White flowers, trees and shrubs to decorate the garden

Snowdrops, scillas and crocuses are mistakenly considered to be the first plants to bloom in early spring. The real primroses in the middle zone are trees and shrubs.

You may be surprised, but it is not entirely correct to call galanthus and anemones primroses in the full sense of the word. Why? Yes, because real primroses in nature are trees and shrubs.

Next time you're strolling through a forest park, take a closer look at these early birds. Some of them may already be actively blooming in your area!

Magnolia star

Most magnolia species bloom in April-May, while star magnolia begins to bloom from the end of March. The flowers of this ornamental plant are snow-white and beautifully shaped. And what a fragrance they exude! Fortunately, star magnolia is frost-resistant and can withstand the climate of the middle zone, so you can safely plant it on your site.

Even though we can admire the flowering of these trees and shrubs for only a few days, or at best a week or two, this magnificent spectacle is worth it. After a long, cold winter, we wish you bright colors on your property and in life!

Selecting plants with white flowers for the garden

To properly distribute white garden flowers throughout the area, you need to take into account the climate of the area and the life expectancy of the plants .

Annuals and biennials

The flowers that are ready to be the first to greet you after the cold winter has gone are, of course, snowdrops.
The meadows covered with them look very tender and fresh like spring. Following the snowdrops, lilies of the valley begin to bloom. Their small white bells look very beautiful surrounded by strong, dark green leaves. The Alba primrose, which blooms at the same time as the lilies of the valley, looks no less beautiful. When spring finally comes into its own, the alpine hill in the garden will be covered with a lush cap of sea labularia , also known as alyssum. This is a low-growing annual plant with small leaves and strong white racemes consisting of miniature flowers. Alyssum looks mesmerizing on an alpine hill, covering it like a fluffy cloud, gently swaying in the wind.

Spring tulips will be no less pleasing to the eye, the bulbs of which must be planted in advance in the fall. The most popular varieties of white tulips: White Miracle, fringed Daytona, White Parrot and White Triumphant.

In early May, ground covers will take over the garden . Perennial and Turkish carnations and Caucasian arabis look very beautiful. Turkish cloves not only look good, but also exude a light, unobtrusive aroma. In appearance, it resembles white fluffy feathers. Gardeners and designers are especially fond of varieties called Albus and Dianthus plumarius for their stunningly beautiful appearance and ease of care.

Ground covers are being replaced by irises . If you choose varieties with ruffled white flowers, such as Jaycity Grosvenor or Arctic Express, they will look especially chic against the background of greenery. For later accents in the garden, you can choose white violets or ageratum. The latter will delight with its dense and fluffy inflorescences until frost.

Don't forget about the general background of the landscape. Without this touch, any design will be unfinished. For white gardens, various coniferous plants will serve as an excellent backdrop. It is advisable to choose species with silver needles. For example, thuja or brilliant cotoneaster will give just the right effect. Silver spruce is also great.


Speaking about beautiful white flowers, one cannot help but pay due attention to their universally recognized queen - the rose . Any landscape only benefits from its presence. Roses are good in any quality; they will look gorgeous both on their own and in company with other plants. These flowers are suitable for flower beds and alpine slides. Vertical hedges and arches entwined with white roses always look sophisticated and elegant. There are several varieties that are ideal for a garden decorated in white:

  • the Snowball variety, which has double flowers and a stunning aroma;
  • variety Yvonne Rabier, its relatively small white flowers are collected in inflorescences;
  • variety Prosperity, one of the best musk roses with very large flowers that abundantly cover the bush and fill the surrounding air with an impressive aroma;
  • varieties Sea Foam and Kent, they are ideal for alpine slides.

Any landscape featuring these flowers will be extremely beautiful and memorable. But not only roses can make it like this. For example, don’t forget about lilies, which look both majestic and delicate. And ground cover plants with small flowers, such as saxifrage or chickweed, will create the effect of a delicate white carpet in certain areas of the garden. If you add decorative white gravel to the design of such lawns, they will take on a particularly advantageous finished look.

When creating separate flower beds, you should pay attention to ensure that the flowers on it do not merge into one shapeless white lump. Correct selection of plants will help to avoid this effect . The basic rule is that the leaves of each type differ in texture and size. This will look especially advantageous on a monochromatic flowerbed.

To add mystery to the landscape and add a certain forest touch, you can add aconites and large daisies to its design. Daisies will bloom all summer, and aconites will add the necessary accents at the end of August. White petunias are perfect for flower beds and areas along hedges. Also, some of their varieties, called hanging ones, can be placed in hanging pots on terraces or in gazebos.

