Easy growing of calibrachoa from seeds or cuttings

In order for you to be delighted with the blooming clouds of your own grown calibrachoa every summer, you need to cut the plants twice a season. In July, cut and root cuttings from the mother plants, from which by the fall mother plants will grow, which will remain overwinter in a cool, bright room. In February-early March, from these mother plants you have grown, you need to cut and root cuttings, which by summer will become a decoration for your hanging flower pots. And then again - cuttings from these plants for winter storage, and in winter - cuttings again to grow new plants.

Calibrachoa Calita White

General information about the plant

Calibrachoa is a large and lush bush consisting of many flowers and stems that intertwine to form a ball. The size of the opened bud is about 3 cm in diameter. Initially, the favorite of millions was purple. Now interest in culture is only growing. New and new colors are being introduced and more and more people want to acquire such decoration.

Therefore you can find:

  • hot pink;
  • red;
  • orange;
  • peach;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • brown and other tones.

Calibrachoa care is easy. To make a flower beautiful, it is enough to follow some rules.

Until the 90s, calibrachoa was called petunia. Scientists believed that these were different species of the same flower. However, according to studies, it has been proven that calibrachoa differs from petunia even in DNA.

Calibrachoa is called ampelous due to the fact that it can be planted in hanging pots. This plant falls out of the pot in a long shoot. The flower itself is very simple, resembling a bell in appearance. But, interestingly, the neck of the bud always differs in shade from the petals - such a feature of calibrachoa. Often the flowers of the plant are simple in shape, but recently double species have been found that are somewhat larger in size than ordinary ones. There will be fewer of them on the bush than simple ones. But despite this, calibrachoa does not cease to lose its attractiveness.

Calibrachoa from its seeds. I was able to grow calibrachoa from seeds! The impossible is possible!

My dears! I want to share my joy. I managed to grow calibrachoa from seeds and waited for the first flower. It's definitely calibrachoa! This is not a petunia or some kind of hybrid, namely calibrachoa! I know for sure that the impossible is possible! If earlier it was believed that calibrachoa does not produce seeds and reproduces only vegetatively, then today it is quite possible to grow it from seeds. Here it is my calibrachoa !This is our bud

And this is how the flower opened!

The entire plant. It was necessary to do some pinching to make the plant fluffy, but I really wanted to see the flowers and didn’t bother pinching it.

The seeds were given to me by a woman who professionally deals with flowers. She collects seeds from calibrachoa and grows new plants from them.

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Growing calibrachoa and care in open ground

Location. The plant feels great not only in pots, but also in open ground. A prerequisite for successfully growing a flower is the presence of a large amount of light. The culture loves the sun and is drawn to it, but intense heat has a detrimental effect on the bush.

A good option for growing a flower is a veranda or terrace.

Calibrachoa should be planted only in areas that receive sunlight in the morning and are shaded during the day. It is better not to keep the flower completely in the shade. Lack of sun can lead to dull buds and a short flowering period.

Irrigation. The plant loves systematic watering. If you irrigate the soil correctly, then the bush will have a rich shade and bloom constantly. Only well-settled water should be used. If possible, it is better to collect rainwater.

Proper cultivation and care of calibrachoa includes protecting the plant from strong and gusty winds. A lot depends on compliance with this condition. If you plant a bush in a windless place, then the plant will delight you with its unique inflorescences all summer until the autumn cold.

Planting calibrachoa from cuttings

After preparing the container with soil, proceed directly to planting the cuttings:

  1. A drainage layer is placed in the container and the prepared soil mixture is poured. Lightly compact it.

  2. Make small depressions (if planting is carried out in a common container, it is important to maintain a distance between cuttings of 5x5 cm).
  3. Planting material is placed vertically in the holes and carefully sprinkled with soil.
  4. To prevent the appearance of fungal diseases, you can water the seedlings with a solution of Fitosporin.

  5. Afterwards, a shelter is provided to create a greenhouse effect. When planting separately, you can use cut plastic bottles; the common container is covered with film. Be sure to make ventilation holes.

When planting in spring, containers with seedlings are placed in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight, with a temperature of +20 degrees. Autumn cuttings involve leaving the seedlings in a shaded place.

Within 30 days, the plants will take root completely and produce new shoots.

