Swimsuit (60 photos): types, planting and proper care

From May to July, a low shrub with flowers in shades from yellow to bright orange is found in city parks. This is a representative of the buttercup family - the swimsuit (Trollius). In the European version, the name comes from the legend of forest trolls.

“Trollblumen” translated from German means “troll flower”; according to legend, this is the flower these forest inhabitants prefer to others.

In the Slavic version, the name correlates with the patroness of reservoirs, next to which this flower is often found - Agrafena Bathing Suit.

general information

Bathwort is a herbaceous perennial ranunculus, distributed across almost all continents. She prefers to settle in meadows, clearings and near rivers. In some regions it is called the troll flower, because it is believed that this plant is most liked by mythical forest creatures.

The height of the swimsuit reaches 90-100 cm. The branched stems are covered with simple lobed leaves with a serrated edge, which form a basal rosette from below. The diameter of the spectacular double flowers, similar to golden balls, is up to 8 cm.

The swimsuit actively begins to grow in April and rapidly gains momentum in the sun. By May you can notice the first buds, and flowering lasts up to 3 weeks. In recent years, breeders have developed a lot of hybrid varieties to suit every taste.

Photo: u-florista.ru

Growing in the garden

Growing a swimsuit in the garden is not at all difficult. For these purposes, hybrid varieties are often chosen; they reach larger sizes compared to wild ones and have large flowers.

In general, this plant is unpretentious, but there are several conditions that must be observed for good flowering. Since the swimsuit loves moist soil, do not forget about watering. Acidity is not particularly important, and an additive in the form of humus or sand will be beneficial.

Shrubs can be planted both in bright sun and in moderately lit areas. The plant must be protected from weeds and pests. In one period, you can achieve a second flowering if you remove only the faded top.

Types of swimsuits

The swimsuit very easily cross-pollinates with each other, which is why you can even independently and accidentally breed a couple of new hybrids. But first, let's look at the main varieties!

European swimsuit

A forest variety that has been cultivated for over 300 years. She feels great even in Western Siberia. It is a perennial 1 m high with large spherical flowers.

Photo: oir.mobi

Loose swimsuit

A small bush up to 25 cm in diameter looks very voluminous and fluffy. But the species got its name not for this, but for its loose root system, which is very easily divided for reproduction.

Photo: liveinternet.ru

Asian swimsuit

Unlike the European one, they thrive in the mountains and tundra. The medium-sized species stretches up to 60-70 cm and is densely covered with orange flowers 5 cm in diameter.

Photo: youtube.com

Altai swimsuit

A tall tall variety with shoots up to 90 cm blooms with large golden, orange or red flowers 5 cm in diameter. This is a very popular plant in medicine.

Photo: plantarium.ru

Lilac swimsuit

It is also called the Alpine rose, and it is notable primarily for the unusual bluish-purple hue of the petals. It is on the basis of this species that all decorative varieties of cool colors are bred.

Photo: reserved lesson.rf

Chinese swimsuit

The graceful decorative species differs from its Asian counterparts in having more open and wide flowers. The Chinese swimmer blooms later than most others, somewhere in the second half of July.

Photo: cherkessk7m.ru

Celosia (60 photos): types, planting and proper care

Popular types of trolls' favorite flower

Currently, there are approximately 30 varieties of this cute flower, 20 of them grow in Russia.

European swimsuit

The plant is found in Siberian forests near bodies of water or in the damp lowlands of rivers. Her buds resemble miniature bells. At the beginning of flowering, they look like small lemon balls consisting of glossy sepals. Later they open in all their glory and attract many insects that fly in search of sweet nectar. The base of the plant is decorated with palmately dissected leaves on long petioles.

Chinese swimsuit

The peculiarity of the flower is its large size. It grows up to 120 cm in height and is distinguished by unfolded buds of a wide oval shape. The most famous variety of this species is the Golden Queen swimsuit. Its height is approximately 80 cm. Finger-shaped leaf blades are collected at the base of the plant and remain decorative throughout the season. The golden-colored buds bloom in June and have an unusual shape.

