Terry mallow - planting and care in the garden

Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19 Category: Garden plants Published: January 26, 2019Last edits: January 20, 2021
  • Planting mallow
      Soil preparation
  • How to plant in the garden
  • Mallow care
      How to care
  • Diseases and pests
  • Mallow after flowering
  • The healing properties of mallow
  • Types and varieties of mallow
  • Mallow annual
      Wood mallow (Malva sylvestris)
  • perennial mallow
      Musk mallow (Malva moschata)
  • Sudanese mallow
  • Wrinkled mallow (Malva rugosa)
  • Hybrid mallow (Malva hybrida)
  • Literature
  • useful links
  • Comments
  • It's drizzling endlessly. Only the hollyhocks shine, as if there is a cloudless day above them. Basho

    Malva is a beauty that you can’t hide behind a fence! And why? After all, this is definitely not why breeders worked so hard on flowers of jewelery beauty in all possible shades: from virgin white to blue-black! Did you know that the closest relatives of mallow are kalachiki (wortwort) and marshmallow? From the first, the hollyhock inherited unpretentiousness and pretty rounded leaves, and from the second – many healing and even magical properties! It is believed that mallow planted along the fence protects the house and all its inhabitants from the evil eye and evil. But it turns out that not all hollyhocks will do well near any fence... How to please a hollyhock so that it blooms for 4 months in a row, read on.

    Planting and caring for mallow

    • Planting: sowing seeds in May-June in open ground or in January-February for seedlings (planting seedlings in the ground - in mid-May).
    • Flowering: mid-summer.
    • Lighting: bright sunlight, light partial shade.
    • Soil: rich in humus, well-drained, average moisture, neutral.
    • Watering: moderate to abundant, regular.
    • Garter: recommended, especially for tall varieties.
    • Fertilizing: before budding with complex mineral fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen.
    • Reproduction: seed.
    • Pests: slugs.
    • Diseases: rust, powdery mildew.

    Read more about growing mallow below.

    Mallow (lat. Malva) , or mallow , or kalachik , or hollyhock , is a type genus of the Malvaceae family - a herbaceous plant, usually annual, sometimes biennial and perennial. Today, about 30 species of mallow grow naturally in the temperate climates of North Africa, North America, Asia and Europe. Mallow was cultivated in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece: a description of the healing properties of the plant was found in the works of Hippocrates and Pliny the Elder. In the twenties of the last century, scientists discovered ecological plasticity and high feeding qualities in mallow. And large bright pink flowers have always aroused the admiration of artists who depicted them in paintings and poets who sang them in poetry. And how can one imagine a Ukrainian hut without a mallow growing next to it in the front garden? Or a Ukrainian towel without its bright pink flowers...

    Features of garden care

    How to care for mallow

    It is very easy to grow mallow, as it does not have a capricious character. It must be regularly watered moderately, especially if the summer period is quite dry. The soil surface must be loosened in a timely manner, and weeds and fading flowers must be removed. Before the budding period begins, experts advise feeding plants with mineral fertilizers, which contain large amounts of nitrogen. Tall varieties require a mandatory garter, as the stems can be injured in the event of strong winds. To do this, it is recommended to plant the plants in close proximity to the fence (use it as a support), and you can also place a high peg next to each bush and tie the mallow to it. If you want your annual mallow to grow like a perennial one, then when it fades, all flower stalks should be removed from the stems. It is important to do this before setting seeds.

    Pests and diseases

    Slugs can live on such flowers. They are destroyed using special traps. To do this, you need to place several plates in the area with flowers and fill them with beer. After about 24 hours, you will need to check these traps and remove all slugs. This plant is quite resistant to diseases, but if it is planted near a metal fence, the mallow is quite capable of becoming infected with rust. It is very easy to find out about infection; dark red spots can be seen on the underside of the leaf blades. Infected foliage should be trimmed and destroyed. In rare cases, powdery mildew infection may occur. To get rid of it, use an appropriate fungicidal agent or a solution of colloidal sulfur.

