How to grow kochia from seeds, planting and care in open ground

Kochia is one of the favorite plants of most landscape designers.
It is not for nothing that this small shrub is called summer cypress. After all, they are very similar in appearance. Kochia can be grown from seeds, and it will decorate any area. This article contains all the most important things about growing and caring for kochia in open ground. Dear readers! For you, we have created communities on social networks in which useful articles and interesting ideas are published several times a day! Subscribe and receive useful content in a convenient format!

How to prepare planting material for sowing

Before you start sowing the seeds, they need to be sorted to remove the “dummies” that definitely will not sprout. To do this, prepare a saline solution (a spoonful of salt per glass of water) and dip the seeds in it for 10-15 minutes. Those grains that have sunk are good and can be used for sowing.

Next is soaking. For information on how to properly soak seeds and which solution is better, read our article “Soaking seeds before planting, how to soak correctly.”

Beneficial features

Tinctures are made from kochia seeds and young stems that fight microbes. Also, such decoctions are valued for their diaphoretic, stimulating, diuretic, diaphoretic, cardiotonic and laxative effects.

Such remedies help with gonorrhea, erysipelas, and eczema. Specialists involved in oriental medicine make creams from kochia that strengthen nails and skin.

The plant is still used as animal feed, namely the young stems. On special farms it is also used for raising silkworms. Some countries use the young foliage to create first dishes, and some parts of the plant are used to make soda.

Kochia varieties, which one is better to choose

There are many varieties of kochia. Among the annual varieties of summer cypress, it is worth paying attention to Child's Kochia and Hairy Kochia. The last variety changes the color of its leaves to crimson by autumn.

You can also mention such varieties as Dense-flowered and Woolly-flowered. Also interesting are Green Forest, Acapulco Silver (has silvery leaves), Sultan (easily formed into a ball) and Royal Castle (tolerates the harsh climate of northern latitudes well).

Description of kochia

Kochia is a fast-growing, highly branched plant, its average height is 60-80 cm, but without pruning it can exceed 1 m.

The bush visually resembles a low-growing coniferous tree. Numerous narrow elongated leaves, similar to needles, add grace to the plant. The shape of the crown is also unusual - pyramidal. In this regard, kochia is popularly called summer cypress. There is another, third name - broom grass, since good brooms are knitted from its lush branches. Growing kochia from seeds is not difficult. The grains germinate well, and the seedlings are well accepted.

Attention! Kochia flowers are small and unattractive, practically invisible in the axils of the leaves, and therefore have no decorative value.

Favorable days for sowing kochia in 2022 depending on the month

The most successful time for sowing kochia in 2022 will be the days when the moon is in its waxing phase.

Successful days for the planting procedure are presented in the table below.

Table. The most successful days for sowing kochia in 2022 by month

MonthFavorable days
January16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
February12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
March14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
April13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
May12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Bad days

You cannot sow kochia on the full moon and new moon, and you should not do this when the moon is in the sign of Aquarius. Prohibited sowing dates by month for 2022 are presented in the table below.

Table. Unlucky days for planting kochia in 2022 by month.

MonthBad days
January13, 14, 15, 28
February10, 11, 27
March9, 10, 11, 13, 28
April6, 7, 12, 27
May3, 4, 11, 26

Choosing a planting site, preparing the soil

Kochia is an extremely interesting, elegant, unpretentious and easy-to-grow plant with minimal requirements. It can cope with almost all conditions.

Kochia needs a sunny place. But if you do not take care of the clean, spectacular colors of the autumn leaves, the plant will tolerate a semi-shaded position.

The soil for planting kochia should be:

  • average;
  • slightly damp;
  • well-drained, optimally sandy garden soil;
  • preferably with a slightly alkaline pH, the pH level should not be lower than slightly acidic (this is the worst case).

It is not worth planting kochia on heavy, wet, acidic soil. On acidic soils we will get a stunted plant or it will disappear after sowing. You can increase the pH of the substrate by adding more compost. It is not necessary to add lime in the fall, although it will be helpful.

On a fertile, nutrient-rich substrate, kochia grows much better and is better colored in the fall.

The plant can cope with many unfavorable soil factors. However, the better the situation, the more magnificent and beautifully colored the kochia is in autumn.

