Design of a small plot: TOP-145 best modern photo ideas with basic rules for designing a small area of ​​a plot
“Time works on our side: a garden can become poorly maintained, we just need to give it time to grow,
(100 photos) Interesting DIY crafts for a summer cottage made of wood
How to make garden figurines yourself? Ideas and master classes
Features of decorating a site with garden figures The main purpose of garden figures is decorative, but they can
DIY topiary: green figures in your garden
Topiary art is the process of creating landscape sculptures from living plants. It first appeared
Garden wheelbarrow - the main parameters for choosing the most reliable body (95 photos)
Each owner of a personal garden probably has a garden wheelbarrow in his arsenal of equipment, which will help
Beautiful stump: how to make a craft from stumps, plasticine, cardboard. Beautiful drawings of hemp (photo/video)
Country cottage area
Photo 1
Drip irrigation system for a greenhouse: which one is better to buy and how to make it yourself?
The drip method is most suitable for irrigating greenhouse plants. You can purchase a ready-made system, or you can
What landscape designers advise to keep in the corners of the garden
Why do people move to the countryside and buy dachas? For a variety of reasons, of course, including
Scarecrow for the garden: how to make a great scarecrow with your own hands. 65 photos of creative ideas
During the ripening of various crops in dachas and vegetable gardens, it often happens that they
How to make a smokehouse yourself - 100 best photo ideas
Shops, supermarkets and markets offer a huge selection of smoked fish, meat and poultry. But
using plastic bottles in the garden
Ways to use plastic bottles in a modern country house
Waste disposal is one of the most acute problems facing dacha owners.
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