    Care after flowering

    In autumn, after flowering has ended, the shoots need to be cut to the level of the ground surface. At the same time, you can enrich the soil with nutrients; to do this, its surface must be covered with a layer of mulch (compost and humus). So, for 1 square meter you will need about 3-4 kilograms of mulch. For wintering, such a plant should be covered with dried leaves, spruce branches or straw.

    Botanical description

    The most famous and ancient representative of the genus woodland mallow is a plant with a straight, recumbent or ascending stem 30-120 cm high, at first fluffy and hairy, and then bare. The leaves of the mallow are heart-shaped, round, notched or five-seven-lobed, pubescent, petiolate. Large, up to 12 cm in diameter, flowers in the shape of a wide bell with characteristic purple stripes of 1-5 pieces are hidden in the axils of the leaves. In some species, the inflorescences form racemes.

    Mallow blooms from June to August, it is frost-resistant, drought-resistant and easy to care for.

    • Krinum: cultivation and care, types and varieties

    Depending on the variety, single or double flowers vary in color from almost black to white. Petals are oblong, obovate, deeply notched. The mallow root is spindle-shaped, branched, and long. The fruit is polyspermous; the seeds remain viable for 2-3 years.

    Sowing time

    If you choose to plant seeds directly in open ground, work can be carried out both in spring and autumn. But it is worth considering that full flowering will occur only the next year after planting.

    In order not to wait so long, but to get beautiful plants in the same year, it is better to plant seeds to obtain strong seedlings and further planting on the site: the growing season is about 3 months.

    When to sow mallow for seedlings and other features:

    • in regions with a mild climate, seeds begin to be sown when the temperature is stable at +10 degrees;
    • in regions with a temperate climate, seeds are sown in early May, in southern regions - at the end of April.

    Many gardeners also use the lunar calendar when choosing specific planting days

    Growing mallow from seeds

    Growing conditions

    If you don’t want to make extra efforts and are in no hurry to see the mallow blooming this year, you can sow the seeds directly into the ground in May or June. But then your mallow will only have time to form a rosette of leaves before the onset of winter, and will bloom only next year. If you want the mallow to bloom this summer, you should sow seeds for seedlings in January-February.

    But even if you are ready to grow mallow as a biennial or perennial plant, the seedling method is still more reliable than the seed method.

    For both annual and perennial mallow, this process is the same, the only difference is when to sow. Annual mallow is sown in mid-winter, planted in the ground in May, and blooms in mid-summer. Biennial and perennial mallow is sown in May and planted in the ground in August or September.

    Growing seedlings

    It is advisable to soak mallow seeds that you have stored for a year or two or purchased at a flower shop for 12 hours in warm (45 ºC) water before planting in order to soften the hard seed shell and facilitate the germination process.

    It must be said that mallow seeds, which remain viable for up to three years, germinate much better in the third year of storage than in the first two years.

    To sow mallow for seedlings, it is better to use peat pots, since the roots of the mallow do not tolerate transplantation well and often do not take root in a new place. The temperature for seed germination should be 18-22 ºC, then seedlings will appear in two weeks. If you sowed mallow in a container, then after three leaves appear on the seedlings, you will have to thin them out so that there is a distance of 2-3 cm between the seedlings. The removed sprouts can be saved by carefully planting them in peat pots. When the seedlings grow and become stronger, they need to be hardened off by placing them in fresh, cool air for several hours. In May-June, seedlings can be planted in the ground directly in pots.

    In the photo: Growing mallow seedlings from seeds

    Transplantation to a permanent place

    Transferring seedlings to a prepared open area is the simplest event. The main conditions for which were compliance with the distance and depth of the holes.

    If the mallow seeds were sown in peat pots, the hole should have the dimensions of a container. This will simplify the task during planting: place the plant in an organic container, cover it with soil and water it generously.

    Provided that you used plastic cups or other containers for seedlings, you will have to work a little:

    • process the tool for cutting the container;
    • carefully make an incision on one side so as not to damage the roots;
    • by transferring the mallow into the hole.

