What plants are best to plant along the fence?

When landscaping a dacha, each owner tries to green the estate by decorating it with different plants. Such living decorations create a cozy atmosphere, prevent the entry of excess dust from the road, and protect from wind and noise.

If you plant trees along the fence, you can hide from the views of passers-by and neighbors.

This article will talk about the nuances of such a decision.

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What trees and shrubs to plant near the house

For example, conifers prefer sandy soil and bright places. It is better to choose not mature trees, but seedlings. Then they will get along better. Their significant drawback is the presence of a powerful root system. Being quite developed, it can easily damage communications or the foundation of a house. Of course, this must be taken into account when choosing a landing site. It should not be less than 10 meters from the building. The ideal option is a spruce fence or a place along the fence.

Rowan, viburnum and other fruit trees will also decorate any yard. The bright colors of their foliage in autumn, red berries in winter - everything will please the eye. These unpretentious trees prefer shade and moisture. Therefore, it is better to choose shaded places for planting them. And at the same time, of course, do not forget to fertilize the soil.

But the nut will be happy with the moist and warm corners of the site. It is better if you choose a place near your home. Windy areas on the site should be avoided. This can cause damage to the tree crown. The choice of location must be taken responsibly. Frequent changes of residence can be detrimental to the tree. After all, its root system is quite weak.

If the climate allows, you can decorate the space around the house with fruit trees. Cherry, sweet cherry, apricot, peach, pomegranate, plum - they all prefer fertilized soil. It is better that it is also wet. Depressions in the soil should not be more than 100 cm.

Of the shrubs, derain is very popular. It reproduces quickly by dividing the bush. Therefore, even from a small amount you will end up with quite a lot of bushes. In late autumn its leaves turn scarlet. It looks very beautiful, especially against the backdrop of the first snow. Depending on the species, it can be either a shrub or a tree.

In addition to turf, viburnum leaf (meadowsweet, spirea) is often planted. This shrub begins to bloom from the end of June and is distinguished by bright red or yellow foliage. However, this effect can only be achieved if the spirea is planted in a sunny place. Otherwise, its leaves will not gain brightness and will lose their decorative effect.

Both shrubs grow very quickly. For this reason, you need to be prepared to spend a lot of time constantly trimming branches. The undeniable advantage is that the branches can be given a variety of shapes and ultimately create a beautiful hedge.

About planning a summer cottage

When deciding on a garden design option, you need to decide in advance what you want to see as a result, only after that you can start choosing and purchasing plants. After dividing the territory, you can begin planting them according to the drawn up project.

When choosing plants, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • duration and timing of flowering;
  • the height of the bush and the area it will occupy;
  • plant lifespan;
  • frost resistance indicators of the variety;
  • requirement for care.

The composition and quality of the soil on the site can also influence the choice of plants. Naturally, all selected plants must correspond to the style in which it is planned to decorate the garden.

Let's proceed to a direct examination of the characteristics of the most popular plants.

We invite you to watch a useful video on how to properly plan a site and what ornamental shrubs to plant on it:

What to pay attention to when planting trees near your home

Before landscaping a site, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its plan. Misunderstandings may arise with neighbors. Therefore, it is better to immediately discuss with them all the nuances of future plantings. After all, there is no guarantee that the tree crowns will not shade the area.

Each tree must be planted so that it does not create inconvenience to existing mature trees and shrubs in the future. It is also important to know where exactly to plant trees. For example, close to the fence. Tree roots should not touch communications: plumbing pipes, wires, or the site’s irrigation system.

It is better to maintain a distance of about 2 meters between the trees themselves. In this case, their roots or branches will not intertwine. Trees such as poplar, walnut or birch grow quite quickly. In a few years they can grow up to 20 m. Tree branches that are planted close to the fence can either be damaged themselves (on the fence) or damage the foundation or roof.

Many people want to have their own house and land. And now the dream has been achieved: the house has been built or purchased, the area has been cleared of construction waste or rubbish from the former owners. But in order for a private house to come to life and give you comfort, joy and security, it is necessary to create a plant world around it.

It turns out that not every plant should be planted near the house. Our distant ancestors knew about this and adhered to certain rules when landscaping their plot. True, then people were more often guided by existing superstitions in relation to this or that plant.

Over time, many superstitions were rejected, but some were scientifically justified.

If the garden plot is large, there are plenty of opportunities to create a park area. But if the local area is limited, well-chosen shrubs and dwarf trees will also create an excellent green frame for your home.

