Dicentra flower - planting and care in open ground

  • Type: poppy
  • Flowering period: June, July, August
  • Height: 15-40cm
  • Color: Pink, White, Purple, Persian Blue
  • perennial
  • Winters
  • Shade-loving
  • Moisture-loving

Lush rose bushes, tall thickets of gladioli and even rows of marigolds and calendulas near country houses look great, but quite traditional. Why not enliven the familiar landscape with such a wonderful plant as dicentra? From the earliest spring, the delicate flower will open its heart-shaped buds and will decorate your garden until mid-summer, if, of course, the rules for planting and caring for the dicentra are followed correctly.

Dicentra is a rarely used name; much more often we hear the more figurative version of “broken heart”. The flower received such a capacious name due to the curious shape of the buds, reminiscent of small hearts. Some people know this plant as double-spur, a literal translation of dis and kentron, meaning “double” and “spur.” Among the French, who are rich in legends, the flower received the name “Jeannette’s heart”, among the practical Germans - “heart flower”, among the inventive Englishmen - “lady in the bath”, and the Russian people dubbed it in their favorite minor key “broken heart”.

Although many consider this plant to be European, its homeland is Japan, from where it was brought to Europe only in 1816. The beautiful flower immediately attracted attention with its bright colors and interesting shape of buds, so it became a regular in the gardens of aristocrats and nobles. Gardeners fell in love with the non-standard, exquisite dicentra so much that even the names of the varieties turned out to be “telling”: elegant, beautiful, magnificent, excellent, exceptional.

The place of the plant in a flower bed or flower garden is chosen depending on its variety. A tall, magnificent dicentra looks great in the center of the composition, miniature wandering or exceptional - along the edges or along the border

  • 2 The best methods of propagation and transplantation
  • 3 Features of caring for this plant
  • 4 The most common varieties of dicentra

Characteristics of dicentra: varieties and varieties

Dicentra is a herbaceous shrub whose height reaches 0.3-1.0 m, depending on the species. The above-ground part dies off during the winter, and grows back with the arrival of spring. Characterized by vertical branched shoots or lodging shoots.

Dicentra flowers are heart-shaped

The root system of the dicentra goes into the deep layers of the soil. It consists of thickened shoots that resemble finger-shaped tubers in appearance. They contain a supply of moisture and nutrients.

The stems of this crop are fleshy and juicy. They have a smooth, reddish-brown surface. The leaves are pinnately dissected; on the shoots they are located far from each other, since they are mostly concentrated in the basal rosette. The color of the plates can vary from olive to dark green. Dicentra flowers reach 2 cm in length. Their color can be white, pink or yellow.

Interesting! The genus Dicentra includes 8 species. Each of them has characteristic differences and features. But not all of them are used in gardening.

Therefore, it is worth considering the most popular types and their features:

  • Dicentra magnificent or spectabilis (Dicentra spectabilis). This species is characterized by a large spreading bush and is a perennial. It forms branched shoots up to 1 m. It is distinguished by racemose inflorescences 15 cm long. Dense rosettes of leaves are formed at the base of the bushes. The flowering time of the magnificent dicentra is 2.5-3 months. This species can withstand low temperatures, but needs shelter. The most common varieties of magnificent dicentra: Valentina (dark red flowers with white petals below), Alba (with white flowers), White Gold (with a yellow tint of foliage and snow-white flowers).
  • Beautiful Dicentra (Dicentra formosa). A perennial crop with a bush height of up to 30 cm. The leaves have long petioles and are collected in a basal rosette. The upper surface of the plates is green, and the lower surface has a bluish tint. The flowers are pink-purple, collected in inflorescences. This type of crop is characterized by prolonged flowering throughout the summer. Popular varieties: Aurora (with white and pink flowers), Adriana Bloom (with bluish foliage and pink flowers), Lava Hearts (with white and purple flowers).
  • Dicentra scandens. It is a vine with shoots up to 2 m long. The stems are capable of spreading along the ground or support. Along the entire length of the branches there are petiolate trifoliate leaves. Inflorescences are formed not only at the ends or nodes of the shoots. The most common variety of climbing dicentra is the Golden Vine. It is distinguished by its bright yellow heart-shaped flowers.
  • Dicentra eximia is excellent or exceptional. A dwarf plant with a height of 25 cm. It is characterized by dark green leaves, which are in many ways similar to a fern. The flowering period of this species is 2 months. The plant does not suffer from drought. Common varieties: Stuart Butman (with pink buds).

