Dates: beneficial properties and possible harm to the body, composition and calorie content of fruits per 100 grams + how much you need to eat per day

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Published: 02/28/2020

Reading time: 13 min



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Dates are fruits that contain many nutrients. Thanks to them, in Arab countries they are called the “bread of life.” In Russia, dried date palm fruits are most often available. More often than not, they don't attract our attention because they don't look too appetizing. But dates, both dried and fresh, are very beneficial for the human body and have a positive effect on our health.

For a long time, the fruits of date trees were considered as a "sugar bomb", later studies showed that although they are very sweet, these fruits do not cause an increase in blood sugar levels. And significantly reduce cholesterol levels.

Dates are also known to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. However, this is not the end of the health benefits we will get from eating this delicious product. Discover other benefits and possible harms of these little healthy fruits.

  • Dates: what is it?
  • How dates grow Dried and fresh dates
  • Composition and calorie content
  • Contraindications for use
  • Dates: glycemic index
  • Dates - beneficial properties and how much you can eat per day
      Benefits of dates for women
  • Is it possible to give dried dates to children?
  • Is it possible to eat dates for constipation as a laxative?
  • Dates for weight loss: is it possible or not and how much?
  • How to use dates in the kitchen
  • How to select and store dried dates
  • Dates: what is it?

    Dates are the fruits of date palms that grow in many countries in Africa, Australia, North and South America. Because they provide a lot of energy, they were one of the earliest fruits grown by humans. They were used as a high-energy food during travel. On their basis, sweet date syrup (honey) for baking and wine were prepared. Dried dates are very easy to store, which is why they quickly conquered the whole world as a food product.

    Dates are a source of sugars and natural salicylates that act like aspirin. Also used in the cosmetics industry. Plant DHEA (derived from the date tree) is an ingredient identical to the natural hormone produced by the human body.

    Used in the cream, it has regenerating, antioxidant, firming, soothing and highly wrinkle-smoothing properties. They are also added to body creams, lotions, and bath foams.

    However, it should be taken into account that the content of individual nutrients in date fruits varies depending on the variety. For example, the most popular variety - Deglet Nur - contains only (0.4 mg / 100 g) vitamin C and slightly more vit. A (10 IU). In turn, the Medjool variety does not contain vitamin C at all, but it is compensated by a significant content of vit. A (149 IU) and B6 (0.249 mg / 100 g).

    In addition, Medjool contains more calcium (64 mg/100 g) and magnesium (54 mg/100 g) than Deglet Nur (39 mg/100 g and 43 mg/100 g, respectively), but has less folic acid. (15 mcg/100 g).

    The date palm is the most important fruit crop of tropical deserts and semi-deserts

    Dates are the fruit of the date palm. All the numerous varieties of dates presented on the world market belong to one botanical species - the palmate date (true date palm).

    The fruits of some other date palm species are also edible and are used as food by local populations in the regions where they grow, but these fruits are not supplied to the world market.

    Dates are the fruit of the date palm

    The true date palm is widely grown in North Africa, West Asia, Pakistan and the dry areas of India. Small palmate date plantations are also found on the Mediterranean coast of Southern Europe, in the hot, dry regions of the USA, in Australia and South Africa. This is one of the few plants ideally adapted to the hot, dry climate of southern deserts and semi-deserts.

    Dates are widely grown along the Mediterranean coast, including in Southern Europe.

    For date plantations, sunny places with underground aquifers or with the possibility of artificial irrigation are chosen. When planting, seedlings are placed according to a pattern of 8 x 8 or 10 x 10 meters, depending on the varietal characteristics and soil conditions. Scions from adult fruit-bearing plants are used as planting material. Date palm seedlings are very heterogeneous in their economic characteristics and are not used for establishing industrial plantations.

    When and how do dates bloom?

    The date palm is a dioecious plant. Male and female inflorescences are located on different specimens. Date palms are pollinated by the wind. When establishing commercial plantations, for every few dozen female trees, a male specimen must be planted for cross-pollination. Date palms bloom from February to November, depending on the variety and region. The sex of plants can only be determined during flowering. It takes about a year for the fruit to ripen.

    Male inflorescences of date palms do not bear fruit, but are necessary for pollination.

    Male date palms bloom in large cystic inflorescences consisting of small three-petal flowers with numerous stamens. For better pollination, the blossoming male inflorescences are often cut and hung in the crowns of flowering female trees.

    In the old days, cut male inflorescences were often dried and stored in reserve for several years in linen bags to ensure a harvest of dates even if the male pollinator tree died.

    Male date palm flowers have three petals and several stamens.

    On female date palm trees, the inflorescences are also arranged in large clusters, but they look a little different.

    The female inflorescence of a date palm is the basis of the future date harvest

    The female date flower looks like a small ball without petals. In case of successful pollination, a date fruit will grow from each such ball-flower.

