Rosemary plant - growing at home: choosing a location, requirements, soil preparation

If you are planning to grow rosemary at home in a pot, then read the article. It describes the methods and gives useful tips for each stage.

People are accustomed to purchasing the necessary seasoning or products in the store, and this also applies to rosemary. The herb complements delicacies made from meat and fish. Rosemary sprigs add a sweet and sour flavor to the dish, all due to the aroma of citrus and camphor.

Read an article on our website about how to grow herbs on a windowsill all year round . You will find useful instructions and tips.

If you go deeper into history, the plant translated from Lat. means “sea freshness” . The herb has special properties: it reduces anxiety and disorders, relieves tension in the nerves, and improves food digestion. Rosemary contains essential oils and tannins. It is permissible to grow it at home, but you need to know some of the nuances. Read more in this article.

What types and varieties of the rosemary plant are there?

Homemade rosemary
The common rosemary plant grows in Italy, France, and Spain . In localities and regions of Russia it is difficult to grow it into a bush, so they begin to germinate it on their own; the best place is a window. There is also another name for the plant - incense herb .

The variety of rosemary allows you to choose the appropriate option for yourself. The most popular types and varieties:

"Richard"The bushes reach to 70 cm and are well covered with leaves. The flowers have a light lilac hue. The species can grow in arid conditions, but tolerates comfortable room temperatures better.
"Dewdrop"The herb is classified as medicinal. Full maturity occurs after 1.5 months from germination. Stems reach up to 40 cm . up, the leaves have a dark green tint.
"Tenderness"The variety is well suited for germination in pots. The flowers are distinguished by a rich blue color with needle-shaped leaves ( 4 cm ). The plant needs sunlight.
"Ampel"Decorative variety. Mature rosemary has wavy shoots that hang down to the bottom. Grass requires special care.
"Veshnyakovsky Semko"The leaves are dense and elongated. The flowers are small, shades from lilac to white, combined into single inflorescences. This species is not afraid of arid climates, although good sunlight is important for it, but does not tolerate low temperatures. It is advisable to germinate rosemary in flowerpots; they reach a height of up to 1.5 m.

Common rosemary brings a pleasant smell of pine needles to the living space of an apartment or house and stylishly decorates the window.


The plant does not grow wild in Russia. Rosemary is a shrub with a height of 0.5 to 2 m. The branches are tetrahedral, covered with small down. The leaves have very small petioles and are evergreen. In addition to the name rosemary, another name for the plant is sea dew.

Rosemary flowers are sessile and have a blue-violet hue. The outside of the flower is slightly pubescent. The upper lip of this flower has a notched shape.

The fruit of rosemary is an egg-shaped nut.

The plant blooms in spring. Fruit ripening ends by September.


Many gardeners are interested in the benefits of rosemary. The plant contains essential oils. The refreshing rosemary scent appears due to the presence of alpha-pinene in the composition. Carnosol and rosmarinic acid give the plant a specific bitter taste, thanks to which it is used in cooking. Rosemary leaves contain flavonoids: apigenin and luteolin.

Essential oils have a beneficial effect on the body, making a person easily calm down. A specific medicinal smell improves a person’s mood. It helps improve memory and improve concentration, making it recommended when preparing for exams.

In the form of an infusion, the herb is used to treat bronchial asthma and pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. The oil is also useful for the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies: it perfectly improves appetite. To reduce the intensity of headaches, it is recommended to inhale the oil of this plant.

An infusion of this herb with the addition of lavender has a positive effect on health, in particular on the movement of blood through the vessels. It helps in treating neuritis and gout. Rosemary oil is used in aromatherapy and cosmetology and is excellent for lowering blood pressure.


Rosemary plant: requirements for growing it in a pot at home

Sunny grass can grow in areas with cool temperatures , within Russia. There are 2 ways:

  1. Replanting in a flower pot in winter
  2. Sprout from seeds

To grow a rosemary plant at home in a pot, it is important to prepare everything you need:

  • Drainage filler
  • Good soil - rich in minerals and beneficial elements
  • Flowerpots
  • Light source - not direct sunlight
  • Constant ventilation
  • Time and a little patience

Common rosemary needs a comfortable temperature with relative air humidity, but a change in temperature (especially minus values) is not desirable.


