A gift from nature in the house - a tree of happiness, where to put it according to Feng Shui

» Feng Shui » The meaning of trees in Feng Shui



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Residents of China use Feng Shui wood to harmonize home and office space in the interior. Depending on its type, with the help of such a living talisman you can attract good luck, strengthen family relationships or build financial well-being.

The meaning of trees in feng shui

Tree of Happiness

In Feng Shui, the tree of happiness is an amazing plant made of wire and gems that can create real miracles.

According to legend, trees of happiness from gems were first made in China at the beginning of the 3rd century. The inhabitants of this country have always been well aware of the magical properties of minerals and knew how to use them wisely. The stone plant very quickly gained popularity in its homeland and became one of the traditional elements of Feng Shui. And when the doctrine of harmonization of space penetrated into Europe, happy trees bloomed all over the world. So what is their magical power?

According to feng shui, the tree of happiness activates any sector of the home much faster and more effectively than any other object, be it the zone of love, wealth or health. Due to its structure, the talisman absorbs negative sha energy and generates positive qi, which, in turn, connects with the special vibrations of the mineral leaves.

Thus, the tree becomes a powerful generator of life force, which, in accordance with your intention, can bring about dramatic changes in any area of ​​your life.

Today, stores offer a wide range of lucky trees. Therefore, before buying, you need to decide what you are not happy with in your destiny and what changes you would like to achieve.

In order to improve your financial situation, purchase a tree of happiness with hawk-eye or jet leaves. To improve your health, give preference to agate, malachite or serpentine. If you dream of a career breakthrough, feel free to buy wood with turquoise, tiger’s eye or charoite. Amazonite, labradorite, and jasper are suitable for harmonizing family relationships.

Feng Shui tree of happiness: where to place the talisman

Quite often people have a question: where should the tree of happiness be placed according to Feng Shui? The answer is simple, place your tree of happiness in the zone that is responsible for fulfilling one or another of your desires. For example, if you want to get pregnant, then the best place for the amulet is the west. And if you need funds, then the tree should be in the southeast.

Stones based on your zodiac sign are a good choice, but it's even more important that you feel a connection with the stone. Then it will be directly yours and will serve you faithfully for a long time.

Just as in the case of choosing a stone, space harmonization experts recommend placing the tree of happiness in accordance with what area of ​​your life you want to improve.

So, if your goal is to improve your material well-being, make a career, change jobs, or make a successful investment, the talisman should be placed in the southeastern sector of your apartment.

The southwestern zone is responsible for love relationships, so a tree of happiness placed there will help improve your personal life, avoid quarrels, betrayals and separations. If you are in search of your “soul mate,” write a detailed description of your potential groom on a piece of paper, fold the sheet and place it in the “crown” of a tree - this way the talisman will work more accurately. The same method can also be used in the case when you expect some specific actions from your partner: “tell” the tree what you want, and the result will not be long in coming.

The eastern part of the house is the health sector. You should put a tree of happiness there if you want to cope with some disease or simply improve your well-being. However, remember that the area around the magical plant must be free. It is unacceptable to place next to it any objects related to medicine in one way or another: pills, bandages, thermometers, syringes. Source: fse.kiev.ua

Rules for registering a wealth zone

Having determined the zone of well-being in your home, you can start decorating it. Remove old unnecessary things from there. It is advisable to get rid of them in general, and especially in this sector, because they do harm by interfering with the free movement of energy flow. Install a living or artificially created money tree in this sector. Since like attracts like, it makes sense to place a few bills under the pot or pedestal with the money tree. Tie the plant itself with red ribbons, and place a red napkin under the pot with it. To enhance the positive effect, embroider a Feng Shui symbol of wealth on a napkin. Feng Shui masters recommend decorating the interior of the selected area in shades of blue, light blue or green. Be sure to take care of your money tree, whether it is a living plant or a symbolic one. The latter also needs good lighting, so you need to take the time to wipe it free of dust.

How to handle a talisman

Like any other talisman, the tree of happiness needs constant “feeding” with the energy of the owner, otherwise its effect will weaken. To prevent this from happening, follow these simple tips:

1. Wipe the crown and trunk of the tree at least once a day with a damp cloth to prevent dirt and dust from accumulating on it. According to Feng Shui, any pollution is a source of negative energy.

2. Change the shape of the crown from time to time. So, if a tree is located in the health sector, and you are having problems with a loved one, extend the branches to the southwest - and the talisman will direct its energy to the problem area.

3. Talk to your tree, tell it how beautiful, how necessary it is, how much good it brings to the house. And don't forget to say thank you.

4. Don’t let random people in your apartment touch the tree - someone else’s energy is not useful for it. But if a curious guest does touch the talisman, rinse the tree under running water, dry it and hold it in your hands for a while so that it becomes yours again.

