15 main types of tulips - do you have everything (photos, descriptions, varieties)

Tulips have long been the subject of admiration in the East; once in Europe, they caused a real flurry of passions, becoming one of the most beloved and widespread garden plants. Today, flower growers have at their disposal varieties of tulips, photos and names of which will certainly make you want to decorate your garden with these flowers.
The huge number of wild and cultivated varieties forced botanists and tulip experts to create and constantly improve a special classification, which includes several classes and groups. Look at the tulip tree!

The Netherlands has historically been the world center for tulip breeding. Having arrived here many centuries ago, the onion culture became the love and work of life for entire dynasties. Therefore, both proven old and incredibly spectacular new Dutch tulips are still the basis of every collection.

According to the timing of flowering, plants are divided into early, middle and late. Based on flower shape and origin, tulips are divided into fifteen classes, most of which are given to hybrids of Gesner and Foster tulips.

Group of early blooming tulips

Photos of tulips and names of early flowering varieties always arouse keen interest among gardeners. This is not surprising, because on the first warm days you really want bright colors. Among spring bulbs, tulips have the largest flowers. However, early varieties of simple and double tulips are inferior in height and variety to their later counterparts.

Simple early tulips or Tulipa single early are united in Class 1. Plants up to 40 cm high with relatively small corollas belong to Gesner and Schrenk tulips. Depending on the variety, the size of the glass-shaped flower reaches 5–7 cm. The color of the flowers is dominated by red and yellow tones. Although there are more original colors, for example, the delicate purple tulip of the Purple Prince variety shown in the photo.

Recently, the popularity of early varieties of tulips that bloom from mid-April has been growing, which is facilitated by the possibility of forcing flowers, but strong but short flower stalks are not always suitable for cutting.

Forming Class 2 Tulipa Double Early, early double tulips were first obtained shortly after the appearance of the crop in the Old World. The English name of the group literally translates as “double,” which accurately describes the structure of the flower, as if consisting of two corollas nested inside each other.

Today, breeders offer flower growers to grow incredibly lush flowers with extra petals. Plants of this type are low-growing, strong, bloom for up to two weeks and are excellent for growing in pots, as well as for spring forcing.


The tulip variety belongs to the group of medium-flowering plants. Flowering time is April and May. Almost all planted specimens germinate. The Verandi variety can be planted both in greenhouses/greenhouses and in open ground. These tulips are also often successfully grown in pots. Flowers are great for early forcing at the turn of February-March, bringing brightness of colors into a gray reality, being a wonderful gift for the winter and spring holidays.

Description of the requirements for a site for planting Verandi tulips:

  • free access to sunlight throughout the day, partial shade is acceptable;
  • it is advisable to place seedlings on a plain that does not have any depressions in which groundwater can accumulate in the spring after the snow melts, creating a threat to the root system of the plant;
  • complete protection from cold winds that can damage delicate flowers;
  • Any soil can do it, but it needs to be properly loosened; the ideal option is sandy loam or loamy soil;
  • heavy soil must be lightened with peat or sand;
  • the soil should be of weak or neutral acidity;
  • a necessary condition is high-quality drainage;
  • The soil must be fertile; it is best to add compost there.

Flower bulbs should be purchased from specialized stores, choosing large, healthy specimens that are not damaged. Tulips should be planted in autumn, when the ground temperature reaches 10°C. On average in Russia this time falls at the end of September - beginning of October

It is important that the flower bulbs have time to take root well

The depth of immersion of flower bulbs in the soil depends on the terrain and plant parameters: it varies from 10 to 20 cm, on average it is 3 times the height of the seedling. The distance between seedlings is similar. Before planting, the plot of land needs to be properly dug up. Immediately before placement, the soil must be loosened to a depth of 30 cm. The soil must be well moistened when planting, and the planting site must be carefully sprinkled with sand and soil. The Verandi variety blooms for a relatively long time, beginning to bloom when the temperature approaches 18°C.

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The flowering periods of Verandi tulips can be divided into 4 groups:

  • early - second half of March;
  • average - first half of April;
  • late - second half of April - first ten days of May;
  • very late - second and third ten days of May.

Verandi tulip bulbs must be dug up annually at the turn of June-July for vegetative propagation, when the foliage becomes dry and changes color, and the scales become pale brown. The dug up bulbs must be inspected and diseased and old ones should be thrown away, and old root shoots and scales should be removed. Place the remaining bulbs for 2 weeks in a room where fresh air flows freely and the temperature is maintained at 23-25°C.

Varieties, photos and names of tulips with medium flowering periods

The second group of plants unites the most common and popular tulips, Darwin and Triumph.

