soil substrate with a high sand content.
  2. Plant tropical plants with the same care and maintenance requirements.
  3. Moisten the plantings, cover them with a lid or just glass, and place them in a warm and bright place.
  4. The florarium plants themselves create a favorable microclimate.
  5. From time to time, if condensation appears, ventilate the mini-jungle.
  6. Once every few months, give the plants a rain and clean the florarium: inspect the pets, remove damaged leaves, add substrate if necessary.

For a florarium, select plants with similar habits

The many-sided croton is an ideal plant for a florarium. To avoid problems with care, you can plant different varieties. Such a “kindergarten” will not be boring. Good neighbors for croton are ferns, arrowroot, fittonia, rheo, selaginella. Avoid planting succulents and cacti with them.

An indoor florarium is sometimes called a garden in a bottle. Its main difference from an open one is a container with a rather narrow neck that closes tightly. After planting, the bottle garden is watered only once, and then it is sealed and not opened. Plants live in a closed ecosystem. An indoor florarium is not the best choice for croton. Its leaves are too large.

Croton is suitable for growing in an open florarium; for a garden in a bottle it is large

Is it possible to grow a bonsai from codiaum?

Croton's patterned foliage will look great on a bonsai tree. This idea certainly dawns on flower growers. And such bonsai are grown. But with great difficulty and losses. Croton has several qualities that make it unsuitable for this:

  • leaves are too large and heavy;
  • the plant does not tolerate transplantation well, and for bonsai this is an annual operation;
  • easily loses foliage due to care errors;
  • a straight stem is difficult to form.

You can grow a bonsai from croton, but it is difficult, and the result will not always please you

Top dressing

Without additional feeding, codiaum leaves quickly lose their variegated color, which affects the decorative appearance of the plant. Therefore, regular application of fertilizers is an important rule of care. Feed Croton from late March to early November twice a month with liquid solutions of complex mineral fertilizers. Carry out this activity strictly after watering. Otherwise, fertilizers will burn the roots of the flower.

In winter, the plant enters a dormant period, so at this time the flower does not need feeding. As a last resort, apply fertilizer no more than once a month.

Regular bush pruning

The spectacular crown of croton requires regular pruning. It is this measure that allows you to maintain a neat and compact bush. Pruning is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The first pinching is carried out when the croton reaches a height of 15 cm.
  • Subsequent pruning will be done as the bush reaches a height of 20 cm.
  • Young flower stalks and buds are also removed, which take a lot of strength and energy from the bush.

The cut areas are immediately treated with charcoal or sulfur powder. Such indoor care is aimed at preventing the development of infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi.


With proper care at home, croton will grow quickly. And he feels cramped in the old potty. Therefore, it is impossible to do without a transplant. For young plants, carry out this procedure 1-2 times a year. Replant adult specimens no more than once every 3 years.

Start the event in early spring, then the flower will more easily withstand the stress of the procedure. Perform the transplant itself using the transshipment method, being careful not to damage the earthen ball and the roots of the flower.

Please note that in a container that is too large, water will stagnate, and this will lead to rotting of the roots. Therefore, for the plant, choose a shallow pot, the diameter of which is 2 cm larger than the previous one. When your pet takes up a container with a circumference of 25 cm, do not replant it anymore. But at the same time, change the top layer of soil annually to a depth of 2–3 cm.

For replanting, use universal store-bought soil intended for decorative foliage plants. If you want to make the soil yourself, then mix the following components in equal parts:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • turf soil;
  • sand.

Please note that pathogenic microbes and pests can live in such a substrate. Therefore, be sure to disinfect the mixture. To do this, keep it over steam or heat it in the oven. After disinfection, add some charcoal to the substrate. To prevent the plant from suffering from stagnation of moisture at the roots, be sure to add drainage made of brick chips, pebbles or expanded clay to the bottom of the container. Moreover, this layer should make up a quarter of the volume of the pot.

Growing a flower from a cutting

This is the simplest method of propagating codiaum (croton), and it can be done at any time of the year. But it is still advisable to start this activity at the end of winter - beginning of spring. At this time, the plant begins active vegetation, which has a beneficial effect on the survival rate of new specimens. In addition, at this time there is already enough light, and you do not have to provide additional illumination for the plants with a phytolamp. And in winter, for example, you can’t do without this event.

