Which trees to plant on the site, which ones should you avoid planting?

When purchasing a plot of land and drawing up a plan for your future home, you definitely need to think about the placement of trees and shrubs, which are always planted first. This is explained not only by the size of the plants, but also by the relatively long period of growth before full flowering or fruiting. Of course, it is impossible to plant all the ornamental and fruit trees on a summer cottage due to the limited territory, so you have to choose.

And when deciding which trees to plant on a site, you need to focus on two principles:

  • growing conditions: demanding or unpretentious species;
  • main purpose, or place in the garden landscape (garden, hedge, single planting).

If we talk about fruit trees, apple trees require the simplest care (especially if you purchase a locally selected seedling that is resistant to common diseases and pests). Of course, unpretentious varieties do not have high taste, but they will not cause any trouble. But if you want to surprise your neighbors with something exotic, then you should think about planting yellow plum, actinidia, walnut or peach.

The same principle applies to ornamental trees and shrubs. For example, for a hedge you can use wild grapes, honeysuckle or drooping lilac, with minimal requirements for soil and climatic conditions, or you can decorate the area with juniper, barberry or hawthorn, which require a little more attention.

If you decide to plant a tree in your dacha, be sure to check the depth of the groundwater. Many trees, both fruit and ornamental, die as soon as their roots reach water. Such trees include the pear, which has a deeply penetrating root system. At first, the young seedling grows actively and pleases the owner, perhaps you will even be able to taste the first fruits, but then the tree begins to wither and dry up. Inexperienced gardeners complain about illness or poor-quality planting material and again buy and plant pear seedlings.

In order for tree plantings to truly become durable, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of each species for growing conditions.

Principles for selecting plantings for your own plot

Gardeners and summer residents want to see beautiful plants bursting with health on their plots. For a seedling to take root and develop, aesthetic preferences alone are not enough.

An important element at the stage of selecting varieties is the existing climatic conditions and soil conditions. A common cause of wilting and death of plantings is the incorrect selection of plants.

Now breeders have developed new resistant species that are adapted to more severe weather conditions. You should not hope that a heat-loving tropical plant will take root in northern latitudes.

We also contain some varieties of exotic flora representatives. Such specimens are often more demanding in terms of maintenance. Therefore, when choosing ones that are unusual for your climate zone, be prepared for the fact that you will have to devote more time and effort to care.

Before planting a tree in your garden, make inquiries about its needs and characteristics. First make sure that the climate is suitable for it, and it will not die.

In addition to weather conditions, it is worth taking into account the quality and condition of the soil, the characteristics of the relief, the proximity of groundwater and the size of the site.

Selection of trees according to climate zone

Before purchasing seedlings, choose them rationally. Southern heat-loving specimens quickly die or do not take root at all in cold areas. Gardeners often unsuccessfully try to grow fruit crops that are sensitive to air temperature in their dachas.

Trees for northern latitudes

Among the decorative representatives of the flora, the following common species tolerate cold climates well:

  • black or Russian willow
  • broom
  • Rowan
  • white acacia
  • birch (various varieties)
  • blue spruce
  • Norway maple
  • thuja
  • oak
  • Amur velvet

Things are more difficult with fruit trees. Most of them die in icy winters. Pay attention to nuts, resistant varieties of apple trees, hawthorn, lingonberries, and blueberries. Now there are other fruit crops on the market that are adapted to harsh conditions.

Trees for mid-latitudes

In the temperate climate zone, the choice for planting green spaces is huge. Broad-leaved (beech, ash, linden), coniferous (spruce, pine), small-leaved (aspen, birch) species, as well as most fruit representatives, take root well.

If severe frosts occur in mid-latitudes, they last only a short time. In temperate zones, temperatures can drop to -25-30 C. Therefore, choose plants that can withstand such cold weather.

Trees for the south lane

Warm weather conditions with little temperature variation are the ideal place to create a fertile garden.

In the south, heat-loving plants develop and bear fruit well:

  • peaches
  • apricots
  • cherries
  • pears
  • quince
  • cherries
  • dogwood
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn
  • barberry
  • mulberry
  • honeysuckle
  • plum

When choosing seedlings, objectively assess the climate in which the plant will have to live. Buy the most adapted varieties. Don’t give in to the desire to do the impossible and grow something completely exotic.

We are planning to create a fruit-bearing garden

What fruit trees should be planted on the plot? Focus on your preferences and compliance with the climate zone. Once you have decided on the list of varieties that can be grown in your region, proceed directly to the choice. At the stage of organizing a garden, various aspects and parameters are taken into account.

Create a planting pattern

Before you start taking active steps, create a planting diagram on paper. Sketch a plan for the location of the seedlings.

