DIY flower garden (130 photos + instructions): review of the best design ideas and flower planting schemes for beginners

A dacha is a great place not only for work, but also for relaxation, and the main guarantee of quality outdoor recreation is the creations of nature. A flower bed will help complement the natural landscape at the dacha, and if you make it and design it in accordance with your preferences and wishes, then it will also bring maximum comfort, as well as a sense of pride in your creation. Do-it-yourself flowerbeds create an incredibly cozy environment and help you find a use for unnecessary things.

Flowers are undoubtedly a wonderful decoration, but they require careful care to grow properly. Almost anyone can make flower beds and flower beds with their own hands, the main thing is to have the desire and any available materials that will be used for aesthetic design. It is worth noting that a properly designed flower bed is the most advantageous option compared to flowers that grow in random order on your site.

It’s quite simple to create flower beds and flower beds on your site with your own hands, however, we advise you to choose the right plants. For these purposes, novice gardeners are better off using perennial plants that survive the cold well and delight summer residents with their flowering every year. Another option is to make several flower beds on the site, in which plants that bloom in different seasons will grow, so that there will always be fresh flowers on your summer cottage.

It is equally important to correctly arrange the plants on the site; in simple words, the plants should be combined with each other, and the proximity of some species to others should have only positive aspects. We also advise you to pay attention to the supply of water to your flower garden, so the plants will receive enough moisture regardless of weather conditions.

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands

So, you have decided to create flower beds with your own hands at the dacha. Sooner or later, all summer residents decide to do this, even those who are, in principle, far from gardening. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to imagine a country house without flowers, because they not only decorate the landscape, but also favorably emphasize the main elements. In addition, a properly located flower bed will help hide imperfections on the site.

If you have never encountered the issue of creating a flower bed near your house with your own hands before, and preferred to entrust the solution to this problem to professionals, then we advise you to follow the advice from our article. The flowerbed will look most attractive only in a sufficiently lit place; in addition, it must fit into the overall landscape design.

To create a beautiful flower garden with your own hands, just follow these rules:

- if the plant has a high leg, it is advisable to plant it in the central part of the flowerbed;

- plants in the same flower bed should match each other in color as closely as possible;

- as for the density of planting, flowers are planted more densely at the edges, and when moving towards the center of the flowerbed, it is worth leaving an increasing distance between each plant.

The simplest flower beds with your own hands at the dacha can be made from brick. Regardless of the general style of the landscape on your site, a composition made of classic red brick will look advantageous and combine perfectly with the flowers planted in the flowerbed.

A brick flowerbed can have any appearance; flowerbeds that are perfectly flat or curved and oblong in shape are especially popular among summer residents.

Advice : if you are making a flowerbed in an area with unfavorable soil, it is advisable to dig a hole 15 centimeters deep, fill the bottom with concrete and fill it with fertile soil.

Do-it-yourself flower beds are most often placed at the very entrance to houses, along country paths, or on a special alley with plants, where they are in harmony with other decorations of the site and trees.

Flowerbed in an old stump

The shape of a flower bed created right in the stump of an old tree has a spectacular look. There are quite a large number of such stumps on the plots, which remain from old trees or simply from trees that have been cut down. It is very difficult to get rid of stump and therefore it can be used in landscape design.

A decorative flower bed in a stump can only be created if the tree that was located there did not have diseases. In diseased hemp, flowers will undoubtedly die from the same infection as in the case of parasites.

To begin with, you should clean out the core of the stump, where the flowers will subsequently be planted. After 10 days, the inside of the stump is covered with the necessary soil mixed with soil from mole holes.

After this time, the soil settles, more soil is added to the stump, and only after that you can plant the plants that you have chosen.

DIY flowerbed for beginners

It’s not at all difficult to organize flower beds at your summer cottage with your own hands. At the same time, in order for the flower garden to really please with its appearance, the flowers on the site must be planted according to the correct pattern.

Beginning gardeners can start growing flowers from perennial varieties; most of these plants are not picky about care and survive unfavorable conditions well in the summer.

When planning a flower bed on a site, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points:

- regardless of what plants will grow in your flowerbed, it is extremely important that their heads are turned towards the sun;

- when placing a flowerbed near a hedge, take into account the fact that the flowers will delight not only you, but also your neighbors;

— when organizing a flowerbed with your own hands, leave enough distance between each plant so that it can develop normally;

- before planting, study the information about the height of the flowers you are planting, because the distance between plants of the same variety depends on the heights.

