All-leaved willow - cultivation: from planting to care

How to grow a weeping willow tree

The clear verticals of the weeping willow shoots are in perfect harmony with the horizontal surface of the reservoir.
This is one of those rare garden contrasts that is naturally perceived by the eye. Weeping willows on tall trunks can be used to create garden arches. Or plant such a tree as a tapeworm. In this case, it is better to observe it at a distance of at least two heights of the plant, then the entire crown will be visible.

If you have rooted weeping willows, it makes sense to form them into a trunk form from the very beginning. After several shoots have appeared from the cutting, the strongest one is selected and tied to a support, the rest are removed. As the main shoot grows, it is tied higher and higher.

Side shoots are shortened by a third every year in summer to cause the outflow of nutrients to the main trunk. In the fall, these shoots are “cut into rings,” leaving 0.5 cm of stump.

When the trunk reaches the required height, it is no longer tied up, and a weeping crown is formed from the growing side shoots by pinching or cutting to the outer bud.


In every garden there is a place for an elegant tree with a weeping crown. But don’t give in to the mood and don’t buy a seedling just because you like the way it looks. Choose a plant that would be suitable for your garden both in terms of living conditions and in size, which sooner or later it will reach.


Weeping crowns are found in many tree species: willow, rowan, elm, caragana, ash, aspen, alder, oak, euonymus, maple, linden. Unfortunately, this form of branches is not always inherited, so these trees and shrubs have to be propagated by grafting.

You can grow a rootstock for grafting from seeds or use a tiny seedling from the forest as it. The scion—pencil-thin cuttings—for spring grafting is cut in February-March. They are kept for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator, wrapped in moss or damp paper, and the day before the “operation” they are placed in water, renewing the lower cut. The vaccination is done in May at a temperature of 23-25 ​​o C and high air humidity. You can also vaccinate in the summer - in July. Cuttings from freshly cut shoots with mature wood or a well-formed bud are grafted.

For grafting, you need pruning shears, a garden budding knife, garden varnish, tying film or compress paper; they are cut into strips 20-25 cm long and about 1 cm wide. Grafting methods: budding (bud grafting), simple and improved copulation (grafting with cuttings) , onto a wedge, into a split. After the rootstock and scion have grown together, the film that was tied around the grafting site is removed.

Water frequently for the first two weeks, pouring at least one bucket under each plant. This is usually done early in the morning or in the evening, 2-3 hours before sunset. After watering, the soil is loosened, and the tree trunk circles are mulched with peat, sand, pebbles or expanded clay in a layer of 8-12 cm. Mulch helps retain moisture in the soil and protects against weeds; the soil under it warms up less in summer and freezes less in winter.

Plants are fed with complex mineral fertilizers; summer feeding is especially effective. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied once every 2-3 years. You should not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers: their excess negatively affects the winter hardiness of plants and impairs their survival rate.

In the first years, in early spring, before the buds open, formative pruning is carried out. Young shoots that appear from dormant buds on the trunk are removed, as well as shoots of the rootstock that grow below the grafting site or directly from the roots. They are broken out or carefully cut out with pruning shears, leaving no stumps. If the grafted plant blooms in the year of grafting, the flowers are torn off.

To give the seedling a weeping shape, use the candelabra-shaped pruning method (see figure). Cuts on the shoots are made after a well-developed bud looking up - then the shoots begin to hang down. This method of pruning helps to create a wider crown. Large sections are covered with garden varnish. Wounds with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm are not covered, as they heal quickly on their own. When pruning, dry branches are also cut out.


3-5 year old seedlings are planted in a permanent place. They should have an even, straight trunk, a crown evenly developed in all directions, and a good root system.

Weeping trees and shrubs are spectacular on lawns, in rest areas near benches, in flower beds and near ponds, both in single plantings and in groups of at least three plants each. Decorative trunks are also used for growing in containers. Caragana, apple trees, and maples are best suited for this.

Most weeping forms are frost-resistant and light-loving. Shade-tolerant willow, hazel, elm; They are best grown in areas where groundwater is no closer than 1.5 - 2 m from the soil surface.

Willow, pear, and caragana are not picky about soil.

Apple trees can grow on slightly acidic soils; hazel prefers calcareous soils. Elm and mountain ash need fertile soil.

Planting hole size: 1x1x0.5(0.7) m. The root collar of the plant should be located at soil level. In order not to damage the lower branches, a peg is driven in next to the seedling 5-7 cm below the crown.

An assortment of the most decorative and winter-hardy plants for a small garden

Elm "Weeping" (Ulmus glabra "Pendula")

An original tree with a hemispherical crown, similar to an inverted bowl. Long branches with large dark green leaves create a dense shady canopy under which you can hide from the sun's rays.

It grows slowly. The height of an adult tree is no more than 5 m, the crown diameter is up to 10 m.

Shade-tolerant. Demanding on soil fertility. It is winter-hardy, but in very severe winters the ends of its annual shoots freeze.

The grafting is done on rough elm in a standard height from 1 to 2.5 m.

