Description and characteristics of Bluecrop blueberries, planting and care

Blueberry varieties

Blueberry varieties, depending on the height of the bush, are divided into low-growing, medium-growing and high-growing. Varieties of low-growing blueberries are frost-resistant and are considered the most popular for growing in regions with a temperate climate.
Highbush blueberry varieties are unsuitable for growing in cold and frosty winters, but they have a number of advantages, including high yield: up to 10 kg of berries can be harvested from one bush! The berries of tall varieties are larger and sweeter.

Varieties of the medium-growing group are also called semi-tall. These plants were skillfully bred for cultivation in northern regions - some of their representatives are able to withstand temperatures up to 40 ° C.

Blueberries are one of those lucky ones that boast a variety of varieties, ranging from old North American varieties to new ones imported from other countries. There are a great many of them, so we will focus on the most famous ones.

  • Thoreau
  • Spartan
  • Blugold
  • Hannah Choice
  • Pink lemonade
  • Pink champagne
  • Berkeley
  • Bluejay
  • Spartan
  • Blu-ray
  • Darrow
  • Coville
  • Puru
  • River
  • Jersey
  • Hardiblu
  • Huron

Each variety has its own strengths and weaknesses. The varieties Toro, Spartan, Blugold, as well as the early variety Hannah Choice are distinguished by large berries.

Pink blueberries Pink lemonade and Pink champagne are still considered outlandish. But these are licensed varieties that cannot be propagated for commercial purposes.

The Berkeley variety is easy to propagate and unpretentious, but sudden temperature fluctuations in winter can kill it.

Gardeners appreciated the Blugold variety for its late berry ripening, unpretentiousness and high yield.

Varieties Bluejay, Spartan and Bluray are resistant to moniliosis, branch death and mummification of berries.

The Darrow variety can boast that its fruits do not crumble or crack even in wet weather.

Gardeners will have to suffer with the Coville variety: it very often thickens, which makes pruning difficult. But later the reward comes: ripe berries hold on tightly and do not fall off for a long time.

The Nelson variety is notable for its irregular but high yield - up to 5 kg per bush.

The Polish variety Boniface has also proven itself well. It begins to bloom after the spring frosts in May, and this protects the flowers from damage.

New Zealand Brigitte Blue is considered one of the most promising and highly productive varieties. The berries ripen evenly and do not fall off for a long time. The Nui variety is distinguished by the largest berries: their diameter reaches 21 mm, weight - up to 3.5 g. The berries, which have a very dense crispy pulp, ripen in tight clusters and resemble bunches of grapes.

The Puru variety is not afraid of extreme weather conditions; the berries do not lose their quality even during prolonged rains, drought, or significant temperature fluctuations.

The fruits of the Reka variety are frost hardy and disease resistant.

The Jersey and Hardiblu varieties are not afraid of drought and are not very demanding on soil conditions. Their disadvantage is that the berries are not very large in size. But small-grade varieties are much healthier: they have a larger area of ​​skin per volume of mass, which contains the main amount of biologically active substances.

Bluecrop and Patriot varieties are most often grown on an industrial scale. You can also plant them in your dacha. Both varieties produce high yields and at the same time are very unpretentious to the conditions.

History of the origin of the Bluecrop variety

Since 1908, in New Jersey, USA, Frederick Vernon Coville has been researching wild blueberries to collect samples. He was about to begin work on breeding this plant. Elizabeth White learned about his work. In 1910, she supported the scientist and offered her farm, where she grew cranberries, as a testing ground. Since 1911, Dr. Coville and Mrs. White have been actively working on the selection of blueberry varieties. The work was crowned with success - 15 varieties were developed and tested. In 1915–1916, among others, the tall blueberry variety Bluecrop appeared.

Bluecrop entered the territory of the USSR in the mid-twentieth century. It is very popular in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. It differs from other tall varieties in its abundant fruiting and large berries.

The berry successfully adapts to different climatic conditions without losing its high resistance to diseases. The Bluecrop variety, the least sensitive to soil acidity and fertilizing, has become popular among amateur gardeners and commercial farms.


Bluecrop blueberries (variety description, photos are presented in the article to familiarize yourself with the fruit crop) are mainly cultivated as a fruit plant in the northern and central regions of Russia. In the southern regions, good fruiting of the shrub is hampered by the composition of the soil layer, since the plant needs podzolic areas with a high level of soil acidity.

The Bluecrop variety is considered a tall, spreading shrub, the height of which reaches almost 2 m. Since blueberries produce a huge number of curved shoots, regular pruning and shaping of the bush is required.

Detailed characteristics of the Bluecrop variety:

  1. The green bark is smooth and without pubescence. With age, the stems begin to change their color to gray-green, the surface becomes slightly rough.
  2. The root system is of the fibrous type and is located at a depth of about 40 cm. Since the roots grow in breadth, it is necessary to maintain water balance and protect the circle near the roots from overheating.
  3. The leaf plate has an ellipsoidal shape and small dimensions. The foliage is elongated and narrow, with a pointed end. The dark green surface is shiny and smooth, without pubescence.
  4. During the flowering stage, the plant is covered with small flowers resembling lilies of the valley. The petals are oblong and white, with a slight green tint. Flowers are collected in elongated brushes of 20 pieces. in each.
  5. The diameter of the fruit reaches 2 cm. The shape of the berries is flat-round. The average weight varies within 2 g. The pulp is covered with a dark blue, dense skin, on which there is a blue coating. The fruits are fleshy and have a sweet taste with a slight tartness. The smell is light and delicate.

The Bluecrop variety requires constant pruning, otherwise the lowest branches will begin to fall to the ground under the weight of the fruit. Due to overcrowding of bushes, the size of the berries will decrease. As a result, the yield indicator will become smaller each time.

Blueberries have good frost resistance. It can withstand -25℃ temperature. If the shoots with the root circle are covered for the winter, the shrub will be able to withstand temperatures of -34 ℃. The flowering stage begins in mid-May. If the temperature drops to -7 ℃, the flowers will not die and the sudden cold snap will not affect the formation of fruit ovaries.

5 years after planting a seedling in an open area, blueberries begin to bear fruit. In the middle zone, all berries ripen by mid-July. In other areas, fruiting occurs 2 weeks earlier or later, depending on the climate. The process lasts for 30 days. From one bush you can collect approximately 8 kg of berries.