It is worth noting that some flowers, mainly those that bloom continuously, can only grow in the shade. This fact should also be taken into account when planning a flower bed.

Flowerbeds for beginners are distinguished not only by their ease of execution (they are mainly made from scrap materials), but also by the flowers growing on them. Beginner gardeners prefer plants that do not require special care. You can borrow ideas for DIY flower beds for beginners either from our article or by using your own imagination.

Basic rules for creating a flower garden

To create beautiful and modern flower beds you need to follow simple rules.

At the first stage you need to do the following:

  • Decide on the type of plants; they can be flowering or decorative;
  • Divide flowers into several groups - this is based on height, shade, flowering period;
  • Draw on paper an approximate plan for their placement.

You need to choose a place for the flower bed and decide on the shape. We must also not forget that flowers love sunlight, so it should be placed in an open space where there is no tall vegetation.

DIY flowerbed from scrap materials

Planting flowers at your dacha that will delight you and those around you with their appearance is not at all difficult, but you can approach this procedure with your imagination and create a real work of art at your dacha. A do-it-yourself flowerbed made from scrap materials is a fairly common experiment among novice gardeners, because often there are things in the house that are no longer used, but it’s a pity to throw them away. It is these things that most often become the basis for a future flower bed.

Before making a flowerbed with your own hands from scrap materials, carefully examine all your old things; it wouldn’t hurt to look into the attic or barn. If you have replaced windows in your house, but for some reason you haven’t thrown out the old ones, it’s time to use them. Such a window can be mounted on the wall of the house, painted in a bright color and equipped with a box for flowers. It would seem such simple steps, but you already have the most unusual flower garden ready, which will be the envy of all your neighbors.

You can make flower beds and flower beds in your dacha yourself from old furniture. Boxes of different sizes can be placed like a train along the garden path; in addition, larger boxes can be used to make a bench with flower beds on the sides. Do not forget to coat the cabinets with a special water-repellent solution before use, otherwise they will simply get wet and lose their appearance after the first rain.

Another great idea for a flowerbed made from scrap materials with your own hands is to make a flowerbed in an old stump. It often happens that old trees on a site have to be cut down because they become dangerous. However, do not rush to uproot the stump, because inside it you can make an unusual flower bed that will fit perfectly into the surrounding natural landscape.

DIY tire flower beds

Do-it-yourself flower beds made from tires are the most common option for decorating a summer cottage for subsequent planting of flowers. Many novice gardeners, deciding to organize a flower garden at their dacha, decide to choose car tires as the basis. Of course, it is much easier to purchase a ready-made flowerpot at a flower shop, but, you must admit, it is much more pleasant to admire a flowerbed that was created only by your own efforts.

There are no special requirements for tires from which flowerbeds for a summer cottage will be made with your own hands. Typically, tires that were once used are used; if there is plenty to choose from, it is better to give preference to heavily worn imported tires. Such tires have a more elastic structure and are much easier to work with.

Before starting any work, it is advisable to thoroughly wash the tire and clean it of foreign contaminants.

Making a flower bed from a tire with your own hands can be schematically divided into four stages:

1. Lines are drawn on a clean tire along which the cut will be made in the future;

2. Cutting is carried out along the contour;

3. The tire turns out. The process is quite labor-intensive and must be approached with maximum responsibility;

4. Design of the finished flower bed. A black worn-out tire looks unattractive, and you probably won’t want to plant flowers in such a flower bed. Immediately after completion of the work, it is better to paint the tires; you can choose the color based on your wishes.

As you can see, beautiful flower beds with your own hands can be made from quite unexpected objects. The most important thing is to approach this process creatively with all your imagination, and then you will definitely be able to create a real work of art on your site.

DIY stone flower bed

A flowerbed made of stones with your own hands is an option for those who want to profitably decorate the landscape space in their summer cottage, but do not plan to invest significant sums of money in this event. Today, flower beds made of natural stone occupy a leading position among other landscape decorations; such structures are used not only in private gardens in country houses, but also in city parks and squares.

It is worth noting that if you are planning to make a flowerbed of stones with your own hands on your summer cottage, you do not need to purchase materials from the store at all - the necessary components can always be found on your site or in the nearest garden.

