Reasons why the money tree is leaning or has completely fallen. What countermeasures should I take?

What to do with the plant and how to strengthen its trunk?

In order for a flower to avoid the unenviable fate of falling from the windowsill, it is important not to let the growth process take its course and adhere to simple rules for caring for the plant.

If Crassula grows upward and tilts

  1. Firstly, as mentioned above, the fat plant should not be watered frequently to avoid rot. Let the soil dry completely. If the water in the soil stagnates for weeks, then it is best to transplant the plant into a suitable light substrate. During the watering process, the soil is also washed out and the roots are exposed, which leads to the tree tilting. Therefore, water should enter the plant as carefully as possible.

  2. It is also important to choose the right pot to prevent it from tipping over. It is recommended to plant the fat plant in a heavy, shallow container with obligatory drainage holes at the bottom. It is preferable that the width of the pot be slightly larger than the diameter of the crown for greater stability. The deeper the pot, the taller the fat plant will be.
  3. If the crown is very heavy or the trunk of a young flower is too long, then the only solution is pruning and pinching. These methods not only increase stability, but also give the tree a beautiful, neat shape and give the trunk hardness.


Crassula (pictured) reproduces vegetatively and by seeds. Leaves and cuttings can serve as planting material. Crassula takes root in water or directly in the soil within 1 month.

Reproduction algorithm:

  • Select a mature shoot or healthy leaf.
  • Pour the soil into a small container (plastic cup).
  • Lightly moisten the soil.
  • Plant the sprout straight, the leaf at an angle of 30 degrees.
  • Place on a bright windowsill.

Reproduction success depends on soil moisture. When the planting material is dry, it dies, and when it is over-moistened, it rots. In the process of breeding the fat woman, it is very important to find a middle ground.

How to get rid of white plaque on a plant stem

Damage to Crassula shoots can lead to their wilting. You can often see that the shoots of the plant are soft and covered with a white coating. Reason for this:

  • Development of the fungal disease “powdery mildew”;
  • Mealybug infestation.

Powdery mildew develops on leaves and shoots at high air humidity. This disease is especially dangerous during the rest period, when the air temperature is reduced. The affected areas are covered with a white coating of mold.

Common problems

Despite the fact that the money tree can hardly be called whimsical, there are still a huge number of reasons why it can begin to fade and soon disappear completely. For example, some of them:


For this plant, as for any other succulents, it will be safer to have a lack of moisture in the substrate than to have an excess of it. Symptoms include loss of leaf elasticity, darkening of the stem, after which the leaves themselves become first yellow and then brown. How to water properly, read in a separate article.

Diagnosis of the cause includes a careful examination of the earthen clod: if it is too wet, then this is definitely waterlogging. Also, do not think that the white coating on the surface of the substrate is rot. This way the lime from hard water comes out.

Incorrect temperature

High room temperatures can cause the leaves of this plant to fall off. If the situation is corrected in time, they will begin to grow back quickly. Those that have already turned yellow but continue to hang on the stem should be discarded.


Most often, flower growers encounter this problem in the fall and winter, and it is at this time that the signs of crassula wilting are more pronounced than usual. In case of excessive lighting, you can observe redness of the leaves of the money tree. To correct the situation, it is enough to move it to another window sill or away from the previous one.


One of the most common is fusarium rot , which occurs due to excess moisture in the substrate.

New shoots die very quickly, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the stem becomes limp and brown.

This also includes the appearance of a white flour coating on the leaves, which has a specific odor. Called powdery mildew.

All leaves or parts of the plant affected by such infections must be promptly removed so that the disease does not affect the entire plant and spread to healthy ones.

Important! A coating of white or silvery flowers on the leaves may not be a disease. It is necessary to carefully examine the plant for other symptoms of the disease. If none are found, this means that the plant is simply recovering from recent stress and should not be interfered with.


The appearance of white cotton wool on the soil, stem and leaves is a mealybug. To get rid of this pest, it is enough to thoroughly but gently rinse the leaves with running water. If desired, you can treat the leaves and sinuses with garlic solution or alcohol.