The harvested crop must be stored at a temperature of +6 ℃ for 2 weeks. Thanks to their thick skin, blueberries can be transported for a long time, distributed in small containers. It is possible to make confiture, preserves, jam or compote from fresh fruits. The berries are suitable for freezing and decorating desserts.

How to transplant a seedling into a large container

The blueberry seedling can be transplanted into a container. The container for the plant should be large: it is necessary for the roots of the crop to be comfortable. The container should be 2-3 times larger than the root system. Replanting blueberries in a pot is simple - follow the instructions:

  1. Make through holes at the bottom of the container.
  2. Lay out drainage from tree bark (layer 2–4 cm).
  3. Fill the container halfway with prepared or purchased acidic substrate.
  4. Place the seedling in the center of the pot and fill it with the rest of the soil mixture.
  5. Compact the soil and sprinkle with mulch.
  6. Water thoroughly.
  7. Move the container to a windowsill, balcony or loggia. The sun should shine on this place for 6-7 hours.

The technology for transplanting a seedling into a container is similar to planting. It is important to carefully remove the plant from its place of growth (from a small container or from open ground). There should be a lump of earth on the roots. You need to care for blueberries in a container in the same way as for garden ones.

Features of care

The Bluecrop variety, like Patriot, is unpretentious in care. It is for this quality that novice gardeners love him. If you carry out the necessary procedures in a timely manner, the plant will respond handsomely. The list of skincare procedures is not very long, so it is easy to follow:

  1. It is recommended to water the bushes 3-4 times a week. However, they do not tolerate stagnant moisture. If there is mulch or during the rainy season, the amount of watering must be adjusted.
  2. Preparations with a high content of boron, phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium are well suited for feeding. They do not violate the requirement for high soil acidity. The bushes should be fed in the spring in April and in June at the stage of fruit formation.
  3. It is recommended to loosen and weed the soil as needed after watering. The roots of the plant must breathe, so only observation will help determine the timing of these procedures.
  4. The shoots should be pruned in the fall after harvesting. Branches lying on the ground are removed. You need to leave straight, even shoots. Proper pruning will help you get an even bigger harvest next season.
  5. In regions with frosts above 30 degrees, it is recommended that after pruning, collect the branches into a bundle, tie them, bend them to the surface of the ground and insulate them using dead wood, cellophane, roofing felt or other material available.

If all care rules are followed, the bushes have good immunity and produce a large harvest. To prevent diseases, it is necessary to spray with appropriate preparations.

Disease Prevention

Despite the fact that Bluecrop blueberries are very resistant to diseases, you need to be very careful and take emergency measures if signs of infection appear. This variety is susceptible to some ailments.

  • Proper watering, fertilizing and preventive spraying with fungicide will help prevent stem cancer.
  • Controlling the application of nitrogen, timely watering and high-quality pruning of affected shoots will make it possible to cure bushes from gray rot.
  • If powdery mildew is present, it is necessary to treat with preparations such as Topaz or Bayleton.
  • Gardeners use copper sulfate to get rid of bud mites.
  • The preparations “Iskra” and “Aktara” are used to eliminate different types of aphids.

It should be noted that Bluecrop rarely gets sick if all care rules are followed. Its advantages are frost resistance, unpretentiousness and productivity. It’s not for nothing that the variety is included in the standard category. It can give odds to many new hybrids bred later.

About diseases and pests

One of the characteristic features of this variety is the good immunity of the berry crop, which is resistant to various ailments and pests. But there are no ideal indicators, so it is worth mentioning some of the problems that a gardener may encounter:

  • When a blueberry crop is infected with a fungus, the berries become mummified. Fungicides are used for treatment;
  • Infection with gray rot is observed on ripened fruits and is characterized by the presence of a small fluff. The disease occurs as a result of an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers and non-compliance with the weeding schedule;
  • The most dangerous disease is cancerous damage to the stem in the presence of a causative fungus. At the initial stage, you can notice the appearance of small spots, which begin to grow until they completely merge. For treatment, fungicides, reduced watering and fertilizing are used;
  • The kidney mite cannot be seen with the naked eye. Parasites suck out juices and carry various diseases. You can fight with vitriol and nitrafen;
  • It is typical for red and black aphids to infect any part of the plant and lay many eggs. The presence of such a parasite is indicated by yellowed and withering shoots. Special spraying agents are used in treatment.

Mummification of berries

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Planting care

When growing Bluecrop blueberries, you should take into account the peculiarities of caring for them.


Unlike other crops, blueberries do not like organic matter. For her, special complexes for heather crops and ammonium sulfate are most preferable.

When and what to feed

  • during the period of swelling and bud opening, feed with liquid ammonium sulfate (70g per plant);
  • in summer, apply fertilizer to azaleas 1-2 times;
  • autumn feeding consists of adding superphosphate and potassium sulfate (100g and 40g per bush) to the soil to a depth of no more than 10cm.

Features of watering

Watering with ordinary water can be combined with watering with acidified water. If there is rhubarb on the site, the summer leaves, no longer used for food, are crushed, filled with water and, after soaking for 1 day, watered.

Blueberries love moist soils, and dry soil negatively affects its development, the harvest suffers - the berries are small and sour, the process of laying flower buds in the fall is worse, so regular watering is required.

It is recommended to water the bush with an electrolyte solution (1 ml per 1 liter of water) every 7 days to maintain acidity at 5 units. As experienced gardeners write, Bluecrop blueberries do not grow on ordinary soils and we are not talking about a good harvest at all.


Pruning is performed in the 4th year of growth - the procedure for forming the skeleton of the bush helps to increase productivity. If you do not monitor the condition of the crown, the fruits will gradually become crushed and become less juicy and tasteless. During the first pruning, weakened, thickened and lower shoots are removed, and powerful ones are left - this will be formative pruning.

Then every year regulatory pruning is carried out:

  • cut off weak, damaged, crooked branches and shoots;
  • for 5-6 years, cut off thick branches without leaving stumps;
  • Pinch off strongly grown shoots at the end of August;
  • bunches of small branches on the shoots are removed.

Anti-aging pruning is performed on bushes at the age of 8-10 years.

Reference! In the spring, pruning is done before the buds swell, and in the fall after the leaves fall.

Shelter for the winter

Although Bluecrop tolerates low temperatures well, it is still worth preparing for winter in mid-October. To do this, the branches are tilted, fixed and covered with coniferous spruce branches or dense covering material, but not with film. Then, if possible, add snow. The cover is removed after the snow melts.