Beautiful DIY flower beds made of natural stone fit perfectly into any design. Among the most popular materials for decorating flower beds in the garden are:

- Sandstone. This material is not picky and does not require special conditions when used. It has an unusual appearance, porous and layered structure;

- Limestone. A sedimentary rock that also has an unusual structure. When decorating a garden, it is better to give preference to the light gray or cream color of the breed;

- Slate. A mixture of rock minerals that has a lamellar structure. Do-it-yourself flower beds near the house are often simply strewn with crumbs of this material; it looks not only elegant, but also unusual;

- Pebbles. The most common material that is found everywhere. It is worth noting that generally, before covering the flowerbed with pebbles, the flowerbed is filled with cement so that the decoration is held more securely;

- Granite. A reliable material that does not deform and demonstrates resistance to both high humidity and sudden temperature changes, as well as extreme frosts. Decorating a flowerbed with your own hands from this material, although done simply, looks attractive and bewitching;

— Quartzite. The most unusual material for creating stone flower beds. It has a smooth structure and iridescent surface.

DIY bottle flower beds

Probably, each of us has at least once encountered the fact that there are more and more unnecessary plastic and glass bottles in the house, but we don’t want to get rid of them, because they are such a practical thing. You are absolutely right, you can always find a use for bottles, and even better, make flower beds from bottles with your own hands, which will become a wonderful decoration for your flower garden.

Decorating a flowerbed with your own hands is an entertaining and unusual activity, especially when you use components that seem to be completely unsuitable. By the way, there are many options for flower beds made from bottles, while both plastic and glass containers are used as materials.

You can decorate flower beds in your yard with your own hands using an unusual decoration in the form of a fence made of bottles. For these purposes, 1.5 liter plastic bottles that are placed in the ground with their necks are best suited. To make the structure more stable, you can pour a little sand into the bottles.

From a plastic bottle you can make not only a flower bed, but also decorations for your flower garden. Craftsmen skillfully transform ordinary plastic bottles into flowers, and sometimes into fairy-tale characters that decorate children's flower beds.

Interesting DIY flower beds can also be made from glass bottles. So, for example, you can make an unusual horizontal flower bed that looks extremely unusual. To make such a flowerpot, you will need a sufficient number of glass bottles, preferably of the same color, as well as a base (you can use an iron barrel, cutting which you will get two bases at once).

Laying bottles horizontally requires patience and some skill, but you will certainly be pleased with the end result. If you still don’t know how to decorate a flowerbed with your own hands, then it’s time to start collecting glass bottles.

Shadow or decorative arrows. What's better?

You can create a very original flowerbed design if you use a gnomon. A gnomon is a tall stick or piece of reinforcement from which a shadow will be cast. In order to install it, you need to mark a circle that is well illuminated by the sun. It is easy to determine such a place using a compass. The best time to carry out work is noon.

At this time, the sun should be located at the top of the dial of the improvised clock. The gnomon is installed in the center of the circle with a slight inclination to the north. The shadow cast from the column will show the time of day. In the place where the shadow intersects with the circle, it is necessary to mark the number 12. Then we mark the dial with a time interval of one hour. After the last mark is made, this part of the work can be considered completed. Then sectors are marked from the marks, which are filled with plants.

The shadow arrow can be made from a piece of reinforcement or wood. Here it is a matter of taste of the owner of the site.

At first glance, the proposed options for creating a flower bed-clock seem difficult to implement. But this is not entirely true, since plants act as decoration. Here you can use your own imagination. We are confident that the end result will be very interesting. Other examples of unusual flower beds can be found here.

Do-it-yourself vertical flowerbed

A do-it-yourself vertical flowerbed is an excellent decoration for your summer cottage, which is also quite functional, and also allows you to significantly save space due to the vertical arrangement of flowers. Creating a beautiful vertical flower bed is not at all difficult, but it will look much more attractive on your site than a regular flower pot.

A DIY vertical flower bed is a great space saver. Depending on the type of structure and the type of its fastening, vertical flower beds are usually divided into:

- ground flower beds. They have several tiers and are installed on open ground or a specially prepared site;

- wall flower beds. They easily stand against a free wall, helping to make the most of the free space;

- wall-mounted. Attached to the wall;

- suspended. They are attached to special structures that keep them suspended.