Features of growing at home

Calibrachoa is grown in hanging boxes and baskets. For full growth, take 2-3 kg of soil per flower. The bush must be provided with loose and light soil, preferably slightly acidic or neutral. Watering should be constant, but moderate. It is very easy to flood a flower and then it will disappear. You can spray the flower with water: the plant likes such activities and has a beneficial effect on its growth and reproduction.

If you grow calibrachoa on a balcony, then you need to choose the south or southeast side. During the solar peak, the flower must be protected, otherwise it may dry out. The best place for growing calibrachoa is the balcony of the top floor, which is constantly exposed to the sun and where the wind blows. In this case, it is recommended to bring the flowerpot indoors at least at lunchtime.

During the growing season, the flower should be actively fed so that as many seeds as possible ripen. It is best to choose fertilizers that contain phosphorus and potassium and add them once a week.

For better flower growth, it is recommended to periodically trim its stems.

In order to maintain the attractiveness of calibrachoa in winter, you should install fluorescent lamps near the flowerpot. The devices must be kept on almost constantly over the flower. Calibrachoa is a rather delicate and fragile flower. If something heavy gets on the leaves or buds, they may die. First of all, this concerns rain. Therefore, if flowers grow on an open balcony, you can make a canopy or canopy for them.

How and when to take calibrachoa cuttings. Calibrachoa cuttings

Elena Ivanova: Hello, Lyudmila! I bought a calibrachoa cutting in the spring of 2016 in a store. I planted this cutting in a pot for 3 liters of peat mixture, adding 1 teaspoon of Osmokot fertilizer with a long soluble action and added 1 glass of aquagel per 3 liters of soil. She formed a bush, the shoots of which extended 2-3 cm beyond the flowerpot, and pinched them. I rooted the pinched cuttings from the shoots and planted them in separate flowerpots. When it got cold I brought these pots into the house to save them for the spring. 1. What mistakes did I make in your opinion when growing from cuttings? 2. Is a purchased cutting grown to an adult plant a queen cell? 3. Those cuttings that were pinched from the first plant (grown from a cutting) are the mother plant? 4. How to preserve the queen cell in winter? 5. At what time of year should cuttings be taken in order to get rooted cuttings in early March? 6. Caring for the queen cell after cuttings? 7. How many years has the mother plant been used for cuttings? 8. Is it possible to determine that the queen cell has exhausted its resources? Sincerely Elena, I'm waiting for your answer!

Answer: Hello, Elena! Valentina Mikhailovna Kuksheneva answers your questions, she has a whole series of stories on her channel, I give a link to only one of them:

Firstly, a cutting is a part of a plant that has been rooted, and a seedling is planting material - an overgrown bush, sometimes even flowering, seedlings for transplanting to a permanent place of residence in flowerpots, flowerpots, balcony boxes must be grown in soil volumes of at least 0 .5 liters, but it is better if they were grown in 1 - 2.5 liters of soil volume.8) Because Petunia needs a lot of soil from 5 to 40 liters. In this case, with calibrachoa, planting in 3 liters is correct, it is correct that it is a peat mixture, it is correct that it is filled with a prologenic fertilizer. 1) - I don’t see any mistakes 2) - is a queen cell 3) - are queen cells (the queen cell can be a seedling that is formed by pinching to take cuttings) 4) - preserving the calibrachoa queen cell in winter is more difficult than petunia. Calibers have denser stems, prone to lignification. It is better to save cuttings taken in July - August. 5) - if the mother plant is overgrown with shoots, then you can take cuttings in January-February; the rooting time depends on the variety. 6) - feed with urea at the root and vegetatively (by spraying on the leaves) 7) - for one season. - The mother liquor can be used for cuttings during the summer season. In the fall you need to throw it away, the plant is exhausted!!!!!

I hope Elena's answer is useful to you. I wish you health and good luck in our favorite field!

Pinching a flower and wintering it

Many people do not know how to properly pinch calibrachoa and why this procedure is needed. This event is intended to make the bush more voluminous and spreading. Pinching involves tearing off the top cuttings and shoots of the flower. This way the plant will grow wider rather than higher. You can tear off unnecessary shoots either with your hands or with the help of nail scissors. The main thing at this moment is to be careful and not cut off too much. If everything is done correctly, the calibrachoa will become lush in a short time, and the shoots will descend in a beautiful waterfall, forming an excellent decoration for your veranda.

Experts note that every year it is necessary to change almost all the soil in pots to ensure full growth and maturation of flowers. This is due to the fact that very few nutrients remain in the old soil.

