Flowering trees and ornamental shrubs for the garden

In modern landscape design, much attention is paid to the aesthetics of gardens and parks. When flower beds and flower beds are not yet covered with buds, shrubs and trees are the main decoration. For any site you can choose beautiful tall or dwarf plants that bloom petals of various shades in early spring or throughout the warm season. When deciding which one to buy, you should carefully study the exact description and winter minimum temperatures, because some may not grow north of Crimea.

Flowering trees for garden decoration

Considering that the main decoration of a personal plot is still annual and perennial flowers, ornamental trees are selected for them so that their flowering periods fill the “pauses” that occur in spring and summer.

The modern range of garden crops allows you to choose any shade to suit your taste.

Beautiful flowering trees for the garden

When choosing a suitable tree or bush, you need to decide on your goals. For some, a plant with beautiful flowers is enough, but for others, healthy and tasty fruits are important. When choosing an ornamental crop, you should pay attention to its winter hardiness. Not everyone can winter without shelter at subzero temperatures.

A considerable number of tree varieties are distinguished by long-lasting flowering, but ultimately do not produce any fruits useful to humans. They are traditionally planted behind the fence of a personal plot, decorating the access area. This category includes: sakura, chestnut, linden, elderberry, bird cherry, etc.

Cherry blossoms

Fruit trees can bloom quite modestly, but more often than not, the appearance of the harvest is preceded by a massive blooming of beautiful and fragrant buds. The flowering time of pears, apple trees, cherries, plums, cherry plums, quinces, almonds, peaches, and apricots is a real holiday for bees and gardeners.

Trees with pink flowers

Names of some species that show beautiful blooms in all shades of pink:

  • Almond - it can be tall, medium-sized and dwarf, with an average height of 4 to 6 m. It produces delicious sweet or bitter fruits, but its flowers are also very beautiful. Each flower reaches 2.5 cm in diameter and has 5-7 pink or almost white petals. Almonds prefer to bloom in May, when there are no leaves on the branches.
  • Rhododendron is a numerous species, which in Russia is represented by wild evergreen or deciduous specimens, growing not only in the Caucasus, but also in Siberia and the Far East. Quite large corollas bear 5 petals of pink or purple-violet shades, collected in brushes or large corymbose inflorescences.
  • Magnolia is a southern tree that requires wintering at positive temperatures. Its large fragrant pink flowers bear 6-12 petals, collected in 2-4 circles. The size of the flowers is so large that pollinators are not only bees, but also bumblebees and large beetles.
  • Peach - this fruit tree is traditionally grown in the south, but nurseries offer modern varieties with increased winter hardiness: Frost, White Swan, August Stable, Harbinger. Sessile single pink flowers bloom ahead of the leaves and exude a delicate, sweet aroma, reminiscent of cherry, and invariably causing children's delight.

Almond blossom branch

Trees with red flowers

Red color is less common among flowering trees, but it can also be found if desired. For example:

  • Apple Tree – The most common shade of flowers for this tree is soft pink or white. But among the newest varieties you can also find representatives with red flowers: Royalty, Rudolf, Nedvetsky. You can choose the option with large or small fruits. The trees in bloom look simply fabulous.
  • Pomegranate is valued for its tasty and healthy fruits; its flowers serve as decoration for the garden. Among the popular varieties are tall and dwarf, fruit and ornamental varieties. The pomegranate flower can be pink, scarlet or purple in color. Up to 97% of the buds formed during the season are infertile, and only 3% will bear fruit. In this case, the flowering period lasts up to 6 months. The wintering temperature minimum is up to -17 °C.