Weeping pear (Pyrus salicifolia "Pendula")

In spring, the thin drooping branches of this tree, its white flowers and long silver-white leaves, which turn gray-green in autumn, attract attention. From late summer until winter, small green, albeit inedible, fruits hang on the tree.

The grafting is done on Ussuri pear in a standard height from 1.7 to 2.5 m.

Goat willow "Weeping" (Salix caprea "Pendula")

The weeping willow is especially good in early spring during flowering, against the backdrop of an emerald green lawn. At this time, the entire tree is covered with golden earrings, and its long branches hang almost to the ground, forming a transparent, light crown.

Grows quickly. Relatively shade-tolerant. Undemanding to soils. Frost-resistant.

The grafting is done on goat willow in a standard 2 to 3 m high.

Caragana arborescens "Lorbergii"

Looking at the plant, it is difficult to guess that this is one of the forms of ordinary yellow acacia. The skeletal branches extending from the trunk form something like a bowl. Along the periphery of the crown, the shoots gracefully hang down. They are covered with very narrow and long (up to 20 cm) light green leaves, similar to larch needles. The crown is openwork and provides virtually no shade. Thin shoots and thread-like leaves give caragana an exotic appearance, which is why it is sometimes called the northern palm. The shrub blooms in late May - early June with yellow fragrant flowers.

It grows quickly, grows up to 3 m, and is photophilous. Undemanding to soil, drought-resistant. Reacts well to pruning. Winter-hardy.

The grafting is done on Caragana arborescens in a standard 0.75-2.5 m high.

Caragana arborescens "Pendula"

It differs from the usual yellow acacia in the bizarre shape of its crown, formed by highly twisted skeletal and long, hanging down young branches. In May - early June they are covered with yellow flowers collected in bunches. The curved branches of weeping acacia look no less attractive in winter.

The plant is light-loving, but tolerates light shade. It is undemanding to soil fertility and tolerates soil compaction. Grows best in fresh sandy loam soils. Drought-resistant, does not tolerate wetlands. Winter-hardy. The grafting is done on caragana tree in a standard 2.5-3 m high.

Common hazel “Weeping” (Corylus avellana “Pendula”)

Standard form with an umbrella-shaped crown and weeping branches. The height and diameter of the crown is 2-3 m. It grows quickly and is shade-tolerant. Prefers fertile soils. Does not tolerate excess water. Winter-hardy; in severe winters, the ends of annual shoots sometimes freeze.

Common mountain ash "Weeping" (Sorbus aucuparia "Pendula")

In young plants, long thin branches hang almost to the ground, in adults they curl into an intricate ball. The height of the tree or shrub is 6 m, the diameter of the crown is 4-6 m. It blooms in late May or early June. The flowers are white, fragrant. Orange fruits ripen in September.

Grows quickly; light-loving, but tolerates partial shade. Undemanding to soil. Does not tolerate drought and excess moisture in the soil. Winter-hardy.

The grafting is done on the rowan tree in a standard from 2 to 4 m high.

Low apple tree "Weeping Red" (Malus pumila "Pendula Rubriflora")

One of the most spectacular plants with a weeping crown. The long dark burgundy branches of this apple tree hang down to the ground, sometimes growing up to 1.5 m per season. The tree has reddish foliage, purple flowers and small burgundy apples.

Weeping goat willow Pendula.

Willows are not such frequent guests in our gardens. Large, not particularly decorative trees that require a lot of space have long given way to the list of popular garden forms and are more often found in parks than in private properties, and only a few types of willow remain in demand today. But among the diverse and very similar representatives of this family, the weeping form of goat willow “Pendula” stands out for its amazing decorativeness, which today is considered one of the most original weeping representatives of woody plants. The goat willow itself is quite inconspicuous: growing in swamps, on the banks of natural reservoirs and streams, in the lowlands of rivers, the rather pale and modest plant is so loved by goats that it received its eloquent name “goat willow”. But a moisture-loving willow grafted onto a trunk is literally transformed: a massive canopy of hanging branches, superbly contrasting with the lawns and water surface, looks very original and bewitching. This is one of the best small crops for decorating alpine hills and ponds, which captivates with its calm greenery, charming flowering, during which bare arched branches are covered with elongated fluffy earrings of light golden tones, similar to fancy, well-fed caterpillars and a yellow autumn outfit. Let's take a closer look at the amazing weeping goat willow and the peculiarities of its cultivation.

Goat willow (Salix caprea) form “Pendula” is a compact representative of the willow family, which is easily distinguished from other plants by the weeping shape of the crown, grafted onto the trunk and the characteristic color of the leaves. The height of this plant will not exceed one and a half meters, while the diameter of the crown is limited to 1 meter, which allows this tree to be used in landscaping even the smallest gardens. Even relatively rapid growth - about 30 cm per year - does not affect the breadth of use of this type of willow. Deciduous goat willow retains its beauty from early spring until autumn. The oblong, elliptical leaves reach about 10 cm in length and retain an even muted green color from spring until autumn, when they change to a rather bright and uniform yellow. The leaves of goat willow are smooth and dark on top, but underneath they are velvety with a silvery color. Goat willow blooms in May, when sparsely spaced large, thick, seemingly fluffy golden catkins appear on the branches. Unusual earrings and fruit boxes look charming.

