Features of planting peonies: how to achieve lush flowering?

Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19 Category: Garden plants Published: January 19, 2019Last edits: April 23, 2021
  • Caring for peonies
      How to care for autumn
  • Spring care
  • Top dressing
  • Trimming
  • Transplanting peonies
      When to replant
  • Autumn transplant
  • How to replant
  • Peony propagation
      Growing from seeds
  • Propagation by root cuttings
  • Peonies after flowering
      Preparing for winter
  • Peonies in winter
  • Diseases and pests
  • Types and varieties of peonies
  • Semi-double
  • Japanese
  • Anemoneaceae
  • Terry hemispherical, bomb-shaped, spherical
  • Rosaceae
  • Crown hemispherical and spherical
  • Literature
  • useful links
  • Comments
  • What is the favorite flower of Hollywood stars Gwyneth Paltrow and Drew Barrymore? That's right: peony. This flower has been admired for thousands of years, but its popularity does not fade. When Marco Polo first saw the peony, he described it as a flower “the size of a cabbage”: flowers of some varieties can reach 25 cm in diameter. Peonies grow in almost every garden, and we eagerly await the beginning of their flowering, when the air is filled with a magical aroma , and bright caps of flowers will appear on the bushes...

    • What varieties of peonies are there?
    • When and how to plant a peony in the garden?
    • How to care for a peony during the season?
    • How to prepare a bush for wintering?

    You will get answers to these and other questions in our article.

    Planting and caring for peonies

    • Planting: late August or early September.
    • Flowering: May.
    • Lighting: bright sunlight in the first half of the day, then bright diffused light or light partial shade.
    • Soil: slightly acidic loam.
    • Watering: infrequent, but plentiful: 2-3 buckets of water for each adult bush.
    • Feeding: the first feeding is carried out in early spring, and from the second week of May, peonies are treated with a solution of mineral or organic fertilizer every month, leaves at a time.
    • Reproduction: root cuttings and seeds (rarely).
    • Pests: bronze beetles, turf ants, root-knot nematodes.
    • Diseases: gray rot, rust, brown spot, septoria, root rot, viral mosaic.

    Read more about growing peonies below.

    flower (lat. Paeonia) is a monotypic genus of herbaceous perennials, the only one in the Peony family. There are herbaceous types of peonies, tree peonies, and also types that combine the properties of both tree and herbaceous peonies - about forty species in total. In nature, peony flowers grow in the temperate and subtropical zones of North America and Eurasia. Cultural cultivation of peonies began in China during the Han era, more than two thousand years ago. The peony flower is named after the legendary healer Pean, who saved both gods and people from mortal wounds received in battles. In our gardens, we mainly grow herbaceous peony, highly valued by gardeners for the beautiful fragrant buds that decorate the flowerbed from May for a month and a half. Our story will be about these peonies.

    The use of garden peonies in landscape design

    Low-growing herbaceous peonies can be grown solo on an alpine hill. Medium-sized and tall bushes with aquilegia, delphiniums, poppies, foxgloves, and low dicentra look good.

    Various herbs will highlight the beauty of peonies: feather grass, thyme. In the spring, spring primroses will appear at the base of their roots.

    You can plant peonies next to clematis, choosing them by color.

    An original solution would be to create a composition of just peonies of different colors and flowering periods.

    Peony is a garden decoration. By choosing the right varieties and planting the seedlings correctly, you can admire the flower garden for many years.

    Botanical description

    Peonies are herbaceous, semi-shrub (tree peonies) or shrubby plants, reaching a height of 1 m. The rhizome is large, the roots are cone-shaped, powerful. There are several stems, trifoliate or unpaired pinnate leaves of all shades of green, glaucous or dark purple are arranged alternately along the stems. Peony flowers are single, fragrant, reaching 15-20 cm in diameter; they are good both on the bush and as a cut flower. Peony is unpretentious, its agricultural technology is not difficult, so it has always been valued by flower growers: even when the flowers fade, peony bushes with openwork lush foliage remain attractive until autumn.