Disease Prevention

Disease prevention consists of periodic inspection, keeping the tree trunk clean, by loosening, mulching, and removing plant debris. Treatment with fungicides is carried out according to the instructions for any signs of disease with powdery mildew, gray rot,

To destroy the bud mite, nitrophen and copper sulfate are used, and against black and red aphids - Iskra, Aktar.

Schemes and methods of planting - step-by-step instructions

After choosing a location and selecting neighbors, we will move on to the direct planting technique. To do this, we make a peat pocket. This condition persists for all 25 blueberry varieties, regardless of the time of the procedure.

The dimensions of the planting holes are the same: width 50-60 cm, depth 60-70 cm with an addition of 10 cm for drainage. A certain distance should be maintained between bushes.

The row spacing depends on the height of the bush. Each variety comes with care instructions and planting parameters.

Shrub type/row spacingRecommendations
short60-70 cm between planting holes
Tall1.5 m between pits
Row spacing for all types2 meters

Another point that can ruin the development of the bush: after the seedling is established, the roots straighten. Tangled, bent ones will not allow them to grow.

The soaking procedure will help straighten it. Then knead with your hands.

The landing will be effective if you install a support peg. The seedling should be placed in such a way that the depth is 5-7 cm lower than the previous one in the container.

It is advisable to make an earthen mound near the trunk, and after filling it with soil mixture, compact it with your hands.

No peat

Provided that it was not possible to find the necessary ingredients for planting blueberries. Or you are afraid that you will not be able to create the right soil mixture to plant a seedling, do not despair.

You don’t have to give up delicious fruits. The substrate “Four Seasons” will come to the rescue. For blueberries and wild berries." The mixture was created using special technology.

The requirements necessary for the development of the plant are taken into account. It is also poured into the planting hole. If necessary, use for growing cuttings and creating high beds.

The mixture contains:

  • humus;
  • agroperlite;
  • complex mineral fertilizer.

How to plant blueberries in ridges - a guide

The technology of planting blueberries in ridges is used for commercial cultivation of the crop. Plant the plant a week after preparing the site. For this:

  • remove 10 cm of soil and scatter it nearby;
  • fill in the created mixture of peat, sand and earth;
  • need to get a hill;
  • send a seedling;
  • mulch with a layer of 8-10 cm.

For convenience, fastenings are made of wooden boards around the young bushes, which allows the ridge not to be washed out.

In the needles

Another non-standard way of planting blueberries is proposed - in pine litter. This is not the top layer that is in the forest, but a lower layer. The digging depth to purchase such a substrate is 7-9 cm.

Choose pine litter. But you can also use spruce. True, its pH is lower. The top layer under coniferous trees is also useful for mulching and increasing the acidity level.

Description of blueberry variety Deniz blue

Blueberry variety Denis Blue is a perennial deciduous shrub with a spherical shape; by the age of six it grows up to 1.5 meters. The frost-resistant crop successfully resists temperatures down to -40 0C; freezing of shoots is rarely observed. The shrub is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature in the spring, since blueberries bloom later, after possible return frosts.

Blueberries are grown in Siberia, the Urals, the central zone and the Moscow region for berries and as a design element in ornamental gardening. Denis Blue looks aesthetically pleasing from the moment of flowering until the autumn change of leaf color. In September, the crown becomes bright yellow, then the leaves take on a burgundy hue and do not fall off until frost sets in. The bush is densely branched, young shoots grow quickly and in huge numbers.

External description of the garden blueberry variety Denis Blue:

  1. The stems are thin, erect, with slightly drooping tops, rigid, flexible, and completely woody. The bark is smooth, light brown with a gray tint. The shrub is round in shape, has grown in width, diameter is 1.3 m.
  2. Denis Blue blueberry is densely leafy, the leaf blade is 3-3.5 cm long, obovate, lanceolate, opposite arrangement. The surface is smooth, with a network of veins, glossy, green. The cuttings are hard, of medium volume, long, dark beige.
  3. Flowering is abundant, the flowers are light pink, small, pitcher-shaped, 6-10 pieces are formed on the fruit raceme.

The root system is poorly developed, located close to the surface, the roots are thin, fibrous, and cannot independently provide Denis Blue blueberries with nutrients. The peculiarity of the culture is a way to obtain the necessary microelements; it consists of symbiosis with the mycelium of the fungus. Mycorrhiza provides vital activity for both the fungus and the plant.

Important! Fungi can only exist in an acidic environment, hence the requirement for soil composition

Features of fruiting

The blueberry variety Denis Blue is a mid-season variety; the bush blooms in June and the berries are picked in the second half of August. Ripening is uniform, the clusters are located on the outer part of the stems, easily accessible for collecting fruits. Denis Blue blueberries can produce their first fruits in the third year of the growing season. The flowers form single ones; they are not left on the bush, since the productivity of the young plant is low.

Full fruiting occurs in 5-6 years, the variety’s yield is high, 6-8 kg of berries are harvested from one bush. Blueberries are dioecious plants, produce male and female flowers, and are cross-pollinated. The variety can do without pollinators, but in this case the yield decreases. For a high fruiting rate, it is recommended to plant varieties with simultaneous flowering next to Denis Blue blueberries; Bluecrop and Northland blueberries are suitable as a pollinator.

The berries of the Denis Blue variety are the same size, color at the stage of technical ripeness, but acquire taste after 3 weeks. The fruits are not prone to shedding, are well attached to the stalk, and are pulled off dry. They do not bake in the sun with sufficient watering. In case of moisture deficiency, they grow smaller, sour, loose, and lose their shape.

Description of blueberry fruits of the Denis Blue variety (shown in the photo):

  • shape in the form of a circle compressed on both sides, weight – 1.9 g, diameter – 18 mm;
  • the peel is strong, elastic, thin;
  • The blueberry is smooth, with a small depression on top with a jagged receptacle;
  • The color is dark blue with a silvery waxy coating; the ripe berry has a juicy, dense structure, light purple flesh.

The presence of acid in the taste is minimal, the berry of the variety is sweet, with a light aroma. Blueberries are consumed fresh, processed into juice, wine is produced, and jam is made. They do not lose their taste after freezing. The Denis Blue variety is suitable for commercial cultivation; the fruits are stored for about 7 days and transported in a refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding +5 0C.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to gardeners, the blueberry variety Deniz blue has a number of advantages:

  • frost resistance;
  • high yield;
  • good taste;
  • versatility in use;
  • simple agricultural technology;
  • duration of fruiting.