    Female date palm flowers look like tiny balls without petals.

    How do dates bear fruit?

    Date palms begin to bear fruit early. The first fruits on female specimens appear already at the age of four. By this time, young palm trees do not yet have time to grow a tall trunk, and clusters of dates often end up lying on the ground. On some plantations, such clusters of fruit are tied to supports to avoid contact with the soil, but this is not always done and not everywhere. That is why dates purchased at the market or in a store are strongly recommended to be washed before consumption, especially in countries with unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological conditions.

    Young date palms often have fruit clusters in contact with the ground.

    Date harvesting is done by hand. This is very dangerous and hard work. Pickers climb trees and use special curved knives to cut off clusters of ripe fruits, then carefully lower them to the ground.

    Harvesting dates by hand is hard and dangerous work.

    In the northern hemisphere, the date ripening season lasts from May to December. In May, fruits of early varieties begin to be collected in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. The main harvest in most countries of North Africa and Western Asia takes place from August to October.

    Picking dates in Tunisia (video)

    An adult date palm can simultaneously have from 3 to 20 large clusters of fruits. The weight of each hand usually ranges from 7 to 18 kilograms. The harvest from young trees is small, only 10–20 kilograms of fruits per tree, but every year it increases and by 15 years the trees already produce 60–100 kilograms of dates per year. The yield of mature palm trees in good conditions can reach 150–250 kilograms of dates per tree annually. Palm trees bear fruit for up to 80–100 years or more; there are known cases of regular fruiting of 200-year-old trees.

    On an adult palm tree, several large clusters of dates ripen at once during the fruiting period.

    An individual date fruit is a juicy, fleshy berry with one large seed. The color of dates, depending on the variety, is yellow, orange, red or brownish. The size of the fruit reaches 8 centimeters in length and 4 centimeters in diameter. Each fruit contains one large oblong stone with a longitudinal groove.

    Each date contains one large oblong seed.

    Different varieties of dates are used for food either fresh or dried. Fresh dates can only be tasted in the regions where they grow. Dried fruits that can be stored for many months are supplied to the world market. Depending on the variety, they turn out soft, semi-dry or dry.

    The benefits and harms of dates

    Dates are a very popular sweet treat that can replace candy and sugar. They contain small amounts of B vitamins, carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin K. Among minerals, dates are especially rich in potassium, and also contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and small amounts of iron, sodium, zinc, copper and manganese. The high potassium content makes dates beneficial for cardiovascular diseases. The calorie content of dates is very high and reaches 280–340 kcal per 100 grams of product, depending on the variety.

    Sweet, high-calorie dates are strictly contraindicated for diabetes and obesity. Healthy people should not overuse this delicacy.

    Sweet and tasty dates are just a popular delicacy, but not a panacea for all diseases.

    The articles that flood the Internet about the mythical super-health benefits of dates have absolutely no scientific basis.

    Yes, dates are indeed one of the staple foods of the poor population of the tropical desert zone, but this happens only for the banal reason that other agricultural plants simply do not survive in the hot and dry desert climate.

    What are king dates and where do they grow?

    Royal dates are the commercial trade name for the fruit of the Medjoul date palm, grown in many countries in North Africa and Western Asia, as well as in South Africa and the United States. Royal dates differ from other varieties only in their larger sizes and nothing else; their chemical composition is completely identical to other varieties.

    Royal dates are the fruits of the large-fruited Medjoul date palm.

    Royal date plantation on video

    How dates grow

    Dates grow on date palms, which reach a height of 25 meters. They grow in Africa, America and Australia. The fruits are oblong and reach up to 7 cm in length. Dried ones have a hard skin and soft, sticky fibers inside.

    How dates grow on trees, photo

    There are three main groups of date palm varieties, the fruit of which is eaten:

    • hard - this group includes the Thoor variety, called “date bread”;
    • semi-hard - include, for example, the varieties Dairy, Zahdi and the most popular and at the same time the best type Deglet Nur;
    • soft - the Medjool variety is in this group. This variety has very large fruits, delicate thin skin and juicy pulp.

    In Russia, you can mainly find soft and semi-hard dates in dried or fresh form. Durum is an ingredient in flour used to make bread.

    What a date palm looks like, photo

    Dried and fresh dates

    Dried dates are often mistaken for fresh. This is because fresh fruit looks as if it has already been dried. Fresh dates contain very little water compared to other fruits, only 21.3 grams per 100g. Does drying affect the nutritional value?

    Drying is one of the traditional preservation methods based on dehydration. This slows down the growth rate of bacteria and mold, which can cause spoilage in fruits and vegetables.

    Some nutrients, such as vitamin B, are sensitive to high temperatures, but the final properties of dried and fresh dates are not much different. Why? Due to the small amount of water, fresh dates undergo very short drying time.