Decide on quantity

Think about why you need fruit crops. Do you want to please yourself with fresh berries and fruits in season, are you planning to harvest or want to get a harvest for commercial purposes? How many family members will you divide the collected fruits and berries among?

If you do not expect further sale of the fruits, you should not plant 25 seedlings of the same type.

Create a list of preferences

Write a list of those representatives of the flora that you would like to see near your house first. Think about what fruits and berries you need most? What cultures don't inspire sympathy? Are you allergic to any of the plants?

Make a list in descending order of importance. Start purchasing seedlings from the first positions. At the end of the list there should be the least fit and desirable specimens.

Take into account the size of the plot

If you want to try as many fruits as possible, but the plot size is modest, use the following tricks:

Plant dwarf species. The advantage of these is their compactness and ease of maintenance. The owner will have the opportunity to feast on the fruits, despite the small territory. However, many gardeners note that columnar specimens deplete the soil more.

To get different fruits, use grafting. This technique will allow you to get branches hung with fruits of different varieties (plums, apples).

Leave enough space between plants

When planted, the seedlings are miniature and slender, and over time they grow significantly. Leave enough space between them. Consider the variety and adult size.

Choose your neighbors wisely

An important detail is the correct combination of neighboring trees. Sweet cherries pollinate better and grow in the company of their own kind. There is no point in planting one cherry tree in a garden bed.

Place the walnut away from other green spaces. It will try to destroy nearby plants. But mulberry will not bother any neighbor.

You can plant several fruit trees near your house, or start creating a whole garden. It is worthwhile to correctly calculate your strength. If the area is large, it may be better to invite a professional team.

Norway spruce

Substances that are released from spruce leaves refresh and improve the health of the air in the garden. For the seedling you need to find a place that is not too close to the house. It can be sunny or with light partial shade.

The young tree is examined and the lump on the roots is thoroughly kneaded. The hole is made square, and the soil is compacted when planting. Then mulch the soil around the trunk with last year's grass.

  • Author: Inna Kiseleva
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Which trees are suitable for lowlands and wetlands?

The best option for a garden is a perfectly flat terrain. However, not every plot of land can boast of such characteristics. Most often, there are lowlands near the estate, which need to be filled correctly.

You should not build a garden in a low-lying area. Fruit trees and shrubs are demanding of soil, and in damp and high humidity conditions their roots will begin to rot. Groundwater must lie at least 2 m deep from the surface of the earth.

If the entire garden is in a lowland, but you want to plant fruit crops, use the following technique. Make earthen mounds 35-45 cm high and place the seedlings on artificially created hills.

If there is a low area on the site, and it is not possible to create a good drainage system, certain plants are specially planted. Aspen or willow will help remove excess water.

There are other representatives of the flora that tolerate low-lying areas and nearby streams well:

  • Spiraea Douglas. A beautiful deciduous plant, famous for its long flowering period from July to September. Perfectly complements the green design.
  • White willow. A tree traditionally found in marshy soils along rivers and streams. Thanks to its impressive size, it creates a noticeable shadow.
  • Hawthorn. A shrub strewn with fruits that resemble small apples. Often used for medicinal purposes.
  • Gray alder. A tree that grows up to 20 m. It does not tolerate drought, so damp soils are what you need.
  • Honeysuckle. It is of interest as an ornamental plant. There are varieties with edible fruits of unusual shape.
  • Deren. Common types include white, red and scion derain. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and high adaptability.
  • Kalina. Every owner will be pleased to have viburnum on their territory. This unusually beautiful shrub will delight you with useful fruits.

Planting plants in wetlands will help reduce moisture levels and add greenery to the area. Trees will help achieve completeness and integrity.

How to plant fruit tree seedlings correctly

In order to get a good harvest and the seedling to quickly take root, you need to plant in accordance with some algorithm. How to plant trees that will later bear fruit:

  1. Dig a hole that is 40 cm larger than the root system.
  2. Drive a stake into the center, to which you need to tie a seedling by the trunk.
  3. Cover the roots with a mixture of humus, sulfates and topsoil.
  4. Water the sprout using 1-2 buckets of water.

You can replant a fruit tree in the same way; the only difference is in the method of removing the seedling.

How to plant an apple tree

You can grow an apple orchard by making the correct planting:

  1. Prepare a hole in which the root system can settle without creasing the shoots.
  2. Pre-soak the roots in water to restore balance.
  3. Drive a peg into the center of the hole.
  4. Tie a seedling to it.
  5. Cover with soil mixed with humus.
  6. Water the plant.

