If you plan to plant perennial flowers in the fall, before winter, it is important that they have time to take root before the onset of persistent frosts
What flowers are planted in the fall before winter - perennial and annual
At the end of the agricultural season, summer residents usually have free time for work for which they
Laying technology and rules for growing rolled turf
Preparing the soil for a lawn: how to prepare the soil for a rolled lawn with your own hands? Soil requirements for planting lawn grass on the site
If we compare a modern dacha and the one that existed 30 years ago, then these are two
Coleus planting and care in open ground 25
Coleus - planting and care in open ground, photo compositions
An incredibly attractive plant is coleus. Planting and care in open ground, as well as cultivation
Growing bergenia: care from spring to autumn and from sowing seeds to dividing the bush
The perennial herbaceous plant bergenia, or bergenia, is a representative of the Saxifraga family. It's like this in nature
Persian cyclamen - how to grow a foreign guest on the windowsill
Persian cyclamen Persian cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) is native to the Mediterranean and northern Africa with
Schisandra planting and care, features of cultivation in the Moscow region
Chinese lemongrass (Schisandra chinensis) is an unusually useful plant, which is often called medicinal or lemon
Creating the mood at home - growing Begonia Ampelnaya
Botanical description Tuberous perennial with self-forming stems and asymmetrical leaves. Stem height – 20-60
50 photos of different types and varieties of lingonberries, ? its beneficial properties and contraindications
Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) is a berry-bearing evergreen shrub. This species is a representative of the genus Vaccinium,
Beautiful iris flowers enchant with their airiness and tenderness
Irises: description, types and varieties, planting in open ground and care (150+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
Home » Flowers and plants » Indoor plants » Bulbous Vladimir 03/17/2020 5791 Views
Lychnis (Zorka) for your garden: types and description
Zorka (Lichnis): an original living lantern on the site
These plants have bright, pure pink or red flowers that attract butterflies. They are very
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