    Dried dates are an excellent source of energy, vitamins and microelements. They help maintain health and have anti-inflammatory properties. Support the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems. They are also a relatively healthy sugar replacement.

    Other types of date palms, their distribution in the wild and in culture

    In addition to the most widely known palmate date, there are several other related date palm species. All of them have large feathery leaves, reaching several meters in length, and are dioecious plants (male and female flowers develop on different specimens).

    Types of date palms and regions of their growth in the wild (table)

    Russian nameLatin nameMature tree heightDistribution in nature
    Date palmatePhoenix dactylifera10–30 metersNorth Africa, Middle East
    Date of TheophrastusPhoenix theophrastiup to 15 metersSouthern Greece, Crete, Türkiye
    Date canarianPhoenix canariensis10–20 metersCanary Islands
    Date rejectedPhoenix reclinatafrom 7 to 15 metersAfrica
    Forest datePhoenix sylvestrisfrom 4 to 15 metersIndia and surrounding countries
    Date rockPhoenix rupicolaup to 6–8 metersHimalayas
    Date RobelenaPhoenix roebeleniiup to 3 metersSoutheast Asia
    Marsh datePhoenix paludosaup to 5 metersIndia, Southeast Asia

    Date palmate

    The date palm (true date palm, common date palm) usually grows to a height of 10–15 meters, sometimes up to 25–30 meters. Numerous suckers are formed at the base of the trunks of mature palm trees and are used for propagation. It is generally accepted that the real date palm has not survived in the wild, and all its numerous specimens, found in abundance in the deserts and semi-deserts of North Africa and the Middle East, are wild descendants of cultivated plants and grow on the site of abandoned ancient oases.

    Numerous shoots are formed at the base of the trunks of common date palms

    The palmate date is very light-loving and tolerates high temperatures, strong winds and dust storms that often occur in deserts. Tolerates soil salinity relatively easily. This palm can grow on clean sand and is very drought-resistant, but only if its roots reach deep underground water, otherwise it needs regular irrigation. In the dry climate of deserts and semi-deserts, the palmate date easily withstands short-term frosts down to -15°C, but in a more humid climate it dies at -9°C.

    The true date palm is one of the very few plants that can grow in desert conditions

    Date of Theophrastus

    The Theophrastus date (Cretan date palm) grows up to 15 meters in height. In nature, this palm is found in southern Greece, Crete and several neighboring islands, on the nearby coast of Turkey. This is the only date palm species growing wild in Europe. The size of the Cretan date fruits does not exceed 1.5 centimeters in length and 1 centimeter in diameter, they have fibrous pulp with a mediocre taste, but sometimes they are still used as food by the local population. This palm produces a lot of basal shoots. The Cretan date can withstand short-term temperature drops down to -11°C.

    Date Theophrastus - the only wild date palm in Europe

    Date canarian

    The date canariensis (Canarian date palm) usually grows 10–20 meters high, but in exceptional cases can reach 40 meters in height. This palm is endemic to the Canary Islands and is not found anywhere else in the wild. Widely grown as an ornamental plant in open ground in Southern Europe, Western Asia, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, North and South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and in the subtropics of North and South America. In temperate countries it is very popular as a houseplant and greenhouse plant. Compared to the palmate date, the Canarian date is more resistant to high air humidity, which has ensured its wide distribution throughout the world. The Canarian date palm can withstand short-term cold snaps down to -9°C.

    The Canarian date is often grown as an ornamental tree in countries with subtropical climates.

    On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the Canarian date usually blooms in late autumn, but in some years flowering can begin much earlier, already in mid-summer. If in winter after flowering there were no frosts below -5°C, then the fruits will ripen in December next year. The mature fruits of the Canary date are yellowish-brown, ovoid in shape, reaching 2.5 centimeters in length and 1.5 centimeters in width. In principle, they are edible, but in practice they are not eaten due to the coarse fibrous pulp.

    The fruits of the Canarian date look attractive, but are inedible due to the coarse fibrous pulp

    Date rejected

    The date palm (date palm, wild date palm, Senegalese date palm) originates from tropical Africa, where it is grown almost everywhere. This is a multi-stemmed palm tree with a height of 7 to 15 meters. Its small fruits are edible and are widely used as food by the local population of African countries in its natural growth area. This palm is resistant to salty sea spray and moderate drought, therefore it is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in the dry tropical regions of many countries around the world. Maximum frost resistance -5°C. Rejected date easily crosses with other date palm species. Such hybrid seedlings often turn out to be significantly worse in their economic qualities than the original parental forms.

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    Rejected date - wild African date palm with edible fruits

    Forest date

    The forest date (wild date palm, Indian date palm, silver date palm, sugar date palm) is native to India and adjacent countries (Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka). Grows from 4 to 15 meters in height. The fruits are edible and widely used as food by the local population. In terms of fruit quality, this palm ranks second after the palmate date and is actively grown as a fruit crop in the countries of South Asia.

