Growing peonies: variety selection, planting, care and propagation technology

Peonies are loved by our gardeners and grow in almost every front garden. However, some have huge bushes, completely strewn with flowers, others are also solid, and there are only one or two buds on them. And the reason, as a rule, is in caring for the plants.

In the first years of life, peony flowers may be smaller than intended and may not even match the varietal color. The full properties of the variety appear only from the fifth year of flowering.

Types of peonies by ripening time

The flowering time is affected by the variety of ornamental perennial, the climate in which it grows, and care features.

Very early

In American hybrids, surprising with double buds or a magnificent crown of petals, the decorative period begins at the end of May. The Velma variety has reddish stems and large lilac caps.


In the first ten days of June, the Pearl Placer blooms. The peony sends out many shoots, growing up to 80 cm in height. The pearlescent shade of the petals at the ends turns into a dark pink color.

At the same time, the hybrid variety America pleases with scarlet flowers with golden stamens.


Until June 15, the buds of the Mirage peony bloom. Raspberry petals change shade in different lighting and smell like jasmine.

The Duchess variety, created by French breeders many years ago, continues to amaze with its airy snow-white flowers about 20 cm in diameter.

The Miss America peony bush is spherical in shape. The plant tolerates frost well, blooms buds in early June, large pure white flowers with yellow stamens look like chamomile.


Light pink petals with an edge of the double peony in Memory of Gagarin open in the middle of the first summer month. Then the dark burgundy buds of the Sable variety appear.


After June 25, double spherical Anchatress peonies bloom, collected from lemon petals, decorated with a thin scarlet border. At the end of the month, the John Peyton variety blooms lilac buds.


In the thirties of June, the spreading peony Arkady Gaidar with leaves decorated with scarlet veins blooms. Gladys Taylor pleases with dark pink terry balls.

Very late

In July, the snow-white flowers of the Swan variety open, the fragrant Adonis with golden reflections on the petals is fragrant, Moon River amazes with its delicate terry caps, decorated with blush.

Popular varieties and varieties of peonies

Peony White Wings
Peonies are divided into herbaceous and tree-like. Among the herbaceous ones, the following stand out:

  • species or botanical;
  • milky-flowered;
  • hybrids obtained by crossing milky-flowered peony with other species and between them.

The first group includes peonies found wild in nature. The second includes varieties that were previously called Chinese. These are intraspecific hybrids that were bred by crossing within the group itself, natural forms of the species and variety. As a result of crossing between the milky-flowered peony and other species and varieties of peony, the youngest group was obtained. But its representatives have the most varied colors.

Peonies are divided into three groups according to the type of inflorescence:

  • anemone-shaped;
  • simple;
  • semi-double;
  • terry;
  • Japanese.

Simple ones have one or two rows of petals. Inside the inflorescence there are pistils and stamens, which in hybrids are sterile. Many gardeners value this type of inflorescence for its lightness. They face upward and are easily held by the stems; the bush has the correct shape.

Pion Duchess de Nemours

Semi-double peonies have many petals interspersed with stamens. Most often, such inflorescences have species and milky-flowered peonies, as well as hybrids.

The Japanese, or imperial, form has from 5 to 10 petals, the stamens are similar to petal formations. Characteristic of the milky-flowering variety.

The inflorescence consists entirely of petals; pistils and stamens are not visible. In this group of inflorescences there are four subgroups:

  • rose-shaped - the flower has a regular shape, the petals are almost the same size;
  • crowned - large and wide outer petals, narrow inner petals, curving inward;
  • bomb-shaped - the outer petals are large, the inner ones, together with modified pistils and stamens, form a dome;
  • spherical - wide outer petals, inner narrow and numerous.

Peony Cytheria

The anemone form is not considered official as it is a more developed Japanese form. The inflorescences have 5 or 10 petals, the stamens are deformed (petalodia). Most often found in milky-flowered peony.

Over the entire history of peonies, many varieties and hybrids have been bred. When purchasing them, it is easier to focus on the desired shape of the inflorescence.


Maryin root

Maryin root, or evasive peony . The natural form is distributed from Siberia to the west. The leaves have a pinnately dissected shape. Petals are lilac and crimson. Inflorescence up to 8 cm in diameter. Blooms in May.

White Wings . The late variety was bred in 1949. Height up to 85 cm. The buds have purple streaks; after blooming, the inflorescence turns white. The aroma is light and pleasant.