Important! The berries on the bush are preserved after the leaves fall and do not lose their taste after the first frost. Disadvantages include low drought resistance, intensive formation of young shoots, shrubs require pruning

Average resistance to infection

Disadvantages include low drought resistance, intensive formation of young shoots, and the shrub requires pruning. Average resistance to infection.

How to restore a blueberry seedling

Due to long transportation and other factors, blueberry seedlings may be damaged. It is not necessary to buy a new healthy plant - there are several ways to restore a seedling.

This can be done using the following methods:

  1. Soak the plant in water for 1-2 days. It is necessary that most of it be in the liquid. To ensure that the seedling is restored, dissolve 12 drops of camphor alcohol in 1 liter of water. Keep the bush in the resulting solution for 2 days.
  2. If you purchased an adult seedling and only noticed at home that some shoots are damaged or weak, you must remove them immediately. If the seedling is simply weakened, cut its shoots 1–3 cm from the edge.
  3. If additional roots of the seedling begin to rot, they should be removed, and if the central root is, it should be treated with a 3% solution of copper sulfate. If rot is detected on the shoots, they must be removed and then treated with 3% Bordeaux mixture at the cut site. Then the plant must be dipped in a root growth stimulator (“Heteroauxin”, “Kornevin”, “Epin”).

After purchasing blueberry seedlings, you should not delay planting. It is not difficult to grow this crop in your garden plot. Proper spring planting and compliance with all plant care rules are a guarantee that the harvest will delight you.


Bluecrop blueberries are among the tallest varieties most common in the United States. Considering the climatic conditions of our country, this variety is practically a standard. Bluecrop is grown for industrial purposes, but you can also experiment in your own garden plot. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of planting and caring for bushes.

The blueberry bush grows to almost 2 meters in height. The plant grows easily. Branches pointing upward. The bush looks very beautiful in the warm season thanks to its beautiful leaves, large flowers and large bunches of berries. One berry reaches a diameter of up to 2 cm, weighs about 1.5-2.5 g. The fruits are light blue in color, collected in loose, small clusters. Long clusters form on the bush.

Harvesting begins in the third decade of July and continues until the end of August. Sometimes, with proper care, the fruits are harvested before the end of September. Machine picking can be used to harvest the berries a second time, as they then become more durable. Ripe fruits can remain on the branches for up to 2-3 weeks. But at the same time, it is worth constantly watering and feeding the bushes so that the plant has enough nutrients to ripen new berries.

The taste of blueberries is very pleasant and tart. If the berries taste sour, it means that the harvest began too early, or there are too many fruits on the bush. The description of the Bluecrop bush is no different from other varieties. The leaves are dark green, oblong and pointed.

Reviews from gardeners about Bluecrop blueberries

Ksenia, 34 years old, Smolensk I have been growing blueberries of the Bluecrop variety for about 10 years. At first I was pleased with their decorative properties. Now it bears fruit. And it bears fruit well. The berries are both sweet and tart. I freeze them or add them to compotes. Frozen ones are great for decorating baked goods. Surprisingly, they don't turn to mush after defrosting.

Mikhail, 52 years old, Pskov Blueberry Bluecrop is an ideal variety for our lands and unstable climate. I grow it for sale. They are taken mainly by processing enterprises. They take it with pleasure. So they like blueberries.

Weaknesses of Bluecrop

  • The bushes are prone to reloading with the harvest; regular sampling of fruits is required even at the stage of technical ripeness.
  • The plant becomes very thick, you need to regularly cut out the stems and branches. And also carry out general sanitary cleaning, improving the ventilation of the bush.
  • During the fruiting period, sufficient moisture is required. Otherwise, the berries may shrink and lose size.
  • Mediocre, ordinary taste. These blueberries are not for gourmets. The fruits are often tart. But for the unspoiled consumer the taste is quite acceptable.

At the end of the article, I would like to add that Bluecrop is a truly worthwhile variety for industrial cultivation, and by trusting in it, the farmer will receive generous and guaranteed returns. And at the dacha plot our hero will delight with a variety of tasty large berries. And by autumn it will also bring aesthetic pleasure, brightly coloring the garden. But if you want to really enjoy berries with a rich taste, thick, rich aroma and admire their huge size, then you need to choose other varieties. To understand why blueberries are so loved and why they are so rapidly becoming popular in our country. Or just annoy them to Bluecrop. Let’s not even talk about all the benefits that these beautiful and unusual blue balls bring to the human body. Be sure to plant blueberries in your garden. And our articles will help you choose the right variety, which will quickly become your favorite and pride!

Proper planting of blueberry seedlings: when is the best time to plant them in the ground?

According to agronomists, this crop can be planted in the ground both in spring and autumn. But still, spring planting is more preferable, because it allows the cuttings to get stronger over the summer and prepare for frost. In fact, planting blueberry seedlings in the spring is not difficult. It is much more difficult to collect and preserve the berries without losing their quality, but more on that later, but for now let’s do the preparatory work.

Before planting this crop, you need to decide on the place where it grows and choose the variety wisely, taking into account the climatic zone of the region.

Varieties for cultivation in certain regions

Among the many varieties of blueberries, you can choose those that can successfully grow in specific regions. Climate, soil quality and other location features influence the choice of breeding product for your garden.

Important! Blueberries should not be fed with organic fertilizers. After all, they make the soil alkaline, and this crop prefers acidic soils

In the middle zone

In the middle zone, where cold winters are not uncommon, the following have proven themselves best:

  1. Bluecrop.
  2. Patriot.
  3. Bonus, which is a variety whose fruits ripen at the end of August and provide a yield of about 6 kg. The plant can overwinter in frosts down to -29ºС.
  4. Blugold.
  5. Duke.
  6. Erliblue.
  7. Spartan.
  8. Northland.
  9. Darrow.
  10. Bluray, whose bushes rise to a height of 1.8 m, and the yield is 7 kg. These blueberries can withstand temperatures as low as -34ºC.

In Belarus

The most cultivated variety in Belarus is Bluecrop, which was already discussed above.