Most of the popular calibrachoa varieties are annual. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about their wintering. However, experienced gardeners know that some species can be saved and next year they will again delight you with their usual colors. To ensure proper wintering of calibrachoa, the pot with the bush that has finished flowering is placed in a dark place and is practically not watered or fertilized. You can spray lightly.

Thus, the plant is preserved. In the spring you need to get it out and start caring for it in the same way as last year. It is important to provide the flower with a sufficient amount of daylight or artificial light, and then everything will go according to plan.

Fertilizers in winter

Should Calibrachoa be fertilized during dormancy? This is the most controversial issue among gardeners. Some believe that in order to better preserve calibrachoa until spring, you just need to water the soil in a timely manner, others insist on adding mineral or phosphorus-potassium preparations.

Practice shows that fertilizing really has a positive effect on the condition of plants and increases their immunity. The main thing is not to abuse the concentration and dilute the solutions by half as weak as indicated in the annotation for the period of active growth.

Fertilizers for feeding in winter:

  • Uniflor;
  • Gumi;
  • Fertikalux;
  • other mineral, organic compounds.

The main methods of propagation of calibrachoa

Calibrachoa cuttings. At the end of August, you need to cut off several tops of the mother plant. Their length should be up to 5 cm. The bottom of the cuttings should be freed from leaves, and then planted in the ground. In order for the plant to grow as quickly as possible, you will need to provide it with moist soil and create greenhouse conditions for a while. The easiest way to do this is with a plastic bottle: cover the cutting with it and open it briefly once a day to allow the planting material to breathe. When the plant takes root (usually after 2 weeks), you can remove the plastic and carry out the same care as for an adult bush.

Propagation of Calibrachoa using seedlings. You can also get a new plant using grains. In this case, seedlings are first grown, and only then the finished seedlings are transplanted into soil or pots. To keep the seedlings healthy, you need to ensure sufficient soil moisture. For these purposes, you can plant the seedlings in a box, the top of which is covered with film. This will create a greenhouse effect and the flowers will grow much faster.

Cutting and preparing cuttings

To cut calibrachoa for the winter, suitable elastic stems are selected from the green mass of an adult bush at the peak of its flowering. To root in the spring, almost all available shoots can come from the mother plant.

Important! Weakly developed shoots on the original plant are not suitable for rooting.

The process of cutting calibrachoa is carried out step by step as follows:

  1. Prepare a sharp pruner and use it to cut off the top of the shoot so that there are at least 3-5 leaf nodes on it.

    Secateurs must be disinfected

  2. From the cut stem, be sure to remove all the lower leaf plates and the beginnings of new shoots, leaving the top and the last two leaves (it is advisable to cut them in half).

Preparing and planting seeds

Experts say that if you collect seeds and plant them in a pot, you will not always be able to grow a beautiful flower. Often, mature bushes produce simple buds that look like wild calibrachoa. The plant may not bloom as numerous as its ancestor and have a different shade. Of course, there are exceptions to the rules: then the bush turns out to be the same size, volume and shade as the mother one.

If you decide to try growing calibrachoa from seeds at home, then be patient. Initially, you need to keep the planting material in liquid for 24 hours, and then dry the grains with a paper napkin. Use a small container. Before planting calibrachoa, compost and peat must be added to the ground in advance, and before planting seeds it must be saturated with mineral fertilizers. You will need to wait quite a long time for germination, and not all seeds will bear fruit. To stimulate growth, you can use special fertilizers, as well as a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In addition, before planting the seedlings in a pot or soil, you need to feed the crop several times along with watering.

After the appearance of two full-fledged leaves, picking should be done. This is an important event that requires care.

A drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the flowerpot. It may consist of pebbles or other small stones. Next, you need to pour sand, which will loosen the soil, and only then add the main soil mixture. After planting seedlings in pots, you need to select the optimal fertilizer. After all, the abundance of flowering depends on it.

How to get seedlings

Calibrachoa and petunia bushes differ in the number of chromosomes. Externally, the difference manifests itself in certain morphological characteristics:

  • in lignification of the stem;
  • in crushing flowers;
  • ability of seeds to ripen.

Gardeners have long noticed that after the bells have faded there is no need to pick the dried buds, that is, to purposefully maintain the decorative effect of the perennial. Calibrachoa does not form seed pods. This property helps the plant direct energy exclusively to setting new buds. Hence the enchantingly abundant flowering.