To give your eyes a break from the continuous whiteness of the flowers, you can add a gray-silver note with Cineraria maritima . For example, its Silver Dust variety has not only the desired shade, but also beautiful openwork leaves. Cineraria will favorably emphasize the radiance of white flowers and the richness of the surrounding greenery.

Some flower beds can be given a light and airy effect by planting them with gypsophila , which is also called the “bridal veil”. These are the same small white flowers that are added to bouquets everywhere. But if a couple of gypsophila branches there only add some emphasis to the design, then in large quantities in a separate flower bed this plant looks incredibly delicate and beautiful.

When autumn comes to the garden, chrysanthemums and asters . These flowers are not just beautiful. According to one Chinese legend, a certain emperor regularly drank the dew that formed on chrysanthemums. This ritual extended his life to seven hundred years. Of course, this is just a legend. But the chrysanthemum is definitely capable of extending the life of the garden, which is slowly falling asleep before the arrival of winter. Gentle asters, for example, the White Screen variety, help her in this matter. All this splendor can be complemented with the help of the spectacular branching of astilbe. The best varieties of this plant are considered to be Ostrich Feather and Germany.

Other plants are also for late summer

  • paniculate phlox, White Admiral variety;
  • Echinacea Purple Alba;
  • Japanese anemone, variety Smerch;
  • yarrow Achillea decolorans.

All these flowers will provide the garden with a smooth transition from summer to autumn without loss of whiteness and overall bright beauty.

Gallery: white flowers, trees and shrubs in the garden (25 photos)

Trees and shrubs with white flowers

Annual and perennial flowers are beautiful, but almost no landscape design would be complete without the presence of trees and shrubs. These tall plants will set the necessary accents , somewhere they will highlight a flowering area, and somewhere, on the contrary, they will shade it.

The most popular shrub for white gardens is weigela. Its tubular flowers, similar to bells, abundantly strew the entire bush. This shrub can grow in both sun and shade. This unpretentiousness is very convenient when planning a garden design. The maximum height of weigela is one and a half to two meters, which is quite enough to create the desired effect. In addition to convenience, this flowering shrub is also very beautiful, especially the Candida and Black and White varieties.

The most abundant and beautiful flowering of shrubs occurs at the beginning of summer. A pleasant duet of weigele will be lilac , which gives the garden a chic aroma and an atmosphere of romance. Hedges made from this shrub will not leave any connoisseur indifferent. Spiraea and hydrangea bushes can serve as a separate decoration for the summer landscape. And with the onset of cold weather, a snowberry will help maintain the desired palette. This shrub has small white flowers that bloom in the spring, but that is not what is good about it. In the fall, when it gets very cold, pure white berries appear on it, which is why the snowberry got its name. These white balls look like round pieces of snow hanging on the branches.

Trees with white flowers are no less important for a lunar garden. Some of them are widely popular due to their beauty and amazing scents. Bird cherry, almond, jasmine - each of these trees can become that very necessary detail that places accents in the garden.

Decorative elements

In addition to the correct selection of plants, it is advisable to use decorative elements to give a special effect and completeness. Since we are talking about a monochromatic garden, its artificial decorations must be kept in the same color scheme. At the same time, the decor can both benefit visitors and carry only a visual load. The most popular garden decorations :

  • beautiful benches;
  • gazebos;
  • terraces;
  • statues or various garden figurines;
  • fountains;
  • wells;
  • small mills;
  • decorative stones or gravel.

Correctly placed accents, selection of plants of different varieties and textures, competent distribution of shadows, halftones and tints - all this will make the garden truly lunar .
Of course, landscapes like Sissinghurt Garden take years to create. But sometimes it’s enough to start with one flowerbed. And then, by selecting plant by plant, arranging paths and arranging decor, you can create that delicate, mysterious, light garden that you won’t want to leave. White garden flowers


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Layout of a summer cottage: examples and zoning options


Planting catalpa in open ground

The place where the seedling is planted should be well lit. And drafts are absolutely not allowed. If the tree can still tolerate partial shade and even develop normally, then a “wind tunnel” made from the walls of buildings, compressing and increasing the air flow, is a sure way to the death of the seedling.

Catalpa care

Caring for a young tree (from 1 to 5 years) is within the capabilities of even a novice gardener. The nuances lie, first of all, in the condition of the soil: it must constantly be loosened in its upper layer.