Pomegranate flowers

Trees with white flowers

It is believed that the white shade of petals on deciduous trees is the most common. Indeed, many fruit and ornamental species bloom this way. For example:

  • Acacia - its various species can bloom with yellow and white flowers, and in central Russia the most common varieties are those with snow-white inflorescences. The bell-shaped calyx of the flower consists of fused petals, inside of which there is a lot of nectar, which lures bees to the area. A sweet floral aroma, spreading for many kilometers around, accompanies the acacia season. A good variety should be selected carefully, because instead of the expected 3-4 m, you may well end up with a real giant.
  • Bird cherry is a favorite ornamental garden and street plant, park plant, which every spring is covered with a fragrant blanket of snow-white boiled flowers, collected in brushes or corymbose inflorescences. At this time the tree is beautiful, like a dream. The fruits of new cultivated varieties are eaten and have healing properties.
  • Viburnum is a cold-resistant, beautifully flowering fruit plant. Its lush white inflorescences produce red, black or yellow edible berries in late autumn. When choosing a variety for your site, it is worth clarifying its characteristics. The selection of this crop was carried out in two directions and produced varieties of two types: with medium-sized flowers and large juicy berries for the table, or with sterile large flowers that do not bear fruit.

Branch of blossoming bird cherry

Kuban lands

It is known that Kuban is the breadbasket of Russia. Its fertile lands are capable of feeding the entire Kuban population, as well as generously sharing with compatriots. Bread, rice, various berries, vegetables and, of course, fruits ripen under the Kuban sun.

Kuban gardens, forests, villages and even cities change beyond recognition in the spring: the trees become lush green, bloom very beautifully and smell pleasant. If you ask: what trees bloom in April-May in Kuban, you will receive an impressive list in response. Firstly, fruit trees bloom, such as apple trees, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries, plums and many others. Secondly, non-fruit and ornamental trees: chestnut, acacia, lilac, poplar, birch, linden, willow and willow.

It is interesting that the weather in Kuban is a very capricious lady, and often she shows her “whims” to nature and all residents. There were cases when the trees were budding, but strong frosty nights still awaited them. Or, on the contrary, spring was in such a “hurry” to come that even on rare snowy April days it bloomed flowers on the trees.

low growing trees

Fruit trees and shrubs for the garden, columnar fruit trees

Sometimes the boundary between a tree and a bush is blurred, but with skillful formation of the crown, a tree (trunk) can be obtained from a bush. Among the decorative and fruit forms there are many that can delight you with exquisite flowering, followed by fruits. You can choose a suitable small bush option to decorate the driveway near the house and for a free corner in the garden.

Interesting! Most crops are excellent for forming hedges.


A bush up to 3 m high can be formed into a tree. Its branches in the spring are covered with abundant white, red or orange rather large flowers, from which small, but quite edible fruits will ripen by autumn. The plant is valued for its decorativeness, fertility and unpretentiousness.

Japanese quince flowering

Tamarisk (comber)

Quite a numerous species, in which there are trees and shrubs with an average height of 3-5 m, but there are also dwarfs. The fragrant honey plant is distinguished by its very high vitality; it is not afraid of severe frosts and prolonged drought. Flowers are formed on one-year-old shoots and can be colored pink, lilac, or purple.

Tamarisk blossom


A low tree or small shrub, forsythia belongs to the Olive family. In the spring, before the leaves emerge, the branches are covered with numerous bright yellow, four-lobed, bell-shaped flowers.

Flowering occurs exceptionally early, as soon as the snow melts. Following their withering, new shoots appear, on which buds will appear next spring. The plant, which is very undemanding to care, tolerates any formative pruning without pain.

Blooming forsythia bush

Advantages of low trees for gardening

The choice in favor of low-growing crops is quite justified on a personal plot. Any plant becomes most decorative with regular and proper care. It is necessary to carry out pruning, pest control, and harvesting every season. Anyone can do this work at a height of up to 3 m; you don’t have to hire workers; all you need is an ordinary stepladder.

In large areas where there are tall trees, there is always free space that can be filled with ornamental crops. For example, it is quite possible to plant roses, lilacs, barberries, or any other shrubs or low-growing trees near tall apple or pear trees.

Important! Low-growing plants not only serve a decorative purpose, but also provide protection from draft winds.

Resort areas

“Staying” still in the south, you can look into the gardens of residents of resort cities such as Sochi, Adler, Gelendzhik. Trees grow here, the fruits of which are adored by every resident of our country. The taste and benefits of summer fruits cannot be compared with anything for human health.

So, what trees bloom in May near the sea coast? This:

  • magnolia;
  • pomegranate (sometimes begins to bloom at the end of May, but more often in summer);
  • mandarin;
  • persimmon;
  • azalea multicolored.

