Tips for summer residents: when to sow lawn grass on the site?

Planting a lawn is a crucial moment for any owner. Especially if you decide to do everything yourself. In order for the site to turn out beautiful, fluffy and even, you need to correctly determine the place, select herbs and seeds, take into account the time of year for sowing and start arranging it in a good mood. In this article I give advice from my experience, talk about the nuances of autumn and spring planting and caring for a good lawn.

1. Spring planting 2. Autumn planting 3. Land preparation 4. Seeds 5. Sowing instructions 6. Care

Photo: Well-groomed area

Why is it important to know when to plant your lawn?

Choosing the right time to sow lawn grass is an important procedure that allows you to achieve the following results :

  • Possibility of choosing the desired type of lawn grass - cold or warm growing season.

    For example, the best lawns are tennis court crops that are 80% ryegrass and 20% fescue, both of which tolerate cold well.

  • Determination of optimal weather conditions for the development of the root system.
  • The ability to take into account the growing region and climatic conditions of the area.
  • Choosing the optimal period for the grass to grow quickly and acquire a rich green hue.

Choosing the right time to plant a lawn depends on the region of the country, climate zone, type of soil base, and also on the type of seeds or turf.

Sowing a lawn with your own hands step by step

The day should be warm and windless: the seeds will not scatter, the lawn will be more lush and uniform.

  1. Pour the seeds into a deep container and mix thoroughly with your hands. The required consumption per 1 m² is indicated on the packages. If you mixed the grass mixture yourself, then per 1 m² you will need approximately 50-70 g, it all depends on the composition.
  2. You can sow manually or with a special device. If it is a small lawn on private property, then, as a rule, everything is sown by hand. We make sweeping movements with our arms and walk meter by meter.
  3. It is best to walk first along and then across the site, so the seeds are distributed more evenly and less is wasted.
  4. Then sprinkle the seeds with a layer of a mixture of peat, humus and nutrient soil, up to about 10 cm thick.
  5. The planted seeds must be compacted using special devices - a roller or “skis”. At home, simple “skis” are made from boards up to 80 cm long. Belt or ski mounts are placed on the boards. Then they are put on their feet. Walking across the lawn in such “skis”, a person compacts the ground with his own weight. Or you can make a skating rink yourself from improvised means, whoever has what is on hand.

Photo: Sow lawn seeds evenly

Then we water every day if there is no rain and the weather is dry and sunny. We don’t overfill it, but we moisten it well. The first shoots should appear in 1 - 3 weeks.

Hydroseeding of the lawn

Another “new” seeding method is hydroseeding . Hydroseeding is used on slopes and large areas for lawn. Water, adhesive substances and fertilizers are added to the seeds, all this is mixed and a homogeneous liquid mass is formed, which is sprayed over the surface under high pressure. The pressure is approximately 6 atmospheres, thanks to which the seeds are firmly nailed into the prepared soil and adhere well to the surface.

Photo: Hydroseeding of grass

What factors need to be considered?

When choosing the time and season for sowing a lawn, the following factors must be taken into account::

  • Region of location of the land plot.
  • Climatic conditions of the area
  • Weather forecast for the next few days.
  • Risk of return frosts after a thaw.
  • Physico-mechanical and chemical characteristics, granulometric composition of the soil cover, the presence of organic inclusions in the upper layers.
  • The degree of soil moisture, the need to ensure abundant watering after planting.
  • Insolation of the site for planting lawn grass, which determines the rate of development of stems.

As a rule, when purchasing lawn grass from trusted suppliers, the product is accompanied by an instruction manual, which initially indicates the best period and temperature and humidity conditions for planting.

Preparing the soil for the lawn

The land for planting must be very well cultivated and fertilized. Choose a flat area, without depressions or holes. Otherwise, after rains, water will stagnate in the lowlands, and the lawn will quickly lose its beauty in such places.