What year do peonies bloom after planting?

The impatience of gardeners waiting for the first flowers to appear on peony bushes is well understandable. The time of appearance of peonies depends on the age of the planting material. If you bought a 3-4 year old seedling and planted it in well-fertilized soil in the fall, there is a chance you will see flowers in a year. The tree peony blooms even later, at 5-6 years. According to the rules, when peonies begin to bloom for the first time, their buds are cut off. This makes it possible to direct all forces to the development of the root.

The flowering period depends on the variety: early ones produce buds in early June, medium ones - in the second half of the month, late ones - in early July. The flowering period is 8-15 days. It depends on the variety; double forms bloom longer than simple ones. A real record holder, pleasing with its buds for almost a month, is the Bartzella variety. The ITO hybrid with yellow petals blooms with medium-sized peonies and fades with late ones.

Peony propagation methods

Herbaceous peonies quickly reproduce by dividing the rhizome, layering, and stem cuttings. Tree peonies are grafted onto the roots of herbaceous peonies. This is only done in nurseries.

How to grow flowers from seeds

Peony seeds are collected as soon as the fruits open. They are sown to a depth of 2 cm in a mixture of sand, compost and non-acidic peat. Shoots appear the following spring. It can be transplanted to another location only after 2 years. Bushes grown from seeds bloom in 4–6 years.

Propagation by root cuttings

Sections of adventitious roots 5–7 cm long are planted vertically to a depth of 3–4 cm. Dormant buds can begin to grow only after 2 years.

Why don't they bloom

The perennial does not form buds, and if they do appear, they dry out and do not open. Novice summer residents complain about such problems.


The plant does not bloom immediately after planting. It takes time to please with its decorative appearance:

  1. In the first year, the peony adapts to new conditions and stems form.
  2. Over the next 12 months, the number of shoots increases, the tuber becomes thicker and stronger. Sometimes 1–2 buds appear; it is recommended to pick them off.
  3. In the third year, the plant forms powerful roots and single flowers.

In a few more seasons, the shade of the petals will change; the peony will not be covered with buds. After a while, the plant will respond to care with a delicate aroma and lush flowering.


Planting peonies is not the most important thing. If plants are not properly cared for, they may grow and develop poorly.

Peonies, like most perennials, love water very much, so they need to be watered regularly, soaking the soil to the thickness of the root layer (4 watering cans for each plant). But water should never stand around the bushes, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. We have already written about this in the articles “How to grow astilbe” and “How to grow dahlias”.

In the first year after planting peonies, it is better to cut off the buds so as not to weaken the bushes. Then in subsequent years they will grow more powerfully.

Peonies will begin to bloom in full force only in the third year after planting.

Fertilizers are of great importance for peonies. In the first two years, they are limited to only two feedings, since the fertilizers received during planting will be sufficient for the plants.

At the end of April, after the snow melts, peonies are fed with a urea solution (20 g per 10 liters of water). The second - with a solution of slurry - is carried out at the end of June.

Starting from the third year, in the spring half a bucket of rotted manure is applied to each bush, and in the fall the plants are fertilized with a ready-made mineral complex for autumn feeding of perennial flowers.

Peonies can grow in one place for more than 60 years. However, over the years there are fewer flowers. Plus they get smaller. Therefore, every 12 years in mid-August the bushes are divided and planted. At least 4 growth buds are left on each division.

At the end of September, the entire above-ground part of the peonies is cut off, and the roots are mulched with fallen leaves or spruce branches in a 20 cm layer. After 7 years, the plants are no longer covered. Peony roots are not afraid of severe frosts and tolerate winter well.

How to save peonies before planting

A true flower lover will not be able to pass up the opportunity to purchase a good variety of peonies at a reasonable price. In winter, stores often sell seedlings in boxes or bags. Their roots are wrapped in sphagnum moss, peat or a small amount of soil. If the seedling spent a lot of time in a warm, dry room, this had a bad effect on the condition of its rhizome. The purchased material must be inspected and its appearance assessed. If the root looks good and the buds have not awakened, the peonies are kept in the refrigerator before planting in the spring.

This option meets temperature and humidity recommendations. The seedling is better preserved if it is wrapped in moss.

Advice. Buy cuttings of adult bushes that are over 4 years old. They look less attractive than the roots of young plants, but quickly take root and begin to bloom.

