Mallow seedlings, or hollyhock roses: a complete master class from seed to flowering

Pink rose stock, or pink alcea (Alcea rosea) is one of the most popular plants in our gardens. It is not for nothing that the stock rose has earned its popularity - in addition to its beauty, it is unpretentious. In culture it is grown as a biennial.

The flowers of mallow are large and very large, up to 12 cm in diameter, very bright and varied, usually pink, but there are varieties with white, red and even almost black flowers. Currently, breeders have developed varieties with two-color colors, as well as double forms.

  • Sowing mallow for seedlings
  • Picking mallow seedlings
  • Planting seedlings in the ground
  • Caring for mallow in the ground
  • Features of transplanting mallows and hollyhocks
  • Where is it better to plant mallow or hollyhock in a flower garden?

Popular varieties for growing from seeds

Summer residents love the stock rose for its ease of care, bright and large flowers, and ability to bloom lushly throughout the summer.
Varieties of annual mallow grow compact in size, so they do not need support. Their foliage is more lush, the plants suffer less from rust and look great in flowerpots. Having planted such a stock rose in a container, you can move it to another corner of the garden at any time, changing the overall design of the area.

Biennial varieties form only a rosette of leaves in the first summer. Flowering occurs in the second year. So that it does not disappoint, it is necessary to prepare the rose stock for wintering.

This plant is valued for its large size and is often planted along an unsightly fence or walls of country houses to decorate them.

We present to you popular varieties of annual and biennial stock roses: Charovnitsa. An annual mallow up to 80 cm high with double flowers 10 cm in diameter. A flowering specimen is very similar to a blossoming peony bush with large clusters of inflorescences. The petals are colored yellow. A wonderful background plant. Suitable for cutting. Royal white. A compact annual, the maximum height of which is about 50 cm. Terry delicate flowers in full bloom have a diameter of 9 cm. Plants with different petal colors have also been bred: yellow, purple and lilac. The variety is distinguished by lush flowering and a delightful aroma. Summer carnival. A popular plant up to 1.5 m high with large double flowers with a diameter of 14 cm. The raceme inflorescences almost completely cover the powerful stems. Used for decorating fences, buildings, in mixborders, for cutting. When sown through seedlings, it blooms in the first year. Black vortex. These are popular garden giants, the plant height of which is 160 cm. The rose stock delights with its flowering from the beginning of summer until frost. The double flowers are large - 13 cm in diameter, black in color. Used for group plantings, decorative hedges, suitable for cutting. Can overwinter in the ground under light cover. Antwerp. The hollyhock grows in the form of a bush with straight, unbranched stems up to 1.5 m high. The flowers have a diameter of 10 cm, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Petals can be of various colors. The plant is well suited for the background in group plantings and is often planted along a hedge. For a bouquet, flower stalks are cut at the bud stage. Fairytale necklace. Tall giant. The height of the bush reaches 2 m. The flowers are bright, with a contrasting edging, which is why they got their name. The diameter of the blossoming buds is 6-8 cm, they are collected in long brushes. The hollyhock blooms profusely all summer, extending into September. The plant is grown for cutting and decorating the site. Zebrina. The stems of the mallow are erect, growing up to 1-1.2 m. The flowers, 4 cm in diameter, are collected in lush racemes and have a bright, striped color (violet strokes stand out against a purple background). The plant is used in mixborders and for decorating hedges and walls. Beautiful girl. Decorative stock rose up to 2 m high. Blooms profusely with densely double flowers 10-12 cm in diameter. The buds have a rich red color, are collected in brushes, the leaves are pubescent. The plant is often used in landscape design and used for cutting. Fiesta time. A tall plant with spectacular double flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm. Requires planting in a sunny place, in such conditions it pleases with abundant and long-lasting flowering. The color of the petals is two-tone, smoothly transitioning from a bright cherry shade to pink. Can be used for cutting.

Majorette. Miniature mallow with early flowering. In the second year it blooms more profusely. The height of the plant is only 60-80 cm. The flowers are semi-double, of a wide variety of colors. Requires shelter for the winter.

Try planting one of the listed varieties on your site, if you have not already done so. Perhaps it will become your favorite for many years.

Description of the flower

Rose stock is an annual and perennial herbaceous plant (depending on the species) with a straight, recumbent or ascending stem. At the beginning of growth, the stem becomes pubescent, later it becomes bare. The height of the plant ranges from 30 to 250 centimeters. The leaves are rounded-heart-shaped, incised or with 5-7 lobes, pubescent, petiolate.

Flowers are located in the axils of the leaves (1-5 pieces each). The subcalyx is trifoliate, 5 petals, the gynoecium consists of a large number of stipules, the calyx is divided into 5 parts.

