Layout of a summer cottage. Where to begin? on the Nedvio website
When buying a country plot of land, everyone plans in advance to equip it comfortably, functionally and attractively. Implementations
The best electric lawn mowers
TOP 5 lawn grass seed manufacturers: composition, selection features, price
Place Name Characteristics in the ranking Best foreign manufacturers of lawn grasses 1 DLF High reputation
plastic sidewalk curb
What to make a border for a garden path from - 7 options for every taste
Paths on the site both help comfortable movement and decorate the territory. But all the beauty
Old car tires will become soft after a long period of use and are easier to shape into the desired shape.
How and with what to paint tires for a flower bed: interesting design ideas + photos
Very often, gardeners accumulate things at their dacha plot that it’s a pity to throw away, but what?
Dyschidia care at home, transplantation, reproduction
Among indoor vines there are many original and even exotic plants. But hardly anyone
Ornamental onion foliage
Decorative onions - planting and care in open ground
General description The concept of “decorative onion” unites varieties that, during flowering, produce beautiful lush
Glowing stones for landscape design: techniques for lighting decoration of a site
Every gardener strives to create a unique landscape design on his site. For this purpose, in addition to decorative
White dogwood “Sibirika” (37 photos): description, planting and care of varieties “Sibirika Variegata” and “Pearl of Siberia”
To decorate a summer cottage, gardeners try to choose plants that not only have an attractive appearance,
Preparation of bushes
How to properly plant roses in open ground: step-by-step instructions, recommendations from experienced gardeners
RosesRose is the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (lat. ... in the garden
Among the varieties of white cabbage, you can choose options for every taste
There is so much good and different cabbage: all possible types in one article
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