Loach flower - decorative bindweed for growing in the garden

Perennial vines are becoming increasingly popular among gardeners. Perhaps there is no garden in which this type of plant would not find its application. Being unpretentious, they help you quickly and at low cost create a space for your soul, make beautiful and cozy corners, and realize your design fantasies.

Features of loaches

Today there are many beautiful varieties of flowers that can be grown in the garden or indoors. Each of them is characterized by certain features.

Loach is a beautiful plant that is used to decorate the site

For your information! The culture belongs to the Bindweed family and the Bindweed genus. It has more than 250 species of plants that are similar in flower shape.

Briefly about the history of appearance

The scientific name of the genus comes from a Latin word that means “to curl up.” This name explains the need of many species to wrap their stems around other crops. The bindweed uses them as support.

The history of the use of culture dates back to the times of Avicenna. The famous doctor advised using the plant to combat asthma, damage to the spleen, liver, and lungs.

Morning glory - photo

Morning glories can be grown into a true flowering carpet or used to decorate arches, arbors and hedges. Watch and get inspired!

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Photo: u-florista.ru

Photo: kingsseedsdirect.com

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Photo: liveinternet.ru

Photo: vseobzorko.ru

Photo: stavropollibblind.blogspot.com

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Photo: landscapetnik.com

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Photo: szinnia.blogspot.com

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Photo: latin-wife.com

Photo: 1zoom.ru

Photo: dachnaya-zhizn.ru

Photo: fotokto.ru

Photo: pxhere.com

Photo: kartoska.ru

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Plant characteristics

Bindweeds are perennial or annual plants. They can have shoots ranging from 50 cm to several meters in length. Loaches are flowers with creeping or climbing shoots, covered with arrow-shaped or heart-shaped leaves.

Gatsania flower - how it blooms in a flowerbed, what kind of soil is needed for growing

The plant has a rich color and helps to create a real carpet on the site. The culture begins to bloom on small peduncles. The inflorescences open in good weather and close on cloudy days.

Note! The color of the flowers varies: soft pink, lilac, blue. White bindweeds look great. Some representatives of the Bindweed family have bright colors.

The flowers of the plant look very attractive both in single and group plantings

Advice from professionals

In order for perennial vines to please the eye with flowering and beautiful greenery, it is important to listen to the advice of experts. Basic Rules:

  1. Often perennials prefer to grow in slightly acidic soil, in a sunny place protected from drafts.
  2. The plant must be suitable for climatic conditions.
  3. The loach is planted from a wall or fence, retreating at least half a meter.
  4. The support is installed during planting. It must be strong to withstand the plant during strong winds or snowfall.
  5. From the first day of planting, you need to form loaches. Otherwise, they will grow and lose their decorative appearance.
  6. To prolong flowering, it is important to promptly remove faded inflorescences.

Classification of garden loaches

Freesia flower - growing and care in the garden

Loaches are characterized by several species. Each of them has its own characteristics.

  • climbing They can get by without any special support. They require a vertical wall that has a rough surface;
  • clinging with hooks. Bindweeds can cling to various surfaces with special hooks. This allows you to create a thick coating;
  • climbing with antennae. An interesting option are plants that have special tendrils that help them weave. They grow well on rough surfaces;
  • clinging with suction cups. Bindweed can weave its webs using special suction cups. Thanks to this, it forms a thick and dense coating;
  • curling. Loaches that have curling shoots look interesting;
  • creeping. An excellent solution for decorating a garden would be perennial vines, which have creeping shoots.

Dosage forms

As a medicine, bindweed herb is used in the form of decoctions, infusions and powder. They also make medicinal ointments. For their production, grass and roots are most often used. Preparations from bindweed are a broad-spectrum remedy. They have choleretic, laxative and diuretic effects. This is an excellent remedy for lowering blood pressure. The seeds of the plant have a positive effect on intestinal functions and peristalsis.

Types of garden bindweed

There are quite a lot of loaches, they differ in appearance and growing conditions.

Moorish bindweed (Convolvulus Mauritanicus)

Decorative onions - planting and care in open ground

This is one of the most spectacular plants that is grown in hanging pots. The flower helps create picturesque cascades and beautiful carpets. The culture is characterized by flexible shoots that grow up to 50 cm. They turn out to be quite branched. This is a fast-growing bush that can cover the ground with a thick carpet.

Convolvulus fischerianus

This bindweed is a wild species. It is often found in Siberia and the Caucasus. The plant is characterized by naturalness and discreet beauty. The shoots of the crop curl only slightly. They lie or rise slightly by 30-40 cm. The arrow-shaped foliage reaches 6 cm and has a beautiful appearance.

Tricolor bindweed (Convolvulus minor)

Tricolor bindweed has very dense branches. It is a herbaceous annual plant. The tricolor crop grows up to 50 cm and has many thin and flexible shoots. They are complemented by oval leaves.

Note! When choosing tricolor bindweed for growing from seeds, it is worth considering certain features. Greenery has a muted color, but can look very impressive. The flowers of the tricolor bindweed have a beautiful wavy edge. They reach 4 cm in diameter. The tricolor culture has an unusual color.

