Derain white
10 Huge Perennials That Can Be Planted Instead of Trees
Garden perennials have a number of advantages over annuals: you don’t need to worry about planting every year, they are unpretentious,
Southern Guest Flower
Mirabilis flower. Description, features, types and care of mirabilis
The flowering plant Mirabilis is a member of the Nyctaginaceae family. This genus includes more than 50 species.
Sea buckthorn - planting and care in open ground, description of varieties with photos
Growing sea buckthorn Sea buckthorn is a multi-stemmed deciduous shrub usually 1–3 m high. Sea buckthorn -
Using gabions in the country
Gabions: stylish and modern, from fortification to decorative applications in modern design
Gabions are supporting and decorative structures made of durable metal mesh filled with stones. From military fortifications
Decorating an arch with flowering vines
Perennial vines for sunny and semi-shaded gardens
Thousands of green plants ennoble our gardens and surprise us with their unusually elegant beauty. Particularly popular among them
Decorative wooden well for a summer residence - drawings with dimensions and 45 photos
Wells as sources of tasty and clean underground water have long been dug in the streets and courtyards.
Color variety of lilies
Lilies in landscape design: variety of varieties and how to use them
Blooming lilies are a fascinating sight and an indescribable bright floral aroma. Flowering dates
In winter, evergreen holly becomes a luxurious garden decoration
Holly planting and care Propagation by cuttings Varieties with photos Application in landscape design
In the genus Holly, the Holly family, there are about 400 species of trees and shrubs growing in the tropics
How to install an inflatable pool at your dacha with your own hands
Almost every owner of a country house wants to have a swimming pool on their property. And if
A flowerbed with phlox in the country - how to combine it correctly with other flowers
A flowerbed with phlox in the country - how to combine it correctly with other flowers
Phlox delight gardeners with vigorous and vibrant flowering. It is impossible to pass by them without stopping to admire
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