  1. If there are holes, fill them in and level the surface.
  2. The area is cleared of debris, weed roots, and other grass.
  3. The top layer of soil is removed using the bayonet of a shovel and drainage made of sand or fine gravel is laid.
  4. Geotextiles can be laid over the drainage, but this is not necessary. Geotextiles will not allow any weed to reach the surface of the lawn and, if desired, the lawn can be easily rolled up and moved to a new location.
  5. Then a layer of fertile soil is poured in, and the surface is leveled using a fan rake.
  6. It will be possible to plant a lawn in about two weeks, when the soil settles and becomes compacted.

Proper soil acidity is important for a healthy lawn. Ph should be approximately 5.5. Before sowing, find out the acidity of the soil in the area; if it is low, you can sprinkle with lime, mix with soil and water thoroughly.

Photo: The area needs to be leveled and compacted

Temperature and other conditions, is it possible before winter?

When planting a lawn at the dacha, it is necessary to maintain certain conditions:

  • The best time to plant a lawn in central Russia is the end of spring or the beginning of autumn, when the sun gently warms the soil.
  • The optimal air temperature for planting greenery on the site is from +10 to + 15°C.
  • The best soil temperature that is recommended for successful planting of lawn grass is +7 to + 10°C.
  • It is not recommended to sow the lawn during heavy rainfall, as ungerminated seeds may be destroyed.
  • When planting a lawn in the cold season, in the presence of night or morning frosts, the best solution would be to plant 20% - 40% more seeds than required.
  • Regardless of the region and season of lawn planting, before starting work, it is recommended to clear the area, loosen the soil, apply nutritious fertilizers and ensure abundant watering of the soil. In addition, the area intended for planting a lawn should be free of weeds and other extraneous plants with a strong root system.

If frost occurs during the period of active development of the grass root system, the lawn will die with a high degree of probability, which will lead to unjustified costs for the owner of the site to purchase new products.

Features of sowing lawn grass

  1. It is better to sow in squares. Divide the area into squares in advance and calculate the consumption of seed. About 4-5 kg ​​of seed mixture is consumed per hundred square meters.
  2. It is recommended to sow seeds first along the plot and then across it. This method allows you to obtain uniform germination without voids and bald spots.
  3. Using a rake, level the seeds shallowly (2 cm) with the soil.
  4. Walk over the surface with a lawn roller and compact the soil along with the seeds, so the wind will not blow your crops away. Instead of a roller, you can use a barrel filled with water.
  5. After sowing and compacting the soil, you need to water the area using the drip method or sprinkling method, avoiding soil erosion.

Use a lawn seeder to spread the fertilizer and sow the seeds. Manual and mechanical seeders distribute seeds and fertilizer evenly over the soil surface, which allows you to get a smooth, beautiful lawn without bald spots.

Correct timing depending on the season

Depending on various factors, decorative lawns can be planted in spring, winter or autumn. The nuances and features of performing this work, depending on the season, are described in detail below.


Let's look at the nuances of planting a lawn by month.

  1. March. For a given month, you must choose a grass from the cool-season growing category. It is recommended to plant at temperatures above + 3 – 5°C.

    If the site is located in a lowland and there is a flood period associated with melting snow, it is better to wait out the period of drying and stabilization of the soil.

  2. April. Average April temperatures in the capital region range from +5 to 10°C, which is quite enough for planting lawn grass in natural conditions. When covering the soil with a rolled lawn, it is necessary to first loosen and fertilize it, and then provide irrigation by sprinkling.

    The norm for planting seeds can not be exceeded, provided that the temperatures are stable above zero.

  3. May . According to experts and most suppliers, this is considered the best time to plant lawn grass. Starting from May, you can choose seeds intended for the warm growing season; immediately after planting, it is recommended to provide daily watering for at least 3 days, after which the soil is irrigated after applying fertilizers, cutting the grass and for preventive purposes, once every 5 - 10 days .


Features of planting a lawn in different months.

