17 unique types of mosses with examples of where to find and how to grow at home

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There are representatives of the plant world on earth that are considered the largest. These are various types of mosses and lichens. Almost any of their varieties are used in the production of medicines. Some are even used in construction due to their low thermal conductivity. There is also a special science called bryology, which studies bryophytes.

There are about 20 thousand species of mosses in nature

What plants are mosses?

Bryophytes are a department of plants that unites over 20 thousand species of bryophytes. They have an ancient history of development, about 400 million years. The moss cushion is several millimeters or centimeters thick, but in some species of mosses it reaches half a meter.

A distinctive feature of the characteristics of mosses is the absence of roots. Their function is performed by rhizoids - special outgrowths with which moss can attach both to the soil and to various hard surfaces. It also absorbs water with them.

Subclass Andreevs

This is a group of small plants (about 120 species) growing in cold climates (Arctic and Antarctic). They can be found on rocks and rocks, on which they form something like pads. Representatives of this subclass are Andrea rocky, Splahnum red and yellow, Rhodobrium rosette-shaped, Leucobrium glaucous, Polya drooping, Dicranum centipede. These are just some types of mosses. The names and photos of the remaining representatives of the subclass can be found in botanical atlases, where a detailed description of the genus and species will also be given.

How is moss different from algae, ferns and lichen?

Mosses and ferns are the oldest representatives of higher spore plants that do not flower. They differ in size and structure. Ferns can grow to almost 5 m, while mosses are only a few centimeters tall. Ferns have clearly defined leaves, stems and roots, and mosses are only their prototypes.

The functions of roots are performed by special formations - rhizoids. Ferns are vascular plants, while mosses do not have vessels.

Algae are lower plants. Unlike algae, which can be either unicellular or multicellular, mosses are multicellular organisms. The body of mosses is divided into organs, while algae consist of the same cells and their body is a thallus.

Mosses have differences between male and female organisms, all algae are the same in appearance.

Mosses and lichens are similar in appearance and grow in similar conditions, which is why they are often confused. Meanwhile, these are completely different plants. Moss is a single organism, and lichen is a conglomerate of fungi and algae. The fungus is responsible for the delivery of moisture and nutrients, and the algae is responsible for the process of photosynthesis. But being separated, both organisms are able to exist independently.

Landscape Design Ideas

Thanks to the hints of nature, bryophyte has become one of the most favorite materials among designers. Its ability to develop on rocks, stones, dark forests, swamps, places where ordinary flowering plants cannot be found, allowed it to firmly enter people's lives. The main areas of plant use can be grouped into the following groups:

  1. Lawn covering . The Japanese are considered the pioneers of this use of moss. Pleasant to the touch, a slightly damp carpet does not get trampled, looks beautiful throughout the entire season, and does not freeze in winter, forming whitish spots. Against this backdrop, the lawns come to life with beds of delicate violets, violas, and daisies. Majestic ferns (as ancient as bryophytes) complement the original look of any site.
  2. Material for decoration . It became possible to create original living paintings on the stone walls of city houses. At the same time, they actively cleanse the polluted urban atmosphere by absorbing nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The botanical properties of bryophytes (the absence of roots, but retention due to shoots-rhizoids) make it possible to ensure the safety of the wall without penetrating its structure.
  3. Interior element . The modern fashion for eco-style indoors is successfully implemented by decorating walls, furniture, and vertical surfaces (phyto wall made of decorative moss). There is competition for indoor flowers, but with them our home resembles a well-groomed country garden.

Oak, Irish and reindeer moss

Oak moss, Irish moss, and deer moss are common names for some lichens. They appeared when mosses and lichens were not yet clearly distinguished from each other. Of these, the most common in Central Russia is oak moss or Evernia plum.

It is named so because of its growth on trees - oaks and all conifers. Outwardly, it looks like soft white-blue bushes, which become rich yellow or red during dry periods.

How is moss useful?

In nature, bryophytes regulate soil moisture because they are capable of holding huge amounts of water. They contribute to the formation of peat, which is used in various sectors of the national economy.

The sphagnum subspecies has been widely used in medicine throughout human history. It has disinfecting properties and can absorb moisture, so it was applied to wounds to stop bleeding. Sphagnum was used in this capacity during the Great Patriotic War. When applying a splint, moss could be used as a cushion to prevent friction.