    The planting hole is made wider and deeper by 1-2 cm from the container. Water with a small amount of water, cover with earth, press down a little. The tree trunk circle is watered again. Weeding is carried out for the first time no earlier than after 14-18 days.

    Planting mallow

    Soil preparation

    Choose a sunny area in the garden (mallow grows in partial shade, but loses its bright color and stem height) with good drainage and loose loamy, humus-rich soil. The place for sowing should be high to prevent rotting of the roots from standing melt water. It would be nice if the area was protected from winds and drafts. It is best to plant mallow along the fence: there will be a support nearby to which you can tie the stems. If your soil is poor, you will have to fertilize it by mulching the area with humus. But more on that later.

    How to plant in the garden

    Seedlings of annual mallow are planted in open ground in mid-May. Seedlings of two-year or perennial mallow are planted in the ground in August-September. Seeds of biennial and perennial mallow can be sown directly into the ground. This is done in the spring, in April-May, after late frosts. Small holes are made in the soil up to 3 cm deep and 2-3 seeds are placed in each hole.

    Depending on what variety of mallow you are planting, the distance between seedlings should be from 25 cm to 50 cm.

    The hole is filled in, the soil is pressed down and moistened. If you are not sure that summer has finally arrived, place covering material on your bed so that the sprouts are not damaged by possible frosts. Under favorable weather conditions, the seedlings will hatch in two weeks. When the seedlings have 3-4 leaves, they need to be thinned out, leaving one tall seedling in the hole.

    Planting hibiscus in the garden - all the information you need

    Site selection

    Double mallow flowers take root better if they are planted immediately in a permanent place where they will continue to grow in the future. Therefore, it is important to immediately select a suitable site. Perennial mallow loves open areas, sufficiently illuminated by the sun. In shady places, its stems stretch towards the light and become thin and weak. Lack of light also reduces its flowering. The delicate petals and tall stems of terry mallow are easily damaged by the wind, so the area should be protected from drafts. Flowers grow well in light, fertile soils with good drainage - loam is ideal. At the same time, perennial mallow thrives in poor soils if you feed it regularly.

    When preparing a site for planting terry mallow, the following measures are necessary:

    • deep digging of the soil;
    • on problem soils, the addition of compost is required; it can be replaced with rotted manure;
    • The drainage properties of the soil can be improved by adding coarse sand.

    Mallow care

    How to care

    Growing mallow is a simple process, since mallow is not a fussy plant. Regular moderate watering, especially in dry summers, loosening the soil and weeding, timely removal of wilted flowers are mandatory requirements for caring for mallow.

    • Peonies: planting, transplanting and propagation

    In addition, it would be good to feed the plant before budding with mineral fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen.

    A tall mallow needs staking to prevent it from breaking under strong gusts of wind, so plant it along the fence or dig in high pegs to secure the plant. Well, if you want to make a perennial from an annual, immediately after the mallow has bloomed, cut off all the flower stalks so that the seeds do not have time to set. That's all for caring for mallow.

    In the photo: Mallow flowering in the garden

    Diseases and pests

    Mallow is attacked by slugs. They are collected by hand: place small bowls in different places, pour beer into them, and after a day, walk around and collect the slugs that come crawling to get drunk.

    Of the few diseases that affect mallow, the worst is rust, which can easily be contracted near metal fences. The disease manifests itself in the appearance of dark red spots on the back of the leaves. Affected leaves should be removed and burned.

    Sometimes powdery mildew appears on mallow. You can fight it with a solution of colloidal sulfur or a specialized fungicide.

    In the photo: Pests of mallow on a flower

    Mallow after flowering

    In the fall, after the mallow has bloomed, the stems are cut down to ground level. At the same time, you can fertilize the soil by mulching it with humus and compost at the rate of 3-4 kg per 1 m2. Mallow should overwinter under cover of spruce branches, fallen leaves or straw.