Indoor rosemary is replanted every 2 years. This plant has a powerful root system that grows quickly. To make the plant look compact and not need a very large pot, it is recommended to trim its root system when replanting.

For rosemary, the best is a ceramic pot, in which the soil dries evenly. Its depth and width should be the same.

A drainage layer 3-4 cm thick of broken shards is laid on the bottom. The pot size is chosen 1-2 cm wider than the previous one.

The plant is removed from the old pot and some of the soil is shaken off the roots so that the length of the root system becomes visible. After this, the roots are trimmed so that they fit freely in the new pot.

The plant is placed in a new pot and the roots are sprinkled with new soil, and then it is pressed down a little. After transplantation, the plant is not watered for 2 days.

Choosing a place to grow rosemary plants at home

Home rosemary
This plant loves sunlight, so choosing a place to grow rosemary at home is taken with particular seriousness. The grass is sprouted on a window, on a balcony or loggia. These are the best options for common rosemary. These tips for choosing a comfortable place must be followed, especially for beginner gardeners.

Room temperature and excellent lighting are the main conditions for successful plant germination. Therefore, it is important to select the sunny side (east or south) on which the windows face. During the cold season, daylight hours are shorter. Therefore, it is necessary to provide additional lighting - electric lamps. When growing the seasoning in the shade, there is a high probability that rosemary will die, as the leaves will begin to turn yellow and gradually dry out.

Worth knowing: It is forbidden to place flowerpots near radiators; this will negatively affect the soil, leading to drought and death of the grass.

How to choose a suitable place in a house or apartment?

When choosing a place for the constant growth of rosemary in the house, you need to provide it with constant warmth and maximum light throughout the day.

South-facing window sills, glazed verandas and balconies fall under these characteristics.

REFERENCE. Rosemary is also known as a big fan of frequent airing. This also needs to be taken into account when installing a pot with a plant closer to openable windows and vents.

Rosemary Pot: Choices for Growing

The roots of the plant are branched - this must be taken into account when choosing a pot to plant it in a spacious container. The ideal solution for rosemary is pottery or clay pots. It is not advisable to choose plastic and wooden pots for growing, as this interferes with normal air circulation and may cause mold development and rotting.

The main thing is to lay drainage on the bottom of the pot: expanded clay, aquarium soil or small pebbles. To prevent moisture retention, it is advisable to leave a small hole in the bottom of the planter.

Signs and superstitions

Rosemary is called the “dew of the sea” and the “flower of the righteous”, and there are many signs associated with it. It is believed that the flower grows well only in the house of righteous and clean women. In ancient times, the Greeks believed that rosemary symbolized love and memory. The plant has always been associated with the goddess of love Aphrodite. It was believed that if you plant a flower at home, you can attract love and care.

Interesting! If an unmarried girl put a sprig of a plant under her pillow, she would definitely see her future husband in a dream.

A sprig of rosemary was placed on the grave of relatives as a sign of remembrance. They used it to fumigate rooms in the house to get rid of damage and evil spirits. In the same way they got rid of nightmares. The priests made a solution from the plant and washed amulets and amulets with it, which brought good luck.

Rosemary has many uses

Rosemary is an indispensable plant in every household. It can be used for a variety of purposes: for treatment, garden decoration, growing indoors as a flower, in cooking. Many housewives are interested in when rosemary blooms, how to grow it and what conditions to create for it. In fact, everything is simple - there are no special care rules; even an amateur can cope with growing the plant.

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Preparing the soil for growing rosemary

Successful cultivation of an evergreen plant in a flowerpot depends on the condition of the soil. Therefore, it is important to prepare it. Rosemary is not demanding, but it is still important to choose neutral and slightly alkaline soil. For good air circulation, you need to add a small amount of sand. There is also another option: purchasing ready-made land for a house. flowers at a specialized retail outlet or combining humus with soil from your plot of land.

So, as mentioned above, before planting a plant for cultivation, the soil ball needs to be prepared. The soil is a favorable environment for the development of pests, so it is important to pre-treat it before sowing:

  • Special preparations that are sold in any flower shop. This method kills harmful bacteria and microorganisms.
  • Heat treatment: roast the soil in the oven at high temperatures for several hours.
  • Cold Exposure - Place the soil outside in the cold for a week.