  1. June . An excellent time to plant lawn grass, especially in the Siberian region of the country. Round-the-clock positive temperatures, as well as 2–3 further warm months of summer, will ensure rapid development of roots, and intensive watering will help the development of plant stems.
  2. July . It is the hottest month of the year. In the presence of drought and high temperatures, it is recommended to sow after abundant irrigation of the soil, in the morning. Immediately after planting, you should install an automatic watering system and ensure that it is turned on at least 2 times a day.
  3. August . At the end of summer, as a rule, temperatures are still high and precipitation is minimal. This time of year is considered optimal for planting perennial plants, with the expectation of ensuring proper lawn care during the winter. It is recommended to choose fast-growing plants and fertilize the soil abundantly, since the roots should be fully developed by the onset of the first cold weather.


Let's look at how a lawn is sown in the autumn months.

  1. September. For the beginning of September, the same planting rules apply as for August.

    At the end of the month, the first night frosts are possible, which indicates the need to monitor the minimum temperature of +10°C for planting summer grass and +3°C for winter grass.

  2. October . In October, it is recommended to purchase and sow only grass for the cold growing season, taking into account rapid development and good frost resistance. In the case of planting seeds, it is necessary to take into account careful care so that they remain in their original condition until next spring, in order to avoid their death from freezing.
  3. November. This month is characterized by negative temperatures not only at night, but also during the day. For planting, it is recommended to choose a temperature of about +3°C, which will prevent seed germination and, accordingly, the death of the grass in winter.

    To achieve the expected result, it is recommended to increase the seeding rate by 50% - 70%.

What seeds to choose for sowing a lawn

We buy frost-resistant seeds. Nowadays there is a large selection in stores. To avoid mistakes, you need to know the purpose of the lawn. Do you have it just for beauty and won’t people walk on it? Or will there be a sports ground or football field here? It is from the destination that you need to start. Let's consider various options.

  • Lawn for a sports or children's playground

Ready-made mixtures for such sites are sold. As a rule, the word “sport” is on the packaging. The composition includes various types of plants that are resistant to trampling and can hold their shape for a long time. You can cheat a little and see what herbs are in the composition, buy them separately and make the mixture yourself.

  • Decorative lawn that will not be walked on

Here you can buy a ready-made grass mixture or make it yourself. Most store-bought grass mixtures will work. Look at the composition and you will see that it contains the same herbs: meadow bluegrass, ryegrass, red fescue or shoot-forming bentgrass, just in different proportions.

The lawn will be beautiful even if you use one type of grass. Here is the field for your experiments. _____________________________________________________

Read more about types of lawn and choice of grasses

Sowing dates depending on the region

The choice of season for planting a lawn depends on the region of the country , as well as the climate zone and weather conditions of the area in question.

In the Moscow region

In the temperate climate zone of central Russia, planting lawn grass is permitted in the following months:

  • For perennial grass - October or November.
  • For annual roll-up lawns – April – early May.
  • For a lawn that belongs to the warm growing seasons - August - early September.

Given that seasonal temperatures in the metropolitan area may vary unevenly, actual weather conditions must be assessed before planting.

In Siberia

The Siberian region of the Russian Federation is characterized by long and frosty winters . It is recommended to plant lawns in summer cottages in the following time intervals:

  • With the expectation of seed germination in the spring - September or October.
  • For use in the current summer season - early June or late May (depending on weather conditions).

When planting, it is recommended to study the climatic features of the area - the root system of the plant should strengthen in the soil for at least 10 - 15 days , provided there are no return frosts.

In the southern regions of the country

The Volga region, Chernozem region, Krasnodar region and other southern regions of Russia are characterized by a mild climate and early onset of sunny, warm days, which allows you to plant lawns in the following months:

  • The best solution is to plant grass in March, since the hot sun will not have time to destroy the crops.
  • For perennial plants - November or early December, provided that the air temperature is above +7 - 10°C.
  • If the seeding rate is exceeded by 50% or more, winter planting of the lawn is allowed until January of the following year, provided that the average daily temperature does not fall below zero.

