Decorative pear - climbing: varieties, features of planting and tree care

Gardening » Pear



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Kira Stoletova

Today, orchards are quite diverse. All trees bear abundant harvests of juicy, aromatic fruits. But few people know about such a beauty as the decorative climbing pear. This is a unique culture. It brings a touch of elegance to the exterior. The inedible fruits that form on the crop only add to the sophistication. Decorative pear can be used as a hedge, as an original decoration for a personal plot.

Characteristics of Decorative climbing pear

What kind of plant is this

The homeland of the tree with such an intriguing name is China. In the Russian open spaces, such a climbing pear has not been able to spread particularly due to the nuances of caring for it. The tree is not tall, has a cone-shaped crown. It changes color in the fall: the lush greenery turns bright red. The plant is extremely fond of areas located in the sun.

The ornamental pear does not withstand Russian frosts at all, which is why it cannot be grown in those regions that have a harsh climate. Although the crop is also perennial, it is more often represented by annual tree varieties.

Ornamental pear vines are widely used as trees for landscape design. They are grown by gardeners in many countries. The most popular varieties are Bradford, Willowleaf and Beech Hill. These plants belong to the Rosaceae family, which thrives even in a metropolis.

Ornamental pears are interesting for landscape designers because when they bloom, the tree is covered with huge white flowers. They emit a pleasant aroma. Plants look attractive in the spring, during the flowering period, and in the fall, when the dense foliage turns a golden-red hue.

Golden-red pear foliage Source

The advantage of such plantings is the dense foliage, thanks to which the plants are used to form alleys, even gazebos. Pear fruits are inconspicuous in appearance and have absolutely no nutritional value. The tree takes root in moderate climatic conditions in a well-lit area. It can survive the winter, but only when the temperature does not drop below -25°C. At the same time, climbing pear perfectly resists most parasites. It is convenient to use the planting as an element of decorating a personal plot, when decorating the territory of city parks.

Although the plant has not been able to spread widely in our country, there are a few varieties that our domestic gardeners have managed to try. They differ in appearance, fruit size, and taste parameters. However, the most important difference is the growth criteria.

Description of culture

Let's take a closer look at what ornamental loach pears are, their planting and tree care. This variety of plants is also called nut type or flowering planting. The trees are normally adapted to growing in megacities.

Pear in the metropolis Source

Decorative planting in the spring pleases with large white flowers that are fragrant, emitting a pleasant aroma. Visually it resembles a lush bouquet. Despite such an abundance of large flowers, the fruits that appear later are quite modest, small, and have a dark brown tint.

They are not valued in terms of taste, since they cannot be preserved for a long time, they cannot be preserved, and fresh fruit gives off bitterness. When the foliage has completely fallen, the pears continue to hang, becoming a kind of decoration. Trees have carved leaves that make them attractive. The formed graceful crown becomes a real decoration that attracts the eyes of visitors to public gardens.


  1. Decorative onions, like pears, are a rare but attractive plant for the garden. It has no yield value.
  2. Plants can grow on average up to 10 meters in height.
  3. Decorative pear trees have good frost resistance (down to -25°C). They resist harmful insects and pathogens well.
  4. Pear fruits are mostly small and are not used for food purposes. They can remain on trees until winter and serve as an additional decoration.
  5. The color of the leaves may change with the seasons.
  6. Pear trees are used as arches and hedges; they decorate gardening areas.

Common varieties

To beautifully decorate the site, several varieties of unique plants are used. Let's take a closer look at them.

Callera Chanticleer

This is the name of the most famous Chinese variety of pear. In their homeland, such trees grow near rivers and in forests. They are characterized by accelerated growth, since they are capable of adding 40 cm per year. The crown of the tree is conical, but after a few years it becomes wide-pyramidal.

Callera Chanticleer Source

Already in early spring, shiny foliage appears, it is dark green, turning red only in November. Callera blooms starting in April, almost simultaneously with the appearance of foliage. Often even flowering is slightly ahead of the appearance of greenery. Although ripe fruits are edible, their taste is extremely low. In the first years, the pear can suffer due to severe cold, but when it is well rooted, then it becomes a truly frost-resistant tree. For Chanticleer, polluted air is not a problem, which is why the variety is actively distributed in urban areas.

Callery Bradford

The tree is of American origin. It grows large, up to 12 m high with a trunk diameter of 9 m, although it has a short lifespan of 25 years. The symmetrically formed pyramidal crown is very compact. The dark green color of the oval leaves turns orange in the fall and then acquires a purple tint. Already before the beginning of April, Bradford abundantly throws out large, stunningly beautiful flowers. The fruits of the tree are completely inedible.