To propagate codiaum, select strong branches from the main or side stem, and cut them into cuttings 8-15 cm long. Immediately after this, remove the lower leaves and rinse the workpieces under running water to wash off the milky juice. Then, sprinkle the cut areas with crushed charcoal and let the cuttings dry for two hours.

Next, roll the top leaves into a tube and secure them with thread, and then plant the cuttings in containers or pots filled with a mixture of sand and peat. Be sure to disinfect the substrate before planting to destroy pathogens and pests living in the soil.

Pruning and crown formation

The side shoots of croton grow more slowly than the central stem. Therefore, it is important to shape the crown of the flower so that the bush grows lush. Perform the first pinching of the plant when the codiaum reaches a height of 15 cm. This will provoke increased growth of side shoots. Repeat pinching when the branches grow 20 cm in length.

In the future, regularly shorten shoots that are too elongated and remove dried leaves, damaged and weak branches. And also cut out flower buds, because they drain the plant’s strength. After the procedure, be sure to sprinkle the cut areas with crushed charcoal.

Indoor plant species and varieties

A single species, Codiaum variegatum, as well as its varieties and hybrid varieties, began to be grown as indoor plants. But they represent such a wealth of shapes and colors that other types were simply not useful.

Varieties of Codiaum variegatum:

  1. The narrow-leaved croton is equipped with long (about 20 cm) leaves, their width is no more than 1 cm. Yellow-golden strokes and specks are scattered across the green background.
  2. The appendage-like croton is variegated and green. Its leaves, wide at the base, narrow in the middle into a kind of petiole, and then expand again, forming a small leaf appendage at the end.
  3. Curly codiaum (crispum) has long, narrow, curled leaves. The greenery has stripes, spots, veins or a network of different shades of yellow. The brightest representative of the variety is Spiral with uniform turns of leaves.
  4. Lobed croton is distinguished by wide leaves divided into three parts. The central lobe is much longer and wider than the lateral ones. Yellow veins decorate the bright green of the leaf.
  5. Flat-leaved (platyphyllum) codiaum is a plant with large (up to 30 cm in length and 10 cm in width), oval leaves, their edges are slightly wavy.
  6. Oval-leaved (ovalifolium) with simple leaf blades in the shape of an elongated oval with a rounded end, rich yellow markings located along the veins.
  7. The tortoiseshell variety (tortile) is distinguished by leaves that are broad at the petiole and taper towards the tip. On an olive green background there are red and yellow stripes along the central vein and chaotic golden spots.
  8. Genuinum is a variety with solid oval leaves covered with a pattern of silver or gold color with a reddish tint. There are forms with small and ribbon foliage.
  9. Codiaeum variegatum pictum is the original form for most hybrid varieties. This is a shrub with a straight stem (up to 1 meter in height), which is covered with dense and hard leaves. They are painted with a pattern of bright yellow, red, pink spots on a green field.

The most famous varieties and hybrids of Codiaum variegatum pictum:

  1. Croton Petra is a branching stem bearing large, leathery leaves. Yellow veins, edges and dots are drawn on the main green background. The shape of the leaves is varied.
  2. Mrs. Iceton is a variety with wide, rounded leaves. Young plants have a cream pattern on them. With age, the color becomes more intense, becoming pink, yellow or red. There are forms of blood red or very bright yellow shades.
  3. The Excelent variety is easily recognized by its leaves, similar in shape to oak leaves. Young leaves, at the top of the plant, are yellow-green. At the base of the trunk - burgundy.
  4. Coroton Mammi is distinguished by narrow, small leaves. Their edges are slightly curved from the center. The color combines different shades of green, yellow, red and pink.
  5. The Zanzibar variety has long (about 40 cm) yellow-green leaves. They curve gracefully.
  6. Nervia is a variety with a colorful crown of bright green, lemon yellow and soft pink leaves. They are jagged with a well-defined vein in the center.
  7. Croton Tamara is a very rare variety. Oval leaves of medium size, bicolor. On the main dark green background, there are light green and white spots closer to the edges.
  8. Disraeli is a variety with lobed leaves. They are green-yellow above and red brick-colored below.
  9. Codium Black Prince with flat and wide foliage. The coloring is very original: the background is dark green, almost black, with red, yellow or orange markings.

What is Croton variegatum mix

Often, specialized stores offer plants called codiaum (or croton) variegatum mix. This is not a variety, but an indication that the batch contains specimens of this variety. Their color depends on the conditions and age of the leaves. So the same plant can look different. And even experts sometimes find it difficult to accurately identify the varietal identity of croton.

