12 flowers that can be planted under the scorching sun

Home Flowers

Some garden flowers can be safely planted in the full sun. They are not afraid of this, they grow and bloom actively, so they are suitable for open flower beds in sunny areas.

  • 2 Asters
  • 3 Roses
  • 4 Verbena
  • 5 Chamomile
  • 6 Irises
  • 7 Echinacea
  • 8 Lavender
  • 9 Zinnia
  • 10 Cosmea
  • 11 Chrysanthemums
  • 12 Daylily


Silky poppy petals will become a natural decoration for any flower garden. Surprisingly, this delicate flower is not afraid of scorching rays. It can grow in one place for many years without requiring replanting. Poppy is unpretentious and does not require special care. Single large flowers are up to 18 cm in diameter. Moreover, they can be not only bright scarlet. Hobbyists have bred poppy varieties with pink, orange, blue and white petals.


Speaking about light-loving indoor plants, it is impossible not to dwell at least briefly on ficus plants, especially our favorite - ficus Benjamin with small bright leaves. However, all ficus plants have a powerful root system and beautiful elastic leaves.

Ficus Benjamin is preferred to be grown in apartments because it is easy to form as a bush and is suitable even in relatively small spaces.

All ficuses love the sun, since their homeland is hot countries, where they grow like trees, reaching large sizes. In addition, they need abundant, although not very frequent, watering and a fairly high temperature.


The name of the flower comes from the Greek word for star. With its long sharp rays, the flower resembles a celestial body. Due to the variety of shapes and colors, asters can easily be combined with other garden crops. They take root in any soil and love bright sunlight and warmth. Most varieties of asters bloom in the fall, when other plants have already faded.

What plants to place near south windows

Usually, almost all bright and colorful flowers need warmth and light, especially in autumn and winter. At southern windows it is recommended to install:

  • cacti and most succulents,
  • representatives of the amaryllis family: hippeastrum, amaryllis, clivia, nerina, passionflower.

And a little further away, but also on the south side, you need to place:

  • monstera,
  • dieffenbachia,
  • dracaena,
  • palm trees,
  • ficus.

To prevent these plants from suffering from excess heat and light in the summer, they can be placed on a side table a meter from the window.

— Active sun on the south side begins somewhere in mid-February. That is, even cacti can get sunburn. To prevent this from happening, the windows need to be covered: either with a tulle curtain or Roman blinds. The plants will not get burned and will receive enough light,” recommended specialist Maya Vasenkova.


The royal flowering of these perennial shrubs will not leave any gardener indifferent. This is a very light-loving plant. In the shade it will not show all its wonderful properties. Roses need a sunny, dry area, open to light and warmth. There should be enough space between the bushes, without excessive moisture. Between the roses you can plant geranium, delphinium or clematis.


It is a perennial, but is often grown by gardeners as an annual plant. Unpretentious, does not require much attention, drought-resistant. Verbena blooms until frost. With its help you can create a surprisingly bright flower garden. In the shade, flowering will be weak. Therefore, if you want to see bright inflorescences, plant verbena in an open sunny area.

Don't mind spending time on the windowsill

Acacia, bougainvillea, achapandus, liliathrope, bouvardia, hippeastrum, hibiscus, jasmine, irezina, zebrina, succulents, cacti, coleus, callistemon, citrus, nerine, lantana, oleander, pelargonium (geranium), rose, passionflower, celosia, epiphyllum. The list is not small, but if possible, they should be protected from direct sunlight.


The welcoming yellow and white petals of this unpretentious perennial complete the look of any garden. If there is no chamomile, then it seems that something is missing. It goes well with poppies, cornflowers, aster and bluebells. This sunny flower is not afraid of bright rays. Both in nature and in flower beds, it grows in open places. It blooms almost all summer, from June to September. In addition, chamomile is a medicinal plant and is often used in many herbs.

What rules for caring for light-loving flowers should be followed?

