We are building an artificial hill on a summer cottage - construction technology and features of application in landscape design (135 photos)
In practice, an artificial hill in suburban areas is usually built more for aesthetic reasons, guided by
general information
Catharanthus (60 photos): types, planting, care and cultivation
Catharanthus is an evergreen flower and originates from the Kutraceae family. Despite the high
When to dig up gladioli bulbs in the fall and where to store them until spring
The main school flowers, gladioli, have bloomed, and now we have to dig up the corms and properly
DIY gate latch - double-sided or with handle
A gate is part of a fence whose purpose is to prevent strangers from entering your site. Therefore she
Dog enclosure: dimensions, materials and construction secrets (75 photos)
Location The location of the enclosure on a personal plot is an important issue during its construction. No need
New varieties of hydrangea, hybrid, for shady places, low
Modern breeders have developed many beautiful varieties of hydrangea. Its lush bushes attract with their beauty, grace,
Standard bench sizes for a summer cottage
Benches for the garden - simple instructions on how to make them yourself
It’s hard to imagine a well-kept home without nice benches and benches. But sometimes, sitting down on a stylish
Caring for ground cover roses in the fall, preparing for winter
The most popular varieties Hello (Hello) Hello (Hello) Low (about 50 cm), spreading bush. Are different
Interesting facts about poppy
Meadow and wildflowers with photos and names of plants
In our world there are a huge variety of wild plants that can be useful for humans
timber extension to a log house
Timber extension to the house: features and methods of implementation
Ideally, a private or country house is designed and built immediately with all auxiliary and
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