But more often the situation arises when the root looks sick, but the buds have begun to grow. Vegetation occurs due to rhizome reserves. They will soon dry up and the plant will die. A decision must be made on how to preserve the roots before planting in the ground. There is only one way out - temporarily plant it in a spacious container, and move it to the garden in the spring. Use pots with a volume of at least 5 liters or plastic eggplants. Holes must be made at the bottom to allow water to drain.

The bottle or pot is filled with ready-made universal soil for flowers. The seedling is disinfected in a solution of the fungicide “Maxim” or “Skor”. It is recommended to treat it with a growth stimulator afterwards. Soil is poured into the container and the root is planted. Well moisturizes. Peony is kept in a cool, bright room. This is the best way for those who are interested in how to preserve seedlings purchased in March. Under natural conditions, plants need a “cold start”. At low temperatures, suction roots grow, providing nutrition.

Advice. Place a plastic bag with holes in the container before adding soil. When transplanting, it will be easier to remove the seedling with a lump of earth.

Subtleties of spring planting

Peony planting in spring is carried out in April. It's still cool outside, but this is beneficial for flower growers. The aerial part develops slowly, not advancing the roots in development. Don't expect sustained warming. While the shoots have not grown, the division will be able to take root well. We suggest you read the instructions on how to grow peonies and when to plant them.

  • Preparing the hole. Recommended dimensions – 50 x 50 cm, depth – one and a half shovels. Tree varieties need a deeper hole, up to 70 cm. They have a longer and more powerful root. Preparatory work begins 8-10 days before planting.

    Peonies are planted in spring

  • The bottom is lined with drainage made from traditional materials: broken brick, expanded clay. They are covered with earth previously removed from the hole, but already mixed with humus. And add fertilizer: wood ash (400 g), superphosphate (150 g).
  • A little more fertile mixture is poured on top and a division is placed on the formed mound and the roots are straightened. The rhizome is buried several centimeters and compacted with palms. Water generously.
  • Peat and humus are excellent material for mulch. They are laid on top to retain moisture and protect the root system from overheating. If the roots become exposed in the future, you can add a little more soil.

How to plant store-bought peonies in spring

What to do with a seedling bought in a box in the spring? There is no point in waiting for autumn, because peonies take root even when planted in spring. At the beginning of the growing season, the soil temperature is still low, so the plant will have time to grow roots before the buds revive. The success of cultivation primarily depends on the purchase of high-quality planting material. When choosing, the information on the packaging is evaluated. A bona fide manufacturer must indicate:

  • peony variety;
  • number and age of divisions;
  • description of the plant;
  • landing instructions.

Peonies in landscape design, design options

Landscape designers greatly value peonies for their rich color palette and the natural decorative forms of the bushes themselves.

Peonies are used both independently and in combination with other plants - perennial and annual. The classic solution is to combine peonies with flowers that produce buds from under the snow at the first rays of the sun - chionodoxes, crocuses or sanguinaria.

Peonies are grouped by color and flowering period, so that late varieties imperceptibly replace early ones, while maintaining the color combination.

With the help of peonies, you can perform work on zoning a site (usually zigzag rows), form a hedge of tall bushes or a border of dwarf varieties.

Peonies can be planted spotwise in flowerpots, rocky or earthen flower beds. Peonies are also used for vertical gardening, weaving them around arches and nets.

For more information about the use of peonies in landscape design, read the interesting article Peonies in landscape design. Compositions and combinations.

What supports are needed for peonies during flowering?

The fact is that during flowering very large buds ripen, which can damage the stem. This is due to the large weight of the flowers themselves. Therefore, even before flowering begins, supports are installed on the bushes. This helps keep the bushes looking good and prevents the bud from tilting. Ring-shaped pores are most often used. These are unique devices that consist of two rings connected by supports.

Video: PEONIES WILL BLOOM LIKE NEVER, if you replant and divide them like this!


This way the entire bush is fixed. This does not allow the stems to bend in any direction, even with strong gusts of wind. Below in the video you can see what supports are used during peony flowering. Tying peonies to various sticks is not entirely effective.

Which variety to choose

Until recently, the choice of varieties in our country was small, and they were simply called “pink”, “white”, “red”. But today popular samples are available to amateur flower growers - in total, about 5 thousand varieties are registered in the world. There are also masterpieces among domestic varieties.

