What plants are best for placing marigolds next to?

Marigolds are valued for their decorative properties and long flowering until late autumn.

Flowerbeds blooming in summer from marigolds of different colors

The Latin name of the flower is Tagetes , also known as Chernobryvtsy . Unpretentious herbaceous annual plants from the genus Marigold, which is part of the Asteraceae family.

Types of marigolds for garden design

Marigolds in the garden amaze with their color palette from yellow to dark red-brown with various shades.

Conventionally, all types of marigolds are divided into several categories and varieties depending on the shape and type of inflorescences - carnation-flowered and chrysanthemum-shaped.

In landscape design and garden decoration, mainly 2 types of these flowers are popular.

These are marigolds erecta (African and French) and marigolds thin-leaved (Mexican).

  • African marigolds are tall (40 – 110 cm) and have large, uniform inflorescences.
  • Fine-leaved marigolds are distinguished by an abundance of flowers, low-growing, monochromatic or two-colored.

How to brew tea from Chernobrivtsi?

Chernobyvtsy flower baskets

, 1 tsp.
meadowsweet flowers (meadowsweet) 2 cups of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for 20 minutes. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

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Design of a summer cottage with marigolds.

Chernobrivtsy look great in monoflower beds, garden paths, complex mixborders, and are appropriate in other projects. For example, they are used for planting in containers, flowerpots, and stone flower beds. This annual flower grows well anywhere.

Tagetes flowers are used in the design of flower beds and flower beds for:

  • - edgings of large perennials - soloists or ornamental shrubs
  • - creating a color spot
  • — filling voids in flower beds
  • - obtaining contrasting colors
  • - creating the effect of a flower bed blooming all summer after the plants have faded at the beginning of summer.

Rarely does a house in its yard exist without marigolds.

A row of marigolds looks beautiful along the fence in a lady’s yard, at the dacha, in the garden

As a green manure

Marigolds are famous not only for their above-ground, but also underground activities. These lovely flowers, sown as green manure, actively work to improve the quality of the soil. They effectively suppress nematodes, have a detrimental effect on spores of fungal diseases (primarily Fusarium) and perfectly improve the structure of the soil, making it looser and more breathable.

Marigolds are an excellent green manure

A more significant effect is achieved if the tops of this annual are buried in the soil in the fall. By carrying out this procedure every year, you can get rid of the wireworm, and also greatly increase the fertility of the soil, because the shoots of Tagetes are replete with valuable minerals and trace elements.

Vegetable garden design.

Planting marigolds next to vegetables is doubly beneficial for gardeners. On the one hand, the garden becomes decorative, and on the other, it is protected from pests and diseases.

Repellent plants, which are marigolds, repel pests such as the Colorado potato beetle, cabbage whites, onion flies, mole crickets, weevils and aphids.

Marigolds planted between cabbage rows protect against cabbage whites

Marigolds planted along the beds and along the perimeter of potato plantings are beneficial and decorate the garden. Bright and catchy marigolds look impressive against the backdrop of salads and herbs.

Bad neighbors

Despite many positive qualities, velvet flowers have an allelopathic property that can have a negative impact on neighboring crops. By releasing special chemical compounds, marigolds suppress or inhibit the growth and development of other plants.

Reference! Allelopathy is the so-called ecological competition among plant organisms.

You should pay attention to beans, peas, cabbage, radishes and radishes growing in tandem with marigolds. By scaring away insect pests, flowers will at the same time stop or slow down the growth of garden crops.

It should be noted that marigolds have both positive and negative effects on plants planted in the neighborhood. In this regard, gardeners have to choose between the quality and quantity of the desired harvest.

Flower beds

When creating any flower bed, we first pay attention to the duration of flowering. The flowerbed must meet the requirement of continuous flowering.

When choosing a flower bed assortment, you need to clearly know the conditions for flower growth. The main criteria are soil composition, microclimate, moisture content. The marigold flower does not have any special requirements for soil, but prefers loamy soil.

Blooms profusely and spectacularly in sunny areas of the site. The flower is also grown in shade and partial shade. The flower needs to be watered regularly, although it will easily survive a slight drought.

Asters go well with marigolds

Combination of marigolds with other flowers

Who to choose as your flowerbed neighbors for marigolds depends on the preferences of gardeners and gardeners. The best partners for marigolds are calendula, heliotrope and echinacea.

Marigolds create a wonderful union with white and purple petunia. They look great in flower beds and mixborders next to fragrant tobacco, alyssum, ageratum, coleus, zinnias and asters.

White petunia surrounded by marigolds

On an alpine hill, the perennial clearweed looks good next to the marigolds. Combine effectively with ornamental grasses. The combination of red salvia and yellow marigolds is always pleasing to the eye.

Important: Try not to plant marigolds next to roses, radishes and beans.

Description of the plant

The homeland of marigolds (lat. Tagetes) is South and Central America, where they grow from Mexico to Argentina. There are more than 50 plant species, including annuals and perennials. The stems of the flowers are erect, they form bushes ranging in size from 20 to 100 cm. The plant develops well in the shade and is resistant to drought. The fruit is a flattened achene. Propagation by self-sowing is common; after collection, the seeds remain viable for up to 4 years.

Information. Marigolds have a sharp, specific smell, reminiscent of the aroma of an aster. Some people and insects find it unpleasant.

Due to the content of essential oil in the aerial parts of plants, it is a natural insecticide and fungicide.

Flower bed schemes

Round flower bed

1. Alyssum (10 – 15 cm height) 2. Ageratum (15 – 25 cm height) 3. Petunia (25 – 40 cm height) 4. Tagetes (40 – 60 cm)

Rectangular flowerbed.