When to plant depending on the region?

Depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, the planting time varies.

In Moscow and Moscow region

In Moscow and the region, you can start planting kochia seeds in the last ten days of March. This is the optimal time for the seedlings to be ready for transplanting into open ground on time.

In the middle zone

For the Middle Zone, the time for sowing seeds for seedlings coincides with the capital region. It's the end of March.

In the Urals

In the Urals, it is better to sow seeds in April.

In Siberia

Similar to the Ural region in Siberia, seeds are sown in the first or second ten days of April.

In the Leningrad region

In the Leningrad region, sowing can be done in the first ten days of April.

How to plant

The plant is propagated by seeds, which can be sown directly into the ground at the end of May, or for seedlings in mid-March. With the seedling method of planting, you can admire the plants longer.

The soil for summer cypress is suitable with a neutral reaction, quite fertile and loose. You can buy a ready-made universal seedling and add about a 3-liter glass of sand or perlite to it.

When preparing the mixture yourself, take 3 parts of good leaf humus or garden soil, 1 part of peat and sand, with the addition of a glass of wood ash and a matchbox of dry superphosphate per 5 liters of this mixture.

Seeds should only be taken fresh. After a year of storage, the germination rate of kochia decreases sharply.

Seedling boxes are washed in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.

Sow in furrows to a depth of 1 cm, sprinkle the seeds with clean sand. The dishes with the crops are covered with film or glass and placed in a warm place in the light. Kochia usually germinates within 10–14 days. The seedlings are freed from the film and placed in a cooler but brighter place. Comfortable temperature for seedlings is +18 degrees.

Seedlings may suffer from blackleg. To avoid this disease, water moderately, only with warm water, alternating watering with clean water and watering with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. A good preventive measure is dusting the soil surface with sifted wood ash. At the age of 2 – 4 true leaves, the twigs are picked into separate containers.

Plants are planted in the ground when the threat of cold weather has passed. In the Moscow region this is the end of May. Before planting kochia, rotted manure or nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers are added to the soil.

Planting summer cypress with seeds step by step

Step 1. Prepare the container. Fill it with drainage, cover it with soil and lightly sprinkle it with water.

Step 2. Spread the seeds over the surface and press them lightly.

Step 3: Moisten the soil again.

Step 4. Place the container in a bag, tie it and place it in a warm place.

Step 5. Regularly ventilate and moisten the soil.

Everything about growing cypress from seeds at home

Cypress is a beautiful evergreen plant that is often used for decorative purposes. It is not surprising that many owners of country houses want to plant these trees on their site or even create a small alley from them.

Obtaining seeds at home

Like all ancient evergreens, cypress has cones with the help of which it reproduces in the wild. Planting material is obtained from ripe cones. In addition, it can be purchased at gardening stores, but this is not at all necessary. Seeds are easily obtained from mature cones, and their germination level is practically no different from store-bought ones.

Features of growing cypress from seeds

Due to the fact that this tree is very heat-loving, it is not particularly popular among breeders in central Russia. After all, it is difficult for a plant to survive a harsh winter and often it simply dies before reaching the warm season. That is why you need to germinate seeds at home, where they will be provided with the optimal temperature. The whole process takes place in several stages:

  • Stratification. This complex word means keeping planting material in the cold (in modern conditions it is easiest to use a regular refrigerator). The seeds of many conifers and evergreens must go through such a mandatory “wintering”, otherwise they will not be able to sprout normally. Stratification should last 3-4 months. Soak. Before planting directly into the ground, the seeds must be kept in warm water for 10-12 hours. This will help them swell.
  • Landing. The most suitable option for cypress is the standard arrangement in the ground: 4x4 cm. But you don’t need to use pots for these trees; ordinary wooden boxes will be enough. The main thing is that they have a suitable length and are not too tall, otherwise the seedlings will die.
  • Another method of germination is to first place the seeds in sawdust or sand mixture. In such an environment, they must be allowed to sprout their first shoots, and then transplanted into the ground.
  • Transfer. The germination rate of cypress seeds is approximately 50%, so it is worth taking a supply of planting material in advance. After the first bushes begin to grow and reach 5 cm in height, they will need to be placed in separate pots. Otherwise, the trees will begin to interfere with each other and will not be able to reach normal size. It is better to keep young animals at home in order to prevent them from freezing. After 10-12 months, if climatic and weather conditions allow, you can take the seedlings out into the yard to stand in the sun.