    Timber date is an Indian date palm, often grown on plantations in India and surrounding countries.

    Sweet sap is also extracted from the trunks of this palm tree and is used to make sugar and palm wine. The forest date is drought tolerant and moderately resistant to soil salinity. Maximum frost resistance -5°C.

    The fruits of the Indian date palm are almost as good in quality as real dates.

    Date rock

    Date rock (date stony) grows up to 6, sometimes up to 8 meters in height. Found naturally in the mountain forests of India and Bhutan. It is grown very rarely in cultivation. Its small fruits with large seeds do not exceed 2 centimeters in length. They are edible, but have no economic significance. Maximum frost resistance -3°C.

    The rock date is native to the mountain forests of the Himalayas.

    Date Robelena

    The Robelena date (dwarf date palm) grows no higher than 3 meters in height. Found naturally in the forests of Vietnam, Laos and Southern China. This beautiful miniature palm tree is very popular as an ornamental plant in the tropical zone and in indoor culture. Dies in frosts below -3°C. The fruits are small and have no economic value.

    The Robelena date is a very popular ornamental plant.

    Marsh date

    The marsh date (mangrove date palm, sea date) is a medium-sized palm tree, reaching no more than 5 meters in height. It grows in coastal mangrove forests on the sea coasts of India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia. The only type of date that can grow in marshy soils. This is a very heat-loving plant of the humid tropics, almost never found in cultivation due to its specific requirements for growing conditions. The fruits are very small.

    The marsh date is a plant of humid tropical mangrove forests.

    The fruits of all types of date palms are edible, none of them are poisonous, but many of them have no economic significance due to their too small size or coarse fibrous pulp.

    Fruits of different types of date palms (photo gallery)

    The palmate date is the main fruit crop in many tropical countries with dry climates and produces fruits of the highest quality.

    The fruits of the Cretan date are occasionally used as food by the local population

    The fruits of the Canarian date are not used for food due to their coarse fibrous pulp.

    The fruits of the Senegalese date are used as food by local people in Africa.

    The fruits of the Indian forest date are of good quality and are widely used as food by local people.

    The fruits of the rock date are edible, but have no economic value due to their small size

    The fruits of the Robelena date are very small and are not used for food.

    Small fruits of the mangrove date palm have no economic value

    Composition and calorie content

    The calories in dried dates should not be compared to the same amount of fresh fruit. 100 grams of fresh dates contain 142 kilocalories, and the energy value of the dried product is much more than 277 kcal.

    A dry product will always have more calories.

    Dried fruit is dehydrated, so it is a concentration of both energy (calories) and nutrients.

    The two most popular varieties of dates, Deglet Noor and Medjool, differ slightly in their nutritional content. Both varieties are a good source of vitamins and minerals.

    Deglet NurMedjool
    Vitamin C0.4 mg0 mg
    Thiamine0.052 mg0.050 mg
    Riboflavin0.066 mg0.060 mg
    Niacin1.274 mg1.610 mg
    Vitamin B60.165 mg0.249 mg
    Folic acid19 mcg15 mcg
    Vitamin A10 IU149 IU
    Vitamin E0.05 mg0 mg
    Vitamin K2.7 mcg2.7 mcg
    Deglet Nur (in mg)Medjool (in mg)
    • Potassium: affects blood pressure and regulates heart function, is involved in protein synthesis, supports the nervous system and muscles;
    • Magnesium: is necessary not only for the functioning of the heart and nerves, but also for basic energy transformations in our body;
    • Phosphorus: responsible for the skeleton and nervous system;
    • Zinc: strengthens the body's resistance to infections, maintains healthy hair and nails;
    • Iron: directly affects the ability of blood to carry oxygen, also has a beneficial effect on the immune and nervous systems;
    • B vitamins: are critical for the nervous system and metabolism.

    Nutritional value of fresh dates (per 100 g) (for popular varieties Deglet Nur and Medjool):

    Deglet NurMedjool
    Energy282 kcal277 kcal
    Squirrels2.45 g1.8 g
    Fats0.39 g0.15 g
    Carbohydrates75.03 g74.97 g
    incl. monosaccharides 63.35 g66.47 g
    Cellulose8 g6.7 g

    Dried dates have similar nutritional value. The exception is the fiber content, which is slightly higher (about 8.7 g/100 g) than the raw fruit.

    How to choose the “right” dates

    Dried fruits should be soft. Too hard fruits are a sign of staleness and staleness of the goods.

    The best dates are those that have dark skin. They are the most delicious and sweet. Light-colored dried fruits often indicate insufficient ripeness of the fruit.

    These fruits must be without damage or cracks in the skin. It is unacceptable to have sticky or crushed dates.