In construction, moss was historically used in the construction of log houses to insulate houses. It has excellent thermal insulation properties and is used to seal gaps between individual logs.

In recent years, phytowalls—green carpets that include various types of mosses—have begun to be used for landscaping offices and private homes.

Harvesting sphagnum

If you find a variety of sphagnum moss in the forest (photos will help you identify it), then you can stock it for future use. It is best to collect valuable raw materials near streams or lakes in well-shaded places - these are ideal conditions, which means the plant will be of the highest quality.

You can collect all the moss along with the “roots”, then the process goes much faster. In addition, peat fertilizer will form faster, which is important for many gardeners.

Or you can carefully cut off the top green layer using simple scissors, leaving the white and brown in place. In this case, you will get a smaller volume of moss, but it will be alive and will be able to grow perfectly, quickly increasing in your small plantation.

Where does moss grow?

Mosses in nature are plants that are the first to colonize habitats that others cannot occupy. They grow in the tundra, covering the soil with a thick carpet. They cover rocks, stones, branches and tree trunks, especially rotten ones. They thrive in swamps and along streams where other plants are carried away by the current.

In case of drought, bryophytes fall into suspended animation, in which they can remain for decades. When moisture comes in, they return to normal life again.

INTERESTING: Mosses are able to survive in the most extreme environmental conditions, for example, in Antarctica. They cover the walls of buildings, rooting directly into brick and concrete.

Who eats moss?

Mosses have a fairly low calorie content, so few animals eat them. Plus, they are quite poorly digested, and the energy expenditure for their digestion may exceed the number of calories that are obtained as a result of this.

Moss is mainly part of the diet of animals living in areas with sparse vegetation. These are tundra animals - reindeer, lemmings, partridges. But they also use moss mainly in winter, when there are no other plants at all.


  1. The Chinese and Japanese used some varieties of moss as an ornamental plant.
  2. Japan was the first country to have a moss garden.
  3. Mexico is a country where mosses are used as decorations for Christmas.
  4. Mosses have also found themselves in the food industry. So, according to some sources, they were used in Finland in the production of bread. Some whiskeys are made using moss.
  5. In the field of modern landscape design, the use of moss is also possible.
  6. When building log houses, moss can be used as insulation. Thanks to this use, the logs of the house were preserved longer from rotting processes. This practice has been popular since the time of Ancient Rus'.
  7. Moss can also be used as an antiseptic. This is what was done during the Second World War.
  8. In addition to the use of moss by humans, animals also use it - they eat it.
  9. Moss can be great for protecting soil from erosion, but too much moss can affect and ruin agricultural land.
  10. A number of mosses are an excellent basis for the formation of peat. This peat can be used to create flammable and coloring substances.
  11. A number of types can be used in cosmetology.

How mosses reproduce

Mosses reproduce in two ways: sexual and asexual. The asexual form is the maturation of spores and their further germination in moist soil.

During the period of sexual reproduction or sporophyte, germ cells develop - sperm and eggs. As a result of their fusion, a zygote is formed, which gradually turns into sporangium.

From the outside it looks like the moss is blooming. When fully ripe, the sporangium opens and spores spill out. Males are smaller in size and die off after reproduction. Then the cycle repeats.

Blossoms are also capable of vegetative reproduction. Almost all parts of these plants can give birth to a new furball. They form entire moss carpets that completely cover the soil.

Applying the composition

Of course, even before preparing this wonderful liquid, we placed pebbles inside the aquarium. They put up an artificial lock and put some old snags on it. Sand was added to the bottom and a little fine gravel was poured. Didn't it turn out lovely? But something is missing.

What did the famous cartoon character say? It won't be enough. Not enough! Let's add aesthetics. By the way, they have already sniffed the stench from the jug. Now take the old brush. We dip it well in the cocktail and start writing. Over the stones, over the castle, over the snags. We smear from the heart, we don’t regret it. You can even splash a little.

We take what’s left to the backyard. There we select the darkest and dampest corner. And we paint directly on the walls with slurry. Everything that came to mind. At least your autograph. Good results are obtained when drawing through a stencil. Guests will wonder for a long time how the moss could grow so much. Naturally, keep them in the dark until the last minute. After all, this is your exclusive!

Of course, then the moss will fill all the free space. But even just a fluffy soft wall attracts the eye. And don’t be afraid to damage buildings. Moss does not destroy the base, but only covers it, like a carpet.

