Perennial aubriet flower (aubretia) - planting and caring for seeds in open ground, varieties, photos

Author: Elena N. Category: Garden plants Published: February 14, 2019Last edits: November 03, 2020
  • Planting aubrieta in open ground
      When to plant
  • How to plant
  • Caring for aubrieta in the garden
      Growing conditions
  • Reproduction of aubrieta
  • Pests and diseases
  • Perennial aubrieta after flowering
      How and when to collect seeds
  • Preparing for winter
  • Types and varieties
      Aubrieta deltoidea
  • Aubrieta x cultorum
  • Literature
  • useful links
  • Comments
  • plant (lat. Aubrieta), or aubrieta, belongs to the genus of creeping evergreen herbaceous perennial flowering plants of the Brassica family, numbering 12 species. Aubrieta is grown in rock gardens and gardens throughout Europe, and in nature it can be found in the Balkans, Italy, the south of France, Asia Minor and even in South America, where it lives on rocks and river banks. The flower received its Latin name in honor of the French artist Claude Aubrier, who worked in the genre of botanical illustration, and in our country it is called... windbag. The blooming aubrieta is a bright continuous carpet. A characteristic feature of the plant is that it retains its beautiful foliage even in winter.

    Planting and caring for the shaving

    • Planting: sowing seeds in open ground - in May or September. Sowing seeds for seedlings - at the end of February, planting seedlings in open ground - in the second half of May.
    • Flowering: mid-spring to early summer, blooms again in autumn.
    • Lighting: bright sunlight.
    • Soil: poor, even rocky, but loose and permeable, containing peat or ash, with a pH of 6.0-7.0.
    • Watering: moderate at the beginning and sparing as the plant develops. It is best to use the sprinkling method.
    • Fertilizing: before flowering begins, with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer for flowering perennials; during the season, the soil is mulched 2-3 times with a layer of organic matter 3-5 cm thick.
    • Pruning: After the first flowering, the stems are cut at the surface level of the site to stimulate the growth of new shoots.
    • Reproduction: seeds and cuttings.
    • Pests: aphids.
    • Diseases: root rot, powdery mildew.

    Read more about growing aubrieta below.

    When to sow aubretia seeds for seedlings, in what month

    The correct choice of the optimal time for sowing seeds is a very important point when growing any crops from seeds. When to plant aubrieta? It is better to sow in late February-early March.

    You can also choose the timing of sowing aubration using the Lunar calendar 2022:

    • Favorable days for the procedure : in January: 1, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20;
    • in February: 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15;
    • in March: 10, 11, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25.
  • Unfavorable days for planting:
      in January: 2, 18th;
  • in February: 1, 16;
  • in March: 2, 16, 17, 18, 31.
  • Botanical description

    The aubrieta flower has an alternate leaf arrangement, the edges of its small, simple elliptical or obovate pubescent leaves are entire or serrated. Small four-petalled flowers of aubrieta, reaching 1 cm in diameter, violet, purple, red-pink, blue, and sometimes white, are collected in few-flowered racemes. Aubrieta blooms profusely and for a long time - from mid-spring to early summer. In autumn, with proper care, it blooms again. The fruit of the plant is a pod with flat brown seeds.

    We devoted this article to a story about how to plant and care for aubrieta in open ground: how to plant aubrieta as seedlings, how to grow aubrieta on a windowsill, when and how to transplant aubrieta flowers to a flowerbed. You will learn all about the methods of propagation of aubrieta, as well as about diseases and pests that can threaten it.

    Pruning aubrietta

    Pruning should be done several times a year. Be sure to do it after the first flowering, then by autumn the buds will set again. It is necessary to remove the stems of the bush almost at the very base, this is what will allow the plant to bloom annually.

    Note! Before the aubrieta leaves for the winter, there is no need to trim the shoots. Otherwise, the flower will lose its strength and will not be able to withstand harsh weather conditions.

    In the spring, before the growth period, you need to carefully inspect the bush, removing damaged and dried parts.

    Growing aubrieta from seeds

    How to sow seeds

    Aubrieta reproduces well by seed - seedlings and non-seedlings, however, growing Aubrieta by sowing seeds directly into the ground in May or September often leads to splitting of varieties. That is why we recommend you the seedling method as a more reliable one. Aubrieta from seeds blooms only in the second year. Aubrieta seeds can be purchased at any flower shop.

    • Kerria: growing in the garden, types and varieties

    When to sow aubrieta seeds for seedlings? About two or two and a half months before the onset of heat - at the end of February. How to sow aubrieta? Sowing of aubrieta seeds is carried out in separate containers - peat tablets or peat-humus pots, in which you will then plant the seedlings in the ground. Seeds of 2-3 pieces are laid out on the surface of a moist substrate, covered with a layer of sand 3-5 mm thick on top, this sand cushion is moistened with a fine spray and the crops are placed under film or glass. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 18-21 ºC.