Goat willow form “Pendula” cannot be called a whimsical plant. It grows well in any soil with sufficiently bright light. The only thing this weeping standard beauty will need is regular and fairly abundant watering. To avoid the risk of root rotting, a thick layer of drainage should be laid in the soil. Weeping goat willow copes well with even the most severe frosts and needs to cover the trunk only during snowless winters with strong temperature changes.

The most difficult part of caring for weeping goat willow is pruning. Special procedures in the first years of cultivation are the key to the decorative appearance of goat willow, which without proper preparation will never achieve pomp and the necessary outlines. If a young plant is not formed correctly, its branches will literally fall to the ground in one season. In the first years, do not spare even small seedlings and cut off all the shoots, leaving only about 15 cm with one bud at the end, which necessarily looks not into the crown, but up and to the side, forming a crown that looks like a uniform umbrella of short branches.

Mature trees are pruned only after flowering, shortening the shoots by at least two-thirds of their length. Thanks to this rather drastic pruning, the willow begins to branch densely, and the crown becomes uniquely dense. There is no need to worry about flowering next year: over the summer, new shoots strong enough for spectacular flowering will have time to fully form. Old goat willows or those that are too thick and sloppy in appearance also need rejuvenating pruning. It is also carried out only after flowering, and not in spring or autumn, as usual. Without regular pruning, a weeping goat willow grafted onto a standard will never look attractive, it will become bare inside and lose the effect of a lush canopy.

Goat willow is propagated exclusively by grafting onto a standard. It is quite difficult to obtain plants yourself; they often die, so if you want to plant goat willow of the Pendula form, it is better to purchase a seedling adapted to your area from a nursery.

In landscape design, goat willow in a weeping form is used both for single, solo parts, and for group compositions. It looks great near bodies of water, in all types of rock gardens. Goat willow goes well with all moisture-loving plants, traditional perennials for decorating coastlines, ground covers, and ornamental grasses that maintain the shape of the crown. This willow looks good with dwarf conifers and evergreen species, which emphasize the “fragility” of the crown in winter and spring.

Willow planting

Before planting willow, you need to choose a place for its further cultivation. Decorative species prefer warm, wind-protected, sunny or slightly shaded places.

In the shade, plants grow poorly and are at risk of developing diseases; in decorative deciduous varieties, the foliage shade loses its brightness. Willow feels good on fertile, permeable and moist substrates with close groundwater.

On sale you can most often see seedlings with a closed root system, which can be planted throughout the season - from the end of March to October, but the earthen ball should not dry out, as this will affect the survival rate of the willow.

Goat willow Pendula

The exposed root system requires planting in early spring before bud break or late September. It is recommended to plant varietal forms with poor winter hardiness in the spring so that they have time to get stronger over the summer.

The earth ball and root system of the willow seedling should be freely placed in the planting hole. To increase soil fertility, soil from the pit is mixed with compost or azofoska. After planting, the soil is compacted well and watered abundantly.

How to plant trees and shrubs correctly in spring

It is useful to mulch the soil around the seedlings with compost to a thickness of 10 cm. Mulch will ensure good growth and health of willows and prevent rapid evaporation of moisture after watering.

Bredina: features of planting and care

Bredina on a summer cottage Bredina is often otherwise called Goat Willow. This plant belongs to the Willow family and is found throughout Europe, excluding alpine forests and tundras. You can find goat willow on hillsides, forest edges, wastelands, along roads, among bushes, in light forests, quarries, and gravel pits. It also likes to grow along ponds in spruce forests and in broad-leaved forests located on moist, fresh fertile soils.

General description and decorative properties of goat willow

Bredina is a small (3-6 m) deciduous tree or shrub, the root system of which is densely branched and flat spread. It grows very quickly. Recommended by specialists for planting for decorative purposes, both in single and group plantings.

It is of particular decorative value in spring, summer and autumn. It is good for its crown shape, unusual coloring of shoots, inflorescences and leaves. The branches of the tree are thick and spreading. The color of the bark is greenish-gray, but with age it becomes reddish-brown or reddish-olive. Willow leaves are alternate and vary in shape from ovate to lanceolate. Their size reaches 11-13 cm in length and 5-8 cm in width. The color of the leaves is dark green.

Planting and care

The optimal time for planting a plant is spring or autumn. Willow can be propagated either by seeds or by grafting. It should be borne in mind that willow seeds lose their viability on the tenth day after they ripen, therefore it is recommended to sow immediately after collection.

As for care, goat willow loves moist soils, but, oddly enough, it grows even on moderately dry, and even dry sandy soils. When planting, you should avoid choosing calcareous soils. It cuts well, has high winter hardiness, and does not need to be covered for the winter. Bredina loves sunlight, and therefore the landing site should be well lit and protected from strong winds. Caring for this plant consists only of timely removal of wild growth that forms under the grafting site. The tree must also be regularly trimmed to a height of 30-60 cm.

