Apple tree pruning in spring 2022 for beginners in pictures

Pruning is an activity that is performed to form the crown and eliminate diseased and damaged branches. If the procedure is not carried out, the crown thickens, the apple tree withers over the years and bears less fruit. To properly prune a tree, you must follow the instructions and follow a pruning pattern that takes into account the age and condition of the plant. Viewing photos of pruning apple trees in spring will simplify the procedure for novice gardeners.

Why do you prune apple trees in the spring?

Fruit trees need pruning of shoots and branches not only to create a lush crown of the correct shape, but also to stimulate plant growth, extend fruiting period, and improve the quality of ripe fruits.

The procedure and its rules will directly depend on the age of the tree.

The main reasons for pruning an apple tree in the spring:

  • Trimming the crown of an apple tree is necessary in order to make harvesting the future harvest quick and trouble-free.
  • The procedure helps strengthen the branches of the tree and direct their growth in the desired (correct) direction.
  • Trimming helps stimulate the process of formation of new shoots, since during it you remove all deformed, dried and unnecessary branches.
  • Pruning allows the plant to access light. Thinning the bush and removing shoots that thicken the crown helps normalize the supply of nutrition to the plant (regulate the process of photosynthesis).
  • Proper pruning will help the plant survive the dormant period in winter more easily (provided that you prune the tree according to all the rules in the fall).

Annual seasonal work in the garden

The timing of pruning depends on a number of factors: the purpose, condition and age of the apple tree, its life cycle and weather conditions. Work cannot be carried out during flowering, fruit set and active movement of juice. It is better to form a crown in the spring in dry weather.

in spring

Spring pruning is the most popular. It is carried out in March-early April after the end of frost, before the buds awaken. During this period, the trees are free of foliage, the skeleton, damaged and dried branches are clearly visible. In spring, all types of pruning are used and excess shoots are removed.

In summer

In the first half of July, very gentle pruning of the dense crown is carried out to improve lighting and fruit ripening. In August, it is useful to cut out diseased shoots and those occupied by pests.

in autumn

After the leaves fall, it is advisable to remove old, broken branches with signs of disease and damaged by pests.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! Pruning must be done before frost so that the wounds have time to heal.

Timing and types of apple tree pruning in spring 2022

Removing one or two small branches or cutting out dry and broken ones can be done at any time from early spring to late autumn - this will not affect the condition of the tree or the vigor of shoot growth. In all other cases, based on the time of execution, a distinction is made between winter pruning, when the trees are in a state of relative dormancy or just emerging from it, and summer pruning, during the active growing season.

In southern regions with warm climates, winter pruning is actually done in winter, but where frosts last a long time, it is better to wait until spring. In the conditions of central Russia, this is usually March-April, since the most suitable time is the period from the beginning of the snow melting to the swelling of the buds.

To ensure a good harvest, it is better to prune the apple tree in the spring in clear weather at an air temperature of at least +4 ℃. Frozen wood, due to its fragility, is less able to cut, and damaged areas are especially sensitive to cold and practically do not heal until warmer weather arrives.

According to gardeners, young trees that are developing the crown structure and increasing its volume should be pruned at least a month before the start of sap flow. But mature apple trees that grow well and bear fruit abundantly can be taken care of both before and after the start of the spring growing season, right up to the end of flowering.

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As for the types of pruning, it is sometimes difficult to separate or distinguish them from each other, since throughout the life of the tree they are closely intertwined with one another, like the branches of a neglected apple tree. Depending on what a particular tree requires in a certain period and on the goals set, standard options are used:

Pruning young and adult apple trees

Apple trees are pruned annually. The first time the seedling is pruned in the nursery, leaving from 3 to 5 skeletal branches on the central trunk. The following spring, the apical shoots are shortened, forming lateral branches. Pruning is repeated every spring, but the technique varies depending on the age of the tree. Let's look at how to prune young and mature apple trees.

Preparing tools

To prune an apple tree, we need a few basic tools:

  • Hand pruners – 95% of apple tree pruning will be done with hand pruners.
  • Lopper – For larger branches or limbs on more mature trees, you will need a lopper. Since this tool is used much less frequently than a hand pruner, we do not recommend purchasing a professional tool. For a home garden, a basic lopper will suffice.
  • Pruning Saw - Although there are specialized pruning saws, cutting is so rare in the home garden that any hand saw will suffice to cut a branch if necessary.

Don't spread disease - clean your tools!

Cleaning your tools won't take much time, but it will help prevent any potential problems. Wash your pruning shears with hot water and soap. This way, you will reduce the risk of disease spreading in your garden.

Who knows which pruner was last used! After cleaning your pruning shears, apply a light oil to the blades for a smooth cut in the garden.