Callery Bradford Source


Under natural conditions, such an unpretentious plant can only be found in Asia and the Caucasus. But the artificially cultivated tree takes root everywhere.

Willow pear Source

It tolerates moist soil and takes root in salty soils. The only whim is that there must be no drafts and a sunny place. The Willow Pear rises extremely slowly. The crown of the tree resembles a spreading tent. The plant blooms in May. It tolerates frost and forced drought well. Since there is no aversion to gas pollution, megacities are readily used with this variety.

Beach Hill

The homeland of this variety is Asia Minor, although it is also found in Europe. Its distinctive feature is its powerful structure with a narrow pyramidal crown. Large foliage of a bright green hue densely saturates the branches. In late autumn they change color, it becomes yellow or orange.

The flowering period with fragrant and large flowers occurs in May. The fruits of the tree are sour and have an unpleasant tartness. The plant tolerates urban conditions well and takes root there well. Frost resistance is weak, which is why the pear feels comfortable only in the south of Russia. She lives for a century and a half.

Beech Hill pear fruits Source

Peculiarities of cultivation of Mazunin’s “natural dwarfs”

Unlike large-fruited apple trees on low-growing rootstocks, Mazunin varieties were bred specifically for individual cultivation in “risky farming” zones located in the Urals and Western Siberia. Such trees form a creeping crown, which takes up a lot of space, so they are not suitable for dense plantings. But in regions characterized by snowy winters, plants can be protected from frost by being completely buried in snowdrifts.

The skeletal branches extend from the trunk at right angles and their ends are directed downwards; with age, the crown takes on a natural weeping shape, which is clearly visible in the photo

These apple trees are early-fruiting and well adapted to the short northern summer: their flowers bloom quite late and, as a rule, are not affected by spring frosts. In addition, the Mazunins have another interesting mechanism for protecting the future harvest. Compared to other representatives of the culture, their flowering period is greatly extended. The buds located on the lower branches are the first to become active, then the process gradually covers the entire tree. Thus, part of the crop has time to set even with a sudden cold snap. The fruits of Mazunin’s apple trees, of course, cannot compete in taste and size with the best examples of “southern” apples, but for the harsh northern regions they are considered quite satisfactory.

Despite the presence of a number of valuable economic qualities, reviews of Mazunin’s dwarf apple tree varieties are very contradictory. Many owners note the insufficient winter hardiness of trees, inherited from the European original forms. Branches located above the snow cover often freeze slightly in Siberian conditions; In some specimens, the wood of the trunks is also damaged. Wrapping trunks for the winter has a rather negative effect, since these varieties are prone to dampening of the root collar during spring thaws. There is also evidence that “Mazunins” are severely damaged by rodents, and it is not so much the bark of the trunks that suffers, but the young shoots hanging to the ground. Mice often destroy a significant portion of last year's growth, minimizing future harvests.

Nevertheless, many consider Mazunin’s apple trees to be promising and suitable for growing in not entirely favorable climatic conditions. Of the 15 varieties bred, the varieties best known to amateur gardeners are:

“Brother of the Wonderful” (“Bratchud”)Winter. It is considered one of the most productive of the “Mazunin” varieties. The fruits are greenish-yellow with a slight blush, fast-growing and transportable. Under optimal storage conditions, they do not deteriorate for 4.5-5 months. Fruiting is annual.

The variety "Bratchud" is characterized by a fairly high yield during annual fruiting

"Carpet" Autumn. Apples at the stage of consumer ripeness are yellow, with a red blush over almost the entire surface. The pulp is quite sweet, but rather dry. The fruits are stored for 2 months. Fruiting in young trees is annual; with age, periodicity appears.

The fruits of the “Carpet” variety ripen in the fall and are not intended for long-term storage

"Snowdrop" Early winter. The fruits are yellowish-green, medium to large in size. Consumer qualities last up to 4 months. Fruiting is periodic.

Apples of the Snowdrop variety weigh on average 140-170 g

“Mundane” Late autumn, partially self-fertile. Medium-sized apples, yellow with a slight blush, can be stored for up to 2 months. Consumer qualities are rated quite highly.

“Mundane” is characterized by above-average resistance to fungal diseases

"Sokolovskoe" Winter. The fruits are bright yellow with a scarlet blush, dense, of good taste. Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 months. Fruiting is periodic.

The fruits of the Sokolovskoye variety have high commercial and taste qualities

“Wonderful” Late Summer. The apples are greenish-yellow, medium in size, with white flesh. Fruiting is annual, the yield is quite high for a tree with a height of about 2 m.