Place the drainage in a thin layer on the bottom of the pot. To create comfortable conditions, fill the soil in advance, 7 days before planting. In order for it to be perfectly saturated with oxygen, just hold it on paper and then pour it into a container for the flower to grow.

Possible problems and their solutions

Failure to maintain the comfortable conditions necessary for the growth of rosemary leads to problems with its cultivation. Both novice gardeners and experienced indoor plant lovers can encounter them.

The leaves are fallingDraftDo not leave the plant in the room while airing
The leaves are turning yellowLack of moistureMoisten the soil regularly
Weak, elongated shootsPoor lighting, lack of nutrientsUsing a lamp to make up for the lack of light, feeding

Yellowing of leaves

Rosemary plant: growing from seeds at home

Rosemary: growing from seeds at home
This is a method that will allow you to grow a rosemary plant yourself at home. You need to purchase seeds at a specialized retail outlet - a flower shop. It's simple, the main thing is to choose the variety you need. There are some species that take a long time to germinate. But in any case, you can germinate any seeds. This can be done in spring or autumn - the seeds will germinate at home in any case, cool outside or warm.

Prepare the conditions for sowing in advance:

  • Induce germination - place seeds in damp gauze for 4 days .
  • If necessary, season the dried gauze with water (a small amount so that the seed does not rot).
  • After 4-5 days the seed germinates.
  • Make a hole in the ground (about cm) and place the seedlings there.
  • Fill the hole with a small amount of soil and cover it with plastic wrap with holes (this will speed up growth).
  • Place the pots in a sunny place at an air temperature of +20°C .
  • Then, with abundant growth, move the seedlings to the window.

Worth knowing: It is not advisable to plant seeds in one container, as this may cause competition with the root system.

When to replant?

Always plan to transplant your rosemary in the spring. Early is better, but you can move a little closer to summer.

It is necessary to replant rosemary, as the plant has a very powerful root. The preferred method for work is, of course, transshipment.

So, young rosemary will have to be replanted at least once a year. And already at 4-5 years of life, transplantation gradually becomes less frequent. Fully mature plants can be transplanted into a new container every 3-4 years. But even in this case, every year the top layer of soil is renewed a little, a couple of centimeters. This is because rosemary very actively consumes nutrients from the soil.

Another advantage of transplanting in the spring is that you can combine two types of care at once. Directly, the transplant itself, but also annual spring feeding. In this case, the plant receives less stress, recovers faster and takes root better in its new location.

Growing rosemary from a sprig or cuttings at home: stages

The cutting process is easy and simple at home. Start at the top of the herb - trim or take a separate herb sprig. So, we grow rosemary from twigs and cuttings.

Preparatory/sequential stages:

  1. Tear off the lower leaves, place the petiole in water ( up to 2 weeks ) - this is necessary until the shoots grow roots. It is important to keep the water clean by constantly replacing it every 2-3 days .
  2. When roots appear, plant the cuttings in the ground (pots). Make a small hole in advance, cover it with soil and do not water it too much.
  3. Trim the tops of the grass to ensure full root formation, although this is not so important.

The best planting time is early to mid-April. Propagation by cuttings is a faster process when compared with germination using seeds.

Methods for propagating rosemary

Growing rosemary at home begins with planting the plant (unless, of course, you purchased an already mature plant in a container). There are the following propagation methods that will allow you to grow a perennial at home:

  • through seeds;
  • by cuttings;
  • transplanting a bush from open ground into a pot.

By the way! The following varieties of rosemary are most suitable for growing at home: Dewdrop, Tenderness, Medicinal, Fragrant, Richard.

Sowing rosemary seeds

The timing of sowing rosemary seeds is the same as when planting various crops for seedlings: the first half of spring (that is, March, early April).

Before sowing seeds at home, it is recommended to prepare them, because they take a long time to germinate (14-30 days). Preparation will speed up germination and improve germination:

  • The most important thing to do is to stratify the seeds : place them between two damp disks (or in cotton cloth, in damp sand), wrap them in a bag and place them in the refrigerator for 30 days. This material describes how to stratify lavender seeds; you can prepare rosemary seeds in the same way. The seeds of the crop are very slow to germinate, and without stratification they may simply not germinate.
  • But if it so happens that you do not have the opportunity to stratify the planting material, then it is advisable, as a preparation, to at least soak them in a growth stimulator, for example, Zircon, Epin (do everything according to the instructions).