    Seedling care

    Growing aubrieta from seeds is a simple process. Ventilate the crops daily, moisten the soil as needed. Shoots usually appear after 3-4 weeks, and as soon as this happens, the coating can be removed. Be careful with watering: aubrieta seedlings do not like wet soil. Two weeks before planting in open ground, if it seems to you that the seedlings are developing too slowly, feed the seedlings with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers in low concentration.

    Picking aubrieta

    The plant does not tolerate transplantation very well, so growing aubrieta at home from seeds does not involve picking. In order to avoid intermediate transplantation of seedlings - picking - we recommended sowing seeds for seedlings in separate containers.


    Growing aubrieta from seeds is an accessible way even for a beginner to get a beautiful plant for your garden. If the described points of perennial agricultural technology are followed, problems with the growth of aubration will not arise.




    Planting aubrieta in open ground

    When to plant

    Aubrieta is planted in a flowerbed when the return spring frosts have passed - in the second half of May. Approach the choice of site very responsibly: the aubrieta in the garden should receive maximum sunlight - only then will you be able to see truly abundant flowering of the aubrieta.

    As for the soil, in this regard everything is very simple: the poorer the soil, the better for the plant. Aubrieta grows well between stone steps and concrete slabs. The soil should be loose, permeable and contain a small amount of ash or peat. As for the level of acidity, soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction is preferable - pH 6.0-7.0.

    How to plant

    Aubrieta is a flexible plant, so you can plant it in accordance with your idea of ​​what your flowerbed or rock garden should look like. The planting depth is determined by the length of the plant’s root system, the width of the holes is twice as large as the container in which the seedling grows. The distance between copies is at least 5 cm.

    • Lavender: growing in the garden, types and varieties

    If you grew seedlings in a ceramic or plastic container, before planting, place it in water and hold it until bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the soil - then carefully remove the plant with a lump of earth and lower it into the hole. After planting the aubrieta, compact the soil, mulch it with a 5 cm thick layer of sand and water it carefully.

    Caring for aubrieta in the garden

    Growing conditions

    Growing an aubriet flower is an easy and enjoyable task. An adult plant needs watering only when there is a long drought. If you frequently water the aubrieta in normal summer weather, you can provoke an abundant growth of greenery to the detriment of flowering. Young plants need more frequent watering than mature ones, but even here moderation must be observed. The best way to water aubrieta is by sprinkling. After watering or rain, the soil in the flowerbed needs to be loosened and weeded.

    During the growing season, it is recommended to mulch the soil in the flowerbed 2-3 times with a layer of sand 3-5 cm thick. In the spring, before flowering, and in the fall, the aubrieta is fed with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer for perennial flowering plants.

    Caring for aubrieta involves pruning the plant after spring flowering almost to the level of the surface of the site - this measure promotes the growth of new shoots with fresh, bright foliage, which will be an excellent background for other flowers in the flowerbed or in the rock garden until the time comes for the aubrieta to bloom again .

    Reproduction of aubrieta

    As you can see, planting and caring for an aubriet flower is not difficult and does not require much effort. The plant can also be propagated simply by cuttings and seeds. We have already told you about the seedling method of growing aubrieta. But experienced gardeners prefer to sow aubrieta directly into the flowerbed.

    Sow the seeds in well-moistened soil, dug to a depth of 15 cm, cleared of stones and weeds and seasoned with complex fertilizer, wood ash and lime (chalk). Sowing is not done too thickly; the seeds are not buried, but covered on top with a layer of sand 3-5 cm thick, which is carefully moistened with a watering can. Spring shoots appear in 10-20 days, and seeds sown in September will sprout only next spring.

    Another way to propagate aubrieta is by cuttings. After pruning the plant in mid-summer, you will have plenty of plant debris to use as cuttings. Cuttings (cuttings of stems without flowers) are planted in a greenhouse in a substrate consisting of equal parts of peat and sand, and at the end of August, when they form roots, they are transplanted to a permanent place. Before winter, the seedlings have time to take root and grow stronger. If winters in your area are too harsh or unpredictable, keep the cuttings in a greenhouse until spring.

    • Aubrieta: what you need to know for successful cultivation

    Propagation by dividing the bush is best tolerated by shaving in spring or autumn. This is a rather painful process for the plant. It is carried out according to the usual scheme: the bush is dug up, divided into parts so that each division has well-developed shoots and roots, after which the parts are planted in prepared holes. However, no matter how hard you try, a plant suffering from any transplant is unlikely to recover from such a complex procedure as dividing a bush, so we strongly recommend cuttings or seed propagation of aubrieta.

    Pests and diseases

    Planting and caring for aubrieta will not be a burden to anyone, especially since this plant is extremely rarely affected by diseases and pests. Sometimes aubrieta becomes infected with powdery mildew, a fungal disease, the sign of which is a whitish coating on the leaves and flowers of the plant, which becomes brown as the disease progresses. As a result of damage by powdery mildew, the aubrieta loses its decorative effect, its growth slows down, the diseased areas turn black and die, and the winter hardiness of the plant decreases. You can get rid of the disease by treating the plant with colloidal sulfur in accordance with the instructions.

