Sansevieria many-sided - description of 16 types of mother-in-law's tongue
The Sansevieria flower is an amazing plant that is so unpretentious that anyone can grow it
Epiphyllum oxypetalum. Photo
Epiphyllum - home care, photos of species, reproduction
Photo of a blooming Epiphyllum (Epiphyllum) is a beautifully flowering succulent from the Cactus family. Grown indoors
Sunflower (heliopsis): types and varieties, photo of sunflower
The genus of herbaceous annual and perennial plants Heliopsis (Heliopsis) is a representative of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family.
Zoning of the site: development of a plan, zoning by height difference and color. 140 photo ideas
The layout greatly simplifies subsequent construction work. This allows you to place all the necessary equipment in a small area.
Birch Fortune 'Emerald Haiti': description, planting and care
Fortune's euonymus "Emerald and Gold": planting and care
Fortune's euonymus "Emerald and Gold" "Emerald gold" belongs to the Euonymus family, its flowers are invisible,
Trees painted with garden paint
Paint for garden trees: basic selection rules
Tree paint is a special mixture that is used to coat tree trunks and shrubs to protect
Do-it-yourself chain-link fence: installation and calculation
Each owner of a home or a plot of land strives to designate the perimeter of his territory. For this purpose they are erecting
delicate viola blossom
Viola (50 photos): types, care and planting in open ground
It is quite difficult to imagine the earth without a variety of flowers that constantly “smile” at people from the flower beds. Especially
Covering material against weeds: overview of types of coatings, specifics of their application
Covering material against weeds: overview of types of coatings + specifics of their application
Rarely a summer resident will allow weeds to grow on his site. Experienced vegetable growers and gardeners know that
Green bristle grass or mice (Setaria Viridis)
Ornamental foxtail (Setaria): features of cultivation and use in the garden
Bristle, setaria, mice, mogar - all these are the names of one plant of the cereal family. Ornamental cereals in
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