Botanical description, plant morphology

Dicentra is a beautiful, not too demanding flower with a variety of flowers in white (alba), pink and red. This is a plant of the poppy family. In nature it can be found in the forests of North America and Asia, where it forms vast and magnificent clumps. Grows naturally in China, Korea.

One of the Japanese legends says that dicentra is a plant that grew on the grave of an unlucky man in love who pierced his bachelor's heart after being rejected by his beloved (hence one of the names heart).

According to another legend, a long time ago, a beautiful girl named Jeannette saw her beloved going to a wedding with another. She fell dead to the ground, her heart breaking in pain, and a dark red flower grew out of her. Since then, the perennial of the genus Dicentra is called by the French coeur de Jannette - “Janet’s heart”, the Germans - Herzblume “heart flower”, the British - bleeding-heart “bleeding heart”.

The shape of the plant resembles a fern, and the heart-shaped flowers, located on leafless shoots, are collected in hanging impressive clusters.

The name Dicentra comes from Greek, where dis means two and kentron means spur. Loosely translated, the name means “two spurs.”

Dicentra blooms from May to June.

The plant is slightly poisonous. All parts (especially the roots) contain toxic substances. Symptoms of intoxication may include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

These perennials take many forms, from small plants reaching a few centimeters to magnificent vines. They also occur as deciduous shrubs with interesting and varied leaf shapes and distinctive flowers.

Planting a plant

Adonis flower - planting and care in open ground

You can plant dicentra on the site with seeds and seedlings. Each of these methods has certain features. Therefore, you need to study them in advance.

Planting by seeds

This method is quite labor-intensive. But it makes it possible to obtain many young seedlings at the same time. Dicentra seed remains viable for 2 years after collection. Therefore, it is important to find high-quality planting material that can sprout.

Planting of seeds should be carried out in August-September or February-March. To do this, you need to prepare wide containers with drainage holes and fill them with nutritious loose soil. After this, moisten the substrate well and bury the seeds 0.5 cm. After this, the containers should be placed in a shaded place with a temperature of 18-20 ℃ above zero and covered with glass.

The seeds will germinate after 30-40 days

When seedlings appear, the containers should be moved to a bright windowsill. During this period, it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, they need to be adapted to the external environment. To do this, you need to remove the glass for 30 minutes on the first day, and with each subsequent day increase this period by half an hour. After a week, the cover can be completely removed.

Planting seedlings

Young dicentra seedlings must be planted in a permanent place in the spring, when the earth has warmed up sufficiently. Before this, you need to dig up the area to the depth of a shovel and carefully remove all the roots of perennial weeds.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Dig holes 40 cm deep at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  2. Place a 7 cm thick layer of drainage at the bottom of the recess.
  3. Place a mixture of leaf soil and compost on top.
  4. Place a seedling in the center.
  5. Fill the voids with soil and water.

If the soil on the site is heavy, then before planting the seedlings you need to add sand and limestone chips.

Interesting! With proper planting and care of dicentra in open ground, the plant grows quickly and begins to fully bloom in 2-3 years.

Growing from seeds: is it possible?

Dicentra has a feature that is not very pleasant for Russian gardeners: in our latitudes this plant is not always able to produce seeds. It is also difficult to grow it from seed material offered in stores. There are several reasons for this:

  • extreme difficulty of seed germination;
  • low percentage of germination;
  • high percentage of seedling loss;
  • extremely slow development of seedlings.