The name “Croton variegatum mix” can hide any variety

Video: introduction to crotons (codiaums)

Propagation by seeds

This propagation method is not popular among plant growers. After all, growing croton from seeds takes a lot of time. In addition, flowers propagated in this way do not retain varietal characteristics.

If you don’t mind experimenting, then start the event in January-February. Please note that croton seeds quickly lose their viability. Therefore, for germination, use fresh grains collected this year. Before planting, be sure to prepare the seed material. To do this, keep the seeds for half an hour in water at a temperature of +60 °C. And then soak them for a day in warm water with the addition of any growth stimulant.

Plant the prepared grains in moistened, universal soil for seedlings to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. Please note that before sowing you need to warm the mixture to +22 °C, and then you should maintain it in this condition. Therefore, you can’t do without bottom heating. After planting, stretch glass or polyethylene over the container or pot and place the improvised greenhouse in a warm place.

Regularly moisten the soil, preventing it from drying out, and use the bottom watering method. That is, place the greenhouse for a while in a basin filled with warm, settled water. And also do not forget to wipe off condensation from the shelter. Maintain the temperature near planting within +22-25 °C. Only under such conditions will croton seeds germinate at home.

Diseases, pests - table

ManifestationDisease, pestFighting method
The appearance of brown spots. Codiaum does not grow and dries out over time. Fungal diseaseRemove diseased leaves.
Place the codiaum in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Replace the soil. Treat Croton with Fitosporin solution. In case of severe damage, use Speed.

Yellowing and falling leaves, softening of roots.Root rotOnly at the beginning of the disease is it possible to save croton:
  • Remove from the soil and place under running water.
  • Remove diseased parts of the croton.
  • Trim the tops of the shoots.
  • Plant in new, treated soil.
  • Sprinkle with Carbendazim.

Protected light and infrequent watering are required until new leaves appear.

The appearance of yellow spots, white cobwebs. The leaves are withering. Spider miteRemove diseased leaves. Spray with Fitoverm, Actellik.
Convex, dark spots on the back of the leaf.ShchitovkaRemove the pest. Spray with Actellik. Repeated treatment until the insect disappears.
The leaves are sticky, a whitish coating appears, and growth stops.MealybugTreat with insecticide repeatedly.

How to care for seedlings

The first seedlings will emerge a month after sowing. Once this happens, start hardening off the plants. To do this, remove the cover from the greenhouse first for an hour, then for two and gradually increase the time.

Until the seedlings get stronger, keep them in a lighted place out of direct sunlight. If the weather is cloudy, be sure to illuminate the sprouts with a phytolamp. Do not forget to regularly spray the soil with warm, settled water from a spray bottle.

When the seedlings have 2-3 leaves, carefully pick them into individual containers, being careful not to damage the delicate roots. Select the soil as for adult plants. More information about the substrate is written in the chapter “Transplantation”.

Croton propagation by leaf

You can also try rooting a stem cutting with a single leaf, a dormant axillary bud and a small stem fragment. This method of propagation is often called propagation of croton by leaf or leaves. Such a cutting is obtained by cutting directly from the stem so that it contains one internode with an adult healthy leaf and an axillary bud.

Leaf propagation

Similar to propagation by cuttings, planting material is prepared for planting, rooted, and temperature, humidity and lighting are monitored. But, it is important to know that if you plant only a leaf in the soil or put it in water, and it even gives good strong roots, you will still not receive further development of the plant, because without a bud from which a new shoot, a young decorative one, would begin to grow you can't get a flower.

Propagation by cuttings

This propagation method is quite simple and even a novice gardener can handle it. Moreover, the event can be held at any time of the year, except January - February. During this period, the croton rests. And the planted cuttings will grow roots poorly or, in general, will rot.

For propagation, select woody twigs from the top of the plant. Each cutting must have at least one strong bud and a pair of leaves. It is desirable that the length of the workpieces reach 10–15 cm in length. It is better to root cuttings in water. But before that, wash off the milky juice, dry the branches for 2 hours in a bright, warm place, and carefully tie the leaves into a tube. This way, you will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture from croton leaves. How to care for cuttings at home:

  1. Keep the branches in water with a temperature between +25-30 °C. If you want to speed up rooting, add a root formation stimulator to the liquid, for example, “Kornevin” or “Epin”.
  2. Place the container with cuttings in a bright place where direct rays of the sun do not reach.
  3. Maintain the room temperature +22-25 °C.
  4. Add fresh, warm water to the container as it evaporates.