Apple tree planting

This completes the planting procedure; then you should properly care for the fruit.

Scheme of planting fruit trees and shrubs on the site

In order for the trees to develop well, not interfere with each other, and the site to look attractive, you need to plan the area:

  • trees can be placed in several rows;
  • the distance between copies should be more than 1.5 m, 3 m would be ideal;
  • the distance between fruit trees should be more than 5 m.

The order of placement on the territory is chosen arbitrarily or according to design rules.

Tips for selecting and planting ornamental crops

To create a certain style in a country house or personal plot, decorative varieties are needed. If you want to get a single composition, select plants that are similar in style. To keep the garden looking neat, you will have to think about pruning and shaping the crown from time to time.

For hedges, choose small trees and shrubs. Remember that tall plants will change significantly in size over time, shading the territory of neighbors in the country and taking root in adjacent areas.

Is it possible to plant linden near the house? Such plants are planted in recreation areas, near gazebos on the south side. They will serve as an excellent shelter in the summer heat.

When creating a hedge, give preference to dwarf varieties that tolerate pruning well.

The following plants are perfect:

  • juniper
  • berry yew
  • dwarf spruce
  • western thuja
  • barberry
  • spirea
  • hawthorn

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to plant lilacs near the house. The plant is perfect for planting around the perimeter of the site. It can also be used to make hedges. Lilac has lush foliage, and in the spring it will delight you with beautiful fragrant blooms.

If the house faces a busy road, it is better to plant taller plants along the edge. For these purposes, take western thuja, small-leaved elm, yellow locust or river maple. The lush crown will protect from dust and exhaust gases flying from the road.

For decorative purposes, any species is used - coniferous, deciduous. They can be planted individually, creating compositions or a careless look.

Single trees

Medium and large trees are planted as single specimens. If the area is not too large, it is not practical to place very tall plants. Large crops are located at a great distance from each other. Rosehip or cinquefoil are excellent as a soloist.

Planting groups of plants

Group plantings look great and create a romantic landscape. Interesting compositions are obtained by planting contrasting flora representatives next to each other. The variegated trees and bushes look original.

A wide variety of plants are used as decoration:

  • Conifers: thuja, spruce, pine, yew, juniper. Thanks to their unusual appearance, coniferous crops have gained popularity among summer residents. The rounded specimens look attractive.
  • Deciduous: birch, maple, linden, chestnut, alder, ash, rowan. Plants tolerate unstable temperatures and frosty winters well.
  • Fruit: dwarf fruit varieties, apple trees, sakura. The flowering of such crops is colorful, and in autumn the foliage acquires a bright multi-colored color.

Landscape designers recommend adhering to the following rule: the smaller the size of the plant, the greater the quantity required for the composition.

Trees randomly scattered around the site rarely look neat. Planting in groups looks more aesthetically pleasing.


Poplar is considered the most useful among trees. This culture has the following properties:

  • filter air from dust;
  • humidify the atmosphere;
  • release a lot of oxygen;
  • disinfect the air.

Poplar is unpretentious and grows quietly along highways and near industrial enterprises. Oddly enough, poplar fluff, which is harmful to allergy sufferers, also has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere.

What trees are not advisable to plant near the house and why?

Some representatives of the flora are not recommended to be planted near the house. Some - due to natural reasons, others - due to superstition.

Giants with powerful roots should not be placed close to buildings. Over time, the root system can develop and go so deep that it disturbs the foundation of the building. These include poplar or walnut.

It is better not to plant pine trees on the site, or to distance them as much as possible. Their features are such that they can destroy all the vegetation around them.

Plants are believed to have a certain energy. Everyone's aura is special and can give or take away strength. According to superstitions, it is undesirable to plant the following flora representatives near the house.


In fact, birch is a real protector. However, it is better to take it outside the gate and build a bench next to it. There she will not disturb the owner and will not let negativity enter the doorstep.


Our ancestors also considered aspen an energy vampire. According to legends, she brings illness and loss. The cross of Jesus Christ was made of aspen.


Some say that whoever plants it will soon suffer death. Even if you are not a superstitious person, you should not tempt fate.


It often grows near bodies of water, but is not suitable for planting near a house. The willow tree is traditionally considered a symbol of crying and suffering; in the old days, women came to it to grieve over their difficult fate.


The young linden has a plastic trunk with delicate bark and beautiful foliage. A grown tree's crown attracts insects to the garden.

Linden can purify and scent the air.

Several specimens are usually placed on the site at once, creating an alley. You can plant early flowers between them; before the linden leaves open, they will receive enough light.

The soil for this crop must be fertile and drained. You can take a mixture of turf substrate with sand and humus.

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