And in hot weather, you can encounter such a phenomenon as shedding of leaves and an abundance of elongated bugs on the plant, which are called tripas.

Spider mites leave small yellow dots on the stem and leaves, which then turn into brown scabs; sometimes you can see small white and red beetles. This pest can also be recognized by the appearance of a cobweb that entangles almost all the leaves.

Washing the plant with running water and treating it with a soap solution or any insecticidal agent will help you cope with it. Then put a cellophane cap on the flower and repeat this procedure a week later.

Yellow and brown spots on the leaves are signs of the appearance of scale insects , which are these spots. Insects must be removed manually, and then the leaves of the money tree must be wiped with a soap solution or a special preparation intended for this purpose - Fitoverm.

How to cure Crassula after transfusion?

Resuscitation measures will be absolutely useless without an early plant transplant . Carefully remove the flooded plant from the pot. Carefully examine the roots of Crassula . Try to approach this very seriously, since your further actions will depend on the condition of the Crasula roots. There can be two options:

  • The roots of the Crassula have rotted and as a result the Money Tree is infected with a fungal infection .
  • the roots are healthy, but the earthen ball is wet and does not dry out.

First, let's analyze the situation in which the roots of a flooded Crassula are still not damaged

Prepare paper towels . Remove the Crassula from the poured soil and place it on the first batch of paper towels. Wait until they absorb the moisture, then replace the paper towels and leave the Money Tree on the new batch of towels for another 15 minutes. Once the excess moisture is absorbed, we will no longer need the towels.

Since the roots of our Money Tree are not damaged, it is better not to disassemble the earthen ball and not cause unnecessary discomfort to the plant . You can only slightly knock off the excess soil.

Prepare new soil . Ready-made soil for succulents and cacti is suitable. You need to add sand and perlite to it. The ratio of components should be as follows: 2 parts soil + 1 part sand + 1 part perlite.

If no fungal infection is observed, then the old pot can be used. Pour fine drainage into the bottom (I have expanded clay), then a layer of soil. Plant our Crassula there and carefully add soil.

Place the newly planted plant “under the hood” and do not water it until the earthen ball is completely dry. Unfortunately, situations where the roots are completely healthy are rare. After all, as a rule, with still healthy roots, the plant does not in any way betray that you have flooded it . And we begin to act only after the appearance of more serious symptoms, which appear when the roots rot and the Crasula is infected with a fungal infection.

Causes of poor money tree growth

Sometimes the money tree stops growing or gives insignificant growth. At the same time, its appearance deteriorates, since it gradually loses old leaves, and new ones do not grow. Reasons for poor money tree growth:

  • Stagnation of water in the soil. Water can stagnate in the pot due to abundant and frequent watering or due to incorrectly selected soil composition. If you suspect that the soil is waterlogged, you need to remove the plant from the pot. In this case, you can consider the condition of the roots. If they are rotten, you need to remove the old soil and all diseased areas of the root system. Then the tree is transplanted into new soil;
  • Regular and prolonged drying out of the soil. If the earthen ball dries out frequently and completely, the roots of the plant may be damaged. They partially dry out and die. After watering, such a root system is prone to rotting. It must be remembered that a money tree is not a cactus. It should not be too dry;
  • Nutritional deficiency. Crassula may not grow well due to lack of nutrition. This happens in the absence of fertilizing and replanting, when the roots of the plant are very crowded in the pot. Proper tree care will help avoid such troubles.

What to do if Crassula leans over

Try reducing the frequency of watering. You will know when Crassula needs moisture by seeing wrinkled leaves. Watering will restore them to their original condition within a few hours. You should also allow 2-3 centimeters of the soil surface to dry out before watering Crassula again.

Branched home succulent. Photo used as illustration. Source: Yandex.Images

In spring, summer and autumn, when the plant needs more moisture, water the flower generously. The main thing is to ensure that excess moisture drains through the drainage holes located at the bottom of the pot.

Insects, disease, and other problems of Money Trees often get worse when the plant is stressed due to improper watering. This is what causes Crassula to begin to fall.