    • Catharanthus: growing from seeds, types and varieties

    Peonies are long-lived; they can grow in one place for decades.

    Breeders also showed interest in this garden plant, and to date, over five thousand varieties of peonies have been registered, bred mainly with the participation of species such as peony lactiflora and peony officinalis. Varieties of peonies differ in the color of the flowers, their size, flowering time, outline and height of the bush.

    How to choose a division

    A herbaceous peony seedling is considered to be a division - a fragment of a rhizome with several buds. Experienced gardeners consider the best choice to be a seedling whose number of stems and root shoots is approximately the same. Renewal buds should be from three to five. A larger number is undesirable - too much effort will be required from dividing them to grow. Until it takes root, it can lead to illness and death. One or two kidneys are also not good. They both may not be viable.

    The rhizome is carefully examined: there should be no growths similar to nodes. Nematodes—small parasitic worms—nest in them. It is extremely difficult to cure a culture affected by them. All kinds of formations on the root shoots are most likely cancer. Such a seedling is unlikely to take root and develop normally. The roots must be clean, without signs of rot or softening. A dark purple or whitish coating can be considered a sign of a fungal disease. You must understand that only a completely healthy division will quickly take root and actively develop.

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    Planting peonies

    How to plant

    Growing peonies will not require a lot of time or excessive effort from you. The most important thing is to choose the right area for peonies, because they will grow there for many years. The root system of adult plants reaches a depth of 70-90 cm, so replanting a bush that has reached 4-5 years of age is not an easy task. Peonies prefer to grow in well-lit areas; sunlight for 5-6 hours in the morning is highly desirable. But peonies are afraid of drafts, so it would be nice if they were protected by tall bushes or trees.

    Do not plant peonies in low areas: the rhizomes can rot from stagnant water.

    In the photo: Growing peonies in a flower bed

    As for the choice of soil, loam with an acidity of 6-6.6 pH is best suited for peonies. If the soil is too clayey, you will need to add humus, sand and peat. In sandy - peat, clay and humus. Sand, wood ash and organic matter are added to peat soils.

    Autumn planting

    Peonies are planted and replanted in late August - early September. A week before planting peonies, they dig holes measuring 60x60x60 cm at a distance of 70-100 m from each other; a drainage layer of 20-25 cm of coarse sand, broken brick or crushed stone must be laid at the bottom of the holes. Then a layer of top dressing consisting of compost, humus, 100 g of lime, 200 g of superphosphate, 100 g of potassium sulfate, 300 g of wood ash is poured in a layer of 20-30 cm. Then the holes are filled to the top with earth mixed with compost. In a week, by the time the peonies are planted, the soil in the hole will have subsided, which will make it possible to place the peony rhizome in the hole, sprinkle it with garden soil and lightly compact the soil.

    Keep in mind that peonies do not tolerate deep planting: the result will be a dense green bush without flowers.

    If you want to wait for lush flowering from peonies, deepen the rhizome so that the upper bud is no deeper underground than 3-4 cm. In addition, in the first year after planting or transplanting, peonies do not bloom and look lethargic. It happens that peonies will not bloom the next year, but this is not a problem if the bush looks healthy - it’s just that the peony bush has not yet reached maturity.

    In the photo: Peony bud

    Planting in spring

    Actually, peonies are not planted in the spring. But it happens that in the spring you received the planting material you dreamed of... and what to do? In this case, experts suggest planting peonies in a 2-3-liter pot and keeping them in a cool, dark room - a basement or cellar - until planting them in the ground, keeping the soil moist. To do this, you need to place snow or pieces of ice on top of the soil, which, when melted, will moisten the soil in the pot. At the end of April or May, the peony is taken out into the garden and buried in the ground directly with the pot, where it will remain until the autumn transplant into a prepared hole, carried out by transshipment, that is, together with the earthen lump in which the rhizome was located.