Plants are conventionally divided into 3 groups: herbaceous, tree-like and hybrids. A photo of peonies attracts with the beauty of the flower’s shades, but it’s worth taking a closer look at other features. If the shape of the shrub is small (50 cm - 1 m), then it is a herbaceous variety. It grows every year thanks to new shoots. Trees are shrubs or subshrubs, and the stems do not die off in winter, but become dense like a tree.

Peony hybrids were developed through selection. In color and flower shape they resemble tree-like varieties. But their bush dies off in the winter - like herbaceous plants.

The types and varieties of peonies differ:

  • coloring of inflorescences;
  • flower size;
  • flowering period;
  • characteristics of the bush (size, shape).

If the priority is the beauty of flowers, you should pay attention to the “Nancy” variety. These peonies are super early and look pretty until frost. In the fall, "Nancy" looks great thanks to its brightly colored leaves.

An interesting choice is Philomel. Plants such as peonies are also popular in Japan, where this variety was bred. The outer petals of the flowers are soft lilac, the inner petals are pale yellow with reddish strokes. The bush is tall and grows quickly.

The variety “Coral Sunset” is also known. True to its name, when flowering changes from coral to yellow. Thus, on one bush you can see inflorescences of different shades.

How to speed up the start of flowering

Bulb crops will bloom earlier if you rake off the snow at the end of March, remove the cover from the ridges, install frames and stretch plastic film over them. The frames may be different, but the higher they are, the more air there will be under the film and the less danger of plants overheating on sunny days and hypothermia on frosty nights.

The beginning of gladioli flowering can be accelerated by 10 - 12 days if you first germinate the corm buds indoors at a temperature of 22 - 27 ° and a humidity of 60% for 40 - 45 days. The higher the room temperature, the less time it takes for the corms to germinate. Fluctuations in humidity during germination are undesirable. If it is above 60%, roots will begin to grow, which may be damaged during planting. At lower humidity, the corms themselves will dry out. Accelerates the onset of flowering and planting corms under film.

Combination of peonies with other plants

When choosing neighbors for the perennial peony, which has a rather vulnerable root system, it is necessary to exclude perennial plants that are aggressive to it. For this reason, when planting it in open ground, companion flowers can be at your discretion: popovnik or mantle, oak sage, lilac speedwell, catnip or miniature conifers.

It is considered excellent in combination with hostas, which, however, wither under prolonged sunlight - plant them in this case, providing light shading.

How to prolong flowering

To prolong the flowering of annuals, you must constantly pluck faded flowers or inflorescences, preventing the formation of seeds. Annuals used for borders (ageratum, lobelia, lobularia and others) can be cut off when flowering, leaving 2 - 3 cm of the lower part of the stem, and then watered and fertilized. By the end of summer they will bloom a second time.

Clematis will bloom longer if some of the shoots that grow in spring are cut 30 cm from the ground. Regrown side shoots will bloom later than unpruned ones.

Peonies will bloom later if, at the end of winter, you rake snow up to the bushes, compact it and sprinkle a 5 cm layer of sawdust on top. In mid-May, the sawdust should be removed.

Roses will bloom longer and look more elegant if you regularly prune faded flowers and inflorescences.

If you cut off the stems of a perennial lupine with faded inflorescences at the base without damaging the leaves of the rosette, it will bloom a second time by autumn.

Types, varieties, names with photos

Both wild and varietal types of peonies are divided according to a number of criteria. Most botanists rely on the following classification.

According to the form of growth.

Tree Peonies

Tree peonies are represented by natural, hybrid and varietal species. These are shrubs no more than two meters high, which have thick, erect, non-branching shoots.

Tree peonies are divided into 3 varieties:

  • Japanese peonies. These are frost-resistant shrubs, with medium-sized flowers and semi-double petal texture;

  • European peonies, which are characterized by large leaves and velvety flowers of various colors;

  • A hybrid based on two species - “Yellow” and “Delaway”. This is a variety of tree peony with extraordinary bright yellow flowers.

Herbaceous Peonies

These peonies grow in the form of perennial herbs and are famous for their unpretentiousness and hardiness.

They also have an internal classification and are divided into subspecies:

Peony Milky-flowered or White-flowered / Paeonia Lactiflora

This type of peonies is the most popular garden plant. The tall stem is topped with a large flower. It is this species that is the progenitor of more than 1000 varietal peonies, so the color of the flowers can be found from white to black.