5. If something happens to the tree: pebbles and leaves break off or break off, the trunk darkens, this is a signal. Depending on its purpose, it warns you about possible problems in one or another area of ​​life and gives you the opportunity to adequately prepare for them.

Site planning according to Feng Shui rules

To create a harmonious life, experts suggest arranging the site according to the cardinal directions. This will ensure health, prosperity and a constant flow of vital energy Qi.

The ideal plot should be square or rectangular in shape with no hills. Negative energy is carried by a slope, and positive energy if there is a forest nearby means protection and well-being. It is advisable to have a stream or pond in the shape of an oval.

DIY tree of happiness

You can not only purchase a tree of happiness, but also make it yourself. Rifle through your jewelry box and find jewelry with gems that you don't wear for some reason. It doesn’t matter how many stones you find, even just one. If you couldn’t find anything, purchase the mineral you need without a frame in the store.

Take a piece of thick cardboard as a base. Glue a dry branch to it and secure the stones on it. How you do this doesn't matter much. You can glue it, wrap it with wire, sew it with thread (if these are bead stones). After the talisman is ready, activate it, place it in the right place - and the result will not be long in coming.

Source: 1fenshui.ru

What we think about will come true...what we send into the world will come back to us


It has very complex, heavy energy. Since it has a very developed, powerful root system, it sucks all the moisture and nutrients from the ground. Leaving nothing for other trees.

Therefore, in Feng Shui philosophy, spruce symbolizes death. You should completely abandon its placement on the site, or plant one, maximum three trees.

A spruce tree is planted behind the house, as far as possible from buildings. Often used as a hedge to screen an area from the road.

Which tree of happiness to choose

Each zodiac sign, as well as each situation, has its own responsible stone; by choosing the right talisman, you can fully use its power.

Stones for the tree of happiness

  • Suitable for signs: Leo, Cancer.
  • The stone helps maintain a joyful mood, a cheerful spirit and a clear mind. Aventurine of any color helps with skin diseases, for example, various rashes and eczema, neurodermatitis and baldness.
  • Suitable for signs: Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Cancer.
  • The stone is a talisman of happiness and health; it not only protects you from lies and resists it, but also gives protection from evil spells, protects you from infidelity and betrayal.
  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius
  • Amazonite is a talisman for housewives and guards the hearth. It has a beneficial effect on maintaining an optimistic mood, relieves feelings of anxiety and uncertainty in one’s actions.
  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Pisces.
  • The stone harmonizes your consciousness, relieves stress, and maintains the health of the nervous and endocrine systems. Talismans with amethyst are an excellent means for meditation and are a type of protective amulets.

Stones for the tree of happiness

  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Pisces, Taurus, Aquarius, Cancer.
  • A stone of happiness, it brings you victory and good luck in business. Turquoise will give you confidence in business and become an inexhaustible source of positive emotions.

Bull's Eye (Labrador)

  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini.
  • This stone will be an excellent amulet for the home and all households; it should be kept in a visible place so that it meets people and is visible itself. An amulet of practicing magicians and all kinds of high-level wizards.

Stones for the Tree of Happiness

Jet (Black Jasper)

  • Suitable for signs: Capricorn, Gemini, Taurus.
  • This is a talisman for brave and active people, it helps them overcome fears and protects them from obstacles in business. Jet is endowed with the incredible power of daylight, reveals any deception and gives oblivion in unsuccessful love.
  • Suitable for signs: Scorpio.
  • This is a magical stone, it contains gigantic energy reserves of beneficial Qi, this energy can give you enormous strength and protect you from any attacks. Increases resistance to stress, improves energy at home.
  • Suitable for signs: Leo, Gemini, Capricorn, Libra.
  • Money stone. Prevents disappointment in financial matters. Develops the owner's insight. Protects the house from disasters and accidents
  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Capricorn, Leo.
  • This is a talisman for those people who are associated with trade and commerce. The stone actively eliminates competitors, of course in energy terms. Tiger's Eye will become an indispensable amulet for those associated with the media.
  • Suitable for signs: Capricorn.
  • This is a wonderful amulet against any damage and the evil eye. The talisman will help its owner not to be seen by the enemy or to be unnoticed by him. It will keep unwanted people and wild animals out of your home.
  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius.
  • This is a talisman for doctors, pharmacists and homeopaths; the stone has powerful energy and can give its owner power, but only so that he can share it with others. As an amulet and talisman, the serpentine is a guardian against damage and the evil eye.
  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio.
  • A talisman of health, an effective remedy for asthma, poisoning, rheumatism and frequent menstrual irregularities.
  • In addition, malachite enhances spiritual powers.
  • Suitable for people who are not very lucky in life. This is truly a stone of happiness, because it attracts people.
  • This is the stone of sages, helping them to listen to advice and draw conclusions.
  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius, Aries.
  • This stone is revered in China as a sacred symbol of beauty, loyalty and piety. Jade will protect the owner from otherworldly forces, ensure longevity and family happiness.
  • It is also called the stone of life
  • Suitable for signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Libra.
  • In Eastern countries, opal is considered a symbol of fidelity and inexhaustible hope. As a healer, opal influences almost all known types of diseases with its powerful energy field. Source: www.liveinternet.ru


And yet, most gardeners strive to decorate fences with more “solid” plants. For example, bushes can be used to camouflage an inconspicuous fence and reliably isolate oneself from neighbors. They are easy to care for. As a rule, they do not entwine the fence and do not spontaneously grow throughout the area.

