Zamioculcas: care and reproduction at home (photo)

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The Zamioculcas flower or dollar tree is an exotic African flower that has earned great popularity among Russian flower growers. Due to its complex name, it is also popularly called the dollar tree. Its presence is observed in business offices and commercial banks. Caring for zamioculcas at home is not difficult, since it is undemanding to growing conditions. Gardeners are also attracted by the attractive shape of its leaf blades. You will find information on how to plant and care for the Zamioculcas flower in this article.

  • Requirements for the growth of Zamioculcas
  • Temperature requirement
  • Requirements for the soil composition of the flower
  • Planting Zamioculcas
      Video - transplantation and care of Zamioculcas
  • Zamioculcas: care at home
  • What is the correct care for Zamioculcas?
  • Top dressing
  • Pest and Disease Control Video: How to Get Rid of Dollar Tree Pests
  • Table of main mistakes when caring for Zamioculcas at home
  • How is a flower transplant performed?
      When does a transplant become necessary?
  • Flower transplant algorithm
  • Reproduction of Zamioculcas
      Reproduction of Zamioculcas by dividing the tuber
  • Reproduction of Zamioculcas by cuttings Video - propagation of Zamioculcas by leaf
  • Zamioculcas flowering
      Specifics of flowering
  • How Zamioculcas blooms (photo)
      Why does Zamioculcas not bloom?
  • How Zamioculcas blooms at home
  • Zamioculcas flowering at home
      What does a Zamioculcas flower look like?
  • What conditions are needed for flowering at home?
  • Conclusions Video - how and when Zamioculcas blooms
  • Brief description of the flower

    In the wild, the zamioculcas flower grows in the desert areas of East Africa, with an acute lack of moisture in the soil and under a mercilessly scorching sun. The blossoming of the Zamioculcas flower cannot be called spectacular and expressive. The inflorescence is white with a hint of gray or cream on a high arrow, which grows from underground tubers.

    Zamiokulkas Photos

    1. The Zamioculcas flower belongs to the African exotic plants and belongs to the Araceae family, and to the group of succulents.
    2. Since Zamioculcas is a succulent, it has thick leaves that store water.
    3. Plants from this group are able to accumulate moisture in their leaves and use it during dry periods of the year.

    Zamioculcas attracts with leaves that grow directly from the roots. As such, Zamioculcas does not have a root system that is familiar to us. Zamioculcas roots arise from underground tubers that are used to propagate the flower.

    Since the dollar tree is able to accumulate water, at home it can easily tolerate a long absence of watering.

    The plant is suitable for people who want to grow something other than cacti, but still forget to water the flowers. The Zamioculcas flower is able to grow in insufficient sunlight at home. Due to its slow growth, Zamioculcas does not need frequent transplants.

    Preparing barberry for winter

    Particular attention is paid to the proper preparation for winter of the deciduous Thunberg barberry, which is less winter-hardy. At the preparation stage, all plant debris and old mulch are removed. Then the plant is earthed up, the soil is mulched with peat chips, humus or compost mass, in a layer of 10 cm. Young shrubs need additional shelter. The branches are tied together with rope and covered with burlap or any non-woven material folded in three layers.

    Additional protection for barberry can be provided by ordinary spruce branches.

    Requirements for the growth of Zamioculcas

    Having placed the Zamioculcas flower (dollar tree) at home, you should provide it with proper care. After purchasing a flower, you need to provide it with a two-week quarantine regime.

    During this period of time, the plant will have time to adapt to the climate. After this time, if the flower turns out to be healthy, it can be replanted. Caring for zamioculcas at home involves performing such activities as:

    • soil selection;
    • providing lighting;
    • irrigating and spraying the flower with water;
    • creating the required temperature;
    • feeding during growth;
    • fight against harmful insects and diseases.

    Below we will discuss in detail all the factors influencing the development of the zamioculcas flower at home.

    Zamioculcas leaves contain toxic compounds that cause gastrointestinal upset.

    In general, caring for a zamioculcas flower at home is not a labor-intensive process, however, it is worth considering that it is poisonous and must be placed away from children and animals.