    Watering and loosening

    In rainy spring and summer, peonies receive enough natural precipitation. But in the dry and hot season you cannot do without watering.

    Water the plants not often, but abundantly. Moisture is especially important during budding, at the end of summer when flower buds are formed and in the first year after planting. With average precipitation per season, adult plants will require 3-4 waterings; in dry summers, plants are watered weekly.

    After watering the soil is loosened to improve air exchange, structure the soil and inhibit the growth of weeds. The ground under the bushes within a radius of 0.5 m should be clean, ideally mulched. Compost, dried grass and weeded weeds will retain moisture and provide additional nutrition to the peonies.

    Caring for peonies

    How to care for autumn

    In autumn, as already mentioned, it is time to plant and replant peonies. Peonies are not planted every year, and if you have no plans to propagate them this year, caring for peonies in the autumn comes down to trimming withered stems and leaves, which then need to be burned to destroy viruses, bacteria and pests that may , they settled in them. The remaining stems on the bushes should be sprinkled with ash at the rate of 2-3 handfuls per bush. That's all there is to do in the fall. Now we’ll tell you how to care for peonies in the spring.

    In the photo: Blooming pink and white peonies

    Spring care

    Peonies require infrequent but plentiful watering - 2-3 buckets for each adult bush, so that the soil is wet to the depth of the roots. Plants especially need moisture in early spring, during the growth period, as well as during budding and flowering, and in August-September, when new buds are formed in peonies. After watering, it is imperative to loosen the soil around the bushes and remove weeds, if any. Make sure that when watering the water gets under the bush and not on the leaves.

    Top dressing

    As soon as the snow melts, the ground around the bushes is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 2-3 g per 10 liters of water for two peony bushes. When the shoots begin to grow, you need to fertilize the plants with ammonium nitrate at the rate of 15 g of nitrate per 10 liters of water. Starting from the second week of May, young plants are watered once a month over the leaves from a watering can with a sieve with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer in the recommended concentration. Add washing powder to the solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water - this will prevent the solution from simply flowing down the leaves into the ground. Feeding is done in the evening or on a cloudy day.

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    • How to preserve seedlings until spring if you did not have time to plant them in the fall due to frost?

    During the period of budding and flowering, it is necessary to mineralize the soil with the following solution: 10 g of superphosphate, 7.5 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of water. Two weeks after the end of flowering, you need to feed the peonies with a solution of 10 g of superphosphate and 5 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of water. You can alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones, and instead of a solution, scatter dry fertilizers in the furrow around the bush, followed by moistening and embedding into the soil.

    In the photo: Opening peony bud

    Caring for peonies in the summer , after the peonies have bloomed, consists of timely watering, fertilizing after flowering, weeding and loosening the area.


    When to prune peonies? Complete pruning of peony stems is done in late autumn, when frost sets in. But if there is a need to do this earlier, then try to cut the stems not too low, leaving shoots with three to four leaves above the surface of the ground. The fact is that at the end of summer, peonies lay replacement buds, and the success of this process directly depends on the presence of leaves on the bush. Therefore, by the way, when cutting flowers you need to follow this rule: cut the peduncle not very close to the root, leave a part of the stem with several leaves on the bush.

    Basic questions when growing

    Why don't peonies bloom?

    Most of the reasons are associated with errors in agricultural technology, starting from the moment of planting.

    • For cultivation, low-lying areas with damp and marshy soil are chosen. This leads to disruption of air exchange and rotting of the rhizome.
    • The growth and flowering of the bush is affected by the acidity of the soil. It is important to determine this level before planting and, if necessary, deoxidize the soil with fluff lime or dolomite flour.
    • planting in shady places, for example, next to a large tree, will result in the peony constantly having little light.
    • An important point is the planting depth. Deepening the root collar promotes the development of renewal buds and new roots on the shoots. But at the same time, this inhibits the warming up of the plant and the formation of flower buds. It is necessary to determine the optimal planting depth so that the root collar is protected in winter and warmed up as much as possible in summer.