You can sow rosemary seeds at home according to this scheme:

  • Prepare the container. A common wide bowl about 7 cm high will do; it must have drainage holes.
  • Place a drainage layer on the bottom of the container, for example, fine expanded clay, perlite. The layer is about 2 centimeters.
  • Fill the container with soil mixture.
  • Lightly moisten the surface of the soil with a spray bottle.
  • Sow the seeds along the surface of the soil, try to maintain a distance between them of about 1.5-2 cm.
  • Then sprinkle the seeds with a mixture of soil and sand, the layer thickness is 2-3 millimeters.
  • Cover the container with a lid or plastic wrap.

To grow rosemary from seeds, you need to provide optimal conditions after planting: air temperature around +25-27 degrees Celsius; the place can be either dark or light (before germination, lighting does not matter).

By the way! You can carry out stratification after sowing the seeds; to do this, you need to cover the container with a lid or wrap it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for a month. And then just move it to a warm place.

After the rosemary seeds germinate, you need to remove the lid (or film) and move the container to a room with a temperature of +18-20°C, with good lighting.

A month after the emergence of shoots, it is necessary to pick out the rosemary. Plant young shoots in separate cups:

  • You need to dive carefully, try not to damage the roots; you don’t need to shake off the soil from them. You can pick up a seedling in a bowl with other plants using a wooden stick.
  • Fill the cups with soil in advance and make a hole in the center.
  • Place the seedling there, cover it with soil, compact it slightly and water it.
  • After 1-2 months it will be possible to transplant into a larger container.

Rosemary cuttings

You can grow rosemary at home not only from seeds, but also from cuttings. The method of reproduction is quite simple, the main thing is to do everything correctly.

The first step of cuttings is preparation of cuttings , which consists of the following steps:

  • The first thing, of course, you need to find cuttings: they should be semi-lignified, 10-15 cm long, they should be taken from the top of the branches. If you don’t have rosemary in your garden, you can buy sprigs in a store or market (the main thing is that they are fresh and not wilted).

  • Remove all the lower leaves (the upper ones must remain!).
  • Now you should root it: place the lower ends without leaves in a jar (or cups) with clean and soft water at room temperature. There should not be a lot of water in the jar, 3-4 cm is enough (as the water evaporates, it needs to be added).
  • Place the cuttings in a jar in a warm place with a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

After 2-3 weeks, roots should appear on the cutting; you should immediately transplant the cutting into a container with soil. Such specimens should not be kept in water; the roots should be no longer than 5 mm; in this state they will take root and take root in the ground better and faster. Planting germinated cuttings in a container is carried out according to the following rules:

  • Prepare plastic cups (or cassettes) with drainage holes, the optimal volume is 100 ml.
  • Fill the cups with soil.
  • Immerse the cutting in the center of the cup (to a depth of 3 cm).

  • Water carefully so as not to wash away the soil.
  • Cover the cutting with a plastic bag, but be sure to make several small holes to allow fresh air to enter.
  • Now move the containers to a bright and warm place.
  • After about 3-5 weeks, new leaves should appear on the cuttings, after which you need to gradually remove the film cover.
  • Pinch the top of the cutting to encourage side shoots to grow.

How to dig up a bush for the winter

Rosemary is grown in our country in different parts with different weather and climatic conditions. In southern regions with warm winters, the perennial can successfully overwinter. But in cold regions (in the middle zone (Moscow region), in Siberia, in the Urals, in the Leningrad region, etc.), the southern plant most likely will not survive the winter. Therefore, digging up rosemary for the winter and storing it is an important point in caring for perennials.

You need to dig up the bush in late autumn, when the ground has not yet become frozen. You should carefully dig around the bush in a circle so as not to damage the roots. You need to remove a whole earthen ball with roots from the soil and transplant it into a new pot using the transshipment method. Then fill the voids with soil, water them and place them in a cool place without direct sunlight for 10-14 weeks for adaptation. And then you can move it to a bright windowsill. And in order to preserve rosemary throughout the winter, it is necessary to provide it with comfortable conditions, but more on that below.

By the way! The dug up and replanted bush can either be planted back into open ground in the spring, or left for growing in a pot.