    The dollar tree shows indifference to the intensity of lighting. It can be placed in the back of the room, as well as on the windowsill of a north or south window. In the first two options, the flower will not die, but its leaves will lose their brightness, stretch out in search of light and will certainly weaken.

    Excess sunlight at home is not a hindrance for the plant. If the plant is installed on a south window, you need to spray it with water from a spray bottle several times a day, creating optimal air humidity. Light is especially important for dollar trees in winter.

    At this time, it needs to be moved closer to the window, otherwise its decorative effect will suffer due to a lack of light. You can place the zamioculcas flower anywhere in the apartment, but preference should be given to the sunny side. However, exposure to direct sunlight can negatively affect young, fresh greens.

    If Zamioculcas acquires a pale tint, this means that it does not have enough lighting.

    Dry air

    Dry air negatively affects the dollar tree, especially in winter from central heating radiators. Therefore, it is recommended to place the Zamioculcas flower away from heating. The Zamioculcas flower does not require spraying to moisten the foliage and the surrounding air. Zamioculcas will easily tolerate normal indoor conditions.

    In the photo there is a Zamioculcas flower

    Temperature requirement

    When growing zamioculcas, you need to create a certain thermal regime. At different times of the year, the plant is not the same. Therefore, it is created:

    • in the warm summer season from +21 to +29 degrees;
    • in the cold season of the year, the temperature range should be from +15 to + 18 degrees.

    Without negative consequences, the dollar tree can withstand some temperature fluctuations, but the temperature should not drop below +12 degrees.

    The Zamioculcas flower does not withstand excessive relative air humidity, at home at low temperatures.

    Unlike other plants, zamioculcas feels great at home if the temperature rises to thirty degrees Celsius. This must be taken into account during the growing process, since unfavorable conditions can lead to its death.

    Planting Zamioculcas

    You can choose almost any soil for the flower, as it is not capricious. When planting and caring for Zamioculcas at home, you only need to wear gloves to avoid burns from the poisonous juice. The landing procedure with Zamioculcas involves performing a number of preliminary works in a certain sequence:

    1. Choosing a suitable pot.
    2. Laying drainage material in a pot.
    3. Calcination of the soil in the oven.
    4. Pouring soil mixture into pots.


    If a zamioculcas cutting is planted for propagation, it must first be rooted in water, at a temperature of +22 degrees and not in strong light. Then the cuttings with roots are planted in an individual pot. When growing a flower with tubers, they must be covered with soil mixture so that they stick out slightly above the surface. These activities are very important and should not be neglected.

    Video - transplantation and care of Zamioculcas

    Organizational aspects

    Terrace attached to the house

    Even at the stage of thinking about construction, you already need to be prepared for the fact that when the time comes to legitimize the new structure, you will encounter difficulties. From the organizational and technical aspects, this is all considered more complicated. If the main building has already been designed and put into operation, then independent construction can lead to its failure.

    Registration will not be cheap. The type and design of the extension will be taken into account. New results will be required for the operation of all housing. But difficult does not mean impossible.

    To apply you will need:

    1. Soil studies at the construction site. The pleasure is not cheap. This is necessary to guarantee the reliability of the new structure, which in turn is important for the integrity of the old house
    2. Checking existing housing
    3. Obtain building permission from neighbors
    4. Extension project developed independently or custom-made from specialists
    5. Approve the project from a licensed construction company, firefighters, SES, electricians, and utility workers. Columns 1, 2, 4 when ordered by a construction company are solved faster and are cheaper in price
    6. Obtain a building permit from the architects. Here you can combine columns 1, 2, 4, 5 by ordering a “project by key” or “project with a link”
    7. Upon completion of construction , acceptance of the structure by the authorities that issued the permit
    8. Renew all contracts with utilities for the new area
    9. Re-register the new area with the tax service, cadastre

    If everything is drawn up correctly, then specialists from licensed companies often do not harm themselves and quickly complete all the documents.

    What is the correct care for Zamioculcas?