Peony Evading or Maryin Root / Paeonia Anomala

It has a thick stem, crowned with a large fiery pink flower.

Mlokosewitschii Peony / Paeonia Mlokosewitschii

You can meet him high in the Caucasus Mountains (Lagodekhi Gorge). Large, soft yellow flowers, pink stems and leaves with a bluish tint. This type of peony also has popular names such as “golden peony” and “molly witch”.

Peony Officinalis or Common Peony / Paeonia Officinalis

The most famous type of peony, which has been grown for centuries to make medicinal products. But thanks to its rich, pink color, it has acquired decorative significance in the modern world.

Narrow-leaved Peony or Voronets Peony / Paeonia Tenuifolia

The flowers are solitary and small, about 6 centimeters in diameter. The color of the petals is dark red and dark pink.

Peonies are also classified according to the shape of the buds and the number of petals.

Terry peonies

This species is characterized by wide, rounded petals, which are arranged in dense rows. The stamens are so modified that they are visually difficult to separate from the petals.

The flower shape of double peonies is also divided into:

  • rose-shaped
  • semi-pink
  • spherical
  • hemispherical
  • crowned

Semi-double peonies

Such a flower consists of 5-7 true petals and several rows of petal and ordinary stamens. This combination gives the flower a very graceful shape and elegance.

Non-double peonies

The bud consists of no more than 10, or even less, petals, which are framed in an even circle by the stamens of the correct shape.

Japanese peonies

The flower includes a mix of full petals and modified (petal) stamens, tightly intertwined. A distinctive feature of Japanese peonies is that the stamens and petals differ in color, and thereby create a variegated, spectacular color of the flower.

Anemone peonies

There are no more than 7 petals in the inflorescence. The main space is occupied by dense rows of long and bright stamens.

According to the timing of flowering, the following types of peonies are distinguished:

  • very early;
  • early;
  • mid-early;
  • average;
  • mid-late;
  • late;
  • very late.

This classification is especially relevant for the proper organization of garden design. If you plant different species according to their flowering dates, then bright peony flowers will decorate the garden from May to October.

Top 10 beautiful varieties of peonies

Why do peonies bloom poorly?

Most often this happens because the place for planting them is chosen incorrectly (low, with close groundwater, shaded).

Dry soil in the autumn of the previous year has an unfavorable effect on flowering. Plants in such conditions do not store enough nutrients to bloom next year and the year after.

Another very common reason is buried or, conversely, too shallow, as well as very late planting.

If peonies have not been dug up or divided for many years, their rhizomes grow, rise above ground level, and the buds become smaller. This also results in poor flowering.

The flowering of peonies is worsened by the development of diseases: gray rot, late blight, leaf spot.


The above-ground part of herbaceous peonies dies off in the fall, and grows back the next year. Therefore, when planting peonies, special attention should be paid to the root system.

There are, as it were, two waves of its growth.

The first begins in the spring at the beginning of May. At this time, adventitious roots and thin suction roots actively grow. Then they thicken and become denser. It is in them that the nutrients necessary for the growth of the bush next spring are deposited.

The second wave of growth occurs at the end of August. At this time, many new suction roots are formed.

This physiological feature determines the timing of planting peonies.

In order for them to take root well, the plants must be planted (and replanted) before the massive regrowth of suction roots, so as not to damage them during digging. Plants with a closed root system can be planted at any time.

The choice of planting site is of great importance for the normal growth and development of peonies. These plants are very light-loving and afraid of drafts and cold winds. Therefore, they should be planted in a sunny place well protected from the wind.

Planted in the shade, peonies will grow and bloom poorly. Some varieties may not produce buds at all.

Peonies need very fertile soil, rich in organic matter, loose with a neutral reaction (pH 6.8 - 7.0). Acidic - these plants are generally contraindicated. They will simply die on them. Plants planted in areas with close groundwater or in flooded lowlands will also look severely depressed.

Since the peony's root system is very powerful (the roots can go a meter or more deep), it needs loose soil in the root zone. Therefore, planting holes are dug with a diameter of 60 and a depth of 65 cm. The distance between plants is 80 cm.

At the bottom, drainage is arranged from small broken bricks or crushed stone, mixed with sand in equal quantities, in a layer of 20 cm. The holes are filled with a nutrient mixture of fertile soil, sand and compost or rotted manure in a ratio of 1: 1: 2.

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and wood ash must be added to each pit.