This is a general scheme for germinating cypress bushes from seeds. However, it requires special care at home. Let's tell you more about it.

Seedling care

As an ornamental plant, cypress is quite capricious. For example, it needs to be sprayed often, but not watered, to avoid rotting. The most vulnerable part of the shrub is the root system. It takes a long time to form and requires additional strengthening. You can fertilize seedlings with a mixture for coniferous plants about once a month. Also, during transplantation, there is no need to deepen the roots; they should be closer to the surface, so it is easier for them to absorb nutrients.

Possible diseases and pests

Cypress can be affected by several diseases, the most common of which are:

  • root rot. Often appears when the soil is waterlogged. The plant becomes covered with spots, becomes lethargic and slows down its growth. If no measures are taken, the tree may die. At the first signs of this disease, it is necessary to treat it with a fungicidal agent (for example, Trichodermin or Previkur), and then replant it into new soil. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the damaged roots and sprinkle the cut areas with activated carbon;
  • Fusarium This disease begins with rotting of the roots, and then affects the entire tree. The plant turns yellow, withers and may die over time. Most often, the affected plant cannot be cured, in which case it must be immediately destroyed. To avoid disease, you need to periodically ventilate the room and loosen the soil, as well as disinfect working tools. And at the first signs of a plant disease, you can use the following drugs: “Fundazol”, “Vitaros”, “Topsin-M”, “Bental” or “Previkur”. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 grams of the drug per 1 liter of water.

Among the pests, the most dangerous for cypress are:

  • scale insect The insects are about 5mm in size and have a waxy shield covering their body. These parasites suck out the sap of the plant, after which the leaves dry out and fall off. To combat scale insects, you need to spray the tree with Aktara, Karbofos or Actellik solution (0.15%);
  • spider mite The insect is about 5 mm in size and is green, brown or orange in color. Signs of damage to it are: cobwebs on the plant, quickly drying and falling leaves. To get rid of this pest, you need to spray the tree with Actellik solution (0.15%) and humidify the air near the cypress.

Cypress is an evergreen shrub that will decorate any home. By following all the tips and recommendations for caring for the plant, you can grow a cypress that will delight you with its beautiful appearance and pleasant aroma.

How to care for kochia seedlings, any tricks?

Until the first shoots appear, the kochia should be in an improvised greenhouse. Unlike other seeds that love darkness before germination, kochia crops should be located in the light. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 20 degrees Celsius.

Kochia seeds have sprouted, what to do next?

About a week and a half after sowing, the first shoots will appear. The container must be moved to a cooler place (+15 during the day, +13 at night).

In order for seedlings to develop faster, they need to be provided with at least 12 hours of daylight.

How to feed kochia seedlings?

Seedlings need to be watered and fed very sparingly. Blackleg is the main enemy of kochia. If you notice signs of the disease, the seedlings need to be treated with Fitosporin and picked.

Rules for picking summer cypress

Picking of seedlings occurs after the formation of 2-3 true leaves. The transplant must be carried out in a separate container.

You need to be very careful when removing the sprout from a common container so as not to harm the roots. Never pull on the leaves; use a teaspoon or an ice cream stick as a tool.

Kochia must be replanted carefully so as not to damage the roots. The seedling is buried at the level of the cotyledon leaves. After picking, it is necessary to water.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

In countries with warm and mild climates, Kochia is grown as a perennial plant. But tender subshrubs simply will not survive severe winter frosts. Therefore, in Russia Bassia is grown exclusively as an annual.

Kochia reproduces by seeds, which can be sown in late autumn or spring directly into open ground. But broom grass has one peculiarity - young seedlings absolutely cannot tolerate even slight drops in temperature.

Therefore, to protect themselves, many gardeners grow annual plants using seedlings. You will learn from the article when to plant Kochia seeds and how to care for the plantings.