Sometimes gardeners discover the consequences of self-seeding in pots with “overwintered” mother plants - tiny bushes. After transplanting into separate pots and complex fertilizing, young calibrachoas bloom, causing bewilderment to the gardener - the children do not at all look like the parent bush.

There is only one conclusion. If you want to experiment in this direction, personally germinate several pills with seeds, it is better to turn to products from trusted manufacturers. High-quality seed material will allow you to grow seedlings of a specific variety or a certain color at home - what is indicated on the package. Collecting seed pods yourself can end in disappointment. Calibrachoa has sterile flowers.

And finally, when planning to grow a perennial from seeds, you should be prepared for the following:

  • the fragile seedlings of the plant are much more capricious than those of petunia;
  • young shoots grow very, very slowly;
  • The slightest mistake in watering and lighting can destroy the seedlings.

If these characteristics do not frighten the gardener, you can begin organizing a greenhouse.


The optimal time for sowing calibrachoa seedlings is the end of January or the first ten days of February. Unlike petunia, this plant develops extremely slowly. Seeds begin to hatch 1-3 weeks after all the necessary conditions for germination have been created. In early spring (if necessary), seedlings are planted in separate containers.

The soil

For calibrachoa, light, breathable soil is important. You can use a purchased substrate diluted with vermiculite, hydrogel or coconut fibers (50x50), or you can stock up on peat tablets.

Both options meet the plant's soil requirements:

  • ease;
  • humidity;
  • breathability.

Planting and organizing a greenhouse

How to grow a perennial from seeds? The step-by-step algorithm of actions is as follows. The peat tablet is soaked for 20 minutes in clean water, then lightly squeezed. Some gardeners use boiling water for this purpose. The goal is to destroy potential soil pests.

Dragees with calibrachoa seeds are not deepened, but simply placed on the surface of the soaked tablet (or on top of the ground). Using a spray bottle, re-moisten the substrate.

A greenhouse for seedlings can be a plastic cup with holes pierced in the bottom, as well as glass, plastic film, plastic containers from store-bought pastries and cakes.

In the first days, it is important to organize for calibrachoa seeds:

  • additional lighting (up to 16 hours a day);
  • moderate soil and air humidity;
  • stable temperature within 21-25 ⁰С.

On a note! It is important to prevent condensation drops from accumulating above the film, glass or plastic. Regular ventilation of the greenhouse or the organization of additional openings will help to avoid this.

Thin calibrachoa seedlings gradually begin to adapt to room air. The greenhouse is removed within 2-3 days. If necessary, seedlings with 2 leaves are planted in separate containers.

The video from “Garden, vegetable garden, with your own hands” will clearly, step by step, demonstrate the process of sowing pellets with seeds, explain the importance of using river sand and organizing comfortable conditions for the germination of calibrachoa:

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that ampelous calibrachoa is often grown at home, it is still often attacked by pests.

The most common are:

  • thrips;
  • spider mite;
  • aphid;
  • whitefly

These parasites eat leaves and flowers, thereby gradually destroying the flower. If you find pests on the plates or buds of a plant, you need to take immediate action. Gardening stores sell a variety of pest control products. You need to treat the plant with them once every two weeks, while wearing a protective mask and not inhaling the vapors of the chemical.

In order for the plant to bloom all summer, you should pick off the wilted bells.

In addition to pests, ampelous calibrachoa is susceptible to some diseases. The most common is blackleg - the plant turns black and dies. This is a fungus that appears in conditions of excessive moisture. If you notice blackening of the plant, take action immediately - treat it with medicine.

Another common calibrachoa disease is powdery mildew. In this case, a white coating is observed on the plates. The reason for this is also excess moisture and sudden temperature changes.

The flower is also affected by root rot due to too wet soil. You can save the plant by urgently replanting it in a drier place.

If the bush is affected by chlorosis, small amounts of flowering are observed. This disease occurs when very hard water is used for irrigation, as well as in case of iron deficiency. By eliminating this, you will return the plant to its former attractiveness.

Calibrachoa is a perennial. Basics of agricultural technology

In the natural environment, Calibrachoa grows freely in open and wooded areas of South America, Brazil or Chile. In its homeland, the plant is called “A Million Bells”. The flowers of the perennial are slightly smaller than gramophone petunias, but are so attractive that since the last century, gardeners have put the cultivation of calibrachoa on the conveyor belt. From a wild plant, Calibrachoa has become an ornamental plant for open ground.