Japanese quince during flowering Photo: Depositphotos

And if you have literally just a few square meters of land, then even on them a few low-growing shrubs can create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

For example, 2-3 Japanese quince bushes will illuminate your yard with warmth and joy for several weeks in the spring. And the yellow fruits with purple spots will decorate the bushes until winter.

No matter how small the area, there will certainly be a place for dwarf lilacs and viburnums, which can be maintained in a compact form.



It is difficult to imagine a cottage or garden without lilacs. It is famous for its frost resistance (does not require winter shelter) and low maintenance requirements. The plant does not need a choice of soil; it feels great even in poor, infertile soil.

The only thing you need to take care of is proper pruning of the bush. The bush should not be allowed to grow only in height; it must increase in volume. Every spring you will need to remove root shoots.

Plant height is from two to five meters. Depending on the variety, the inflorescences are white, lilac, dark purple, pink and blue. Flowering period May - June.

The foliage has a rich green color, which remains until the onset of frost.

Evergreen shrubs

With regular and proper pruning, evergreen shrubs can easily turn into a hedge or an unusual living sculpture that will become the center of a recreation area. To do this, it is enough to trim them skillfully. A list of which evergreen ornamental shrubs can be planted in the garden:

  • Holly.
    Not afraid of frost. Grows over a meter. The oblong leaves are strewn with spines. Therefore, it is unpleasant to come close to him.
  • Yew.
    A slow-growing coniferous plant, in areas with mild climates it is planted in hedges. The usual foliage color is dark green, there are varieties with golden foliage, as well as various growth forms - from ground cover to tall columnar trees. It tolerates unfavorable growing conditions better than many other coniferous plants, but does not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots in the cold season. The plant is dioecious; female plants produce seeds with a fleshy red roof up to 1 cm in diameter. The leaves and seeds are poisonous.
  • Boxwood is
    a popular shrub for hedges, including low ones framing flower beds. It withstands frequent pruning and partial shade, is not afraid of wind, and is undemanding to the soil. Keep in mind that boxwood is very easy to care for. It does not require annual pruning. Only dry and thickening branches are cut out, and elongated shoots are also shortened.
  • Kalmia
    is a beautifully flowering shrub that pleases with its flowering in May - June. In a non-flowering state, Kalmia is similar to rhododendron; the plants are easily distinguished by their flowers. Kalmia's buds look like Chinese lanterns, the edges of the petals are corrugated. Loves moist, acidic soil and light partial shade.



After winter, you want to admire beautiful flowers as early as possible, so early flowering crops are of interest. The leader in this group is spirea.

The plant is divided into two types: summer-flowering and spring-flowering. Summer varieties have pink and lilac buds, and spring varieties have white buds.

The flowering period occurs in the first days of May; it can last until the end of June, or even until mid-July.

Some varieties of spirea, under favorable weather conditions, can re-bloom in the fall.

Features and Specifications:

  • easy to care for, grows on all types of soil;
  • the height of the bushes can vary significantly; there are varieties that are short (up to fifty centimeters) and tall (up to two and a half meters);
  • has high frost resistance;
  • characterized by long-lasting abundant flowering;
  • grows quickly;
  • is an excellent honey plant;
  • actively develops and blooms in sunny areas and in partial shade.

Shade-loving shrubs for the garden

They are often used to create a smooth transition from the grass to the crowns of garden trees. Shade-loving shrubs are also needed to create a beautiful design for fences and the shady side of a private house. The most common shade-tolerant shrubs are listed below.

  • Cotoneaster.
    One of the most important ornamental beautiful fruiting shrubs in the garden. The genus includes plants of different shapes and sizes, most of them are evergreen or semi-evergreen. The leaves are oval, with a solid edge, pink buds open into white flowers in May or June. In autumn, beautiful fruits ripen, which are practically not pecked by birds. Some cotoneasters have beautiful fall foliage. Heavily overgrown bushes are pruned in the spring. Valued for the unusual dark green color of its glossy leaves. They tend to change their hue to red when autumn arrives.

  • Rhododendrons
    are beautiful flowering shrubs that also prefer to be sheltered from the midday sun. Traditionally, representatives of the genus are divided into rhododendrons and azaleas. Rhododendrons growing in the shade reach an average height of 1.5 meters and bloom in May, but there are plants both 30 cm and 6 m that bloom in early spring and autumn, in August. The colors of the flowers are varied, with the exception of blue, the leaves are oval or oblong, wintering. All rhododendrons are characterized by shallow roots, so the soil under the plants is mulched and watered abundantly in dry weather.