Decorative shrubs for the garden

Decorative shrubs for the garden and cottage

The role of beautiful shrubs in any area is invaluable. They form a middle tier between trees and flowers, fill free spaces and inconveniences, cover with their crown everything that one would like to hide, and serve as hedges. They plant country decor in both spring and autumn.


A real leader in popularity among ornamental flowering shrubs throughout almost the entire territory of Russia. The abundance of colors of inflorescences includes the following shades: white, lilac, purple, pinkish, lilac, violet.

Blooming lilac bush

Tree varieties can grow in one place for many decades and require minimal care.


Numerous varieties of this fruit shrub are rapidly gaining popularity. Among the leaders is Thunberg's barberry. It is beautiful all year round. Young shoots are decorated with red bark. The foliage and fruits have the same shade of varying degrees of saturation.

Blooming Barberry Thunberg

Flowering is not the main advantage of barberry, but it also looks very decorative. Small, but numerous flowers of white, yellow or red color smell very pleasant.


It is sometimes confused with lilac, but this shrub has many differences. First of all, the flowering season lasts several months. Some withered inflorescences are replaced by others, and, as a huge brush or panicle dissolves, the shade of the petals can smoothly change from boiling white to pink or from soft green to white.

Blooming paniculate hydrangea

The bush usually germinates quite slowly, which is why it is valued among mixborders. The size of its inflorescences is so large that it does not fit in the hand.

Spreading bushes and trees

The crown of such plants is formed more by long drooping shoots than by a pronounced trunk or base. The most striking representative is all kinds of climbing roses, but in their company you can also find other ornamental flowering crops.

Important! In the garden, such trees and bushes are traditionally planted near walls or other supports to create an elegant arch, gazebo, fence, pergola, etc.

climbing roses

The peculiarity of these varieties is that their shoots can stretch up to 3 m in length and even more during the season. Many modern hybrids are obtained by crossing with rose hips and are distinguished by their rare vitality and long life expectancy.

They are easy to wrap around any vertical support. You can choose a variety with any shade of flowers, which can be single or collected in loose cysts from 2-3 to 15 pieces. Some varieties produce buds twice during the summer with a short break, while others are continuously flowering.

Blooming climbing roses

Important! In central Russia, most climbing roses need shelter, so in the fall they are removed from their supports.


A shrub from the Rosaceae family is known for its ability to grow shoots up to 40 cm in length per season. Without formative pruning, the bushes stretch up to 3 m in height. Bright foliage of rich purple-burgundy color combined with lush shields of small white flowers looks very decorative.

Bladderwort flowers

It can be planted in the form of a hedge, the crown formed into a spherical bush, or allowed to take its natural shape with long spreading shoots - the plant is beautiful in any form.

Spiraea (meadowsweet)

One of the most unpretentious shrubs up to 2.5 m high, like lilac, capable of taking on a tree-like form with age. Over a hundred species are known, differing in the shape of the shoots, shades and sizes of flowers. White spirea with shoots up to 1.8 m long is often popularly called the “bride”.

When planted closely together, the bushes form a dense hedge. Some varieties bloom once in late spring, while others can bloom their buds alternately throughout the summer. Quite large flowers are found in crenate spirea, which has the valuable quality of holding sloughing soil on slopes with its tenacious roots.

Spiraea flowering

You can decorate your garden plot so that it looks beautiful throughout the warm season in different ways. For example, select varieties of trees and shrubs with different flowering periods so that they harmoniously complement and replace each other.

Interesting results are obtained by combining similar or contrasting shades of flowers, which not only serve as decoration, but also attract bees and other pollinators to the garden.

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Postcards for February 23


Although the capital of Russia is located significantly north of Sochi, here, too, everything “comes to life” and decorates the city. Muscovites and guests of the capital who arrived in the spring know which trees bloom in Moscow in May and give it a festive look and comfort: hawthorn, chestnut, Manchurian walnut, acacia. Also in the parks you can find a lot of flowering trees such as apricot, double almond, apple trees and lilac. If the spring is hot, then linden may begin to bloom in May; if, on the contrary, the cold does not subside for a long time, poplar or willow may continue to bloom for a long time.