Triumph tulips included in Class 3 are a group of plants with simple large flowers crowning peduncles up to 70 cm high. Varieties dating back to the beginning of the last century and new varieties are excellent for mass cultivation. Flower growers are attracted by the strong peduncles of tulips and flowers that perfectly retain their shape, shaped like elegant wine glasses. Flowering begins in the last ten days of April and lasts 7–12 days.

Due to their size, stable flowering and the presence of not only red, but also yellow, pink tulips, plants with white, deep purple and even two-color corollas, mid-early varieties are recognized by landscape designers, ordinary flower growers and those who are partial to tulips in bouquets. The interest of summer residents in the group is reinforced:

  • unpretentiousness of varieties;
  • versatility of purpose;
  • abundance of colors;
  • large flowers that maintain their shape and freshness for a long time;
  • easy vegetative propagation;
  • the ability to use for forcing in the middle and late periods.

Tall, resistant to viral diseases and very variable due to their tendency to mutation, Darwin hybrids compete equally with Triumph tulips and form Class 4, as extensive as the previous one.

These plants owe their popularity to the tulip variety shown in the photo called Apeldoorn, which fully demonstrated its ability to produce offspring during vegetative propagation that are unlike the parent plants.

Another variety, widely known in the territory of the former Soviet Union, is the Parade tulip, obtained back in the 50s and still decorating the streets of Russian cities and the flowerbeds of summer residents.

The yellow tulip shown in the photo, closely related to the previous variety, is called Golden Parade and is rightfully considered one of the largest in the family of mid-early varieties.

All Darwin hybrids are often characterized by red or two-color coloration of large corollas, about 10 cm in height. Flowers can open fully in sunny weather, which speeds up their fall.


After the release of the song “Yellow Tulips” performed by Natasha Koroleva, they were unfairly considered to be separated. Only skeptics think this way; others associate this color with the sun, joy and happiness. They can often be found in the landscape design of flower beds and lawns. Who should give yellow tulips :

  • as a symbol that attracts good luck , they can be given to business partners and work colleagues;
  • if you present them to your loved one , in this way you can show the sincerity of your feelings;
  • given to creative people and artists as a wish for fame and prosperity;
  • In ancient times, such flowers were given to a sick person for a quick recovery .

Superstitious people believe that a lot depends on the intentions with which the flowers were given. A bright sunny bouquet can warm your heart and soul.

The best varieties are terry early Hamilton, goblet varieties - Cream Cocktail and Golden Parade.

Tulip Golden Parade

Tulip Hamilton

Tulip Cream cocktail

Late-blooming tulips: peony, simple and other classes

This group is the most extensive and variegated, both in color and in the shape of the corollas of the flowers combined in it. Tulips form seven independent classes, some of which are actively developing, and some of which will soon become history.

Class 5 includes varieties of late simple tulips or Tulipa Single Late with peduncles up to 75 cm high and egg-shaped corollas. The petals of these tulips are rounded, and the bottom of the flower forms an almost regular square. This class is incredibly diverse. Any colors and their combinations are possible here.

White and black tulips, which are represented in the photo by the Queen of Night variety, look very impressive next to each other. The varieties that bloom in mid-May are excellent in the flowerbed and as a cut flower, but they are not suitable for forcing because they remain dormant for too long.

The unusually graceful lily-flowered tulips Tulipa Lilyflowering formed Class 6.

These plants come from Turkey and, due to their low hardiness, have spread to Europe relatively recently. The main feature of the representatives of the class is pointed petals, forming a sophisticated corolla, reminiscent of a lily. The height of the peduncles is 50–60 cm.

The palette of lily-flowered tulips includes white, as in the photo, pink, lilac, yellow and red tones, as well as their numerous combinations.

In Class 7 you can see flowers of all shapes from simple to lily or double.

However, all varieties will have one common feature - the presence of needle-like fringe on the edges of the petals. The first flowers of this variety were noticed in the first half of the last century, and since then unusual varieties for cutting and landscape decoration have been appearing more and more often.

One of the newest sections of the garden classification, Class 8, is formed by the green-colored tulips Tulipa Viridiflora, obtained from a fixed mutation of simple plants.

They can be distinguished from their fellows by the wide green stripe running along the central lily of each petal. Because of it, tulip buds look green for a long time, and their true color appears only at the dissolution stage. The most popular in the class is the white tulip of the Spring Green variety shown in the photo.

The medium and high height of peduncles made tulips of this class accessible both for decorating the site and for cutting.