    In the photo: Mallow has bloomed

    Gallery: garden mallow (15 photos)

    The colorful splendor of terry mallow in your flowerbed does not require too much attention and care. Still, in order to grow lush flowers, you need to know the secrets of growing terry mallow from seeds.


    For good germination, it is better to sow seeds into seedlings.

    Features of growing terry mallow seedlings from seeds:

    • You need to take well-sifted soil.
    • Fill small boxes with it, and then sow the mallow not too thickly, since the bushes grow strongly at the base.
    • Cover the seeds with a light layer of compost.
    • Cover the seedlings with glass or film.
    • Plants should be grown at temperatures between 15 and 20˚C.
    • Mallow needs regular watering: then the first shoots will form within 14-21 days.
    • Keep a close eye on the absence of weeds: they can choke the growth of the hollyhocks.

    Features of transplantation

    When the seedlings take on the appearance of small bushes, they can be planted in open ground. The distance between plants should be maintained at 60 centimeters, otherwise the splayed flower stalks and powerful roots will interfere with each other.

    If you sowed a hollyhock in the spring, you can replant it in the fall. It is advisable to replant in September: the plants will have time to get stronger before the frosts arrive. Nevertheless, for the winter they need to be insulated with fallen leaves or, even better, peat.

    By spring, the mallow will gain strength to grow and even bloom. The first flower stalks will appear, the roots will strengthen and grow. In this regard, it is not recommended to replant the stock rose: a damaged root means the death of the entire plant.

    Flower care

    The rosehock loves a warm climate, because its homeland is the southern Balkans. It blooms under normal conditions from early August to mid-October, but may bloom earlier.

    Features of caring for stock roses:

    • It should be planted in sunny areas, protected from wind and drafts. Mallows growing in the shade become very elongated, tending towards the sun, and do not bloom as actively.
    • Elastic stems need staking, so it is better to plant mallow where it can be strengthened.
    • To grow mallow, the soil should be well-drained and moist, sometimes slightly dry. It is very important to grow mallow in fertilized humus soil that is neither acidic nor alkaline.
    • Particular attention should be paid to watering: it should be regular, but moderate, so as not to lead to drying out of the roots or the appearance of rot.
    • It is advisable to periodically fertilize with mineral fertilizers.

    In addition to maintaining terry perennial mallow in favorable conditions, it should be protected from diseases and pests.

    Terry mallow flowers are tolerant to bacterial diseases in conditions of high air and soil humidity. In addition, the rose stock is susceptible to powdery mildew, stem cancer, and leaf rust. Common pests that are dangerous to the life of a flower are slugs.

    What to do if the flower is affected

    Remove diseased parts of the plant and spray the mallow with an antifungal agent.

    Mallow is a flower that is used to form a variety of garden compositions. Therefore, a pressing topic for gardeners is decorative pruning of plants.

    From the point of view of flower health, it is advisable to prune before or after flowering. The process itself depends on what shape you are trying to give. At the same time, all shriveled stems and faded buds must be cut off, because the plant wastes its vitality on unnecessary fading parts.

    The simplest flowers sometimes delight with new colors or shapes. You just need to take your eyes off the usual bags and names. Mallow is familiar to many from childhood, but this flower can attract admiring glances, its new double varieties are so interesting.

    The healing properties of mallow

    Mallow has long been known in folk medicine. The beneficial properties of mallow have been studied by healers in many countries. For example, an infusion of mallow flowers and leaves treats inflammation of the stomach and intestinal disorders. Hot baths with steamed leaves or flowers of mallow (wood mallow) help relieve swelling of the spleen. The wild mallow herb is a constant component of breast collections.

    Lavatera: planting and caring - a relative of mallow

    In the form of lotions and compresses, a decoction of mallow flowers is used for skin diseases to relieve itching and to heal wounds (obviously, due to the mucus contained in mallow). Mallow is also used in medical cosmetology to restore the epidermis and prevent pustular rashes. Preference in folk medicine is given to mallow flowers, since they contain higher levels of sugars, vitamin C and carotene than the leaves. The main thing is that preparations from mallow do not give unwanted side effects and have no contraindications.