Despite the many buildings (a tribute to the modern metropolis), Moscow is rich in green areas. Not to mention the lands near Moscow, where city dwellers can “break out” to admire nature. During the flowering period, trees give the city a more gentle look, and a person can enjoy a piece of nature even in the concrete jungle.

Lilac – child of the sun and rainbow

Lilac is a beautiful shrub of suitable “growth”, so many people want to see it in hedges. But not all types of lilac are good in this regard. For example, varietal lilacs, when growing up, very quickly become bare underneath, and besides, many of them are not frost-resistant. And absolutely for sure: a lilac hedge should not be made by someone who is not going to constantly look after it.

Huge clusters of lilacs are impressive

Lush flowering of bushes

The white flowers of the bush are especially delicate and romantic

The beauty of Moscow - lilac, loved by many

Flower petals with light edges

If, nevertheless, you decide, choose Amur or Hungarian lilac for planting - they are unpretentious, do not grow too tall, can tolerate high humidity in the area, and will survive in dry times with minimal watering or even without it. Also for hedges, experts recommend compact Meyer lilac (1.5 m height), as well as Chinese lilac, which is characterized by rapid growth.

Delicate pink inflorescences make the shrub especially elegant

Lilac clusters are full and numerous

Interesting flower colors

The minimum requirements that lilac places on its growing location are: good lighting (otherwise you won’t get abundant flowering), sufficient air circulation, fertile and loose soil (sandy, clayey, acidic soils are excluded).

The plant can be formed into a tree

Hot pink flower brushes

Lilac seedlings are planted in a hedge at intervals of 1.5-2 m. Annual pruning is done immediately after flowering, because a faded plant very quickly begins to lay buds for next year’s flowering.

Favorite varieties of lilac

  • Beauty of Moscow
  • Hungarian
  • Flora
  • Poltava
  • Dream
  • Partisan
  • Twilight
  • Princess Clementine
  • Taras Bulba
  • A great victory
  • Romance
  • White Night
  • Captain Gastello
  • Mulatto
  • Alexey Maresyev

What blooms in May in the north?

May – June – conifers, linden, poplar, and willow bloom; From the end of May and throughout June - iconic plants; From the end of June - sorrel, nettle, plantain, goosefoot plants; In July - wormwood.

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Barberry Thunberg

In many gardens, this type of shrub is cultivated as a spectacular decorative ornament. The spherical crown with brown-green foliage is noteworthy. Blooming barberry has buds of a yellow hue and a round shape with a pleasant aroma.

Good lighting is one of the important conditions for long flowering and rapid growth of bushes reaching a height of 1 m. Before planting, ensure proper drainage of the soil, which should be light and loose.

Rose hip

The flowering of these bushes lasts 1-3 weeks. Pink buds with a small number of petals emit a fresh, sweet aroma. The root system grows quickly throughout the entire area. When planting, it is worth limiting the space for each bush by digging sheets of metal or slate into the ground.

Rosehip does not like groundwater located close to the surface. If it is planted in lowlands, then the flowerbed should be more than 80 cm high. In the first 2 years, feed only once in the spring - with a urea solution (2 tsp per 10 liters of water for one plant).

  • Author: Zimina Tatyana
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Bird cherry

The bright aroma of this tree is known to almost everyone. Small buds of white or slightly pinkish tint cover the branches in a dense layer in spring.

One of the main conditions for good fruiting and flowering is protection from late spring frosts. It is quite difficult to save branches from frostbite, but bird cherry can be planted near fences or other shelters. This way it will be possible to protect the bushes from cold winds and shedding of buds.


This shrub belongs to small trees of the Olive family. It can reach a height of 1-3 meters. Forsythia blooms in early May, and the flowering time is about 20 days. The small and bright yellow buds are terry. The fruit is a capsule with winged seeds.

Calcareous soil, close proximity to coniferous trees, and good lighting will ensure long-term flowering of forsythia. Feeding at the beginning of the warm season will prolong the flowering appearance of the shrub. To do this, a fairly thick layer of rotted manure is laid out on the surface of the tree trunk circle; it is important that it does not touch the branches or trunk. Then it is watered with plenty of water.

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