Creating favorable conditions at home for growing homemade rosemary

Favorable conditions for the successful growth of homemade rosemary is an important stage. For this grass it is good that the air humidity does not exceed 40% . The seasoning should not grow in drought. The room should be ventilated occasionally, avoiding drafts and temperature .

In the cold season, ordinary rosemary “sleeps”. Comfortable temperature in the winter season - up to +15°С . It’s easy to create such conditions: place flower pots near a window in a balcony or on a loggia. During the growing season, it is important to ensure a constant temperature of +20-25°C.

Remember: Rosemary is a resilient plant. Weakening of the immune system occurs only in winter.

Lighting for grass is enhanced, but not more than 10 hours. per day You just need to make sure that the grass receives enough light from all sides. You need to occasionally rotate the pots with grass 180° 1 r. in 3 days In winter, additional lighting sources are used - special lamps or several small lamps.

Brief description of rosemary with photo

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub belonging to the Lamiaceae family.
Under natural conditions it grows very quickly, by approximately 20 cm every year. The maximum height of an adult perennial is 2 m. Domestic specimens are significantly lower than their “wild comrades.” Wild shrubs can grow in one place for 10-15 years, in a room (with proper care) - 20-30 years. Brief botanical characteristics of rosemary:

  • the root system is powerful, woody and branched, the stem is erect, gray-brown in color;
  • branches are branched, tetrahedral, pubescent;
  • leaves are leathery, linear, opposite, up to 3.5 cm long, up to 0.4 cm wide;
  • the flowers are small, bluish-violet in color, collected in inflorescences;
  • The fruit is round and looks like a small brown nut.

Fresh, slightly bitter leaves have a pronounced aroma, reminiscent of a complex mixture of eucalyptus, camphor, lemon, and pine. Flowering occurs in April-May, and the seeds ripen only in September.

Attention! Rosemary placed in a room effectively purifies the air from pathogenic microorganisms. This is due to the antibacterial effect of the essential oils that make up the herb. Rosemary contains not only essential oils, but also a whole complex of useful substances

The leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Fresh or dried leaves are added to many dishes. The aromatic spice is very decorative. It is often used in garden design, both in group and single plantings. Rosemary hedges look impressive

Rosemary contains not only essential oils, but also a whole range of useful substances. The leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Fresh or dried leaves are added to many dishes. The aromatic spice is very decorative. It is often used in garden design, both in group and single plantings. Rosemary hedges look impressive.

Greenery on the windowsill all year round

Features of growing rosemary at home

Growing healthy seasonings at home is easy if you care for them correctly. Features of growing at home:

  • This herb is propagated by cuttings or seeds.
  • It was described above that these 2 processes are different. If the seeds need to be germinated, then with cuttings everything is somewhat simpler; it is enough to plant the prepared shoot in fertile soil (rich in vitamins and microelements).
  • At home, grass can grow up to 1.5 meters high.
  • For lushness and growth control, it is important to trim off excess leaves in the spring and autumn.
  • A healthy shrub on a windowsill is usually about 60 cm . in height, which is quite normal.

Plant care is also important. Read on.

How to plant rosemary correctly?

It is better to replant in the spring. To properly plant rosemary, you need to prepare a substrate of peat, river sand, fertile soil and humus. Place a layer of expanded clay chips at the bottom of the holes for drainage, add humus and place a bush or seedlings. Cover the plant with soil and compact it. Water well with soft water.

Important! To properly transplant rosemary, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the root system during the procedure. Damage to the root system must not be allowed.

Improper care causes diseases

Caring for domestic rosemary when growing at home

Caring for domestic rosemary
Common domestic rosemary, although not whimsical, still requires due attention when growing at home. Without this, you won’t be able to grow a good flower. Plant care:

  • It is important to shed it with water in a timely manner: 2 times. per week (in winter) and 1 r. in 2 days in warm weather , flavoring with a special fertilizer 1 r. per month
  • It is important to ensure that the grass does not dry out.
  • Excessive watering is also undesirable. This is fraught with rotting of the roots and death of the grass.

Evergreen grass requires good lighting:

  • In the warm season, the pots are placed on the sunny side of your house on the windowsill.
  • In winter, artificial lighting is necessary, for a maximum of 6 hours . With a lack of light rays, the leaves fade and dry out.

In a living space, it is important to maintain moisture. The necessary indicators can be achieved with timely ventilation, protecting from exposure to cold air.