Decorating a flowerbed with your own hands, on which the plants will later be arranged in several tiers, can be different, here everything depends only on your imagination. Please note that when forming a vertical flower bed, it is advisable to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

1. The foundation for the future multi-tiered flower bed is being prepared;

2. An irrigation system is organized;

3. The soil is laid;

4. The most suitable plants are planted.

A vertical flowerbed with your own hands must be securely fastened so that the soil does not fall off. By the way, to secure the soil in a flower bed, it is better to use special trellises or nets.

A great idea for a flowerbed of this type is a DIY tire flowerbed. In order to make such a product multi-tiered, it is enough to use tires of different diameters that are installed on top of each other. Be sure to organize a watering system so that the plants receive a sufficient amount of moisture in a flowerbed of this type.

Perennials for flower beds

First, you must determine the amount of time you can devote to flower beds. If you are engaged in a flower garden and nothing more, this is one thing, but if in addition to this you are also engaged in growing various vegetable crops, then this is completely different. Experience shows that with the second option there is not enough time left for growing and caring for the flower garden.

The flowerbed should be located near the recreation area. It should be visible from a country house or gazebo. Show your imagination when creating a composition.

Most likely, your flower garden will contain perennial flowers. Now let's talk about them.

The flowerbed should be located near the recreation area

You must allocate a place for the future flower bed at the time of planning. Keep in mind that the flower garden should be located close to the recreation area. So that it can be seen from the house or gazebo. When shaping the flowerbed, you can show all your imagination. Since the shape of the flower garden depends entirely on your desire.

In the center of the flowerbed you can place an artificial pond, decorated with natural stones and coastal vegetation.

When creating this flowerbed, keep in mind that the width of the flowerbed should not exceed two meters, since if this rule is not followed, the flowerbed will lose its aesthetic appearance.


If you decide to use perennial flowers, you should know that they need a lot of sunlight. They should never be placed in the shade.

Let's talk about proper soil preparation, as this is one of the most important points when planting a flower bed.

  • First. Provide good drainage. Standing water has a detrimental effect on flower development. With high humidity, perennials may go dormant.
  • Second. Under no circumstances should the soil be dense. There must be air in it. Also, the soil should be quite moisture-absorbing.

You must allocate a place for the future flower bed at the time of planning. Keep in mind that the flower garden should be located close to the recreation area.

DIY brick flower beds

As we have already decided, do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds in the country are the main decoration in the entire landscape design. At the same time, the more unusual the flowerbed looks, the more it will attract the eye. Among novice gardeners, making a flower bed out of brick with your own hands is especially popular. It is worth noting that this solution favorably emphasizes the appearance of your flower garden, largely due to the fact that the brickwork looks harmonious and practically does not stand out against the background of flowers. With all this, such masonry is quite functional, it copes with loads, withstands high humidity and unfavorable environmental conditions. In addition, do-it-yourself brick flower beds are a fairly budget option; perhaps, since the construction of your dacha, you may have even lost a few extra bricks; it’s time to use them.

Before making design flower beds with your own hands from brick, we advise you to decide on the location of the flower bed. So, it is advisable to plant a flower garden in places with sufficient lighting; in addition, there should be a source of water nearby that will be used for irrigation.

Beautiful flower beds at the dacha made of bricks with your own hands can be of the following type:

- circular, usually such flower beds go around trees or ponds;

— island (standard round flower beds);

— stepped (vertical and multi-level flower beds);

- rectangular flower beds.

Are you wondering how to make a flowerbed with your own hands from brick? We can assure you that there are no particular difficulties in working with brick, and the financial costs will be minimal. All that is needed are the bricks themselves, as well as mortar to secure them.

The process of making a flowerbed for beginners with your own hands consists of the following steps:

1. The site is marked;

2. A hole no more than 30 centimeters deep is dug across the entire area of ​​the future flowerbed. Gravel and sand are placed at the bottom for better drainage.

3. Brickwork is laid around the perimeter of the flowerbed;

4. After the solution has completely hardened, soil suitable for plants is poured into the future flowerbed;

5. 15 days after completion of work, flowers are planted.

DIY flowerbed fencing

After completing the work on making a flower bed, all gardeners are faced with a rather important question: how to organize the space on the site so that all the flower beds are combined into one composition?