In addition, keep an eye on the appearance of your tree. Keep it from stretching by ensuring optimal light conditions and regular pruning. This will allow you to maintain the correct dimensions of the flower, strengthen the stem and avoid falls due to excessive weight.

If the roots don't hold the succulent

Sometimes improper care or poor soil leads to the fact that the roots cannot hold the Crassula in the ground, and it collapses and even falls out of the pot. In this case, you need to tie the plant to a peg. Simply stick a thin stick into the soil, placing it fairly close to the main stem, and then tie the flower.

Additionally, we recommend rotating the tree every week to ensure it faces the sun evenly. After this, you need to start growing roots. Crassula roots grow best when the soil is dry (and they begin to grow in search of moisture). Everything again comes down to the correct watering regime.

Many people believe that Money Trees, like other Succulents, can withstand long periods of drought by living off the moisture in their thick, fleshy leaves. But that's not true. Crassulas are very sensitive to excess and lack of moisture. There is a balance to be struck: regular watering at the appropriate times is essential to keep them attractive and healthy.


Using pinching, you can correct defects in the appearance of the crassula. This technique does not harm the plants, and minimal damage is easily repaired. Pinch the bud, removing it with your hand or tweezers. It is important not to damage the nearest leaves.

Removing the growth point of the trunk allows new shoots to form, increasing the branching of the plant.

The pinched areas should be covered with crushed activated carbon, and the plant should be placed in the shade. The plant can be returned to its usual place after new buds appear.

money tree flower

As a rule, the plant has a tree-like trunk, small round, shiny, succulent leaves that look like green coins. Refers to succulents. With proper care, it often blooms, grows well and develops a crown. The plant fits into any modern interior and has a beneficial effect on people, releasing substances beneficial to the body. The money tree flower is not considered whimsical - it tolerates drought well and does not suffer when kept in dark rooms. In apartment conditions, it is advisable to shape the fat woman, starting to do this when she is still small.

Money tree - signs and superstitions

A houseplant helps to exaggerate money and maintain financial stability. In order for the money flower to improve the financial situation of the owners, you need to activate it - before planting, be sure to place coins of different denominations at the bottom. It is necessary to talk to the fat woman, talk about unexpected income and expenses, so that it protects her from further expenses. If you decide to give someone a money tree, be sure to study the signs and superstitions. Here are some of them:

  1. Paper bills placed under a pot on the windowsill will help enhance the effect and bring good luck. It is advisable not to waste them for at least a year.
  2. To attract energy flows, Crassula leaves can be decorated with coins or a golden chain. After some time, the money should be removed and spent within a week.
  3. The tree must not be touched by strangers.
  4. To call for help from higher powers, it is periodically recommended to lightly shake the Crassula by the trunk.
  5. If leaves fall, this is a bad omen. Large expenses are possible, or negative energy prevails in the house.
  6. It is important to replant the plant so that your money does not “wither” due to a cramped pot.

How the money tree blooms - photo

The described culture comes from South Africa, where it grows wild everywhere. In climates where daylight hours decrease in winter, a tree can stand for many years without flowering. Culture loves light and warmth, and its development directly depends on these two factors. When does the money tree bloom? Only with sufficient lighting. The photo shows: the flowers of the plant are gorgeous, small, usually white, like stars.

Reasons why the money tree is leaning or has completely fallen. What countermeasures should I take?

Money tree (Crassula, Crassula) is a houseplant native to hot Africa. Its origin explains why this tree is classified as a succulent - plants that accumulate moisture in their leaves and can go without watering for a long time.

Flower growers often experience situations when the money tree leans or even falls. The article describes the main reasons for such cases and discusses how you can help the plant.

What measures should be taken and how to strengthen the trunk?

If you notice that the money tree is just starting to lean or is almost falling from the weight of the crown, you need to take the following steps:

  1. reduce watering (in summer it is recommended to water 2 times a month, in winter - reduce watering until the soil dries completely);
  2. pay attention to the pot in which Crassula grows and, if necessary, replant it (there must be drainage holes at the bottom for the free flow of water, and there must be sand and small pebbles at the bottom of the pot);
  3. pinch the shoots (usually pinch the shoot after the fourth leaf) and/or cut off heavy branches, treat the cuts with activated carbon or ash;
  4. to form a strong tree trunk, it is recommended to pluck the lower leaves of the fat plant to about half the desired height of the plant;
  5. place a support for the trunk.