Types of nonsense

One of the most beautiful species of this tree is the Goat Willow Pedula. This is a deciduous tree with a tent-shaped, weeping crown shape. Lives for about 30 years, reaching 2-3 meters in height. The leaves are dark green in summer and yellow in autumn, blooming from April to May. Grows in any soil moisture. Often used as an ornamental plant for single and group plantings. It is not picky about the soil, but requires regular care and abundant watering. To prevent the roots of the shrub from rotting over time, when planting the plant, a thick layer of drainage is poured into the soil. Although the shrub has high frost resistance, it is still recommended to cover the trunk for the winter period.

The most difficult part of caring for the Pendula willow is its pruning. If you do not form a plant in the first years, then very quickly its branches will begin to lie on the ground. Already from young seedlings it is necessary to cut off all the shoots, leaving only 15 cm with one bud that looks to the side or up, but not inside the crown. This is exactly how the decorative shape of the crown of this type of willow is formed.

Mature trees also need to be pruned, but this is done after flowering. In this case, the shoots are shortened by 2/3 of their length. Thanks to this, the willow begins to branch well and densely. Over the summer, new shoots easily manage to re-form and look strong and very beautiful.

Weeping goat willow is a very beautiful, spectacular tree with flexible, weeping, twig-like shoots, which are located at the top of a small trunk - a trunk. With sufficient lighting, the shrub forms a narrow, tent-shaped crown with shoots that fall all the way to the ground. And in the spring, these shoots are also completely covered with fluffy flowers. Weeping goat willow looks great against the background of plants with a different shade of foliage, and therefore is often used in group plantings at the turns of garden paths.

Goat willow has a dwarf form, but its main value lies in its spherical crown and unusual shoots hanging down.

This type of willow grows very quickly and is used for planting in parks, garden plots, and squares. It also becomes a good material for creating hedges.

Another type of goat willow - Kilmarnock - is a standard, miniature plant, the height of which is 1.5 meters. But it has long, drooping branches that stretch all the way to the ground. The flowers of this willow are numerous, silvery, and have a pleasant scent. This type of brad is frost-resistant, light-loving, even wind-resistant, unpretentious to the soil, grows on light and loamy substrates with a low lime content.

Application of nonsense

Goat willow bark contains tannins, which are used in tanning. Thin leather, which is intended for making gloves, is treated with the bark extract of this plant. The bark also has many beneficial properties and is used in folk medicine. A decoction of the bark is used for colds, rheumatism, and gall bladder problems. The decoction can also be used to combat stomatitis and gum disease.

Goat willow (video)

Willow bark contains biologically active compounds, such as minerals, glycosides, vitamins, tannins, and flavones. Fresh willow leaves are applied to calluses to eliminate them.

In addition, goat willow wood is used as an ornamental and building material for creating furniture and other household items. It is also used as fuel. Due to their flexibility and strength, willow branches are used to make fences. The leafy branches are good food for livestock, especially sheep and goats.

This plant is considered an excellent honey plant, very valuable for beekeeping. From goat willow, bees collect pollen, nectar, honeydew, and sticky bud secretions, from which they create propolis.

During flowering, bredina branches are often used to decorate rooms, and sometimes even replace willows during Easter celebrations. Baskets of various shapes and for many purposes are woven from willow twigs. Thin, flexible and elastic branches become an excellent material for creating baskets in which neither berries nor mushrooms will ever get wrinkled. And the vines weave candy bowls, bread bins, flower baskets and other kitchen utensils, which become wonderful and practical table decorations. We recommend reading the article about decorative willow.

Description of willow with photo

Fast-growing and easy to grow, deciduous willows can take on a variety of forms depending on the growing area - from dwarf and creeping shrubs to large, stately trees.

Blooming garden willow

Willow leaves are most often narrow, lanceolate, but can also be elliptical or almost round, smooth or slightly pubescent. In spring, plants are attracted by decorative fluffy male inflorescences-catkins, popularly known as “seals”.

Some inflorescences are very large, almost 6 cm in length. They can be golden, reddish or silver in color, depending on the variety of willow. Willow flowers are honey-bearing. Willow is one of the earliest flowering plants, and its pollen and nectar are the first food for bees after winter.

Strawberry tree in the garden

Due to the ability to form adventitious roots, the plant is very easily propagated using cuttings, but the seed material is viable for only a few days, after which the seeds lose their viability.

Planning plantings - DIY landscape design

Many gardeners pay great attention to flowering plants. Indeed, how can you not love flowering apple trees, spirea, viburnum, honeysuckle, and hydrangeas? And shrubs such as lilac, bird cherry, mock orange, roses, in addition to beautiful flowers, also give a subtle delicate aroma.

When planning planting in the garden, it is better to place the tallest and densest plants on the north side. They will not shade your site and will protect the garden from cold northern winds.

Planting helps make the garden beautiful and interesting at any time of the year. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of the garden in autumn and winter. In autumn, many deciduous trees and shrubs acquire yellow, red, orange, bronze, crimson, pink colors, and this wonderful property must be used when composing the garden.