It is not surprising that many gardeners do not consider it advisable to bother with seed propagation of dicentra. However, there are times when this is necessary. For example, if you get your hands on seeds of some rare variety.

Watering and loosening the soil

Krinum - garden flower, planting and care in open ground

Caring for dicentra is not difficult. Seedlings must be watered moderately, avoiding stagnation of moisture and drying out of the roots. It is also important to loosen the soil at the base of the seedlings so that air can freely penetrate to the roots.

During periods of drought, watering must be done more often as the top layer of soil dries out. At least 5-6 liters of water must be poured under each plant. And so that the roots of the plant do not dry out and moisture does not evaporate from the ground so quickly, it is necessary to mulch the root circle of the plant with peat or humus. This will also help prevent crusting on the surface of the soil.

Dicentra care

Surprisingly uncomplicated. Its roots require oxygen in abundance, so it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil under the bushes.


During spring cold snaps, you need to cover the slightly hatched sprouts with thick plastic film. By the way, dicentra sprouts should be covered only with non-woven material in order to ensure the proper microclimate inside the shelter.


When it fades, the shoots are cut off at the root , leaving 3-5 cm. Dry stems drain life from a dormant plant, so they must be removed at the end of each season.

Top dressing

excellent fertilizer for dicentra ; they should be used to feed the bushes during the flowering period. In early spring, it needs superphosphate, and in the fall, humus should be added under each bush and the infusion of mullein (manure) should be thoroughly watered at the roots. With proper care, the shrub grows unusually, but never becomes a weed.


This flower loves consistency - it does not need annual replanting and blooms beautifully in one place for 5-6 years. After this period, he will need to find another place in the garden.


Dicentra propagates very easily: by dividing bushes and cuttings, less often by seeds.
The fact is that the seeds of this flower are very whimsical and do not always germinate, especially in the middle zone. But if you still dare to grow dicentra from seeds, keep in mind that you need to sow in winter. Do not forget to carefully cover the crops with a film covering. The bush must be divided once every year or two, otherwise the thick rhizomes rot and the plant dies. Although this disadvantage can be turned into an advantage, because you will regularly have new seedlings, and you will not need to buy anything if you decide to ennoble other corners of your garden with dicentra. Do you think I limited myself to only two dicentra bushes? Not at all. I decided to decorate the northern side of my country house with heart flowers and decorate the shady paths in the garden with a flower border. Sentimentality? May be. In general, I bought two more varieties of di and a dwarf 'Candy Hearts'.

And now I will tell you about the characteristic features of my charges.

Reproduction methods

Gerbera flower garden planting and care in open ground

To obtain new dicentra seedlings, it is recommended to use the cutting method and dividing the rhizome.

In the first case, for propagation it is necessary to use the root shoots that appear in April. For rooting, cuttings with a “heel” 12-15 cm long are suitable. After this, powder the lower cut with a root former and plant it in nutritious soil. Cover the shoots with a plastic bottle and film. This will create a greenhouse effect inside and speed up rooting.

After the seedlings get stronger and begin to grow, the cover must be removed. In the first year, young plants should be kept indoors in winter, and only with the arrival of spring can they be planted in a permanent place.

Dicentra seedlings quickly adapt and grow

In the second case, in early spring or early autumn, it is necessary to dig up an adult dicentra bush more than 4 years old. Then thoroughly clean the roots from the soil and then rinse. After this, place the plant in a shaded place so that it wilts slightly. This will allow you to divide quickly and accurately.

After 2-3 hours, use a sharp knife to cut the thickened part of the root into several parts. Each of them should have 3-4 growth points and a well-developed root shoot. After the procedure, fresh sections must be sprinkled with charcoal, and then the cuttings must be planted in a permanent place. After this, the seedlings should be watered abundantly.

Sowing seeds in open ground

This way you can also propagate this flower. Let's look at how to plant and care in this case. Photos of the perennial aubrieta presented in the article demonstrate that it can spread along fences or stone slabs. But the plant still needs soil in which it can develop.