When planting, the growth buds located underground at the base of the stem are buried no more than 4 cm, otherwise the bushes may grow powerfully but not bloom at all. Peonies are well watered (2 watering cans for each), and then mulched with humus or leaf soil.

Preparation of planting holes

Peonies have a fairly powerful root system that grows in depth and breadth, so it is necessary to prepare a planting hole measuring at least 60-70 cm in diameter and 70 cm in depth.

If we dig a hole that is not deep enough, the peony roots will stop growing when they reach solid ground.

Don't forget to put drainage at the bottom of the planting hole. It can be gravel, coarse sand or broken brick.

Then we fill the lower part of the hole with an earthen mixture, which consists of the top layer of soil, rotted manure, compost and peat, it is also good to add 150-200 g of superphosphate or 300-400 g of bone meal or ash, and if your soil is acidic, then It’s a good idea to also add 200-400 g of crushed slaked lime.

Mix the mixture thoroughly and add water. We fill the upper part of the hole with good garden soil without adding any fertilizers, and we will plant the plant in it.

I recommend preparing the planting hole in advance, about a month before planting, so that the soil has time to settle.

If you were unable to do this and prepare the hole right before planting the peonies, then the soil must be lightly compacted so that after planting it does not settle and then the planted plant may end up not being at the depth required, which will negatively affect the growth of the plant .

Open ground: choosing where to plant and how to care

Before planting, you should carefully choose a place where the plant can bloom quietly for many, many years. Keep in mind that peonies love warmth. So much so that you can leave them in the shade for a maximum of 3 hours a day. Wind and draft are also not for them.

The roots of this plant already grow to 80 centimeters in a couple of years, so the gardener determines the space for peonies in advance and does not place other plants there.

The main danger when growing peonies in open ground is the likelihood of flooding or stagnation of water . If the ground remains wet all the time, the root and, accordingly, the entire bush may rot.

Over time, an overgrown peony will need free space, so you should not plant it in cramped spaces.

Here are some important points you need to know when growing:

  • Planting holes should be about 1.5 meters apart from each other or other perennial plants.
  • Trees should not be closer than 2 meters.
  • The bush should not be placed next to fences or walls of buildings closer than 2-2.5 meters.

After you select a suitable site for the plant, you will need to pay special attention to the soil itself.

Simple loamy soil is suitable for cultivation, since peonies are not particularly whimsical in this matter. If your soil has a slightly acidic or, for example, neutral reaction, then at a minimum it needs to be loosened .

If you have sandy soil, you can add humus or deoxidize it with special means.

If the soil is excessively clayey, it can be diluted with sand .

When to plant?

The time for planting peonies largely depends on the growing area, as well as on what planting material you have.

These can be parts of an old rhizome obtained by dividing it (dividing), or young plants purchased from nurseries.

It is best to plant cuttings from mid-August to mid-(late) September, since during this period the peony has already sufficiently formed renewal buds on the rhizome, but the formation of small suction roots has not yet begun.

If the summer was dry, then the renewal buds may be delayed in their development and then the planting time can be postponed by 1-2 weeks.

It is important to remember that it takes 6 weeks for a peony to take root well.

Of course, if the weather is warm for a long time, then you can plant peonies in October, but it’s still better not to risk it.

A plant planted in late autumn requires special care, since it will go unrooted in winter. Therefore, it must be properly covered for the winter.

First, sprinkle the roots with peat or loose soil with a layer of 10-15 cm, and then additionally cover the top with leaves or spruce branches. It’s better, of course, to use spruce branches if you have one.

In the spring, covered in this way, be sure to unearth the late plantings and water them thoroughly if the weather is dry.

The good rooting of such a peony and its further development will largely depend on the amount of moisture received.

I strongly do not recommend planting and replanting peonies in the spring. Because the renewal buds of peonies begin to grow very early, when the soil has not yet thawed and, by the time it is possible to start replanting and dividing the bush, the sprouts can already grow up to 10-15 cm.

And since they are very delicate and fragile, during the planting process there is a high probability that the sprouts will break and bend.

Peony bushes transplanted, and especially those divided in the spring, usually lag behind in development from the bushes planted in the fall for a whole year, and under unfavorable weather conditions the plant may die.

But in the spring it is good to plant young peonies purchased in nurseries or specialized stores, which, with such planting, will have time to acclimatize and grow well before winter.

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