This is done both for the desired level of root aeration and for uniform access to the root system of irrigation water. And watering should be plentiful, at least 20 liters of clean water per week.

Young animals need shelter for the winter, especially in the first years of life, up to about 5-6 years. Mature trees do not require shelter.

Mature trees do not need to be covered for the winter

Top dressing

The best fertilizer for catalpa is organic. In this sense, manure is quite suitable, which is applied under the tree by watering in the form of 5-6 liters of liquid mixture 3-4 times during the warm season.


In spring, pruning and shaping of the crown is mandatory - dried branches injure the foliage, and such foliage can become a source of infection with various bacterial or viral phytoinfections.

It's not just internal branches that are deleted either.

But also form-building, external ones, if they froze in winter.

Diseases and pests

Catalpa copes with herbivorous pests with virtually no human intervention. Its only serious enemy lives only in the United States and has not yet reached us.

Of the domestic pests, aphids, spider mites or ash blight can pose a certain threat, which can be dealt with by a single thorough treatment of the crown with an appropriate insecticide or acaricide.

Whitewashing the bottom of the trunks with chalk or diluted lime, as well as installing traps, will help against small rodents.

To kill pests, catalpa must be treated with insecticides.

Trees versus people

People are waiting for spring, its warm rays of sunshine, which will drive away the dullness, melt the ice and awaken nature. How wonderful it is to go outside and inhale the aroma of apple or cherry! But unfortunately, not all people enjoy spring, and not all trees are so harmless in the wonderful time of flowering.

Every year more and more people suffer from allergies to tree pollen. Agree, it is difficult to maintain a high spring mood when you have a headache, itchy and watery eyes, an itchy nose and constantly want to sneeze.

The population suffers especially severely in May from the flowering of the following trees:

  • and you;
  • oak;
  • ash;
  • maple;
  • pine trees;
  • ate;
  • hazel;
  • poplars.

If representatives of these “dangerous” species are present in large quantities in your region, and you are susceptible to allergies, it is better for you to take a vacation and travel or stock up on the necessary medications.

Reproduction of catalpa

The plant propagates by seeds and cuttings. The type of reproduction depends on several parameters, which are listed below.

How to grow from seeds

For seed propagation, you need to take a large number of seeds at once, because their germination rate can vary from 15 to 75% for different subspecies of catalpa.

The seed form of propagation of this tree, however, has a significant drawback - the curvature of the trunks.

To avoid this trouble, you need to shape the tree’s crown every spring, avoiding imbalance on any side of it (this is what causes the trunk to bend).

Catalpa seeds

To collect seed material, you need to collect them from the boxes in early winter, when the seeds are already mature, and store them in a tightly closed paper bag until spring. And before planting in the spring, soak for 2-3 hours in clean water or in a growth stimulator.

You just need to remember that the seeds retain their germination capacity for only three years, and every year it falls.

To ensure maximum germination of seeds, in addition to a growth stimulant, they are also treated by soaking for a day in warm water. And they are planted in the ground in February-March, so that by the summer warmth the sprout has grown to a fully-fledged, albeit small, seedling.

Catalpa shoots from seeds


When cuttings are used, the survival rate of seedlings is an order of magnitude higher. For this method of propagation, at the end of summer, straight shoots 12-15 cm long are cut off and trimmings of 8-10 cm are left from the bottom and top.

Before planting, such a cutting is treated with fresh “Kornevin” or a similar root growth stimulator, then planted in fertilized soil, and after the formation of the initial root system, when the length of the roots reaches 10-15 cm, it is transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

The planting hole for the cutting is made with dimensions of 70 x 70 on the sides and at least 70 cm in depth.

Loose soil fertilized with compost is poured into the bottom 1/3, a hole is made in it and a cutting with roots is planted in it, carefully straightening them into length and width.

The distance between cuttings is 3-4 meters, with the prospect of tree crowns growing. If all the cuttings take root, you can then, being careful, transplant them through one.


Trees and shrubs with green and yellow bark

Plants that constantly have yellow bark are called stem assimilates. These include:

  • Whirlpool twig-shaped. Also known as Spanish gorse. It has a weeping appearance due to its thin and bending branches. The flowering period lasts for several months. If you do not want to get seed pods, you should remove the faded flowers immediately. The plant reaches up to 2 m in height and width. It is a deciduous shrub. Grown in open sunny places. It does not tolerate winter frosts and is a heat-loving plant. Loves sandy soils. Most often it is used as a hedge or group plantings. Tolerates winter pruning well.