The eerie color mixture is over. But our business is not there yet. Let's move on to the next stage.

Classification of mosses

Since the Carboniferous period of history, mosses have remained virtually unchanged in appearance, maintaining their original appearance. Currently, all bryophytes are divided into three classes - liverworts, anthocerotic mosses and phyllophytes.

The classification of mosses is based on the structural features of the body of the gametophyte and rhizoids, the type of opening of the bolls, and territorial distribution.

Liverworts, or liverworts, or Marchantiaceae

Hepatic were so named because of their specific shape, reminiscent of a liver. This is the most ancient family of mosses. They grow in tropical and subtropical climates on stones, old stumps, and along the banks of small reservoirs.

Antocerotes, or Antocerotoides, or Antocerotophytes

There are more than 300 species of anthocerotic mosses. The main part grows in tropical and subtropical climates. In Russia there are only 2 genera of anthocerotes

They have the shape of a rosette up to 3 centimeters in diameter. The thallus has specific processes in the form of plates or hairs, and the body of the rosette itself forms cavities filled with liquid, which allows the plant to maintain water reserves.

Under unfavorable conditions, tubers form on the surface, which subsequently give rise to a new generation.

Leafy, or brie or bryopsids, they are also true mosses

Brieves live all over the world. The diversity of these mosses contains 10,000 species. The height can be either low, 0.5−1 cm, or up to 15 cm. The following examples of these mosses can be given:

  • Hypnum cypress,
  • wall tortula,
  • polytrichum juniper-like,
  • cirriphyllum hairy,
  • Hylocomium splendor,
  • Antoceros smooth.

In Russia, cuckoo flax is the most common; it is distributed in the forests of the Middle Zone and further to the northeast. Its stems resemble coniferous branches growing vertically.


There are over 300 species of sphagnum mosses. In Russia, sphagnum is the most common and widely used member of the family. It covers the soil of swamps, and when it dies, it sinks into the water, gradually turning into peat. The sphagnum group includes the following subspecies:

  • Baltic,
  • protruding,
  • coastal,
  • slotted.

INTERESTING: sphagnum is capable of accumulating and retaining water tens of times its own weight. For this purpose, its leaves form a kind of mesh around the stem.


Takakia has thin, elongated stems about 1 cm in height, on which there are small leaf-like structures. It is divided into 2 species: hornfolia and lepidozia, living in the Far East and the northwestern part of North America.


Hypnaceae are monoecious or dioecious leaf-stemmed mosses that form tufts. They can be ground, rocky, or epiphytic. They have leafy shoots on all sides with identical lateral and central leaves.

The family includes approximately 700 species, widely distributed throughout the planet. About 30 species grow in our country, mainly in forest belts and in Arctic latitudes.


Hypnaceae grow on moist and rocky soils in the northern regions. Their shoots are densely covered with leaves. There are about one hundred species of mosses of this family.

Hepatic species

The shape of such mosses resembles a liver, which is why they received such an unusual name. These species are found in warm and humid places - tropical or subtropical climates. Liver mosses, like sphagnum mosses, have several varieties:

  • Jungermannia liverworts.
  • Thallus liverworts.
  • Marchantia liverworts.

A rare beauty of the liverwort species, Pellia, is found only in the swamps of China and Thailand. Its habitat is the reservoirs of those regions, so to grow it at home you need an aquarium. Pellia can live on any surface, but it is not attached securely, so at home this moss needs to be secured with fishing line. When the colony grows enough, there will no longer be a need to care for it - it will support itself in the conditions of its own ecosystem.

Liverworts are also used medicinally. They are used to make migraine remedies and drugs with antibacterial properties. A few grams of dried ground liverwort shoots can be added to food to normalize digestion.

How to grow at home?

Moss is unpretentious, easily adapts and quickly takes root in the aquarium. This is a truly valuable plant for design. An aquarium with moss fish looks like a real pond or lake; the fish feel comfortable in it. Small fish and fry love to hide in the moss thickets. Females often try to spawn there, away from prying eyes.

Moss mosses constantly renew themselves - the old parts of the plant die off, and new moss is formed from the spores. This happens continuously.

They do not require maintenance. It is only necessary to regularly remove debris and food residues, as well as trim shoots and dead parts. Trimming makes the mosses thicker and more branchy.