Remember: This grass is prone to various diseases when kept indoors and dry.

How rosemary usually grows in winter

Rosemary - growing in open ground

In winter, perennial shrubs, unlike annual ones, must be covered. Moreover, rosemary is a heat-loving crop. To do this, the entire above-ground part of the bush is cut off and covered with a layer of sawdust. Then fir branches are laid out on top, they should look like a small tent or tent.

Important! It is recommended to dig up rosemary and plant it in pots and bring it into the house for the dormant period. This method increases the likelihood of better survival next year in open ground.

Homemade rosemary: diseases and pests

Achieving a healthy appearance of this useful plant is not difficult if you follow the rules of watering and good lighting. In addition to the fact that the homemade rosemary bush has an antibacterial effect, it is not spared from some diseases. Here are the diseases and pests of the plant:

  • The pleasant pine smell is not felt - heavy watering. Reduce soil moisture slightly, but do not overdry.
  • Powdery mildew - abundantly covered with light dots. In appearance it can be compared to flour spilled on a plant. This is possible in case of strong humidity and dryness of the room.
  • Spider mites - You will see spider webs on the leaves that are starting to turn yellow.
  • Aphids - the leaves curl into a tube and turn yellow.
  • Scale is a growth on the stems and leaves of a plant.
  • The whitefly is a small moth with white wings. It eats leaves, causing them to wither and turn yellow.

It is possible to eliminate pests yourself by spraying concentrated laundry soap or using products that can be purchased at specialized flower shops. It is rare to observe such diseases on a windowsill, unless the soil was initially contaminated (treatment as described above will help).


Let's look at rosemary diseases indoors and how to care for a sick plant.

The most common disease of rosemary is downy mildew. This fungus covers the leaves and shoots of the plant with a white coating. The disease develops only with high humidity.

To cure it, it is enough to follow the correct watering regime, keep the plant in a dry atmosphere and periodically ventilate the room.

Of all the pests of indoor and garden plants, only spider mites and scale insects can live on rosemary . These insects arrive on the bush in the summer and overwinter indoors. They feed on the sap, weakening the plant and spoiling its appearance. Timely treatment with insecticides will help completely destroy pests.

Collection and storage of homemade rosemary after cultivation: stages

Storing homemade rosemary after growing
The last pleasant stage after growing is harvesting. Carefully collect the shoots of the plant; the special aroma is stored on its upper parts. Just carefully cut off the tops of the branches 15-20 cm long. Choose the juiciest and greenest branches.

Homemade rosemary herb perfectly complements many dishes, giving an intense sweet and sour flavor. Beneficial properties are retained for a long time even in dried or frozen products.

Sequence of drying and storing rosemary - stages:

  1. Rinse the stems thoroughly, dry on a towel, dabbing with a dry cloth.
  2. Place the prepared branches on a sheet, cover its surface with parchment paper in advance.
  3. Dry in a dark and well-ventilated place for about 20 days , occasionally turning the branches over for even drying.
  4. Then tie the dry twigs into a bundle and hang it in the pantry for storage.
  5. Should be stored no longer than 1 year . You can put the twigs in a cloth bag.

Dried rosemary
Gardeners and experienced housewives also dry rosemary in the oven:

  • Set the temperature to minimum.
  • Keep the spread branches on a sheet on the top shelf for 3-4 hours.
  • Then tie the branches with rope and put them in the pantry for storage.

You can also dry the herbs in a vegetable and fruit dehydrator.

Dried rosemary sprigs in the oven

It’s also good to do vacuum freezing:

  • Wash the branches and place them on parchment paper until completely dry.
  • Place them separately in the freezer.
  • When the grass is frozen, place it in a separate bag.

In winter, it is convenient to take the right amount of seasoning and use it in cooking.

Trimming / Support / Garter

When growing rosemary indoors, it is important to prune the plant.

To form a beautiful plant, the rosemary bush must be pruned annually. Pruning is done in February or early March.

All branches that grew last year are cut by 2/3 so that side shoots begin to actively grow on them. It is advisable to thin out very overgrown dense bushes by cutting out branches that greatly thicken the crown.

In addition to formative pruning, old bushes are rejuvenated by cutting out all the old branches, leaving only the young ones growing from the lower part of the trunk. This pruning is carried out if there are a lot of old branches on the bush that are losing their leaves and becoming bare.