If the 8th class is new, then the 9th class, intended for variegated Rembrandt tulips, has no prospects for development. This community of varieties, well known from the paintings of Dutch and Flemish painters of the 17th–18th centuries, has been virtually abolished today, and the varieties remaining after the reorganization of the class have been transferred to other groups.

The reason for this is the fixation of a dangerous variegation virus in the plant, causing the appearance of stripes and strokes of contrasting shades on the petals.

Parrot tulips with fancy petals reminiscent of the feathers of exotic birds form Class 10. Plants of this variety are distinguished not only by the bizarre shape of their corollas, but also by their size.

The diameter of the flower can reach up to 20 cm, which imposes its own requirements on the strength of the peduncles. The stems of parrot tulips are really strong, but not too tall, growing up to 40–60 cm. To prevent the loss of flowers due to wind or heavy rain, the plants are provided with reliable protection and sometimes support.

Terry late tulips, forming Class 11, by analogy with the early ones, are called Tulipa Double Late. However, this group also has another name, due to the beautiful shape of the large flower - peony tulips.

Compared to double flowers that open in late April, the corollas of later varieties are much more massive and dense, such as the descendant of the Apeldoorn tulip, the double variety Double Beauty Of Apeldoorn.

Like parrot tulips, late double varieties with heavy heads need support and planting in a place protected from the wind. With regular care and attention, these plants with stems up to 60 cm will create a carpet of incredible beauty and brightness in your flowerbed.

Flower growers have recently received special attention from the Ice Cream tulip with its surface petals of a juicy berry shade and a snow-white core reminiscent of a cone with a favorite summer delicacy. Although the variety is relatively new, photos of the Ice Cream tulip today adorn not only the catalogs of bulb manufacturers, but also the plots of Russian summer residents.

Early simple

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In this group, the buds bloom already at the end of April. This is a category that unites the oldest varieties, some of which have been known almost since the 17th century. In most cases, the stem of the peduncle is not very high. It does not exceed 40 cm and is very durable. Even wind and rain are unable to break it. The flowers have warm shades, and the buds themselves have the appearance of a cup or glass. They open up when exposed to the sun. Containers, pots and borders can be used for growing.

Gesner Tulip

The height of this perennial bulbous crop is 35 cm. It has three to five leaves with an oblong shape. They may be slightly wavy at the edges. The bulbs are covered with brown scales.

Gesner Tulip

Plants have single red, white or yellow flowers. After the formation of buds is completed, a capsule fruit is formed.

Candy Prince

One of the best plants that has become widespread, it is ideal for cutting. Its peduncle measures up to 50 cm. The main feature is the presence of a light lilac shade.

Candy Prince

The peduncles are strong and have a height of 30 to 50 cm. Candy Prince is often classified as a Triumph class. According to the description of this group, the tulip blooms in May. The bulbs are used for forcing due to their attractive appearance.

Species tulips: fourth group in garden classification

The fourth group is species tulips, used in the selection of cultivated varieties and grown as independent ornamental plants.

Class 12 is given to Kaufmann tulips, which bloom as early as March, can reach a height of 30 cm, and their flowers with pointed petals of different colors always look natural on low borders and rocky hills.

Foster's tulips, the tallest of the plant species, are distinguished not only by this, but also by their large flowers, which made it possible to use the plants to obtain many modern varieties included in other groups and classes. The buds of Foster's tulips open in April and immediately attract attention with their unusual petals bent at the top.

Species Greig's tulips and their hybrids, forming Class 14, are easily distinguished by their patterned leaves covered with colored stripes and strokes. Although plants of this species are not very tall, due to their high decorative value and long flowering, they are always welcome guests on the site.

Class 15 contains wild-growing species of tulips. Compared to their garden descendants and relatives, these species, often called botanical, are shorter and better adapted to harsh conditions. In addition, small flowers full of charm are less affected by diseases or are completely resistant to them.


Bouquets of genuine colors speak, first of all, of purity. May indicate the seriousness of feelings . If you meet a guy with a bouquet of white tulips, this may indicate that they were bought in order to ask for forgiveness. The variety is considered rare, but very beautiful. In landscape design there are white hybrids with splashes.

Popular varieties are white tulips of the Crimean selection Pearl, cupped - Christmas Swift and Agras White.

Tulip Christmas Swift

Pearl Tulips

Tulip Agras White

Unusual use

Both the bulb and leaves of the purple tulip are believed to be edible. This plant contains substances such as starch, sugar and fiber. Some people bake tulip bulbs in a fire. The resulting dish resembles potatoes, sweet in taste. In a country like Holland, discarded bulbs are used to feed livestock, but in some villages they are consumed by people. Despite this, it is prohibited to eat plants that have been treated with pesticides, as well as wild varieties that may be poisonous.

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