Also popular in this country:

  1. Patriot.
  2. Blueetta is an early, high-yielding bush that allows you to pick berries with aromatic pulp that are distinguished by a very good taste already at the very beginning of July. Productivity reaches 9 kg.
  3. Chanticleer, an early ripening variety that produces 2 harvests during the season. Large fruits up to 2.2 cm in diameter have a wine-fruity taste.
  4. Erliblue.
  5. Blue Brigitte, abundantly producing fruits 1.5 cm in diameter with good taste.
  6. Boniface grows above 2 m and produces large fruits with a spicy taste and attractive aroma.
  7. Hannah Choice, it is also distinguished by its tall growth and good bush productivity. The ripe fruits can stay on the branches for a long time without falling off.
  8. Pink Lemonade and Pink Champagne, they are new products and are distinguished by the pink color of the fruit. Their taste combines honey tones and lemon sourness. The variety is able to tolerate moderate frosts.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region

The most popular in this Volga region are:

  1. Rancocas, distinguished by berries with very good gastronomic qualities, high productivity (up to 7 kg from 1 bush), winter hardiness, good transportability and resistance to diseases and pests.
  2. River.
  3. Sunrise.
  4. Puru.
  5. Duke.
  6. Erliblue.

In outskirts of Moscow

The best harvests in this region are brought by tall varieties of early and medium ripening, yielding up to 10 kg per bush.

Important! Blueberries of any type gain sweetness in warm and sunny summers. Rainy and cool weather gives the fruits excessive astringency. List of the most popular:

List of the most popular:

  1. Duke.
  2. Nelson, which is a medium-sized bush (up to 1.6 m), on which fruits up to 2 cm in diameter ripen. These berries have a sweet taste and good keeping quality. The productivity of 1 bush reaches 9 kg.
  3. Bluecrop.
  4. Northland.
  5. Brigitte Blue is a late maturing hybrid. Tall bush - 2.2 m. Medium-sized fruits have high gastronomic qualities. The productivity of the bush reaches 6 kg.
  6. Rancocas.

For the Black Earth Region

In this region with fertile soil and moderate frosts, the most popular blueberry varieties are:

  1. Elliot, which is a tall (up to 2.1 m in height) late-ripening hybrid, producing up to 6 kg of berries from 1 bush. Small fruits have good taste.
  2. Darrow.
  3. Liberty.
  4. Elizabeth, characterized by large (up to 2.2 cm in diameter) fruits with a sweet, but not cloying, taste and delicate aroma. The variety can withstand frosts down to -35ºС.
  5. Bluejay, which, according to gardeners, has the most exquisite taste among other varieties. It has very large berries, reaching 4 cm in diameter. Up to 6 kg of berries are harvested from a Bluejay bush.
  6. Aino, producing up to 7 kg of medium-sized but sweet fruits from 1 bush. The crop can tolerate frosts down to -35ºС.
  7. Blue Sweet, the fruits of which begin to ripen at the end of June and form a good harvest of up to 6 kg per bush. The berries exhibit a sweet taste and fruit weight is about 4 g.
  8. Bluecrop.
  9. Patriot.
  10. Bonus.
  11. Jorma, capable of wintering in short-term frosts down to -39ºС. It has large berries with a sweet and sour taste and a pleasant aftertaste.
  12. Northland.
  13. Rancocas.
  14. River.
  15. Sunrise.

Blueberries are confidently conquering their niche in the gardens of various regions. This is facilitated not only by the obvious quality of this crop, but also by the abundance of its varieties, which are actively bred by breeders.

Where can you plant blueberries?

As already noted, blueberries must be planted in acidic soil, so their neighbors should be crops for which soil with high acidity is also suitable. The most successful neighborhood options will be forest berry bushes (cranberries, lingonberries), as well as flowering bushes (hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas) and other heather crops. You can plant one or more low-growing blueberry bushes under a pine tree, since the tree also grows well in acidic soil.

Since blueberries do not tolerate compost, manure and other organic fertilizers, it is not recommended to plant them near plants that regularly need organic feeding. Unsuitable neighbors for the crop are currants, gooseberries and raspberries. A bad neighborhood would be with apple and pear trees, because these plants prefer soil that is neutral in acidity.

Advantages and disadvantages

For the feasibility of planting on a personal plot, it is worth highlighting the main advantages and disadvantages of the variety. The advantages include:

  1. Increased productivity - picking berries from a bush reaches 8 kg;
  2. Ripening is early, the fruits are ready by the end of June;
  3. Increased transportability - not damaged during transportation;
  4. The variety is frost-resistant - can withstand temperatures down to -300C.

Advantages of Duke blueberries
The disadvantage of growing blueberries is their short shelf life. The berry absorbs foreign odors and gives off a specific taste when consumed. The storage duration of collected fruits should not exceed 2 weeks. Requires increased care, especially watering.

Thus, Duke blueberries are an early variety, have large berries and a distinctive taste. The berry is used for freezing and fresh consumption, as well as for making jam.

Advantages and disadvantages

Why did Bluecrop blueberries receive such high ratings from gardeners? It has both advantages and disadvantages.

Blueberry benefits:

  • consistently high productivity;
  • high frost resistance;
  • excellent berry taste;
  • resistance to most diseases;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • presentation of berries;
  • high transportability.

Each variety has its own disadvantages. These include a long ripening period. The shoots are very branched and require constant care. There are so many berries growing that the plant becomes overloaded. Nevertheless, the variety is considered the standard and can often be found in garden plots.


Judging by the descriptions of the Bluejay blueberry variety, which confirm the reviews of those gardeners who grew it, it belongs to the frost-resistant category. It winters well even in regions with a harsh climate, when in snowless winters frosts can reach –35˚C – 40˚C. To do this, she only needs light shelter.

The blueberry variety Bluejay is not drought-resistant. However, any garden blueberry needs timely and abundant watering.

Among the disadvantages of the variety, it is worth noting the fact that Bluejay blueberries are not self-pollinating. Pollination of flowers occurs by cross-pollination. For successful formation of ovaries, pollinators must be planted next to the Bluejay variety. The following varieties are perfect for this purpose: Blugold, Patriot, Stanley, Northland.

Features of fruiting

In different sources, Bluejay blueberries are classified as early or mid-ripening varieties. However, everyone agrees on one thing - fruiting occurs in the second half of July. In the first wave of berry ripening, as a rule, up to two-thirds of the harvest is harvested. The remaining fruits are harvested within 2-3 weeks as they ripen.

Thanks to the strong clusters and dense skin of the berries, they can be harvested mechanically, which makes the variety attractive to owners of small farms.


Bluejay blueberries produce their first fruits in the third year of life.

If you carefully follow the rules of agricultural technology, you can harvest up to 6 kg of aromatic berries from one Bluejay blueberry bush, which indicates a good yield of the variety. However, it is worth noting that this indicator depends on the age of the Bluejay blueberries. At a “young age”, 4-5 years after planting, the yield is 4-4.5 kg/bush. As you grow, this figure gradually increases.