As a rule, rooting of cuttings takes 1–2 months. When the shoots reach 2–3 cm in length, transplant the plants into individual pots. For the first two weeks, keep them in a warm place with indirect light and high humidity. In the future, provide the usual care for croton flowers at home.

Errors in care and their elimination - table

Croton's appearance will indicate improper conditions of detention and mistakes in caring for it.

Type of lesionReason for appearanceElimination method
The foliage is turning pale.Lack of lighting.Place close to the light, but protect from bright sunlight.
In winter, use artificial lighting.
Dry brown specks.Sunburn.Hide from sunlight.
The leaves are curled, the ends are brown but soft.Temperature changes.Monitor the temperature during the day and at night. It shouldn't be drastically different.
Brown and brown edges of leaves.Lack of watering.
Dry air.


Provide everything:
  • regular watering;
  • increased humidity;
  • protection from drafts.
Drooping leaves, loss of elasticity.Lack of watering.
Freezing of roots.
Water regularly with warm water.
Place in a bright and warm room.
Leaf fall.Croton is getting old.
Excess moisture in winter.

Very dry or cold atmosphere, drafty.

Follow the codeum:
With normal growth of young leaves, this is a common occurrence.

If young growth is suffering, eliminate all shortcomings.

Redness of the leaves.Nitrogen starvation.Use fertilizers containing nitrogen.
The back of the leaf becomes white and fluffy, the top becomes brown.Temperature too low.
In winter, if there is a lack of heat, water with warm water after the soil has dried to one third of the volume of the pot.
Yellowing.Lack of nutrition.
Apply fertilizer as it grows.
Follow watering rules.
Red spots on the back of leaves.Excess sun.Shade in midday sun.

Diseases and pests

Croton is a plant with strong immunity, and, as a rule, the flower does not get sick. But in some cases, root rot occurs. This is caused by excessive moisture, especially in the cold season. To save your pet, replant the flower in new soil. At the same time, carefully remove the old earthen lump and cut out all the rotten roots. Treat the cut areas with charcoal.

The poisonous sap of croton repels most pests. But if there are errors in care, the plant’s protective functions weaken and it is attacked by parasites. Codium can be attacked by the following pests:

  • Spider mite. This pest lives on the underside of leaves and looks like a small red spider. It can be recognized by the sticky, silvery web that forms on all parts of the flower. To remove the parasite, treat the plant three times with a systemic insecticide such as Actellik or Neoron. Maintain an interval of 7 days between sprayings.
  • Shield. This pest can be recognized by dark brown, raised spots covering the leaves and stems of the plant. To destroy the parasite, treat the bush with a soap or tobacco solution with the addition of kerosene. Then spray the plant with an insecticide.

Provide proper care for your croton at home, and the flower will not be afraid of any diseases or pests.

Flowering examples

Radermacher: home care and methods of reproduction

Since homemade codiaum blooms very rarely, many gardeners do not even know what its flowers should look like. But if all the conditions for the plant are met, its care is competent and regular, in the summer you can see flowers blooming among the leaves.

Flowers and fruits of the plant

A peduncle grows in the leaf axils of codiaum. It contains small flowers of a faded shade, collected in inflorescences. In some varieties, the flowers are so unremarkable that the process of their flowering is very easy to miss, especially if there are a lot of bright leaves on the bush.

Codiaum flowers appear in two types: male and female. The first ones look like small pompoms made of many stamens. Female flowers have curved pistils. Each peduncle contains flowers of one sex, but they all open at the same time.

Picture 6. Twigs with flowers can hide in the thick leaves

The flowering process takes a lot of energy from the plant. That is why experts advise providing the codium flower with careful care at home during this period. A mix of different-sex flowers will produce seeds, but whether it is worth risking an adult plant for them is up to you to decide.

Important note : amateur flower growers often note that after the first flowering the codiaum dies. This happens precisely because of insufficient knowledge of the processes of flower development. To avoid encountering a similar problem, it is better to remove the flower stalks immediately - this will not affect the decorative properties of the plant in any way.

The codiaum flower will help add bright colors to the interior of the room. It will delight home owners or office workers not with lush flowering and a pleasant aroma, but with bright glossy leaves and the neat shape of the bush.