The tricolor plant is characterized by a beautiful shade

Observations of traditional healers

Even Avicena, the “father of medicine,” believed that field bindweed cleans blood vessels, heals fever and jaundice, and strengthens the stomach.
Descriptions of recipes with bindweed are found in Indian, Tibetan, and Asian Herbalists. The healing properties of bindweed are described in detail in medieval treatises.

Traditional healers were based on their own observations. It is not for nothing that field bindweed received recognition among the people. Its effect has been proven by positive results and real examples in the treatment of female diseases and for recovery after difficult childbirth, with bronchitis, tracheitis, dermatological problems, abscesses and other diseases.

They have also been confirmed in modern medicine. During laboratory studies, information was obtained that field bindweed has a pronounced antispasmodic, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, anticonvulsant, and diuretic effect. Drugs containing it slow down the growth of cancer cells, especially sarcomas.

Features of planting bindweed

To grow garden bindweed, you need to provide it with the right conditions. Most varieties of culture are unpretentious in care.

Important! The only conditions that matter for all climbing perennial plants for the garden are a sunny place and non-acidic soil.

Boarding time

It is recommended to plant the plant in warm weather, when the threat of return frosts has passed. At this point, you can plant the plant in open ground. This is usually done in mid-May. Sometimes planting work is postponed to the beginning of summer.

Preparing the site

To prepare the site, you need to dig it up and add 2-3 kg of peat per 1 m². Then the bed should be leveled. Before planting, the seedlings should be well watered and holes should be made at a distance of 20 cm from each other. It is recommended to plant loaches by transshipment. It will be possible to achieve flowering in the first year.

The plant should be planted in warm soil

Beneficial features

Bindweed began to be used in the Middle Ages. Traditional healers, using products made from birch, improved the functioning of the stomach and cleansed blood vessels.

As a result of scientific research, the beneficial properties of garden bindweed have been established:

  • eliminating dry eyes and restoring visual acuity;
  • destruction of viruses and harmful microorganisms;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • strengthening the vascular wall;
  • reducing the risk of heart and vascular pathologies and the severity of menopausal symptoms;
  • prevention of the development of malignant tumors;
  • improvement of intestinal permeability;
  • relieving symptoms of PMS;
  • Elimination of toothache and enamel sensitivity.

The following effects of birch are indicated:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • choleretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • hypotensive;
  • laxative;
  • anesthetic;
  • detoxification;
  • wound healing;
  • restorative;
  • antitumor.

The use of potions from gourd helps restore the body during ARVI.

Features of garden care

To achieve success in growing perennial climbing flowers for the garden, it is worth observing a number of conditions.

The plant should be planted in a sunny area. This will ensure beautiful and lush flowering. The soil must be loose.

Note! It is best to plant the crop in loamy soil.

What is the plant afraid of?

Bindweed is resistant to most diseases. But sometimes it can suffer from the development of powdery mildew. Bordeaux mixture will help cope with it. When a crop is damaged by aphids, actara or actellik are used.


Perennial climbing flowers require high-quality watering. The soil should be moistened systematically. It is important to avoid stagnation of fluid. If there is a lack of moisture, the crop will begin to drop buds.


This procedure helps retain moisture and prevent weed development. Peat or sawdust can be used as mulch.


Systematic loosening of the soil will help saturate it with oxygen and nutrients. The procedure should be carried out after each watering.


Organic products are best for flowers. During the flowering period, it is worth using complex fertilizers. It is recommended to apply them once a month.

The plant needs quality care


When planting a crop in an unsuitable place, a transplant is carried out. The procedure should be carried out very carefully by transshipment.


To form a beautiful crown, it is necessary to perform pruning in a timely manner, and it is important to adhere to the schedule.

Preparing for winter

There are winter-hardy plant varieties. If the crop is not frost-resistant, it is recommended to dig it up and move it into a pot. The plant should be kept in a bright room. In spring it can be planted in the ground again.

Important! Bindweed reproduces well by self-seeding, so in the spring gardeners can see its fresh shoots.

Chemical composition

Field alfalfa is considered a valuable resource in terms of its chemical composition. It contains:

  • cardiac glycoside;
  • resinous substances (5%);
  • alkaloids (psychotropic, convolvin, convolamine, convolcimine);
  • tannins (8.5%);
  • vitamins A, C, E;
  • fatty oil (47%);

Domesticated alfalfa has an identical chemical composition, but is inferior in percentage to its wild counterpart. Nutrients are distributed unevenly in the plant. The roots contain more pungent resins, and the aerial part of the plant contains cardiac glycosides. Read more about medicinal objects before use.

Simply plant the tops seeds in the ground and given the right conditions they will sprout.

When and how does it bloom

The plant is distinguished by lush and abundant flowering. Each variety has certain characteristics.

Types of flowers

There are several types of climbing plants:

  • clematis has beautiful inflorescences and can form a thick wall;
  • morning glory is an annual crop that can reach 4 m during the season;
  • beans. It is characterized by bright and abundant flowering.