Moss reproduces completely independently, without human help.

INTERESTING: all mosses have an excellent ability to regenerate. From the smallest piece you can grow a full-fledged plant.

Video: creating a living wall from moss

Not many people know that sphagnum moss can be extremely useful in a summer cottage. This plant has no roots; the growing upper shoots hold onto the lower ones. Parts of the plant located close to the ground die and turn into peat.

In this case, rotting of the lower layers does not occur because:

  1. Moss contains a powerful natural antiseptic, sphagnol, which inhibits the action of bacteria and other microorganisms.
  2. The upper layers of moss grow very densely, practically preventing air from reaching their “underbelly”. Without access to oxygen, decomposition processes slow down.

One of the most interesting properties of sphagnum is its amazing ability to absorb moisture. In this indicator, it is 15 times superior to medical cotton wool (attention!). In fact, each small piece of moss can hold 10 times its own weight in moisture.

Aquarium mosses

Aquarium moss is one of the options for decorating an aquarium. It is not only beautiful, but also useful for fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium. Moss mushrooms saturate the environment with oxygen and can also serve as an additional vitamin supplement for pets.

Mosses are excellent for aquarium keeping due to their high survival rate, undemanding nature and slow growth. They go well with algae and ground cover plants, and look organic with stones and driftwood.

Moss can be fixed into their cracks and folds. The simplest methods of fastening are wire and glue.

Moss can be attached to the mesh decorating the back wall of the aquarium, and over time it will be completely overgrown, giving the aquarium the appearance of a real corner of nature. Thanks to rhizoids, mosses adhere well to various elements of the aquarium.

Moss fish is an excellent “home” for colonies of beneficial bacteria that process fish waste products. Thus, they help improve water quality. In addition, this is a kind of “nursery” for sheltering the fry. And finally, they serve as spawning grounds for many fish.

Let's look at the most common types of aquarium mosses.


The branches of weeping moss are similar to willow branches - hence the name. It was originally from China, but then became widespread in European countries.


The leaves of the Christmas tree look like pine needles, and the whole plant looks like spruce branches. Distributed throughout Asia.

Monosolenium tenerum

Monosolenium tenerum is practically never found in the wild. It is artificially bred in Taiwan, India and China. It is very beautiful, but fragile and difficult to transport.


Riccia belongs to the liver mosses. It has no stems or leaves. The whole body consists of intertwined twigs and plates connected into a dense carpet. In aquarium keeping, two varieties of moss of this species are widely used:

  • riccia floating,
  • riccia amano.

Leptodiccium coastal

Leptodiccium looks like a bunch of long thin stems. It grows in water supported by a tree or stone, or on moist soil. Grows in Asia, Australia, the Americas and Africa.

Lomariopsis lineatu

Lomariopsis has the appearance of a round, rich green mound of dense oval leaves. He is extremely unpretentious.

Vegetable cocktail

If you simply put the plant plate on the bottom of the aquarium, it will dry out. And you won’t get a beautiful landscape. So we'll make a cocktail. No, not for drinking. For lubricating surfaces. To prepare it you only need a blender. Here are some recipes:

  • 100 g moss, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 200 ml of clean water.
  • 200 g of plant, 400 ml of any beer, 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
  • 1 tbsp. moss, 2 aspirin tablets, 2 tbsp. plain water.
  • 200 g plant, 200 ml kefir, 300 ml water, 1 tsp. Sahara.

We take ingredients from any recipe. Well, those that are at hand. Together and cheerfully we put it in a bowl or jug. Then vigorously grind with a blender. Let me warn you right away: the smells of cocktails using dairy products are disgusting. Well, nothing. Beauty always requires...

Caring for an aquarium with mosses

When caring for moss trees, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. it is desirable to maintain the following water parameters: kn=1-4, gh=5-10, pH=6.3-6.7;
  2. water temperature can vary from +21…+28°C;
  3. the average illumination value is about 0.5 watt/l, but it depends on the type;
  4. It is necessary to periodically change the water - from a quarter to half the volume once a week; water must be filtered;
  5. Soil is desirable in an aquarium - plants receive nutrients from it;
  6. for fastening it is better to choose a porous surface, this will allow the bushes to fix well;
  7. Fertilizers are not necessary, but when used, the mosses become thicker and brighter.

All this will allow you to grow beautiful plants that create unique and spectacular compositions.

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