The petals are deeply notched, inverted, oblong-ovate or triangular in shape with a wavy edge. There are varieties with single, semi-double and double flowers. The flower reaches 5-15 centimeters in diameter.

The hollyhock can be white, red, crimson, pink, yellow, lilac, lilac, purple and violet. The ovaries on the plant are multilocular. Some species of this plant have racemose inflorescences, others are spike-shaped.

Each nest contains 1 ovule. The fruit is divided into achenes. The roots are branched and long.

Rose stock blooms from mid-June until the first frost.

Features of growing stock roses from seedlings

To get strong mallow seedlings, you need to choose the right soil and container for planting, prepare the seeds, and provide the seedlings with the necessary care. After planting in the ground, the plant will get stronger and will require a minimum of attention in the future.

Read more in the article: Lobelia - growing from seeds, when to plant seedlings

Selection of soil and container

The hollyhock likes structured, fertile soil. You can create a suitable soil yourself. To do this you should take:

  • 2 tsp compost;
  • 1 tsp turf soil;
  • 1 tsp river sand.

Before planting, the soil mixture is fertilized with a complex mineral fertilizer containing macro- and microelements. Then the soil must be poured with boiling water with the addition of several crystals of potassium permanganate, this is necessary for disinfection. Once the soil has cooled, it is ready for sowing.

During the process of growth, the mallow forms a tap root, which is easily damaged during the transplanting process. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately sow in separate containers.

It is best to plant rose stem seeds in peat pots, but plastic glasses or pots with a volume of 250-300 ml will also work. The container is filled with earth, not reaching the edge a few cm. Then the soil is slightly moistened before sowing.

On a note! Peat pots are good because the seedlings do not require additional fertilization and planting in the ground will not damage the root system.

Seed preparation and sowing

The best germination rate is for mallow seeds that are 1.5-2 years old. By this time, their shell will become quite hard. To help the seeds germinate, soak for 12 hours in warm water. This will help awaken the seed and soften the shell. The seeds can be soaked overnight and sowed in the morning.

It is better to place 2 seeds in each pot, in case one of them does not hatch. In the event that two seedlings appear, one of them is thrown away or transplanted into a separate pot. Sowing should be done to a depth of 2 cm. After this, the containers are covered with film and kept at room temperature until germination.

Read more in the article: Asters - growing from seeds, when to plant

Seedling care

Sprouts appear above the soil surface after 2 weeks. During this time, the shelter must be removed briefly every day for ventilation. Stock rose seedlings do not have any special care requirements. The main thing is that the plants have enough light.

In February and March, daylight hours are too short. Therefore, at first it is recommended to install lighting for seedlings. This could be a fluorescent lamp or an LED lamp. The best option would be to use a special phytolamp.

Mallow seedlings do well at room temperature. Watering is carried out as needed; there are no special requirements for the frequency of moistening and the amount of water.

The crop does not require fertilization. Transplantation into open ground is carried out without destroying the earthen coma due to the fact that mallow does not tolerate the slightest damage to the spindle-shaped root, because it is this root that bears the main function of feeding the plant.

A week before planting in the ground, the seedlings begin to be briefly taken out into the fresh air, this will facilitate the plant’s subsequent adaptation.

On a note! In a 5-centimeter rose seedling, the root can reach a length of 30 cm.

Forum, reviews

On one of the forums on the topic: “Stock-rose growing from seeds, when to plant” Lily writes that varietal mallows, in particular Terry, do not reproduce by self-sowing. They need to be grown through seedlings. But they bloom in the second year, and some varieties do not germinate.

She finds that regular "simple" hollyhocks are much easier to grow. All care comes down to watering. They reproduce by self-sowing. In terms of beauty and the pleasure they provide, they are in no way inferior to varietal varieties.

You need to listen to Lilia’s feedback; her personal experience has shown that it is not always advisable to chase expensive varietal seeds in order to observe beautiful flowers in your garden.

When to plant in open ground

Places with high groundwater levels and lowlands where moisture accumulates are not suitable for planting mallow. Since these are quite tall plants, it is better to plant them near a fence or near the walls of a house. With this planting, the stock roses will receive protection from the wind and support. The site should be sunny; in the shade the plant blooms reluctantly.

  • In most regions, stock roses are planted in a flower bed in May.
  • In Siberia and the Urals, it is better to postpone the event until the second ten days of June.

The main thing is that by the time the seedlings are planted, the threat of frost has completely disappeared. Terry varieties are characterized by less resistance to frost and other unfavorable conditions. Places for planting them should be chosen especially carefully, otherwise lush flowering will not happen.