    The flowering of peonies is affected by the age of the bush. Old, overgrown peonies bloom worse; they need to be divided and replanted after 5–7 years. But frequent transplants also weaken the plant after 1–2 years and prevent the formation of full-fledged buds.

    Lack of moisture also affects the condition of the bush and the budding process. On dry and hot spring days, peonies are watered abundantly.

    You should not expect abundant flowering if peonies are overfed with nitrogen, the excess of which is difficult to wash out of the soil. Such plants will only actively grow lush green foliage, but not flowers.

    Bushes that are heavily damaged by diseases or pests bloom poorly or do not bloom at all.

    Why did dark spots appear on peony leaves after flowering?

    After flowering - in June-July, brown spots on the leaves appear due to the development of rust and various spots. Darkening of the leaves can occur due to an excess of nitrogen.

    Why does the peony dry out?

    The main causes of wilting and drying of peony leaves and stems are viral and fungal diseases, root rot, and lack of watering during drought.

    Why do you need to pinch the buds?

    The buds are often pinched from young 1-2 year old bushes. During this period, intensive development of the bush and root system takes place, and the removal of buds prevents peonies from expending energy on early flowering.

    In most varieties of peonies, the flowering shoot has a central and lateral buds. When the side buds reach the size of a large pea, they are plucked out, which allows you to have larger flowers. Usually, a third of the central buds of weaker shoots are plucked out on a peony bush. This technique allows the plants to bloom profusely every year. If the size of the flowers does not matter, then pinching the buds on an adult plant is not necessary.

    If you still don't have a peony in your garden, you need to plant one. This luxurious long-lived flower will become a symbol of the garden, bringing a lot of joy not only to the current generation, but also to the future, and will preserve the memory of the past.

    You will learn more about how to care for peonies in the video.

    Transplanting peonies

    When to replant

    Wild peonies grow in one place for up to fifty years or even more. Hybrid varieties that originate from the officinalis peony can grow without replanting in the same area for no more than ten years; after this period, the bush must be divided and transplanted to another place. In addition, dividing and planting the bush is the easiest and most reliable way to propagate peonies. But for this purpose, 4-5 year old bushes are used, which have already fully bloomed once or twice. The fact is that the root system of peonies grows greatly over the years, so it is easier to cope with a younger rhizome than with an old one, so in order to ensure that the quality of flowering of your peonies does not decrease, it would be better to divide and plant the bushes every three to four years . Peonies are replanted in September.

    In the photo: White peony flower

    Autumn transplant

    How to replant peonies? In autumn, the bush is dug at a distance of 25 cm from the rhizome, then carefully loosened with a pitchfork and removed from the ground. The rhizome is cleared of soil with a peg, then washed with a not very strong stream of water so as not to damage the fragile buds and eyes of the peonies. The above-ground part is cut off almost to the root. The washed rhizome is left in the fresh air so that the water drains and the roots slightly wither and become more elastic. Then the old thick roots are trimmed to a length of 10-15 cm at an angle of 45º.

    Carefully examine the root and only then proceed with division.

    If the bush is old, then it is most convenient to drive a wedge into its middle with a hammer, which will split the rhizome into several parts. Often in the middle of old rhizomes there are voids and rotten areas that need to be cleaned, disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, and then the sections are powdered with fungicide. The divisions should consist of part of the root collar with well-developed 3-4 eyes and several roots. You need to try to divide the rhizome into approximately equal parts, so that there are no too large sections that will hurt for a long time after transplantation, or too small ones that may die.