  • Greenbark maple. This tree belongs to the Maple family and can be found in the Primorsky Territory, China or Korea, as well as in nature reserves. In nature, it grows in mixed forests. It is a tree, about 15 m high, or a shrub with a spherical crown. It is distinguished by a very beautiful green color of the trunk with white stripes running along it. The color of the stripes indicates the age of the plant; in young ones it is white, in adults it is gray. Vervies are dark red in color. In the spring, large pink buds bloom on them. The leaves are about 17 cm long, wide, consist of three lobes, thin, silky to the touch, covered with veins. In autumn they change their color to golden yellow. The flowers are yellow-green, large in size, and borne in racemes. Flowering begins after the leaves bloom and lasts about two weeks. The plant is frost-resistant and fast-growing, can be grown in shaded areas, loves moisture and fertile soil. It has high seed germination and is a honey plant. Used in group or solo plantings in parks and alleys.

  • Ephedra. Ephedra belongs to the Conifer family. Reaches a height of 1.5 m, has protruding upright branches with smooth green bark, covered with paired green leaves, dioecious flowers, which are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. After flowering, it forms seed pods, which are an orange-red cone-berry. Grows in sunny or semi-shady areas. It is not picky about the type of soil, it is frost-resistant. It is used as a medicinal plant, as it contains a large amount of the alkaloid ephedrine, which is used to calm the nervous system in cardiovascular diseases, in the treatment of bronchial asthma, stop bleeding and as an antidote for poisoning with chemical and psychotropic substances.

  • Bamboo-shaped leaf-grass or Castilon bamboo. This plant has a loose root system, is evergreen and grows quickly. Belongs to the Cereal family. It grows up to 20 m in height, has very strong thin stems, hollow inside. Complete formation of shoots occurs within several months. Produces long side shoots. The leaves are lanceolate, elongated, green. Bamboo is a perennial crop, but requires regular thinning. Propagated by seeds or vegetatively.

Far East

The next stop on the virtual journey “In the Footsteps of Spring” is the Far East. The climate of this part of the country, as they say, is not for the faint-hearted and heat-loving. For example, in the village of Oymyakon in winter the temperature drops to –50 °C, and on a summer day it can rise to +30 °C (and at night drop by 20 degrees).

But, of course, not all territories of the Far East are so snow-covered, and spring is coming here.

Let's find out which trees bloom at the end of May in the Far East? We can meet here:

  • Mongolian oak;
  • Amur linden;
  • Amur velvet;
  • Calopanax sevenloba;
  • Aralia Manchurian;
  • Manchurian apple tree;
  • small-fruited alder;
  • Maksimovich cherry;
  • Daurian birch;
  • Scots pine.


The northern capital of Russia is known to everyone for its rich history, palaces and fountains. The climate there, although not as harsh as in the Far East, still rarely indulges residents with truly hot days. But few people know that in St. Petersburg there is a wonderful botanical garden that brings together “domestic” flora and “foreign guests”.

Wind, cold, rain and grayness are ordinary days for St. Petersburg, it is interesting that neither St. Petersburg residents nor guests stop loving him because of this. But it is precisely this eternal autumn mood that makes the arrival of spring a real holiday. Residents of the Northern capital are trying to find time to visit parks, gardens and find out what trees bloom in May in St. Petersburg this spring. Because due to the weather, the flowering time may differ in different years.

Walking along the streets or the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden, you can admire and then tell your friends and acquaintances what trees bloom in May in the city. These are such as:

  • sakura;
  • Apple tree;
  • cherry;
  • horse chestnut;
  • rose tree;
  • bird cherry;
  • alder.

Trees for people

Nature does nothing thoughtlessly or to the detriment of humans. It is difficult to find anything in the world as comprehensive and balanced as Mother Nature. So trees, while causing harm to some allergy sufferers with their blooms, still bring irreplaceable benefits to humanity as a whole.

We also know from school courses that trees are living beings and what is their role in human life:

  • climate, agricultural land, water and air purity directly depend on trees;
  • the forest and trees protect the animal world;
  • trees are a source of material resources used in construction and production;
  • human diet and health cannot do without trees, since their fruits, flowers, juice, leaves, roots and bark are used in gastronomy and medicine;
  • The culture of the inhabitants of many cities, villages and even the peoples of countries necessarily concerns trees and forests.

From childhood we are taught to take care and protect trees. Planting a tree means doing a good and important deed in your life. And admiring the beauty of trees blooming in spring is a very pleasant, calming activity that gives strength and hope.

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