8 rules on how to care for home cypress and its extraordinary beneficial properties
Many people associate cypress with summer, fresh air and even the sea. Under conditions of average
snow fortress
How to build a snow house. Outdoor games for adults and children
Many children consider winter the most magical time of the year, because it is the embodiment of real life.
Autumn flower beds
What flowers bloom in autumn (September, October) - names, photos and descriptions
Some specimens in the garden bloom profusely from early spring until the end of August and
Fish in a pond at the dacha - arrangement, rules of fish breeding, video
Which business idea should you choose? Let's try to find the answer to this question. Many
Black bugs on indoor plants. How to protect your favorite houseplants from pests
A person who breeds indoor plants must be prepared for the fact that his favorites
How to decorate the porch of a private house: 10 ideas with photos
How to decorate the porch of a private house: 10 ideas with photos
Photo: zaggo.ru A porch is a necessary architectural element that provides convenient access to the door of a private house.
Features of photo style 1
Country house in loft style: advantages, disadvantages, features
In the modern world of architectural design, there are a huge number of possibilities and variations. Choosing one or the other
Classification of garden paths from landscape design masters
Designing and creating a road and path network is an important part of the estate creation process. Road and path network
Elder racemose, description of the species and popular varieties
Elderberry is one of “our” shrubs. It can be found in parks and on
gardening in winter
Preparing the garden for winter: what work needs to be done and what to do with the collected garbage?
What kind of work can be done in the garden in winter, in the vegetable garden, many people far away may exclaim questioningly?
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