To help flower growers: hydrogel for plants. What is it and how to use it for indoor crops?
My first acquaintance with hydrogel took place a long time ago. Back in the nineties, my husband brought
Ktenanta - care, photo, description of indoor flower
Ctenanta: how to care for a beauty from Brazil at home
Photo gallery The plant is often mistaken for arrowroot, stromanta and calathea; it can be distinguished by its more
Elm tree (elm): varieties, places of growth in Russia, medicinal properties of leaves and bark for the human body
Etymology of the name It turns out that “Elm” is not the only name for the tree. The Latin name for the tree is “ulmus”. Besides,
Growing cabbage: simple tricks for a large harvest
Author: Elena N. Category: Garden plants Published: December 23, 2015Last edits: January 06
How to grow Anabelle hydrangea and care for a lovely flower in the open ground
Hydrangea Anabelle is the most common variety of tree hydrangea. This shrub will decorate any garden. In
Ash-leaved maple (American, Acer negundo): description, use, environmental damage, how to get rid of it, growing decorative varieties of ash-leaved maple
Ash-leaved maple (American, Acer negundo): description, use, environmental damage, how to get rid of it, growing decorative varieties of ash-leaved maple
The wood species commonly known as boxelder maple. "Senior Box" redirects here. For information
Decorate the garden with crystal grass. Contents 06
Mesembryanthemum planting and care in open ground Growing from seeds at home
If you look at its leaves illuminated by the sun, you can see small droplets that effectively
Erica. Rules for care, transplantation, reproduction.
One of the first plants in the garden that heralds the arrival of spring is Erica from the Heather family.
Hydrogel for plants: how to use, consumption rates, pros and cons
Hydrogel for plants how to use for indoor and garden plants and growing technology will
How to grow miniature Thuja Danica and use it in landscape design
It’s rare that a landscape designer’s idea is complete without round-shaped shrubs. Tuya Danika in this regard
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