Soil selection

A distinctive feature of Calibrachoa is its love for nourishing and at the same time light, loose, airy soil. Manufacturers do not produce special substrates for demanding plants. The florist will have to independently prepare the required composition for calibrachoa.

There are several options to choose from. For example, you can take 1 part of the soil in the garden and dilute the base with the same amount:

  1. coconut substrate and perlite chips;
  2. compost and sawdust;
  3. peat, sand and vermiculite.

On a note! There are other ways to prepare mixtures. Sphagnum (peat moss), hydrogel, and osmocotes are added to the soil with sawdust.


Sunlight plays a big role in the agricultural practices of any Calibrachoa variety. This is a very light-loving plant, which develops very slowly in partial shade and blooms worse, one might say sparsely. But! And on southern windows, the flower will be warm and comfortable only if the vegetative mass is correctly adapted to direct sunlight. Otherwise, calibrachoa may dry out or wither.

Important! In the first days of taking the plant outside, leaves and flowers should be shaded (covered with cloth, umbrellas) from about 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Adaptation period – a week

Gardeners also note that in yellow, peach, and orange Calibrachoa varieties, the color of flowers in the shade and in the sun is significantly different. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the perennial was one shade in a dry summer, and another in a rainy summer. This is a normal feature of Calibrachoa.

Practice shows that not only the color of bells, but also their number and openability depend on lighting.

So, the more light Calibrachoa receives, the more buds it produces. In rainy and cloudy weather, the flowers open reluctantly.


The main rule in caring for calibrachoa is to find and maintain water balance. The plant is equally sensitive to overwatering and drying out of the soil. Excess moisture causes root rot to develop at lightning speed. This fact especially needs to be taken into account by those gardeners who use hydrogel, moss or perlite in the soil. These components have the property of retaining moisture. It is quite possible that calibrachoa will have to be watered less frequently and in smaller volumes.

Water is directed to the root. Using a watering can damage delicate flowers and the bushes will become untidy and wrinkled.

Overdrying the soil is no less destructive for calibrachoa. Experience shows that in most cases it is impossible to revive the plant.

Top dressing

How to grow a healthy, branchy and beautiful bush? You can’t do without mineral, organic and complex compounds. The perennial simply loves fertilizers for decorative foliage plants. It is feeding that will ensure good development of the bushes and the increase in the vegetative mass of calibrachoa.

Gardeners use fertilizers for surfinias and petunias that contain a full range of essential microelements (sodium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and others). A balanced composition promotes active growth, increased abundance and duration of flowering, and prevention of chlorosis.

When caring for calibrachoa, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers has worked well. At the same time, in the spring the emphasis is on nitrogen, and during the period of bud formation - on phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen-containing fertilizing is reduced at the beginning of summer, because they reduce the number of flower ovaries. The bush can grow huge, but will bloom little.

The frequency of feeding calibrachoa is with each watering or every other time. If it is not possible to fertilize the soil little by little but constantly, you can turn to osmocotes - long-acting fertilizers. A one-time application of fertilizer during planting will provide Calibrachoa with the necessary substances for the entire season.

Calibrachoa with other plants

In addition to decorating beds, verandas and balconies, calibrachoa is widely used in landscape design. Moreover, we are talking not only about ampelous species, but also about low-growing varieties. The combinations can be very diverse - from planting a flower on hills along with mountain plants to filling street vases.

The flower gets along well with both climbing and flowering representatives of the flora. Gardeners very often practice planting entire flower beds of this plant. To achieve a good result, you should select several contrasting shades. This way the flowerbed will be bright, will always attract attention, and if you make it in a geometric shape, then the created beauty will not escape the eye.

Knowing when to plant calibrachoa and how to care for it, you can grow one of the most beautiful and popular flowers of our time. Regular watering, timely fertilizing, providing light, warmth, proper planting and removal of cuttings - all this only contributes to the appearance of beauty on your window and in your life. A bright and original bush will give a lot of aesthetic pleasure and decorate any corner of the site or house. Choose the color of the buds you like, or plant several different shades, and you will certainly get the desired result.

Everything is in your hands to create beauty around you!

Popular Calibrachoa varieties

Today, a huge number of calibrachoa varieties have been bred, which differ in a wide variety of inflorescence colors, shoot lengths and cultivation characteristics. That is why every gardener can try to grow bright and unusual varieties of this plant on their plot. Let's look at the most popular varietal series and varieties of calibrachoa.