    Beneficial properties of mallow:

    • expectorant;
    • emollient;
    • reparative;
    • enveloping;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • restorative.

    Mallow tea for coughs: pour 2 teaspoons of finely chopped flowers (or leaves) into a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes, strain, drink 2-3 cups a day. You can add honey, but then the tea should be no warmer than 40 ºC.

    … Every year in May, Kyoto’s Kamigamo Temple and the city host the Aoi Matsuri festival, dedicated to mallow. People put on bright clothes and walk through the streets of the city dancing and singing. This holiday is many centuries old...

    The May rain is endless... The hollyhocks are reaching somewhere, Looking for the path of the sun. Basho

    Possible problems during cultivation

    If there is an infection, drying out of the leaf or a change in the color of the green part, the gardener should think about his attitude towards the plant.

    First of all, the flower is examined to identify the cause of the “disease.” After which they begin treatment or work on mistakes. After all, the appearance of problems with the crop is the fault of the grower.

    You can avoid additional time and material investments if you pay attention to the following:

    1. It is worth choosing a landing site taking into account some nuances. So mallow is not planted in shaded, damp areas. The wind should not disturb the plant. Lack of lighting harms the decorative effect and color of the buds.
    2. Soil moisture is regulated according to weather conditions. Excessive watering - rotting of the root system. Watering occurs as needed. If there is heavy rain, then you cannot irrigate. During drought, the frequency of the procedure reaches 2 times a week. Check the soil first.
    3. The place for permanent “residence” of the mallow should be on a hill to prevent excessive amounts of water during rainy summers.
    4. In winter, it is necessary to cover the flower to prevent the root from freezing.

    The beauty of mallow and its long flowering depends entirely on the correct approach of the grower. Therefore, despite the unpretentiousness and undemanding nature of the plant, agricultural technology is fully observed.

    Types and varieties of mallow

    The genus mallow in cultivation includes about 60 species of ornamental plants. The ancestor of this genus, woodland mallow, is an annual plant. And species such as Sudanese mallow, hybrid, musky and wrinkled are predominantly perennials. True, it must be said that not all flower growers include all these species in the mallow genus, considering, for example, that the Sudanese mallow, or hibiscus, as well as the wrinkled mallow, or rose hollyhock, although they belong to the mallow family, are related to to another kind. Let’s not quibble: the plants are so similar in characteristics that it makes sense to combine them into one section on care and cultivation.

    Terry mallows - peony or rose on a high stem. New varieties

    Peonies that bloom all summer are double mallows. The flowers of new varieties of hybrid mallow are indeed very similar to peonies. Unusual colors and shades from snow-white and peach with pink tints to purple captivate gardeners in this floral abundance. The old flower again takes its place in the gardens, only in a different form.

    Among the new varieties there is a division into groups:

    • Majorette Mixed
    • Chater's Double
    • Pleniflora

    The first group consists of plants no more than 75 cm high. The flowers are double, but more like carnations due to the jagged edge of the petals. The group is currently represented by two excellent varieties:

    • Fiesta Time. The flower resembles a beautiful and delicious strawberry ice cream.
    • Queeny Purple. The deep purple color is eye-catching.

    The flowers of the following representatives of the mallow family are no different from double peonies.

    Tall stems up to 2 meters high are covered with huge flowers, reminiscent of the lush bows of first-graders. Varieties of various shades:

    • Chater's Double Pink
    • Hot pink Chater's Double Violet
    • Snow White Chater's Double Icicle
    • Peach Chater's Double Salmon

    New varieties of this family confirm the second name of mallow - stockrose

    The Pleniflora group is distinguished by delicate shades of lush flowers with frills. The flowers of this group are similar to old English roses.

    Single varieties:

    Deep purple Crème de Cassis. The breeder saw in it the color of blackcurrant liqueur.