Professional tasting assessment of the taste qualities of “Wonderful” apples – 4.9 points (out of 5)


You can grow a climbing tree using the following methods:

  • seeds;
  • development of cuttings;
  • performing vaccinations.

The willow-leaved type of tree can also be grown through root shoots. Many novice gardeners do not know how to get an unusual plant from a small seed, so they are afraid to do it. However, such an event is quite possible.

Seed selection

The main thing in this matter is to choose the right seed, and then prepare it for development. You can grow a seedling even in apartment conditions - to do this you need to perform the following steps:

  • remove the seeds from a ripe pear;
  • fill them with hot water;
  • dry well;
  • put in a sealed bag;
  • put in the refrigerator until spring warms up.

Selecting a location

The next stage in growing an ornamental tree is the selection of soil and preparation of a specific localization for the growth of pears on the territory of the garden plot. For healthy development, the plant requires fertile soil. An ornamental tree seedling does not tolerate:

  • swampy places where there is stagnant moisture;
  • frequent drafts.

The tree requires a lighted place, although the use of light partial shade from neighboring plantings is quite acceptable.

Illuminated place for a pear Source

See also: Catalog of projects for gazebos made from kiln-dried mini-timbers

The best soil option is sandy or loamy soil.

When choosing a suitable location, you need to take into account that the main task of an ornamental plant is to decorate the landscape. A pear surrounded by birch, pine or spruce trees looks original.

If the backyard area is rich in its own reservoir, then against its background it is recommended to decorate the space with such plantings that will decorate the shore at any time of the year.

Seed preparation

You can germinate seeds starting in January. Remove the selected material from the refrigerator, let the seeds warm up at room temperature. Be sure to disinfect them with a manganese solution, and then you can put them to germination.

Place a layer of gauze or fabric on the bottom of a plate, place planting material on top, and fill with liquid. The fabric should absorb moisture well, but do not allow the grains to float. After a few days, the seeds will sprout.

Plant the sprouted grains in prepared pots with peat and humus, moisten the soil well and cover the top with cling film. Pots should be kept in a warm place.

Pear sprouts Source

As soon as the first shoots appear, you need to remove the film. Carry out timely watering regularly. After warm and sunny weather has established, the seedling can be taken to the prepared site.

Selection of soil and location, preparation of seed material

The next important step is how to choose the right soil and place for planting an ornamental pear. The soil, as for many plants, is fertile. Ornamental pears should not be planted in a swampy place, that is, where water is expected to stagnate. The place for planting an ornamental pear should be well lit and free from drafts. Light partial shade can be allowed. The optimal choice of soil is sandy loam, or, in extreme cases, loamy soil.

As stated above, decorative pear seeds are stored in the refrigerator until spring. When taken out of the refrigerator, they need to be kept at room temperature. Next, they should be placed in warm water for 48 hours (it needs to be changed every day). On the third day, a growth stimulator is used.

In order for the seeds of the climbing pear to germinate better, it is necessary to carry out stratification. To do this, mix perlite, river sand, coconut substrate and high-moor silt and place it in a potted container. This mixture should be moistened and the seeds should be placed on it. Next, cover with polyethylene and put in the refrigerator for about 2.5-3 months, constantly checking the humidity levels. If you miss the moisture level, the seeds may rot.

After the seeds of the ornamental pear plant germinate, they are planted in nutritious soil. Wait for four pairs of leaves to appear and dive.

Video description

Watch the video on how to grow a pear from seeds:
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in small forms (bathhouses, garages, gazebos) and landscape design

Planting a tree

As with other plantings, planting and care should be carried out similarly for the annual climbing ornamental pear. An annual tree should be planted in the spring - this will allow the young plant to take root well.

The landing procedure is as follows:

  • prepare a pit;
  • add lime, humus along with superphosphate into it, scrupulously observing the following proportions 5: 1: 3;
  • place the peat pot;
  • sprinkle with earth, compact carefully;
  • immediately water the future tree.

Each sprout should be planted in a separate hole. According to the described scheme, it is recommended to plant cuttings. When there is little space on the territory, it is allowed to graft a climbing pear to the branches of any tree.

Further care

After planting in the holes, the following plant care is required:

  • water moderately;
  • carry out timely fertilizing;
  • use preventive procedures against pests and diseases;
  • carry out crown formation.

