Pilea Cadieux or Peperomyoid
Pilea: popular types, rules for growing, caring for and replanting plants at home (125 photos of a houseplant)
Main types of culture There are several varieties of indoor Pilea flowers, among which the most popular are
Common privet - the most winter-hardy species, is most often grown in the soil and climatic conditions of the central zone of our country
Planting and care instructions for common privet
Common privet: description, features of planting and care Common privet, or ligustrum (L.vulgáre), is a deciduous shrub
Cydonia beneficial properties and contraindications. Useful properties and uses of quince, Japanese quince recipes
Growing Japanese quince or quince. Having accidentally seen one day these tiny shrubs, completely covered with large
Lemon Callistemon (Callistemon citrinus)
Callistemon - growing and care at home, photos of species
Callistemon is an evergreen tree or shrub from the Myrtaceae family. Features well-branched, dense
Lupine (70 photos): types and features of care
Lupine (100 photos): planting and care in open ground, growing from seeds in a flowerbed, white and narrow-leaved lupins
Photo: oir.mobi Although decorative lupine is a legume, it is valued in areas
What are the names and where are the fruits and leaves of maple used?
Some maple fruits remain hanging on the tree almost all winter, and then on the branches
Saxifraga shady (shady): Variegata, Auravariegata and other varieties
Shadow saxifrage (Saxifraga umbrosa) is an evergreen ground cover with high frost resistance. The plant is ideal for filling
Green chrysanthemums: varieties and their descriptions, names, photos
Green chrysanthemums: varieties and their descriptions, names, photos
Green chrysanthemums are a popular variety of this ornamental crop. These flowers are actively used
Fescue - choosing varieties for flower beds and lawns, learning to grow, types with photos, description, pros and cons, reviews from gardeners
This herbaceous plant of the cereal family has long settled in many summer cottages as part of decorative
Sunflower (heliopsis): types and varieties, photo of sunflower
The genus of herbaceous annual and perennial plants Heliopsis (Heliopsis) is a representative of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family.
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