It should be noted that during prolonged droughts, lawn grass may not take root, provided there is no abundant automatic watering.

Video on the topic

How long does lawn grass grow after sowing? Answer in the video:

The germination time of lawn grass is influenced by many factors. Some of them cannot be eliminated by humans. But still, most of them are related to compliance with the rules for growing a green lawn.

A properly selected grass mixture and a carefully prepared site will ensure the success of the enterprise. And if you fail, you shouldn’t be too upset: only experienced agricultural technicians can get a good grass carpet the first time.

Most novice gardeners are concerned about a number of issues during the first planting. At the same time, the main thing is how many days will it take for the lawn grass to sprout? The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including:

  • soil type;
  • climatic features of the region;
  • site features;
  • state of the drainage system;
  • correct care.

In addition, the type of plants chosen is of great importance. After all, different varieties have their own ripening periods. The gardening market offers many planting options - there is a solution for every taste!

What time of year and month is best for planting seeds?

Experts recommend planting a lawn exclusively in the following months of the year.:

  • For grass belonging to the warm growing season - late April or September, since drought will not destroy the crops, and abundant watering will help the root system develop quickly.
  • For plants from the cold growing season category - late March or mid-October - the lawn adapts perfectly to the soil and is fully prepared for frost, or, conversely, for intensive use in the summer.
  • For a turf lawn - early May, since there is no need to wait for the sunrise of the crops, and the lawn can be immediately used for its intended purpose.
  • For the southern regions - early March or November, because the sun does not shine intensely enough, which does not cause burning of germinating seeds.
  • For the northern regions of the country, it is the beginning of summer, since in May night frosts may prevail in these regions, which will destroy most of the developing blades of grass.

It is during this period that there is the highest probability of developing a powerful root system, as well as the survival of green spaces in winter under a thick layer of snow cover.

Why doesn't it grow well?

Uneven germination of grass in the area may be due to poor quality seeds.

To make sure that the products are not defective, when purchasing you should:

carefully inspect the packaging. Seeds are supplied in kraft bags and polypropylene bags. The first ones should be tightly sewn on a special machine, the second ones should be sealed. If the package is sealed with tape, it has most likely been opened. This is done when the storage conditions of the goods are violated. For example, a bag was soaked and its contents were poured into another container

Or they checked the seeds for mold; pay attention to the presence of the label and its contents. Reliable manufacturers, in addition to the name of the grass mixture, also indicate its composition

Sellers are required to present product certificates to the buyer.

After examining the packaging, we begin to examine the contents. Healthy seeds smell like grass; their mass should not contain impurities in the form of straw, twigs and other types of debris.

You need to have an idea of ​​the appearance of the seeds of the plants that you plan to use to decorate your lawn. Otherwise, it is difficult to ensure that the seeds correspond to the declared varieties. If the buyer has never seen live samples, high-quality photographs can help him in this matter.

If the seed material has passed visual inspection, proceed to testing for germination:

  1. Place a small amount of grains on cotton wool or a rag moistened with water;
  2. Place the “incubator” in a dark place for two weeks. During this time, it is necessary to maintain the humidity of the substrate. You cannot fill it with water;
  3. after 14 days, begin counting sprouted and dead seeds.

If 75% of the samples have germinated, the seed material is considered high quality.

If the percentage is lower, the batch is considered defective and is not used in further operations. Manufacturers usually indicate seed consumption on the labels. This recommendation should be followed: if the rate is reduced, you will end up with a sparse, unsightly lawn.

But it is also impossible to increase the amount of seed, as this will cause a lack of nutrients and moisture. As a result, weak, non-viable stems will sprout.

