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Japanese quince - decoration of an ornamental garden: agricultural technology, planting and proper care of the crop
A deciduous shrub with bright flowers and decorative fruits is popular among landscape designers and
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Pleasure is not for white-handed people: when and how to plant lawn grass correctly?
Lawn grass is significantly different from its wild weed relatives, which successfully grow on all kinds of
The pink Burkhard (left) is the twin sister of the red Alberich (Happy), also bred in the Dutch nursery De Ruiter until 1954 (pictured on the right)
Rose Polyanthus or Angelica - growing from seeds at home
The polyanthus rose is an unusually ornamental plant, capable of turning an ordinary garden into a fabulous one with its presence.
When clematis begins to bloom after planting - will there be color in the first year?
There is an opinion among flower growers that the rose is the queen of the garden, and clematis is the king.
When to plant climbing roses in open ground? Support for a climbing rose. Where is the best place to plant a climbing rose?
September 16, 2019 Flowers Lyudmila Storozhenko Climbing, climbing plants will decorate any area, regardless
Sauromatum photo
Exotic plant sauromatum - planting and care rules, how to propagate
Sauromatum is a genus of tuberous perennials from the Araceae family. In natural habitat
Perennial bells
Perennial bells - varieties and species with photos, growing from seeds, care and propagation
Bluebells have been grown as a garden crop for a long time. They are loved by flower growers for their unpretentiousness
Clematis - planting, care and cultivation in open ground, pots on the balcony
Clematis is one of the most beautiful climbing plants. He owes his undeniable charm to the beautiful
How to plant seeds on the plot correctly? Flower sowing technologies
How to properly plant seedlings of annual flowers in the ground
How to Plant Flower Seeds: Planting Seeds for Healthy Growth and Flowering Once You Learn
Lupins - growing from seeds, when to plant, how to care
It is difficult to find more watercolor, extraordinary, talented and hardy perennials than lupins. This plant has
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