    • Avoid dates that have an oily or shiny surface. This is a sign of chemical treatment of dried fruits with preservatives or chemicals to extend the shelf life of the product. Buy with matte peel.
    • If possible, you should purchase dates from markets where you can touch them. The right date does not leave any oil marks on your fingers and will be moderately elastic.
    • There should be no sugar crystals on the dates. Some manufacturers specifically “sweeten” these dried fruits with sweet syrup.

    The presence of a seed is desirable; this guarantees minor processing of the dried fruit. Such dates will bring more benefits.

    Dates: glycemic index

    The glycemic index of dry dates is 62. This qualifies them as a medium glycemic index fruit. The sugars present in the fruit are simple sugars of natural origin. Dried dates are very rarely sweetened because it is not necessary due to their natural sweetness.

    Attention! People with diabetes should limit their consumption of dates because the average glycemic index is not safe for people with the condition.

    It should also be taken into account that fresh date palm fruits will have a lower glycemic index, allowing you to consume them in small quantities, even for diabetics (fresh IG is a maximum of 54).

    From the history of dates

    “Phoenix” is the second name of these fruits. Since ancient times, they have been cultivated on the African continent and the Middle East.

    Dates were cultivated in the Gulf countries 6 thousand years ago BC. This was shown by archaeological excavations in these territories.

    • In the Ancient East, these fruits were considered valuable, healthy and very nutritious. For these qualities they were taken with them on hikes. Residents of dry areas called them “desert bread.”
    • Images of these fruits were found on the walls of temples in Assyria and Babylon. And the ancient Egyptians painted them on the walls of their tombs.
    • In the Middle Ages, dates were brought to Southeast and South Asia, and later residents in European countries: Italy, Spain became acquainted with the sweet fruit.

    In the 17th century, the Spaniards brought these dried fruits to North America to California.

    Dates - beneficial properties and how much you can eat per day

    Both fresh and dried dates provide a large amount of energy due to their high content of simple sugars. In this regard, they are recommended for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. Despite this, regular consumption of the product does not increase blood sugar levels. Dates replenish glycogen levels in the liver and muscles, restoring energy reserves.

    Eating the fruits of date trees is recommended for people who live under excessive stress. Because they contain vitamins and minerals that improve the functioning of the nervous system. For the same reason, they improve heart function, reduce discomfort during menopause in women and protect against osteoporosis. They also contain taurine, which acts as an antidepressant and regulates sleep.

    Dates are also high in fiber. Thanks to this, they improve the functioning of the digestive system, prevent constipation and reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer. For the same reason, they interfere with the absorption of cholesterol, reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaque.

    This is why they protect against cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart attack.

    Dates contain natural salicylates (substances that act like aspirin), so they have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Therefore, they can be used as a gentle and natural remedy to support the fight against viral infections. And also as an aid in the treatment of pain in joints and muscles.

    A decoction of ripe fruits is used for asthma, sore throats and runny nose, and also as an expectorant.

    It is worth noting that date oil improves sperm motility and increases their number. Therefore, this product is also very useful for men.

    Benefits of dates for women

    Fruits, due to their fiber content, relieve symptoms of menopause, prevent atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. They are also often recommended for people suffering from hypertension.

    Dates give energy to a tired body within half an hour after consumption. They are especially recommended for women during childbirth so that they can achieve full fitness faster.

    Is it possible to give dried dates to children?

    Date tree fruits can be a healthy and sweet snack for your baby between meals. Using them you can prepare healthy baked goods and desserts without adding sugar.


    Still have questions? Ask them to the author in the comments!

    auto RU

    Delicious sweets do not cause tooth decay, provide energy for play and, despite containing natural sugars, reduce the risk of excess weight problems in the future.

    Growing date palms in open ground in the countries of the former USSR

    During Soviet times, numerous experiments were carried out on the acclimatization of date palms on the territory of the USSR. However, it was possible to achieve successful growth and fruiting of the real date palm (date palmate) only in the dry subtropics of southern Turkmenistan. All the numerous dates sold in abundance in the bazaars of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are imported goods brought from more southern countries. In the Black Sea subtropics, the palmate date grows poorly and quickly dies due to excessive dampness.

    The Canarian date is often grown as an ornamental plant on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus

    More resistant to high air and soil humidity, the Canary date is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant along the entire Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Russia (Krasnodar Territory), Abkhazia and Georgia. Individual specimens of the Canary date are also found on the southern coast of Crimea and in Azerbaijan (Baku, Lankaran).

    In the collections of botanical gardens in the subtropical zone of the Krasnodar Territory of Russia there are also single specimens of the forest date and the rejected date, but these species have not become widespread.

    Date palms should be planted in well-sunny areas protected from cold winds. The soil should be well drained, without stagnant water. The Canary date grows best in soils with a high lime content.