    In the photo: Growing peonies in the garden

    How to replant

    You need to plant the cuttings in the ground using the method that has already been described. The area with transplanted plants must be mulched with a seven-centimeter layer of peat for the winter; the mulch can be removed when reddish peony sprouts break through it in the spring. During the first two years after transplanting, peonies must develop a root system, so be patient and do not let young plants bloom. In the first year, pinch off all the buds that appear, the next year, leave just one bud on the bush and, when it bursts, cut it as short as possible and consider how well the flower matches its variety. If the match is incomplete, then you will have to pinch off the buds for another year, leaving only one, until the flower fully matches its variety. This may happen in the third year, or maybe in the fifth.

    Preparing for winter and sheltering for the winter

    Most herbaceous species do not require special shelter. But tree peonies , despite the fact that they are considered frost-resistant in the conditions of the Middle Zone, need to be covered for the winter. Under dry and warm shelter, the bush will successfully overwinter and delight you with flowering next year.

    In October, the stems of the tree peony are carefully tied, trying not to damage them. A layer of peat, straw, dry leaves or pine litter is scattered on the ground around the trunk. A hut is built around the bush from wooden blocks or metal rods, which is covered with spunbond, burlap and secured with ropes for reliability when frost arrives.

    Peony propagation

    Growing from seeds

    You are already familiar with the vegetative propagation of peonies by dividing the bush. Peonies also reproduce in other ways, for example, by seed. But it should be remembered that peony seeds do not always retain varietal qualities, therefore, as a rule, only breeders use them. And plants grown from seeds bloom only in the fourth or fifth year. But if you want to try to develop a new variety, then sow freshly collected seeds in August directly into loose soil, and next spring they will germinate.

    Rare ways to propagate roses

    Propagation by root cuttings

    This is the most reliable way to propagate peonies. A small piece of rhizome with a dormant bud is separated from the bush in July, planted, and by September it has already taken root. True, this method is not suitable for those who are in a hurry: such shoots develop slowly and will be able to bloom for the first time in five years.

    When is it better to plant herbaceous peony in autumn or spring?

    The preferred period for planting and replanting herbaceous peony bushes is the last ten days of August - September. Plants planted at this time will have time to sufficiently develop renewal buds and suction roots. If you plant peonies later, they may not fully take root by winter and may suffer from frost. In addition, if planted late, suction roots will begin to form only in the spring and will not be able to fully supply the growing bush with moisture and nutrients.

    What to do if planting material was purchased only for spring? Is it possible to plant herbaceous peonies at this time of year? Yes, if you choose high-quality rhizomes: without mold, visible damage, thickening and growths, and always with 2-3 correctly formed buds. It is important to plant them at the right time. The best period is the second half of April - early May.

    Peonies after flowering

    Peonies have faded - what to do? Peonies bloom in late May or early June. Remove all faded flowers, after two weeks, apply a third fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and continue to water the plants regularly. In August, watering should become more abundant, since the period of formation of replacement buds begins, and the plant will need moisture.

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    Preparing for winter

    When the leaves and stems of peonies begin to turn yellow, watering should be gradually reduced, and when frost sets in, the above-ground part of the bush should be cut back almost to soil level. If you replanted old peonies or planted new ones in the fall, you will have to cover this area with a layer of peat mulch of 5-7 cm so that the weak peonies after transplantation feel comfortable in winter. In the spring, when peonies sprout, the mulch layer can be removed.

    • Growing lilies in open ground

    In the photo: Peony seeds

    Peonies in winter

    Peonies spend the winter in the garden. Old bushes are not afraid of frost, and if you have covered young peonies for the winter, you can rest assured that your flowers will not die.

    Open ground: simple tips

    Peonies, like many plants, have their own distinctive characteristics when planting. Firstly, this, of course, is that the growing point during planting does not need to be left at soil level, but rather should be deepened. If you neglect this rule, the plant may simply find itself without protection in severe weather conditions. However, you should not be overzealous with the planting depth, as you can harm the plant.