The plant grows successfully in open areas with plenty of sunlight. Loves moisture, but disappears during prolonged stagnation of water. It tolerates winter cold wonderfully and does not need shelter.

The Golden Queen swimsuit shown in the photo is distinguished by its delicate petals, bright color and unique bud shape. It is widely used to decorate artificial ponds, borders, rocky gardens and mixborders.

Swimsuit Dzhungarskaya

This type of flower belongs to short dwarf varieties, reaching a height of only 15 cm. But if the soil is fed with humus, the swimsuit can reach a height of half a meter. In its natural environment it is found in mountains and open areas of mixed forests. It blooms in early summer and lasts a whole month. The buds are painted bright yellow.

Swimsuit care

The swimsuit has virtually no special requirements. The main thing to remember is that this is a moisture-loving plant, and it definitely needs moist soil. It simply will not bloom in dry soil.

Temperature and lighting

The swimsuit loves warmth and diffused sunlight. It can perfectly plant areas in the shade near tall ornamental shrubs. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Photo: numach.livejournal.com


The bathing suit needs to be watered frequently, abundantly, but not too much. Make sure the soil is always slightly moist, but not swampy. Lack of water instantly affects the condition of the bush, especially young ones. To maintain stable conditions, mulch the soil.

Photo: oir.mobi

The soil

As we said, the soil must be sufficiently moist. Medium loamy soil is well suited, but without stagnant water. If the soil is too sandy, add sphagnum and peat to the holes when planting to retain moisture.

Photo: greencentr.com

Fertilizers and fertilizing

Additional feeding of swimsuits is not particularly necessary, but to stimulate early flowering, you can apply fertilizer during the formation of buds. Then repeat the procedure twice more with an interval of 2-3 weeks. In addition to mineral fertilizers, organic matter, humus and peat are used.

Photo: liveinternet.ru


The swimsuit endures the winter without additional preparation or shelter. It is enough to cut the leaves in October, but wait until they wither on their own. Leave 2-3 cm of petioles above the ground to protect the restoration bud inside the rosette.

Photo: fotokto.ru

Lilies of the valley (50 photos): types, planting and proper care

The use of bathing suits in folk medicine

Despite the fact that the flower is poisonous, it has medicinal properties. In folk medicine it is used to treat many diseases:

  • pathological conditions of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • abscesses, tumors, edema;
  • diarrhea;
  • dropsy;
  • scabies;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • problems with menstruation;
  • angina and other heart diseases;
  • cancer and precancerous conditions;
  • blood diseases.

Folk remedies from the flower have contraindications and adverse reactions. You should talk to your doctor before using them. If he approves an alternative treatment, it is necessary to strictly follow the recipe to avoid poisoning. Swimsuit poison can cause serious problems with the brain, severe burns, and severe intoxication.

Planting and propagation of the swimsuit

It is not very convenient to germinate bathing from seeds, because they have poor germination and require a long time of preparation. At home, the easiest way is to buy already germinated seedlings.

It is best to plant the swimsuit on the site in the summer so that the plant has time to take root and get stronger before winter. Transplant the seedlings with a ball of earth into holes in increments of 40-50 cm. The depth should be such that the root collar goes 2 cm underground.

Trim the leaves so that the plant does not waste energy, and within a couple of weeks it will produce new ones. In the future, try not to move the swimsuit unless absolutely necessary, because she does not like moving.

An adult swimsuit can be rejuvenated and propagated by dividing the bush. In the fall, the plant is dug up, carefully divided and immediately planted so that the bushes have time to grow before winter. The cuttings are planted as quickly as possible so that they do not dry out.

Photo: bdkr.ru

The place of a swimsuit in landscape design

Low-growing varieties are suitable for decorating rocky hills. Long-growing varieties decorate edges, corners of lawns, and areas near water bodies.

The swimsuit is planted alone or in combination with:

  • delphinium;
  • primrose;
  • cornflowers;
  • irises and other garden flowers of heavenly, purple, canary, orange tones.

The plant looks beautiful in a variegated composition: a dwarf leotard in the foreground, tall bushes in the background, blooming at the same time as the trollius (for example, lilac).