    Young date palm plants are less frost resistant than mature ones

    Young date palm plants often freeze even during short-term frosts down to -8..-9°C, so they usually have to be insulated for the winter using reed mats or breathable agrofibre. When covering in winter, it is especially important to protect the apical growth point at the base of young leaves from frost. If the growing point is significantly damaged, the palm tree almost inevitably dies. Adult palms, as a rule, are more hardy, but at -10..-12°C they are severely damaged and can die.

    In the conditions of Ukraine, any types of date palms in the open ground are very short-lived, even with winter shelter.

    Is it possible to eat dates for constipation as a laxative?

    To answer the question of whether date tree fruits are weakened or strengthened, you need to consider their composition in detail. An important role is played by the fact in what form the fruits are consumed: dried or fresh. Dried dates are a treasure trove of fiber, which helps speed up intestinal motility.

    Therefore, their use is advisable for constipation. Fruits can be eaten straight from the package, made into compote, or added to various dishes.

    If you have problems with bowel movements, it is best to consume the product in dried form, which contains more (albeit slightly) dietary fiber than fresh fruit. Dried dates are known for their laxative properties. Therefore, they should be consumed by people suffering from constipation. To get the laxative effect of dates, you need to soak them in water overnight and eat them in the morning.

    Conversely, fresh fruits contain large amounts of potassium, which is essential for diarrhea. The body easily digests fruits. This way you can eliminate a delicate problem.


    Eating these dried fruits in unlimited quantities is harmful.

    This can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

    • Bloating
    • Flatulence,
    • Diarrhea.

    Not recommended for diabetes, because they have a high glycemic index (about 60-65 in dried fruits).

    • It is enough to eat 10-15 dates a day.
    • You should not eat dates if you are allergic to them.
    • Individual intolerance to fruits.
    • Kidney diseases, namely urolithiasis.
    • Dental problems: caries, hypersensitivity.
    • Contraindicated for people with chronic headaches and migraines.

    Excess body weight (due to the high calorie content of dried fruit).

    These sweet fruits should not be eaten together with citrus fruits. This may lead to indigestion.

    Dates for weight loss: is it possible or not and how much?

    Dried dates, like all dried fruits and nuts, are high in calories. On a weight loss diet, you should not avoid any type of food and take care of a sufficient supply of energy every day, which is selected individually for the patient, taking into account his anthropometric characteristics, age and nutritional goals.

    You can eat dates while on a weight loss diet. But provided they are consumed in controlled quantities. For example, as an addition to 3-4 pieces of muesli or a natural sugar substitute in healthy homemade baked goods.

    The question of how many dates you should eat during a diet can be answered as follows: Dates are a rich source of potassium, dietary fiber and simple carbohydrates. They are successfully used for home baking as an element that gives an interesting taste and aroma, an addition to meat and an independent snack. People on a weight loss diet also do not need to give up eating these delicious fruits, but they should pay attention to their quantity.

    How to store dates

    If dates are bought for future use, they should be stored at low temperatures in the refrigerator.

    Do not keep dried fruits in the open air for too long. Because Pathogenic microorganisms can develop on their surface.

    How to use dates in the kitchen

    Dried dates can be eaten simply as a snack or added to dishes that use dried fruits. The mixes are the perfect addition to cakes and cookies that you don't want to add sugar to.

    These fruits also make an excellent base for making quick and healthy snacks, such as truffles or homemade bars with chopped dates, seeds and nuts.

    • Dried date syrup.

    Syrup from dried dates is much healthier than sugar. It can be used to enhance the taste of cakes, desserts, drinks or as a sweet addition to pancakes. This will provide a sweet taste without the use of sugar, while still providing vitamins and minerals.

    Date syrup can be purchased at health food stores, but is relatively expensive. Therefore, many housewives prepare it themselves at home. The preparation of such a sweetener is extremely simple and accessible even to a novice cook.

    The selected quantity of dried pitted dates should be filled with water to a level that covers them. Leave for one or two days. Then mix everything until smooth, adding a little water depending on your preferred consistency.

    • You can make a delicious and healthy dessert from fresh dates.

    We recommend trying stuffing fresh dates with a delicious filling. To prepare the filling you will need:

    • goat cheese or sheep cheese
    • salt,
    • lemon,
    • pepper,
    • hot peppers,
    • green onions,
    • lemon juice.

    Roll the cheese pieces into balls. Season with paprika, onion, olive oil and lemon juice. Place inside the fruit. Here's the perfect way to eat fresh dates!

    Growing date palms at home

    Various types of date palms are often grown in indoor and greenhouse culture. The most popular dates are palmate, canarian and robelena dates. The last two are more decorative, but novice gardeners most often experiment with palmate due to the easy availability of its seeds (you can sow seeds from edible dates sold in grocery stores).

    Types of dates for indoor cultivation (photo gallery)

    The palmate date is often grown indoors due to the easy availability of its seeds.