Why does the fat woman bend over and fall?

  • The crown of the plant is formed incorrectly. If the money tree stands with the same side to the light source, the crown may form one-sidedly, which can have a bad effect on the plant. It is recommended to periodically turn the money tree to the light source in different directions, then the growth of branches and leaves will be uniform. If this has already happened, you need to cut off the heavy branches and pinch out the branches of the fat plant or put up a support.
  • Weak roots. Since the fat plant belongs to the genus of succulents that accumulate moisture for future use, abundant and frequent watering is strictly contraindicated for it.
    If there is an excess of moisture, the roots begin to rot, which negatively affects the plant, and this may be the reason why it fell and died.
  • Leaves are too heavy and watery. The money tree stores moisture from watering in its leaves, so if overwatered, they can become too fleshy and heavy. It is also worth considering that the root system of the plant is shallow and may not support a crown that is too heavy.
  • Weak trunk. The trunk can soften with excessive watering, which, together with heavy leaves, can lead to dire consequences.

Let's summarize...

  • The money tree is an indicator of your wealth. If it is healthy, your income is normal. If it crumbles, you cannot avoid spending. Well, if it dies, you'll have to seriously tighten your belt.
  • To make the tree a magnet for money, bury three coins near the roots and/or tie a red ribbon around the branch (trunk).
  • If living flowerpots do not take root in your home, start an artificial money tree - made from beads, coins or real dollars.
  • The fat plant’s “colleague” is considered to be the plant Zamioculcas, the so-called dollar tree. It also increases the income of its owner.

The crown is not formed correctly

It is common for any tree to grow, Crassula is no exception.

The peak of growth occurs in the spring-summer period and, if the crown is not formed correctly, it increases significantly in size and the trunk of the money tree will not be able to hold it.

It will fall on its side, and in some cases the plant may even fall out of the pot completely.


when the fat woman falls over Why does the fat woman bend over Why does the fat woman bend over? The Crassula is recommended to be a the Crassula time the Crassula system holds on. The stem of the Crassula is not the Crassula not If the Crassula is growing If the Crassula is broken Crassula has to Crassula is growing If the Crassula is growing young Crassula are removed then the Crassula is faster than the Crassula is not Why is the money tree Money tree growing the money tree. the condition of the money tree in the money tree in the money tree Why is the money tree with the Money tree Den hedgehog tree stems Money tree to strengthen the trunk of the money trunk and plant trunk. or the trunk of a young bare trunk constituted

trees of what grows trim home branches growing branches your simple home

How long does a money tree grow?

On average, Crassula trees gain 6 cm in height per year. It can increase the growth of green mass in width by approximately the same amount. With enough light and timely watering, the plant will not slow down its growth with age, thanks to which it will be possible over time to form a beautiful lush crown on a thick, woody trunk.

The maximum lifespan of a tree under natural conditions is close to 80 years. You can grow one specimen in a pot for almost 50 years, if you do not over-moisten the soil and control the growth of branches.

Feeding and pest control

How to plant a money tree at home

Most plant problems can be solved by feeding and normalizing the frequency of watering. With pests the situation is different. Here you will have to treat the leaves with soapy water, alcohol and special preparations depending on the type of insect. The most effective remedies are fitoverm, actara, thiophos, agravertine, which will not allow flowers to die.

The fat woman is not particularly demanding when it comes to feeding

Important! If brown spots appear on the leaves, it is worth reducing the moisture content of the Crassula. But a silvery coating indicates stress experienced, which was the result of a sudden change in lighting, temperature, and the addition of fertilizers in large quantities.

Diagnosis of diseases

Under unfavorable conditions and inattentive care of the fat woman affect the disease.