Flower shapes

The flowers can be shaped like a funnel or a bell. It all depends on the type of culture.

Flowering period

The plant begins to bloom in June and decorates the garden until frost.

Changes in care during the flowering period

During the flowering period, the crop must be carefully fed and watered. Wilted inflorescences do not need to be removed.

The plant has lush flowering


Despite the presence of vitamins, some authors on traditional medicine claim that the plant is poisonous, especially if used fresh. Therefore, any treatment with taffy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Pregnant and lactating women should not consume almond grass under any circumstances. The plant is not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age. Naturally, it is necessary to refuse such treatment if there is an individual intolerance to the plant.

Possible problems in growing

When cultivating a plant, there is a risk of various problems arising. In such a situation, you need to take timely measures.


The flower may suffer from spider mite attacks. This occurs in dry and hot weather. Parasites feed on the sap of the plant and can lead to its death. To cope with pests, you need to remove damaged leaves and treat the flowers with acaricides.

Important! To avoid such problems, you need to periodically spray the plants. It is especially important to do this in hot and dry weather.


The culture is resistant to diseases. At the same time, it may suffer from the development of powdery mildew. The disease develops with excess moisture and is accompanied by the appearance of plaque on the foliage. To cope with the disease, it is worth spraying the crop with a fungicide.

Signs of improper care

Violations of agrotechnical recommendations are indicated by the following signs:

  • yellowing of leaves;
  • insufficient flowering;
  • fading culture;
  • stem dying.


In a house or apartment you can grow indoor bindweed, which was specially bred for such conditions. This variety is very capricious. It cannot be kept outdoors - on a windowsill or balcony. Exposure to direct sunlight will cause the leaves to yellow and the root base to dry out. In addition, indoor birch loves moisture. Therefore, it needs to be watered and sprayed regularly. Young taffy can be safely bathed in the bathtub. These procedures must be done in winter, when the air in the apartment is dry due to heating. You need to place a pot with a flowerpot in a secluded place, because drafts are dangerous for it.

If you plant a vine in a container, then it should be placed on the south side of the house or closer to the east.

Caring for these three types of bindweed - field, garden and indoor - does not require much effort. This light-loving plant will be a worthy decoration for a personal plot or terrace.

Other types of perennial climbing plants

Today there are many varieties of climbing plants, each of which has certain characteristics:

  • actinidia. This climbing loach is often used in landscape design. It is used to decorate fences, arches, and gazebos. Variegated varieties are especially popular;
  • ampelopsis. This loach has excellent properties. It has beautiful carved leaves and berries of different colors;
  • grapes. Cultivated grape varieties are often used to decorate fences, pergolas, and hedges. They need quality support;
  • wisteria. This crop is characterized by abundant and long-lasting flowering. It is considered very heat-loving, so it grows well in the Crimea and the Caucasus;
  • hydrangea. This is one of the most beautiful flowers that has beautiful inflorescences. Some varieties are strong vines that can be grown in windy areas;
  • wood pliers The most popular varieties are climbing, round-leaved, and curly. The culture requires virtually no care and retains its properties for a whole year;

Roses are a real decoration for any area

  • Dioscorea. The plant is considered heat-loving, so it needs high-quality shelter. The culture requires a lot of sun and moderate watering;
  • blackberry. This shrub is used to decorate the perimeter of the site. It is important that the thorny shoots receive plenty of sun;
  • honeysuckle. This is an attractive perennial that is actively used to decorate arches, fences, and gazebos. The vine is characterized by a delicate aroma;
  • kampsis. This tree-like vine has a spreading shape. Its flowering begins in mid-summer and lasts 2 months;
  • Kirkazon. Perennial street loach is a flower that is perfect for decorating large horizontal surfaces;
  • lemongrass The plant not only has excellent decorative properties, but is also a medicinal crop. Schisandra needs abundant watering;
  • clematis. This is one of the most beautiful loaches. It is actively used in vertical gardening. This requires thin support;
  • ivies. These are evergreen vines that are characterized by rapid growth. They are characterized by the presence of sucker roots that grab onto any surface;
  • roses. Such plants can decorate any area. At the same time, they need high-quality and stable support.

Loach is an ornamental plant that has many types and varieties. To achieve success in its cultivation, proper care is required.

Rules for creating vertical gardening

Loaches are not suitable for decorating flower beds: in a short time they fill the entire space, and the module loses its shape. This makes its decorativeness disappear. Creeping, climbing, clinging plants are used to enliven fences, house facades, and gazebos. Dense planting of such specimens along the perimeter of the fence can save you from street noise and gases coming from a busy road. Whatever style of landscape design is chosen, their presence will be appropriate everywhere.

Fences tightly covered with vines Source yandex.net

In order for the plant to demonstrate all its beauty, it is important to choose the right support for it. It is necessary to remember that perennial vines do not tolerate movement well, so you will have to decide in advance how to beautifully plant the vines, how to arrange them along the vertical axis, taking into account climatic conditions and the requirements of modern agricultural technology.

Climbing plants need proper support Source dachadesign.ru

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