This culture is famous for its low maintenance requirements and abundant long-lasting flowering. It also tolerates frost and severe cold well.

It can be planted in gardens located in areas with harsh winters.

Loves areas in full sun and is drought tolerant. In appearance it resembles a lilac bush.

Buddleia is a tall ornamental shrub; its branches can reach a length of up to three meters. It blooms in late May, early June, a little later than spirea and blooms until frost, about three months. The flowers have a pleasant aroma that attracts butterflies.

After flowering is over, it is important to get rid of all the reddened shoots.


Frost-resistant, large, deciduous and ornamental shrub. There are two types of vesicle carp - with purple leaf blades and golden leaves.


Features and Specifications:

  • The height of the stem ranges from one to three meters.
  • The leaves are five or three-lobed, similar in shape to viburnum leaves. In diameter - five, seven centimeters. Belongs to the fast-growing type.
  • Gas-resistant and drought-resistant.

The culture is unpretentious in care. Throughout the growing season it maintains a presentable appearance. Most often in landscape design they are used to create hedges or planted as a single plant.

The bladderwort is not picky about the soil, but it is worth draining and it is better if the soil contains lime. This will significantly affect the decorative qualities of the crop.

Is it possible to plant hawthorn near the house?

When hawthorn

blooms, its main drawback is noticed.
The smell of flowers is reminiscent of herring, which is not pleasant. Therefore, it is better to plant hawthorn
away from
and recreational areas: gazebos, playgrounds, etc.

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Tree hydrangea is an ornamental frost-resistant North American shrub. There are varieties of hydrangea of ​​Chinese and Japanese origin, but they tolerate winter frosts less well and require constant care. The plant is moisture-loving and feels more comfortable in shade or partial shade. For planting, it is necessary to use drained and acidic soil.

During the flowering period, large white flowers similar to white caps are formed on the bush. In landscape design they are used as a single or group planting. Combines well and grows next to other deciduous plants and coniferous crops.

The hydrangea variety, Paniculata, is very popular. The height of such a plant is three hundred centimeters, the crown is spherical and wide. The buds are from fifteen to twenty centimeters in length and thirty centimeters in width. In mid-autumn, the white flowers turn red. Flowering begins in mid-July and lasts until late autumn.

Camellia garden


In any garden there are places where sunlight does not reach. Not all plants do well without light. Camellia garden in this case is an ideal option.

The shrub is quite capricious and requires constant and delicate care. Particular attention should be paid to watering.

The plant is demanding on water quality and its composition. It is strictly forbidden to water with water that contains lime. It is best to use settled, soft water.

With appropriate care, the plant will reward you with an abundance of flowers.

Despite its capriciousness, camellia has a great advantage - frost resistance; it calmly tolerates severe frosts and does not need shelter.

In appearance, camellia buds are somewhat similar to peonies or roses. But, unlike these flowers, these plants have no smell. The flowers are large, voluminous, about ten centimeters in diameter. The colors are different: pink, red, coral and white.


And what berry bushes can be planted in the country if the gardener wants not only to get medicinal fruits, but also to create a decorative composition? The ideal option would be fieldfare, which is distinguished by its incredible vitality, beautiful leaves (especially in autumn) and healthy fruits.

And if you are thinking about what shrubs to plant in your dacha so that you don’t have to care for them at all, then fieldfare is also the answer. After all, it can grow both in the shade and in the sun. The plant does not need additional watering or mineral supplements.

The culture is most suitable for decorating garden buildings. For example, fieldfare can ideally camouflage a barn if its crown is constantly shaped using various supports. Sometimes the plant is used for group plantings, but only in areas where there is a lot of space.

The crop is extremely undemanding when it comes to soil, but it is best to plant it in areas with loose and neutral substrate. Well, if you don’t want all the fruits to simply spoil during the summer heat, then be sure to create an additional source of shading or plant a bush under a tree.

The only care rule that fieldfare requires is regular removal of root growth. If the gardener does not do this, he risks not only ruining the appearance of the shrub, but also provoking the development of various diseases, because the crop will experience a lack of nutrients.

Mock orange, or garden jasmine


This deciduous ornamental shrub is recommended for planting by lovers of a bright, rich aroma. The dark green color of the leaf plate and the snow-white jasmine buds will serve as a good decoration for any landscape composition.

Some varieties of jasmine have slightly creamy flowers.

The positive aspects include the plant’s high frost resistance and stable immunity to many diseases. Mock orange bushes are extremely rarely affected by insect pests.