This must be taken into account when choosing a place in the garden for this modest beauty. Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out in April-May. They sprout in about 3 weeks. Flowering can only be expected next year.

Before sowing, you need to remove weeds, dig up the soil to a depth of fifteen centimeters, add wood ash and fertilizer, which contains calcium. The bed is carefully leveled and moistened. The seeds are distributed over such a surface. You need to pour a little sand on top to prevent them from being blown away by the wind. If the planting turns out to be dense, you need to break through the seedlings or plant them so that the distance between them is at least 7-10 centimeters.

Feeding and fertilizers

Caring for this crop also includes timely feeding of the plant. In the spring, during the active growing season, the bushes must be fertilized with organic matter twice every 2 weeks. Mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:15) are best suited for this. If this is not available, you can use mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, such as urea or ammonium nitrate 30 g per 10 liters of water.

During the period of bud formation, the dicentra flower must be fertilized with superphosphate (40 g per 10 l) and potassium sulphide (30 g per bucket). Water the bush with the resulting solution at the root. This must be done in the evening.

It is important to know! In the second half of summer, fertilizers cannot be used, as this will weaken the bush before wintering.

Reproduction of lilies by division and children

Lilies can be propagated in several ways. The simplest and most popular is dividing bulb nests. This method is based on the natural development of lilies, in which an adult “mother” bulb annually produces daughter bulbs with new roots and stems. They are used to grow new plants.

The bulbous nest begins to be divided 3-4 years after planting, when at least 4-6 bulbs have formed on it. The optimal time for work is a month after flowering. If you start dividing earlier, when the bulbs are weakened, have lost weight and are wilted, the plants may not take root.

How to properly propagate bulbs by division:

Carefully dig up a mature bush without damaging the bulbs and perennial roots. If you seriously damage the root system, the transplanted lilies may not bloom next year;

Place the bulb nest on the ground and separate the daughter bulbs and small children. You should have 2-3 large fused bulbs left in your hands, from which the stems stretch upward. There should be as many bulbs as there are stems;

trim the lily stems, leaving small stumps

Clear the roots from the soil and carefully divide the nest into individual bulbs. This can be done by hand, without special tools;

inspect each lily to see if there are any signs of damage, rot, disease or dark areas. Healthy bulbs have white scales with a pinkish tint, without any spots;

This is what damaged lily bulbs look like

using pruning shears, remove dead and rotten roots, and cut healthy ones to 15-20 cm;

  • Sort the planting material and select bulbs of approximately the same size. Place the bulbs intended for planting in a dark place and cover with a damp cloth, which should be regularly moistened with water;
  • do not rush to throw away the bulbs rejected for “clean” planting. Try pickling them in a 0.2-0.4% solution of Maxim for several hours, then dry them and plant them separately from the rest;

Plant the bulbs on a favorable day, focusing on the lunar calendar.

Reproduction of lilies by children

When digging up lilies, you may find small bulbs, 1 cm in diameter, that form at the base of the stems. During the season, up to 10 such babies are formed in the underground part. Over time, if they are not removed, they grow and form a bulbous nest with a “mother” bulb.

There are two ways to separate the babies from the mother bulb:

  • when digging and dividing nests in September;
  • scraping the soil from the base of the roots and sifting it.

Children are planted in shkolki - pre-prepared beds with fertile soil, protected from wind, rain and snow. Planted at a depth of 4-5 cm, at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other and 17-20 cm between rows. The soil in the garden bed with children should always be moderately moist, and the plantings should be periodically fed and loosened between the rows. For the winter, the bed must be insulated with a layer of mulch.

Children planted in September will produce stems up to 25 cm high by the next season, but will not be able to bloom. After the second winter, 1-2 buds may appear on the plant; they should be removed so that the plant gets stronger. The lily blooms in full force only in the third year.

Reproduction by children can also be carried out in April-May. They should be stored in the cellar or refrigerator until spring.