The bright picture of autumn can be complemented with coniferous plants. They add green and silver colors to the palette.

In winter, the garden should also be beautiful. During this period, it is decorated with conifers, as well as plants with fruits that do not fall for a long time. Particular attention should be paid to plants with colored bark. The most striking representatives are the white Sibirika with bright red bark and the offspring Flaviramea with yellow bark, and the memory willow of Bazhov with bright orange bark. The twisted branches of the group of Sverdlovskaya sinuous willows also create accents in the winter garden.

However, the brightest color of the bark occurs only on young branches, so regular pruning is necessary to maintain the decorative effect.

Ways to place plants in the garden

It is customary to distinguish several methods.

Ordinaries (tapeworms) are free-standing plants. The ordinary attracts attention; it must be perfect, without flaws. Such a plant should be decorative throughout the season. A spreading tree or lush shrub on the lawn looks beautiful. In a small garden there is only enough space for one serious tree, so its choice is taken very seriously. Many people like the idea of ​​having a family, or ancestral, tree that will remember the history of the family for several generations and be the main symbol of the garden.

We recommend planting a Christmas tree in the garden, which you can decorate for the New Year and even dance around it. This tree should be planted in an open area. If the size of the territory does not allow, the Christmas tree can be included in the group of plants.

Unfortunately, not a single species or variety is one hundred percent suitable for the role of a New Year's tree. Ideally, you need a beautiful, dense, conical tree about 3 m high. Ordinary spruce trees (prickly, common, Serbian) will quickly exceed this size and it will become almost impossible to decorate them. Dwarf forms (common Wils Zwerg , prickly Fat Albert , Serbian Nana ) grow very slowly and will not be able to act as a New Year tree for a long time.

There are two ways out of this situation:

  • use pruning to keep the tree to the desired size. Norway spruce and prickly spruce tolerate pruning well, becoming dense;
  • plant several Christmas trees. Dress up the tall ones at first, and then the dwarfs will grow up too.

Groups are compositions of several plants of the same or different species. They are selected according to the principle of layering: tall shrubs are planted in front of the trees, smaller ones in front of them. The brightness of the group is given by the shapes of plants with variegated leaves and blooming.

The group can be located in the center of the site, viewed from all sides, then the tallest plants are planted in the middle. If the group is located near a fence or wall of a building, then it can only be viewed from one side, and the height of the plants in this case increases towards the fence or wall. When planning a group, it is necessary to take into account the light requirements of plants so that some do not shade others (except for shade-tolerant ones).

The most common mistake novice gardeners make is failure to maintain distances between plants when planting. When buying small seedlings, it is difficult to imagine how much they will grow in a few years. The necessary parameters (height, diameter and shape of the crown, growth rate) can be found in plant catalogs.

A pre-compiled dendroplan will help you avoid mistakes, without which there is no point in going to a nursery or garden center or ordering plants by mail. If you thoughtlessly buy all the plants you like, the garden will soon turn into chaos.

Hedges are a linear dense planting of shrubs (less often trees) - they can be trimmed and free-growing. They serve as protection from wind, noise, prying eyes, fence off the site, and divide the garden into zones.

When choosing a plant, you need to be guided by the following rules: take into account its height (it is almost impossible to make a low border from a large tree, or a green wall from a small bush), select the optimal leaf size (small forms from large-leaved species look ugly). The main thing is to purchase winter-hardy species for your area!

Alleys are pedestrian or roadways lined on both sides with trees, shrubs or groups in a certain rhythm. Often in alleys they use close planting of trees (at a distance of 2-3 m), which in this case form a closed arch. Alleys require a lot of space, so they are practically never found in small private gardens, but are more suitable for parks and royal residences.

There are several ways to save space on your site: use dwarf forms; plant standard trees; keep hedges trimmed; use molded plants. This is especially important for small plots, when you want to have a lot, but have nowhere to plant it.

Dwarf forms

Most often found in conifers. They are beautiful, varied in crown shape and needle color, and do not take up much space. Even in a small garden you can have a solid collection of spruces, pines, firs, and junipers, provided that these are their dwarf forms. For example, the familiar common spruce, which grows in our forests, reaches a height of 30 and a diameter of 10 m, and its decorative forms are much smaller. The tiniest is the common spruce Echiniformis , which is a prickly green ball with a diameter of only 0.5 m. By the way, its name translates as hedgehog. And indeed, she looks like a hedgehog. Scots pine is a large tree with a height of 20 m. But it has a dwarf form called Watereri - only 4 m in height and width. Such compact plants grow much slower than their larger counterparts, which is why they are expensive. Nevertheless, they are always loved by gardeners, indispensable in small gardens, and they also add zest to large ones.

A special type of decorative plant forms are pyramidal forms. Their crown is very narrow and does not take up much space in the garden. Examples of such plants: mountain ash Fastigiata , Norway maple Columnare . Among conifers, Serbian spruce is very good. With a height of 15-20 m, it has a crown diameter of only 3-4 m. It is so slender by nature, it is not a dwarf form.