Factors affecting grass germination

If there are no complaints about the seeds, and the green stems are in no hurry to cover the area, then other reasons have played a negative role:

  • careless preparation of the territory: if the site is poorly leveled, it is highly likely that bald spots will appear on the tops of the hillocks and in the lowlands;
  • sowing rules are violated: seeds are planted to a depth of 2-5 mm. If the grains lie on the surface, they can become prey for pests or dry out. It is not recommended to sow in windy weather - the seeds are carried away by an air current in an unknown direction or knocked into a heap. In both cases, bald spots form on the lawn;
  • wrong sowing time: the optimal period for this operation is 45-50 days before the first frost. Then in the spring the lawn grass will come into force earlier than the weeds. If the lawn is sown in spring or summer, weeds will actively suppress the weak shoots of the future lawn;
  • uneven digging of the territory: if its depth in some places exceeds 300 mm, there is a danger of destroying the fertile layer. Naturally, in these zones the seeds will be deprived of the nutrients necessary for development.


Seeds do not germinate in places where water accumulates. Their formation can be prevented by installing effective drainage.

To arrange drainage, do the following:

  1. after digging, the top humus layer of soil is removed;
  2. on the exposed lower layer, a cushion of sand, broken brick, gravel or crushed stone is built;
  3. The fertile soil is scattered over the drainage cushion and leveled.

Before sowing, the area is fertilized and rolled with a lawn roller.

Is it necessary to cover a seeded lawn?

A protective lutrasil fabric on a freshly sown lawn will help retain moisture so that the seeds do not dry out and can germinate more successfully. Protective material is placed on the sown areas and held in place with stakes or large stones. If you live in a country house, you can use plastic film. Choose white and clear colors instead of black or other dark colors to keep the soil cool. On warm days you may need to lift the film and ventilate the crops. As soon as you see seedlings sprouting under the cover, remove it.

What to do if the grass doesn't grow?

Often gardeners observe a picture when the grass on the lawn grows unevenly, or they simply have to wait a long time for the long-awaited covering. In this case, it is not always justified to blame the quality of the seed material.

You need to analyze all your actions, find mistakes, and try to correct them within a certain time. Seeds may not germinate well due to untimely planting, poor watering and an unprepared area for sowing. The most common reason is the first reason - due to the timing of seed sowing.

It is better to sow lawn areas in early spring or autumn. But during these periods the weather does not always favor plants. So, if the rains are prolonged, or frosts appear on the soil, then you need to wait until the soil dries and use a rake to loosen the compacted soil.

Mulching won't hurt either: if there is no peat, then simply mulch the lawn with loose soil at a level of 1 centimeter. But if extreme heat begins after sowing, you need to water more often and more intensively, up to 2 times a day: early in the morning and in the evening.

In small areas after watering, shelters can be built from the thinnest non-woven material, and to prevent it from being blown away by the wind, it must be secured with weights along the edges.

To learn how to grow a lawn, watch the following video.

Seeding tools and step-by-step instructions

To get a perfect lawn, you need to be patient and have the right tools.

Planting Tools:

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the area for planting grass.

Soil preparation

The ground must be leveled and excess bumps or holes removed. To do this, use a shovel and a rake. The soil should be loosened so that air can pass to the roots of the plants.

Use a soil mixture that meets the following requirements as soil:

  • pH: 5.5–6.5;
  • humus: from 2.5 to 3.5%;
  • nitrogen and its compounds: 10 mg per 100 g of soil;
  • phosphorus: 15–25 mg per 100 g of soil;
  • potassium: 20–30 mg per 100 g of soil;
  • microelements: control of copper and zinc content.

Sand must be added to the soil to make it looser.


To keep the lawn level, you need to compact the soil. The procedure is performed using a garden roller. If there is no such device, then the soil can be slightly moistened and trampled with your feet. Shoe marks can be removed with a rake.

If voids are formed during compaction, they should be filled with new soil.

Pre-sowing preparation

Before planting seeds, it is important to carry out the following activities:

  1. A week in advance, scatter mineral fertilizer throughout the prepared soil.
  2. Loosen the soil so that minerals penetrate deep into the soil.
  3. A day before, walk the rake over the ground again so that no large lumps remain.

Sowing carrots

When the time comes, we make furrows in the ridges, water them and sow the seeds. There is no need to sow too thickly; thinning may damage neighboring roots. It is good to maintain a distance of one or two cm.