Optimal planting dates

Flower growers often ask a number of questions: what conditions must be observed when growing Kochia from seeds, when to plant seedlings and how to care for them. In general, these activities do not require specific knowledge or skills, so even a beginner can cope with them.

Residents of the southern regions can plant Kochia seeds directly in open ground in mid-to-late May. The main thing is that at the time of sowing, the threat of return frosts has passed, and the night temperature is firmly established at around +10˚С +12˚С.

But even in this case, you will have to pay a lot of attention to the crops:

  • at the slightest drop in planting temperature, it is necessary to cover with lutrasil;
  • strictly monitor soil moisture and the condition of seedlings;
  • young seedlings are a favorite delicacy of insect pests;
  • if the plantings are too dense, the young plants will need to be thinned out.

When planting Kochia for seedlings, you need to focus on the timing of transplanting plants into open ground. In the central regions, seeds should be sown in late March - early April. But residents of the northern regions can start sowing no earlier than mid-April.

Interesting! Kochia broomata, which has the shape of a ball and takes on a purple color when autumn comes, is very popular among flower growers.

The main thing, when determining the timing of when to plant Kochia seedlings, is to take into account that seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place 2-2.5 months after sowing.

Preparing containers and soil

To grow strong and healthy annual cypress seedlings, it is important to properly prepare the soil and select suitable containers.

You can plant Kochia seeds for seedlings either in separate or in bulk containers. This can be disposable tableware, plastic molds, containers and boxes for growing seedlings. There are no special requirements for containers, other than the presence of drainage holes.

It is very convenient to use peat cups or tablets when growing Kochia from seeds at home. In this case, it will be easier for you to transplant plants into open ground.

When preparing suitable soil, it is worth paying attention to the fact that Bassia is very fond of loose, fertile soil with neutral acidity levels. Garden soil can be diluted with sand, peat and humus in a ratio of 1:0.5:1:1. If the acidity of the soil is high, add a little ash to the soil mixture.

The finished soil must be disinfected with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and left for 2-3 days. If you wish, you can bake the earth in the oven. Before planting Kochia seeds, make sure the soil is sufficiently moist but not too wet.

Bassia seeds remain viable for 2-3 years, no more. But it is still better that the seed material is fresh enough. Otherwise, you may be left without seedlings at all, and all your efforts will be in vain.

Interesting! Kochia received its name in honor of the botanist Joseph Koch.

Proper sowing of seeds

Before and when planting Kochia, the seeds can, if desired, be soaked for several hours in growth stimulants. However, even without treatment, they sprout quite quickly, 7-10 days after planting.

The algorithm for sowing Kochia seedlings is somewhat different from traditional activities:

  • As usual, place a small layer of drainage on the bottom of the container;
  • fill the container with pre-prepared soil;
  • lightly compact the soil with a small wooden block;

  • spread the seeds over the surface, lightly pressing them into the soil. If you sow seeds in boxes or containers, evenly distribute the seeds at an equal distance from each other in small grooves;
  • Seeds should not be buried. Leave them on the surface;
  • It is also not recommended to water the plantings heavily. Spray them a little from a spray bottle, cover the containers with lutrasil and place in a dark, cool place.

The optimal air temperature for growing Kochia seedlings is +18˚С +23˚С. You need to water the soil as needed. Before the first shoots appear, irrigate the plantings with a spray bottle. After friendly, green shoots appear, the seedlings can be watered with a stream. But it is important that water does not get on the plants.

Further care of Kochia seedlings involves timely watering and regular inspection.

Interesting! Another advantage of the subshrub is that summer cypress has healing properties.

The author of the video will tell you how and when to plant Kochia seeds for seedlings:

Picking seedlings

When growing Kochia from seeds at home, it is important to plant the seedlings correctly and in a timely manner.

Considering that Kochia seeds have to be planted superficially, the root system of the seedlings is very weak. Therefore, picking must be done very carefully, trying not to damage weak roots.

Picking is done in disposable cups, small pots, or larger containers. Drainage holes are required.

Picking begins when the sprouts reach a height of 5-7 cm. The soil for seedlings and the soil for picking should be identical in composition.

It is advisable to plant Kochia seedlings using the transshipment method. The seedlings are transferred to a prepared container along with a lump of earth, which avoids injury to the root system of the plant.