Table: causes of malaise money tree

Symptoms of illnessCausesEradication measures
Withers and leaves fall
  1. Constant waterlogging of the soil.
  2. Insufficient watering.
  3. Watering with cold water.
  4. Excess nutrients.
  5. A consequence of stress, but rather a desire to leave offspring.
  1. To reduce soil moisture or resume soft and moderate watering with warm, settled water.
  2. Stop feeding for a month.
Sky, stemAbundant watering when there is insufficient lighting or during cold periods.
  1. Regulate the frequency of watering and the average daily temperature.
  2. If the rod is stretched in winter, dry the earth ball to provide additional lighting to increase the temperature to 23–25C.
Red spots on leavesBacterial outbreak.Remove affected leaves. Treat the plant 2-3 times with a complex antibacterial preparation (for example, Fitosporin-M) every 10 days.
Slow growth
  1. Lack or excess of energy.
  2. Lack of water.
  3. Poor lighting.
  4. Rest period.
You'll need to adjust watering, fertilizing, and light intensity (to provide up to 10 hours of extra light to the jade per day).
Trunk rottingExcessive watering without drying out the earthen clod.If, after a drying period, the plant has not returned to normal, replanting will not help. To save Jade in this case is possible only by rooting the surviving cuttings.
Yellowing of leavesLack of light.It is necessary to provide the plant with bright, diffused light for 10-12 hours a day.
Softening foliageImperfect glaze.If drying out the earthen coma does not produce results, a transplant is required. The roots should be free from rot, rinse in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then replant in new soil.
Black spots
  1. A tan.
  2. The plant begins to turn black due to a fungal infection, which appears due to poor ventilation and waterlogging of the soil.
  1. To make shadows for jade or treat with Fundazol (10 g per 10 liters of water).
  2. Reduce watering and provide the plant with fresh air.
White dotsJade is filled with moisture, which it receives not only from the soil, but also from the air. Therefore, excess water evaporates on the surface of the leaves, opening the pores. You need to adjust watering and reduce humidity.
Redness of leaves
  1. Exposure to direct sunlight.
  2. Lack of fresh air.
  3. Few nutrients.
  1. Shade the plant if it is in a sunny place.
  2. If, along with the redness of the leaves, the leaves still wilt, then Jade is hungry and needs to be fed.
SilveringThe plant experienced stress and recovery.Powdered silver pollen on the leaves is a sign of pushing up dead cells. This symptom does not give any action. Jade will be updated.
Leaves are wrinkledHeavy flooding after a long drought.Such changes in soil conditions are detrimental to the plant; it becomes stressed and dies. The first symptom of the problem is wrinkling of the leaves.
Dry brown spotsInsufficient watering.Water in the fat plant should be regularly settled and warm until the soil dries to a depth of 3-5 cm.
The plant is drying upDry leaves on a plant can signal that the soil ball has been wetted, so that the roots have filled the pot and it is time to replant.If you notice such symptoms, it is necessary to examine the root system and at the same time the dry earthen ball. If the plant is crowded into the same pot, replanting is required.

Why does the trunk of a flower wither?

A sluggish, soft, watery trunk of a plant indicates that the flower is beginning to disappear due to regular and excessive watering. The leaves also wither and turn yellow. The roots most likely also show signs of decay.

To save the plant, you need to stop watering it until the soil dries out. If this does not help, the plant needs to be replanted. To do this, remove the flower from the soil, clean and rinse the roots. Remove rotten parts.

Sometimes there is nothing left to save. Then you can try to grow a crassula from a living cutting taken from a dying plant. They usually take root well.

The trunk may still be soft after transplantation. Until the plant has become stronger in its new location, the absorption of the roots is impaired. This does not affect the further growth and development of the flower.

Top dressing

The money tree loves fertilizing, and if you introduce it into the diet regularly, over time it can even reward you with flowering for your efforts. How to do it correctly:

  • Choosing fertilizers for cacti and succulents.

  • We apply fertilizers from early spring to early autumn. During the cold period, fertilizing interferes with the plant’s “rest”;
  • If you want to enrich the soil with specific elements yourself, then it is ideal to choose calcium, potassium and phosphorus.
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