    The Canary date in indoor culture is more decorative, and its fresh seeds can be brought from the south

    The Robelena date is better suited for indoor cultivation than other types and is very decorative.

    Of course, no fruiting or harvest of dates can be expected under indoor conditions. The indoor date palm is a purely ornamental plant.

    At home, it is easy to grow a date palm from seeds from purchased dates:

    1. Rinse the seeds of eaten fruits thoroughly with clean water.

      The pits from eaten dates can be washed with water and used for sowing.

    2. Stick each seed vertically into an individual cup with an earthen mixture so that the layer of soil above its top is about 1 centimeter.
    3. Place in a warm place with a temperature not lower than +25°C and keep the soil slightly moist at all times.
    4. After 1–3 months, shoots will appear.

      Date palm seedlings have whole leaves, not pinnate leaves.

    5. After the shoots emerge, place them in the brightest window.

    How to sow date pits correctly (video)

    The first feathery leaves appear on date palm seedlings 1–3 years after sowing. If at this age the leaves still remain intact, it means the plants do not have enough light. Date palms are very light-loving. In summer you can put them on the balcony or in the garden; it is very useful for them to be in the fresh air. In winter, the room temperature should be around +15°C. Moderate watering is required; the soil in the pot should always be slightly moist in the depths. Over-drying of the earthen coma and over-moistening are equally dangerous. Pots for date palms are preferably tall, with obligatory drainage holes in the bottom and a drainage layer of pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. Young plants are replanted every year in the spring, adults can be replanted less often, once every 2–3 years. For very large old plants growing in large and heavy containers, it is sometimes recommended that instead of labor-intensive replanting, one should limit oneself to partial replacement of the top layer of soil with fresh soil. It is not necessary to spray palm leaves with water, but it is necessary to regularly wipe them from dust with a slightly damp cloth or sponge.

    The Robelena date is one of the most beautiful indoor palm trees with feathery leaves.

    During my childhood, in the spacious and bright lobby of our school, among other plants, there were several large and beautiful date palms in wooden tubs with a capacity of about twenty or thirty liters each. I don’t remember that they were ever replanted, but we were regularly sent to wipe the leaves while on duty. My own attempts to grow dates from seeds were not particularly successful: the first time, nothing simply sprouted (probably, the fruits turned out to be too old or overheated during drying, they were very suspiciously dry). And the second time, although I managed to wait for the shoots, my dirty omnivorous cat decided that this was some new cat grass, and quickly dealt with the palm seedlings.

    Why do date palm leaves turn dark?

    The culture is very attractive to insects such as:

    • mealybug;
    • spider mite;
    • Scale insects.

    Infestation by these pests leads to darkening and drying of the leaves. You can get rid of the scourge using a solution of laundry soap or diluted garlic juice. You can use an insecticide, such as actellik.

    A healthy plant serves as decoration for residential premises and recreational areas in institutions. This is where the benefits of palm trees end. You cannot expect flowering and fruiting from them. However, the decorativeness of the exotic completely compensates for this shortcoming.

    Mr. Summer Resident informs: the use of date palms

    In its natural habitat, the date palm is a very practical plant. Its fruits, which come to us as dried fruits, are rich in amino acids and are used not only for food, but also for medicinal purposes.

    They also serve as food for animals. The date supplies people with wood, raw materials for textile production, valuable oil, and juice for extracting sugar.

    Designers use this plant to fill empty spaces and zone rooms. It fits perfectly into an interior furnished in a modern style.

    In esotericism, a date palm in the house is considered a sign of harmony in the family. She is credited with the ability to extinguish conflict situations and promote mutual understanding.

    How to care for a date palm at home

    Is it possible to grow from a seed?

    A palm tree from a seed will grow in 5-6 months, but the exotic plant will not bear fruit in indoor conditions. The stem of a date in its natural environment reaches a height of 1 m in 4 years; for the next 2-3 years after planting, it will have enough space on the windowsill. An exotic plant will be an excellent decor for a living room, bedroom or kitchen. Also makes a good gift for relatives, friends or employees.

    How to grow a date palm from a seed

    The date will come from a seed that has not undergone heat treatment; the ideal option would be fresh fruit or dried fruit from the store. Often, as an experiment, people stick a seed into a flower pot, and it takes root. At home, the sprout appears within six months. The best time to plant a palm tree is February-March.

    The procedure for growing a palm tree is quite simple; you just need to follow a number of recommendations:

    1. The seeds should be cleaned and washed, preventing the process of rotting. In the washed state, the seeds are allowed to rest for a day until the next stage - soaking.
    2. The date pit is very hard; polishing with sandpaper will help speed up the germination process; you can also boil it in hot water.