Growing problems

With frequent care mistakes at home, the croton begins to act up. In some cases, flower growers face the following problems:

  • The leaves of the flower fall. If the trunk becomes exposed from below, then do not worry, because this is a natural process. If the plant loses its top leaves, it means that you are keeping the flower in a too cool room or the croton is suffering from a draft.
  • Leaves change color. This phenomenon indicates that the pet does not have enough light. Move the pot closer to the window or provide additional lighting with a phytolamp. And the croton will restore its variegated color.
  • Brown spots appear on the leaves. Such damage causes sunburn. To correct the situation, move the flower to a room with diffused light. As a last resort, hang tulle or gauze over the pot during the midday hours.
  • Croton dropped its leaves. A similar phenomenon is caused by a lack of lighting. Irregular watering can also cause leaves to droop. If the soil is too dry, do not flood the plants, but gradually increase the moisture. Otherwise, too much watering will lead to rotting of the roots.
  • Codiaum leaves are drying. The main reason for this phenomenon is insufficient air humidity. To correct the situation, spray the flower more often. If brown spots also appear on the drying leaves, it means that you water the flower with cold water or keep the pot on a cool windowsill.
  • The plant is not developing well. This is caused by a lack of light or poor soil composition. To correct the situation, move your pet closer to the window, and do not forget to regularly feed the flower.

Popular superstitions and signs about croton

Many croton lovers value it for its powerful positive energy, which can protect the room from negativity and failure. Signs indicate that the flower is a talisman and acts as a guardian of the hearth. It purifies the atmosphere, creating a favorable aura. Helps overcome despondency and bad mood, giving those around him health and peace of mind.

The appearance of this plant in the house guarantees a measured life without quarrels and disorder. Codiaum gives confidence to everyone around you. It especially prevents conflicts not only in family life, but also in the office – between colleagues. Superstitions about croton are a truth that has firmly entered our lives. As soon as this plant appears in the house, the life of its inhabitants changes for the better.

A capricious and charming tree can bring its owner a lot of trouble. Only the right approach to cultivation and care allows you to get a wonderful home decoration. Among the many ornamental crops, croton deserves one of the places of honor.


Croton is popular among users. According to reviews, this plant is unpretentious and even a novice gardener can care for it. In addition, codiaum has a thick and bright crown that complements any interior. And with proper care at home, croton practically does not get sick.

In general, the attractive croton will decorate your collection of home flowers, because it is decorative and grows quickly. Moreover, growing the plant is not that difficult. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and provide proper care for Croton at home.

Reproduction methods

Codiaum can be propagated at home in the following ways:

  • cutting;
  • seeds;
  • leaf.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. But whichever one you choose, remember that codiaum is a poisonous plant, so carry out all procedures and activities for caring for the flower with gloves. And also be sure to wash your hands with soap after contact with the plant. Otherwise, communication with codiaum will bring you a lot of dubious pleasures, such as vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.

Description of the origin and appearance of the plant

The East is rich in bright colors. He gives us many beautiful plants that amaze with their beauty and claim the palm. But I want to give the victory to croton, it is in it that all the colors of the autumn forest are harmoniously combined, the riot of color fascinates and at the same time calms.

The East gives us bright plants, one of which is croton

Croton or codiaum belongs to the humble Euphorbiaceae family. Plants growing in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, India, the Pacific and Malaysian islands are represented by numerous species. Among them there are trees, shrubs, and herbs. The shape and color of the leaves are varied. This diversity is due to the different climatic characteristics of the regions in which croton grows.

In their natural environment, crotons reach 3 and even 4 meters in height; the size of domestic species is half that. It does not grow quickly in the room, it takes a very long time to get used to the new place.

Croton naturally grows to a height of 3 meters

The leaves have a hard, leathery surface and are attached to short petioles. The shape of each variety is different. The leaf blade can be three-fingered, guitar-shaped, elliptical, ribbon-elongated, spiral-shaped and corrugated. The predominant colors are red, yellow, green, orange, pink and white. It is the leaves that are the undeniable decoration of croton. Their mass resembles bright autumn leaves collected in a bouquet.

Croton leaves resemble an autumn bouquet

Care must be taken when caring for Croton. The milky sap of the plant causes irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.

Croton flowering can be called inexpressive. White small flowers are collected in racemes and look very poor against the background of luxurious foliage. It blooms extremely rarely in indoor conditions. And if this happens, then it is best to remove the inflorescences. Peduncles will take away excess strength from the plant and slow down its growth.