Calibrachoa varietal series “Million Bells”

This is the most popular series of Calibrachoa varieties, which was bred in Japan in 1993. In total, the series includes 18 varieties, which often won at international exhibitions. An adult calibrachoa plant of this species is completely covered with small flowers, which is what gave the name to the variety series “Million Bells” or “Million Bells”. It is an ampelous flowering plant, the shoots of which can reach approximately 1-1.5 m. In this regard, Calibrachoa “Million Bells” is often planted in hanging flowerpots. All varieties of this calibrachoa series differ in the color of their petals: orange, pink, purple, white. Popular varieties:

  • Variety "Coral Pink". This variety of Calibrachoa from the Million Bells group features vibrant coral pink flowers. The flowers are small, up to 2.5-3 cm in diameter. The petals are pink with coral-colored veins, as well as a small coral-colored edging at the top of the neck.
  • Calibrachoa variety "Calita White". An ampelous plant with long hanging shoots. The flowers are small, bell-shaped, white in color with a yellowish-light green center-neck.
  • Calibrachoa variety "Cherry Star". This variety is distinguished by very beautiful flowers that have a dark pink tint to the petals, as well as a yellow center and bright yellow veins that make the flowers look like stars.
  • Variety "Apricot Punch". This variety of calibrachoa has flowers of a rich yellow hue with an orange neck and bright orange veins.
  • Calibrachoa variety "Pink chiffon". The flowers are a delicate light pink shade with darker veins.
  • Variety "Grape Punch". This plant amazes with its bright purple flowers. There is a dark, rich vein in the center of the petals.

Calibrachoa varietal series “Super Bells”

This group of Calibrachoa is also very popular and is distinguished by its constant victories at various exhibitions. Flowers have good resistance to root rot. The inflorescences are large and can reach 3.5 cm in diameter. The series consists of 8 varieties, which differ in the color of the inflorescences. The plant does not have a large number of leaves, the shoots can reach a length of 100 cm. These calibrachoa varieties will appeal to any gardener for their resistance to a wide variety of weather conditions; fragile flowers can withstand hail and rain, as well as strong winds. Flowering begins in late spring and lasts quite a long time. The most popular varieties:

  • Calibrachoa variety "Banana Chocolate". A very spectacular variety of calibrachoa, which stands out for the color of its inflorescences. The flowers are light yellow in color and have a deep brown-red ring around the throat. The “neck” is standard yellow.
  • Variety "Pink and Yellow". The flower petals are bright yellow, with clear caramel pink stripes. There is a deep yellow ring around the throat.
  • Variety "Cherry Red". The flowers of this variety have a soft pink hue with rich cherry veins in their center and a ring of the same color around the throat.

Varietal series Calibrachoa Kabloom

This group of calibrachoas was one of the first to enter the Russian market and immediately won the love and recognition of gardeners. The plants have quite compact sizes, they can reach only 25-30 cm in height, and also do not exceed 35 cm in diameter. Popular varieties of the series:

  • Variety "Kabloom Deep Blue". This variety is loved by many calibrachoa lovers for its bright, rich blue tint of inflorescences. An adult plant has a compact spherical shape, which is 30-35 cm in diameter. During flowering, Calibrachoa of this variety is densely covered with fairly large flowers, reaching 3.5 cm in diameter.
  • Calibrachoa variety "Kabloom Deep Pink". Another bright representative of the varietal series, which is distinguished by rich raspberry-pink inflorescences.
  • Variety "Kabloom White". This variety of Calibrachoa produces creamy white flowers with a bright yellow throat.
  • Variety "Kabloom Yellow". Pleases with flowers of a bright yellow hue.

In addition to the above-mentioned varietal series, we can highlight other equally popular and widespread ones: the “Cabaret” group of varieties with 12 calibrachoa varieties of predominantly white color, the Double varietal series with bright double flowers, the Noa group of varieties with flowers of various shades.

What can Calibrachoa become infected with?

Calibrachoa has a fairly high resistance to diseases and pests, and the only reason for the appearance of any disease is due to improper or insufficient care. For example, if the wrong olive oiling is carried out, the plant may become infected with a fungal disease and it will begin to rot. To get rid of the fungus, it is necessary to remove the infected parts and treat the plant with any antifungal drug. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and the plant becomes paler, then we can say with confidence that it has become ill with cholosis. It can also be treated with antifungal medications.

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