    Several important conditions when planting :

    1. The holes should have a depth of about 80 centimeters (if it is a tree-like bush) or about 60 centimeters (if it is a herbaceous shrub).
    2. The width of the holes is about 60 centimeters.
    3. Do not leave the bottom open; it is better to cover it with drainage.
    4. The hole needs to be filled 2/3 with a special substance (substrate + 100 grams of superphosphate + 1 spoon of iron sulfate + 1 liter of bone meal/sifted wood ash).
    5. The expanded roots of peonies should be covered with soil with a loose structure.

    You need to start caring for the plant as soon as it is planted. First you need to compact the mail (about 10 liters of water per bush).

    Interesting fact! Before wintering, it is recommended to thickly mulch the ground with a 10 cm layer of peat. This is done for young plants, because adults endure the winter without it.

    Diseases and pests

    Of all the existing diseases, peonies most often suffer from gray rot - botrytis. This disease manifests itself in mid-May with rotting of the stems, although botrytis can affect both buds and leaves - parts of the plant become covered with gray mold. Excess nitrogen, crowded flowerbeds and rainy weather contribute to the appearance of gray rot. Diseased areas should be cut off and burned away from all plants. As a preventive measure, spray with a solution of copper sulfate (50 g per 10 liters of water) or garlic water (10 g crushed garlic per 1 liter of water). You need to spray both the plant and the soil around the bush.

    In the photo: Yellow milky peony

    Sometimes peonies become infected with powdery mildew, a fungal disease that affects the leaves of peonies and covers them with a white coating. Powdery mildew should be combated by spraying the bush with a soap solution (200 g of laundry soap, 20 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water).

    Care Tips

    Herbaceous peonies require a moderately moist substrate without stagnant moisture. They should not be watered too often, and above all, the leaves should not be sprayed, as this can cause fungal diseases. Only during dry periods is it recommended to water the plants abundantly.

    It is useful to make a mulch of pine bark or compost at the base of the stems, which will help retain moisture in the soil. Some tall varieties need support during the flowering period, since the smaller the plant, the stronger its stems.

    What does the best compost consist of?

    In autumn, when the leaves on the bushes lose their rich green color, turn yellow and lose their decorative properties, the stems are cut off, leaving 10-15 cm above the ground. The leaves should not be used for garden compost, as the process of composting does not kill spores and bacteria.

    Types and varieties of peonies

    According to the structure of the flower, peonies are divided into 7 groups:


    They have one or two rows of petals. The flowers are large, there are numerous stamens in the center of the flower, the leaves are sometimes corrugated (for example, varieties Golden Glow, Nadya);


    Very large, light flowers; the stamens are located either in the center of the flower or between the petals. The flower usually has seven rows of petals. Varieties:

    • Miss America is a mid-early variety, a pink flower 25 cm in diameter turns white after opening, the stamens are bright yellow;
    • Ann Berry Cousins ​​- an early variety of coral-pink color, cup-shaped flower 17 cm in diameter, bush up to 65 cm tall;

    In the photo: Non-double peonies


    The modified stamens in the center of the flower form a pompom; the petals in the flowers can be in one or several rows. Varieties:

    • Carrara is a medium-flowering white variety, 16 cm in diameter, bush height – 80 cm;
    • Hot Chocolet is a mid-early peony of dark burgundy color, 16 cm in diameter, height up to 80 cm;


    A transitional form from Japanese peonies to the group of double peonies. The lower petals are wide, rounded, arranged in two rows, the central petals, shorter, form a ball. Varieties:

    • Rhapsody is a mid-early variety, the marginal petals are pink, the central petals forming a ball are yellow-cream, flower diameter is 16 cm, bush height is 70 cm;
    • Snow Mountain – early cream-colored peony, 17 cm in diameter, height – 75 cm;

    Terry hemispherical, bomb-shaped, spherical

    The petals of the flower are collected in a hemisphere and, when fully opened, form a ball. Varieties:

    • Pink Cameo - a medium-late variety of creamy pink color, 16 cm in diameter, bush 80 cm in height;
    • Monsieur Jules Ely - an early fragrant variety of lilac-pink color, diameter - 20 cm, height - 90 cm;

    In the photo: Semi-double peonies


    The petals of a flower, very similar in structure to a rose, are the same in size, round, wide, large. Varieties:

    • Solange is a late creamy-white peony 17 cm in diameter, the height of heavy stems that need support reaches 70 cm;
    • Henry Boxtox is an early variety of bright red color, 16 cm in diameter, bush 90 cm tall.