Flowering croton, against the backdrop of bright foliage, looks inexpressive

The name croton was assigned to the plant in 1762 thanks to the work of Carl Linnaeus. Although now it is more correct to call it codeium, this is what the Dutch naturalist Rumphis called the flower in 1690, when he first wrote up its description.

Croton cannot be called too capricious a plant. But you will find mutual understanding if you can provide the plant with the necessary conditions for normal growth. Evergreen crotons decorate residential and office spaces. The flower can harmoniously fit into any interior.

Type of croton and its varieties grown indoors

Despite the huge variety of species, only one type of croton is grown in indoor floriculture - variegated or variegatum. It and its varieties are successfully used in indoor floriculture.

Croton variegatumIt is on its basis that many hybrid forms have been developed. It has an erect, branching stem, bare below, up to 3 m high (in room conditions only 70 cm). The leaves are leathery, large - 30 cm long. A characteristic feature of the species is its color scheme, in which yellow-green color predominates, as well as the varied shape of the leaves. The color of the leaf blade changes depending on lighting and other external stimuli. Flowers are dioecious.
Croton PetraOne of the most popular varieties. The trunk is branched, with alternately arranged leaves. The leaf blades are pointed-lobed or oval, dense, glossy. The main background is dark or light green. The veins and edge of the leaf are painted in a rich yellow color.
Croton Mrs. EyestonTree form. The leaves are elongated and wide, with rounded tips. They are brightly colored - yellow, red, pink and golden shades predominate.
Croton ExcellentA small bush with oak-shaped leaves. The top of the leaf is green-yellow, the underside has a burgundy-red tint.
Croton the Black PrinceThe plant is rare. Has an exotic appearance. The leaves are black-green in color, with bright spots of orange or red veins and spots.
Croton DisraeliBush-like form. The leaves are lobed and green with yellow veins. The underside of the sheet is brick-brown in color.
Croton ZanzibarIt is distinguished by a narrow, long leaf shape. The color is dominated by yellow, red and green colors. Falling leaves look impressive in hanging flowerpots or on a standard form.
Croton MammyUnusual curly foliage and variegated leaf color are the main distinguishing features of the hybrid. The leaf blade is long, twisting around its axis.
Croton TamaraThe plant can grow more than a meter tall. The leaves are hard and leathery. Their shape is elongated oval with an uneven edge. The coloring is very unusual - the predominant color combination is white and green, sometimes there may be splashes of pink, purple or yellow.

Photo gallery: color variety of croton

Croton variegatum

Croton Petra

Croton Mrs. Eyeston

Croton Excellent

Croton the Black Prince

Croton Disraeli

Croton Zanzibar

Croton Mammy

Croton Tamara

Very often in flower shops you can read “Croton Mix” on the price tag. In fact, this is not a name, there is no such variety as “Mix”. It’s just that suppliers often place several hybrids on one pallet and combine them under one name.

This is what a Mix of Croton varieties looks like


In any magazine you can see beautiful photos of a croton flower. How to care for a plant to get the same beautiful tree? The crop requires pruning. By the way, many gardeners neglect it, although pruning is a mandatory part of care. Codium/croton (photo of the flower is given in the article) can have a very beautiful shape if it is formed regularly. Housewives refuse to form a crown due to the poisonous sap of the plant. But this is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that pruning has several functions:

  1. Formation of a beautiful tree or bush.
  2. Preventing possible depletion of the plant due to lack of nutrients to all shoots.
  3. Hygienic procedure for removing damaged and dry leaves and branches.

Don’t be scared by the plant’s poisonous sap, which won’t interfere with pruning at all. After all, in the end you want to get a beautiful indoor flower. How to care for Croton? When pruning the plant, you must wear gloves that will protect your skin. The juice helps the cuttings to tighten quickly, so the cuttings take root well.

The pruning procedure must be carried out regularly. After reaching the required height, all stems should be pinned or trimmed. This will activate the growth of dense lateral shoots.

It is worth saying that care also depends on the age of the plant. Indoor croton flowers are pinched if we are talking about a young bush. On adult specimens, the branches are cut off. After each such procedure, the plant must be treated with stimulants and placed in a greenhouse.

Please note that when pruning, it is necessary to remove flower buds and inflorescences, if any. Modest flowers do not decorate the bushes at all, but they greatly deplete them, which affects the decorative effect

Pruning plants of different varieties has its own characteristics. As you know, Croton "Petra" does not branch very well. If you want to achieve the splendor of the bush, it is worth planting several bushes in one flowerpot. You can create a wonderful mix. In this case, it is necessary to form each plant separately.