Watering the soil after planting Source
When watering the soil, it is important to maintain moderate and uniform soil moisture. If the plant is placed in unfavorable conditions, it may destroy the tree. It is also not recommended to flood the seedling. It is necessary to observe moderation during the event, but to adhere to the regularity of such actions. You should not apply water directly near the trunk. Watering should be closer to the periphery of the root system. The same requirements apply to fertilizing.

Nutrients should be added as the ornamental pear develops. If a young seedling has sprouts, it is not advisable to use additional fertilizing. But when fruiting begins too early, it is necessary to add useful elements to make the pear stronger.

Nitrogen compounds must be added according to the following scheme:

  • the drug must be divided into 3 parts;
  • in the spring you need to add 2/3 of the composition, and the rest of the mixture in early summer.

Do not forget to carry out foliar feeding. When the climbing pear has thrown out its flowers, it should be sprayed with a 2% sulfate solution; after harvesting, a 2% urea solution should be used.

Fertilizer for pears Source

Decorative pear: planting and care

Ornamental pears are planted in the same way as other fruit trees. The time for planting an annual seedling is spring; it will take root properly before winter. Fertile mixture and mineral supplements are filled into the planting hole. Before planting an ornamental pear, the roots are carefully examined. In case of various damages, they are removed. The roots are handled with care! After carefully filling with soil, you can install pegs to secure the tree. The last stage of planting is watering and mulching the tree trunk circle.

Caring for an ornamental pear is standard and consists of watering, pruning, fertilizing and loosening. This crop cannot do without sprinkling. For her, this is a very important and favorite procedure (especially for Ivolistnaya), to which she actively responds. Fertilizers are applied every three years, but if the soil is poor - every year. The crown of an ornamental pear is not always formed; it mostly happens naturally. Sanitary pruning is necessary in spring and autumn.

Video description

In this video you will see details of pear care:

Crown formation

For many summer residents, growing an ornamental tree is an option for decorating the landscape. When forming the crown, you can use any of your fantasies. For this purpose, trellises made of lattices or wire folded in several rows act as interesting forms. It is advisable to braid metal trellises with plastic. This will keep the branches from coming into contact with metal in frosty weather.

Formation on trellises Source

It is recommended to form the pear as an arch, for which its branches are directed and secured on curved trellises above the path.

How to harvest correctly

If a decorative pumpkin is not properly cared for, it can be affected by various diseases. If such diseases have affected the plant, it is necessary to remove the infected part and treat the area with either a fungicide or an insecticide.

After the fruit has ripened and the stem has dried, it must be carefully torn off along with the stem and laid to dry. The fruits are placed in one row, and so that the edges do not touch each other. The room should be well ventilated, and the peel should not be exposed to direct sunlight so that the color does not lose its color. This process takes about a week with proper care. And the pulp can dry up to 6 months. Periodically, fruits should be checked for rot, lethargy and mold. To understand that the pumpkin is completely dry, you need to shake it. The seeds inside should rustle. That’s it – the material for decoration is ready.

Diseases, pests and their control

The climbing tree is a wild plant, making it resistant to various problems. However, treating the plant with chemicals is still necessary. The following pathologies are dangerous for a tree:

  • curliness;
  • brown spot;
  • burn of bacterial origin;
  • cytosporosis;
  • powdery mildew;
  • rust.

The most dangerous pests for pears are:

  • leaf roller;
  • aphids and mites.

Such problems can spoil the plant and also significantly harm it.

A description of the pathologies and control measures will be discussed below.


Although this pathology is extremely rare, it does occur. When damaged, the pear loses all its green mass, which thickens, curls appear, and then the leaves turn red-yellow.

To protect against this pest, it is necessary to carry out urgent pruning of damaged areas with a mandatory burning procedure. For prevention, it is necessary to treat with copper sulfate before the buds open.

Curly leaves Source

Brown spot

The dangerous fungus usually attacks in spring and autumn. Red spots developing on green leaves indicate its attack. After a while, they acquire a gray tint, then turn black and spread throughout the greenery.

You can get rid of the fungus using the drugs Topaz or Fitosporin-M.

Bacterial burn

When affected by this disease, the beautiful leaves of the pear become like after a fire. Copper-containing preparations, as well as the mandatory removal of all parts of the affected branches, will help eliminate this problem.

Pear burn Source

Main characteristics

The plant is decorative, so the concept of productivity does not apply to it. Most fruits are small in size and weight (from 10 to 50 g); in rare cases, large-fruited varieties are found, for example, Orange, weighing up to 300 g. However, as noted earlier, the vast majority of varieties are not suitable for food.

The plant has low frost resistance. During significant cold snaps, when the temperature drops below + 10-12 ° C, shoot growth stops and does not resume.