To do this, the seeds can be glued in advance onto thin paper. Ordinary toilet paper is ideal here, and the glue should be made from starch. Since we cannot soak such seeds before planting, be sure to water the furrows well.

Then we cover the crops with humus and water again. For quick emergence of friendly shoots, it is fashionable to cover the bed with covering material, film or old things to retain moisture. After the emergence of shoots, the film and things are removed, and the covering material can be left to reduce watering, especially in dry spring. Also, radishes or lettuce are sown in rows of carrots so that the rows are immediately visible.

Calculating the correct timing

Seeds are sown in two ways:

  1. Dry in seedling containers or in open ground. Once in a moist environment, they swell and sprout within a certain number of days. At the appropriate temperature and humidity, healthy seed germinates without delay. The lack of heat and moisture slows down this process or stops it.
  2. With preliminary soaking for swelling or pipping. In these cases, the calculation of the period begins from the moment the seeds are moistened or lowered into the liquid. On the one hand, this approach speeds up germination, since optimal conditions are created for this. But on the other hand, the likelihood that the hatched sprout will die increases if it is placed in unsuitable (cold or dry) soil. Whereas dry grain placed in such soil will wait for heat and moisture, maintaining its germination.

Therefore, in order for the germination period to correspond to the varietal characteristics of a particular crop, you need to carefully consider these environmental factors. Below are tables that indicate how many days it takes for vegetables, greens, herbs and flowers to sprout when optimal conditions are created for them.

Table 1. How long does it take for vegetable seeds to germinate?

CultureGermination time, daysOptimal temperature, °C
Vegetable bean7-1218-20
Vegetable cowpea7-1218-20
Vegetable peas4-916-20
White cabbage3-617-20
Brussels sprouts3-617-20
Kohlrabi cabbage3-617-20
Sweet corn10-1520-25
Bulb onions8-1418-20
Parsley root13-2218-22
Celery root13-2220-25
Vegetable soybean4-916-20
Vegetable beans7-1218-20

Table 2. How long do seeds of green and spicy crops germinate?

CultureDuration of emergence, daysOptimal temperature, °C
Salad mustard3-617-20
Mizuna cabbage3-617-20
Pak choi cabbage3-617-20
Slime Bow8-1418-20
lemon balm14-2020-25
Leaf parsley12-2218-22
Leaf celery12-2220-25

Table 3. How many days do flower seeds take to germinate?

CultureDuration of germination, daysOptimal temperature, °C
Chinese carnation6-720-22
Carnation Shabo6-1016-18
Dahlia annual7-823-25
sweet pea5-816-20
morning glory10-1222-25
Sweet tobacco10-1423-25
Stock rose14-2020-22

Knowing on what day the seeds of a particular crop germinate, you can calculate the correct date for sowing them, as well as control germination and immediately replant if the sprouts do not appear on time. To prevent such problems from arising, it is necessary to first check germination and carry out proper pre-sowing preparation.

What type of grass is best to use?

You can immediately choose ready-made herbal mixtures at a garden store. Among these mixtures are:

  • sports - suitable for landing on a football field;
  • universal - suitable for any lawn, but require frequent mowing;
  • frost-resistant - used for planting in cold regions;
  • elite - require certain conditions of maintenance, but look very stylish;
  • meadow - these varieties will turn the lawn into a small meadow with various splashes of flowers.

For the Russian climate, you can choose not mixtures, but individual herbs that will look great on your house or summer cottage.


Bluegrass is a perennial herb that is used as a base for grass mixtures. The grass is easy to care for and has good germination.


This type of grass grows thickly and leaves no empty spaces on the lawn. Bentgrass has a rich green color and is resistant to frost and frequent cutting.


This herb goes well with cereals. Despite the fact that ryegrass can be used to create an excellent decorative lawn, it does not tolerate frost well, so it is mainly used in the southern regions. The variety does not require pruning and is often found in elite grass mixtures.

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