    Zamiuoculcas will delight you with its flowering if you provide it with proper care. It is considered a great rarity among flower growers if this plant can be achieved to bloom. Zamiuoculcas blooms very rarely and inconspicuously, but it brings great joy to the gardener. Let's consider the basic rules for caring for the zamioculcas flower.

    1. Temperature

      What temperature is needed? Since Zamioculcas is a close relative of succulents, it will withstand temperature changes. In winter, it will feel comfortable at a temperature of 16 degrees. In summer the temperature should be just below 28 degrees.

    2. Spraying

      Is spraying necessary? Dry air doesn't matter much. It is not often necessary to spray Zamioculcas, but it will appreciate it if it is done with warm water. To get rid of dust, you need to wipe the leaves with a sponge dipped in water.

    3. Light

      Bright sun or partial shade. Zamioculcas (dollar tree) will do well in indirect light. In addition, an adult plant has a decent size, and finding a large windowsill for it will not be easy. If the plant receives sunbathing for several hours a day, this will be enough for normal development.

    4. Watering

      And how much water is needed? Zamioculcas accumulates reserves of water and nutrients in tubers and leaves. Therefore, excessively abundant and frequent watering will be harmful. It is enough to water the plant once every seven days, in the summer. In winter, watering is reduced to twice a month. You can determine the moment when a plant needs water by its appearance. The plant begins to save moisture and sheds its leaves.

    5. Choosing a pot

      What size pot is suitable? Zamioculcas does not require a very large pot. The size is selected depending on the size of the root system. As a rule, it should be several centimeters larger than the tuber. If the container is too large, then there is a possibility of flooding the plant.

    6. The soil

      What kind of soil? Typically, the money tree is planted in a ready-made cactus mixture, to which sand and pebbles are added.

    7. Top dressing

      Does the plant need feeding? Zamioculcas needs to be fed in spring and summer. Fertilizer for succulents is suitable for this.

    8. Transfer

      How often to replant. If Zamioculcas was recently purchased from a store, it takes about a week to adapt. After a week, it can be transplanted from store-bought soil into special soil. Young plants need to be replanted every year. However, there is no need to water immediately after the procedure. You can carefully water the zamioculcas after a couple of days.


    The Zamioculcas flower is not particularly capricious when cared for at home. In nature, it tolerates severe drought. Therefore, it is easier for him to tolerate a short-term deficit of moisture in the substrate than its excess amount. However, the lack of moisture cannot be prolonged, otherwise it will shed its leaves, thereby reducing the consumption of moisture for evaporation.

    The root of the Zamioculcas flower continues to live and, with proper care, the dollar tree will quickly recover. It is necessary to water the zamioculcas flower as the soil dries. Watering at home is carried out in two ways - from above and through a tray. However, it is worth considering the fact that Zamioculcas can only be watered with soft and warm water.

    Excessive watering with stagnation of water in the root zone will have a much worse effect on the plant. If there is a lack of oxygen, the roots of the dollar tree will rot and the flower will die. In winter, it is enough to water the Zamioculcas flower once a month, and in summer the amount of irrigation should be doubled. On hot summer days, flowers are refreshed with water from a spray bottle.

    To water a flower at home, use only warm, settled water.

    Top dressing

    During the growing season, the plant gradually consumes the nutrients in the substrate and needs to replenish their balance. To solve this problem, applying fertilizers twice a month is enough. The Zamioculcas flower develops well in soil mixed with sand. Even cactus soil is suitable for it.

    Top dressing

    To feed plants, experienced gardeners usually use a complete universal fertilizer, in a concentration reduced by half compared to the recommended one. During the warm period of the year, it is allowed to use compositions prepared for cacti for fertilizing. Fertilizing at home can be done at the root or by spraying.

    In winter, when Zamioculcas’s life processes are suspended, it is better to refrain from feeding.

    When it comes to plants, the principle is that it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. Fertilizing at home is carried out exclusively in the spring months.

    Pest and disease control

    Zamioculcas rarely gets sick; something terrible must happen for it to begin to fade. But this can happen when water overflows. If the roots of a dollar tree have rotted due to overwatering, you should do the following:

    • remove the flower from the pot;
    • wait until the roots dry slightly;
    • trim and remove rotten areas;
    • treat the cuts with crushed coal;
    • transplant the plant into another pot.