      Date palm indoors

    3. The maximum effect is obtained by soaking with cotton wool. A piece of cotton wool is generously moistened with water, placed in a plate, a bone is placed, and covered with an additional layer of moistened cotton wool. A good alternative to cotton wool would be gauze, sawdust, and hydrogel.
    4. Germination requires plenty of heat. It is convenient to place a container with cotton wool on the battery. All that remains is to monitor the moisture level daily and add water.
    5. A well-swollen seed is ready for transplanting into the ground.

    Important! If you decide to grow one or more dates, the right decision is to plant additional seeds. Some sprouts will die under the influence of pathogenic microbes or inept actions during transplantation; insurance will not hurt.

    Rules for transplanting date palms

    Palm trees up to 4-5 years old are replanted annually, adult plants - after 2-3 years. The procedure is performed in the spring. Then, once a year/six months, the top layer of soil is removed and the vacant area is filled with new soil. For transplantation, use a pot 3-4 cm larger in diameter. The bush is carefully transferred to a new container, the voids are filled with soil. When choosing a ready-made soil mixture, the “For palm trees” option is suitable. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, you should adhere to the following proportions:

    • 2 parts of light clay-turf soil;
    • 2 parts of humus-leaf composition;
    • 1 part peat;
    • 1 part rotted manure;
    • 1 part sand;
    • a small amount of charcoal.

    Date Robelini

    What kind of soil should it be: loose, soft, moisture- and breathable. A drainage layer should be arranged at the bottom of the pot to prevent water stagnation as much as possible. The planting container should not be wide, but high, ensuring comfortable placement of long roots.

    Care Tips

    In order for a mature indoor date tree to decorate your home, caring for it throughout the years requires taking into account important points:

    1. The palm tree is afraid of drafts. When ventilating the room in autumn or winter, you should protect the plant from cold air currents.
    2. To care for palm trees, settled, soft water without chlorine at a temperature of 20°C is suitable.
    3. The leaves need daily spraying and wiping with damp sponges. This way the palm tree will be protected from pests and will look well-groomed. Every week the culture is subjected to a real shower, covering the soil with film.
    4. Trimming or breaking off the top of the palm tree is prohibited. The death of the plant is inevitable.
    5. Palm trees are fed with minerals and organic matter: every 2 weeks in the warm season and once a month in winter. Suitable products for palm trees and deciduous plants. It is advisable to add fertilizers to moist soil in diluted form.

    How to care for decorative dates at home

    A date palm from a seed can decorate the interior or completely destroy coziness and comfort. If the plant is sick, it looks rather unsightly: the foliage turns yellow, darkens, falls off, the trunks become soft, and a putrid smell is formed. Diseases appear due to improper care or attack by pests.

    Watering mode

    When planting a palm tree from a seed, while the plant is sprouting, watering is required infrequently, to the point where the soil dries out completely. As the young bush forms, it is important to control the top layer of soil (2-3 cm), watering is carried out as it dries.

    The remaining water in the pot tray should be drained immediately. In winter, the plant’s life cycles slow down and moisture is reduced to a minimum. Stagnation of moisture will lead to the death of the root system and the date will die.

    Lighting requirements

    It is preferable to plant the palm tree in a well-lit place, constantly turning the stem towards the sun; all leaves will participate in the process of photosynthesis. Without light, the leaves stretch out, develop unevenly and become fragile.

    Note! The optimal temperature in the warm period is 20-25 degrees, in autumn and winter – 15-18°C. Plants easily tolerate short-term decreases in temperature (up to 8 degrees).

    Placing dates near a radiator in winter risks overheating. A marble floor or window sill has a negative impact on the sensitive root system of the palm tree. Decorative stands of the required height will solve the problem. In summer, the best place is outdoors without drafts. During the hot season, the plant must be shaded for a short time to prevent sunburn.

    Why do date palm leaves turn dark?

    If the leaves darken, curl into a tube and fall off, small brown plaques appear on the surface, these are the first symptoms of the appearance of unexpected guests. The date palm is vulnerable to mealybugs, thyroid mites, and spider mites. A soap solution (it is better to use simple laundry soap for washing), garlic juice or Actellica resist pathogens.

    Date palm dries out

    Pale yellow-green shades of the palm indicate excess light or red spider mite infestation. Brown spots on the leaves indicate the need to reduce watering. If the soil is insufficiently moist, the plant will drop its leaves; too dry air will cause the tips of the leaves to dry out. Softening of the trunk and darkening of the leaves are the results of excessive watering. The problem is usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

    Possible problems during cultivation

    Some gardeners are faced with a situation where a date stops growing for no apparent reason. This may happen due to the following factors:

    • Lack of heat. At air temperatures below +17 °C, the roots of the plant cease to function properly, and the nutrients necessary for growth do not enter the trunk.
    • Incorrect soil composition. The palm tree does not like soils with acidity below 7 pH. A lack of manganese and iron in the soil may also be to blame.
    • Pot too big. The aboveground part of the plant will not grow until the roots fill all the available space.
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