If you are interested in this method of propagating lilies, then know that the formation of children can be stimulated. To do this, separate the flowering stems and bury them in sand or light soil, leaving only the top on the surface. Remove leaves and buds. By autumn, baby bulbs will appear in the axils of the leaves of the buried stem.

Trimming dicenters

After the bush has had time to bloom, it is necessary to remove all flower stalks when they begin to turn yellow. More drastic pruning should be done in the fall. This will help the plant have a good rest in winter.

It is necessary to trim the rosette at the base, leaving only small stumps

Pests and diseases

According to the description and characteristics, dicentra is highly resistant to diseases and pests. But if the growing conditions are inappropriate, the plant’s immunity decreases.

Common problems:

  • Ring spot. As the disease develops, the shoots and leaves of the dicentra become covered with a bluish coating. This interferes with photosynthesis and causes the plant to wilt. It is difficult to get rid of this viral disease, so it is easier to prevent it. To do this, it is necessary to treat dicentra bushes with fungicides several times a season. You should also promptly remove weeds, leaf litter and old branches.
  • Tobacco mosaic. A characteristic sign of the lesion is black ring-shaped spots on the leaves. As a result, the plates stop developing and shrink. The disease negatively affects the plant and becomes the reason why the dicentra does not bloom. To combat it, it is necessary to remove diseased shoots and leaves, as well as carry out preventive spraying with fungicides: “Skor”, “Fitosporin”.
  • Aphid. The pest feeds on the sap of young shoots, which significantly weakens the plant. To destroy the pest, it is recommended to spray the bushes with Inta-vir and Karbofos.

Flowering period and care during this period

Dicentra blooms at the end of May. During this period, graceful inflorescences that look like necklaces appear at the ends of the shoots. Under their weight, the branches bend down and become arched. The upper part of the buds has the shape of a heart, and at the bottom there are petals that diverge and look out through the slot in the form of a rolled tube.

The plant blooms twice per season. The duration of the first wave is 3-4 weeks. In mid-summer the bush gradually fades, leaving only a few young shoots. In August, when the heat subsides, the plant blooms again. After this, boxes are formed in which the seeds ripen.

After flowering, caring for the dicentra consists of timely removal of wilted shoots, which will help redistribute the plant’s strength.

This plant looks organic in group plantings.

Problems during cultivation

Unfortunately, growing ornamental crops is not always successful. Often you have to deal with problems, diseases and pest attacks. Most often, owners may find that the leaves of the plant have turned yellow. Another common sign of concern is drying out of the foliage.

Why does the dicentra turn yellow?

The yellowing of the foliage of the described ornamental crop immediately after flowering is a normal physiological process. In this way, the dicentra is preparing for winter. The organs that take away its strength to accumulate nutrients for wintering and the next growing season die off.

There is no need to react to this in any way. You just need to think about how other plants can cover the dicenter that is unaesthetic at this moment.

After flowering the foliage began to dry out

When the foliage dries out, this is also a normal condition for dicentra after flowering. However, it is worth understanding that both yellow and dry leaves can also indicate damage to the plant by pathogens or pests, therefore, if it is observed, it is necessary to carefully examine the bush to make sure that yellowing and drying out is still a physiological process. Otherwise, based on the accompanying signs, you should find out why the dicentra’s organs have dried up, make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

Preparing for winter

The magnificent Alba dicentra, like other perennial crop varieties, must be covered with a layer of peat or humus for the winter. This will help prevent the top of the roots from freezing out if there is not enough snow.

You need to remove the shelter in early spring, without waiting for stable heat. During this period, if there is a threat of return frosts, it is better to use agrofibre to preserve young shoots.

It is important to know! Dicentra, planting and caring for the crop does not require any special skills, so any novice gardener can cope with it.

4. Periwinkle varieties:

4.1.Periwinkle minor or minor - Vinca minor

This ornamental plant originates from central and southern Europe, has strong, creeping stems, reminiscent of a vine, and forms a dense cover over time. The leaves are opposite, on short petioles, simple, elliptical. The flowers are lilac, up to 3 cm in diameter, bloom in the spring - March - April. The plant is short, almost dwarf - its height rarely exceeds 20 cm.