1. Low-growing New Guinea balsam 2. Tagetes 3. Tree heliotrope. Flowerbed letter

Planting marigolds in the shape of a letter (G, S, P, etc.)


Square flower bed.

1. Salvia (red) 2. Tagetes (golden) 3. Coleus (green)

Watch the video Marigolds are beautiful and healthy flowers for the garden with medicinal properties

For compost

Apparently, next fall I will have a huge pile of tagetes tops at my disposal. I have already decided what I will do with it: I will definitely put some of it in the compost bin. The beneficial compounds contained in the tissues of this plant promise to saturate the compost with a mass of nutrients and free it from pathogens.

Marigolds are compostable

The huge variety of Tagetes used to make me stand for hours at the seed counter, where I tried to choose the most beautiful specimens. But each of them is so good, and it was impossible to place them all at once in the flower garden. Now my idea will come true: I will plant marigolds in various corners of the site. And if they prove in practice their ability to heal the garden, then in the future they will become a constant favorite of my dacha.

If you are hesitant at the sight of the variety of packages with marigolds, read the note from our user How not to get confused in marigolds and choose the right one. Tip for beginners. She will help you sort everything out and make the right choice.

Marigolds - beauty and benefits in one plant Dear seven-dacha residents, do you use marigolds to maintain the health of cultivated plantings? Tell us about your experience in the comments.


Preparing seeds for sowing

Chernobrivtsy reproduce by seeds. This is the cheapest and easiest way. For seeds in dry weather, the largest and ripest flowers are selected. First, separate the old dried petals. Next, remove the top, under which the seeds themselves will be located. Then, to get to the rest of the seeds, you need to remove the sepals on the sides. The best seeds ripen closer to the edge of the flower, along the sepals. Typically, one flower produces 500 to 600 seeds. This is enough to sow the entire garden. Store the resulting seeds in a dry place until spring.

If you decide to plant marigolds for the first time, then purchase tagetes seeds at a specialized flower shop. You can choose marigold varieties of different shapes, colors and sizes.

If you plant Chernobrivtsi in the spring, it is advisable to prepare them first before sowing the seeds. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a germination procedure before sowing. You should moisten the seeds, place them on a plate, cover with film and leave in a warm place for two to three days. When sprouts appear, the shelter can be removed.

Growing marigold seedlings from seeds

Conditions for seed germination

As with any other plant seeds, the main condition for germination is to provide the seeds with moisture. It is through it that all the nutrients necessary for the development of sprouts enter the seeds of future flowers. Also a prerequisite is a sufficient level of oxygen in the room where seed germination occurs. Room temperature does not have a decisive effect on marigold seeds. They are quite cold-resistant and do not spoil in the heat.

Chernobrivtsy love bright spaces, so if you put the germinating seeds in the light, this will only be a plus. However, all the features of seed germination depend on the time of year, as well as the speed of planting seedlings or seeds in open ground.

Time to sow marigolds for seedlings with seeds and seedlings in open ground

It is recommended to plan the time of planting marigolds in advance with the expectation that the faster the sowing occurs, the sooner the sprouts will appear. For best results, consider the type of marigold and plan your sowing time. So for small-leaved and short ones, the first couple of days of April are suitable, and for upright ones, mid-March, since they need more time. With this planting, all bushes will bloom by early summer. But even if you plant the seedlings in June, the marigolds will bloom in one and a half to two months. As soon as the frost has passed, the seedlings can be safely planted. The main condition is a sufficient amount of sunlight, so Chernobrivtsi can be planted a little earlier in the southern regions, and later in the northern regions. Some gardeners also rely on the lunar calendar, which each year determines the most favorable and unfavorable days for planting.

Even a novice gardener can cope with planting marigolds and caring for them in open ground. You can sow unsprouted seeds in open ground, or you can sow a green sprout that has already emerged.

On a note! The main condition for planting marigold seedlings is that the soil must warm up properly. Therefore, the ideal time of year for planting in open ground will be the end of spring.

After two months you will be able to see flowers. To make the seeds germinate faster, it is better not to plant them too deep.

Growing seedlings

Growing seedlings for marigolds is not at all difficult. You will need:

  • watering can;
  • container for growing seedlings;
  • seedling box or cups;
  • wooden stick;
  • manganese potassium;
  • fungicides;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • humus;
  • turf.

To prepare the mixture, take two parts each of peat, humus and turf, as well as one part sand. Then disinfect the mixture using a solution of potassium permanganate or a fungicidal agent. At the bottom of the container, form a drainage layer (about 3 centimeters). For this layer you can use both sand and crushed stone. Be sure to fertilize the base. Do not use fresh manure for these purposes!

Form grooves, keeping a distance between them of at least 15 millimeters. Place the seeds in the resulting “paths” and sprinkle them with the previously prepared mixture on top. Watering should be done very carefully so that the seeds are not washed out. Then all that’s left to do is place the seedlings in a warm place and water them in a timely manner.

The first shoots will appear within a week. As soon as this happens, provide the seedlings with access to light and move them to a room where the temperature is several degrees lower. If there is not enough natural light due to climatic conditions, you can use special LED lamps for plants.

After about a month, when the marigolds have grown, they can be picked and transplanted either into seedling boxes or into separate cups. These flowers tolerate transplantation wonderfully and then grow without any problems. To pick, you need to place a sufficient amount of specialized soil in a seedling box or cup, water it generously and then place the seedlings there. Using a wooden stick (you can use a sushi stick or even a regular pencil), you need to fix the seedlings. Then we spray it again with water so that there is no air gap between the roots and the ground. Before planting, marigolds should be watered regularly and fertilized with water-soluble fertilizers approximately once a week.

Marigold seedlings

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