What bushes are best to plant along the fence? Among the most popular is derain. It has an unusually interesting color with a silvery touch. And if you place low conifers nearby, the composition will turn out to be very interesting.

Derain is easy to cut and shape. It forms perfectly and quickly forms reliable protection against dust.

If you plant a seedling in the spring, then by the beginning of autumn it will be a meter tall. Many are attracted by such a new settler, but we must keep in mind that the derain needs a decent living space. Therefore, if you want to see more different bushes along the fence, you need to take a closer look at other species.

A good idea is to plant Thunberg barberry along the fence. These bushes have a beautiful spherical shape and reach a height of 90 cm. The matte leaves acquire a red-yellow hue with the onset of autumn. The fence looks very impressive at this time.

When planting, you should take into account that barberry does not like shaded places and does not react well to cold northern winds, so it is better to place it on the western or southern side of the fence. But gardeners will have no problems with watering: rainwater is enough for barberry.

Derain and barberry do not tolerate proximity to each other, since they have different requirements for the composition of the soil and the amount of moisture. Some of these bushes will not demonstrate their best decorative qualities.

What’s wrong with spirea, which is also called viburnum-leaved vesicle? It also grows quickly; literally a few months after planting, the bushes, strewn with luscious foliage, form a full-fledged hedge.

But to complete the picture, the spirea definitely needs to be cut so that it is not shapeless.

Take a closer look at such famous shrubs as lilac, hawthorn, elderberry, and chokeberry. All of these plants are fast-growing and can hide a fence in a short time. You can plant them in groups, with lower, trimmed bushes in front of them. Very original options can come out.

Well, if the owners want to combine business with pleasure, then they can plant berry bushes along the fence. Here you have a fence and an annual harvest of raspberries, currants, gooseberries, and rose hips.

Very important! Shrubs should not be placed close to the fence. When planting, dig holes at a distance of 1-2 meters

The usual picture: in most summer cottages, fruit trees grow along the fences, performing a double function: they serve as a fence and regularly bear fruit. However, recently, summer residents have been thinking not only about benefits, but also about beauty, and are striving to surround their properties with ornamental trees. Luxurious maples, chestnuts, modest willows, birches, and lindens are planted.

But coniferous trees, especially spruce, can probably be called gardeners’ favorites. However, by doing so, summer residents are restoring the old tradition of decorating their farmsteads with conifers.

This should not be done spontaneously. In order for a composition of young Christmas trees to be truly beautiful, you need to plant them at a distance of about 30 cm and monitor their development, constantly cutting them in width and height.

What types of decorative fences there are - original and different - can be found in our article.

Types of gemstones according to the horoscope

According to legend, a tree made from gems was invented in China in the 1st half of the 3rd century. As a Feng Shui tool, the talisman allows you to neutralize negative energy. There are gems that help activate the necessary qualities of character, harmonize health, bring success in business, personal life, financial area, etc. Original talismans differ in size, design, configuration and are created from stones in accordance with the signs of the eastern horoscope.

A – aventurine, agate, amazonite, amethyst and aquamarine

The gemstone aventurine is recommended according to the eastern horoscope for Cancers and Leos. A mineral amulet allows you to create a positive attitude, maintain a good mood, promotes clarity of mind, good spirits, helps to harmonize your personal life and find reciprocity in love. The mineral helps cure skin diseases, allergies, and helps prevent hair loss.

The agates on the talisman have optimal properties for Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, and Taurus. The gem symbolizes harmony in different areas of life, helps protect against slander, gossip, and betrayal.

Amazonite is recommended for Sagittarius. The stone protects housewives, allowing them to create a friendly atmosphere in the family and maintain prosperity. The mineral maintains good spirits, optimism, reduces anxiety and uncertainty.

Amethyst is recommended for Capricorns, Leos, Gemini, Sagittarius. A talisman with leaves made of minerals helps relieve fatigue, tension, and helps maintain the health of the nervous and hormonal systems. The amulet is suitable for meditation, maintains harmony, and helps resolve conflicts.

