How to trim yucca - basic rules and expert advice
Nowadays it is very fashionable to decorate the interiors of houses with green spaces. Preference is given to plants that do not shed leaves
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Memo: secrets of planting and growing tree peony
Author: Elena N. Category: Garden plants Published: February 07, 2019Last edits: November 03
Lawn fertilizers in the fall for successful overwintering
Luxurious lawn grass is the dream of every summer resident. But to achieve such a result, it is necessary to put in
Elf is not only an ornamental plant
Silver oleaster: planting, growing methods, care
Silver elk (Elaeagnus commutata) is one of 40 species of the genus from the family Elaeagnus, growing
We tell you what to do if the orchid has leaves on its peduncle
What to do if an orchid has leaves on its peduncle? Birth of a baby After flowering ends
milky peony
Description of 18 popular varieties of milky peony, planting and care
It's rare that a garden doesn't have peonies. From a distance they attract attention with their spreading
Japanese scarlet
Cercis, or crimson: popular types and cultivation features
Japanese crimson is an ornamental plant that can become a decoration in various landscape structures.
iris plant planting and care
Iris plant: characteristics and description. Popular varieties
Iris plant: description This is a perennial and unique herbaceous plant with a strong rhizome. Him
Bergenia root medicinal properties and contraindications
Chemical composition The most useful part of this plant is the root. It is rich in valuable chemicals,
Spray roses – small-flowered, border roses
Description of rose varieties Spray, planting and care in open ground for beginners
0 14339 This article is about a relatively new group of roses. They are called spray
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