The best yield indicators for Bluejay blueberries are observed when seedlings are planted in sunny areas protected from the wind. The bush itself develops well in partial shade. However, in this case the berries become smaller and acquire a sour taste.

Bluejay blueberries have a thick skin and fairly firm flesh. Thanks to this, they tolerate transportation well. At the moment, there are blueberry varieties with more pronounced commercial qualities in terms of transporting the crop over long distances. Therefore, the transportability of the variety can be assessed as good.

The use of blueberries in general and the Bluejay variety in particular is widespread. It is consumed fresh and made into compotes and jams. Large, fleshy berries serve as an ideal decoration for confectionery products.

"Pros and cons"

Before discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the Bluejay variety, it should be remembered that garden blueberries, by description and characteristics, are a rather capricious species that require certain conditions for their development and fruiting. Advantages of Bluejay blueberries:

  • the variety is one of the high-yielding varieties intended for cultivation in personal plots;
  • is resistant to frost in winter and long-term cold snaps during the growing season;
  • produces large berries;
  • Bluejay blueberries are distinguished by their high taste and good commercial properties;
  • you can harvest the crop at a time and using mechanization;
  • has high immunity to diseases characteristic of this berry crop.

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • demands on soil composition;
  • the need for regular and abundant watering;
  • For active fruiting you need to have certain skills in pruning bushes.

These problems await all gardeners who want to grow tasty and aromatic berries on their plots. And this has absolutely nothing to do with the chosen variety.

Description of the berry crop

Since the culture was created for decorative decoration of plots, its main characteristics are the correct structure and shape of the bush. It is very good that aesthetics here coexist with other qualities useful for gardeners, as confirmed by numerous reviews.

Bush and foliage

The bush is erect and does not fall apart. The branches are located upwards and to the sides, they branch little, but are easy to trim.

The height of an adult plant reaches 2 meters. But for this it is necessary to feed it in a timely manner and also water it regularly. The bush can be shaped as desired to make it even more decorative.

The leaves are dense, small in size, decorative throughout the season. The leaf shape is reverse ovoid. In autumn, before the leaves fall off, they acquire a pleasant reddish tint.

Flowering and fruiting

Blueberries bloom in late May with beautiful flowers that look like pinkish bells. Fruiting begins in mid-July, the variety is considered mid-early. The last berries can be seen on the bush in August and even in early September.


The berries of this blueberry variety are very large and can grow up to 2 cm in diameter.

The berries of this variety are very large, especially at the beginning of fruiting. Individual specimens can be up to 2 cm in size and weigh about 4 grams.

The pulp is dense, juicy, greenish in color. The skin of unripe blueberries is pinkish; during ripening, it changes to dark with a pronounced bluish tinge.

Unlike other berries, blueberries sit firmly on the branches and, when ripe, may not fall for up to 2 weeks.


Patriot is a variety that tolerates frosts down to -40°C without loss of yield. It also rarely suffers from diseases such as root rot and powdery mildew. During the ripening of berries, there are practically no mummified fruits affected by fungal spores on the bush. In general, the variety can be considered resistant to diseases characteristic of blueberries.

Main advantages and disadvantages

On the one hand, blueberries have not yet become a ubiquitous crop that is grown in our gardens along with cherries, black currants or gooseberries. But the pace of its spread over the past 5-10 years is impressive. Therefore, it is worth figuring out whether it is necessary to plant it.

The main advantages of the “Patriot” variety and blueberries in general are:

  1. Frost resistance. The fact that the crop does not need to be covered even in severe frosts is a big advantage. According to these indicators, the plant occupies one of the first places among fruit bushes.
  2. Decorative properties. The bush looks very beautiful both separately and in a group.
  3. Compact crown. The branches grow upward and slightly to the sides, branching weakly. When placed on the site, thickening can be used; this has virtually no effect on the yield.
  4. Once favorable conditions are created, the bush does not require much time or careful care. Watering with acidification of water, fertilizing and removing weeds is sufficient.
  5. Large berries. Patriot has very large berries when compared with other varieties, and even more so with wild blueberries.
  6. Taste of berries. Sweet, but not too much, with a slight sourness, Patriot blueberries are most suitable for fresh consumption. They do not have a pronounced aroma, like raspberries or strawberries, so it is better to use them in preparations together with other crops.
  7. Extended fruiting period.
  8. Transportability

This variety also has several disadvantages that do not allow it to be grown everywhere.

Here are the most important ones:

  1. Preparing soil for blueberries requires a lot of effort and a lot of time. This plant requires acidic soil.
  2. Moisture-loving culture. In nature, it grows near swamps, rivers, and streams. Requires constant soil moisture and does not tolerate prolonged drying out.
  3. Slowly growing. To reach a height of more than 1.5 meters, the bush must grow in one place for at least 7 years.

It is better to know these positive and negative aspects in advance in order to consciously make your choice. And also have an idea of ​​the intricacies of care.

Flowering period and ripening time

The berries begin to ripen in mid-summer

This variety blooms at the end of May. Its flowering is very beautiful: delicate white-pink flowers that are shaped like bells. During this period, the bush resembles lilies of the valley and looks very decorative.

A month and a half after flowering, the berries begin to ripen: this usually happens in mid-July.

Yield indicators

The yield of a crop is directly proportional to the degree of care for it. If agricultural techniques are followed, about 5 kg can be harvested from one adult bush (over 5 years old).

There are hobbyists who have learned to properly care for this crop and, as a result, were able to harvest up to 9 kg of blueberries from one plant.


The peculiarity of the Bluecrop hybrid is that it is not afraid of frost and adapts perfectly after planting. At home, it is often used on an industrial scale. You can also highlight a number of significant advantages of the variety:

  • the plant easily tolerates frosts down to -32 degrees;
  • it shows excellent resistance to drought;
  • Bluecrop has strong immunity and is not afraid of most types of diseases;
  • regardless of weather changes, it produces a bountiful harvest;
  • the berries can be preserved for a long time;
  • The variety is transportable and retains its presentation.

Tall blueberries are easy to care for. It does not need to be closed for the winter, as the bushes have high frost resistance. The main maintenance requirement is timely watering. To prevent moisture from evaporating quickly, weeding, loosening and mulching are required. If you trim the shoots in time, the bushes will delight you with their splendor and beauty.

If we compare Bluecrop with other varieties, it can be noted that it produces more yield, while remaining resistant to most diseases.