    Delicate peach Peach'n'dreams. This flower has the appearance of a noble rose with ruffled petals.

    Standing apart from everyone else is the Park Allee variety, which is completely different from mallow. Its cream petals contain dark stamens of unusual shape.

    New varieties of this family confirm the second name of mallow - stockrose. The most beautiful flowers on tall peduncles fully deserve it.

    Mallow annual

    Wood mallow (Malva sylvestris)

    So, forest mallow , or Kalachiki . This biennial plant is grown in our country as an annual one. It grows up to 120 cm, its flowers are characterized by the presence of darker veins than the color of the flower. Popular varieties are mallow zebrina, characterized by large flowers of soft pink color with dark red veins. The Black Mother of Pearl variety is also in demand - dark purple flowers up to 7 cm in diameter with black veins.

    In the photo: Wood mallow or kalachiki

    Mallow in landscape design

    Mallow is ideal for planting near fences or walls of the house. Also, tall varieties can be used to decorate an unsightly structure or cover communications. Mallow plantings are used to divide a flower bed or vegetable garden into separate sections.

    Mallow in landscape design

    The plant is actively used to create the background of a flower arrangement. Smaller crops are planted in front. Landscape designers, choosing plants of various colors and sizes, create an interesting combination of several shades of a multi-level composition.

    On a note! Mallow is indispensable when creating a flowerbed in a rustic style.

    Stockrose goes well with delphiniums, daisies, phlox, and cornflower. Mallow of discreet shades harmonizes with herbs and cereals. Terry varieties of mallow look original and elegant.

    perennial mallow

    Musk mallow (Malva moschata)

    It is a low perennial - no higher than a meter. The fragrant flowers of white or pink musk mallow reach a diameter of 5 cm. This mallow is sometimes called nutmeg mallow. Popular varieties are White Tower and Pink Tower, 70cm tall with snow-white or hot pink flowers respectively. These varieties bloom until frost.

    • Growing viola seedlings: sowing, picking

    In the photo: Musk or nutmeg mallow

    Sudanese mallow

    Or Hibiscus Sabdariffa , or Sudanese rose - a biennial plant grown for its fruits, which have long been one of the components of fruit drinks that have medicinal value. The known bush form is Malva sabdariffa var. Sabdariffa and the tree form Malva sabdariffa var. Altissima.

    In the photo: Sudanese mallow or hibiscus sabdariffa or Sudanese rose

    Wrinkled mallow (Malva rugosa)

    Rose stock , or wrinkled alcea - it is conventionally called mallow. The plant in nature reaches two meters in height, its flowers are 3 cm in diameter, yellow. It is a perennial. Garden form - pink hollyhock, or rose hollyhock (Malva alcea). The plant is a perennial, reaches 90 cm in height. It has varieties with both simple and semi-double and double flowers, similar to peonies.

    For example, the Chater's Double Strein variety is a double mallow with large flowers of different colors, while Single Mixed has simple flowers reminiscent of hibiscus. Stock rose varieties also differ in size: the Powder Puffs Mixed variety, for example, reaches a height of two meters, and Majorette Mixed is a dwarf plant (up to 75 cm), but with large semi-double flowers.

    In the photo: Rose hollyhock or rugose mallow or rugosa alcea

    Hybrid mallow (Malva hybrida)

    It is a perennial with several stems, height up to 2 m. The flowers are white or pink, double, very large. Blooms in June-September. Popular varieties: Chaters Double, Gibbortello, Powder Puffs.

    In the photo: Hybrid mallow

    You should know that almost all varieties of forest mallow are annuals, and varieties of other types of mallow are mainly biennials or perennials, but this division is arbitrary: both among the varieties of forest mallow there are perennial varieties, and among the conventional perennials there are annual varieties.

    New old friend

    Mallow is popularly called flowers on a high peduncle with large leaves and huge flowers.

    Mallow is popularly called flowers on a high peduncle with large leaves and huge flowers.