Interesting DIY flower beds will not look complete if they are simply placed on the site. However, if you use special fences for flower beds, which can be made in the form of a small fence, even different types of flowers in different flower beds can be combined into a single composition.

It is worth noting that such fences have not only aesthetic, but also practical significance. For example, they will help protect plants from pets or small children. It is worth noting that ordinary roses, if they grow without a fence, can seriously injure a curious baby. It’s not at all difficult to frame flower beds that bloom all summer with your own hands and using available materials. In this case, it is advisable to determine the height in advance. The optimal one is no more than 40 centimeters in height so that you can get comfortable access to flowering plants.

If you do not plan to protect the flower beds in the yard with your own hands, but only supplement them with fencing, then you can organize a small fence from plastic bottles. Such a fence will not only strengthen the soil in the flowerbed, but will also allow you to use plastic bottles, which are in bulk at any dacha.

Another option for fencing flower beds in the country is stone fencing. They can also perform both purely aesthetic and protective functions. If you don’t know how to decorate a flowerbed in your yard with your own hands, then it’s time to give preference to a stone fence. It will look advantageous against the backdrop of the natural landscape, and the implementation of the idea will not require any special financial costs.

If the stone fence is not high, it is enough to simply install a row of massive cobblestones around the circumference of the flowerbed. If the fence is planned to be higher, then it is better to make a concrete base, so the masonry will be stable and reliable. Do-it-yourself flower beds in the yard look good even if they are framed with specially made fences, which can be easily made from ordinary chipboard.

Flower planting scheme

When everything is prepared, the territory and flowers have been chosen, then all that remains is to understand how to decorate the flower garden correctly. Most people do not know how to calculate the number of seedlings.

To do this, you need to divide the area of ​​the composition into squares with a side equal to 1 m. Then you need to find out how much space the plant takes up. When this is calculated, you need to divide the resulting number by the average planting rate per square meter.

Each vegetation has its own parameters:

  • Dwarf flowers - from 16 to 20 pieces;
  • Halflings - on average, 7-9 pieces are planted;
  • Medium-sized - they are required in the amount of 4-6 pieces;
  • Large plants - a total of 2 or 3 seedlings are needed.

Before planting plants, the soil needs to be prepared. It is loosened, the fertile layer is removed, and all weeds must be removed. To reproduce the entire pattern of a flower garden on the ground, use chalk or sawdust.

The most common mistake many novice gardeners make is planting plants that bloom at the same time. It is worth remembering that the flowerbed should please you for a long period of time, so you need to choose flowers that bloom at different times.

Creating a composition will not be difficult if you think through the design in advance; you can also carefully study photos of flower beds. They offer a huge variety of designs. If you follow all the tips, you can create a real floral masterpiece on your site.

DIY borders for flower beds

We have already dealt with the question of how to make a flowerbed with our own hands. It remains to decide how to properly distinguish the flower garden on a summer cottage from the general landscape. It is worth noting that flower beds that simply merge with the natural landscape will look beneficial if your site follows a natural and natural style.

It is better to decorate flower beds that bloom all summer with your own hands using special borders. Such structures not only look beautiful, but also allow you to securely secure the soil in the flowerbed, preventing it from crumbling. Another benefit of a border is that it will protect your flower bed from invading weeds and plants that can negatively affect the growth of your plants.

The most common type of border is a ditch, which is dug around the flower bed. Such borders are especially popular in England. To create an excavated border, simply dig a U-shaped groove and fill it with wood chips or peat.

A mosaic border would also be a good idea for a DIY flowerbed. It does not have any practical significance, but it allows you to highlight your flowerbed in your summer cottage among other natural landscapes. You can create a mosaic either from special materials or from ordinary fragments of dishes of different sizes. The mosaic is laid on fresh cement that has not had time to harden. The main advantage of such a border is that with the help of a mosaic you will lay out a unique and inimitable pattern that will not be found on any other summer cottage.

You can also highlight flowering flower beds with your own hands using a small border made of bricks, which can be installed in the ground in the form of teeth. Such a fence has one significant drawback - when cold weather sets in and the temperature drops below zero, the bricks in the ground will begin to actively collapse. You can replace bricks with concrete blocks, which are used as paving slabs. Such bricks are not only stronger, but will also last much longer.