The plant has cross-pollination, so there must be accompanying species next to it. The period of abundant flowering falls in May. Within two months, the fruits form and ripen. The first ripe berries appear at the end of July. The fruits ripen unevenly, gradually, so it is rarely possible to collect the entire harvest at one time.


The garden crop Bluecrop is valued because it consistently produces large yields. If you have a pollinator and proper care, you can collect up to 10 kilograms of berries from one bush. The fruits ripen at the end of July. The harvest may take until mid-August. In many ways, the ripening time depends on climatic and weather conditions. If the season turns out to be rainy and too cool, then the harvest will move to the beginning of August.

If you take good care of the plant, it will not get sick and will not cause problems for the gardener.

Harvest sales

Blueberries have excellent transportation and a long shelf life. At a temperature of +5 degrees, the crop will not deteriorate within 15 days. Berries can be frozen and kept in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. Most often, jams and preserves are made from blueberries. They have a pleasant taste with a slight sourness.

It is not recommended to store frozen berries for longer than a year. They lose vitamins and become useless to the body.

Blueberries are widely used in cooking. Like most garden berries, it is great for making jam.

The best varieties for planting and their characteristics

The breeders did a good job on the original material. Now they have bred varieties that can withstand thirty-degree frosts. The greatest risk for shrubs is the last spring frost. Heat-loving inflorescences are especially affected. They cannot tolerate frost above 1 degree. For central Russia, only strong and resistant varieties are recommended.

A detailed description of the different varieties will allow you to make the right choice and achieve maximum yield from the plant. Russian breeders developed tall blueberries specifically for cultivation in the middle zone and the Urals. Hybrids, distributed throughout the world, also remain popular among gardeners.


Known for 50 years. It tolerates temperature drops down to -30 degrees. Strong fruits do not crack or fall off when fully ripe. Unlike other varieties, Bluecrop berries can be transported. The harvest begins in July and continues until August. During this time, the bush can produce 9 kilograms of berries.


It has a delicate, refined aroma and taste of fruit. They can stay on the branches for a long time, even after ripening. The variety has good frost resistance. Fruits from the beginning to the end of August.


Recommended for planting in the southern regions. The variety is distinguished by large berries that can be transported over long distances. The disadvantage of the hybrid is poor keeping quality. In the northern region, you may not wait until the fruits are fully ripened. The variety is self-fertile, but requires pollinators for a better harvest.

Nord Blue

Designed for planting in cold areas. It tolerates up to 40 degrees of frost, but gardeners advise covering the bushes. The plant grows up to one and a half meters and gives a good harvest, up to 3 kilograms per bush.


This variety lives up to its name. Its berries are very large, reaching 3 centimeters in diameter. Even the fruits tolerate frost well. Thanks to their thick skin, they can be transported. Each bush can produce up to 8 kilograms.


It is famous for its height and good winter hardiness. The variety tolerates temperatures up to 35 degrees and does not disappear even in severe frosts. The bush produces up to 3 kilograms of sweet and sour berries per season, which are more suitable for processing on an industrial scale.


These blueberries begin to ripen in June. Thanks to the dense peel, the berries do not burst and make it possible to collect them mechanically. The plant is used by large producers. The fruits are not very sweet, but they are easy to harvest and can be processed. Each bush produces up to 6 kilograms.


Despite the fact that the berries of the Putte variety are not very large, they are quite sweet and aromatic. Each bush, with good care, can produce up to 6 kilograms. The variety is intended for cultivation in regions with harsh climates.


It produces sweet and sour fruits in the amount of 4 kilograms per bush. The berries are well transported and do not crack. Most often they are used for the production of jams and preserves.


Suitable for northern regions. The variety tolerates frosts well down to 34 degrees. The berries begin to ripen in early July.


Provided the root system is closed, it tolerates temperatures up to 40 degrees. From one bush you can remove 3 kilograms of sweet berries.


It produces abundant harvests, but the berries are quite small. Bushes are often used for industrial purposes. Berries can be collected mechanically. They do not deteriorate, do not fall off and are easily transported.


It is distinguished by large fruits and good frost resistance. The variety is not susceptible to specific diseases and consistently produces large yields. From each bush you can get up to 6 kilograms of sweet fruits.


It has high productivity. It produces 8 kilograms of berries per season. In warm climates the fruits are sweeter. It is necessary to monitor the ripening, since the berries, despite the dense peel, can crumble.


Produces up to 10 kilograms of berries per bush. The older the bush, the more abundant the harvest. The fruits are very tasty and sweet, and they are also easily transported.

Blue Ray

May please with large berries. The downside is that they do not tolerate transportation. There are a lot of fruits on the plant, but they do not ripen at the same time.

Each variety has its own characteristics. For the middle zone, it is better to choose hybrids bred by Russian breeders. They produce smaller yields, but are not afraid of harsh climates. Before planting, you should familiarize yourself with the qualities of each plant.

To increase productivity, it is necessary to place 2-3 bushes of cross-pollinated varieties in close proximity to each other.

Where and when to buy seedlings

Now there are no problems finding sellers of any seedlings. State and private nurseries are actively working. The main thing is to choose a variety, reliable planting material without diseases or viruses. It is useful to familiarize yourself with the availability of documents confirming the quality of seedlings for planting, certificates of the State Seed Inspectorate.

There are several tips: choose a 2-year-old seedling with a closed root system, ask for a document confirming the variety.

It is not recommended to purchase tall 4-year-old plants: they are expensive, and the root system does not adapt well to a new location. Most of the roots die. Unscrupulous producers often artificially accelerate the growth of main trunks, which weakens their further development.

Watering rules

Caring for blueberries in the Moscow region also involves timely watering. This crop is considered moisture-loving, but it has an extremely negative attitude towards stagnation of water in the soil. Regardless of how old the bush is, watering should always be done the same way: a bucket of water under each bush. During dry periods, watering is recommended daily. During the rest of the year, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture.

It is also especially important to monitor the quality of watering during the formation of buds and during the ripening period of berries. Excess moisture will cause the fruits to simply burst. Well, due to a lack of water in the soil, flowering will not bring much results. To check the condition of the soil, you need to place a rod or some kind of stick into the hole at a distance of 20 centimeters. If the soil inside turns out to be dry, then you should not delay watering.

Growing blueberries at home from seeds in a pot

Blueberries can also be grown at home. But this is a long process that requires special patience. To collect the seeds, you need to select ripe berries. Sort through them, separating the planting material. You can knead the berries with your hands and extract the contents from the pulp.