    Video: How to get rid of Dollar Tree pests

    Yellowing and falling leaves are not necessarily associated with infectious diseases. This can happen for the following reasons:

    • drafts and sudden temperature changes;
    • insufficient watering leads to leaf fall;
    • the leaves become yellow and curl from the influence of aphids - to combat them you need to clean the trunks with a sponge;
    • dark spots on the leaves may appear from low temperatures or from scale insect parasitism.

    Scale insects can be destroyed with insecticidal preparations or some folk remedies. Sick plant specimens should not be used for propagation.

    Dollar tree diseases

    If you properly care for it and follow the watering rules, Zamioculcas practically does not get sick. Dollar tree problems arise due to fungal damage to the roots in the following cases:

    • Cold temperature in the room where the plant is kept. These can be passageways in offices, corridors with drafts.
    • Watering with cold water straight from the tap. The discrepancy between the air and soil temperatures leads to a decrease in the plant’s immunity.
    • Hardness salts lead to changes in soil pH, which negatively affects crop nutrition. The consequence is a lack of macronutrients.
    • Overflow of liquid or stagnation of water in a deep pan. This provokes excessive moisture, which is harmful to the root system.

    If you take the root out of the pot and examine it, parts of it will be covered with brown spots with traces of mucus. Such places need to be cleaned and washed with a solution of potassium permanganate, treated with antifungal drugs and air dried for 2 days. During this time, the wounds will be covered with a film and the zamioculcas can be transplanted into the soil. The pot also needs to be treated with preparations and calcined if it is clay.

    Table of main mistakes when caring for Zamioculcas at home

    Yellow leaves with dry tipsLack of lightingMove the Zamioculcas flower to a brighter place
    The top leaves fall offInsufficient or excessive wateringMonitor the watering regime of the flower
    Black leaves and tubersDevelopment of rot at low temperature and high humidityMove the flower to a warmer place
    Dark spots appear on the leavesExcessive watering or high humiditySet up an irrigation regime

    Varieties and their varieties

    The French botanist E. Lemoine, with the help of selection, discovered the first variety of Astilbe, which was later named after him. In the last century, G. Arende continued the work of his predecessor and developed 84 varieties of this plant. However, flower growers did not stop there and continue to develop new varieties and species to this day.

    Now there are more than two hundred species of this ornamental plant. Let's look at the most common varieties of Astilbe.

    1. Astilbe David. Perennial plant, reaches 1.5 meters in height. The bush is wide, with wrinkled leaves, with brown veins and petioles. It blooms for 1 to 2 weeks with small lilac-pink flowers. The inflorescence reaches 40 cm in length. Homeland China.
    2. Astilbe Thunberg. The bush is dense, about 80 cm high. The leaves are decorative with an ornamental pattern, covered with small hairs. The inflorescence is pyramidal in shape, with branches on the sides, length 25 cm. The flowers are wide, white. Blooms from July to August. Homeland Japan.
    3. Astilbe Chinese. Perennial plant, grows up to 1 meter. The leaves are ornamental, with bright red hairs on both sides along the edge. The lower leaves are quite large on long petioles, the stem leaves are smaller, on short petioles. The flowers are quite small, white, lilac, sometimes with a pink tint. The inflorescence is dense, 35 cm long. It blooms from mid-June to August. Homeland China
    4. Astilbe is naked. Dwarf perennial plant. Grows up to only 12 cm. With bronze leaves and pale pink small flowers. The diameter of the bush does not exceed 20 cm.

    There are a very large number of Astilbe varieties. The right choice will not only embellish the area, but also save time when growing it.

    How is a flower transplant performed?

    To transplant zamioculcas, you need to choose the right pot. If you choose a volumetric container for a flower, then its underground part will develop well to the detriment of the vegetative mass. If the pot is smaller in size than desired, then the opposite will happen.

    When does a transplant become necessary?