One-year apple tree seedling: pruning

A one-year-old seedling planted in the fall is pruned six months later - in the spring. If the seedling is planted in the spring, then pruning is carried out immediately after planting. Thus, already in the first year after planting the tree, its crown is formed. If the tree has the correct structure, it will not need any additional supports in the future - thanks to the balanced relationship between the location of the branches and the number of apples.

Please note that future harvests depend on how correctly the apple tree is pruned in the first spring. The most popular option is a sparse multi-tiered crown.

Step-by-step instructions for pruning an annual seedling:

Cut the central trunk at a height of 0.8-1.0 m from the ground surface. Due to the shortening of the main conductor, the side branches, which

which subsequently become skeletal and intensify their growth.

Remove all buds and branches (if any) in the trunk area - from the surface of the ground to the first tier of skeletal branches.

If the seedling has already acquired branches, mark those from which the first tier will be formed. 3-5 branches are enough - they should be directed in different directions so that the tree is symmetrical and balanced. If there are no branches yet, add 5-8 buds for the first tier (take more than you need - in reserve).

Remove any branches that form an angle less than 45 degrees with the trunk. If left, they will break off either during a storm or under the load of fruit.

Cut branches that will be skeletal to 30-40 cm, shortening them by 3-5 buds.

When pruning excess branches, be sure to leave those that are located at a large angle. Such branches are distinguished by their strength and productivity.

When choosing the height of the first tier of skeletal branches, keep in mind that a trunk that is too low will make it difficult to care for the tree, and a trunk that is too high will be susceptible to sunburn.

The first spring pruning is an urgent necessity. Even with the most careful planting, the root system of a seedling is damaged. By pruning the branches, the gardener optimally distributes nutrients in the tree.

Where to begin

In the case of this type of apple tree, pruning must begin with the largest branches. The thing is that the greatest effect can be achieved only if you shorten or remove old branches. If the tree is too tall, it is shortened, forming an additional crown of branches that are located on the sides.

How to prune a two-year-old apple tree

In the second year, the apple tree already looks more like a tree: its trunk has become stronger, the number of branches has increased.

Scheme for the second year:

1. Determine future skeletal branches (from 3 to 5), which will become the basis of the crown. They should be located at right angles to the trunk. Remove or reject shoots located at an acute angle, because there is a high probability of their damage under the weight of the crop.

2. Side branches are shortened by a third.

A properly pruned two-year-old apple tree will begin to bear fruit earlier, since nutrients will not be directed to the growth of unnecessary shoots.

Pruning dwarf apple trees

Dwarf varieties of apple trees are the most convenient for pruning, because their height does not exceed 2.5 m.

Trimming order:

  1. After the first wintering, the trunk of the apple tree is cut to a level of 0.4-0.5 m. As a result, replacement shoots are formed, from which the crown will be formed.
  2. In the second year, the leading conductor is pruned again and the branches growing towards the ground are removed.
  3. After the third wintering, the central branch is pruned, and the side branches are shortened by a third.
  4. Mature trees require regular pruning of side branches to maintain a compact crown.

A properly formed dwarf apple tree will delight you with a rich harvest and strong immunity.

It is important to know

Most novice gardeners do not know exactly how to prune an apple tree. Using pruning shears and auxiliary tools, they only harm the trees, weakening them.

Initially you need to prepare all the necessary material. All tools that are supposed to be used in pruning must be well sharpened and disinfected. This is done so that when pruning you do not harm the tree or introduce any infection into its system.

To achieve the maximum possible sharpening of your tool, you can resort to a certain trick. The tool must be soaked for 30 minutes in salt water, in the proportions of 1 tablespoon of salt to 1 glass of water.

The process of pruning old apple trees:

  • Shorten the main branch and all branches by a third to ensure illumination of the lower branches;
  • Eliminate every young shoot growing at the base of the apple tree and from the trunk;
  • Cut out every branch that grows “downwards”;
  • In case of close placement, the stronger branch should be left and the other one should be eliminated;
  • On branches, cut off the lower shoots;
  • Branches whose growth is directed towards the middle of the crown must be removed.

Such pruning should be carried out according to these instructions for three years, after which positive changes and a strong increase in the quality of the crop will be visible. After finishing trimming the old apple tree, coat each stump with garden varnish or plasticine. Also cover the largest ones with polyethylene over the putty to help the apple tree bear stress more easily. When autumn approaches, this cover must be removed so that the tree can strengthen before the cold weather sets in.

It is worth noting that there is no need to eliminate a huge number of branches at once. Their number should be approximately a third of all shoots. Otherwise, culture recovery after the procedure may not occur.

Useful tips

When pruning an apple tree, you need to remember the main rule - do not cut off many branches at one time . Care must be timely.

The top part of the tree is subject to radical pruning to provide the entire crown with sunlight.

In order for a young apple tree to have a beautiful crown and give a generous harvest of fruits every year, it is necessary to take care of it and regularly prune it.

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