    The second name of this flower is stockrose. There are several different types of mallow:

    • wild
    • Lesnaya
    • musky
    • Sudanese
    • Pink
    • Wrinkled
    • Hybrid.

    Wild mallow is better known as mallow - a ground cover plant. This baby is completely different from mallow. In childhood, many people enjoyed eating its fruit rolls at their grandmother’s house right in the yard.

    Woodland mallow is a beautiful perennial herbaceous plant with delicate flowers and a low bush. It is very thermophilic, so it is most often grown as an annual.

    Another species, musk mallow, grows in low bushes up to 1 meter, covered with fragrant flowers. Sudanese mallow has a nickname - Sudanese rose.

    Rose mallow is best known as hollyhock and is the most common member of the mallow family in gardens.

    The next representative is wrinkled mallow. This wild form of rose mallow has huge light yellow flowers.

    Crossing mallow gave flower growers a new beautiful graceful flower - hybrid mallow

    Crossing pink mallow and wrinkled mallow as a result of long work by breeders gave flower growers a new beautiful graceful flower - hybrid mallow. Only this species has double flowers in its collection.

    Disease and pest control

    Mallow is a very resistant crop to both pests and diseases. But in order to reduce the risk of such problems, it is important not to give up on prevention and follow the basic rules for caring for this plant.

    It is especially important to monitor watering, since excessive watering can lead to various pathologies:

    • spotting;
    • stem cancer;
    • powdery mildew.

    When the first signs of disease appear, for example, darkening of the stems, wilting or falling leaves, the flowers are sprayed with suitable compounds - the choice depends on the disease. To destroy insect pests, because the mallow is especially often affected by spider mites, the plants are treated with:

    • "Fitoverm";
    • "Fufanon."

    Planting and growing mallow from seeds is accessible even to novice gardeners. Only a few points are important here: choose a suitable variety, prepare planting material, seeds, soil mixture. The plant itself is unpretentious and does not require special care.

    Where is the best place to plant flowers?

    Picturesque flowers grow well in flower beds and look great as a hedge. They are planted mainly in groups in the garden. Ridges exposed to the winds are not suitable for hollyhocks.

    Tall stems need support. They require tying, otherwise they may break in gusts of wind. It’s good if it is possible to secure the hollyhocks on stakes.

    Ideally, hollyhocks are planted in an area along fences. The fence performs a 2 in 1 function: it defines the territory and is used as a trellis for tall hollyhocks. There is an opinion that it is contraindicated for hollyhocks to be near a metal fence due to rust damage. But this is a myth: the underside of the leaves is occupied by the fungus that causes the disease.

    Interesting Facts

    Since ancient times, magical properties have been attributed to this flower. Therefore, they planted her at the gate, near the well, near the fence. The ancestors believed that she protected the farmstead, the home and the people in it.

    Mallow is a close relative of the medicinal marshmallow, which treats coughs, inflammation, relieves pain, and is used to remove kidney stones.

    Decades ago, children playing in the yard would pluck the green buds from the mallow stems and chew them. Scientists have long proven that rose stock has high feeding qualities. Mallow has more protein than soybeans.


    Mallow looks great in group plantings, as well as in mixed borders, near fences and hedges, in the background and as a dominant feature in the middle of a flower bed. It is especially attractive in country style gardens; its combination with flowers such as monarda, lupine, delphinium, phlox, and cornflower makes the garden unique and mysterious. It complements compositions of coniferous plants and at the same time is great as a separate accent.

    This tall and strong plant culture, which has a lot of advantages, should settle in every garden. Her joyful, bright “bouquets” of flowers will decorate the simplest area, turning it into a fairy-tale garden where elves live.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Why are the seedlings not friendly, some of the seeds have sprouted, others continue to sprout?

    The problem is a poorly prepared soil mixture. It needed to be steamed and the seeds soaked. In addition, seedlings need warmth.

    Why do seedlings droop and fall?

    This happens due to thickening. Young sprouts fight for a place under the sun (or lamp). The cause is eliminated by thinning, but the stems are not pulled out, but pinched at the soil level.