The height of the bush is from two to two and a half meters; in countries with cold climates, mock orange grows up to 4 meters. The crown is spreading, not dense.

Low-growing varieties are planted in flower beds, medium-growing varieties are used to create a flower arrangement or as a hedge, and tall varieties are used for solitaire planting.

The disadvantage of the culture is that it cannot tolerate drying out of the soil. It is recommended to water every two days during hot periods, and once a week in temperate climates.

There are varieties whose flowers have no aroma, so before purchasing seedlings it is worth clarifying this nuance.

How to determine the required number of bushes

The quantity and species composition of the garden depends on the preferences of the gardener and the composition of the family. Based on yield indicators, you can determine the required amount of planting material.

Average indicators for different crops:

  • black currants 2-4 kg;
  • gooseberries 2-3 kg;
  • raspberries 2-4 kg;
  • chokeberry 5 kg;
  • sea ​​buckthorn 4-7 kg;
  • honeysuckle 2-5 kg;
  • irga 2-6 kg.

For a standard family of 4 people, it is enough to plant 2 currant and gooseberry roots, 4-5 raspberries, and one chokeberry. Irgu, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, dogwood, honeysuckle, and hazel are usually planted in groups as a decorative fence.

Types of landscape design

To improve the area around the fence, you should decide on the design style and its main characteristics. To do this, you need to take into account the relief and climatic conditions and choose what is closer to your taste and worldview. Each style has its own requirements for the type of plants, materials used and accessories.

The main areas include:

  1. Traditional — provides restrained and regular geometric shapes. Flowers are planted in straight lines, shrubs are predominantly neatly trimmed. The fence can be decorated with sculptures and fountains. This fence design is strict, restrained, and does not contain unnecessary elements. To maintain the area in this style, it is necessary to constantly monitor and care for the plants, give the desired shape to the shrubs and trees.

  2. Modern - modern style is completely opposite to traditional. Here accessories are more important than living plantings, although the amount of decorations is minimal. They prefer plants with a sharp leaf blade shape or a bizarre crown. When planting trees and bushes, not only decorativeness is important, but also functionality. They can be planted in small compositions with several repetitions around the perimeter. Climbing plants are also used. The shapes should be simple, the lines should be smooth. Caring for seedlings does not require any special action. It is necessary to water and fertilize the soil on time.

  3. Mixed - used if you divide the fence area into zones. It is used when there are several preferences and the area of ​​the site is small. Then the owner can realize all the desires when decorating and choose the most acceptable style in all respects.

Landscape designers do not recommend mixing styles.

Did you know? Chinese art of landscape design is considered the most ancient. It originated around 1,000 BC and was based on the harmony of man and nature.


What fruit bushes can be planted in the country? What about viburnum, a crop that not only has a beautiful appearance, but also amazing healing properties? In addition, there are quite a few varieties of this plant, which will allow you to choose a shrub with decorative foliage.

Most gardeners in Russia prefer to grow viburnum in their gardens, the fruits of which are used as medicinal raw materials. The foliage of the plant changes its bright green color to crimson (in autumn), which allows you to enjoy all the beauty of the season.

Professional gardeners value viburnum most of all for its good frost resistance, as well as the medicinal qualities of the fruit. However, the best thing about viburnum is that it is not demanding in terms of growing space, so it can be planted anywhere you like.

The disadvantage of the crop is that it is quickly attacked by pests. Viburnum will have to be protected from some insects throughout the year by regular pruning and spraying with insecticides. In addition, it is recommended to mulch in the winter to prevent the roots from freezing.

Viburnum also has a fairly positive attitude towards complex mineral supplements. It is best to bring them into the ground in the spring, when the days are dry. But the crop does not need additional watering - the moisture that comes with precipitation is quite enough.


If your fence is made of chain-link mesh or other cellular material, climbing plants will be an excellent option for decorating the front side of the area. You can plant a new annual vine every year: morning glory, climbing varieties of nasturtium, sweet peas, fire beans, climbing kobe, dolichos, echinocystis lobes, quamoclitis lobes, winged thunbergia, climbing asarina, etc.

Plant decorative foliage or flower crops at the foot of the vines. An alternative is to sow the remaining strip of land between the “climbing” fence and the road with lawn grass.

A durable fence can be decorated with perennial vines: ivy, tree pliers, virgin grapes, hops, actinidia, Chinese lemongrass, campsis, climbing roses, clematis, wisteria, honeysuckle honeysuckle, fluffy calistegia, petiole hydrangea, etc.

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