In the future, you will only need to water Kochia from time to time and make sure that the seedlings receive sufficient sunlight. With a lack of lighting, plants stretch out and become weak.

7-10 days after picking, feed Kochia grown from seeds with mineral fertilizers to stimulate the growth of green mass. Subsequent feeding - after 2-3 weeks.

When caring for Bassia, it is important not to overdo it with watering. Too wet soil is the first reason for the appearance of blackleg. If the first signs of the disease are detected, you need to urgently take emergency measures:

  • remove infected plants immediately;
  • do not water the plantings until the soil dries out;
  • Sprinkle the soil with sand, perlite or wood ash.

In the future, try not to water Kochia too much.

Interesting! Dried branches of Kochia can be used to create compositions of dried flowers.

When to plant seedlings in open ground?

Planting of seedlings is carried out on a cloudy day or in the morning. The approximate dates for the procedure are the last ten days of May and the first ten days of June, depending on the region. That is, the time when the likelihood of return frosts will finally disappear.

By this time, kochia seedlings should have grown to approximately 10-15 cm, formed several pairs of true leaves and be healthy.

Also, when planting seedlings in open ground, you need to choose a suitable place for the plant. Summer cypress loves sunny, well-warmed areas with fertile soils. Even in partial shade, the plant will slow down its growth and will be small and inconspicuous.

IMPORTANT! The plant does not like acidic or heavy and wet soils. Otherwise, kochia is completely unpretentious to the type of soil.

Planting must be done leaving at least 30 cm of space between seedlings. This is necessary so that the plants have a place to develop and gain green mass. However, for decorative needs, kochia can be planted more closely.

The seedlings have grown - we plant them

When growing seedlings, diving is possible. If you have space and time, please dive. In separate pots - one plant at a time; in a larger container - several at a time.

Before planting, think carefully about where this place will be, how the kochia bush will look from different sides. It's like arranging furniture: choose a place slowly, imagine whether you will like this design.

Prepare the ground as usual. Do not water the seedlings, wherever you have them, before planting them.

Plant the picked plants in the ground. If they are bristling with green brush in a greenhouse or “school,” then you need to carefully dig them out and plant them in a permanent place.

Plants are planted one by one, by three, by... Wait! Planting too densely will be bad for any plant. Here everything will depend on your idea and ability to see and feel how the plants will look in the future.

If you are planting very small seedlings of kochia (suddenly you urgently need space), do not forget to put a mark - at least a toothpick. This is to avoid weeding - anything can happen.

Caring for kochia in open ground

Caring for summer cypress consists of regularly loosening the soil and weeding. This must be done to ensure air access to the roots.

How to water

Kochia is a drought-resistant plant. Therefore, you do not need to water the shrub very often. If it rains regularly during the season, then additional watering is not needed. If the year turns out to be dry, then you need to water the plant about once a week. Water in the evening and loosen the soil the next morning.

How and what to feed

There is no need to feed summer cypress often. Two feedings are enough: the first three weeks after planting, the second another month later.

For feeding, it is better to use liquid complex formulations. You can buy ready-made fertilizer, or mix a matchbox of nitroammophoska in water.

Since kochia is often subjected to decorative pruning, it needs an increased dose of nitrogen fertilizer. Therefore, after cutting, add a urea solution or spray with ammonia solution.

How to trim

Pruning is carried out with a sharp tool. The plant lends itself well to shaping. Summer cypress can be easily shaped into almost any shape. It all depends on your imagination and dexterity. You can trim every two weeks.

Pests and diseases

Kochia is rarely affected by diseases. But failure to follow the rules of agricultural technology and the recommended planting scheme can cause blackleg damage. In this case, you need to urgently stop watering, remove the affected foliage and thoroughly loosen the soil in the flower garden.

Insects attack mainly young plants. Therefore, immediately after transplantation, closely monitor Bassia. Another enemy of Kochia is the spider mite, which appears mainly in hot weather.

The pest can be controlled by regularly spraying Kochia bushes with insecticides. Fitoferm, Aktellik and Neoron have proven themselves to be excellent in this case.

When processing Kochia, pay great attention to the dosage and do not forget about personal protective measures.