    Zamioculcas transplantation at home is carried out annually. More often this work does not need to be done, since the flower grows slowly. The need for replanting arises when its tubers occupy the entire volume of the pot and then remain cramped there.

    If they are transplanted without the desire to propagate, then they resort to transshipment without damaging the roots. Do this work when the space of the entire pot is occupied by the tubers. Young specimens can be transplanted for the first time after 2 years.

    Flower transplant algorithm

    In general, the plant does not tolerate the transplantation procedure well, so this operation must be done very carefully, using the transshipment method. The essence of this method is as follows:

    1. The plant is removed from the container with a lump of earth and carefully placed on the table surface.
    2. Then the roots are placed in another pot, adding a portion of new soil.
    3. The soil is slightly compacted and watered.

    Photo of plant transplantation
    For replanting, it is preferable to use clay pots, since the soil mixture dries out faster in them and there is no risk of moisture stagnation. These containers must be stable because the transplanted plants will grow taller. During the transplantation procedure, the entire substrate is changed only when dealing with diseased plant specimens.

    Is pruning necessary?

    If barberry is given the opportunity to grow freely, the bush gradually “spreads” to the sides due to root shoots. In addition, the growth of the shrub is quite impressive - up to 3-4 m, the branches are spreading, so without regular pruning it will quickly turn your area into a thorny jungle.

    Keep in mind that long, sharp thorns can make pruning a bloody undertaking. So it’s worth stocking up on thick gloves and long-handled tools.

    The pruning tool must be well sharpened - firstly, because barberry branches are quite strong, and secondly, dull blades can injure them.

    Reproduction of Zamioculcas

    In floriculture practice, two methods of propagating Zamioculcas are used:

    • propagation by cuttings;
    • propagation by root division.

    It happens that a fallen leaf is already equipped with a formed tuber. It can be successfully used for reproduction purposes. When Zamioculcas is propagated by rhizomes, one or two parts of the plant are separated, then they are dried for several hours and planted in the soil.

    Reproduction of Zamioculcas by dividing the tuber

    With this method of propagating zamioculcas, you need to follow the following algorithm:

    1. Adult flowers are slowly removed from the pot.
    2. Divide its rhizome into parts without damaging the tubers themselves.
    3. The sections are sprinkled with crushed charcoal.
    4. The prepared planting material is dried.
    5. Drainage material and soil are placed in empty pots.
    6. Each part of the rhizome is planted in an individual pot.
    7. Planting is carried out without deeply immersing the tubers in the substrate.
    8. The plants are watered.
    9. The pots are transferred to a warm room with diffused light.

    Zamioculcas propagation by cuttings

    If a person wants to have a similar specimen at home, then the plant can be purchased at a special flower shop, or by cuttings. The most favorable time to purchase zamioculcas is the period of active growth. This period falls in the spring season. In winter, the plant falls asleep, so it is not recommended to carry out any procedures.

    Zamioculcas cuttings, possibly root and leaf.

    For the purpose of propagating zamioculcas using this method, cuttings must be prepared from a non-diseased plant. It is better to do cuttings during spring and summer. Root the cuttings in water or in a substrate. We will consider the second method of propagating zamioculcas - cuttings, which is performed as follows:

    • prepare a small container with drainage material and substrate;
    • poke the cutting into fertilizer and plant it in a pot;
    • deepen the cuttings by 1.5 - 2 cm;
    • over the next 2 weeks, the cuttings are given a high humidity regime;
    • when the cutting has roots, it is placed on the windowsill;
    • then it is fertilized and watered according to the accepted technology.

    After reading this article, you have learned a lot about how to propagate and care for Zamioculcas at home.

    Video - propagation of Zamioculcas by leaf

    Zamioculcas flowering

    Zamioculcas is a zamyefolia plant. It is called that because it looks like a rare plant - zamia. Many people are interested in the flowering of zamioculcas at home. The flower is amazing, valued for its waxy leaves.

    Zamioculcas flowering

    Its popularity lies in the fact that it:

    1. Serves as interior decoration.
    2. Doesn't require much care.
    3. High viability.
    4. Attracts money if you follow the signs.