Standard trees

Another way to save space is to plant standard trees. Stamb in German means trunk. This is the name given to trees in which a clear trunk rises to a height of approximately 2.3-2.5 m (or more), and then branches begin. This shape is achieved by trimming. Such a tree needs very little space - only the area occupied by the trunk. The height of the trunk allows you to easily walk under such trees, park cars, ride a bicycle, so you can arrange a parking lot or recreation area under it. Due to the fact that the crown of standard trees is raised high, it is not dark under them and shrubs and flowers can be planted there. The crown of these trees will not rise over time; the lower branches will remain at the given level. The tree grows only at the ends of its branches; the trunk itself does not lengthen.

Trimmed hedges

Occupying a small area, they look very respectable and serve as a good background for a beautiful plant, flower garden, or sculpture.

The densest hedges are made from coniferous plants. But deciduous trees also provide a dense wall. And not only in summer, but also in winter, when the leaves fall. In a good trimmed hedge, the branches are intertwined so densely that even without leaves it remains opaque.

When creating a trimmed hedge, you need to make its sides not vertical, but slightly inclined. In cross-section, it should be a trapezoid, otherwise the bottom of the fence will be exposed due to lack of light.

Planting vines

These plants also allow you to save space in the garden, since they take up very little space on the plan, but provide a lot of greenery in the vertical volume. A strip of land no more than 50 cm wide is enough for them.

The project thanks the magazine “Gardens of Russia” for the article provided.

Author: Svetlana Leonidovna Chizhova, candidate of biological sciences, landscape designer, Moscow. Published: magazine “Gardens of Russia” No. 12(33), December 2012.

Decorative willow of the Ural selection in landscape design

In landscape design, from the very beginning, the British used willows to strengthen the banks. Decorative willow is a plant that is actually perfect for creating any image in a landscape garden ensemble. Willow hybrids of the Ural selection are resistant to frost and are suitable for growing in temperate latitudes. Decorative willow was first used in landscape design in English parks. Thanks to its inherent moisture resistance, willow could grow in flooded areas. Due to this, the British planted willow along rivers, canals and ponds in the area to strengthen the banks.

However, Western European varieties of ornamental willows are extremely fond of light and are not suitable for growing in temperate latitudes. The willow attracted the attention of Russian dendrologists thanks to the work of the Sverdlovsk salicologist (willow breeder) Veniamin Ivanovich Shaburov, a scientist and enthusiast who was passionate about the idea of ​​​​breeding hybrid clones of willows for landscaping the megacities of central Russia. His willow hybrids are sometimes called willows of the Ural selection. The varieties developed by Shaburov have already been tested by time: most of them are about fifty years old, they thrive in areas with a climate that is risky for agriculture, while maintaining their own decorative properties.

Ornamental willow cultivars of Sverdlovsk selection are resilient, resistant to diseases and pests, and the interest of landscape designers in them is constantly growing.

The variety of types and forms of decorative willows is not only one of their attractive features for decorators. The bark of willow trees has a rather original color - from ocher-yellow and olive to dark red, and the transition from one color to another occurs on one branch and depends on the period of the year. Thanks to this, willows are good in their own way, regardless of the time of year, even deep during winter, and provide the opportunity to create? original images in gardens and parks.

Decoration of ponds

Decorating ponds with willow trees and shrubs is a tradition of the genre in landscape design. The romantic image of silvery branches descending to the surface of the water still never ceases to amaze and enchant. If the pond is large and has a spherical shape, then two weeping willows planted on different banks will look ideal. The protrusions of the banks of ponds of complex shape are often decorated with weeping willows - this creates the effect of a “tree in the water mass” and helps strengthen the shape of the bank due to the properties of the willow. A small park or garden pond can become a wonderful corner for meditation, relaxation, and quiet contemplation if you plant a willow with an umbrella-shaped crown (umbraculifera) on the shore and place a bench under it.

To decorate ponds, recommends planting the following varieties of willows:

  • white or silver willow (S. Alba);
  • purple willow (Salix purpurea);
  • Swiss willow (Salix helvetika).

Creation of garden and park images

Willows grafted onto a standard can become both a landscape dominant and a decoration for secluded corners or outbuildings. The weeping crown of a willow on a trunk of the required height (designed in advance) grows over a certain period of time, and the branches descend. The height of the stem does not change. This option produces excellent tapeworms.

A carefully trimmed lawn with a similar solitaire willow or several asymmetrically planted willows creates the image of an English garden. You can increase the height of the trunk by lifting one of the branches up and attaching a tire to it. Over time, the branch will become lignified, and the crown will take on a completely different appearance. This is how cascading tree shapes are obtained, which will decorate a relaxation corner in the garden.

The following varieties are suitable for creating tapeworms:

  • Sverdlovsk willow;
  • willow (S. Integra) Hakuro-nishiki;
  • twig willow - Schwerin willow (S. Schwerini).