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Aquamarine is optimal for the signs Pisces, Cancer, Libra. A talisman with gems provides a calm, harmonious atmosphere, allows you to remove fears and self-doubt. The gem helps you make a wise decision. The mineral gives prudence and balance to Libra.

B – turquoise and bull’s eye

Turquoise as an addition to a decorative element is recommended for Libra, Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, and Cancer. The gem harmonizes family relationships, helps maintain a warm atmosphere in the house, and reconciles warring parties. Turquoise allows you to resolve controversial business issues and is a source of positive energy.

Bull's eye is recommended for Leo, Libra, Capricorn, Gemini, Aquarius. The stone protects the room and its inhabitants. It is optimal to place the talisman in a visible area of ​​the apartment (at the entrance to the house, in the living room).

G – jet, hematite and rock crystal

A tree decorated with jet stones (black jasper) is optimal for Gemini, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces. The talisman allows you to overcome uncertainty, fears, and prevents failures in business matters. The use of stone in home decoration allows you to reveal the deception of partners, gives a clear view of solving complex issues, and allows you to forget unsuccessful love relationships.

Hematite is recommended for Scorpios. The mineral, according to astrologers, has strong energy that provides protection from troubles, increases immunity, and resistance to stressful situations. The gem harmonizes the decor of the home.

Rock crystal is recommended for Libra and Scorpio. The mineral allows you to balance the emotional sphere and activates positive energy.

Serpentine (serpentine) will enhance the energy of Sagittarius. Minerals as talismans are suitable for doctors, pharmacy staff, and homeopathy specialists. Gems protect against negative thoughts and damage.

Rose quartz

Rose quartz is recommended for Aries, Gemini, Virgo. The tree of happiness made from semi-precious stones symbolizes harmony in love relationships and preserves a strong family. The stone allows you to neutralize the effects of stress and increases concentration in difficult situations at work.

Charoite is optimal for Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius. The stone supports representatives of creative professions (artists, writers). The talisman helps relieve stress, activates creative thinking, and increases the memorability of information.

Jasper and amber

Jasper is recommended according to the eastern calendar for Leo, Aries, Aquarius, and Virgo. The gem provides abundance in the family, maintains a friendly environment, and harmonizes thoughts. A tree with jasper stones helps protect the house from negative influences, maintains a good mood, and restores spiritual harmony.

Amber amulets are suitable for Leo and Aquarius according to the eastern horoscope. The gem helps improve mood, enhances intuitive abilities, and removes negative energy. The stone is recognized as a biostimulant, which allows you to mobilize the body’s strength in case of weakness and loss of strength. The gem has anti-stress properties, prevents colds, and helps remove toxins and waste from the body.

The mystical properties of amber lie in creating clarity of mind in the owner of the talisman and gaining insight.

The stone protects against gossip and negative wishes. When traveling, the gem prevents unfavorable situations. The stone is recommended for women, because... helps to heal the body and harmonize mood.

Time to plant trees and shrubs along the fence and paths

In order for the plants to successfully survive the winter period, saturated with low temperatures and powerful winds, when planting, listen to the advice of experts and pay attention to the following points:

1. When planting trees and shrubs, step back from the fence to the distance required for the development of the plant. Otherwise, the roots may destroy the fence, and the crown may shade the neighboring area, causing displeasure to the neighbors. The generally accepted distance from the fence for a tree is 3 m, for a bush it is 1.5 m.

Table of distances between plantings

2. Move large trees at least 5 m away from the fence. They subsequently form a powerful crown and grow significantly higher than the fence.

3. When planting plants, you need to ensure that there are no places with stagnant air on the site. During winter frosts, seedlings in this area may freeze.

4. It is also necessary to retreat about seven meters from the residential building, otherwise the tree may destroy the foundation with its roots.

5. When planting, retreat significant distances from the water supply.

6. Keep trees and shrubs, especially those that produce edible fruits, away from the drainage pit.

The most appropriate time to plant trees and shrubs along the fence and paths is generally considered to be autumn. There is a rule that bushes and trees that bloom in spring are best planted in the ground in the fall. Vegetation takes root well in spring and blooms in late summer.

Shrub planting scheme

Based on these recommendations, it is better to postpone planting until the autumn. This must be done before frost, it is advisable that the plant has time to take root. Most often, plant transplantation is performed in October. If there is a need to do this later, but the frost has not yet set in, you can carry out the work, but provide additional insulation. To do this, add sawdust or peat near the trunk.

Mulching bushes along the fence with sawdust

During frosts, replanting trees and shrubs is not recommended. It is better to simply dig them in in an inclined position, cover the roots with a layer of peat and soil, and plant them in the spring.

Digging seedlings for the winter

When choosing trees and shrubs for planting along the fence and paths, take into account the recommendations given in the article. They will help you properly organize the green space of your suburban area. Receive aesthetic pleasure, relaxation and enjoyment from country life.

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