Don't like it when the land is empty? Create flower beds under the trees

As for the flower bed around the tree, making it is not as easy as it seems at first glance. First, you need to consider how compatible (if at all) the tree and the plants that you plan to plant under it are compatible. There are trees - birch, willow, walnut, maple, pine - that cannot tolerate any vegetation near them. They will fight until the end with the “aliens” for nutrients and moisture, and then the plants will have no chance to grow in this flowerbed. But under such trees you can sow lawn grass.

But fruit trees - apple and pear, as well as rowan, linden and oak - will always welcome new “neighbors”. You can safely create a flower bed under them. True, only those plants that love shade are suitable for it - lily of the valley, lungwort, snowdrop, fern, violet, bulbous. Sun lovers risk wasting away under the wide canopies.

A flowerbed in a tree trunk circle is made like this

Carefully, so as not to damage the root system of the tree, remove the top layer of soil. The bottom of the dug groove is covered with non-woven material, which will protect the root system of plants and restrain its growth

Next, a drainage layer 10 cm thick is formed from suitable material (pebbles, broken bricks and crushed stone). Instead of soil, a mixture of compost, turf soil and peat with the addition of complex mineral fertilizers is laid around the tree trunk.

Before planting flowers, the flower bed needs to be moistened. Free areas are covered with sawdust or wood chips. Along the edges of the flower bed, lay stones (bricks) or arrange a border from other materials. It will not only protect the soil from being washed away when watering, but will also give the flowerbed an additional zest.

It is not at all necessary that the flower bed under the tree be round. If you want, you can make it asymmetrical. And there are no strict requirements for the arrangement of flowers. The only thing you need to consider is that tall flowers are planted closer to the tree trunk.

DIY children's flowerbed

Have you decided to teach your child to garden? It's time to create a special children's flowerbed on the site with your own hands. Such a flowerbed will differ from the usual one in special decorations, as well as plants that quickly ripen and begin to bloom, delighting the gardener with the result.

Are you wondering how to decorate a flowerbed with your own hands? If your child is already preparing to go to school, then you can completely entrust him with the design of the flower garden and the choice of plants. Then it will even be interesting to see how the child decided to plan his garden space. But it is better to control very young children, while providing them with sufficient freedom to act. This way you can instill a love of gardening in your child from a very early age.

Flower beds that bloom all summer are ideal for children. If you choose the right plants, they will not only give quick results, but will also delight the young gardener throughout the season.

You can buy seeds for your future flower bed at the nearest flower shop; you can entrust the choice to your child, or purchase several types of seeds yourself and at home simply show the colorful bags to your child, giving him the right to choose. It is better to give preference to annual plants; they are not picky about environmental conditions, in addition, at the end of the season it will be enough to collect the seeds and not prepare the plants for the cold.

If you want the fastest results, give preference to seedlings, which, if planted correctly, will delight your child with flowering within 1-2 weeks.

Interesting DIY flower beds for children can be created if they are supplemented with various decorative elements. So, for example, from plastic bottles for a children’s flowerbed you can cut out both flowers and fairy-tale characters that will interest the child and make him return to the flowerbed again and again.

DIY flowering flower beds are a wonderful addition to the garden landscape that add coziness to the space. As you saw from the article, creating an unusual composition of flowering plants on your site is not a problem at all, in addition, if you use improvised materials, then such a flowerbed will cost mere pennies.

Decorating a flower bed with annual flowers

Annuals are most often sown by seeds. This should be done in May or April, depending on the weather and climate characteristics in the region. Less commonly, annuals are planted as seedlings. There are also those who plant tubers, which are stored in a separate insulated box in winter. For example, dahlia tubers.

Low annuals:

  • pansies;
  • marigold;
  • Iberis;
  • petunias;
  • lobelia.

Flowerpots can serve as an additional element for arranging an unusual flower bed. Such decorative elements are most often installed in the center of a small flower bed or along the edges, if there is enough space. Flowers with hanging stems or leaves are planted in flowerpots. But you can also plant low-growing petunias, primroses, pansies or violets.

Annual flowers of medium height (40-50 cm):

  • aromatic maliola bicorna;
  • cosmos;
  • night violet;
  • dimorphotheca;
  • zinnia;
  • Eschscholzia;
  • Salvia officinalis.

Arabesque flowerbed of annual flowersSource

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