Design of rock gardens

Some weeping willows without grafting onto a standard become excellent ampels. For example, goat willow (Salix caprea Silberglanz), planted among the boulders of a rock garden and weaving through them, will look much more impressive compared to many other plants.

The following willow varieties will also be good:

  • polar willow (Salix polaris);
  • grass willow (Salix herbacea).

Fence decoration

Shrub willows are an excellent material for plant hedges. Varieties such as purple or Caspian willow, planted along the perimeter of a playground for children or a recreation area and trimmed according to the design idea, at the same time decorate, shade, and protect from the wind. A plant hedge can be made from willows by planting their cuttings in a ditch 40 cm wide at a distance of 15 cm from each other. As they grow, the branches interconnect, giving the hedge a diamond-shaped pattern. This is exactly what French winemakers did when they created fences in their vineyards.

The following Shaburov hybrids are suitable for forming hedges:

Willows in arborarchitecture

Arboreal architecture is a special type of architecture in which plants are used as a base for building structures. Weeping-shaped plants grafted onto trunks of various sizes are planted onto the designed frames of arches, gazebos, pavilions, etc. As the willow branches grow, they are tied in the required direction.

The result is architectural structures that, even in the winter season, will attract attention and delight the eye, taking into account the varied colors of the willow bark.

The following varieties of willows are suitable:

  • goat willow;
  • brittle willow (Bullata);
  • Ural twisting willow;
  • Matsuda willow.

Willow in landscape design (video)

Design of park alleys

Willows are planted at intervals of 1.5-2.0 m along both sides of the alleys. In the second year of planting, the tree branches are intertwined at a height of about 3.0 m. The result is a magnificent lacy tunnel. If you plant willows in 2 rows on both sides of the alley and use the same design method, you can get a vegetable hedge.

Willow is an underrated plant for use in landscape design.

Having a set of 15 hybrid willows bred by the Ural scientist Veniamin Shaburov, you can create magnificent garden and park ensembles. Bred specifically for the middle latitudes of Russia, frost-resistant, disease- and pest-resistant willows of the Sverdlovsk selection (or more correctly called Shaburov’s hybrid willows) have a variety of shapes: weeping, spherical, dwarf, tall - and are perfect for implementing very original ideas of a landscape architect.

Plant diseases and pests

Goat willow is resistant to most diseases, but can sometimes be affected by powdery mildew.
This is a specific fungus that attacks the lower leaves of the crown. At the same time, a white coating appears on them, then they turn yellow and fall off. Antifungal drugs are used for treatment. Affected leaves are removed and burned. Another disease that affects the plant is black spot. It is also caused by fungi. The disease is treated with fungicides. To prevent fungal diseases, you need to regularly weed the ground around the plants. Watering is done in such a way that no water gets on the leaves.

Often willow is affected by pests: flower fly or willow leaf roller. To combat flower flies, water the ground around the plant with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This destroys the larvae that live there. If there are too many pests, then insecticides are used.

Planting in open ground

Like all other varieties of whole-leaved willow, shrubs of the Hakuro Nishiki variety are quite moisture-loving; they grow best in sunny open areas or in light partial shade, where there is sun at least part of the day. In the shade, the bush will not please you with its bright pink top, the leaves will be pale and monochromatic, and the shoots will be too elongated.

Willow Hakuro Nishiki is a very unpretentious plant

Planting is usually carried out in the spring in April or May. The planting hole should not be small (average size 60 x 60), prepare it in advance, be sure to add organic matter (humus or compost), make drainage from sand or crushed stone with a layer of 20-30 cm. Excessively heavy clay soil is diluted with peat or sand. When planting, you should take into account the future size of the willow; remember, it can grow up to 3 m in diameter. When planting in groups, keep the distance between bushes at least 1-2 m. Over the next 3 weeks, the seedling should be watered very generously. To prevent the tree trunk from drying out, it is useful to mulch it with dry grass.

Attention! When purchasing a Hakuro Nishiki willow seedling from a seller, be sure to check under what conditions it was grown and whether it was hardened. Purchase seedlings with a large lump of soil and only those that have already grown in the open ground of your climate zone.

Description of the variety

The willow variety Hakuro Nishiki (pictured) is notable for its variegated foliage and ability to quickly form a spherical crown. The shoots are purple or olive in color and very flexible. When young leaves bloom in the spring, they are painted a soft green color; subsequently, the tops of the shoots acquire streaks and spots of a beautiful bright pinkish-white hue, due to which the variety is often used in decorative floriculture.

Unusual and bright - the Hakuro Nishiki willow will harmoniously fit into any landscape design

In hot weather, the brightly colored leaves turn slightly pale. Old leaves are usually monochromatic or with small sparse strokes of a contrasting shade. It sets earrings only in the third year on last year's shoots. The flowering shrub emits a pleasant aroma. Under favorable wintering conditions, willow of this variety can reach 3 m in height and 3 m in diameter. In the middle zone, these parameters are two times less.