Pruning of the crop should be done in early spring. It is better to do this before the onset of the active growing season. The first pinching can be done when the plant reaches 15 cm in height. In this case, the upper growth points are cut off. In the future, all shoots are cut when their length reaches 20 cm. This cutting scheme allows you to awaken the lateral buds in order to force the bush to actively branch.

Forming a beautiful bush is not only about proper pruning. The plant must be regularly rotated relative to the light source. This will avoid one-sided crown. For adult crotons, the cutting area must be treated with crushed charcoal. By the way, cut cuttings can be used to produce new plants.

Organization of watering

There are a few simple care rules that will help keep the plant healthy for a long time. How to water a flower correctly:

  1. Croton loves high air humidity, and therefore the leaves must be periodically wiped with a damp cloth. Regular spraying of the bush with a spray bottle will help ensure the proper level of humidity.
  2. In summer, an additional summer shower will be required.
  3. Watering is carried out on demand, as the soil in the pot partially dries. Do not allow water to stagnate in the flower tub, which can cause root rot.

Codiaum propagation

Croton propagation at home is most often carried out during the formation of the crown - molding. In this case, the cut off tops remain (this is necessary for the plant to grow side shoots and grow in width). These tops are rooted in soft warm water and wait for the roots to grow.

A less rational method is seed. This requires several flowering plants, since the flowers of codiaum are dioecious. For pollination to occur, a male and female plant must flower at the same time.

If you need to get several plants at once, you can germinate the leaves by separating them from the shoot and placing them in containers with liquid.


Seeds are most often purchased. There is a risk here that you will get stale specimens that will not germinate. They must be fresh. Step-by-step procedure on how to germinate croton and how to care for it at home after germination:

Disinfect seed material with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Leave in clean water for the shell to swell and soften for a day.

Prepare soil consisting half of high-moor peat and sand.

Place the seeds to a depth of 1 cm and cover with a loose layer of soil.

Cover with film to prevent moisture from evaporating.

Place in diffused light.

It is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse periodically to prevent condensation from forming inside. This can lead to seed rotting. Transfer to separate containers after the plant has produced 2 true leaves.


When cutting cuttings, you need to wear gloves so that the plant juice does not get on your hands, otherwise red spots and itching may appear. When cutting, juice is released, which is immediately washed off, and the sections are treated with a rooting agent or crushed charcoal. The tops should air dry for several hours. Further:

Prepare soil from peat and sand in equal proportions.

Spread the soil over the pots if the tops are large. Can be rooted in a common container, then planted.

The lower leaves are cut off, leaving two pairs at the top.

Deepen into the sand-peat mixture and compact.

While rooting occurs, and this process lasts 1 - 1.5 months, the plants are kept at a temperature of 24 degrees, maintaining humidity at 50 - 55%. When young leaves appear at the top and the roots grow to 2 cm, you can transplant them into a separate pot. It should be 2 cm larger than the diameter of the roots, otherwise the soil will acidify and the plant will rot.


By separating the leaf you can get a new flower. Propagation of croton by leaves also brings good results:

You need to cut off the leaf with the petiole.

Treat its edge with heteroauxin or another rooting agent.

Let it sit in the air for a couple of hours.

Prepare warm water, preferably rainwater.

Place the edge of the petiole in the liquid.

You need to make sure that the leaf does not fall completely into the water - only the edge where the roots will form should be in it. Place the container in diffused light. In a month, roots will appear. They can be planted in the soil when their length is at least 2 cm.

By layering

Codium/croton propagation by layering is carried out in two ways. The first involves growing the root system on an adult plant - at a distance of about 15 cm from the top. For the second option, you need to have several woody shoots that can be dug into the soil and wait for the roots to sprout.

How to propagate by layering:

On the woody part of the trunk, remove the bark in a circle with a sharp knife.

Lubricate the bare area with any rooting agent so that roots form faster.

Wrap the area with sphagnum moss and tape the film on top. Strengthen the bottom edge tightly. From above so that you can spray the moss.

Within a month, roots appear. Depending on how many leaves are located above the formed layer, it is grown to 4–5 cm. Next, the layer is cut off below the root bunch and transplanted into a pot with prepared soil.

In the second method, one of the shoots is exposed, placed in the ground and sprinkled. You can periodically water it with rooting agent. When sprouts appear from the ground, they are cut, separated from the mother plant and replanted.