    Among the pests, the most dangerous for aubrieta is the aphid, a sucking insect that feeds on plant cell sap and spreads viral diseases. The pest is destroyed by treating the aubrieta with Fufanon, Karbofos, Arrivo or Biotlin. There can be from one to four treatment sessions - it all depends on the number of insects that have settled on the aubriet.

    In general, aubrieta growing between stones is extremely rarely affected by diseases and pests.

    brief information

    Aubrieta or aubretia is a perennial ground cover plant. It is a member of the cruciferous family. The plant is often grown not only because of its beautiful flowers, but because of its unpretentiousness and ability to grow well in poor soils.

    Interesting fact! The flower received its unusual and interesting name in honor of the artist Claude Aubrier, who specialized in drawings of representatives of the plant world.

    The height of the plant is up to 20 centimeters, in some rare cases it can grow up to 35. Flowering of the plant begins around April and ends in June, but repeated flowering is possible in the autumn.

    Aubrieta is ideal for compositions on alpine hills and rockeries. But it also looks very interesting when planted alone. Below are photographs of different compositions with aubration, which prove that the plant is extremely beautiful:

    Note! Aubrecia looks most attractive and interesting on stones!

    But this photo shows a variant of beautiful vertical gardening:

    Perennial aubrieta after flowering

    How and when to collect seeds

    For those who want to start seed propagation of aubrieta, we remind you that this method often does not preserve the varietal characteristics of the seedlings. But if you still want to get seeds from aubrieta, then after spring flowering, when you cut the stems, leave two or three shoots with ovaries on the bush, and when the seeds darken, cut off the pods, remove the seeds and ripen them indoors or sow them before winter in the way that we described to you.

    Preparing for winter

    If after the first flowering of aubrieta, experts recommend pruning the shoots, then after the second, in the fall, on the contrary, it is advisable to leave both the shoots and leaves for the winter and prune only in the spring. The perennial aubrieta overwinters well under the snow, but in snowless winters with sudden temperature fluctuations the plant may die, so just in case, cover it with dry leaves or spruce branches.

    Transplanting a plant

    Aubrieta is an unpretentious plant and caring for it is not burdensome, but it takes transplantation extremely painfully. Often after the procedure the bush dies. Therefore, before growing an aubriette, you need to determine a place for it in advance so that the plant does not have to be disturbed later. Even the most experienced gardeners fail to save the life of a garden beauty. The procedure itself is carried out according to the usual rules, the bush is dug up and transferred to a new hole. The soil is moistened before planting, and after the flower is in place, sand is poured at the roots.

    Types and varieties

    There are twelve species of aubrieta in nature, some of them are also grown in culture. Species such as white aubrieta, Croatian aubrieta, graceful aubrieta, Kolumka aubrieta are not frequent guests in our gardens, but some species are more widely popular. For example:

    Aubrieta deltoidea

    Or aubrieta deltoid - a herbaceous perennial, reaching a height of 15 cm, with deltoid gray-green leaves with one or two teeth on each edge. The purple-blue or lilac flowers of plants of this species, collected in loose racemes, reach 1 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in May and lasts a little more than a month. This species has been in cultivation since 1710, and is popularly called the “lilac bush.” Its variety of Bougainvillea with light purple flowers with an orange center reaches a height of 20 cm. Aubrieta deltoid served as the basis for breeding the most common species - Aubrieta cultivated.

    Aubrieta x cultorum

    Or hybrid aubrieta is a group of plants up to 20 cm high that overwinter under the snow. They have small jagged oblong leaves, lilac or purple flowers up to 1 cm in diameter. Modern varieties of cultivated aubrieta often have simple, double or semi-double flowers, and they reproduce well by seeds. There are varieties that can be grown in pots, some are even suitable for cutting. We present to you the most famous varieties of cultivated aubrieta:

    • Cascade aubrieta is a perennial plant with flowers in blue, purple, turquoise, pink or red with a small yellow center. The leaves are gray-green in color and do not change color all year round;
    • Charming Morocco is a lush and attractive plant with very large flowers for this crop - about 1.5 cm in diameter. Flower color ranges from blue to red and pink;
    • Cote d'Azur - flowers of this variety, painted in the tone of heavenly blue, decorate the garden for two summer months, and in September they bloom again and bloom until frost;
    • Giant Waterfall is a mixture of varieties - aubrieta violet, pink, red, lilac... On this winter-hardy perennial up to 15 cm high, flowers open with a diameter of up to 1 cm.

    Aubriet varieties such as Carnival, Doctor Mules, Don, Gloriosa, Wanda, Blue King, Queen, Royal Cascade, Triumphant and others are also popular in culture.

    Bright, fragrant, blooming living carpet

    If you look at a photo of aubrieta, you can see a carpet of bright color, and if you also see this plant live, you can enjoy a pleasant, unforgettable aroma.

    Recently, this flower has become one of the most popular perennial plants; it is often used by landscape designers to decorate flower beds and garden plots. What did he do to deserve such close attention to himself?

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