Shape of flower pots
Flower pots suitable for the style of the interior and home. How to choose?
Almost all of us have house plants. Green pets give us their beauty,
Schisandra blooms in the garden
Medicinal properties and uses of the Far Eastern Schisandra vine
Almost everyone knows the tonic tincture of lemongrass, which is sold in pharmacies. About what it is
Acute-flowered reed grass planting and care in open ground Growing from seeds Photos of varieties
Reed grass (from Latin Calamagrostis) is a perennial representative of herbaceous plants. Features and unpretentiousness of growing grass
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How to care for the Decembrist (Schlumbergera) flower at home
Author: Elena N. Category: Houseplants Published: January 18, 2019Last edits: January 11
10 ideas for flower beds with phlox: landscape design
Using phlox flowers in garden design (with photo) Deciding where to plant phlox so that there is
Flower garden made of wooden and plastic boxes: bright and stylish ideas + photos
Giving the site an attractive and cozy look is the dream of many country residents. And to realize it
Perennial Eschscholzia: varieties, planting and care in open ground
September 25, 2019 Flowers Anastasia Efremenkova Perennial Eshsholtia is also commonly called California poppy. Plant
Lush, abundantly flowering bushes serve as a spectacular decoration for summer cottages and garden plots (photo by the author)
Peonies from seeds: growing at home - a practical guide
Many summer residents either already grow or are just planning to plant peonies on their plots. These
Propagating bacopa by cuttings is an easy and quick way to get young, lush bushes
Growing bacopa is a fascinating process that allows you to create grandiose (flowering) bushes without wasting a lot of money.
Espostoa cactus
Fluffy cactus 27 photos types of hairy or shaggy cactus Espostoa rules for caring for a flower with fluff
Encyclopedia of Succulents Have you ever dreamed of growing something extremely original and exquisite? If yes,
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