Interesting! The life of broom grass does not end in autumn. Transplant the bush into a large pot and place it on the loggia, and it will delight the eye with rich, emerald greenery for another 2-2.5 months.

What does summer cypress look like in landscape design?

Summer cypress is often used in landscape design. Kochia is easy to decorative pruning and is completely undemanding in care. The subshrub can be given any shape: ball, pyramid, cube, truncated pyramid, etc. The plant is used as a separate decorative element, as well as as part of flower groups. It coexists equally well with shrubs, perennial and annual flowers, and ornamental trees. Kochia is often used to decorate alpine slides, ponds, decorative bridges, etc.

INTERESTING. Previously, this plant was not considered ornamental, and it was grown to create panicles.

Varieties and types for the Moscow region

Of the 80 species of kochia, only a few that have a bright decorative appearance are used in gardening.

  • Coronet is an unpretentious annual that forms a lush spherical bush. Drought-resistant, not afraid of slight frosts. In autumn the foliage turns a bright purple color.
  • Hairy - grows up to 100 cm tall, forms an elongated dense bush. Loves sunny areas, does not require fertile soil. In autumn it turns burgundy.
  • Child's Kochia is a spindle-shaped shrub up to 50 cm tall, of a delicate light green color. Does not change color in autumn. Successfully imitates coniferous plants.

Based on the presented species, decorative varieties of brighter colors were bred:

  • Sultan. A variety that tolerates shearing well, up to a meter high. The foliage color gradually changes from bright green in spring to burgundy in autumn.
  • Acapulco. Round, low bushes with silver-green leaves in summer, turning crimson in autumn.
  • Nephritis. A large, spherical bush that is green throughout the season and is best suited for pruning and creating green sculptures.
  • Shilzi. Lush meter-long bushes begin to turn red in the summer, giving the plant a special charm.
  • The Royal Castle. A domestically selected variety that forms a very dense bush, up to a meter high. In summer it is soft green, by autumn the crown acquires a rich burgundy color. The variety is unpretentious and responds well to pruning.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Let's look at the most common questions related to growing kochia.

What soil should I buy for growing seedlings?

There is no need to reinvent the wheel. It is best to use the most common universal soil for seedlings. You can also add a little fine expanded clay or sand to it.

How can you stimulate seeds for further growth?

To ensure that kochia seeds receive a charge for further growth, soak them in hydrogen peroxide or a growth stimulant (Epin, Energen).

Why don't the seeds germinate?

The seeds may not germinate because you covered them with soil. Kochia is sown superficially. The second most likely reason is that the container with the seeds is in a too cold or dark place.

Why are seeds soaked?

When seeds are soaked, the outer shell of the grains softens and the germination process accelerates.

How to harden kochia seedlings?

In order to prepare kochia seedlings for transplanting into the garden, you need to take them out into the open air a week and a half before planting. The time that containers with seedlings stay outside should be gradually increased.

What to do if kochia seedlings do not grow?

Summer cypress seedlings may stop growing due to improper growing conditions and lack of nutrition. Check whether the seedlings receive enough light. Treat the leaf with a growth stimulator. You can use Epin, Zircon, Athlete.

Recommendations and common mistakes

In general, planting seeds and growing seedlings is not particularly difficult. But it is important to observe the regime of watering, lighting and temperature. Even experienced summer residents sometimes make mistakes that can really be avoided. We recommend paying attention to a few tips:

  1. Kochia seeds lose their viability quite quickly. Even if they are already a year old, growing will be difficult. And if it’s two years or more, planting is not advisable at all. Therefore, you should buy kochia seeds only from trusted suppliers, paying attention to expiration dates.
  2. To properly plant kochia seeds for seedlings, it is important not to bury them too deep. The soil is only lightly sprinkled over the surface - otherwise the crops will not sprout.
  3. Kochia is very demanding of light. Therefore, after planting, for proper cultivation, boxes with seedlings should be placed on south or south-east windows. However, excess sunlight also harms seedlings. They should be covered with paper or white covering material.
  4. When growing kochia from seeds, keep in mind that the plant is very sensitive to the fungal disease blackleg. This is a dangerous infection that can destroy all seedlings. For prevention, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil - spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide, or keep it in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees.

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