Potted mallow

It is curious that exotic lovers cultivate anisodontea, or perennial “African mallow,” indoors.

A beautifully flowering subshrub of the Malvaceae family has branched, erect stems and can bloom from May to autumn

Plants growing in large tubs are formed into compact, neat bushes or low bonsai-type trunks.

Further flower care

The hollyhock grows well with minimal care. To make her feel comfortable, you will need to do the following from time to time:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • loosening;
  • weeding.

Tall varieties need to be tied to a support. Plants planted along the fence can be tied directly to it. A long peg is driven into the flowerbed next to the bush.

It is necessary to water the mallow, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. In warm weather this is done once a week, in hot weather - more often. In rainy weather, watering is stopped altogether. If there is excess moisture, mallow can become susceptible to fungal diseases and rot.

The crop is fed throughout the growing season, applying complex fertilizer once a month.

To prevent diseases in the spring, mallow is sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture. For the same purpose, you can use a solution of laundry soap. If an outbreak of fungal diseases does occur, it is necessary to tear off the diseased leaves and treat the plants with a fungicide. In case of massive damage, it is recommended to destroy the plantings and plant mallow in this place no earlier than after 3 years.

The rose holly is often attacked by slugs. You can get rid of shellfish by placing low cans of beer at different ends of the area. Slugs love an intoxicating drink and will definitely crawl towards the traps.

Not all varieties of mallow have high winter hardiness. Most of them require shelter for the winter.

At the end of September, the plants are pruned at a height of 30-40 cm. Before frost arrives, the stumps are covered with dry leaves, mown grass or agrofibre. You can add dry peat under the root. Even a light cover is enough for the holly rose. The main thing is that its roots are protected from freezing. After proper wintering, the mallow will be ready to bloom in June.

The result of the mini-investigation

Firstly, the widespread flowering plant in our country under the common name “mallow” has nothing to do with real mallow (genus Málva, a typical representative is wood mallow or mallow); it is related, but by no means identical, to the stockrose plant ( Álcea ).

Secondly, the common everyday self-name “stock rose” or “stock rose” is obviously derived from the correct generic name of the plant and is intended to emphasize the decorative features of the flower of specific species/hybrids, visually reminiscent of some types of roses (i.e., the difference from “regular” stockrose).

How to distinguish real mallow from stockrose? “In a good way,” this is, of course, best done for the first time with a printed plant guide or at least a set of photographs in hand, but the following general characteristics can be mentioned: the plant is herbaceous, smaller (including flowers), usually annual, with rounded petioles -heart-shaped leaves with five to seven lobes (less often, incised and pubescent). The subcup of the flower is three-leaved, the calyx itself is five-parted, with five petals, and the flower petals have three clearly visible darker longitudinal stripes.

Growing stock roses in open ground

Before planting mallow seeds in the ground, the area needs to be prepared. Dig up the soil and remove all weeds. If the soil is clayey, add river sand, humus and humus. Add rotted manure, clay and peat to sandy soil.

Rose stock grows best in loose, fertile soil. It is planted immediately in a permanent place, so take the choice of site seriously, especially when planting perennial varieties.

To improve seed germination, soak them in water for 12 hours. The seed coat will soften and seedlings will appear faster.

Tall varieties are planted at a distance of 55-60 cm from each other; for a compact holly rose, the interval can be reduced. The holes should be 3 cm deep. Seeds are laid out in them, sprinkled with soil and moistened.

During the initial stages of mallow growth, the soil must be kept moderately moist. To keep moisture in the ground, it is recommended to cover the crops with lutrasil. The emergence of seedlings should be expected in about 20 days. Then you can remove the cover.

On a note! To sow hollyhock directly into the ground, choose a spring or autumn planting time. In the spring, the seeds are sown at the end of May, and in the fall - in September before the arrival of frost. When planting in autumn, the flower bed is mulched with peat or straw for the winter.

General information

Among the alts you can find real giants, whose size can exceed 2 m, but thanks to the work of breeders, short forms with a height of about 0.3 m have also been obtained.

The variety of colors and shapes of the corollas themselves is amazing. Terry varieties of roses are highly because their decorative qualities are incredibly high.

They love alcea for its unpretentiousness, high resistance to diseases and pests and spectacular flowering , which can last from the end of June to September.

Interesting! The size of the flower cup of the stock rose is very large. So, on some varieties, a fully opened flower can reach 20 cm, but usually they are still a little smaller.

The stem of the rose stem is straight, clearly oriented vertically, although sometimes the top of the flower can bend under the weight of the buds. The leaf blades are large, dense, with slight pubescence, and have a distinct heart shape.