4.2. Small periwinkle Atropurpurea - Vinca minor Atropurpurea

A very popular evergreen, large-flowered ground cover. The plants form a dense mat of drooping stems with glossy dark green leaves. The flowers are colored in a rich purple hue. A very shade-tolerant variety - when grown in direct sunlight, the leaf blades can get burned.

4.3. Pink periwinkle or catharanthus - Catharanthus

A separate genus, including 8 species of annual and perennial evergreen subshrubs or herbaceous plants up to 1 m high with erect brown stems. These plants belong to the Kutraceae family and are actually the closest relatives of the periwinkle. The leaves are oblong - oval, 2.5 - 9 cm long and 1 - 4 cm wide, glossy green, arranged oppositely on short petioles. The flowers are white, pink, red, lilac, often with a darker center, with a long thin tube up to 3 cm long and five rounded petals, reminiscent of phlox, solitary or collected in small inflorescences - umbrellas of 2 - 3, appearing in the upper part of the stems .

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4.4. Large periwinkle - Vinca major

A plant with creeping shoots, native to northeast Asia and the western Caucasus. The dark green leaves are up to 8 cm long and ovate in shape. The flowers are solitary, tubular, reminiscent of phlox, pale purple or blue, large, axillary.

As the name suggests, the stems, flowers and leaves of Vinca major will be larger than those of Vinca minor. The leaf blades of the lesser periwinkle have a more elongated, lanceolate shape, while those of the greater periwinkle are wider - ovoid or heart-shaped, and in addition, the edges of the leaf blades of this plant have slight pubescence.

Variegated periwinkle or variegata - these varieties can belong to any type of plant; they are distinguished by the attractive variegated color of the leaves - the leaf blades have white, yellow (golden periwinkle, Vinca minor Illumination) or greenish spots and stripes in the middle or along the edge.

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Use in landscape design

This plant is often used in landscaping shady and dry corners of the garden, rockeries, alpine hills and rocky slopes. At the same time, dicentra looks great alone and in group compositions.

As a self-sufficient plant, it should be planted against the backdrop of a green lawn or conifers. The best neighbors for her could be:

  • hosts;
  • purchased;
  • lungwort;
  • daffodils;
  • hyacinths;
  • tulips.

You can also combine several types of flowers with different colors and simultaneous flowering periods in group plantings. Dicentra also feels good under the canopy of tall crops.

Dicentra is a foreign guest that is characterized by long flowering with minimal care. The crop can be planted in places where other perennials are not able to grow. Therefore, the popularity of dicentra is growing. This is no coincidence, because few plants are distinguished by such unpretentiousness and the ability to please the eye throughout the entire season.

Broken heart or dicenter

These original flowering plants are rarely called dicentras, so it is more familiar by the name "broken heart", which comes from the flower's curious bud shape, which looks like little hearts.

The plant also has another name - double spur . The French, rich in legends, call the flower “Jeannette’s heart”, practical Germans - “heart flower”, inventive Englishmen - “lady in the bath”, and among Russian people the plant was called “broken heart”, characteristic of the favorite minor mode of our people.

Not all gardeners know that dicentra is not a European, but a Japanese plant that was brought to European countries in 1816. The beautiful appearance of the flower attracts attention due to its bright colors and interesting shape of the buds, and is a common inhabitant in the gardens of aristocrats and nobles. The non-standard and exquisite dicentra is liked by many flower lovers, who gave its varieties “telling” names. They called the dicentra:

  1. Graceful;
  2. Beautiful;
  3. Magnificent;
  4. Excellent;
  5. Exceptional.

The choice of place for planting dicentra in flower beds and flower beds is influenced by its variety. The tall, magnificent dicentra is planted in the center of the composition, and for miniature stray or exceptional ones, places are allocated along the edges and along the borders.

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