How to check seed germination?

The grains are lowered into the input. Those that fall to the bottom are ideal planting material. Selected seeds are well dried.

How to dry blueberry seeds?

The seeds are laid on a layer of damp sand or moss and kept for about 3 months. Seeds are planted in a pot or box in the spring. To plant in a container, you need to prepare a peat soil mixture. Planting material does not need to be deepened into the ground; it is enough to place them on the surface and cover the top with a small layer of sand or sawdust. Then you should cover it with transparent polyethylene or glass that allows sunlight to pass through.

Choosing a landing site

It is important to plant garden blueberries correctly. For her, the composition and especially the acidity of the soil are important. It is not suitable for soil that is too wet and swampy, in which the roots of the bushes suffer from lack of air and can freeze in winter. Therefore, you cannot choose for it areas with close groundwater or, if there is no other choice, then you need to place the bushes on mounds. Another requirement for the location is that it must be protected from strong winds.

What kind of soil is needed

The culture is distinguished by its demands on soil acidity. It grows well on acidic soils (pH from 3.5 to 5), and does not tolerate limed and neutral soils. In general, such soil is rarely found in gardens, so it is imperative to prepare it separately for blueberries.

The soil for blueberries should be prepared mainly from peat; in addition, the substrate should include garden soil (2 to 1 or 1 to 1); if it is clay, you need to add a lot of sand to the mixture. It is best to take the soil for the mixture in an area where sorrel, horsetail, and mint grow; in this place it is the most acidic. The finished substrate should be loose, soft, and well permeable to air and moisture.

Soil acidity

The crop is quite demanding on soil acidity; the optimal level for its growth is pH 3.5-4.8. The shrub does not tolerate neutral, heavy clay and calcareous soils. Since soil with the required acidity is rare in garden plots, it is prepared specifically for planting this crop. The main component in the substrate is peat; in addition to it, the composition includes garden soil in a ratio of 2:1, if it is clayey - 1:1, a small amount of sand is also added.

To prepare the mixture, soil taken from the area with horsetail, sorrel and mint grown is preferred, since in this place it has the highest acidity.

Important! The basic requirements for a blueberry substrate are looseness, softness, good moisture and breathability.


It loves sunny, open areas; it grows worse in the shade of trees and buildings; annual shoots may not have time to ripen by winter. The amount of sunlight also affects the quality of the berries; in the shade they turn out small and sour. Therefore, for this crop you need to select areas in the garden that are illuminated by the sun throughout the day.

Compatibility with other plants

There are several factors that help determine which plants are unsuitable for planting next to garden blueberries:

  • the same level of location of the root system in the soil;
  • large dimensions causing shading;
  • release of harmful elements that adversely affect the development and growth of nearby plants;
  • presence of common pests and diseases;
  • the need for the same vitamins and nutrients consumed from the soil.

Since blueberries are characterized by a superficial root system, plants with deeper roots that will not take moisture and nutrients from the bush are preferable for planting nearby. In addition, it is important to take into account the size of the plants planted nearby, since they can shade the blueberry bushes and interfere with the harvesting process.

The most successful neighbors for blueberries are:

  • coniferous species - fir, spruce and juniper protect the crop from strong winds and drafts, and fallen pieces of old bark and pine needles provide additional acidification to the soil;
  • ornamental shrubs - viburnum, weigela, rhododendron, hydrangea and gorse create protection from the scorching sun in the form of openwork partial shade;
  • flowers - lilies of the valley, nasturtium, fern, azalea, heather, creeping tenacious, physiostegia;
  • vegetable crops and greens - potatoes, squash, zucchini, corn, cucumbers, thyme, sorrel and rosemary.

Among blueberry-related plants, the following are considered favorable: lingonberries, cranberries and blueberries. A little further it is permissible to grow black currants and raspberries.

Important! Beds with ornamental and annual plants should be placed at a distance from blueberries to prevent damage to their root system during soil cultivation.

Blueberries do not tolerate organic fertilizers. Compost, manure and bird droppings neutralize acidity, which causes the berry bush to dry out. Therefore, the crop cannot be planted next to plants that require regular feeding with organic matter.

Such unfavorable neighbors of garden blueberries include:

  • beet;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • eggplant.

The undesirable neighbors of fruit trees are:

  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • pear;
  • apricot;
  • Apple tree;
  • peach.

It is permissible to plant the crop only after green manure and perennials that are not fed with organic fertilizers.


Blueberries can be planted only after perennial grasses or green manure that have not been fed with organic matter. Vegetables, herbs and other garden crops are not suitable for her. They should not be located next to blueberries, since during the growing season the vegetables are fed with fertilizers that alkalize the soil. It is not recommended to plant raspberries, gooseberries, currants next to shrubs; you can plant the same lovers of acidic soil - lingonberries, cranberries or flowers: hydrangeas, azaleas, rhododendrons.

Do seedlings need to be fed?

Growing blueberries in the Moscow region involves constantly feeding the plant with mineral fertilizers. But as for organics, they are strictly prohibited, since the culture practically does not accept them. This is due to the fact that when manure or compost is added to the soil, its acidity is significantly reduced. Therefore, such fertilizers will do much more harm than good.

To saturate the soil with useful substances, it is recommended to use mineral fertilizers 3 times a year. The crop is fertilized for the first time in the spring, as soon as the buds begin to swell. For this purpose, you will have to use 20 grams of saltpeter diluted in 1 liter of water. At the end of May, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are applied in the amount of 25-30 grams for each bush. Well, the last feeding is carried out at the end of July using complex fertilizer.

Preparing for winter

Wild blueberries can withstand frost – it’s in their genes. Growing even in the northern regions, it is not afraid of even severe frosts. The domestic berry has taken over its vitality from its parent, however, in particularly cold and snowless winters, young branches of shrubs may still freeze. This may happen more due to the unbalanced composition of the fertilizers that fed the plant in the summer. An excess of nitrogen in the soil leads to failure of young animals to mature. Annual stems have a dense and hollow structure. Because of this, they freeze in winter. To prevent this from happening, fertilizing with nitrogen is carried out only in spring and early summer.

To ensure that the soil, and therefore the roots, do not freeze before wintering, it must be provided with a large amount of moisture. The soil should be moistened to a depth of 35 centimeters. In the fall, the layer of pine needle mulch is replaced with a new one, and the area under the bushes is covered with it. If the blueberries are still very young, then for the winter you can cover the bush with completely breathable material. Mature bushes no longer need such protection.

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