    In the group of pink peonies there is a subgroup of semi-rose peonies, which are distinguished by the presence of an island of stamens in the middle of the flower. Varieties:

    • Gudi – mid-early, bright crimson, 16 cm in diameter, height – 70 cm;
    • Ballerina is an early variety of white-cream-green color, a powerful bush, flower diameter is 18 cm.

    Crown hemispherical and spherical

    Flower petals are arranged in three tiers: the upper tier is a ring of petals, the middle one consists of petals that are narrower than those on the upper and lower tier. As a rule, the top and bottom rows are the same color, the middle row may differ in color. Varieties:

    • Nancy is an early variety of pink-peach color, 17 cm in diameter, bush up to 80 cm tall;
    • Aritina Nozen Gloria is a very early variety of pink-lilac hue, bush height - 70 cm, flower diameter - 20 cm.

    What is the difference from milky flowering plants?

    In fact there is no difference. According to the classification of scientists, herbaceous peonies are divided into:

    • evaders;
    • medicinal;
    • narrow-leaved;
    • Mlokosevich;
    • lactifloral.

    That is, milky-flowered peonies are part of a large group of herbaceous peonies. They are considered the most popular in the world, and the variety of their colors is simply amazing. They are also called white-flowered.

    Important. Milky-flowered peonies are the progenitors of most herbaceous varieties of this plant.

    Distinctive features are as follows:

    • bush height is no more than 90 cm;
    • pointed leaves (size up to 40 cm);
    • buds reach 18 cm in diameter;
    • Flowering period: June – July.

    In its natural environment, this flower grows in Russia and the Asia-Pacific region. It can also be found in Mongolia. Cultivated for aesthetic purposes. Also used for cutting and during landscape design.

    How to treat and spray peonies against ants?

    Ants quite often accumulate near and on peonies. Therefore, it is necessary to fight these insects. Read more about the fight here .

    There are several options for dealing with ants:

    • Chemicals. Chemical agents include various insecticides. The most effective are considered to be Anteater, Muratsid or Ant. All of these substances are usually soluble in water. The plant is watered with the resulting solution.
    • Physical means. Physical means include a variety of repellers and traps. Some summer residents note the effectiveness of these products. Some cite complete uselessness. The best traps are considered to be Combat and Raptor. But they still contain chemicals that are poisonous and kill ants.
    • Traditional methods. Some summer residents speak well of folk remedies for fighting ants. This is boric acid, which is used to add to water. The plants are watered directly with the resulting solution, and the discovered anthills are also poured with boiling water.

    Ants on peonies

    Why doesn't the peony bloom?

    Probable reasons:

    • set too deep;
    • too little sun;
    • too young - be patient. Preparation for flowering takes about 3 years: the first year roots develop, the second year roots and stems, and the third year peduncles;
    • lack or excess of fertilizers;
    • using mulch from mowed grass;
    • fungal diseases;
    • Too wet soils with stagnant water are a common factor leading to poor growth and flowering.

    When do the most common species bloom in our latitudes?

    Peony varieties are selected depending on the type of soil and weather conditions. You cannot plant a plant in a pot, since the substrate in it will be depleted faster, and therefore you should carefully look for options for your garden. Considering the unpretentiousness of the plant, this is not difficult.