Despite the fact that the homeland of heat-loving plants is deserts and tropics, we must not forget about regular watering . Each species has its own characteristics: some easily tolerate scorching rays, others prefer bright but diffused light.

The higher the temperature, the more frequent and abundant spraying is recommended, but before that it is still recommended to clarify the attitude of a particular plant to this. A common feature of heat-loving indoor plants is their love for loose and soft soil and their undemanding need for fertilizer.

To choose a houseplant that loves heat and scorching sun rays, you can refer to the list of species whose homeland is considered to be deserts or tropics - then the conditions of high temperature and bright burning light will be familiar to them, and therefore comfortable.


The plant is an excellent honey plant and attracts bees to the area. Lavender not only decorates flower beds and gives off a pleasant aroma, it is also a medicinal plant. This perennial is easy to care for, drought-resistant, and thrives in the heat, even with a lack of moisture. It blooms not only with purple, but also with pink, blue and white inflorescences.

Sun-loving houseplants with names

These house flowers need a lot of sun. Everyone feels great on southern windows and next to them.

Cacti (Cactaceae)

The huge family of perennial flowering plants includes 127 genera and 1,750 species. They all come from deserts. Almost all of them are stem succulents, characterized by extremely slow growth and the ability to accumulate large amounts of moisture inside. For normal development and formation of flower buds, they need very bright sun and even heat. But even in partial shade on the north side, the cactus can survive for a long time.


The second name is Crassula, and they also like to call it money tree. It is considered a good tradition in the family to keep it in sight. The succulent has thick, fleshy, rounded leaves and easily forms an excellent tree crown.

Note! It feels good on eastern, southern and western windowsills, and may even please you with flowering, which is not particularly beautiful.


Belongs to the mulberry family. Only evergreen varieties of ficus are grown in indoor culture. They need bright light all year round. To maintain a decorative appearance in winter, lighting is provided. The most light-loving variegated varieties, which require up to 15 hours of sun per day.

Very large leaves are the hallmark of ficus


A perennial herbaceous, tree-like or shrubby succulent with long spiny leaves filled with valuable and medicinal juice, it belongs to the Asphodelaceae family. There are a total of 500 species found in Africa and Arabia. In some species, the leaf grows up to 60 cm in length. Low maintenance. Most of the year it feels good at normal room temperature and likes frequent watering. In winter, lighting is required, watering is reduced, and the temperature can be lowered to 14°C.

Useful and unpretentious aloe succulent


A stemless evergreen perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Asparagus family. It is very unpretentious, can grow in bright sun and partial shade, and is valued for its ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the air at night and harmful substances during the day.

Important! Even a flower forgotten on the loggia for half a month will survive such a test without much damage.

Looks especially impressive in flower arrangements. There are varieties with uniform green leaf color, variegated leaves, with a yellow edge.

Sansevieria, various varieties


Bright zinnia attracts attention immediately. This flower is very hardy and resilient. He looks very elegant and at the same time modest. Ease of care and a huge variety of varieties and colors contribute to the fact that many summer residents choose this plant for their flower beds. Lush zinnia inflorescences can be used to decorate a border, plant them along a path, or simply in a flower garden.


This flower is very unpretentious and simple. Having planted cosmos once, you no longer have to worry about planting every year: the flower reproduces well by self-seeding. It is picturesque, beautiful, and enlivens the planting of any crops in flower beds. The tall plant is visible from afar, and it blooms all summer. Cosmea is resistant to drought, bad weather and feels good under the scorching heat.


Golden buds of chrysanthemums will enliven any, even the most boring landscape. They pair beautifully with asters, sedum and other fall flowers. Nowadays, various colors of this perennial have been developed: white, pink, orange, burgundy. Some species grow into huge bushes - up to 1.5 m. The height of small varieties does not exceed 40 cm. Chrysanthemums also differ in their double size, flower size, and flowering time. In general, this is a very unpretentious perennial that can withstand the vagaries of the weather.

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