Possessing an extensive horse system, the decorative pumpkin can go without water for a relatively long time. The plant will not die, but at the same time the growth rate of the green part is significantly reduced and the process of fruit formation slows down. In general, pumpkin loves abundant watering; it is not recommended to expose it to drought for too long.

Resistance to pests and diseases

Like any other member of the pumpkin family, the decorative climbing pear has average resistance to diseases and pests. The risk of being attacked by certain diseases and pests depends, first of all, on proper agricultural technology and plant care.

Among the diseases, the most common are powdery mildew and various types of rot (gray, root, etc.), as well as bacteriosis. Pests are also typical for pumpkins: melon aphids and spider mites.

Methods for controlling diseases and pests are standard. Fungal diseases are treated with solutions of copper sulfate (1% to 3%) or colloidal sulfur preparations. Acaricides or folk remedies (tincture of onion and garlic peels) are used against pests.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to spray the foliage several times with a 1% solution of copper sulfate every 2 weeks, carried out in June-July.

Advantages and disadvantages

The plant has the following advantages:

  • simplicity of agricultural technology and unpretentiousness in cultivation;
  • a wide variety of colors and shapes of fruits and leaves, making it possible to realize any design ideas;
  • long and dense branched loops, abundantly entwining trellises and walls and rising up to 2 m in height;
  • strong and durable dried fruits used in the manufacture of various types of decoration.

Disadvantages of decorative pumpkin:

  • lack of edible fruits.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Decorative pear is popular in landscape design.
  2. It is important to know the rules and features of its cultivation.
  3. Thanks to the large selection of different varieties of this tree, you can choose the most suitable option for your region of residence.

If you carefully take into account all the details of growing an ornamental pear, choose a truly suitable variety, an amazing plant will grow on your site, which will not leave anyone indifferent with its appearance!

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Formation of the garden

Typically, fruit trees of different heights are grown in the garden. To form a garden, you need to plant dwarf pear trees on the south and east sides. Place semi-dwarf seedlings behind them. It is better to plant vigorous fruit trees in the northern part. If the garden has already been created, you need to carefully examine which tall trees can be removed or rejuvenated. So, the garden will be lighter and there will be more space.

The trees give their first harvest in the second year

Often, dwarf pears are planted in rows between tall trees. While the large trees are growing, the dwarf ones can be harvested.

Small pears love a lot of sun. But sometimes the sun can cause harm. Thus, in early spring, the bark of young trees can be damaged by sunburn. To prevent this, lime is applied to the bark in the spring. It is bad for trees in the heat when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees. Then there may be burns on the fruits. You can see a good combination of dwarf and vigorously growing trees in the gardens of the Moscow region.

Columnar pears are a type of dwarf species.

Possibility of growing them on low-growing rootstocks

As for the possibility and appropriateness of growing the above varieties on weak-growing rootstocks, this depends on the rootstock you choose. More precisely, the compatibility of a specific variety with a specific rootstock.

The fact is that recommendations on the advisability of cultivation in a particular area are given based on the results of State variety trials of specific varieties.

Tests are usually carried out separately, that is, the zoning of rootstocks and separately of varieties takes place separately. In this case, variety-rootstock combinations that can be produced on an industrial scale are usually tested.

Since most of the species described above, considered as rootstocks, are characterized by limited compatibility with many pear varieties, varieties on seed rootstocks, or more precisely on pear seedlings, are most often tested in fruit variety plots.

At the same time, if the variety has been regionalized for Moscow or another region, then it can also be recommended for growing on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks, since winter hardiness has increased even more when using many of them.

Apple tree Northern Synap

Entry into fruitingTree height (m)Fruit weight (g)HarvestShelf life (days)
For 2-3 years 3 120 end of September – beginning of October180-210

The late winter variety Northern Sinap has a lot of advantages, which has become widespread in both public and private gardening, not only in the north, but also in the south of the country. The tree does not need constant care; its fruits are always of high quality.

With its abundant yield, winter hardiness, early fruiting and good keeping quality, the variety has won the sympathy of gardeners, both Russian and foreign. On a dwarf rootstock, it begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting. It has been noted that such a rootstock improves the appearance and taste of the fruit.

The crown of the tree is wide-pyramidal and of medium density. The fruits are relatively small (average weight 120 g), have a round-conical shape, yellow-green color with a brownish-red blush. Their white or slightly greenish flesh tastes sour-sweet, refreshing with hints of spice. Apples can be stored until summer and used for various types of processing.

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