    If a flower is so good, then it should bloom well too. This article describes how zamioculcas blooms at home.

    Specifics of flowering

    Zamioculcas catches the eye because of its beautiful and colorful leaves. Flowers of different sexes are located separately from each other; between them there is always a small space of clean leaves, which does not allow the plants to pollinate on their own.

    On the outside, the cob is covered with large leaves, which in turn are covered with a sheet. The leaves are up to 10 cm long and have a light green color, so it is almost impossible to distinguish the leaves from this flower.

    The photo shows the initial stage of flowering

    To achieve flowering, you need to create the necessary flowering conditions:

    • place it closer to the sun;
    • a warm place in the room;
    • Water without exceeding the norm.

    Proper care of Zamioculcas at home will bring good results. Only Zamioculcas blooms rather ugly. But this is normal, this is how nature intended it. The flowering is weak because it was created in hot countries where the wind or crawling insects sprayed it.

    Consequently, the inflorescence is located not far from the flowerbed, near the soil, where insects that have access to the plant like to hang out. After the spraying process, in natural conditions, small brown berries begin to appear in place of the flower, where the seeds are located.

    If you breed them at home, they will never reach peak maturity.

    Barberry tea: recipe and features of use

    Popular in many countries, barberry tea is extremely healthy. This drink perfectly quenches thirst and helps eliminate nervous tension, helps strengthen the heart muscle, and also removes toxins and slows down the aging process. As practice shows, regular consumption of the drink will balance the functioning of the thyroid gland and is characterized by a choleretic, as well as anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. There are different recipes for its preparation, but the following is recommended:

    • First thoroughly rinse the cup with boiling water;
    • pour a teaspoon of fruits or leaves, which can be either dry or fresh;
    • pour boiling water and leave covered for about ten minutes.

    Adding a small amount of floral liquid honey will add a pleasant sweetness to barberry and further enhance its beneficial properties.

    How Zamioculcas blooms (photo)

    Beginning gardeners are often interested in the question: will zamioculcas bloom at home, what to do to provide care to allow the plant to begin to bloom. A succulent normally blooms at maturity when its shoots begin to grow.

    But many eyewitnesses who have dealt with this wonderful plant insist that young plants also achieve successful flowering, if only a stable water, temperature and light balance is followed. Although zamioculcas can stay out of the sun for a long time and grow closer to the north, still insufficient lighting will not allow the flower to bloom.

    If you want to see Zamioculcas bloom, place it closer to the south or east to avoid lower temperatures. During flowering, a lot of energy is used for pollination and seed creation; it is necessary to care for the plant at this time.

    Photo of Zamioculcas flower

    Temperature mode is also necessary. The plant will not survive below ten degrees Celsius. Therefore, the humidity in the room should not be high either. Like all succulents, it does not tolerate too much moisture, so you need to water it sparingly.

    Sometimes it is necessary to dry the plant occasionally without giving it moisture.

    Leaves sometimes need to be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust. He is also a succulent and sometimes needs to be fed with fertilizers. Cactus fertilizer is suitable, which is buried under the soil and sprayed onto the plant.

    Why does Zamioculcas not bloom?

    The age of the plant is the main, but not the main indicator. Uncreated normal flowering conditions will not allow you to see the beauty of the flower. Viruses can stop flowering, but the plant has good immunity.

    For good performance, it is advisable to change the soil occasionally

    How Zamioculcas blooms at home

    Zamioculcas flowering is an unusual phenomenon at home. First, a peduncle will begin to form - the stem of the plant grows straight, but over time it bends towards the floor, the leaves wrapping the peduncle change shade, becomes bright green, the process occurs along with the peduncle.

    Zamioculcas flowering at home

    Recently, Zamioculcas, popularly called the “dollar tree” and “women’s happiness,” has become increasingly popular among indoor plants. This is due to the fact that the plant is not picky about growing conditions and is very beautiful due to its large, interesting leaves. But few people know that it blooms, which is why flowering is of great interest among gardeners.

    What does a Zamioculcas flower look like?