    However, when do the most common varieties begin to bloom? Information about this is detailed in the table:

    NameBeginning of flowering
    Maryin rootMay 15-20
    DelawayMay 23-24
    Milky-floweredJune 10-15
    Reverse ovalJune 1-5
    DrugJune 10-15
    RockMay 25-29

    The most beautiful varieties

    In the garden landscape, park and universal varieties of peonies with low-growing bushes, strong stems, small and brightly colored beautifully shaped flowers are usually used.

    Most often in garden plantings you can find the following varieties: Elizabeth Foster, Burma Ruby, Burgundy, Bravura Supreme, Marie Brand, Livingston, Ellis Harding, Mosero Choice, Nick Shaylor, Karina, Talisman and others.

    By combining early and late flowering peonies in planting, you can create bright accents in the garden for several months. By removing the side buds and leaving the apical buds, abundant and longer flowering of peonies is achieved.

    Peonies in delicate and light colors will always be in place in a flower bed or lawn

    The spectacular shape of the petals of some varieties of peonies looks exotic

    White peonies - a striking decoration for the lawn

    Varieties of peonies by color:

    • Burgundy: Reward, Red Ensigne, Red Dandy, Red Charm, Red Comet, Sable, Sward Dance.
    • Reds: Red Red Rose, Sunshine, Sky Queen, Torch Song, Felix Crousse.
    • Raspberry: Red Monarch, Red Romance, Rubra Triumhans, Rosedale, Thomas Vaar.
    • Pink: Reine Hortense, Ruth Cobbs, Rubens, Rose Noble, Roselette, Sarah Bernhardt, Solange, Stephania, Celebration, Suzette, Fan Tan.
    • White: Rosemarie Lins, Painted Dessert, Primevere, Solfatare, Susanne Braun, Festiva Maxima, Frances Willard, Advance.
    • Yellow: Prairie Moon, White Sands.

    Yellow peony will be an extravagant decoration for any flower bed

    Cream petals with burgundy splashes - an unusual color scheme for a peony

    Delicate pink peonies with a sophisticated shape look very noble


    Faded bushes cannot be pruned immediately; the process of photosynthesis is disrupted. But you shouldn’t leave this event until spring; fungi, bacteria and pests happily multiply in withered stems.

    For the same reason, I do not recommend covering bushes with cut material for wintering. Everything that comes under the pruning shears is immediately burned. Before processing each bush, the instrument is disinfected again.

    The optimal time for pruning is when there are 1-2 weeks left before frost. This can be difficult to calculate, but with careful observation, the peonies themselves will give a clue. As soon as the leaves change color and begin to droop towards the ground, you need to remove them. The green mass is cut out flush with the ground; there is no need to leave stumps and go deeper into the soil, this will harm the plant.

    Origin and distribution

    The homeland of peonies is considered to be Southwestern Europe and East Asia - from China to Siberia and Japan.

    The name of the plant, according to one version, is associated with the name of the mythological healer Pean, who healed the wounds of the gods after bloody fights.

    According to another assumption, the flower got its name from the area in Ancient Greece, where it grew en masse.

    The first mention of plants dates back to the 1st century AD. Even then, peonies were considered special flowers; they grew only near the palaces of Chinese emperors and were not allowed to be grown by commoners.

    They have long been used for medicinal purposes - decoctions and infusions helped with cardiovascular diseases and nervous system disorders.

    However, not only the healing properties have contributed to the spread of the flower throughout the world - their amazing beauty and aroma continue to increase the number of fans to this day.

    How to grow tree and herbaceous peonies in the country?

    Tree peonies are planted in late summer and early autumn. It is worth pre-selecting the area on which to plant, as it should be sufficiently light and the sun's rays should be almost constant. In addition, it is worth planting plants away from buildings and trees. The fact is that the flower cannot be left without sunlight. In addition, the quality of the soil is important. It must be clayey, so humus, peat, and turf must be added to ordinary black soil. Clay soil is improved with sand and a variety of organic fertilizers. More information about replanting can be found here and fertilizing the plant can be found here.

    tree peonies

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