Seasonal conditions of detention (table)

SeasonHumidityTemperatureLighting and placement
SpringIf we remember that croton is an inhabitant of tropical forests, then we can immediately conclude that the plant needs increased humidity. But not excessive. The threshold is 45%; a decrease in humidity will immediately lead to unpleasant consequences. In summer, be sure to spray the leaves with water heated in the sun. In the summer heat, you need to increase the humidity around the plant. To do this, place the pot in a shallow container filled with wet pebbles or expanded clay. Croton loves warmth, but does not tolerate heat. The average temperature in summer should be 20 - 24°C. If the thermometer approaches the 30°C mark, the plant needs to be shaded and the humidity around it increased. The plant loves bright light and needs it. But it gets burned from direct sunlight, so it requires shading. East and West directions are larger
AutumnIn autumn and winter, the leaves are sprayed with warm water, but not as often as in the summer. The situation will change only when the heating system is turned on. During this period of time, the air should not be allowed to dry out. Winter temperatures are from 18 to 20°C. This indicator must not fall below 16°C. It is worth noting that croton really does not like temperature changes. In winter, croton is not afraid of the sun's rays, so it can be moved to a southern windowsill. As light intensity decreases, green colors will begin to predominate in leaf color. Reduced daylight hours and cloudy weather are reasons for additional lighting.

Common codiaeum diseases and their treatment

The most common diseases of the codiaum flower:

  • Anthracnose.
  • Root rot.

Anthracnose is a fungal disease that appears as gray and or gray-red spots. For treatment, it is necessary to apply a course of treating the plant and soil with a fungicide with a break of 10-15 days. Recovery will occur after 3-4 times of disinfection.

Signs of root rot are the appearance of faded and soft leaves of the flower. The root system becomes watery and stratified. Very often mold appears on the surface of the soil. To combat this disease, first of all, replace the soil with dry soil, reduce the abundance and frequency of watering. A solution of antifungal drugs (for example, Fitosporin-M or Alirin-B) is poured into a saucer.

The video below describes in detail about codiaum diseases and their treatment:

Such information will be useful for all owners of such an elegant beauty. After all, knowing about the risk of a disease, you can prevent its occurrence.

3.Types of croton:

3.1.Croton Tamara Branch

Bright ornamental bushes up to 1.5 m high with erect, weakly branching stems, densely leafy oblong, lanceolate, hard leaves with large white and green spots.

3.2.Croton Excelent

Spectacular variegated plants with oblong, three-lobed leaves, colored emerald green. A distinctive feature of the variety is the presence of yellow, pinkish or red stripes on the leaf blades, located mainly along the leaf veins.

3.3.Mrs. Iceton's Codeium

Variegated plants with strong, erect, unbranched stems bearing bright, variegated leaves of a wide variety of shades. The leaf blades are glossy, hard, lanceolate. Unlike other crotons, this variety retains foliage along the entire length of the trunk and does not expose its lower part.

3.4.Croton Mammi – Codiaeum mammi

Beautiful plants with oblong, brightly colored leaves. The shades of the leaves are predominantly dark in color. The edges of the leaf blades have graceful curves, making the plant appear lush and curly.

3.5.Croton Zanzibar

Long-leaved codiaum with long, gracefully drooping leaf blades, dark green in color with longitudinal yellow, burgundy, purple or pink stripes and small contrasting specks on the surface.

3.6.Croton aucubifolia

Spotted plants with oblong, lanceolate leaf blades, which sometimes take on a vague three-lobed shape in mature plants. The leaves are glossy and green with small yellow spots on the surface.

3.7.Croton Nervia

Weakly branched, erect bushes with lanceolate, entire green leaves. Along the veins, the leaf blades have light yellow, wide stripes diverging from the center. The central vein is often highlighted in pink.

3.8.Croton Tiglium or laxative

This variety does not have a bright, beautiful appearance, but it has healing properties and, as the name suggests, is used as a laxative. The plant is an evergreen tree with lanceolate, green, glossy leaves. The lower surface of the leaf plates is painted in a lighter shade. During the flowering period, plants form small oblong inflorescences with inconspicuous flowers, which over time turn into rounded fruits. When ripe, the fruits acquire a yellowish-orange hue.

3.9. Croton curly

The main distinguishing feature of curly croton is its leaf blades with beautiful, curved edges. Leaf shades include green, yellow, pink, red, burgundy.

The leaves of three-lobed codiaums have two rounded projections on the sides - lobes.

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