    “Women's Happiness” belongs to succulents, therefore, like all representatives of this group, it grows slowly (10-15 cm per year) and blooms rarely (once every 5-6 years), and at home it may never expel the peduncle . Zamioculcas flowering from start to finish takes a month and a half and is a rather inconspicuous sight. An arrow very similar to a leaf appears from the ground, which grows and gains strength over the course of a month, reaching a length of 20 cm.

    The peduncle bears an inflorescence-cob, hidden from prying eyes by a light green blanket 5-8 cm long. Due to the color of the covering leaf, the peduncle merges with the rest of the plant, so it is difficult to notice. The cover also opens slowly - sometimes more than 1 week.

    The cob is divided into two parts. The upper part is painted white or cream, the lower part, hidden almost completely by the leaf, is brown. The flowers of the inflorescence consist of female and male flowers, separated by a sterile zone that prevents self-pollination from occurring. Flowering lasts about a week. Then the cob withers, since Zamioculcas is not pollinated at home. If the flowers were pollinated by insects, then ovaries are formed that grow into brown berries.

    What conditions are needed for flowering at home?

    The plant begins to bloom at the age of 5-6 years. And although Zamioculcas is popular as an unpretentious houseplant, it requires proper care to bloom. The temperature regime is of no small importance for the flowering of “female happiness”, which is a heat-loving plant. In summer the best temperature is 25-300C, in winter – 16-200C.

    Zamioculcas does not like hypothermia and drafts.

    Since the dollar tree belongs to the group of succulents, air humidity does not matter. You can spray and wipe the leaves to remove dust and give the plant gloss and shine. The plant is not very demanding on lighting. It can grow in both partial shade and sunny places.

    The latter option is optimal for flowering, so the pot with the plant should be placed on the south or east side. If exposed to direct sunlight, the succulent needs to be shaded, as the leaves may turn yellow. If “female happiness” does not fit on the windowsill, then you should choose a place for it where it will be spacious and light.

    It’s a good idea to expose zamioculcas to fresh air or a loggia in the summer.
    When watering, the following requirements must be observed:

    1. After watering, remove excess water from the pan.
    2. The plant should be watered with settled water.
    3. Between waterings, the earthen ball in the pot should dry completely.
    4. It is worth remembering that in winter the plant needs less moisture, so it needs to be watered less often than in warm weather.

    In order for Zamioculcas to develop well, it is necessary to regularly fertilize with mineral fertilizers for succulents. In spring and summer you need to feed once every two weeks. In autumn, fertilization should be reduced, and in winter you should not fertilize the soil at all. The size of the pot also affects the ability of “female happiness” to bloom. If the plant sits in a large pot, then it will not expel the flower until the root system occupies the entire space.

    If the pot is small, the plant will not grow and will wither. The pot is selected according to the size of the roots. They must fit freely in the container. The distance between the walls and roots should be 1-2 cm. These were the basic requirements for the flowering of Zamioculcas, if met, all that remains is to patiently wait for the flower to appear.


    Despite the fact that Zamioculcas does not have such a beautiful flowering, which is rarely observed, it still remains a beautiful and unpretentious plant. The special feature is the wax that appears after flowering, which makes it popular among gardeners. The dollar tree will bloom for a long time and will also multiply. Therefore, you need to properly care for the zamioculcas flower at home.

    When to sow lobelia?

    Lobelia seedlings take quite a long time to develop. From sowing to flowering, on average, it takes 2.5-3 months. Therefore, flower growers usually sow lobelia early - already in February. Although at this time any seedlings require increased attention: daylight hours are still insufficient. The sprouts are capricious, stunted in growth, and suffer from blackleg.

    In March the situation levels off. Flower growers often note that March sowings of lobelia easily catch up with those in February.

    Therefore, when deciding when to plant lobelia seedlings, you need to start from the starting conditions. If you have lamps for illumination and free time for “dancing with tambourines,” sow lobelia in February, but if all this is not available, then in March. You can hold out until April - no big deal. The warm spring sun, early walks in the air and long daylight will do their job. Lobelia sown in April will most likely bloom in early June. Which is also not bad!

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