Pest and disease control

The most dangerous enemy of the swimsuit is nematodes, which literally settle in the tissues of the plant. Brown spots quickly spread across the leaves, and then they die. It is better to destroy severely damaged flowers. If the damage is small, radically cut out all problem areas and use chemicals.

Sometimes a swimmer suffers from fungal septoria. These are red or brown spots with black dots. Gradually, the leaves and shoots dry out and become deformed. It is important to quickly remove foci of infection and treat the plants with Bordeaux mixture or copper-based preparations.

Photo: flo.discus-club.ru

Yasnotka (60 photos): types, planting and proper care

Propagation by seeds

Mock orange snowbel - description, planting and care

To propagate almost all types of swimsuit, it is better to use seeds, although cuttings are theoretically possible, but this is considered a more complicated method.

Important! This plant does not have to be grown from seedlings. It can be sown in open ground. But to ensure high germination, seeds need long-term stratification.

Seed material is collected in July-August, depending on the flowering time of a particular variety.

Boarding time

Most often, seeds are sown in the ground after stratification; this occurs already at the end of October or November.

Mandatory seed stratification

Experienced gardeners mix the seeds collected in August or July with slightly moistened sand, transfer this mixture into a bag and store it in the refrigerator in a box intended for vegetables at a temperature of 2-4 ° C. The seeds must remain there for three months to achieve the desired parameters.

Soil preparation

You need to grow the swimsuit in loose soil with good breathability. Therefore, most often they make a mixture of two parts peat, the same amount of earth and one part sand.


Shoots begin to appear in the first half of May. If the weather gets hot, they will develop actively, especially if they are provided with abundant watering and protection from the sun. They should be picked after a pair of full leaves appear on the seedlings. The sprouts are planted at a distance of 7-10 cm from each other. As a rule, a year after this, the already strong and expanded plants are planted in a permanent place in the garden.

Is it possible to replant from a pot?

As a rule, this perennial is immediately planted in open ground. But many gardeners plant it in a container for the first year. Then in the second year the question arises of how to plant a bathing suit from a pot. In this case, you need to act carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Important! It is best to carry out the procedure after flowering, when the lights begin their dormant period. This happens in August.

Swimsuit - photo

The bathing suit is not very popular in our gardens. So, by choosing it, you will not only get this beauty, but also an excellent reason to surprise your loved ones!

Photo: zen.yandex.ru

Photo: fedsp.com

Photo: oir.mobi

Photo: m.nn.ru

Photo: m.nn.ru

Photo: pinterest.at

Photo: sflora.ru

Photo: asienda.ru

Photo: humangarden.ru

Photo: karmenaroze.lv

Photo: grib22.ru

Photo: plantarium.ru

Photo: plantarium.ru

Photo: plantarium.ru

Photo: fotokto.ru

Photo: fotokto.ru

Photo: eldomo.ru

Photo: fotokto.ru

Photo: turizmvnn.ru

Photo: na-dache.pro

Photo: my.mail.ru

Photo: plantarium.ru

Photo: molbiol.ru

Photo: zen.yandex.ru

Photo: zen.yandex.ru

Photo: mycoweb.ru

Photo: domashniecvety.ru

Photo: rasteny.ru

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When and how does it bloom

Whether it is white, yellow or orange, this plant blooms very beautifully. However, most varieties have a slight sweetish aroma.

Types of flowers

In cultivation there are varieties with regular or double flowers, consisting of five or 9-10 petals.

Alabaster swimsuit

Flower shapes

The perennial bathing grass has only one flower shape - spherical. But the flowers can be half-open or open.

Flowering period

When the garden bathhouse blooms, it depends on the specific variety. Most of them open flowers in the second half of May. In general, the flowering period lasts 3-4 weeks. Some varieties are pleasing to the eye until the end of July.

Changes in care during the flowering period

This plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness; when the swimsuit blooms, it does not require special care, with the exception of one nuance.

Important! Experienced gardeners recommend spraying the plant with epin at the very beginning of this period. It is a universal adaptogen.

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