    Why do the sprouts stretch out?

    They become thinner and lean to the sides. The reason is insufficient lighting, too warm a room and waterlogging of the soil. To correct the situation, the seedlings are switched to infrequent watering (once every 3-4 days) and make sure that the water is warm (from +18 to +20°C).

    Why do mallow seedlings wither and die?

    Due to the dry soil, they receive little moisture. Wilting begins with the lower pair of leaves. Their curling indicates the presence of fungal spores or pests.

    The main thing is to notice the disorder, eliminate the cause in time and provide the flowers with proper care. And they will reward you with beauty that is pleasing to the eye.

    How to prepare mallow seeds for sowing

    To increase germination, growing from seeds at home requires preliminary preparation of planting material.

    Round seeds purchased in a store or separated from achenes are placed in warm water at 45 ºC and left for 12 hours. The seeds are covered with a hard, leathery shell that softens when soaked. This manipulation shortens the period of germination of mallow seeds.

    ON A NOTE. When growing, it is advisable to use solutions of growth stimulants Epin, Energen and Fitosporin. Substances accelerate the development of seeds, promote better rooting of seedlings during picking, strengthen the immune system and protect against diseases.

    To prepare a working solution for soaking flower seeds, dissolve 4 drops of Epin in 100 ml of water and leave for 18-20 hours. The seed material is also treated with ash, soda, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and other disinfectants dissolved in water.

    Propagation by cuttings - is germination high?

    One of the methods of propagation is cuttings. This method is used mainly by experienced gardeners for breeding terry varieties, since the survival rate of cuttings is very low. The effort is worth it by obtaining a flower with the exact characteristics of the mother plant. If the procedure is carried out in the spring, then we cut cuttings from an adult flower near the root. In summer we use stem cuttings.

    For pruning, use only sharp tools to avoid damaging the flower. We disinfect the sections by sprinkling them with charcoal or activated carbon.

    Leave the cuttings for several hours to allow the wound to dry. Then we plant them in pots filled with soil substrate. In the future, we regularly water the seedlings, making sure that the soil is always moist. The appearance of leaves indicates successful rooting. When the young plants get stronger, we plant them in open ground in a permanent location.

    Planting seedlings in open ground

    The work is carried out around the end of May or the beginning of June - it depends on the air temperature, which should not fall below +10 degrees.

    A few important nuances:

    • the crop should receive a lot of sunlight, so it should not be planted in the shade;
    • Mallow bushes should be planted at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other, otherwise they will interfere with the growth of their neighbors.

    It is recommended to plant mallow near fences, as they require support.

    Watering and loosening

    Water the mallow moderately, avoiding stagnation of water in the soil. It is enough to irrigate the plants once every 10-14 days, but in the dry season the work is carried out more often. It is important to check the condition of the topsoil here. The crop is watered more often during the formation of buds and during the flowering period.

    After watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil, thereby ensuring air flow to the roots. This simple procedure will also reduce the amount of weeds in the flowerbed.

    Top dressing

    Abundant flowering of mallow can cause rapid depletion of the soil, which is why it is so important to remember the need to fertilize this crop. The culture responds well to organic matter: per square meter of land you need at least 3 kg of the composition (you can use compost, humus).

    But experienced gardeners recommend not feeding the hollyhocks, but using organic materials to create a mulch layer. In this case, the plants will receive the elements they need, and additionally moisture will be retained in the soil.

    Mulch also stops the growth of weeds in the area

    Immediately after transplanting the mallow, it is advisable to feed the bushes with mineral supplements, which will improve the flowering of the crop.


    Tall varieties of mallow require additional support. If you plant it near a fence or fence, you don’t need to do anything additional. But if the bushes grow in the center of the flower bed, it is important to help them by driving several wooden pegs nearby and tying them with soft twine.

    It is important to promptly remove withered and fallen leaves with flowers throughout the warm season, which will extend the flowering period.

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