Gymnocalycium - care and propagation at home, photos of species
Photo of the cactus Gymnocalycium is a charming cactus with a spherical stem and bright, beautiful
photo of oriental poppy
All about poppy: what it looks like, can it be grown in the country
For its fabulous beauty, the Oriental poppy is called the “flower of angels” by the French. Creative bouquets decorate cathedrals and
Ground cover plants
Groundcover perennials (TOP-25) - names with photos
Ground cover plants are plants that have the ability to spread in a thick carpet and fill the entire area allocated for
rocky hill
How to make a flower bed from stones: rock garden, rock garden and the use of a Czech rolling pin
To improve the area near a private house in an original style, they turn to landscape design. Many
Eco-parking on a suburban site: we are setting up a country green parking lot
With the increase in the number of cars in cities and, as a result, the need for parking, authorities have become
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Wisteria - description, cultivation and care. Tips for Lush Blooms
Author: Elena N. Category: Garden plants Published: January 20, 2019Last edits: January 13
Photo of lemon balm
Aromatic herb Melissa - cultivation and medicinal properties of the plant
Imagine that in the modern world there are plants that have been used as medicinal
How to prepare soil for Kalanchoe: replanting instructions
Author of the article: Anna Vladimirovna | Updated: 11/15/2021 Nesquik Opti-Start instant cocoa drink, 1 kg (package)
Characteristics of Decorative climbing pear
Decorative pear - climbing: varieties, features of planting and tree care
Gardening » Pear 0 1806 Article rating Kira Stoletova Today, orchards are quite diverse.
Rhododendron (70 photos): types and features of care
Rhododendron: description, planting in open ground and caring for it to ensure lush flowering from the Moscow region to Siberia (80 Photos & Videos)
Photo: The proud, handsome rhododendron is a permanent resident of the best gardens and parks in Europe. He
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