Anti-aging pruning of rosemary is carried out no more than once every 7 years in early spring.

Large dense bushes are pruned during flowering to obtain medicinal raw materials. In this case, young flowering shoots with leaves are cut, which are then dried and used for medicinal purposes.

Mistakes when growing rosemary at home

Properly growing a healthy rosemary plant on a balcony or window indoors is not a complicated process. But you need to know some aspects of caring for this grass. As people say: without labor and effort you can only grow rubbish. Mistakes that flower growers often make:

  • It is prohibited to replant grass. Caring for evergreen grass itself requires careful treatment, especially in the cold season, it is during this period that the immune system weakens.
  • Bad light. It is also important to provide proper light - up to 10 hours . If necessary, additional light sources should be used.
  • Poor water or, conversely, oversaturation of the soil with moisture. In fact, there are no special recommendations when watering. The main thing is not to overwater and not to dry out the soil of the plant.
  • Lack of feeding. It is necessary to take care of fertilizing with useful microelements, which are publicly available in the store.

Rosemary is not often grown at home on the windowsill. Its pleasant pine aroma fills the entire apartment, relieving fatigue and pain. Depending on the growing conditions, it is worth maintaining a comfortable room temperature, relative humidity and a well-ventilated area. Only in this case will you grow a beautiful and fragrant plant, as well as a spicy and healthy seasoning for dishes and herbs for treatment. Good luck!

Growing season

Rosemary begins to actively grow on the windowsill in the spring - in March. By the end of April - beginning of May it is already blooming. After the seeds form, the plant begins a dormant period. At this time, the room temperature must be reduced to 12 - 15 degrees. Below is not recommended, since the crop does not tolerate cold. Temperatures of minus 5 degrees are already critical.

In summer, frankincense grass can grow and develop at 25 degrees. If the apartment is very hot, spraying is carried out to enhance heat transfer from the sheet plates.

Important! If you do not provide rosemary with a cool winter, there will be no flowering next season, since vegetative buds form at low temperatures

Features of the plant

The perennial plant rosemary belongs to the Yamnotaceae family. In nature it is a shrub or subshrub, so it often serves as a hedge. It has a highly developed root system, the roots can penetrate deep into the ground - about 4 m, so it can be found in dry places. Under natural conditions, rosemary grows up to 2 m, in a room most often up to 60 cm, occasionally up to 1 m. The plant is grown in bonsai style.

If you look at the photo, the branches of the plant are pubescent; on short petioles there are leathery, glossy linear leaves with downward curved edges. Annual shoots are light gray; in older ones, the bark peels off, they become woody and acquire a dark gray color. Flowers are collected in small dense inflorescences. Under good conditions, the flowering period lasts approximately 25 days. At the same time, they emit a delicate smell, which combines the aroma of lemon, eucalyptus and pine needles. The brown seeds of the plant are small.

At home, you can grow a low-growing variety of rosemary in a pot. The peculiarity is that it grows slowly, but with proper care it will turn into a small tree, and then it may not have enough space. At home you can plant the following varieties of rosemary:

  • drug;
  • fragrant;
  • Dewdrop;
  • Tenderness;
  • Richard.

What you need to know about rosemary

The shrub is divided into two main types - prostrate rosemary and ordinary (medicinal). Only the common rosemary species (also called fragrant) can be cultivated indoors. Prostrate is a wild species and is more often used as an ornamental shrub to decorate gardens.

The medicinal species, in turn, is divided into several varieties, which have some, not so significant differences among themselves, but they all take root well at home.

The plant grown in a pot can be used as a spice by adding it to dishes. It also has healing properties; decoctions and tinctures are made from it for various diseases. The bush purifies the air from microbes, emits a fragrant aroma, and according to ancient beliefs, protects the house from evil forces.

Planting process

Planting rosemary is carried out as follows:

  1. Place a layer of drainage material at the bottom of the pot. Its thickness should be about 3 cm.
  2. Sprinkle some prepared soil on top.
  3. Take the seedling and place it at the bottom of the pot.
  4. Holding the bush with one hand, fill the empty space of the container with fertile soil with the other.
  5. Moisten the soil.

For the first 2-3 days, remove the rosemary away from direct sunlight so that the spice bush gets used to it faster.

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