Features of willow Hakuro Nishiki

The spectacular willow tree by Hakuro Nishiki comes from Japan. However, it grows and develops well in temperate climates. Characteristic features of culture:

  1. It does not reach a height of more than 300 cm. In comparison with other members of the family, this variety is the shortest. The standard has the appearance of a not very tall tree with a rounded crown and a relatively thin trunk.
  2. The crown reaches approximately 300 cm in diameter. Its long branches grow vertically upward. The branches of old specimens bend over time, as a result of which the shape of the tree becomes spherical even without the intervention of the gardener.
  3. The foliage has a delicate color: from pink with specks of light green to greenish-beige. Throughout the year, the color of the foliage changes: in summer it has a more faded hue, in cool weather the color of the foliage becomes brighter. Varieties with spotted leaves are highly decorative. They are great for landscaping your backyard.
  4. This plant blooms in spring. Its branches at this time are decorated with greenish-yellow or purple earrings.
  5. The color of the bark is gray, while the branches, as a rule, have a brownish-red tint. The color of the trunk is paler in comparison with the branches.
  6. The root system is well developed and branched. That is why shrubs are often planted on the banks of reservoirs to strengthen them and prevent collapse.

This crop also stands out because it is highly frost-resistant. She is not afraid of air temperatures dropping to minus 30 degrees.

Iwa Hakuro Nishiki


Whole-leaf willow is propagated by vegetative methods: cuttings or grafted onto a trunk of non-varietal willow.

Cutting method

Cuttings are optimal if you need to form a shrubby form of willow. To do this, you need to cut one-year-old shoots from the mother plant. This should be done in the first half of April, while the plant has not yet entered the growing season. The cut needs to be dried a little, and then planted in the prepared soil. Rooting occurs quickly. After a year, you can transplant the rooted cuttings to a permanent place.

Transplantation may also be necessary if the cuttings were initially planted in pots, but later they needed to be moved to a new location.

Important! The growth of the Hakuro Nishiki willow per year can be 1 meter if conditions are close to ideal. The shrub usually blooms after 3-4 years of growth.

Standard grafting method

Those who want to grow Hakuro Nishiki in the form of a tree can graft it onto a trunk, mainly using goat willow for this.

After grafting, a single trunk is formed, excess branches are cut off, thereby giving the tree the desired shape. The trunks can be formed on the basis of any decorative willow.

Shrub care

In order for the shrub to grow beautiful, it is worth observing some subtleties of care. The first year after planting in open ground plays a big role. It is at this time that the plant takes root and adapts to the environment.

Watering - protection from drying out

In the first month after planting and during the summer heat, it is worth carefully monitoring soil moisture. It is forbidden to let it dry out under and around the tree, as this will cause the foliage to curl and the color to fade.

Read, it's interesting: elm tree.

In the first few years of active crop growth, watering is carried out 2 times a week - with 2 buckets of settled warm water. The crown is sprayed by airborne droplets - early in the morning or after sunset to avoid sunburn of the foliage.

Despite the increased love for watering the plant, excess water should not be allowed. Otherwise, various fungal diseases may appear.

Feeding and fertilizer

In order for the whole-leaved willow Hakura Nishiki to delight with its beauty, you should use fertilizers of mineral and organic origin. They are added depending on the type of soil: when digging or before replanting.

As already described above, sandy soil will need humus, clay soil will need peat. For 1 sq. m of soddy-podzolic soil, take 80-90 g of complex mineral fertilizers and 5 kg of compost.

It is customary to apply organic matter only once every 3 years, and mineral fertilizers every spring and autumn.

To stimulate the growth of shrubs, you can use nitrogen. This is done in the spring (before the buds swell) - the shoots are sprayed with a urea solution.

To form buds in the next year, potassium and phosphorus are used - in the form of granules or powder. The former have a prolonged effect, while the latter are distributed around the trunk and irrigated with water.

Trimming - for a beautiful shape

To achieve a beautiful crown shape, I trim the branches in early spring, before sap flow intensifies. After this procedure, the growth of young shoots accelerates. They will decorate the branches of the Japanese willow with attractive foliage.

Don't worry if the pruning is too much. After some time, the bush will recover due to young branches. And the decorative crown in the shape of a ball will look like huge dandelions.

To form a rounded crown, shoots are removed in the first year after planting, leaving up to 4-6 buds. This will help form an even spherical shape. Then you just need to maintain it, adding 1-2 buds to the length of last year’s branches during subsequent prunings. Branches should always be cut to the bud facing up.

In summer, trimming the standard tree is also possible. It is carried out to maintain the desired shape of the crown. The shoots on the trunk are also removed.

Sanitary pruning of the plant is carried out in late autumn or early spring: excess, dried, broken or diseased shoots must be removed.

Shelter for winter time

Despite the fact that the Hakuro Nishiki variety tolerates moderate frosts well, it may freeze if the winter is snowless and too cold. Standard species are especially susceptible to this. Bush trees will not suffer much, and frozen and dead branches can be removed with the arrival of spring.

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The most vulnerable point of a standard tree is the grafting site. It should be carefully tied and insulated with agrofibre or other suitable material. The best option would be to completely cover the crop with non-woven material other than polyethylene.

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