The root system of the plant is quite developed and has a rod shape, so the flower usually has no problems extracting moisture from the soil.

Under natural conditions, alcea is distributed in the Mediterranean region . It came to Europe from Palestine back in the 16th century.

Mallow came to our gardens from China, where it has been cultivated as a garden and medicinal plant for centuries .

Propagation and collection of seeds

Mallow is propagated in two ways: cuttings and seeds.

Cuttings help to guarantee the preservation of the qualities of the mother plant, which is impossible with the seed method of propagating hybrids. In this case, the doubleness of flowers is especially often lost.

  • Cuttings are obtained by cutting the stem into pieces 10-12 cm long. The work must be done with a sterile instrument, and the sections themselves are treated with an antifungal drug.
  • The cuttings are rooted in a greenhouse, ventilating the plantings daily. The soil is moistened with small portions of water, avoiding waterlogging. The appearance of new shoots will indicate successful rooting.

Seeds are harvested when at least part of the seed pods turns brown.

  • The peduncle is cut off and placed indoors for storage so that the remaining boxes also ripen.
  • You can collect seed material gradually, cutting off only darkened and yellow boxes from the stems. Collect seeds from the strongest and healthiest plants.

After full ripening, the boxes begin to open. The collected seeds are dried (but not in the sun) and stored at room temperature in paper envelopes or fabric bags. When properly stored, mallow seed material remains viable for up to 3 years.

On a note! If several varieties of hollyhocks grow on a site at once, they can easily cross-pollinate with each other. To ensure that the varietal properties are preserved, propagate mallow from cuttings.

What does botanical science say about this?

It so happened historically that in botany there is no absolutely harmonious, indisputable system of classification (in other words, taxonomy) of plants, however, in order not to create unnecessary entities, botanists agreed among themselves on the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. A typical taxonomic series “from the oldest unit to the youngest” looks like this: domain, kingdom, department, class, order, family, genus and species (possible additional and completely optional variations such as “superclass/subclass”, “superorder/suborder”, etc. .p. will be omitted for simplicity).

This hierarchy reflects the deep commonality of plants and animals: the domain “eukaryotes” indicates that we are talking about living creatures with a cellular structure, in which the cell nucleus is clearly distinguished, and the taxon “kingdom” with the meaning of “plants” clearly indicates that what we are talking about hereinafter is precisely about plants, not animals - etc. In relation to the case of interest to us, the series will look like this: domain - eukaryotes, kingdom - plants, division - flowering plants, class - dicotyledons, order - malvaceae, family - malvaceae, genus - stockrose (the specific name of the species is omitted). Judging by the names of the last three taxa, it already becomes clear that “in everyday life” confusion cannot be avoided if you do not explicitly indicate whether we are talking about a genus, family, or even the name of a species.

Application in landscape design

The hollyhock rose is a real find for creating a rustic garden. Given the wide color variety of the crop, you can create original multi-level flower beds from just hollyhocks or combine them with other plants.

Tall hollyhock roses are indispensable when you need to hide an old fence or unsightly walls of buildings.

These flowers are often used to delimit a large area with low-growing plantings. Group plantings of hollyhocks create a lush and bright clearing that can become the accent of a garden plot. The unpretentiousness of these plants makes them welcome guests at any dacha.

  • To emphasize the splendor of the stock rose, it is often planted together with golden balls, phlox, delphinium, and monarda.
  • Mallow flowers of a delicate shade go well with wild herbs.
  • When planting a stock rose in the background, smaller cosmos and lupine are planted in front of it. The foreground can be filled with bells, calendula, and aquilegia.

Who is who

So, a little higher we found out that from a scientific point of view, this “flower dispute” is meaningless - because a priori is not enough for a clear distinction between the voiced information. However, gardeners are simple people, as a rule, they don’t care about taxonomy, so they construct their own “classification” (scientifically speaking, they give their own, trivial names, which allow them to unambiguously separate one similar plant from another based on some characteristic that is significant for them ).

Let’s analyze the non-scientific name “rose stock” used: it is clear that it combines the word “rose” (we all have a fairly clear idea of ​​what it is) with the word stock (a literal borrowing of the German Stock, which means stick or rod). So, we are talking about some kind of “stick with roses” - but what does this have to do with the “mallow” that is familiar to us from childhood, growing in the summer in almost every domestic yard? Let’s remember its appearance: a tall (often two to three meters) plant with large five-petaled “bell” flowers, which pollinating insects (especially bumblebees) love to visit. Its flowers are most often really pink - but they don’t look like a real rose at all!

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